Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 1 of 29 PageID #: 7943
`Maxell, Ltd. v. Apple Inc.:
`Apple’s Motion to Compel Compliant Infringement Contentions
`Case No. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS
`January 8, 2020


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 2 of 29 PageID #: 7944
`Patent Rule 3-4(a)
`P.R. 3-4(a):_ specifications, schematics, flow charts, artwork,
`formulas, or other documentation—


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 3 of 29 PagelD #: 7945
`Patent Rule 3-1(g)
`P.R. 3-1(g):
`If a party claiming patent infringement asserts that a claim
`element is a software limitation, the party need not comply with P.R. 3-1
`for those claim elements until 30 days after source code for each Accused
`lnstrumentality is produced by the opposing party. Thereafter, the party
`claiming patent infringement shall
`identify, on an—
`- for each asserted claim.—
`DJ. 42 (Discovery Order) at 2,


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 4 of 29 PagelD #: 7946
`Maxell Invoked P.R. 3-1(g) for All Asserted Claims
`P.R. 3-1(g) in Initial Contentions
`11/6/19 Maxell’s Claim Election
`1,3—5, 7—11,and 13
`1,6, and7
`1—5 and 8—12
`1—3 and 5—14
`1,3—6,10, and 11
`1—2, 6—7, 9—10,13—14, and 16—18
`1,3, 5, 6, 9, 14
`1,4, 5, 6,10


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`Patent Rule Requires Specific Citations to Source Code
`K ”Accordingly, UltimatePointer SHALL amend its infringement contentions for
`claims requiring software instructions to—
`- by December 13, 2013.”
`UltimatePointer v. Nintendo, No. 6:11-CV-496-LED, 2013 WL 6253767, at *3 (ED. Tex. Dec. 3, 2013)
`"While [citing to a source code file ”emspacker.c”] may provide some
`information on Sutton's infringement theory,—
`— Thus Nokia is left guessing as to the alleged location
`of the steps in the source code. Consequently, Sutton’s claim chart does not
`show the location of each element and thus does not meet the standard set by
`Patent Rule 3—1(c).”
`Michael 5 Sutton Ltd. V. Nokia, No. 6:07CV203, 2009 WL 9051240, at *2 (ED. Tex. Feb. 13, 2009)


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 7 of 29 PageID #: 7949
`The Length of Maxell’s Contentions Does Not Demonstrate Specificity...
`Patent Rules require specificity: Maxell s contentions Include 3,000
`K ”A party must 'be as specific as
`possible in its contentions.”
`Zix Corp. V. Echoworx Corp., No. 2:1 S—CV—1 272-J RG,
`2016 WL 3410367, at *1-2 (ED. Tex. May 13, 2016)


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 8 of 29 PagelD #: 7950
`Example: ’493 Claim Element 1(d)
`7- 7-375mm l‘ffigfgg,’
`5-335:3"." mm
`493 Patent at claim 1.
`1. An electric camera comprising:
`[a] an image sensing device with a light receiving sensor hav-
`ing an array of pixels arranged vertically and horizon-
`tally in a grid pattern,
`in an N number of vertically
`arranged pixel lines, wherein N is equal to or greater than
`three times a number of efl‘ective seaming lines M of a
`display screen;
`[b] a signal processing unit, that generates image signals by
`using the output signals ofthe image sensing device; and
`[C] a display unit with the display screen, to display an image
`corresponding to the image signals;
`[8] wherein during recording in a moving video mode, the
`signal processing unit generates image signals by mix-
`ing or culling signal charges accumulated in the N num-
`ber of vertically arranged pixel lines to provide pixel
`lines only at pixel intervals of K2 pixels, a value of K1
`being different from a value of K2; and
`[f] wherein during recording in the static image mode, the
`signal processing unit generates the image signals by
`using all signal charges accumulated in the N number of
`vertically arranged pixel lines, to provide N pixel lines.


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`Patent Rules Prohibit Litigation By Ambush
`”The local patent rules exist to further the goal of full, timely discovery and
`provide all parties with adequate notice and information with which to litigate
`their cases, not to create supposed loopholes through which parties may
`Compuz‘erAcce/eration Corp. v. Microsoft Corp, 503 F. Supp. 2d 819, 822 (ED. Tex. 2007)
`"Apartymust— ZixCorp's
`amended infringement contentions are in several instances vague and
`In other instances they merely recite claim language without
`providing Echoworx with notice as to—
`— the Court finds that
`ZixCorp’s amended infringement contentions have not met the requirements
`of PR. 3-1(g), which applies here."
`Z/Lr Corp. V. Echoworx Corp, No. 2:15-CV—1272-JRG, 2016 WL 3410367, at *1 -2 (ED. Tex. May 13, 2016


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`Maxell’s Reasons For Refusing To Comply With P.R. 3-1(g)
`1. Apple’s source code production is “incomplete”
`2. Maxell argues that its non-source code contentions are sufficiently specific
`3. Patent Rules do not require specific / pinpoint citations


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`Patent Rule 3-4(a)
`P.R. 3-4(a):_ specifications, schematics, flow charts, artwork,
`formulas, or other documentation—


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`Maxell’s Reasons For Refusing To Comply With P.R. 3-1(g)
`1. Apple’s source code production is “incomplete”
` Red herring argument; Apple is asking Maxell to provide specific citations to
`produced source code
`2. Maxell argues that its non-source code contentions are sufficiently specific
`3. Patent Rules do not require specific / pinpoint citations


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 23 of 29 PagelD #: 7965
`Maxell Cannot Rely on Source Code and Refuse to Provide
`Specific Citations
`Under P.R. 3-1 (g), ZixCorp has
`QK ”ZixCorp triggered P.R. 3-1(g) of the Discovery Order.
`an obligation to serve amended infringement contentions that identify, ’on an
`element—by—element basis for each asserted claim, what source code of each Accused
`Instrumentality allegedly satisfies the software limitations of the asserted claim
`ZiX Corp. V. Echoworx Corp, No. 2:15-CV—1272-JRG, 2016 WL 3410367, at *1 -2 (ED. Tex. May 13, 2016)


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`Maxell’s Reasons For Refusing To Comply With P.R. 3-1(g)
`1. Apple’s source code production is “incomplete”
` Red herring argument; Apple is asking Maxell to provide specific citations to
`produced source code
`2. Maxell argues that its non source code contentions are sufficiently specific
` Refuted by Court’s decision in Zixv. Echoworx
` Maxell should be precluded from relying on source code if it refuses to comply
`with P.R. 3-1(g)
`3. Patent Rule do not require specific / pinpoint citations


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`Maxell’s Argument: Pinpoint Citation Not Required
`Maxell mischaracterizes ElbitSys. Land & C4I Ltd. v. Hughes Network Sys.,
`LLC, No. 2:15-CV-00037-RWS-RSP, 2017 WL 2651618, (E.D. Tex. June 20, 2017):
` Patentee invoked P.R. 3-1(g) on the belief that “further evidence for [the
`claim] limitations would exist in third-party source code”
` When that belief turned out to be false, the Court held that P.R. 3-1(g)
`does not “bind a party that refers to a claim element as a ‘software
`limitation’ to later identify corresponding source code”
` But where patent owner elects to rely on code, it must cite “the
`portions of the code that satisfy relevant claim elements”


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 26 of 29 PageID #: 7968
`Maxell’s Reasons For Refusing To Comply With P.R. 3-1(g)
`1. Apple’s source code production is “incomplete”
` Red herring argument; Apple is asking Maxell to provide specific citations to
`produced source code
`2. Maxell argues that its non source code contentions are sufficiently specific
` Refuted by Court’s decision in Zixv. Echoworx
` Maxell must withdraw reliance on P.R. 3-1(g) if source code is determined
`to be unnecessary
`3. Patent Rules do not require specific / pinpoint citations
` Relies on mischaracterization of ElbitSys. v. Hughes Network


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`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 182-1 Filed 01/14/20 Page 27 of 29 PagelD #: 7969
`Patent Rule 3-1(g)
`P.R. 3-1(g):
`If a party claiming patent infringement asserts that a claim
`element is a software limitation, the party need not comply with P.R. 3-1
`for those claim elements until 30 days after source code for each Accused
`lnstrumentality is produced by the opposing party. Thereafter, the party
`claiming patent infringement shall
`identify, on an—
`- for each asserted claim.—
`DJ. 42 (Discovery Order) at 2,


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