Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 1 of 104 PageID #: 6020
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 1 of 104 PageID #: 6020


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 2 of 104 PageID #: 6021
`NO. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS
`The United States District Court for Eastern District of Texas presents its compliments to
`the appropriate Judicial Authority in Japan and has the honor to request your competent Court by
`directing its constable or bailiff to serve the enclosed documents pertaining to a civil dispute on
`Hitachi, Ltd. (“Hitachi”) to be used in the civil proceedings before this court in the above
`captioned matter.
`The undersigned, Honorable Robert W. Schroeder III, District Judge for the United States
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, requests the assistance described herein as
`necessary in the interests of justice. In particular, the undersigned requests that you cause, by
`your proper and usual process, the inspection by representatives of Defendant Apple Inc.
`(“Apple”), certain documents in the possession of Hitachi with its place of business at:


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 3 of 104 PageID #: 6022
`6-6, Marunouchi 1-chome
`Tokyo, 100-8280
`The evidence sought is outlined in Attachment A (attached hereto). Responses and
`evidence returned to this court may be submitted as evidence at trial and may be necessary
`for the conclusion of these proceedings. As allowed by the internal laws of Japan, please have
`all returned evidence verified and/or certified as to completeness and authenticity.
`If any portion of this Request is deemed to be unacceptable under the laws of Japan,
`please disregard that portion and continue to comply with as much of the Request as legally
`Complainant Maxell, Ltd. (“Maxell”) alleges that defendant Apple Inc. (“Apple”) has
`infringed ten of Maxell’s United States patents in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271.1 Hitachi was the
`original assignee of all ten patents or parent applications thereto (“the asserted patents”). Hitachi
`assigned the asserted patents in 2009 to Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd., which then
`assigned the asserted patents in 2013 to Hitachi Maxell, Ltd., when then later assigned the
`asserted patents to Maxell Ltd.
`While Hitachi still owned the asserted patents, it engaged in communications with Apple
`related to potential sale and/or license of certain patents. Hitachi also entered into license
`1 The patents alleged to be infringed by Apple include: U.S. Patent Nos. 6,748,317 (“the ’317
`Patent”); 6,580,999 (“the ’999 Patent”); 8,339,493 (“the ’493 Patent”); 7,116,438 (“the ’438
`Patent”); 6,408,193 (“the ’193 Patent”); 10,084,991 (“the ’991 Patent”); 6,928,306 (“the ’306
`Patent”); 6,329,794 (“the ’794 Patent”); 10,212,586 (“the ’586 Patent”); and 6,430,498 (“the
`’498 Patent”).


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 4 of 104 PageID #: 6023
`agreements with companies that supply components to Apple that are accused of infringing.
`Thus, it appears that Hitachi possesses information of relevance to this litigation, including
`documents related to the conception and reduction to practice of the asserted patents, marking,
`communications related to licensing and/or sale of the asserted patents, and licenses. Maxell has
`also represented that these documents are not within its possession, custody, or control. Apple
`therefore desires to obtain from Hitachi all documents in its possession, custody, or control
`related to the document requests enumerated in Attachment A.
`The documents to be produced are identified in Attachment A.
`In this matter, a Protective Order has been entered that governs the production of
`documents, testimony and any record of the testimony. A copy of this order is attached hereto as
`Attachment B. Because this action involves confidential and propriety business information, the
`Protective Order serves to protect such information from public disclosure. Accordingly, the
`United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas requests that any document
`obtained in response to this Letter of Request be treated in accordance with the provisions of the
`Protective Order to protect confidential and propriety information.
`For the protection of the privacy of information in this case in Japan, this court requests
`the Japanese Judge to issue a corresponding order to provide similar confidentiality protection in
`Japan of the testimony and any other documents, transcripts, etc. produced and/or recorded in
`response to this request.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 5 of 104 PageID #: 6024
`The United States District Court for Eastern District of Texas is willing and able to
`provide similar assistance to the judicial authorities of Japan, should a similar Request for
`International Assistance be received from those authorities.
`Should there be any costs associated with the service herein, it will be the responsibility
`of the attorneys for Apple to reimburse the appropriate Judicial Authority in Japan concerning
`the same. Costs in the amount of $750.00 U.S. are hereby authorized and authorization for
`greater expenses should be requested directly. Please direct any correspondence or
`communications concerning costs to:
`Luann Simmons
`O’Melveny and Myers LLP
`Two Embarcadero Center, 28th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Telephone: 415-984-8700
`Facsimile: 415-984-8701
`Date: ________________________
`The Honorable Robert W. Schroeder III
`500 North State Line Avenue
`Texarkana, TX 75501


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 6 of 104 PageID #: 6025
` テキサーカナ地区連邦地方裁判所
`マクセル株式会社 (MAXELL, LTD.)
`アップル (APPLE INC.)
`NO. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS
`(“Hitachi”) to be used in the civil proceedings before this court in the above captioned
`(Robert W. Schroeder III)より、公正において必要であると認め、ここに記載する支援を要請する。具


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 7 of 104 PageID #: 6026
`〒100-8280 日本国東京都千代田区丸の内一丁目6-6
`Tokyo, 100-8280
`II. 本訴訟に関する事実
`原告マクセル株式会社 (Maxell, Ltd.) (以下、「マクセル」)は、被告のアップル社(Apple Inc.)
`(以下、「アップル」)が、米連邦法典35条271項(35 U.S.C. § 271)に違反しマクセルの米国特許
`10件を侵害したことを主張している。(“Maxell”) alleges that defendant Apple Inc. (“Apple”) has
`infringed ten of Maxell’s United States patents in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271.1 日立は、10
`主張する特許を日立コンシューマエレクトロニクス株式会社(Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co.,
`317」); 6,580,999(「特許999」); 8,339,493(「特許493」); 7,116,438(「特許438」); 6,408,193(「特
`許193」); 10,084,991(「特許991」); 6,928,306(「特許306」); 6,329,794(「特許794」); 10,212,586


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 8 of 104 PageID #: 6027
`Ltd.)に譲渡し、その後日立コンシューマエレクトロニクス株式会社(Hitachi Consumer Electronics
`Co., Ltd.)は2013年に同特許を日立マクセル株式会社(Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.)に譲渡し、さらにその
`後、同特許をマクセル株式会社(Maxell Ltd.)に譲渡した。
`III. 証拠
`IV. 秘密保持命令


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 9 of 104 PageID #: 6028
`V. 相互主義
`VI. 費用の払い戻し
`ルアン・シモンズ (Luann Simmons)
`O’Melveny and Myers LLP
`Two Embarcadero Center, 28th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`日付: ________________________
`ロバート・W・シュローダー3世(Honorable Robert W. Schroeder III)
`500 North State Line Avenue
`Texarkana, TX 75501


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 10 of 104 PageID #: 6029
`Documents or Other Property to be Produced by Hitachi, Ltd.
`The following definitions and instructions shall apply to each of the Requests for
`Production herein:
`Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following words and phrases have the
`meanings given:
`“Hitachi,” “you,” and “your” mean Hitachi, Ltd. and all past or present, direct or
`indirect, predecessors, successors, predecessors, successors (including Hitachi Consumer
`Electronics Co., Ltd., Hitachi Maxell, Ltd., and Maxell, Ltd.) investors, subsidiaries, corporate
`parents, branches, departments, divisions, affiliates, any organization in which it has a managing
`or controlling interest, and any person acting on the behalf of any of the foregoing.
`The terms “relate to,” “related to,” or “relating to” mean in whole or in part
`constituting, containing, embodying, reflecting, describing, analyzing, identifying, mentioning,
`stating, referring directly or indirectly to, dealing with, or in any way pertaining to.
`The term “documents” is used herein in its broadest sense and includes, without
`limitation, any written, recorded or graphic matter, however produced, including but not limited
`to, videotapes, photographs, memoranda, correspondence, telegrams, other written
`communications, licenses, assignments, contracts, agreements, notes, transcripts, précis, outlines,
`instructions, checks, analyses, projections, charts, graphs, work papers, drawings, designs,
`diagrams, photographs, films, newspaper clippings, records, reports, studies, advertisements,
`press releases or any other writings of any kind including drafts and copies of the foregoing,
`which by reason of notes, identification marks or other modifications are not identical to the
`original. The term also includes any information which is stored or carried electronically (by


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 11 of 104 PageID #: 6030
`means of computer equipment or otherwise) and which can be retrieved in visual, printed, audio,
`and/or graphic form.
`The term “communication” means any transmission of information in any
`context or situation by or between two or more persons by any means or medium whatsoever,
`whether in the form of an original, a draft, or a copy, whether stored in hard copy, electronically
`or digitally, or on tape, either orally or in writing, including without limitation but not limited to
`conversations, correspondence, electronic mails, telexes, facsimile transmissions, telecopies,
`recordings in any medium of oral, written, or typed communication, telephone or message logs,
`notes or memoranda relating to written or oral communications, and any translation thereof.
`The term “Maxell Asserted Patents” means U.S. Patent Nos. 6,748,317 (“the
`’317 Patent”); 6,580,999 (“the ’999 Patent”); 8,339,493 (“the ’493 Patent”); 7,116,438 (“the ’438
`Patent”); 6,408,193 (“the ’193 Patent”); 10,084,991 (“the ’991 Patent”); 6,928,306 (“the ’306
`Patent”); 6,329,794 (“the ’794 Patent”); 10,212,586 (“the ’586 Patent”); and 6,430,498 (“the
`’498 Patent”).
`The following document requests shall apply to all documents in your possession,
`custody, or control at the present time, or coming into your possession, custody or control prior
`to the date of the production. If you know of the existence, past or present, of any documents or
`things requested below, but are unable to produce such documents or things because they are not
`presently in your possession, custody, or control, you shall so state and shall identify such
`documents or things along with the person who has possession, custody or control of the


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 12 of 104 PageID #: 6031
`documents or things.
`If no documents are responsive to a particular request, you are to state in your
`response that no responsive documents exist.
`These requests seek all responsive documents in their original language, and, if
`such original language is not English, these requests also seek all English-language translations
`that may exist for any such documents.
`All documents shall be produced in the order that they are kept in the usual course
`of business, as required by Rule 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. For example, a
`document that is part of a file, docket, or other grouping should be physically produced together
`with all other documents from said file, docket, or grouping responsive to said request, in the
`same order or manner of arrangement as the original. Additionally, a document should be
`produced stapled, clipped, or otherwise bound or connected in the same manner as the original.
`In the event that multiple copies of a document exist, produce every copy on
`which appear any notations or markings of any sort not appearing on any other copy.
`In the event that you object to any request on the ground that it is overbroad
`and/or unduly burdensome for any reason, respond to that request as narrowed to the least extent
`necessary, in your judgment, to render it not overbroad/unduly burdensome and state specifically
`the extent to which you have narrowed that request for purposes of your response and the factual
`basis for your conclusion.
`In the event that you object to any request on the ground that it is vague and/or
`ambiguous, identify the particular words, terms or phrases that are asserted to make such request
`vague and/or ambiguous and specify the meaning actually attributed to you by such words for
`purposes of your response thereto.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 13 of 104 PageID #: 6032
`These requests shall be deemed continuing so as to require further and
`supplemental production in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`All documents and communications relating to any efforts by Hitachi to license or sell
`any of the Maxell Asserted Patents to Apple, including but not limited to correspondence,
`presentations, patent lists, or draft agreements.
`All documents and communications related to a meeting between Apple and Hitachi that
`took place in June 2013 and concerned potential licensing and/or sale of Hitachi patents.
`All documents, including agreements or drafts thereof, related to Apple’s potential
`purchase of the ’794 Patent.
`All documents, including agreements or drafts thereof, related to Apple and Hitachi’s
`negotiations concerning Hitachi’s “wearable” patent portfolio and Apple’s eventual purchase of
`patents from within this portfolio (including U.S. Patent Nos. 6,571,193 and 6,941,239).
`All documents relating to the conception, reduction to practice, diligence in reduction to
`practice and/or development of the subject matter of the Maxell Asserted Patents, or applications
`to which any of the Maxell Asserted Patents claims priority, including, but not limited to,


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 14 of 104 PageID #: 6033
`documents sufficient to identify the persons involved and to show the dates thereof.
`Any licenses between Hitachi and any third party that include rights to any of the Maxell
`Asserted Patents, including but not limited to portfolio cross-licenses.
`All documents relating to compliance with 35 U.S.C. § 287 (including its patent marking
`requirement) by Hitachi, any successive assignee, or anyone licensed under or otherwise
`authorized to practice the Maxell Asserted Patents, with respect to any apparatus, product,
`device, process, method, act, or other instrumentality that practices the claimed inventions of the
`Asserted Patents.
`All documents concerning your ownership of Maxell, Ltd. or any portion thereof,
`including documents indicating how your ownership share has changed over time.
`All documents and communications indicating any obligation of Hitachi to assist, provide
`documents to, or otherwise cooperate with any of its successors-in-interest with respect to the
`Maxell Asserted Patents, including Maxell, Ltd.
`All documents and communications, including employment contracts (whether formal or
`informal), describing the scope of Satoshi Matsuo’s duties as they pertain to Maxell, Ltd. and
`any assignment of Satoshi Matsuo to Maxell, Ltd.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 15 of 104 PageID #: 6034
`3. 本書で使われている用語「文書」は、本書では最も広い意味で使用され、制限は無


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 16 of 104 PageID #: 6035
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 16 of 104 PageID #: 6035
`(MaiEénEu'EEli 36!; ¥EE~ EHF'mIL EF'E Etlat’j'fiw‘wwfiéit'fifixfi'fiééEUJE’E‘Ené
`(flyt°1—5-#EEEE'E{EE) o
`4. 用語「コミュニケーション」は、その形態が原本、下書き、転写物であるかを問わず、ま
`FF]Eirilisz’I-DEI‘JJ(at~ f0) 3Eb1E$~ “FEE EEEW'GbZéb‘EFEbfi E
`m“: EEi—Jk 54/907“ FAX~ fl/ZIE—~ EE EE Eralwfl’ljnénfcjslfly—Da
`ywasawwameE EE fiat—91:17" EE ii EEICMMNEEEICMZIEJ:
`5. 用語「マクセルが主張する特許」は、米国特許番号6,748,317(「特許317」);
`6,580,999(「特許999」); 8,339,493(「特許493」); 7,116,438(「特許438」); 6,408,193(「特許
`6,580,9990EE999J); 8,339,493(F€|EE493J); 7,116,438(FEE438J); 6,408,193(F€FEE‘F
`193」); 10,084,991(「特許991」); 6,928,306(「特許306」); 6,329,794(「特許794」); 10,212,586
`193J); 10,084,991 (MEE991J); 6,928,3060EE306J); 6,329,794(FEE794J); 10,212,586
`1. 次の文書要求は、現在日立が所有または管理統制しているすべての文書、または制
`JMDSCEESRIEL IRE El fib‘FfiEEElatEiEfiEJ b'ClAEu EN'CUJXE‘ Efdgtfiéll
`Eén'CMuSCEbéuwatmEUx J‘EEWéWEEK(356%:FER'E’EEEEElfCl.\7i.t7'fiBw’E,~ EEEUJ
`W”)? E Hwfififi'filimLENDICEUJEBEXEEWEEEEEEbiz-Elatfwblzillvk 137L572
`EbW-‘FE b7: L\Ctfifi’<§ Libiifibfiu o


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 17 of 104 PageID #: 6036
`Case 5:19-cv-00036—RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 17 of 104 PageID #: 6036
`EEb‘EEE‘GENfi-fi. CflBUJXEEER'CIi. meEICT-‘Wijiuj'N'CUJfiE-‘Ewfi‘fliflbfifimfifl
`fiwifiififi'fiifiéflfhgufiiéfiEflU'Niitwtjfiuo WJila‘l'. 774M Eflfiifi. iTCIEfiUJ
`1111.0)U'Jla-7’Xgli. J:E®E$Rll§¥<%?§i§fl®77flk Eflfiifi. iEIJXEU'Jb-jllfij'ga
`f011fl®¢flf®§c§t$§la JEZIEtEJ UJILEfi'deiEEEIJfiffi'fiflflififlflllfitflU'NEEUth'Euo 3
`Bl:\ KERR JEZEtEJ U755£'C"7k¥=\=7\ENL ’J'J‘DEIS’)~ itlifwflflwjiifi'fifih. itmflfi
`6. 何らかの理由で過度に広範囲および/または不当に負担がかかるという理由で文書
`EXEEEfiEEiEfiS—fi. El 17.045” W? fwgik’éfigfilhflfii'fifiémgufié'C"%0)E$Rl:fit—\%
`l;~ fwgifiififillmfilfil/Zzéilzfii‘fl’éb‘lfiJhJflCM El fiwfififizthfi E EG'C"?®E$RE
`7. 要求が漠然としている、および/または曖昧であるという理由でいずれかの文書要求に
`Eiifiifififit lfClAEx BJZU/iitliflfifli'fibfiuthiifiEE'GL\Tflb\0)SC%§$RIC
`El fib‘iifififléi§i§€~ fwiifigi’éififiétbt. BAZU/itliflfiflifiitwllb'fl‘gu$3?
`fiE—Eifli? b-X'Efiib. %®E*l2%?§fifi%llbhfi fmiifié’éb‘iflfillfifli?§itfi
`CnBUJXEEERICIi. E¥BE$§fiEfiififilfllttdi EBfiifiab‘OHEEflfiiEflj


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 18 of 104 PageID #: 6037
`提出要求 NO.1:
`提出要求 NO.2:
`提出要求 NO.3:
`提出要求 NO.4:
`提出要求 NO.5:


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 19 of 104 PageID #: 6038
`提出要求 NO.6:
`提出要求 NO.7:
`提出要求 NO.8:
`日立が持つマクセル株式会社(Maxell, Ltd.)またはその一部の所有権が、年月とともにどのよ
`提出要求 NO.9:
`提出要求 NO.10:


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 45 Filed 07/02/19 Page 1 of 37 PageID #: 530Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 20 of 104 PageID #: 6039
` Civil Action No. 5:19-cv-00036-RWS
`Plaintiff Maxell, Ltd. (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant Apple Inc. (“Defendant”)
`anticipate that documents, testimony, or information containing or reflecting confidential,
`proprietary, trade secret, and/or commercially sensitive information are likely to be disclosed
`or produced during the course of discovery, initial disclosures, and supplemental disclosures
`in this case and request that the Court enter this Order setting forth the conditions for treating,
`obtaining, and using such information.
`Pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Court finds
`good cause for the following Agreed Protective Order Regarding the Disclosure and Use of
`Discovery Materials (“Order” or “Protective Order”).
`Protected Material designated under the terms of this Protective Order shall
`be used by a Receiving Party solely for this case or any related appellate proceeding, and shall not
`be used directly or indirectly for any other purpose whatsoever.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 45 Filed 07/02/19 Page 2 of 37 PageID #: 531Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 21 of 104 PageID #: 6040
`The Parties acknowledge that this Order does not confer blanket protections
`on all disclosures during discovery, or in the course of making initial or supplemental disclosures
`under Rule 26(a). Designations under this Order shall be made with care and shall not be made
`absent a good faith belief that the designated material satisfies the criteria set forth below. If it
`comes to a Producing Party’s attention that designated material does not qualify for protection at
`all, or does not qualify for the level of protection initially asserted, the Producing Party must
`promptly notify all other Parties that it is withdrawing or changing the designation.
`“Discovery Material” means all items or information, including from any
`non-party, regardless of the medium or manner generated, stored, or maintained (including, among
`other things, testimony, transcripts, or tangible things) that are produced, disclosed, or generated
`in connection with discovery or Rule 26(a) disclosures in this case.
`“Outside Counsel” means (i) outside counsel who appear on the pleadings
`as counsel for a Party and (ii) partners, associates, and staff of such counsel to whom it is
`reasonably necessary to disclose the information for this litigation.
`For the purpose of this Protective Order only, “Patents-in-suit” means U.S.
`Patent Nos. 6,748,317 (“the ’317 patent”); 6,580,999 (“the ’999 patent”); 8,339,493 (“the ’493
`patent”); 7,116,438 (“the ’438 patent”); 6,408,193 (“the ’193 patent”); 10,084,991 (“the ’991
`patent”); 6,928,306 (“the ’306 patent”); 6,329,794 (“the ’794 patent”); 10,212,586 (“the ’586
`patent”); and 6,430,498 (“the ’498 patent”), and any other patent asserted in this action, as well as
`any related patents, patent applications, provisional patent applications, continuations, and/or


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 45 Filed 07/02/19 Page 3 of 37 PageID #: 532Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 22 of 104 PageID #: 6041
` “Party” means any party to this case, including all of its officers, directors,
`employees, consultants, retained experts, and outside counsel and their support staffs.
`“Producing Party” means any Party or non-party that discloses or produces
`any Discovery Material in this case.
`“Receiving Party” means any Party who receives Discovery Material from
`a Producing Party.
`“Protected Material” means any Discovery Material that is designated as
`- OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY - SOURCE CODE,” as provided for in this Order.
`Protected Material shall not include: (i) advertising materials that have been actually published or
`publicly disseminated; and (ii) materials that show on their face they have been disseminated to
`the public.
`“Source Code” means computer code, scripts, assembly, binaries, object
`code, source code listings and descriptions of source code, object code listings and descriptions of
`object code, Hardware Description Language (HDL) or Register Transfer Level (RTL) files that
`describe the hardware design of any ASIC or other chip, and Computer Aided Design (CAD) files
`that describe the hardware design of any component.
`The computation of any period of time prescribed or allowed by this Order shall
`be governed by the provisions for computing time set forth in Federal Rules of Civil
`Procedure 6.


`Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 45 Filed 07/02/19 Page 4 of 37 PageID #: 533Case 5:19-cv-00036-RWS Document 146-1 Filed 11/27/19 Page 23 of 104 PageID #: 6042
`The protections conferred by this Order cover not only Discovery Material
`governed by this Order as addressed herein, but also any information copied or extracted
`therefrom, as well as all copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations thereof, plus testimony,
`conversations, or presentations by Parties or their counsel in court or in other settings that might
`reveal Protected Material.
`Nothing in this Protective Order shall prevent or restrict a Producing Party’s
`own disclosure or use of its own Protected Material for any purpose.
`Notwithstanding the provisions of this Order, any Producing Party may
`provide written consent permitting any Receiving Party to use the Producing Party’s Protected
`Material in court or in any court filing.
`This Order is without prejudice to the right of any Party to seek further or
`additional protection of any Discovery Material or to modify this Order in any way, including,
`without limitation, an order that certain matter not be produced at all.
`Even after the termination of this case, the confidentiality obligations imposed by
`this Order shall remain in effect until a Producing Party agrees otherwise in writing or a court order
`otherwise directs.

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