Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 1 of 53 PageID #: 13622
` DOCKET NO. 5:16cv179
`-vs- )
` Texarkana, Texas
` ) 8:30 a.m.
`ZTE USA, INC. June 27, 2018
`A P P E A R A N C E S
`1999 K Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`2800 Texas Blvd.
`Texarkana, TX 75503
` 300 Willow, Ste. 221
` Beaumont, TX 77701
`Proceedings taken by Machine Stenotype; transcript was
`produced by a Computer.
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`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 2 of 53 PageID #: 13623
`1999 K. Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`102 N. College Ave., Ste. 900
`Tyler, Texas 75702
`501 W. Broadway, Ste. 1100
`San Diego, CA 92101-3575
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 3 of 53 PageID #: 13624
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(Jury out.)
`THE COURT: Good morning. Be seated.
`Do we have anything we need to raise before we have
`the jury brought in?
`MR. FINDLAY: Just very quickly, Your Honor. There
`are a couple issues. Only one, I think, needs to be
`addressed immediately.
`This has to do with an exhibit that Mr. Beaber was
`using to cross-examine Mr. Andrews with yesterday. This is
`PX299. This is the claim chart that Maxell purportedly gave
`to ZTE Corp about the '317 patent and the Fury -- and you may
`recall, I think Mr. Beaber was asking Mr. Andrews about that
`it met most of the limitations, et cetera.
`We have a MIL, an agreed MIL in the case that no
`one should talk about or raise evidence regarding dropped
`claims of infringement or invalidity.
`I'm not suggesting that Mr. Beaber violated that
`MIL, but I think this gets close to it because the Fury is
`not an accused product in this trial, Judge, and I think we
`have to have the ability to redirect Mr. Andrews on that
`point to clarify that, look, this claim chart may have said
`whatever it said, but here in front of this jury the '317 --
`I mean, the Fury, excuse me, is not accused of infringing the
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`'317, and I don't want us to walk on that MIL. And so I'm
`seeking guidance from the Court.
`THE COURT: Mr. Beaber.
`MR. FINDLAY: And it had been accused perviously.
`THE COURT: I'm sorry?
`MR. FINDLAY: It -- it had been accused in the case
`THE COURT: Right, sure.
`MR. FINDLAY: It was dropped, so I don't want to
`walk on that MIL.
`THE COURT: Right.
`MR. FINDLAY: Thank you.
`MR. BEABER: Your Honor, to be clear, the
`discussions between Maxell and ZTE with respect to this
`document dealt with an entire portfolio of patents, correct?
`And I think that's clear from Mr. Nakamura's testimony.
`So the use of this document and the Fury -- the
`Fury was representative of all of ZTE's products in those
`discussions, including the ZTE ZMAX 2 phone.
`So I don't have any problems with the
`cross-examination. I think the document is already in
`evidence. But I do think that, you know -- I didn't come
`close to violating the MIL.
`Claim 1 of the '317 patent is in there. That was
`the focus of the discussions. And I think it's clear from
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`the other testimony that there is a portfolio of patents and
`this was representative of that.
`THE COURT: You -- you're certainly entitled to
`redirect the witness on it. I don't think there's any
`dispute about that.
`MR. FINDLAY: On the -- on the Fury not being
`accused. Thank you, Judge.
`THE COURT: All right. What else?
`MR. FINDLAY: There is one other issue I would like
`to raise very quickly.
`We are concerned -- if I can grab the transcript
`from yesterday.
`I think Mr. Beaber, respectfully, yesterday in his
`cross of Mr. Andrews, tried to bring in and suggest to the
`jury that ZTE Corp is here in the courtroom today, in a way
`that was more blatant than what they've done earlier.
`You may recall there have been at least ten
`references to a Chinese mother ship, which I don't think was
`inappropriate, although I don't know whether it directly
`violated the non-disparaging MIL.
`But now we've got a situation where it's kind of an
`attempt at death by a thousand cuts. He asked Mr. Andrews:
`You understand you're retained, and here on behalf of ZTE USA
`and ZTE Corp, you're testifying on behalf of both of them
`here today, correct?
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`Mr. Beaber knows that's not the case. ZTE Corp is
`not in this lawsuit. ZTE Corp has been severed. I
`understand they were just served the other day via the Hague.
`They have a different lawsuit in front of Your Honor.
`This is inappropriate interjection of Corp in the
`case. It can only be done for one reason, Judge, to
`hopefully raise, from the Plaintiff's standpoint, some bias
`or prejudice that they hope the jury has against the whole
`China issue, which we've talked about ad nauseam.
`I think it's inappropriate. We would request,
`either now or at the appropriate time, perhaps the jury
`instructions, but a specific, strong instruction to the jury
`that clarifies that the only Defendant in this case is
`ZTE USA; ZTE Corp is not a defendant in this case; and that
`Maxell has a separate action against ZTE Corp in this court.
`I think that would be appropriate to buttress. The
`inference, I think, is being tried to be raised by Maxell
`over and over again. It would make clear to the jury that
`Corp is not at this case.
`THE COURT: Mr. Beaber.
`MR. BEABER: Sure. I think Your Honor said stick
`to the facts in the case. I think that's what we've done.
`I think the questioning was with respect to his expert
`report. It said he was retained on behalf of both ZTE USA
`and ZTE Corporation. That's a fact.
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`ZTE's position throughout this case has been that
`ZTE Corp has never been a proper party to this case, yet,
`they've retained many of their experts on behalf of both.
`That's a fact.
`I understand that they don't like that fact, but
`that's a fact, and it's in the expert reports of the experts.
`We should be able to argue that fact. Yes, they maybe made a
`mistake, but that doesn't change the fact that we have a
`bunch of experts that were retained by ZTE USA and ZTE Corp
`And as a result of that, we should be able to
`question -- question them on whose behalf they're here. It's
`clear both. They were retained by both. And that was the
`MR. FINDLAY: That's not a complete factual
`announcement of the situation in this case, and I think
`Mr. Beaber knows it, Judge.
`ZTE Corp was named in the lawsuit. They never were
`served, but they were on the papers. Out on an abundance of
`caution, the expert reports say what they say, I suppose.
`But there is no issue that they're not in this
`trial. They have a separate case that's been brought against
`Maxell that Your Honor severed out. And to continue to
`commingle them is only done for one reason. It's not about
`the facts. It's about what I suggested in trying to engender
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`up -- or rile up ideas of prejudice or some Chinese foreign
`control over everything that's happening here, and that's
`just completely inappropriate.
`It certainly goes against the spirit of
`Your Honor's motion in limine. It goes against the spirit of
`everything we tried to do in voir dire to make sure that we
`had a jury that wasn't tainted by these biases and concerns.
`THE COURT: Let me suggest this: I mean, look, I
`certainly am going to allow, you know, thorough
`cross-examination on the important facts, and I'll caution
`Mr. Beaber and anyone else acting on the Plaintiff's behalf
`to stick to the facts in going through that.
`It is true that ZTE Corporation is not a defendant
`in this action, but there is some interrelatedness at some
`level. Certainly goes to a number of issues the jury is
`going to be asked to decide with respect to notice and
`willfulness and any number of things.
`I will say, if I think the questioning gets beyond
`sticking to the facts, Mr. Beaber, and gets close to
`bordering on any type of -- well, engendering any kind of
`prejudice against ZTE Corporation in light of some of the
`concerns that we've dealt with throughout the course of this
`trial, I won't hesitate to give the jury an appropriate
`instruction along the lines of what Mr. Findlay has
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`I don't think we're there yet, Mr. Findlay. I am
`closely monitoring this. I think it is something we should
`be sensitive to, and I won't let the Plaintiff take advantage
`of that.
`So, Mr. Beaber, I would request you be sensitive to
`that and stick to the facts.
`MR. BEABER: Absolutely, Your Honor. Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. FINDLAY: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Very well.
`Let's have the jury brought in.
`MR. LEVY: Your Honor, just with all respect, I was
`asked to be here this morning. I will be here for the
`examination of Dr. Kennedy. I'm handling the
`cross-examination, but --
`THE COURT: I did ask for you to be here, Mr. Levy,
`only because you were absent from the courtroom yesterday
`afternoon. I had a very pleasant conversation with
`Ms. O'Connell in your absence.
`I suspect your colleagues have informed you about
`what my concerns are with respect to the jury instructions,
`and I'm sure, when you finish your responsibilities today;
`you will turn right to that.
`MR. LEVY: I will.
`And I did notice -- I read the transcript, saw
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`opposing counsel couldn't stop saying my name. But if it's
`all right, I'll step out and get back to work, and then I'll
`be back here --
`THE COURT: That's fine. As long as you all really
`do have a sitdown tonight on the jury instructions and work
`through those to the extent you can and narrow the disputes,
`I think that will make it more productive.
`MR. LEVY: We did send them a revised draft Sunday
`with substantially narrowed disputes --
`MR. LEVY: -- and I understand Ms. O'Connell wants
`to talk today at lunch.
`THE COURT: So you all do that. Get us a draft
`tomorrow, and my guess -- my preference would be for you all
`to get us your final draft tomorrow, and we'll take a look at
`it. And then depending on the narrowing of the disputes,
`we'll either do the charge conference tomorrow night or I'll
`just let you put your objections on the record on Friday
`MR. LEVY: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Fair enough?
`Okay. Ms. Cary.
`COURT SECURITY OFFICER: All rise for the jury.
`(Jury in.)
`THE COURT: Please be seated.
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`Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, welcome back and
`thanks for being here a little early so we can get a head
`start on the day.
`When we concluded last evening, Mr. Andrews was on
`the witness stand, where he is again this morning, and
`Mr. Beaber was cross-examining him.
`So, Mr. Beaber, at this time, you may continue.
`MR. BEABER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
`Good morning, Mr. Andrews.
`Good morning.
`So have you worked for ZTE previously?
`I believe I served on a case briefly with Pillsbury that
`was on behalf of ZTE. I'm not sure which entity of ZTE.
`Okay. So same counsel, same company, though, correct?
`And so you'd like to do work for ZTE and Pillsbury in
`the future, correct?
`If the need arises.
`They're a repeat customer of yours, so you would like to
`do work with them in the future, right?
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`So it's helpful for you to say things that support their
`case, correct?
`That's not my job in this case. My job is to say what
`my opinions are about the facts that I observed.
`Sure. Let's turn to the patent.
`MR. BEABER: Can we pull up Figure 3?
`Thank you.
`(By Mr. Beaber) Now, on your direct, you showed the jury
`Figure 1 of the '317 patent.
`Do you remember that?
`Yes, I do.
`You didn't show them the figures here, Figure 3C, D, E,
`and F. That's correct, right?
`That's correct.
`Don't these figures look a lot more like the AT&T
`Navigator application?
`Well, these figures, in my opinion, pertain to claim 15
`and 17, which involve a route, not simply pointing the
`This is navigation information here in Figure 3, right,
`from a present point to a destination; is that correct?
`It's a route.
`A route from the present place to the destination; is
`that fair?
`It's a route from the present place, it's a set of
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`directions, and it's a route from the present place to the
`destination, yes.
`So is that a "yes"?
`So, if you can answer yes or no to a question, I would
`appreciate that. Your counsel is going to be able to come up
`here and ask you additional questions. I want to make sure
`that we're clear on that. Is that okay?
`MS. BJURSTROM: Your Honor, I would just, again,
`ask that Mr. Andrews be allowed the same courtesy we allowed
`their witnesses to explain an answer and not to be confined
`to a yes or no.
`THE COURT: He's certainly not going to be confined
`to a yes or no, but I think, like other attorneys in
`cross-exams throughout this trial, I've let them ask the
`witness to answer as narrowly as possible; and if it can be
`answered in a yes or no, to comply in that regard. So the
`rules will be the same.
`MR. BEABER: Thank you, Your Honor.
`(By Mr. Beaber) Now, yesterday we talked a little bit
`kind of to the core of your opinion, this orientation of
`pointing the device in the direction.
`Do you remember that?
`I remember that.
`Okay. Have you reviewed U.S. Patent No. 6,430,498?
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`I don't recall whether I read it in detail.
`Okay. Do you understand that that is the parent patent
`to the '317 patent?
`I believe that's right.
`And what does it mean to be the parent patent?
`It means that this patent was one of the originally
`filed patents with the same application, but it's -- came
`before it.
`Right. So if you look at the patent, the specification,
`the inventors, et cetera, are the same between the '317
`patent and the '498. The difference is in the claims. Is
`that fair to say?
`That's right.
`And the parent patent, the '498, that's the earlier
`patent, right? That's the first patent here.
`I would assume so, since '317 is a continuation of '498.
`Right. And we talk about the '317 as the child; is that
`That's fair.
`So the '498 was the first patent. The '317 came
`sometime after. But everything in the patent is identical
`between the two patents except for really the claims.
`That's how I understand a continuation.
`Okay. Can we -- can we take a look at claims 2, 6, 11,
`and 12 of the '49- -- oh, here we go. Here we go.
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`So you see each one of these claims, right? And in
`those claims it specifically claims the direction pointed by
`the tip of the portable terminal, right, each one of these
`Thank you.
`And you can't -- you can't double patent
`inventions, correct? This couldn't be claimed in the '317
`patent because it was already earlier claimed in the '498
`patent; is that correct?
`That's correct.
`So this pointing of the tip, the directions that you're
`talking about, that looks very similar to what's in the '498
`patent, not the '317 patent, correct?
`Well, I think you'd have to compare the claims
`side-by-side so that you could see the subject matter of the
`'317 patent claims that we're talking about. It is probably
`related but maybe doesn't cover the same exact details.
`Absolutely. Thank you for that.
`Let's -- okay. Let's turn to your videos real
`So --
`MR. BEABER: Could we pull it --
`(By Mr. Beaber) Okay. So this is -- these are three
`screenshots of the video that you played for the jury
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`yesterday. I believe it's DPX15.
`And the image on the left was at 17 seconds. The
`image in the middle of the screen was at 1 minute. And the
`last image here was at 1 minute and 16 seconds of -- of that
`video that you showed the jury.
`Now, do you see that interesting warning message at the
`bottom of the screen: Unable to reach server. Please try
`again later?
`You didn't identify that to the jury at all during
`this -- this video, did you?
`No. It wasn't relevant.
`MR. BEABER: Can we turn to the next slide?
`(By Mr. Beaber) Isn't it true that when you were walking
`that route, you were under a steel awning?
`Yes, I was.
`And you're a GPS expert, right?
`And what happens when you're, say, in a parking garage
`with your navigation or under a steel awning or inside? You
`don't get a good signal, do you?
`Well, I think that's accountable for why at the
`beginning of the second video it showed me slightly off the
`route, and then it put me on the route.
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`All kind of delays. You even got the error messages
`that confirmed that there were issues. Don't you think if
`you wanted to take a video that was accurate, you would have
`been in a wide-open space, not under a steel awning?
`Yeah. Inability to reach the server isn't a result of
`being under the awning. It's a fact that the server wasn't
`available. The application doesn't need the server to
`operate in this form.
`I think it's pretty clear there was something going on
`here to get all of these error messages. Is that safe to
`No. I've gotten this error message when I've been
`walking under clear skies. It comes up all the time.
`All the time?
`So a glitch in the application?
`Could be.
`Maybe it needed to be updated like Dr. Caloyannides
`said, right?
`Could be. But this is the application that comes with
`the phone, so this is the one that's accused.
`All right. Let's -- at the bottom here we have a red
`box around a car.
`Were you in walking navigation mode or car mode?
`I was in walking navigation mode. It's interesting. I
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`have to put the phone into pedestrian mode, but when I do
`that, it -- when I go to do the route, it says drive, and
`everything else about it is associated with cars. You know,
`what can I say.
`Another glitch in the system?
`Could be.
`You need to update that version maybe, right?
`But this is the version that comes with the phone, and
`this is the version that's accused.
`With the phone --
`The updated version --
`I'm sorry. Please.
`With the version that you purchased. You're not -- you
`can't confirm that the version that Dr. Caloyannides
`purchased didn't have a different version number on it,
`Well, Dr. Caloyannides isn't quite sure what he did.
`But you could have confirmed this with your client, ZTE
`Corporation or ZTE USA, that there was only one version, and
`you didn't do that, did you?
`I did the best I could. I bought one phone in December.
`I bought another phone from a different company --
`That wasn't the question. Did -- you didn't ask them --
`MS. BJURSTROM: Your Honor, he's interrupting the
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`THE COURT: Mr. Beaber, give him a chance to get
`his -- get his sentence out.
`(By Mr. Beaber) Sorry.
`Bought the other phone six months later from Amazon, and
`it still has the same version. That's my -- those are my
`data points.
`No, I didn't ask ZTE.
`Thank you. That was the question. Perfect.
`You also made another video that was provided to us
`by Pillsbury, but you never showed that to the jury
`yesterday. It was DPX0005, in which you -- you took a turn,
`rotated the phone. Do you recall that?
`Okay. Now, what I'd like to do here is -- is to -- is
`to play this clip, and I'd like to put it next to the -- the
`video that Dr. Caloyannides took on his version basically
`doing the same turn.
`So these are side-by-side videos. Yours is on the
`left here, the DPX0005. Dr. Caloyannides is on the right,
`and it's PDX007 (sic).
`MR. BEABER: And, for the record, DPX0005 we're
`going to play from about 45 seconds to 55 seconds. And for
`PDX27, we're going to go from a minute 10 to a minute and 20.
`That's just so we see the same turn that both Mr. Andrews and
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`Dr. Caloyannides took so we can see the functionality. And
`we're going to identify this side by side as PDX43.
`Please, Mr. Ebersole.
`(Videoclip played.)
`(By Mr. Beaber) Now, that functionality looks almost
`identical, right, other than the timing? Took a turn.
`Orientation changed on the phone. Map switched underneath,
`Could you back it up to where I turned? Just back it up
`a little more from where it is on my side.
`MR. BEABER: Can you replay both of them at the
`same time, Mr. Ebersole?
`(Videoclip played.)
`So you'll notice that when it -- when my phone turns,
`just before it turns, look in the upper left corner. I'm 56
`feet from that turn, according to this. I don't know where
`Dr. Caloyannides was, but I was a long -- a lot farther away.
`If you'll look at the distances on the two, Dr. Caloyannides'
`turn is about 9 feet.
`(By Mr. Beaber) And maybe it's because yours was saying
`update the server, can't connect to the server. There's
`delays in this GPS system, right? It's based on how good the
`signal is in the GPS, correct?
`Could be. I mean, I think that's an important point.
`This turn in the display is based on the fact that it thinks
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`that I'm at the turn in the route, not because I've turned
`the phone. And so it's actually trying to follow the blue
`line even if I don't turn. And that's not what the claim is
`I'm glad you think it's an important point because it's
`a very important point. GPS signals have delays in certain
`circumstances, and I think some of that has to do with where
`you are and whether you're getting a strong signal versus
`getting a weak signal, correct?
`No. Actually, GPS doesn't have delays of that type. It
`has to do with how accurate the position is.
`In the case -- in my case it probably didn't have
`that great a fix, and so it thought I was at that turn before
`I got to the turn. And then it turned the phone display
`because that's what it does. It turns the phone display to
`follow the blue line, not because I changed the direction of
`the phone.
`You've had this problem before, right? You've been in a
`big city, tall buildings, and you drive-thru those tall
`buildings. Your GPS doesn't move at all because you're not
`getting a signal. That's happened to all of us, right?
`So it does, yeah. Thank you.
`Okay. I want to do this one more time with a
`different portion of these same videos.
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`Now, you understand that -- that that turn, the
`orientation, is one of a number of different infringing --
`ways that the ZMAX 2 phone infringes pursuant to
`Dr. Caloyannides' expert opinion, correct?
`According to Dr. Caloyannides' understanding, yes.
`Sure. So I want to show you one of the other ways. And
`I think you know one of the other ways that he believes the
`phone infringes is that when you take the phone and it is in
`portrait -- you have it in portrait mode and you turn it so
`it's sideways in landscape mode, the complete orientation of
`the map and everything changes. You understand that's one of
`his expert opinions, correct?
`I understand that. I disagree with it, but --
`Sure. But I want to show the video of that with, again,
`your version on the left and his version on the right.
`MR. BEABER: And, for the record, DPX005, we're
`going to go from a minute 45 to a minute 55.
`And with PDX27, we're going to go from a minute 45
`to a minute 57.
`And we're going to identify the side-by-side as
`(Videoclip played.)
`(By Mr. Beaber) The timing is a little off there, but it
`looks like when both of you guys twisted the phone, the
`complete map shifted. You saw different things on the wider
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`horizontal axis than you did on the vertical axis, yes or no;
`is that correct?
`You see different things because the map is truncated
`because you're cutting off the top and bottom.
`But, you know, I would point out that the patent
`talks about the direction being the leading edge of the
`display. And that leading edge changes when you turn it
`sideways. The side is now the leading edge. It's still
`aimed in the direction you're going.
`The display has rotated on the screen, but you
`haven't actually changed the direction of the phone. You're
`going this way, you have the top of the screen. You're going
`this way, you have the top of the screen. It's still in the
`same direction.
`Are you talking about the tip -- the pointing tip of the
`phone? Is that the '498 patent again you're talking?
`I'm talking about what the patent describes at Column 4,
`Line 25, about what it means by the direction. And it means
`that the direction is the direction that the phone is facing,
`the --
`Is pointing?
`The direction that the phone is pointing or the leading
`edge of the display.
`MR. BEABER: Can we go back to the claims of the
`4 -- '498 patent real quick?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 24 of 53 PageID #: 13645
`(By Mr. Beaber) You mean something like this, the:
`Direction pointed by the tip of said portable terminal.
`Is that what you're talking about?
`That is one way of saying it, sure.
`Thank you very much.
`One last question. How was the lasagna pizza at
`I didn't have time to go -- to actually go there. Is it
`good? Okay. I'll have to go.
`You missed out. You missed out.
`MR. BEABER: Thank you, Your Honor. No further
`Good morning, Mr. Andrews.
`Good morning.
`So why don't I just start real quick with where
`Mr. Beaber left off.
`He's talking about these tips of the phone
`references in the claims of the '498 patent, sir. Isn't
`another reason -- another possibility that this is just
`another reason why the '317 patent is invalid?
`Certainly could be.
`The two videos, the side-by-side videos that he
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 25 of 53 PageID #: 13646
`showed to this jury, is there anything about those that in
`any way changes your opinions in this case?
`Absolutely not.
`Thank you. Okay.
`MS. BJURSTROM: Let's go ahead and pull up --
`actually, Your Honor, we need to seal the courtroom at this
`THE COURT: Okay. The courtroom will be sealed at
`this time.
`(Courtroom sealed.)
`(This portion of the transcript is sealed and filed
`under separate cover as Sealed Portion No. 23.)
`(Courtroom unsealed.)
`MS. CUNNINGHAM: Can I continue?
`THE COURT: You may.
`MS. CUNNINGHAM: And if we could go to Slide 2,
`(By Ms. Cunningham) Dr. Wolfe, could you please describe
`for us your education starting after high school?
`Sure. I have a bachelor's degree in electrical
`engineering and computer science that I got in 1985 from
`Johns Hopkins.
`Then in 1987, I got a master's degree in electrical
`engineering and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon in
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 5:16-cv-00179-RWS Document 243 Filed 07/02/18 Page 26 of 53 PageID #: 13647
`And then in 1991, I completed the work for a Ph.D.
`that was awarded in 1992 again at Carnegie Mellon in
`Pittsburgh in computer engineering.
`Thank you.
`Sir, while you were getting your Ph.D., did you
`also do some work in the real world?
`I did.
`I had been working since college in developing
`technology for touchscreens. I worked on the first tablet
`computer that was commercially sold and on a number of
`different touchscreens for places like Sears and McDonald's
`and UPS.
`And in 1989, I had the opportunity to start my own
`touchscreen company with a former boss, and we opened a
`factory outside of Austin and eventually had a hundred
`employees and built touchscreens there based on signatures
`and technologies that I had designed in my patents.
`Okay. Have you also been a college professor?
`Yes. So in 1991 when I left Carnegie Mellon, I went to
`Princeton University. I taught

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