Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 160 Filed 12/06/19 Page 1 of 11 PageID #: 6228
`Civil Action NO. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS


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`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
`MATERIAL FACTS ......................................................................................................... 1
`LEGAL STANDARD ........................................................................................................ 4
`IV. ARGUMENT ..................................................................................................................... 5
`CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 7


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`Plaintiff Maxell, Ltd. (“Maxell”) is trying to monetize patents in the United States
`without providing full discovery on their encumbrances, claiming that highly relevant licenses
`and communications are locked away in Japan with the asserted patents’ previous owner.
`Maxell offers specious explanations in claiming that it has no practical ability to get such
`documents, even though the entity that possesses them—Hitachi Ltd.—completely owned
`Maxell until very recently, still partially owns, and recently loaned a key employee to work for
`Maxell “on assignment.” Maxell claims that it was given only certain files along with the
`patents assigned to it by Hitachi and that, as a passive recipient of such files, it has no authority
`to demand anything else—no matter how utterly deficient the transfer was. The result is that
`Maxell gets the best of both worlds: it can both accuse Apple of infringement and then claim
`ignorance when it is revealed that many of the very accused components are actually licensed.
`The prejudice to Apple is manifest. Apple should not be forced to engage in international
`and third-party discovery to determine the full extent to which the patents asserted by Maxell
`have already been licensed to Apple’s suppliers by Hitachi. Maxell should be compelled to fully
`utilize its obvious practical ability to engage with Hitachi—with which it has a significant and
`continuing relationship—and provide full discovery.
`Patent and Entity Ownership History: The Plaintiff—Maxell—is the latest assignee of
`the asserted patents themselves and/or the parent applications from which they stem (the
`“asserted patents”). All ten asserted patents originated with Hitachi, Ltd. (“Hitachi”). See D.I.
`111 (Am. Compl.) at ¶ 4. In 2009, Hitachi assigned the asserted patents to its wholly owned


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`subsidiary, Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. (“HCE”).1 Am. Compl. at 1[ 4. In 2013,
`HCE assigned them to Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. (“Hitachi Maxell”). Id. Hitachi wholly owned
`Hitachi Maxell until 2017, when Hitachi sold most of its shares but retained a 15% stake.2 Later
`in 2017, Hitachi Maxell assigned the asserted patents to Maxell due to a reorganization/name
`change. Am. Compl. at 1[ 4. Around the same time, Hitachi reduced its stake in Hitachi Maxell
`(later renamed Maxell Holdings, Ltd.), to about 3%, where it currently stands.3
`Licensing and Potential Sale of Asserted Patents: While Hitachi owned the asserted
`patents, it actively licensed them—
`— Maxell lists Mr. Matsuo as a witness with knowledge about “licensing
`1 See “Hitachi Announces Corporate Split and New Company Establishment Plan for Consumer
`Business Group,” ( 090526a.pdfl (last visited on
`December 3, 2019).
`2 See “Notification of Change in Capital Relationship between Hitachi and Hitachi Maxell,”
`t 170321a.pdfl (last visited on December
`3, 2019) (noting an intention to “keep [a] collaborative relationship”).
`3 See “Hitachi drawing down Maxell stake,”
`htt s://asia.nikkei.conl/Business/Markets/Stocks/Hitachi-drawin -down-Maxell-stake (last
`visited on December 3, 2019); Maxell Holdings, Ltd. Integrated Report 2019,
`htt s://'
`/ir/ df/MHD IRl9 E interactive. d at 66 (last visited on
`December 3, 2019).


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`of Maxell patents” and should be contacted through Maxell’s lawyers. Ex. 2.
`Discovery Regarding Pre—Suit Communications and Mr. Matsuo’s Employment
`“Assignment” to Maxell: Maxell filed this lawsuit in March 2019 and produced some pre-suit
`commmaicaaons and some licenses-—
`— Maxell also claimed that Mr-
`Matsuo is no longer an employee of Maxell. Maxell’s counsel offered to contact Hitachi and ask
`for the documents that Apple had been demanding. Maxell later sent a letter to Satoshi Matsuo
`on September 11, 2019, which it claims has been ignored.4 Apple then requested documents to
`support Maxell’s explanation regarding the nature of Mr. Matsuo’s “assignment” to Maxell, and
`Maxell confirmed that it had no such doclunents.
`Discovery Regarding Licenses:—
`4 Apple has also filed a Motion for Issuance of Letters of Request for International Judicial
`Assistance (1)1. 146) to try to obtain doclunents directly from Hitachi, Ltd., notwithstanding the
`low likelihood that responsive documents will be produced in timely manner. This motion does
`not, however, absolve Maxell of its duty to produce the docmnents itself.


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`— Maxell represented during a meet and confer that it had
`produced all licenses in its possession that concerned the “smartphone portfolio,” i.e., the set of
`patents that includes the asserted patents.—
`— This is troubling given that Maxell has alleged infringement
`through Apple’s use of components it purchased from these and other suppliers.5
`Subject to the limitation of Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 34(a)(1)
`of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides that a party may obtain discovery that is “in the
`responding party’s possession, custody, or control.” This C01111 has held that “‘control’ does not
`require that a party have legal ownership or actual physical possession of the documents at issue;
`rather, documents are considered to be under a party’s control for discovery purposes when that
`party has the right, authority, or practical ability to obtain the documents from a nonparty to the
`suit.” Kamatani v. BenQ Corp, 2005 US. Dist. LEXIS 42762, *17 (ED. Tex. Oct. 6, 2005)
`(citing Bank ofNew York v. Meridien Biao Bank Tan; , 171 F.R.D. 135 (S.D.N.Y. 1997)).
`Whether a party has the “right, authority or practical ability” to obtain information from a
`non-party is determined by examining the nature of the relationship between the entities at issue
`through the following five factors: (1) commonality of ownership; (2) exchange or inteimingling
`of directors, officers or employees of the two corporations; (3) exchange of documents between


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`the corporations in the ordinary course of business; (4) any benefit or involvement of the non-
`party corporation in the transaction; and (5) involvement of the non-party corporation in the
`litigation. Diamond Consortium, Inc. v. Manookian, No. 4:16CV94-ALM, 2017 U.S. Dist.
`LEXIS 122625, at *23-24 (E.D. Tex. Aug. 3, 2017) (citing Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc. v.
`RMS Eng’g, Inc., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 85120, *6 (S.D. Tex. Aug. 3, 2011).
`Maxell does not dispute that the discovery Apple seeks in this motion—(1)
`communications related to Apple’s potential purchase of the ’794 patent; and (2) licenses that
`grant rights to the asserted patents to Apple’s suppliers—is relevant.6 Maxell disputes instead
`that it has a duty to gather and produce these documents even though they are not in its physical
`possession and instead reside with the patent assignor, i.e., Hitachi. As a general matter, it would
`be “logically inconsistent and unfair to allow the right to sue to be transferred” without “the
`obligations that go with litigating a claim.” Royal Park Invs. SA/NV v. Deutsche Bank Nat’l
`Trust Co., No. 14-CV-04394 (AJN)) (BCM), 2018 U.S. Dist. Lexis 128189, at *12 (S.D.N.Y.
`May 15, 2018) (quoting JPMorgan Chase Bank v. Winnick, 228 F.R.D. 505, 506 (S.D.N.Y.
`2005)). Hitachi/HCE would unquestionably have the duty to produce these documents, and
`permitting Maxell to escape this obligation by virtue of Hitachi being a third party would be
`tantamount to allowing them to “assign a claim more valuable than [they] could ever have,”
`because it “would entail certain [discovery] obligations that, when assigned, would magically
`disappear.” Winnick, 228 F.R.D. at 506. Further, in any event, stepping through each of the
`Shell factors shows that Maxell and Hitachi are closely intermingled corporate entities, and that
`6 To the extent for the first time in opposition to this Motion Maxell tries to dispute the relevancy
`of category (1), it would be incorrect. Documents showing negotiations over the sale of an
`asserted patent in this case by the very party accused of infringing that patent are highly relevant
`to at least damages and to show at least the course of the parties’ dealings.


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`Maxell should have several avenues available to it for obtaining these highly relevant documents.
`(1) Commonality of ownership: Maxell was wholly owned by Hitachi through much of
`its pre-suit interactions with Apple, until 2017, and Hitachi still retains a 3% stake.
`(2) Exchange or intermingling of directors, officers or employees of the two
`dispute that Mr. Matsuo is both (1) a current employee of Hitachi and (2) was “assigned” to
`Maxell as recently as December 2017 (which, notably, was after Hitachi reduced its stake in
`Maxell to 3%). Maxell claims that Mr. Matsuo’s engagement has ended. Ex. 4. Maxell also
`claims that there are no documents embodying or otherwise describing the scope and nature of
`Mr. Matsuo’s “assigmnent” to Maxell.
`(3) Exchange of documents in the ordinary course of business: A cursory review of
`the public record shows that Maxell and Hitachi closely coordinate on business ventures and
`surely exchange documents 111 the ordina1y course of business. For example, Maxell develops
`light source projectors that it sells under the Hitachi brand name and distlibutes through Hitachi.7
`7 See Maxell Appoints Hitachi to Launch its new Projectors111 Spring 2019
` 1ess-1eleases/maxell—-a
`project01s-ill-spling-ZO 1 91 (last visited December 3 2019).


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`(4) Benefit or involvement of the non-party corporation in the transaction: For
`purposes of a patent infiingement suit, the “transaction” has been construed to relate to
`obtaimnent of the IP rights at issue. See Shell, 2011 US. Dist. LEXIS 85120 at *8-9. Here,
`Hitachi assigned the asserted patents to HCE, and then HCE to Hitachi Maxell, and then Hitachi
`Maxell to Maxell. The Hitachi predecessor entities were also involved in monetizing the
`asserted patents, including attempting to sell at least of them (the ’794 patent) to Apple.
`(5) Involvement of the non-party corporation in the litigation: Apple expects Hitachi
`to be involved in this litigation through at least making inventors of the asserted patents available
`for deposition. Maxell was able to offer Hitachi inventors to appear for deposition in its
`litigations against Huawei and ZTE (at least nine that Apple is aware of). Maxell’s initial
`disclosures also specify that inventors should be contacted through Maxell’s counsel. Ex. 2. The
`same is true of Satoshi Matsuo, who is listed as a witness with knowledge about “licensing of
`Maxell patents” and should be contacted through Maxell. Id. In total, the circmnstances show
`that Hitachi and Maxell have a sufficiently intimate relationship, including through their recent
`sharing of Satoshi Matsuo as an employee and their ability to request assistance at any time.
`Apple’s motion should be granted, and Maxell should produce all communications
`related to potential sale of asserted patents to Apple, and all licenses that its predecessor entities
`entered into that include rights to any asserted patent. Apple does not seek discovery sanctions
`through this motion under, e.g., FED. R. CIV. P. 37, but reserves the right to do so.


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`December 4, 2019
`/s/ Luann L. Simmons
`Luann L. Simmons (Pro Hac Vice)
`Two Embarcadero Center
`28th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Telephone: 415-984-8700
`Facsimile: 415-984-8701
`Xin-Yi Zhou (Pro Hac Vice)
`Anthony G. Beasley (TX #24093882)
`400 S. Hope Street
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`Telephone: 213-430-6000
`Facsimile: 213-430-6407
`Laura Bayne Gore (Pro Hac Vice)
`Times Square Tower, 7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036
`Telephone: 212-326-2000
`Facsimile: 212-326-2061
`Melissa R. Smith (TX #24001351)
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Marshall, Texas 75670
`Telephone: (903) 934-8450
`Facsimile: (903) 934-9257
`Attorneys for Defendant Apple Inc.


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`The undersigned hereby certifies that all counsel of record who are deemed to have
`consented to electronic service are being served with a copy of this document via the Court's
`CM/ECF system per Local Rule CV-5(a)(3) on December 4, 2019.
`/s/ Melissa R. Smith
`Melissa R. Smith
`Counsel have complied with the meet and confer requirement in Local Rule CV-7(h) and
`the instant motion is opposed. Counsel met and conferred by telephone, with local counsel and
`lead counsel in attendance, on two occasions regarding the relief requested in this motion: on
`October 4, 2019, and on November 4, 2019. The most recent meet and confer was attended by:
`(i) Luann Simmons, Vincent Zhou, Tony Beasely, and Melissa Smith for Apple; and (ii) Jamie
`Beaber, Kfir Levy, Tripp Fussell, Geoff Culbertson for Maxell. The parties could not agree
`whether Maxell has an obligation and/or the ability to produce the requested Hitachi discovery,
`and discussions on this issue have conclusively ended in an impasse, leaving an open issue for the
`court to resolve.
`/s/ Melissa R. Smith
`Melissa R. Smith

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