Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 1 of 13 PageID #: 9043
`Case No. 5:19-cv-0036-RWS
`Plaintiff Maxell, Ltd. and Defendant Apple Inc. hereby jointly move to amend the current
`Docket Control Order (Dkt. No. 46) as to the above-captioned matter with respect to the timing of
`fact depositions, expert reports and discovery, and dispositive motion briefing. The proposed
`amendments do not impact the dates for trial or the pretrial conference.
`Emergency treatment of this Motion is justified in view of the impact that the Motion has
`on travel currently scheduled to occur beginning the morning of March 17, 2020. Throughout just
`this week, Mayer Brown (counsel for Maxell) has at least three attorneys scheduled to travel to
`New York City and the San Francisco/Palo Alto area of California to take depositions, and
`O’Melveny & Myers (counsel for Apple) has at least three attorneys scheduled to travel to the San
`Francisco/Palo Alto area of California to defend these depositions. The Parties’ Motion seeks to
`extend the deadline for such depositions so that attorneys, deponents, court reporters, and
`videographers can postpone travel to and appearances in locations that are significantly impacted
`by the COVID-19 pandemic until there is more certainty regarding the safety of these activities.
`The Requested Amendments Are Necessary in View of COVID-19
`On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national emergency due to the COVID-


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 2 of 13 PageID #: 9044
`19 pandemic. The White House has identified Santa Clara County—where Apple is headquartered
`and over a dozen remaining fact depositions are scheduled to take place—as one of two regions in
`the United States having “widespread transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”1
`Apple has closed all of its retail stores in the U.S. until March 27 and has allowed all employees
`to work remotely if their job allows.2 Although restrictions have not been officially placed on
`travel within the United States, the CDC has acknowledged that crowded travel settings like
`airports increase risk of exposure to COVID-19 and countless businesses (including the law firms
`representing both parties) have banned all non-essential travel in order to decrease the rate of
`spread of the disease. The situation is rapidly changing—there are multiple reports of new
`infections on a daily basis, and regular changes to travel restrictions.3
`The other locations implicated are (1) the Washington, DC metropolitan area, where most
`of Maxell’s counsel participating in the depositions work and reside; (2) the Greater Los Angeles
`area in Southern California, where several of Apple’s counsel participating in the depositions work
`and reside; and, (3) New York, where another deposition is set to take place this week. All three
`localities have taken significant measures in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus.
`Public schools in and around Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles have closed until at least the end
`of March, and some until mid-April.4 Even the Pentagon is stopping domestic travel as of March


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 3 of 13 PageID #: 9045
`COVID-19 has already had a significant impact on this case. COVID-19 concerns have
`resulted in the postponement of the depositions of an Apple engineer and a third-party fact witness.
`One of Maxell’s experts has placed himself in self-quarantine in California, and another of
`Maxell’s expert is unable to travel due to school closures. Several other of Maxell’s experts are
`over the age of 60 and thus fall within the subgroup of older adults who at a higher risk for severe
`illness from COVID-19.6 These experts are unable to travel to review Apple’s source code,
`conduct testing of the accused devices, and/or meet with counsel for preparation of the depositions
`and their expert reports.
`The impacts of the travel required for the depositions, and especially those in Northern
`California and New York, would be felt by the families of counsel as well.7 Having traveled to
`higher-risk areas such as these, the travelers (particularly the parties’ counsel traveling from
`Washington, DC or Southern California to the Northern California area) would either have to be
`quarantined apart from their families for two weeks upon returning, or have their spouses, children,
`and other family members be quarantined as well. This could further impact their respective
`communities, all of which makes clear why officials have recommended against travel at this time.
`In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and under the guidance issued by Chief Judge Gilstrap,
`the parties conferred to discuss “viable solutions that allows the case to continue while minimizing
`the potential health risks.” Saint Lawrence Commc’n LLC v. Inc., No. 2:19-CV-
`7 As of the time of this filing, at least fifteen depositions are scheduled to take place between
`March 18th to March 31st requiring at least seven Mayer Brown attorneys to travel from the
`Washington, D.C. area to San Francisco/Palo Alto and New York.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 9046
`00027-JRG, D.I. 79 at *2 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 12, 2020). Consistent with Judge Gilstrap’s guidance,
`Apple proposes to conduct the remaining depositions remotely using video-conference
`technology, which Apple believes would allow the parties to complete fact discovery without
`exposing witnesses, counsel, court reporters, and other personnel to unnecessary health risks.
`Apple is also willing to work with Maxell to address technological challenges relating to the use
`of documents and source code during remote depositions. Apple believes that the impact of
`COVID-19 will likely extend beyond March and that the use of remote deposition technology will
`likely be unavoidable without other scheduling modifications.
`Maxell contends this is not a workable solution here. First, remote depositions are already
`difficult and inefficient, but in cases such as this one that are document and source code intensive,
`they are prohibitively complicated.8 Indeed, under the Protective Order, counsel for Maxell is not
`permitted to bring copies of the source code to the deposition. It must be identified in advance and
`brought to the deposition by the producing party. D.I. 45 at ¶ 11(c)(xi). This could make a video
`deposition covering source code all but impossible given the constraints of the Protective Order,
`in some cases limiting Maxell’s counsel’s ability to have the source code available for both counsel
`(located in a video-conference room as opposed to a secure, locked facility) and the witness
`(located presumably in a video-conference facility in California). Further, as noted above, Maxell’s
`experts cannot travel to Northern California to inspect Apple’s source code as a result of the
`COVID-19 situation. Apple produced 15 additional source code folders at the end of last week and
`still has further source code to produce that Maxell has been and will be unable to review in the
`coming weeks as a result of the COVID-19 situation. Moreover, Mayer Brown has instituted a
`8 To date, the parties have used just over 100 exhibits, with several multiples of that number
`expected to be used in the next 15 depositions.


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`mandatory work from home policy on alternate days next week causing some of the fifteen
`depositions to fall on the days attorneys on this team are mandated to work from home. With
`school closures in effect, it will be quite challenging to take such video depositions from home
`with children in the house and the lack of availability of childcare. While video depositions
`solution might be appropriate if it were (1) workable with loosened protective order restrictions
`and (2) the only alternative available, that is not the case here. As explained above, the current
`case schedule has sufficient time built-in to enable the taking of in-person depositions after the
`current fact discovery cut-off without impacting other major deadlines.
`II. Maxell Contends That Amendment is Further Justified in View of Magistrate Judge
`Craven’s March 13, 2020 Order Cancelling Hearing
`In addition to the impact on public health and welfare, and accommodating those
`individuals who have already self-quarantined, Maxell contends that the requested extensions to
`the expert report and dispositive/Daubert motion briefing deadlines are further justified by
`Magistrate Judge Craven’s Order cancelling the hearing set for March 17, 2020 on Maxell’s
`pending Motion to Compel and Motion for Sanctions.9 D.I. 230. The Order resets the briefing
`schedule on Maxell’s Motion for Sanctions, which will now be completed March 31, 2020, and
`states that orders on Maxell’s pending motions are intended to issue the week of April 6, 2020 (if
`neither party requests hearing). The Order further stated that, “[t]o the extent either party believes
`an extension of any scheduling order deadlines (other than the pretrial and trial deadlines) is
`warranted in light of this order, the Court advises the parties to raise the issue with District Judge
`Schroeder.” D.I. 230 at fn. 1. Maxell contends that the timing of Judge Craven’s proposed ruling
`relative to the current expert deadlines (opening reports due April 7) further warrants the
`extensions proposed herein. Likewise, the impacted fact depositions will affect the ability of
`9 Apple does not join in this section.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 6 of 13 PageID #: 9048
`experts to form opinions and prepare reports, which will have a corresponding effect on the timing
`of potential dispositive and Daubert motions. Accordingly, good cause supports each proposed
`III. Requested Amendments
`In view of the foregoing, the parties jointly request that depositions currently scheduled to
`take place between now and March 31 be postponed, and that the deadline to reschedule and
`complete fact depositions be extended by 21 days to April 21, 2020. This extension would allow
`the parties to continue discussions regarding the most efficient (and safe) methods of completing
`discovery if travel remains an issue beyond March 31. The current deadline for remaining fact
`discovery (e.g., written discovery, document productions, and motions to compel10) would remain
`unchanged, as those activities may be conducted without travel. To accommodate the timing of
`depositions, the parties further request that the deadline to complete expert reports, expert
`discovery, and dispositive motions/Daubert motions similarly be extended by 21 days. Given that
`there are currently more than three months between the deadline for filing dispositive motions and
`the hearing on such motions, the parties believe that the proposed amendments can be made
`without impacting the hearing on dispositive motions, pretrial disclosures and filings, the pretrial
`conference, or trial.
`A table representing the current deadlines and proposed amendments is set forth below:
`10 The parties agree that further motions to compel can be filed after the close of fact discovery
`only for issues arising entirely after that deadline (e.g., a witness’s refusal to answer a question in
`a deposition after that deadline).


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 7 of 13 PageID #: 9049
`Amended Date
`Original Date
`3 DAYS after
`conclusion of
`October 26,2020
`Court designated date
`– not flexible without
`good cause - Motion
`October 26, 2020
`Court designated date
`– not flexible without
`good cause - Motion
`October 6, 2020
`September 29,
`[1 week before
`September 29,
`[1 week before
`September 22,
`[2 weeks before
`Parties to file Motion to Seal Trial Exhibits, if they wish
`to seal any highly confidential exhibits.
`EXHIBITS: See Order Regarding Exhibits below.
`9:00 a.m. JURY TRIAL before Judge Robert W.
`Schroeder III, Texarkana, Texas.
`For planning purposes, parties shall be prepared to start
`the evidentiary phase of trial immediately following jury
`9:00 a.m. JURY SELECTION before Judge Robert W.
`Schroeder III, Texarkana, Texas.
`10:00 a.m. PRETRIAL CONFERENCE before Judge
`Robert W. Schroeder III, Texarkana, Texas.
`Discuss trial logistics and voir dire procedure. Resolve
`any pending motions or objections.
`Lead trial counsel must attend the pretrial conference.
`File a Notice of Time Requested for (1) voir dire, (2)
`opening statements, (3) direct and cross examinations,
`and (4) closing arguments.
`File Responses to Motions in Limine.
`File Motions in Limine and pretrial objections.
`The parties are ORDERED to meet and confer to resolve
`any disputes before filing any motion in limine or
`objection to pretrial disclosures.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 8 of 13 PageID #: 9050
`September 22,
`[2 weeks before
`September 15,
`[3 weeks before
`September 8,
`[4 weeks before
`September 8,
` [4 weeks before
`August 25, 2020
` [6 weeks before
`September 15,
`Court designated date
`– not flexible without
`good cause - Motion
`File Joint Final Pretrial Order, Joint Proposed Jury
`Instructions with citation to authority and Form of the
`Verdict for jury trials.
`Parties shall use the pretrial order form on Judge
`Schroeder’s website.
`Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law with
`citation to authority for issues tried to the bench.
`Exchange Objections to Rebuttal Deposition Testimony.
`Notice of Request for Daily Transcript or Real Time
`Reporting of Court Proceedings due.
`If a daily transcript or real time reporting of court
`proceedings is requested for trial or hearings, the party or
`parties making said request shall file a notice with the
`Exchange Rebuttal Designations and Objections to
`Deposition Testimony.
`For rebuttal designations, cross examination line and page
`numbers to be included.
`In video depositions, each party is responsible for
`preparation of the final edited video in accordance with
`their parties’ designations and the Court’s rulings on
`Exchange Pretrial Disclosures (Witness List, Deposition
`Designations, and Exhibit List) by the Party with the
`Burden of Proof.
`Video and Stenographic Deposition Designation due.
`Each party who proposes to offer deposition testimony
`shall serve a disclosure identifying the line and page
`numbers to be offered.
`MOTIONS) before Judge Robert W. Schroeder III,
`Texarkana, Texas.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 9 of 13 PageID #: 9051
`Any Remaining Dispositive Motions11 due from all
`parties and any other motions that may require a
`hearing (including Daubert motions).
`Motions shall comply with Local Rule CV-56 and Local
`Rule CV-7. Motions to extend page limits will only be
`granted in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional
`circumstances require more than agreement among the
`For each motion filed, the moving party shall provide the
`Court with one (1) copy of the completed briefing
`(opening motion, response, reply, and if applicable,
`surreply), excluding exhibits, in a three-ring binder
`appropriately tabbed. All documents shall be double-
`sided and must include the CM/ECF header. These copies
`shall be delivered to Judge Schroeder’s chambers in
`Texarkana as soon as briefing has completed.
`Respond to Amended Pleadings.
`Parties to Identify Rebuttal Trial Witnesses.
`Parties to Identify Trial Witnesses; Amend Pleadings
`(after Markman Hearing).
`It is not necessary to file a Motion for Leave to Amend
`before the deadline to amend pleadings. It is necessary to
`file a Motion for Leave to Amend after the deadline.
`However, except as provided in Patent Rule 3-6, if the
`amendment would affect infringement contentions or
`invalidity contentions, a motion must be made pursuant to
`Patent Rule 3-6 irrespective of whether the amendment is
`made prior to this deadline.
`Expert Discovery Deadline.
`June 9, 2020
`Court designated date
`– not flexible without
`good cause – Motion
`June 30, 2020
`Court designated
`date – not flexible
`without good
`cause – Motion
`June 2, 2020
`[1 week before
`May 26, 2020
` [2 weeks before
`June 23, 2020
`[1 week before
`June 16, 2020
`[2 weeks
`May 26, 2020
`[2 weeks before
`June 16, 2020
`[2 weeks


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 10 of 13 PageID #: 9052
`May 26, 2020
`[5 weeks
`April 28, 2020
`[9 weeks
`Parties designate rebuttal expert witnesses (non-
`construction issues), rebuttal expert witness reports due.
`Refer to Local Rules for required information.
`If, without agreement, a party serves a supplemental
`expert report after the rebuttal expert report deadline has
`passed, the serving party must file notice with the Court
`stating service has occurred and the reason why a
`supplemental report is necessary under the circumstances.
`Parties with burden of proof designate expert witnesses
`(non-construction issues). Expert witness reports due.
`Refer to Local Rules for required information.
`Final Election of Asserted Prior Art.
`April 21, 2020 Deadline to complete all fact depositions.
`Fact discovery deadline (with exception of fact
`May 5, 2020
`[5 weeks before
`April 7, 2020
`[9 weeks before
`April 7, 2020
`[9 weeks before
`March 31, 2020
`[10 weeks before
` A
` proposed Docket Control Order is submitted herewith.
`Dated: March 15, 2020
`/s/ Jamie B. Beaber
`Geoff Culbertson
`Kelly Tidwell
`Patton, Tidwell & Culbertson, LLP
`2800 Texas Boulevard (75503)
`Post Office Box 5398
`Texarkana, TX 75505-5398
`Telephone: (903) 792-7080
`Facsimile: (903) 792-8233
`11 I.e. any motions on issues other than indefiniteness.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 11 of 13 PageID #: 9053
`Jamie B. Beaber
`Alan M. Grimaldi
`Kfir B. Levy
`James A. Fussell, III
`Baldine B. Paul
`Tiffany A. Miller
`Saqib Siddiqui
`Bryan Nese
`William J. Barrow
`Alison T. Gelsleichter
`Clark S. Bakewell
`1999 K Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Telephone: (202) 263-3000
`Facsimile: (202) 263-3300
`Robert G. Pluta
`Amanda S. Bonner
`71 S. Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 60606
`(312) 782-0600
`Counsel for Plaintiff Maxell, Ltd.
`/s/ Luann L. Simmons
`Luann L. Simmons (Pro Hac Vice)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 12 of 13 PageID #: 9054
`Two Embarcadero Center
`28th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Telephone: 415-984-8700
`Facsimile: 415-984-8701
`Xin-Yi Zhou (Pro Hac Vice)
`Anthony G. Beasley (TX #24093882)
`400 S. Hope Street
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`Telephone: 213-430-6000
`Facsimile: 213-430-6407
`Laura Bayne Gore (Pro Hac Vice)
`Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036
`Telephone: 212-326-2000
`Facsimile: 212-326-2061
`Melissa R. Smith (TX #24001351)
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Marshall, Texas 75670
`Telephone: (903) 934-8450
`Facsimile: (903) 934-9257
`Attorneys for Defendant Apple Inc.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 231 Filed 03/15/20 Page 13 of 13 PageID #: 9055
`The undersigned certifies that all counsel of record who are deemed to have consented to
`electronic service are being served this 15th day of March, 2020, with a copy of this document via
`the Court’s CM/ECF system per Local Rule CV-5(a)(3).
`/s/ Jamie B. Beaber
`Jamie B. Beaber

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