Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 1 of 23 PageID #: 7717
`Maxell, Ltd. v. Apple Inc.:
`Apple’s Motion For Leave to Supplement
`Invalidity Contentions
`Case No. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS
`January 8, 2020


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 2 of 23 PageID #: 7718
`Maxell’s Production
`3,774 Documents
`193,586 Pages
`1 Document, 17 pages


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 3 of 23 PageID #: 7719
`Maxell’s Website Printout Production


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 4 of 23 PageID #: 7720
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 4 of 23 PageID #: 7720
`gum ozumum rm”. m- M
`.m H
`mm 31
`mm mm
`me» n,
`mum vscmwsvm a
`«mm m
`mm .1.
`m: m
`34mm mom
`\LA A
`mm a
`mm m
`w u a.
`1mm: 1
`mam. ., m. ‘ mm W m u. kl "mm a“ mrmnmnlm mm 4:. MM5—,». u y. um. um,“ “WM,”
`"mm-m u. Mm. m run: .m.= w a”, mm m—o n m m ‘flr‘w'r-‘Amm: mm Hmm H. .. .
`man.“ '(zvlhc 4m. mm... mm mm "-5 w m m, mmmm mum: m ,,_ mum. Mmmm‘hrmhm nub:
`H- mm mm mm.W n .mmmu N. m. nmnm'm 'w mmmm “m .u., mum mu. m: mmm m. u
`.. A". MW « Mg Mm" mx41 w . Ma- r...) M. A.“ Man.» u ‘Mwm‘u H.» An mun»:
`«manna-w ‘ m w‘m ”mmmm
`a ”W Mm. ".mdmmmuw an “my. mu: WW. w w m“ -m mm m ‘anman
`man: “\‘xmu'nnl
`,mw “may"..vm “Mum as m ‘ m. .09 .m- . .-m».um.m MM w .u H, mm
`mmm m mummm.“ urn-Hummus: 1“men'rwuuamumH-Ma:mum?»
`{n.— mum-”m... hm ynwwwmw MAan-rflmv
`~wou;5 u;
`mm m
`mam m
`aruw ‘v
`m .
`roaum v a;
`roYEx u‘
`(Mm q
`Musk» r
`man 5‘
`mm m
`mm .,
`Danna“) a:
`mm L
`Imrw M’cr m
`. wawi :
`:er My
`sow H
`mm;watch my
`mm m
`mm (m
`nm N.
`mm 3,
`mm 2
`mm: m
`arm H
`saw a:


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 5 of 23 PageID #: 7721
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 5 of 23 PageID #: 7721
`Mam-w, 2+. law-m ma
`mu Ma's mum rmm
`‘ Digicams
`OEII model:
`Pmtotypfi a. Rarilles
`'”" "H“
`Items tagged with 1990
`Dycam Model 1 [1990)
`Tnshlbe mazon (1990)
`KngJIm DaVInu DVSS (1990)
`Kodak Professionai DCS
`Rahal Dlgnsl Scan Back [1990)
`.f rma mnmammuwummm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 6 of 23 PageID #: 7722
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 6 of 23 PageID #: 7722
`DEM models
`Prototypls & Radios
`‘ Memorycam
`Items tagged with 1991
`I mix 05 100 (1991)
`Lognecn I'otomm [1991)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 7 of 23 PageID #: 7723
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 7 of 23 PageID #: 7723
`MENU-"v: m MMCHK”
`um um Fflt'i
`nzm I‘ :
`DEM modal.
`Hummus 8. Ramos Montcalm
`, , ‘ ‘
`JV ‘(V
`Items tagged with 1992
`Kmak DOS 20011992}
`Lognecn I'olomm HUS [1992]
`Mvnolta MS 01100 (1992]
`Kodak DES 2% H5 large!
`Camera (1992)
`Dycam Model 3 (1992)
`Dycam Mudel 3XL (1992)
`.: 2015 mgvammuswm mm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 8 of 23 PageID #: 7724
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 8 of 23 PageID #: 7724
`MIDNDA‘V‘ZE- Mmmzmu
`run "Cr:
`wonms {man
`Ham 3’:
`OEM mods].
`Prototypes 8. Ram"
`Itams tagged wilh 1993
`I um USV'ZOOI» (1993)
`Dyoam Gator (1993]
`fil‘fifius DeIIIs 5101000
`Dycam Model 4 [19915)
`Dycam Model 4XL (1983)
`Funx PR72J (199371995)
`Dycam Modular Cametas
`m; ,ammugwm Cum


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 9 of 23 PageID #: 7725
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 9 of 23 PageID #: 7725
`mum”; Mmmzm
`‘ Dlglcams
`GEM mmls
`ltams tagged with 1994
`anx PR2.) (19931995)
`I 994)
`R‘hylhm Watch Co, Vlslmo
`Olympus Delhs VEHOG
`Lea! Lumlna Medicai (1994)
`Annie GulckTake 1CD (1994)
`Kodak AF NCEDOD [1994)
`Lee! Lurnlna (1994)
`VLSI PC Card Gamma (1994)
`Casio @1710 (1994)
`StarDot WInCam One (1994)
`Holley Digfla‘ ChlpPack [1994]
`Fotax F10 (1994]
`Sony DKOSOOD CalsEye
`.: I‘nl‘. muammncgnm [um


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 10 of 23 PageID #: 7726
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 10 of 23 PagelD #: 7726
`DEM modal.
`Fromm 8- Ram Mommas
`Items tagged wlfll 1995
`Fujlx PRVZJ (1993,1995)
`Casm ovr10(1994)
`Agfa StudioCam (1995;
`Mple QuickTake 150(1995)
`Canon CF30!) (1995)
`Dymm ADC (1995)
`Fujix 09-?90 “995)
`Kmlnk DOS 485 U995]
`Kudak F09 DCS 1 [1995)
`Kodak FOS DOS 3 [1995)
`Lugiluull Fulmlan Pixlmu
`[1 995)
`Mlnulla nmvs (1995‘,
`Olganpus Delfis Vii-“00 ll
`Sanvo vpcrm (19951
`Pmmasler Digilal One {1995)
`Ricoh RDC-l (1995)
`Toshiba PROSHOT FDR-loo
`Dvcam ID»C (1995)
`Dakota DCC 9500 (1995)
`Chmon £33000 (1995)
`Olympus Dalns VCrfl‘lDO ll HS
`Olympus Dellls VCVI1DO || HS
`PV 11995)
`Olymnus Denis V071 000 ll
`Enson PholDPC (1995)
`SlBITE Imaging EDS-10 {1995]
`Apple GuckTeka 100 Plus
`Agfa AdmnCarn (1995)
`Funx 05-505 (1995)
`Kodak D040 (1995)
`Kodak EDS DOS 5 (1995)
`:; m nun:
`”mun mm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 11 of 23 PageID #: 7727
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 11 of 23 PageID #: 7727
`um ms:
`OEM mudvli
`Prom”: A Ra
`Items tagged with 1996
`SMSUW Kant-x SEC-4 1 [IN
`Agla th010 307 [1896)
`ADDIE QUICkTake 200 (1956)
`Canon Powershot 30 (1995)
`Camm PmerSMt son 0995)
`Chinon FS-1DDD (1993]
`Fpix Fm (1998)
`Epson pmmpc 5m {1996’
`nu. D578 (1996]
`Hllacm MFLEOI (1995)
`Knduk DDIZD Zqu {1596}
`mm nms £1995)
`leun EmlPxx mn (me)
`Niknn r‘nanix m (1996)
`Pentax H.090 (199m
`Polaroid PDC 2000 (1998)
`DynarmX dwgital mscm camera
`(1 995)
`SEGADIgID SJ ‘ {1908}
`Sham MD PS1f1905)
`Sony DKCVID1 (1996)
`Toshiba "(4330 0996)
`Kyuceva DA! (1995)
`Laica 91 (1998]
`Orion Dlglsnav D521 (1996i
`Kodak 0650 Loom [1995)
`NEC PC DC 401 (1996)
`UDSIUIEn Imaging ILL/100
`Kodak DCZCJ (19515)
`Casio OVV10A (1996)
`(215ml (IV-300 (1956]
`Ruflel DSFHD‘I (1995)
`Calm" Powelsnm 30m we]
`CHSID OVJOA Plus [1996)
`Casio W400 (1995)
`Casio own (1995)
`Dycarll Model 5 [1995)
`Kodak AP NGZUOfle [1995)
`Kumca (J-EZ [1956;
`mm DS 506A (1996)
`Am NsIEye 200 (1996)
`Sony use H (1996]
`Leaf MmLumm c1996)
`Full D37 (1993)
`Fuux 0572mm (1996)
`Dyualn Models 543(1996)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 12 of 23 PageID #: 7728
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 12 of 23 PageID #: 7728
`H mm Lms
`Items lagged with 1997
`CBSID 0V 700 (1997)
`Claxan DC 500 (“397]
`Frans: DC 500 (Vetsmn 1)
`Sham VL DK10 (1997)
`Mustek VDGYDOP (1957]
`MUSIEK VHS-700 (1997)
`Hllad’ll MP-tGIA (199 /)
`Snny use—r2 (192m
`Viewmme Tn
`Pratec 06-500 Vamun 2
`Panasmir NV-DCW (1997)
`Kodak DCZ‘IUZODM (199/)
`Sharp DEV/1603 I199“
`Sanvn wash 0 (1997]
`Olympus CV14€IDL (1997)
`Sanyo WCGZOU [1997)
`Sounmhslon S‘Vnqu (\997]
`UMAX DOW (1997)
`SounWsiun SVmImQOQ
`Mirage Image (1997)
`MAG DC 6040 use?)
`mi CD 100 (1997)
`Platec DC 300 (1997]
`Premier DC 300(1997)
`\flewcnme Tn .Gam
`VNIIfir VIwCam mm (1997)
`Fanasnmfi NV-UCFI (1997)
`SmlndVvslon S‘fminlfl P09
`Rania: PD71flD (1997)
`(Sanyul Flfihex FVDVVI “998)
`Same V‘PGGIDO (1995)
`‘5 2m : gnammusnum cm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 13 of 23 PageID #: 7729
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 13 of 23 PageID #: 7729
`Prowwneaanan s Maynard: m
`llama tuggad mm 1991
`(\gla sumo 1280mm?)
`Furl Cllp It D5 105 (1997)
`Kyncem memo (1997)
`Canon Powersnm 350 [1997)
`Ebson PWIUPC 550 new)
`Epsnn FNaIuPC son (1997)
`Hmacm MP EGIO (1997)
`HP PholoSman (1997]
`Kocom KDC1IN1997)
`Kyrrfira VFJ 1 n CMOS
`camera {1997)
`Mlnnfla nwmage Pk" (1997',
`Mirage nsmsmn (1997]
`Mllsulllsm DJJDD‘] (H197)
`Mustek VDCJDD (ISIS?)
`PanawrllL KXLVBODA (1997)
`Mason-c P‘VrDC‘UW [1997)
`PMns ESPVZ {V997\
`PLUS DKVUW (1997)
`Polaroid PD030011997)
`[mm mason (man
`Sham VEVLC1 [1997)
`Rollfiys Dmcra 200mm?)
`Shari! VELCZ 11997)
`Sampc Dean (1997)
`Sony DSC43091“)
`Samsung 50633 11057)
`Sony DSOMD‘ [1997)
`Tushba FDR!) (1997';
`Dana): Mnxrwm (1997)
`Umax PimInRun (19ng
`leal‘fiwCam 31m (‘99?)
`Sanyfl VPC X390 USE/I
`AWE aPhDID ISO (199”
`Yashm KC 500 (199/)
`SEGA Dlgln 5.1-1 HDCJCOOA
`Hm I»: :3 (11-190
`Palate“) PUCV‘JOOU 1mm
`SEGA Dlghu sJ-t HUG-1000C
`Addams UCr'dDfl Um!)
`Fun Chg-H [1540 mm
`Ansco Dz 4UU (13M)
`mm PhquCam [1997)
`Cal“!!! F'mlchVIul SIDN
`Cask: uvr2u0 ((990
`(mm av 10;: [199!)
`Caslu QV-H (I907)
`Casio 3V~120 (1007)
`um Lu:\'<1'1uuw n m.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 14 of 23 PageID #: 7730
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 14 of 23 PageID #: 7730
`mews mars
`DEM models
`Fmtnlypes E. Ramies
`Items tagged with 1993
`Niknn CoolPix 9008 (15398)
`Casio ZR—1 ‘Pslil Cofle' (1998)
`Canon EOS D6000 [1993)
`Ania sPhoto 1650 (19981
`Canon PowerSWJI A5 {1998)
`Casio ovimn (1993)
`03310 QVJ'IO (19923)
`Premer Demo (1993]
`Casio CN—SDOUSX {19911)
`Kodak DCS 520 (1993)
`Casio QV—TODOSX (1990)
`Hliacni 111115wa (1993)
`1.4115162]: VDC-300 (1998)
`Philips E31350 (1996)
`5:31:51; D0210 Plus Zoom
`Trust F‘haluCarn 1300 (19%)
`JVC (30755 (1998)
`Largan Lmln1350(1998)
`Largan Lmlm 3571 (1998)
`10mm! DSEEJDHD (1998)
`Panasonn‘. F‘V-DC1530 (1996)
`Panasonic NV—DCFS (1998]
`Olympus (1-8401, [1990)
`Umax MDX-B400 (1998)
`' 5c mammuswm rum


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 15 of 23 PageID #: 7731
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 15 of 23 PageID #: 7731
`ugum OEM models
`Items lagged with ma
`[Sanyc] HanerVD v1 (Hm:
`Sanyo WC 5100 (IEBE)
`canon inafinm Prom
`Euson F'llmnFC 700 11990)
`EDsun PhnloPC rsnzusee:
`nun 35755011998)
`HP Pndeman 0201mm)
`Jauomk JD“ Enhance (1998)
`Kodiak DCEK‘A Zwm “998)
`Canon EOS 0200011093}
`Kama: D01 (I393)
`Kyumva Sumuval mum;
`Lem D>gnux {1903}
`mm Harm Dignamamua
`Mmmla Dimsgc EX 15m)
`Mush’k VDC 2 to? (was)
`01mph; c man (1993)
`Nikon Comp»: 60011993)
`CHympus 0 gm) Zoom mm)
`Mum CmiF'ix 900 (1998)
`Panama»: «vDCFB 11ng)
`N35953:" PumLCamsla
`pumps ESPSD (1995)
`thus Esme (1995)
`Palamid mum (was)
`much nomzoo (ma)
`Rum mum) (was.
`SamuVPC-Glfio (um)
`Smuull D033 (may
`Sully DSC—Dmfl (may
`Tug-La FDR-5 (mam
`Tusnma FDR-I11 (199m
`unmx DOM 1mm
`(0.35:3; Pawsllul A5 Zuom
`m. M14590 2mm uses)
`mg? Dimage RD 3000
`mm :35 (man)
`Nikan {a (1998)
`Quark FrubeQQ (man)
`SanyuVFcrxasn (1995)
`(mam PraheBQ um)
`Same wczm (1995;
`Kaela}: DDS 560 (199:!)
`Rollm n30 Ibex {15mm
`Fuux 0565511998)
`Nikon 000M: 9m [1595)
`Helm r130 metric [1995!
`Fm‘lx 05330 {1998‘


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 16 of 23 PageID #: 7732
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 16 of 23 PageID #: 7732
`m-mwv :sumsmzcn
`um ,
`mma mm
`D mms
`DEM modal!
`Ihms tagged with 1999
`Samsung ngax 800K {199m
`Sanyo vpcrzaaa (1999)
`SsagullSDC sauna)
`Sony Dscrtmu "9292
`Surly DSC—FSDE (1599)
`Sony warms (1999;
`Sany womaa (L999:
`Taco 001311 (mam)
`Tasmba PDRMB [1999)
`Toshiba PDRVM4 (1999}
`Toshiba PDRiMS (1999)
`Toymax WWF Slam Cam
`THAN FhuluCalH Plus (1999)
`\flvllm WwCam 2800 H999)
`Vlmlal WVICaIn 3500 11599)
`Olymuu: 02920 ZWIH (1999)
`FanasunU: PVDClfiQD UQQBI
`Prak‘lczl OD 800 [1999]
`Premier DD!50‘ (1999]
`RCA CD541DU (1999)
`Rekam Du 5M (1999]
`WWW VMCaln 275511998)
`Rum. Rucsaflo (1999)
`30va DKC-FPS (1999)
`AME BPhultI (71.30 (1999)
`so“ MVCLFDaB 11999)
`Ma ertu CLJI’.‘ Gllkl “999’
`Manet Nxck Cluck (1999)
`Claxzn ncaam (1999‘,
`Rekam DIAAOXA U999]
`Pveler 3mm (1999p
`Folmell DC 800 (1399)
`Phnsnlx m (1999)
`Claxan DC 800 [1999)
`KnnIra am no (1999]
`snmsunq SDC 100 (1999)
`Chem DEE 400 (@541)
`Prams! DC 800 (I999)
`Polamid F‘DC 700 1199(5)
`\I’lear scam (1999)
`Sarrmmg mom 119m)
`Nknn Coolw 950 Mmenmum
`Edmun U 9991
`Minolta 3D 1500 U 999)
`Ansca macaw (1999)
`Casio ovmuosx 11999)
`AOL PmlaCam Plus (1999‘,
`AOL F’hmocam um:
`Casm QV-SSODSX 11999)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 17 of 23 PageID #: 7733
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 17 of 23 PageID #: 7733
`mutun: 2r, mm:n ma
`DEM modal:
`Prutoiypae 5 Rarities
`Items tagged with 1999
`V19wcome Tnpcarn TC 500
`Sharp VN E21 (1999)
`Ansco VDC 3500 (1999)
`HP Pnomsrmn czoox; 11999)
`HP Photosman CZDOCI (1999)
`Kodak DCBU (1999)
`Kwak DOS 620x [1999)
`Mus16k VDOBSDU [1999)
`Rallsys DImera 3500 (1999]
`MustakMDC 1500 (1999)
`A913 ePnoto 1680LE (1999]
`Kmon DSC 1100 (1999)
`l/O Magctmage 500(1999)
`TCE CDVZDD [1999)
`Kndak DCZBOJ [1999)
`Kodak DCZSD (1999)
`Kodak D0215 Zoom
`Mlllennrum Eamon (1999)
`Samsung SDC-OW (1999)
`2:91.: w,
`:m’nmuaeum lnm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 18 of 23 PageID #: 7734
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 18 of 23 PageID #: 7734
`PM! a.Rum-I
`Items tagged mm 1595
`Seagun DSC71100 [1999)
`Fuux DSJJG ID (I999)
`Icatau VGA Bugnal camera
`Kynsera samurai 210006
`Magimm DCfiCU H999)
`D'ylwua 333m (I999)
`Rekame-SUUXL 11999)
`Tekum TekCam 10c flags)
`7an Mn 5m (19m)
`Tum! Phnmfifim | on 11999)
`Agla nPhnIn 7am (mos)
`Ania :‘Phdn m an um)
`Argus D0100 (1999)
`Argus gamma mag}
`Canon PowetShu! Asa (wag)
`I 5599)
`drnaTRON dynaEAM um
`Ensan PmmPC 660 (1999)
`Epson PmmPc 300 (1999)
`Enscn PnoloPC 3502 {1992!
`Funfilm Hnaou PRZI (I 999:
`Fuji MXJZUO (V 999]
`Fuufihn MK. V500 (I999)
`FuMIIm DSQGGHD [1999)
`HP F'Ilulusman C200 0 5'98)
`m Maglrlmnge 4m (1999)
`.lemrmk .rmynm (mm)
`.Jenmnk .II'H? annn usual)
`I me: my: .Iamnam a: 112mm
`Kodak 00215 209010999)
`Kodak DCS 330 (1999)
`Kwdak DCS 620C (1999}
`Kodak DCS 66011999)
`Kama a mm mm)
`Lam Diqwx Zoom n 9119)
`mm» 5 Cam n "999}
`Muslek MDC son (1999)
`Nikuu (2mm 7001999)
`Olympus G 2mm zaomuuua)
`Panasonic PVVSDIUSIU (I 90!]:
`lem mum $00 (1999)
`O‘ympus E 21 mm)
`Plaknca OD 500 (I 9091
`Rxon RDCVSOC‘U (1999’
`55mm DCEAw <1999|
`mm Cody»: 950(1999)
`O‘ympus c 250EILUQBQ)
`Drum: Damon H959)
`mm D1 mm)
`Panasanl: wnczwo (1999;
`Rallsyc Dimma I50? (19.90)
`:v wnw .=nm.mmm


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 19 of 23 PageID #: 7735
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 19 of 23 PageID #: 7735
`vans“, 2r. wax" 2m!
`mm mm.
`wonLLu rmiv:
`Homo Mm ‘ Hlsm
`DEM modulo
`Frotmypu 8. Rumo-
`nan-Is tagged with 2000
`Cnlcunv [C 800 (200(1)
`Sanya “3040002 (2000)
`Sony 056 I 50W [2000)
`Panasomc F’V 505000 (2000)
`Olympus C 21 Leommu (2000)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 20 of 23 PageID #: 7736
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 20 of 23 PageID #: 7736
`DEM medals
`‘ Pmmypes & Rarilies
`Items tagged with 2002
`lecn CDDH’IX 2000 (2002)


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 21 of 23 PageID #: 7737
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 21 of 23 PageID #: 7737
`nu...“gym um. um
`insum Emmi! mmram
`m m mm Ham
`my ”mum msHNB}
`Panmm 'v uuuw{IVSHY
`meu m wnm
`vmrvrrumuifl (mm
`mmM . M[In-w,
`mm mm.mum
`memnl um
`msum §UL Nu(Mm
`Msz‘ ~0me um
`swam mum
`mm Fm win!
`rust-DI mm4 (I‘fiwv
`mmWmm: Jmy
`Mum uuumuym
`mm mmm ,Imn
`W5 uLxmmmm,
`mm mum \vvw;
`mm. M anmm
`mm m: no uM.
`NH want-“MM
`Lm av mmHum
`semuauu mum
`sanvaE mm mm)
`Tush“rim w amy
`wm Vmcyr-15wmam
`mm m. mm mm
`@9er 0 .mm
`mmnmm mm,
`mm mm um
`Mm mmMNummn
`m ummmWumum
`fawn-SC mmugm
`1m mm mm
`TvymanWVSmn can
`mmws Mmzmmmm
`m cuww um;
`Ag“ ‘mnu .L, mm.“
`m“ wrawmrran
`mmpm». may
`«mm w - mm
`mmm Munavy)
`mm mm mm
`Cafiifl flVfiflflflSX (1999]
`MAXELL_APPLE0190995, D.I. 159-02


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 22 of 23 PageID #: 7738
`Apple’s Proposed Invalidity Claim Chart
`Apple’s Proposed Invalidity Contentions, D.I. 130-04


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 23 of 23 PageID #: 7739
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 177-1 Filed 01/10/20 Page 23 of 23 PageID #: 7739

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