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`Qualcomm Technologies, Inc
`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity IC Design
`September 2016
`© 2015-2016 Qualcomm Technologies. Inc. All rights reserved.
`Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies. Inc. Other Qualcomm products referenced herein are products of Qualcomm
`Technologies. Inc. or its other subsidiaries.
`Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. Other product
`and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
`This technical data may be subject to US. and international export. re-export. or transfer ("export") laws. Diversion contrary to us. and
`international law is strictly prohibited.
`Use of this document is subject to the license set forth in Exhibit 1.
`Questions or comments:
`Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
`5775 Morehouse Drive
`San Diego. CA 92121
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 292-2 Filed 08/28/18 Page 3 of 40 PageID #: 18871
`Revision history
`Initial release
`— September2016
`Update to'E' part
`August 7, 2015
`LMBO-P0436-25 Rev B


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`. .. 6
`1 introduction”
`1.1 Purpose
`1..2Acronyms abbrevrations and terms... ------6
`2 Wireless Connectivity System Overview ......
`......... ........ . ............... .. ......
`........ .. ..... 8
`21 WLAN + Bluetooth + FM radio system introduction ................................................................................... 8
`22 Summary of WCN3620 features"
`23 Wireless connectivity system detailedblock diagram .......... ,. .............. ,...............,............... ,............... ....10
`24 Wireless connectivity specific reference documents...
`3 WCN3620 Wireless Local Area Network ...................
`...... 12
`3.1 External coupler and discrete power detector ............................................................................................... 12
`32 TX power control options (CLPC and SCPC).....
`3.3 SCPC ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
`34WLAN analog baseband interface — schematic13
`35 WLAN digital baseband 14
`3.6WLAN modem and ARM processor ...................................................... 15
`37 WLAN digital interface and controller.
`3 8 WLAN operating modes.....................,.......,
`................. 17
`3 81 Physical layer parameters
`3. 8. 2 MAC parameters
`............. .. .........17
`38. 3 Transceiver-related functions and parameters17
`4 WCN3620 Bluetooth ...........................18
`4.1 Bluetooth high-level comments18
`4.2 Bluetooth RF transceivers ...................................................................... 18
`..... 19
`4.3 Bluetooth digital data interface with the digital baseband lC....
`4.4 Bluetooth operating modes and coexistence ...........................
`4.5 BR__EDR and LE controllers — parallel implementations
`4.6 NVM parameters and ROMpatches
`47 Sleep controller ........................................
`4.8 Low-power page scan .............................................................................................................................. 21
`5WCN3620 FM Radio .....................
`...... .................
`...... .........................................
`...... ........ 22
`5.1 FM radio highlevel comments ................................................................................................................. 22
`52 FM RF transceivers
`53 FM RF details — layout gurdelrnes 23
`54 FM radio digital interface with thedigital baseband IC.........................................................................23
`5.5 FM radio operating modes...
`5.6 FM radio digital baseband ....................................................................................................................... 24
`6 WCN3620 Shared Support Functions ................................................................................. 26
`6.1 WCN shared top—level support -— high-level comments ............................................................................ 26
`6.2 WCN shared top-level support — l/O circuits ........................................................................................... 26
`6.3 Configuring the WCN3620 ..................................................................................................................... 27
`6.4 WCN shared top-level support - clocks28
`LM80-P0436—25 Rev 8


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`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`6.5 DC power and WLAN_BT_FM powardomains
`6.6 Power-sequencing and power-saving techniques ...............
`6.6.2 Powersequencing
`7 Digital Baseband lC Wireless Connectivity Support31
`7.1 Digital BB IC wireless connectivity architecture and topic overview............-..-............-..-...............-.,.......31
`7.2 Digital baseband lC wireless connectivity subsystem......................... .................................................. 32
`7.3 WCSS internal bus interfaces .........................................
`7.3.1 WLAN AHB interconnect
`7.3.2 System fabric interface ....... , ............... . ............... .. .............. , ............... . ............... . ............... ....34
`7.4 Data AHB bus (D-AHB)35
`7.5 Control AHB bus (C-AHB)35
`7.6 WCSS clocks ........................................................................................................................................... 36
`7.7 Audio support for wireless connectivity - overview ................................................................................... 37
`7.7.1 General Tx signal flow ............................................................................................................ 37
`7.7.2 General Rx signal flow ............................................................................................................ 38
`7.8 Audio support forWLAN. Bluetooth, and FM radio .................................................................................. 38
`EXHIB|T1 ......................................................................................................................................... 39
`Figure 2-1 WLAN + Bluetooth + FM radio system introduction ...................................................................................... 8
`Figure 2-2 Three major subsystems...
`Figure 3-1 External coupler and discretepowerdetector... n12
`Figure 3-2 CLPC and SCPC.. 12
`Figure 3-3 WLAN analog basebandinterface schematic
`Figure 3-4 WLAN digital baseband“ 14
`Figure 3-5 WIAN digital interface andcontroller.......................................................................................................... 16
`Figure 3-6 WLAN command bus interiace timing........16
`Figure 4-1 Radio modern and controller .......................................................................................................................... 18
`Figure 4-2 Bluetooth RF transceivers ..................... 19
`Figure 4-3 Bluetooth digital data interface with the digital baseband lC ................................... . ............... . ................... 19
`Figure 4-4 Parallel implementation of LE controller with BR/EDR controllers
`Figure 5-1 Radio modem and controller ......................................................................
`Figure 5-2 PM RF transceivers...................................................................................
`Figure 5-3 FM RF details layout guidelines ........................................................................
`Figure 5-4 FM radio digital interface with the digital baseband lC ................................................................................ 24
`Figure 5-5 FM radio digital baseband ........................................................................................................................... 25
`Figure 6-1 WCN3620 ................... . ........... . ................................................................................................................... 26
`Figure 6-2 WCN IIO circuits ......................................................................................................................................... 27
`Figure 6-3 WCN clocks ................................................................................................................................................ 28
`Figure 6-4 DC power and WLAN_BT_FM power domains ........................................................................................... 29
`Figure 7-1 Digital BB 10 wireless connectivity architecture32
`Figure 7-2 Digital baseband IC wireless connectivity subsystem .....
`. 32
`Figure 7-3 WCSS internal bus interfaces...........................
`................................ 33
`Figure 7-4 Data AHBbus ..... 35
`Figure 7-5 Control AHB bus ..... , ............................... , ............... , ............... ,. .............. , ............... , ............... , ............... ....36
`Figure 7-6 WCSS clocks .............................................................................................................................................. 37
`Figure 7-7 Signal flow37
`”018043043625 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wreless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines Contents
`Table 1-1 Acronyms, abbreviations, and termsG
`Table 2-1 Summary of WCN3620 features .................................................................................................................... 9
`Table 3-1 WLAN operating modes ............................................................................................................................... 17
`Table 4-1 Bluetooth operating modes and coexistence ............................................................................................... 20
`Table 5—1 FM radio operatIng modes ........................................................................................................................... 24
`LM80-P0436-25 Rev B


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`1 Introduction
`1.1 Purpose
`This document provides (-111 over-tic“: ot‘ the WCNV'SEO wireless connectivity IC design; its
`capabilities, components. and int-\zcri'iiccs.
`1.2 Acronyms, abbreviations, and terms
`Table l-l provides definitions for the acronyms abbrcx iations, and terms used in this document.
`Table 1-1 Acronyms, abbreviations, and terms
`Asynchronous Connection—Less
`Analog-to-Digitai Converter
`Advanced l---iigh-Performance Bus
`Application Programming Interface
`Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery
`Advanced Risk Machine-s
`Advanced eXtensible Interface
`Bandpass Filter
`Basic Rate
`Closed-loop power control
`Compiementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
` COM Communication
`Digital-to-Analog Converter
`Double Data Rate
`Direct Memory Access
`Early Burst termination
`Enhanced Data Rate
`Frequency Modulation
`Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
`House Keeping Analog to Digital Converter
`integrated Circuit
`NBS-53043625 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wreless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`Low Power Page Scan
`M Multimode System Selection
`PA 7777777777
`Power Amplifier
`Radio Frequency
`_ S
`Self-calibrating power control
`System Power Manager
`SynchronousSystem Bus Interference
`top-level mode multiplexer
`Unscheduled automatic power-save delivery
`Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
`Wireless ConnectiVity Sub System
`Wide Local Area Network
`Wafer Level Nana Scale Package
`LM80-PO436—25 Rev B


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`2 Wireless Connectivity System Overview
`2.1 WLAN + Bluetooth + FM radio system introduction
`S'mple interfaces between the WCN
`and digimllc
`(19.2 MHz)
`FM rad-o
`g M BT 2-wrre
`BTradio I _. I
`BT 883'
`_ a _— -
`Digital baseband IC
`_ or
`g 5
`§ 5
`§ §
`3 a.
`_ ‘-
`BT interface
`FM Rx/Tx

`A d'
`u IO
`Other subsystems
`discrete l/Os
`Digital IC routing paths are simplified here
`Figure 2-1 WLAN + Bluetooth + FM radio system introduction
`I WLAN supports 2.4 GHz
`I Bluetooth (BT) shares the WLAN 2.4 GHz front-end
`I FM Rx-only uses headset wiring as an antenna
`I All RF transceiver circuits are integrated into the WCN3 620
`In addition to digital processing for WLAN/BT/FM, the digital 1C provides:
`Interfaces with the WCN (analog baseband and various serial digital interfaces)
`I Buses for routing between digital IC subsystems and external ports
`I Microprocessor subsystem for processing power (ARMe Cortex in the example shown)
`I Low power audio subsystem and audio interfaces with the audio codec IC
`I Multimedia subsystem or camera video, and graphics support
`I Other subsystems for peripheral connectivity, memory, etc.
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wre/ess Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`l/We/ess Connectivity System Overview
`2.2 Summary of WCN3620 features
`Table 2-1 Summary of WCN3620 features
`WCN3620 capability
`Highly integrated
`Eliminates external PA. LNA matching, and antenna Tx/Rx switching
`Integrated WLAN, BT, and FM radio RF functionality
`Lower parts count and less PCB area overall
`Concurrent reception in the 2.4 GHz band
`Automated calibration
`No external equipment required
`Top-level support circuits
`External source: 19.2 MHz
`Clock buffering. gating, and distribution to all other blocks
`Digital IC interfaces
`Manages all WLAN. Bluetooth. and FM interfaces
`DC power
`Gates and distributes power to all other blocks
`WLAN RF (with baseband [0 digital processing)
`Single-band support
`24 GHz RF transceiver
`Concurrent WLAN + BT reception in 2.4 GHz band
`4-line analog baseband interface with Rx/Tx multiplexing
`Simple host interfaces
`IEEE 802.11 compliance
`b/g/n with companion digital IC
`Integrated PAs and LNAs
`High dynamic Tx power & excellent Rx sensitivity for extended range
`Wake-on—WLAN (WoWLAN) support
`MCS 0, 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; up to 72 Mbps data rate
`Space-time block coding (STBC) support
`A—MPDU reception/retransmission and A-MSDU reception
`Support for A—MPDU aggregation
`Support for short guard interval
`Infrastructure and ad-hoc operating modes
`SMS4 hardware encryption (for WAPI support)
`AP-mode hardware support
`Wi-Fi direct
`Other solution-level features
`Bluetooth radio
`Bluetooth specnfication compliance
`Highly integrated
`BT 4.0 HS low energy
`4.0 compliant; 1.x, 2.x + EDR, and 3.0 backward compatible
`Baseband modem and 2.4 GHz transceiver; improved Rx sensitivity
`Simple host interfaces
`2—line digital data interface supports Rx and TX
`SSBI for status and control
`Supported modulation
`GFSK, 1d4-DQPSK. and 8-DPSK (in both directions)
`Up to 7 total wireless connections
`Up to 3.5 piconets (master. slave, and page scanning)
`One 800 or eSCO connection
`Support for BT + WLAN coexistence. including concurrent receive
`Support for all BR, EDR. and BLE packet types
`Digital processing
`LM80-PO436—25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity /C Design Guidelines
`Wireless Connectivity System Overview
`RF Tx power levels
`FM radio
`Class 1 & 2 power-level transmissions without external PA
`WCN3620 capability
`Worldwide FM band support
`76 to 108 MHz. with 50 kHz channel spacing
`Highly integrated
`Baseband processing and RF transceiver
`Data system support
`Radio data system for Europe (RDS)
`Radio broadcast data system for USA (RBDS)
`Simple hOSt interfaces
`Single-line digital data interface
`SSBI for status and control
`RX support
`External wired-headset antenna
`Rx operation simultaneously with a phone connection
`Highly automated
`Search and seek; gain control; frequency control; noise cancellation;
`soft mute; high-cut control; mono/stereo blend; adjustment-free
`stereo decoder; programmable de-emphasls
`Fabrication technology and package
`Single die
`65 nm CMOS
`Small. thermal efficient pkg
`61 WLNSP: 3.32 x 3.55 x 0.63 mm; 0.40 mm pitch
`2.3 Wireless connectivity system detailed block diagram
`The three major subsystems — WLAN, Bluetooth, and FM radio — are split between the two ICs
`E g
`a a -
`Shared E E |_ em»
`I'd" i
`. wadrature
`downeonvm .
`g .5
`WLAN 2,46
`s 3
`i mm :
`“V" {ii—i
`53;?ch ,,,
`i 2 4
`“' ” 5'”
`.an lfig Ill —l-i— 5; g
`WLAN 2‘46
`Iii \
`8 III ——I-l 2 E mm»
`—Q quadramre
`w Ill _-l-l— 5-
`upcanvert E 4
`III g—l-IE_ E ‘
`max FE
`w NTX

`wuri as up
`m as .-. i-_ “'5‘ I
`fl:— 5"
`—| g
`wum L0
`Multiplexing —l =—i-i:i Mux
`..: sap-i l-i mu Esp-L
`synthesizers. —|
`Wireless connectiVity subsystem
`within the digital baseband IC
`15ml" "1!!
`I If
`I" 6 ac.
`Digital baseband IC W085 with ARMS —
`dedicated digital processing for WCN radios
`:rr_r\su ..
`., ELF-1.;
`—" "
`m ‘ I-u‘
`baseband = l'nk

`FM radio
`, W D
`tiara“: Gfid
`arm or :u rm
`Figure 2-2 Three major subsystems
`LM80-P0436-25 Rev B


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`2.4 Wireless connectivity specific reference documents
`- LM80-P0436w25
`'WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines (this document)
`I LMSO-PO436-26 WCN3620 Layout Guidelines
`- LM8‘0-P0436-27 WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity Reference Schematic
`u LMS’O-P’O436-28 WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity Design Example with 2G FEM +
`External Coupler
`I LMSO-PO436-32
`‘WCN362'0 Wireless Connectivity [C Device Revision Guide
`- LMSO-P0436-3'3 WCN3620 Wireless Connectivitle Device Specification (Advance
`more: This list may contain documents that have not yet been released. The document numbers and
`titles are subject to change.
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`3 WCN3620 Wireless Local Area Network
`3.1 External coupler and discrete power detector
`to/from out
`5-1 “H
`I pF
`18 PF
`to/from WCN 2.4 GHz port
`10 pF
`Figure 3-1 External coupler and discrete power detector
`3.2 Tx power control options (CLPC and SCPC)
`External coupler
`No coupler
` BB_G§n
`Figure 3-2 CLPC and SCPC
`l The Tx power detection mechanism monitors the output power level on a frame-by-frame
`basis, ensuring emissions and EVM requirements are met.
`I There are two choices for TX power control and each requires bench characterization:
`Cl Closed-loop power control (CLPC)
`— Requires additional external coupler -|- power detect circuit BoM.
`El Self-calibrating power control (SCPC)
`— No external circuit required.
`— Less dependent on external loading. Has no packet-to-packet variation.
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 MielesEEogpnectivity IC Design Guidelines
`WCN3620 Wre/ess Local Area Network
`3.3 SCPC
`SCPC is an automatic initialization method that includes an on-chip gain adjustment routine to
`reduce Tx output power variation.
`SCPC uses existing digital pre-distortion (DPD) calibration information, which is run at cold
`I Saturated PA (PSAT) power has very little (<1 dB) variation from part to part.
`I PSAT used as a reference to determine target power.
`I Runs in an open loop after part output power is determined.
`I Uses information already obtained during DPD calibration, which uses Tx/Rx loopback.
`I Adjusts output power gain settings on a packet-by-packet basis.
`I SCPC loopback path does not include external power detector circuitry or the internal power
`I Open loop power control does not react to external loading or mismatch.
`I Open loop power control shows more consistent packet-to-packct power control.
`3.4 WLAN analog baseband interface — schematic
`I Multiplexing within WCN3620 and digital baseband le allows the same two differential
`pairs (I and Q) to be used in both directions —Tx and Rx.
`I The bandwidth is 20 MHz.
`I Very sensitive I and Q baseband signals have tight linearity requirements with limited Rx
`drive capability.
`I Reute as phase-critical differential pairs —equal lengths.
`I Keep signals three-line widths or greater away from each other.
`I Resistance and capacitance on each pair should be equal; total capacitance should be less than
`10 pF. Routing impedance is not critical, but 60 to 70 (2 is recommended to minimize
`capacitive loading.
`I Crosstalk should be less than 60 dB at 50 MHz (goal).
`Isolate from digital logic and clocks with ground all around; treat similar to a controlled-
`impedance stripline. Route on inner layers and transition to outer layers at ICs as quickly as
`possible to minimize capacitance,
`WED-P043625 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`WCN3620 Wireless Local Area Network
`WL_BB_|P 54
`WL_BB_|N”59 '
`Multiplexmg WL_BB_QP 53
`differential pair
`| LPF
`differential pair
`Figure 3-3 WLAN analog baseband interface schematic
`3.5 WLAN digital baseband
`IO compensation
`to compensation
`Coding& Modulation
`& memory
`baseband IC
`Figure 3-4 WLAN digital baseband
`I The WLAN ADC and DAC circuits are integrated into the digital baseband IC.
`I The analog baseband interface multiplexes Tx and RV signals to/from the WCN.
`I WLAN uses several digital baseband blocks in addition to the wireless connectivity
`subsystem (WC SS).
`D Examples: The APQ8016E peripheral subsystem, multimedia subsystem, ARM®Cortex
`microprocessor subsystem, memory support, and low-power audio subsystem
`CI See the appropriate chipset design guidelines for other block details and off-chip 1/05
`I This section focuses on the WLAN portion of the WCSS.
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wreless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`WCN3620 Wre/ess Local Area Network
`I WLAN baseband circuits perform TCP/lP processing and transfer 802.3 frames bem'een
`other digital baseband subsystems.
`I The WLAN digital baseband block converts 802.3 frames into 802.11 frames, performs
`modulation, and sends analog waveforms to the WCN RF transceiver block for processing
`and transmission.
`I The process is reversed for areceived 802.] 1 frame.
`3.6 WLAN modem and ARM processor
`ARM926EJ-S —» 240 MHz; 32 kB I-cache, 32 kB D-cache.
`Memory configuration —> 40 kB memory for WLAN internal data structures and BT/FM data; 64
`kB ROM is connected directly to the ARM9 rI-TCM port.
`An upper media access controller (MAC) is driven by software and runs on the embedded ARM.
`The Iowa MAC functions are fully implemented by dedicated circuits (hardware).
`Rx mode
`I ADCs digitize the analog baseband data from the WCN device.
`I Rx flout—end hardware performs filtering and decirnation, I/Q compensation, and derotation
`I The digital signal is demodulated and decoded by a dedicated hardware block.
`I The Rx MAC forwards data to the ARM for upper-layer MAC processing and transfers to the
`other digital baseband subsystems like multimedia, peripherals, etc.
`Tx mode
`I The Tx MAC accepts data from the other digital basebarrd subsystems via the ARM.
`I The digital data is encoded and modulated by a dedicated hardware block.
`I TX frontend hardware performs filtering and interpolation, IIQ compensation, and
`I DACs convert the digital signals to the analog domain and route them tothe WCN device.
`The internal memory is partitioned into packet memory and data memory.
`I Packet —stores both the Rx and Tx frames for the hardware to process.
`I Data —eontains the data structures with Tar/Rx parameters needed by the hardware modules.
`3.7 WLAN digital interface and controller
`Fn c-line proprietary digital interface
`I Register read/Write and Rx/Tx gain control command with special functions
`I Supports 60 MHz for WLAN commands from WCSS to the WCN
`I WCN3620 IC master clock selection and enable/disable function
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wireless Local Area Network
`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity /C Design Guidelines
`WLAN command
`bus interface
`PDADC read data,
`VSWR overload
`Tx gain, Tx enable.
`PDADC command
`Rx gain. VCO
`controls, Rx enable
`RF saturation, RF
`energy detection
`via AHB
`Figure 3-5 WLAN digital interface and controller
`Supported functions
`RF mode selection for Tx/Rx
`Tx gain command§ Rx gain command
`Rx antenna shunting§ Auto oscillator calibration
`RF register write
`RF register read
`HKADC control/read command
`RF saturation detection
`RF energy detection
`VSWR overload detection
`WLAN Command Bus Interface timing
`o O O
`° ° °
`Figure 3-6 WLAN command bus interface timing
`3.8 WLAN operating modes
`The application programming interface (API) is used to program WLAN functions.
`The WCN3620 primary operating mode is determined by software. For each valid mode, the
`appropriate analog, RF, L0, and digital baseband circuits are powered on and unnecessary
`circuits are tumed off.
`LM80-PO436-25 Rev B


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`WCN3620 Wireless Connectivity IC Design Guidelines
`WCN3620 Wireless Local Area Network
`Table 3-1 WLAN operating modes
`WLAN is configured but not used; WLAN can be enabled quickly from
`this state. Power supplies are on. but clocks and related circuits are off.
`WLAN switches between active and sleep modes for predetermined
`intervals. When active, beacon packet processing is performed.
`Beacon mode power save (BMPS)
`WLAN is sleeping, except when the host wakes it up for full-duplex
`VolP traffic transmission and reception.
`Unscheduled automatic power-save delivery
`All necessary receiver signal paths and LO—related circuits are turned
`on; the WLAN transmitter is off. Supplies are turned off internally to
`save power in uAPSD mode.
`In addition to controlling the primary operating mode, host software defines the following
`functions and parameters.
`3.8.1 Physical layer parameters
`I Transmit powerlevcl
`- 802.11datarates
`- Modulation type
`Inter-frame spacing
`:- RX/TX chain selection
`3.8.2 MAC parameters
`. Tx frame size
`- Frames-received counter
`I Received signal strength indicator (RSS1)
`3.8.3 Transceiver-related functions and parameters
`Intcmal bias conditions; enabling and disabling circuit blocks
`- Shared oscillator (Rx/1‘x); LO synthesizer circuitry
`- Tx power detector
`- Baseband parameters and registers
`in Test and calibration functions
`LMBO-P0436-25 Rev B


`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 292-2 Filed 08/28/18 Page 19 of 40 PageID #: 18887
`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 292-2 Filed

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