`Exhibit B
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 2 of 8 PageID #: 1569
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`U.S. Patent No. 8,190,610 (“’610 Patent”)1
`“processor and memory
`that are operable to
`perform the following
`operations: partitioning
`the data of each one of
`the data groups into a
`plurality of data
`partitions that each
`have a plurality of key-
`value pairs and
`providing each data
`partition to a selected
`one of a plurality of
`mapping functions that
`are each user-
`configurable to
`independently output a
`plurality of lists of
`values for each of a set
`of keys found in such
`map function’s
`corresponding data
`Governed by pre-AIA
`35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 6.
`“partitioning the data
`of each one of the
`data groups into a
`plurality of data
`partitions that each
`have a plurality of
`key-value pairs and
`providing each data
`partition to a selected
`one of a plurality of
`mapping functions
`that are each user-
`configurable to
`independently output
`a plurality of lists of
`values for each of a
`set of keys found in
`such map function's
`corresponding data
`Intrinsic Evidence
`Extrinsic Evidence
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at Abstract, Claim
`17, 1:17-27, 2:21-29, 2:31-35,
`2:37-42, 2:46-51, 2:56-64,
`3:1-6, 3:48-64, 3:65-4:1,
`4:39-40, 4:46-46, 4:48-50,
`4:51-55, 4:56-58, 4:63-5:4,
`5:11-15, 5:48-6:7, 6:9-10,
`6:27-35, 6:38-49, 7:19-23,
`7:45, 7:55, 7:58-59, 8:24-37,
`8:43-44, 8:47-52, Fig. 1-5.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 12.
`1 Despite repeated requests, R2 refused to explain what it contends is the plain meaning of any disputed claim term for which R2 identified plain
`meaning as the proposed construction. Databricks reserves the right to amend its proposed constructions to the extent R2 articulates what the plain
`meaning is for any claim term in R2’s opening brief and/or as part of R2’s expert testimony.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 3 of 8 PageID #: 1570
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`Intrinsic Evidence
`Extrinsic Evidence
`partition to form
`intermediate data for
`that data group and
`identifiable to that data
`group, wherein the data
`of a first data group has
`a different schema than
`the data of a second
`data group and the data
`of the first data group is
`mapped differently than
`the data of the second
`data group so that
`different lists of values
`are output for the
`corresponding different
`intermediate data,
`wherein the different
`schema and
`corresponding different
`intermediate data have
`a key in common; and
`reduce the intermediate
`data for the data groups
`to at least one output
`data group, including
`processing the
`intermediate data for
`each data group in a
`partition to form
`intermediate data for
`that data group and
`identifiable to that
`data group, wherein
`the data of a first data
`group has a different
`schema than the data
`of a second data
`group and the data of
`the first data group is
`mapped differently
`than the data of the
`second data group so
`that different lists of
`values are output for
`the corresponding
`different intermediate
`data, wherein the
`different schema and
`different intermediate
`data have a key in
`common; and reduce
`the intermediate data
`for the data groups to
`at least one output
`data group, including
`processing the
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 4 of 8 PageID #: 1571
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`manner that is defined
`to correspond to that
`data group so as to
`result in a merging of
`the corresponding
`different intermediate
`data based on the key in
`“mapping” / “map” /
`1, 17
`intermediate data for
`each data group in a
`manner that is defined
`to correspond to that
`data group so as to
`result in a merging of
`the corresponding
`different intermediate
`data based on the key
`in common.”*
`*Claim Term Nos. 2-
`7 and terms with
`agreed constructions
`are construed as
`identified with respect
`to those claim terms.
`Structure: Indefinite.
`“[processing] /
`[process] /
`key/value pairs to
`generate intermediate
`key/value pairs”
`Intrinsic Evidence
`Extrinsic Evidence
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at Abstract, 1:17-
`18, 1:22-25, 1:37-40, 2:4-8,
`2:21-31, 2:48-57, 4:25-31,
`4:36-50, 6:24-35, 8:51-55,
`Figs. 1-2, 5.
`US 2007/0038659 A1 at
`[0041], [0061], [0063],
`[0067], [0075], Fig. 2.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 5 of 8 PageID #: 1572
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`“reducing” / “reduce”
`1, 17
`“[combining] /
`[combine] all
`intermediate data
`values sharing the
`same key into a single
`key-value pair or a
`list of values
`associated with the
`Extrinsic Evidence
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`Intrinsic Evidence
`MapReduce: Simplified Data
`Processing on Large Clusters
`by Jeffrey Dean et al. at
`Abstract, Section 1, Section 2;
`Section 3.1.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 4, 60.
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at Abstract, 1:7-40,
`2:4-8, 2:39-51, 4:18-30, 4:50-
`59, 5:48-55, 6:36-7:15, 7:61-
`8:9, 8:52-55, Figs. 1-2, 4-5.
`US 2007/0038659 A1 at
`[0042]-[0043], [0062],
`[0063], [0068], [0078],
`[0079], Fig. 2.
`MapReduce: Simplified Data
`Processing on Large Clusters
`by Jeffrey Dean et al. at
`Abstract, Section 1, Section 2,
`Section 3.1.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 6 of 8 PageID #: 1573
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`“providing each data
`partition to a selected
`one of a plurality of
`mapping functions”
`1, 17
`“providing each data
`partition to one of a
`plurality of different
`mapping functions
`where the mapping
`function is selected
`for a partition based
`on the data group the
`partition originated
`*Claim Term No. 2
`and terms with agreed
`constructions are
`construed as
`identified with respect
`those claim terms.
`Extrinsic Evidence
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`Intrinsic Evidence
`(May 22, 2024) at 4-5, 12, 14-
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at 2:31-35, 3:48-57,
`3:58-4:13, 4:39-50, 6:18-34,
`Figs. 1-2, 4-5.
`MapReduce: Simplified Data
`Processing on Large Clusters
`by Jeffrey Dean et al. at
`Section 3.1, Fig. 1.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 13-14, 36,
`57, 65.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 16
`(June 6, 2024) at 46.
`1, 5, 17,
`“[processing] /
`[process] the
`intermediate data for
`each data group in a
`manner that is defined
`to correspond to that
`“[processing] /
`[process] the
`intermediate data for
`each data group in a
`manner that is defined
`to correspond to the
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at Abstract, 1:18-
`20, 1:37-42, 2:4-8, 2:36-51,
`3:48-64, 4:4-22, 4:56-59,
`4:63-67, 5:48-55, 6:36-7:17,
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 7 of 8 PageID #: 1574
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`data group”
`1, 17
`data group from
`which the
`intermediate data
`*Terms with agreed
`constructions are
`construed as
`identified with respect
`those claim terms.
`“a set of attributes
`(such as DeptID,
`DeptName) and their
`properties (such as
`their data types:
`integer DeptID, string
`LastName, string
`Intrinsic Evidence
`8:52-55, Figs. 1-2, 4-5.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 13, 14, 36,
`57, 65.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 16
`(June 6, 2024) at 46.
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at 1:34-36, 3:19-34,
`3:35-47, 3:53-55, 3:65-4:3,
`8;47-52, Figs. 3-5.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,158,044 at
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 7.
`Extrinsic Evidence
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`Microsoft Press, Microsoft Computer
`Dictionary (5th ed.), including the
`definition of “schema” at p. 465.
`(Databricks_R2_00090068 -
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 51-2 Filed 09/13/24 Page 8 of 8 PageID #: 1575
`EXHIBIT B: Disputed Claims Terms and Evidence
`P.R. 4-3 Joint Claim Construction and Prehearing Statement
`1, 17
`“the different schema
`and corresponding
`different intermediate
`data have a key in
`“the different data
`group schemas have a
`key in common with
`the corresponding
`different intermediate
`*Claim Term No. 6
`and terms with agreed
`constructions are
`construed as
`identified with respect
`to those claim terms.
`Intrinsic Evidence
`Extrinsic Evidence
`’610 Patent claims,
`specification, and figures,
`including at Abstract, 1:31-
`40, 2:2-8, 3:48-64; 3:65-4-22,
`4:23-30, 4:39-50, 8:15-33,
`Figs. 1-5.
`Databricks, Inc. v. R2
`Solutions LLC, Case
`IPR2024-00659, Paper 13
`(May 22, 2024) at 12, 14.
`Declaration of Dr. Jon B. Weissman.
`Yang et al., Map-Reduce-Merge:
`Simplified Relational Data Processing on
`Large Clusters (2007)
`(Databricks_R2_PA_00004027 -
`Microsoft Press, Microsoft Computer
`Dictionary (5th ed.), including the
`definition of “schema” at p. 465.
`(Databricks_R2_00090068 -
`All extrinsic evidence identified by any
`other party including, but not limited to
`other defendants in present and/or prior
`R2 matters.

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