`Exhibit B
`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 149-3 Filed 12/02/19 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 6161
`From: Beasley, Tony <tbeasley@omm.com>
`Sent: Friday, August 16, 2019 8:12 PM
`To: Fussell, Tripp <JFussell@mayerbrown.com>
`Cc: Godfrey, Kristin <kgodfrey@omm.com>; Beaber, Jamie B. <JBeaber@mayerbrown.com>;
`Grimaldi, Alan M. <AGrimaldi@mayerbrown.com>; Gelsleichter, Alison T.
`<AGelsleichter@mayerbrown.com>; Bonner, Amanda Streff <ASBonner@mayerbrown.com>; Paul,
`Baldine B. <BPaul@mayerbrown.com>; Nese, Bryan <BNese@mayerbrown.com>;
`kbt@texarkanalaw.com; Levy, Kfir B. <KLevy@mayerbrown.com>; Pluta, Robert G.
`<RPluta@mayerbrown.com>; Siddiqui, Saqib <SSiddiqui@mayerbrown.com>; Barrow, William J.
`<WBarrow@mayerbrown.com>; gpc@texarkanalaw.com; #Maxell-Apple <maxellapple@omm.com>;
`melissa@gillamsmithlaw.com; Bobby Lamb <wrlamb@gillamsmithlaw.com>; FW-CLIENT-Maxell-
`Apple-Service <Maxell-Apple-Service@mayerbrown.com>; Miller, Tiffany A.
`Subject: Re: Maxell Ltd. v. Apple Inc. (Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS) - Source Code
`Hi Tripp,
`We do not agree with your characterization of the July 19 meet and confer. During that meet and confer,
`Maxell (1) committed to providing more information for why it contended it was proper to invoke PR 3-
`1(g) for the five identified claim limitations; (2) noted several times that it was treating its invocations of
`PR 3-1(g) as reservations of rights to cite source code as evidence of alleged infringement if its review so
`warranted; and (3) stated its position that Apple must produce all relevant source code irrespective of what
`was stated in Maxell’s infringement contentions. Apple agreed that if it identified any additional
`limitations as to which it believed Maxell had improperly invoked PR 3-1(g), we would let you
`know. Apple did not agree to summarize what source code it was or was not producing on “an element-
`by-element basis,” as your email seems to suggest, nor is Apple required to do so. Based on your
`representation that Maxell’s invocation of PR 3-1(g) was a reservation of rights, Apple has not identified
`any further limitations as to which it believes PR 3-1(g) was improperly invoked. As such, there was
`nothing further to report to Maxell.
`Your request also exceeds the scope of Apple’s discovery obligations under PR 3-4. Apple has produced
`documents and made available for inspection source code that is sufficient to show the operation of the
`aspects or elements of the accused products as identified in Maxell’s infringement contentions, and there is
`no “additional information” that Apple needs to—or is required to—provide under the court’s order, the
`local rules, or the parties’ discussion. We informed you weeks ago that we would be producing source
`code on August 14, and Apple has already cleared Maxell’s experts. Thus, we disagree with your position
`that Apple must provide additional information before Maxell can give notice of inspection.