Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 1 of 27 PageID #: 8149
`Apple’s Motion for Leave to
`Supplement Invalidity Contentions
`January 8, 2020


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 2 of 27 PageID #: 8150
`Good Cause Factors
`1. The length of and reason for the delay, including whether
`the moving party has been diligent
`2. The importance of the amendment
`3. The potential prejudice in allowing the amendment
`4. The availability of a continuance to cure such prejudice
`See, e.g., Allure Energy, Inc. v. Nest Labs, Inc., 84
`F.Supp.3d 538, 540-41 (E.D. Tex. 2015)
`2 2


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 3 of 27 PageID #: 8151
`Good Cause Factors
`1. The length of and reason for the delay, including
`whether the moving party has been diligent
`2. The importance of the amendment
`3. The potential prejudice in allowing the amendment
`4. The availability of a continuance to cure such prejudice
`See, e.g., Allure Energy, Inc. v. Nest Labs, Inc., 84
`F.Supp.3d 538, 540-41 (E.D. Tex. 2015)
`3 3


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 4 of 27 PageID #: 8152
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`Second, Appl s discovery of th Casio Camera prior art aft r s rvice of its invalidity
`contentions was excusabl b cause of the significant difficulty associated with locating t chnical
`information about prior art products sold twenty years ago. Th Casio Camera was a digital
`Apple Mot. at 2
`literatur for the Casio Camera. Id.
`5. Following th 1 ads from cam ra enthusiasts w bsites
`to try to locat product information was tim consuming b caus manufactur rs lik Casio
`cifications w r not
`always archi ed from so long ago and ev n if found, frequ ntly did not contain sufficient
`technical detail. Id.
`4 4
`Apple Mot. at 3


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 5 of 27 PageID #: 8153
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`On or about October 16 a technical analyst working under th dir ction of Apple s
`couns 1 at Eris IP disco
`· publish d by an indi idual cam ra nthusiast
`that contained information relating to old models of digital cam ras. See Gibson Deel. ,r 3 ..
`Apple Mot. at 3
`Oct. 16
`Apple Analyst “discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`5 5


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 6 of 27 PageID #: 8154
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`In the context of my investigation into rele ant prior art, on or around October 16
`2019 I found a German website of a digital camera enthusiast, http://digitalkameramuse~de.).
`that contains information about certain model of digital cameras old between 1973 and 2003.
`Gibson Decl. at ¶ 3
`6 6


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 7 of 27 PageID #: 8155
`OEM models
`Prototypes Rarities
`Welcome to the Digital Camera Museum
`• Pnnt
`Vint.11ge digit.111 C-.11me r,1s .11re not j ust some p~ces of o utd.11ted technology!
`Jurk 10 some collec:ib e ~e,ns to otrl•rs Everybody hu ,1 diferent op non whe-, tt comes IO e,1rty d,g II c.11mer,1s from ~rn. f.11•t century"
`Therefor• !he p\.rpose iimd go1 ' of tt-1s s~e u. to no1 on~ create .ll'"!Olher websr.e for collectors 1'Kf enthus1uts bul .1 port11J and perm.1ren1
`reso.xce for vrnuge d g,u1 c.1mer.1s -o prov,de .1 "v111uat d1g1Uil f1'\1.1seum" ror d gna camern from 1975. 2000 To preseTVe lulowledg• be'or• : 1s
`lost. n 1975, when S.1ss;on d41s,gned the firs: porub e .1'H!lectron.c, so'td•st,11e c.1mer.1, there w .1s no world wide w.t>, no pub ,c 1nwmet, not even
`BBS Bu et.n boards .ard newsgroups e-r,.erged ,n the e ght;es. Even 11'\ the n11d to tate nineties tMre were only zew s te s proV)([rg .aCC1Jrate deta Is
`on d,g ta cameras. Even bcac,c then those s tes were incomp ete With the 1n1emet g,owuig and newer cameras surfaang on the market. most
`manu~acturers dele:ed their web COl\tert of discontinued not e11ery car,,er,1 on the maflc:et was cover.a ,n a reve-.111. test or ne\MS
`column. Some were on y seen on tech taus or mentior-ed bl'le'ly 1n ,1 footnote Apart fro"l'I only one or two very good webs,tes. th.ere 1s rio
`compete. let .alone ehronolog1cai '!y .accur,11e source on v,ntage d g tal cameras on the -,temet today. let's try arid ch.a.,ge tha:
`Today you go to a mall and buy any <;.rn:j o~ d g ta! camera yoJ I o:e Rega•d en of pt1ce color, features and t HO ut.on A new d g ca.m co.mes
`out a 'TIOSI every two Wff<S Snee the tum of '.tt1s oe"ltury almo1n every manu' acturer and company wanted a pece of !he pie wh ch 'ed to a real OEM model ch.aos. T.a,wan. Ma..aays1a .1nd otl-er countnes
`were mus producing cheap camera bathes '0< s-nan. med um and big compan,es The body was l11be'ed a,nd sold under the;, bra,nd Th• most popu ar of tnose OEM mode..s was th• Jenoptik JOH
`Entrance Th s small and s.,mp!e came!li wa.s man..i'actured by MINTON from 1998 • 2002 with VGA a.nd XGA resofut.on. There ;are at twenty rrode s from thtrt:Hn d fferent l•be s thu I kn.ow of
`Nowadays ca'Tl•r-H ar• ava1 abl• 1n eel pt-ion••· hardhe:ds, toys, pens. pd.a's g HHS .and• other g acg•a Almost everyone can a!""ord ad g tal camera U>d.ay and m1M ons own a1 least one mod•I
`But et s ta-ce a look back to .he early days of d gta p'\Otography Bae< 10 the . i~ wt\en cameras were .above all e11:pensive Bae< to the time when cameras h ad sw-vel lenses a.nd attaci"lable monitors
`When blac-<. s ~er arid whl':e wt"tere the only ca Tera. body co o•s 'Nhen nash memory cards were almost as expensive as the carrera 11.self. Whel'I irrage tr.1nsfer to a computer requlf"ed tons of t!Te So
`why OIGICAMmuse ... m? Well. digfc.1m t-as beco-ne a popu ar abbrev1.1t,on for d;gital camera, both in engbh a nd german anguage II\ tl"e n neteen nineties Se'ore that, the cerm diglcam w as used for
`televrs on ca..,..eras in,ng - he earl est record I could fend •or the term d fg fc.1m goes baCK to th.e 1980 Ampex BCC-20 te ev sion c.1me•i11 dubbed 'OigiCam' because it l"tKI a 'compu:er in it'~
`head. The term df9ic.1m {in re•ere:nce to d,O Uil ca..,..eras) was ol'l'cially used at the Systems '91 fai f ,,, mun,ch :o promo:e the Dyc•m Modti 1 in germ.any ,ar,g before 11-e term became popu ar. Hence
`tt-e n.1me sttJc< wi1h me .and's why I \.os.O ,t.
`@12015 d1g1cammuseum com
`7 7


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 8 of 27 PageID #: 8156
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`Bas d on bi r
`i w of th webs it from Octob r 16 to October 22 that analyst identifi d s veral
`doz n arly camera mod ls including th Casio Cam ra that pot ntially includ d both id o
`recording and till imag capturing mod s-£ atur s r 1 vant to th
`'493 Pat nt. See id.
`Apple Mot. at 3
`Identified Casio Camera
`Oct. 16
` Oct. 22
`Apple Analyst “discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`8 8


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 9 of 27 PageID #: 8157
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`As a r sult of diligent searching th ana yst found a copy of the Casio Camera s product
`manual. Id. , ,i 5-6. The product manual described the Casio Camera s technical features in
`sufficient detail to confirm its r levanc to the 493 patent and thi ca e. Id. As soon as the
`relevance of the Casio Camera became apparent on October 25, Apples counsel prepared a
`Identified Casio Camera
`Apple Mot. at 3-4
`Oct. 16
` Oct. 22 Oct. 25
`Apple Analyst “discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent
`9 9


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 10 of 27 PageID #: 8158
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`LCD Digital Camera
`User's Guide
`OVB000SX Manual at 1.
`10 10
`Casio Camera Product Manual, Excerpted
`from Proposed Invalidity Claim Chart B13


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 11 of 27 PageID #: 8159
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`r 1 vance of th Casio Camera b came appar nt on Octob r 25, Appl s couns 1 pr par d a
`supplemental in alidity claim chart and promptly-within six busin ss days of confirming the
`rel vane ofth Casio Camera's product manual-provid d that chart to Max 11 on ovember 4,
`2019. See id.
`6· Simmons Deel. Exs. A-B.
`Identified Casio Camera
`Completed Claim Chart
`Apple Mot. at 4
`Oct. 16
` Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 4
`Apple Analyst “discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent
`11 11


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 12 of 27 PageID #: 8160
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• But, Apple could have discovered the Digital Camera
`Museum Website much earlier
`• Website excerpts were produced by Maxell on July 10
`Maxell Produces Digital
`Camera Museum Website
`Claim Chart
` July 10 Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 4
`Apple Analyst “Discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`12 12
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 13 of 27 PageID #: 8161
`you wm1 nd the na•1lganon menu For your com,,n· nc11 I h-v11
`a pag To lh r ft nd abo
`i!tletlcally ~nd
`ing to ncil.lde m as that seiw:d a spedef puTP()se. ~ I
`tanc , mlaoscope 01m1e1"a
`trial C111?1en1 • machine ,islon 1:a.meras.
`and su h This would not onf)' be Impossible lo cov~r bu al ob'°"" lhi ai oul cd pro po ·o~l Excepllan.s will be
`n as, s nrt rs: digili2
`lar scfentllic
`•• .._It,.__,_ ·•----oltMt.t..,......_ F•-
`~1 - ... ,-. .... k.,_ _ _ ~ ............. ___ _
`==·-.. --... -•o:1-,..,_ ___ .., _____ _
`.. _ ..... _ .... ______ .,.._, ,_,.,.
`,.._ _______ ,. ______ ,.. .. __,,_..,,
`b,o, __ ........., __ " " _ · - · - - - · - · -
`0\ht _,
`...... -
`. , . . , __ ..... - - - - -~ ... -
`. . . . . . . . , - . . . . , . - - - -~ - ... - - ... 1 - - 1
`1 .. _.,. . . , ........ Jo._ __ ........... ~~ - · - - - ..
`The Iii tJel fi. mentioned refers to the yea, in which !he'lffl 1\1'&9 !lither an noun e&d or u n\lQillDd o tho public-. Why not lhEI ye-ar rt was mru, ufacturoo 'I' Easy n
`takes tim o dee lgn, de-vetop, budge , man
`a From II flip ch rt dr~.,Jng to a finished prod1Jci f r. a !ong haul. Toe e teg@ or
`cture and fie!~ test ii d"gitai co
`d 'llliopme111 IOoK onths. ometlmes years
`o. ;i digillll C11mera announced ln 19'7 c-0utd or lnstam:e ha': b n l:luill In 19
`tell? I can't. efther ca 1ou, nor anyone else not l111'0tffld in lhe R&D
`. Who ca
`tn whid1 fl\!;! mera \I s buil , I use either U1e veaT In wnldi he camera ll'il5 announce-d by a pres:. reJease or,
`proc.-ss. Wlum I absolutely cannol ,d erm.Jne he ye
`if not a1tallabf(), t/1 year in whid1, lhB camua
`s ufll'8iled le Ille public. This is the oruy 11":f'i to property label 0 rnmilfa 1A11th a cQJ'lain year
`(PIUSi¾ nora th.II( this:. sp&citfc site Is work fn progl"G$$ an<1 caml!l'llS w/11 he addr!!d aveJ' time!}
`CASIO (1.9}
`AGFA (11 )
`ARGUS (31
`ANSCO f3)
`AXIS (1)
`CHI ON 121
`AOl (cl
`CANO (16)
`13 13


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 14 of 27 PageID #: 8162
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• Easy to find relied-upon website from produced document
`– Search for “The Digital Camera Museum” brings up website as first result
`Go gle
`The Digital Camera Museum
`Q. All ~ Maps
`I;;) Images @ News
`() Shopping
`: More
`About 131,000,000 results (0.68 seconds)
`The Digital Camera Museum
`https://www.digitalkameramuseum .de > ...
`Vintage digital cameras are not just some pieces of outdated technology! Junk to some, collectible
`items to others. Everybody has a di~ferent opinion when it ...
`History · OEM Models · Memorycards · About
`14 14


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 15 of 27 PageID #: 8163
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• Easy to find relied-upon website from produced document
`– Entering “” into address bar automatically redirects to:
`E- ➔ C
`digicam useu
`.co I
`i digita lkamera useum .de en/
`15 15


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 16 of 27 PageID #: 8164
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• Casio Product Manual was not difficult to locate
`• Available on Casio Website
`LCD Digital Camera
`User's Guide
`16 16


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 17 of 27 PageID #: 8165
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• In its Motion, Apple went from discovering website to charting reference
`in less than three weeks
`Maxell Produces Digital
`Camera Museum Website
`< 3 weeks
`Claim Chart
` July 10 Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 4
`Apple Analyst “Discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`17 17
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 18 of 27 PageID #: 8166
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• In its Reply, Apple states it could not go from discovering website to
`charting reference in five weeks
`5 weeks
`< 3 weeks
`Maxell Produces
`Digital Camera
`Museum Website
`Claim Chart
` July 10 Aug. 14
`Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 4
`Apple Analyst “Discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`18 18
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 19 of 27 PageID #: 8167
`Apple’s Explanation for Delay
`• What was Apple doing in all that time?
`• This is not diligence
`2 months
`Maxell Produces
`Digital Camera
`Museum Website
`Claim Chart
` July 10 Aug. 14
`Oct. 16 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 4
`Apple Analyst “Discovers”
`Digital Camera Museum
`19 19
`Relevance of Casio
`Camera Apparent


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 20 of 27 PageID #: 8168
`Good Cause Factors
`1. The length of and reason for the delay, including whether
`the moving party has been diligent
`2. The importance of the amendment
`3. The potential prejudice in allowing the amendment
`4. The availability of a continuance to cure such prejudice
`See, e.g., Allure Energy, Inc. v. Nest Labs, Inc., 84
`F.Supp.3d 538, 540-41 (E.D. Tex. 2015)
`20 20


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 21 of 27 PageID #: 8169
`Importance of Amendment
`The importance of the reference must be considered
`in view of the invalidity contentions as a whole,
`including whether the new prior art discloses
`features not present in the previously identified art.
`See, e.g., Tech Pharmacy Servs., LLC v. Alixa Rx LLC, No.4:15-CV-766, 2017 WL 2833460, at *5 (E.D. Tex. Jan.
`19, 2017)
`21 21


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 22 of 27 PageID #: 8170
`Apple Has Not Attempted to Show Importance
`• “demonstrates prior invention, knowledge, and/or use” Mot. at 4.
`• “one of skill in the art would have found the ’493 patent’s alleged inventions obvious” Mot.
`at 4.
`• “renders the remaining asserted claims obvious” Mot. at 4-5.
`No explanation of why or how the reference is important in light of the current
`Invalidity Contentions
`22 22


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 23 of 27 PageID #: 8171
`Apple Has Not Attempted to Show Importance
`• For the most part, Apple asserts the Casio Camera anticipates or renders obvious claims 1, 3,
`5, and 10.
`• But Apple already says the following references anticipate or render obvious claims 1, 3, 5,
`and 10:
`Apple QuickTake
`Hitachi MPEG
`Horii (1, 3, 5 only)
`• This new reference adds nothing new
`23 23


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 24 of 27 PageID #: 8172
`Good Cause Factors
`1. The length of and reason for the delay, including whether
`the moving party has been diligent
`2. The importance of the amendment
`3. The potential prejudice in allowing the amendment
`4. The availability of a continuance to cure such prejudice
`See, e.g., Allure Energy, Inc. v. Nest Labs, Inc., 84
`F.Supp.3d 538, 540-41 (E.D. Tex. 2015)
`24 24


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 25 of 27 PageID #: 8173
`Lack of Prejudice Cannot Alone Establish Good
`“A lack of prejudice [ ], supposing that there was truly no
`prejudice, is not sufficient to demonstrate good cause
`without more; to hold otherwise would change the showing
`from one of good cause to one of no prejudice and absolve
`the movant from a failure based on harm to the opposing
`party alone.”
`SEVEN Networks, LLC v. Google LLC, 2:17-cv-442-JRG, Dkt. No. 198, slip copy at 2 (E.D. Tex. June 8, 2018)
`25 25


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 26 of 27 PageID #: 8174
`Apple’s Delay Causes Prejudice
`• Limited time for third party discovery
`• Limited time to acquire samples
`• Limited time for Maxell to test and analyze samples
`• Limited time for experts to analyze and opine on the reference
`• A continuance (delaying trial) would prejudice Maxell more
`26 26


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 185-2 Filed 01/17/20 Page 27 of 27 PageID #: 8175
`Lack of Prejudice Cannot Alone Establish Good
`• Apple itself has argued the importance of early disclosure
`to provide its P.R. 3-l(g) contentions. Maxell's refusal to supplement contravenes the purpose
`of the Local Patent Rules, which are designed to provide "all parties with adequate notice and
`information with which to litigate their cases" and deter "litigation by ambush." Computer
`Acceleration Corp. v. Microsoft Corp. , 503 F. Supp. 2d 819, 822 (E.D. Tex. 2007).
`Apple Motion to Compel Infringement Contentions, D.I. 129 at 1.
`27 27

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