`Exhibit L
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 2 of 23 PageID #: 550
`I 1111111111111111 11111 111111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 1111111111 11111111
`US 6,343,295 Bl
`(12) United States Patent
`MacLeod et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Inventors: Stewart P. MacLeod, Redmond; Casey
`L. Kiernan, Kirkland; Vij Rajarajan,
`Issaquah, all of WA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by O days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/212,218
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 16, 1998
`Int. Cl.7 ....................... ......................... G06F 17/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................. 707/103; 707/6; 707/10;
`707 /102; 707 /101
`(58) Field of Search ................................ 707/1, 2, 3, 4,
`707/5, 6, 10, 101, 103, 102; 705/28; 709/316
`References Cited
`5,193,185 A * 3/1993 Lanter ........................ 707/101
`5,970,476 A * 10/1999 Fahey ......................... 705/28
`5,991,741 A * 11/1999 Speakman et al. ............ 705/30
`5,991,751 A * 11/1999 Rivette et al.
`................. 707/1
`6,016,497 A * 1/2000 Suver ......................... 707/103
`6,230,212 Bl * 5/2001 Morel et al. ................ 709/316
`Practical lineage tracing in data warehouses by Cui et al.,
`Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University, Proc.; 16th
`International Conference, pp. 367-368, Feb. 29-Mar. 3,
`ExploITing data lineage for parellel optimization in external
`DBMS by Shek, et al, Inf. Sci. Lab., HRL Lab, Malibu, CA,
`paper in Data Engineering, 1999, Proc. 15th International
`Conference, p. 256, Mar. 23-26, 1999.*
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner-Diane D. Mizrahi
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Woodcock Washburn Kurtz
`Mackiewicz & Norris LLP
`A system for tracking the lineage of data in a database. Data
`within the tables are tracked by attaching lineage informa(cid:173)
`tion to the data, preferably, by adding a lineage identifier to
`each row in a table. Data that share a common lineage can
`be identified by virtue of sharing a common lineage identi(cid:173)
`fier. The lineage identifier can then be used to trace the
`source of the data, i.e., data having a common identifier
`share a common history. Additionally, the lineage identifier
`can provide details about transformations undergone by the
`data. For example, the lineage identifier can act as a pointer
`to a detailed history files of operations that were performed
`on the data to transform it into its current form. Preferably,
`the lineage identifier tracks program modules as well as
`specific versions of the program modules that transformed
`the particular data under consideration.
`8 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`empl_id mpl_name
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`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 1 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 3 of 23 PageID #: 551
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`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 4 of 23 PageID #: 552
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`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 6 of 23 PageID #: 554
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`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 5 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 7 of 23 PageID #: 555
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`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 9 of 23 PageID #: 557
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`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 8 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 10 of 23 PageID #: 558
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`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 11 of 23 PageID #: 559
`U.S. Patent
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`US 6,343,295 Bl
`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 10 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 12 of 23 PageID #: 560
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`Main= DTSTransformStat_OK
`D TS Destination(' 'Lineage_ Short''] = D TS Source{' 'D TS Lineage_ Short'']
`D TS Destination(' 'Lineage_F ull' ') = D TS Source(' 'D TS Lineage_F ull' ')
`D TS Destination(' 'contract'') = D TS Source(' 'contract'']
`D TS Destination(' 'zip'') = D TS Source(' 'zip'')
`DTSDestination("state") = ucase( DTSSource("state"))
`D TS Destination(' 'city'') = D TS Source(' 'city'')
`D TS Destination('' address'') = D TS Source('' address'')
`DTSDestination(''phone'') = DTSSource(''phone'')
`D TS Destination(' 'au_fname' ') = D TS Source(' 'au_fname' ')
`D TS Destination('' au_lname' ') = D TS Source('' au_lname' ')
`DTSDestination(''au_id'') = DTSSource(''au_id'')
`End Function
`Function Main()
`' destination column
`' Copy each source column to the
`' Visual Basic Transformation Script
`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 11 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 13 of 23 PageID #: 561
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 11 of 12
`US 6,343,295 Bl
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`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 12 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 14 of 23 PageID #: 562
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 12 of 12
`US 6,343,295 Bl
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`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 13 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 15 of 23 PageID #: 563
`US 6,343,295 Bl
`This applcation is related by subject matter to the inven-
`tions disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. patent applica(cid:173)
`tion Ser. No 09/212,238, filed on Dec. 16, 1998, entitled
`"DATA LINEAGE DATA TYPE" and pending U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 09/213,069, filed on Dec. 16, 1998,
`The present invention relates generally to database
`systems, and more particularly to a system for maintaining 15
`lineage information for data stored in a database.
`lineage information to the data, preferably, by adding a
`lineage identifier to each row in a table. Data that share a
`common lineage can be identified by virtue of sharing a
`common lineage identifier.
`The lineage identifier can then be used to trace the source
`of the data, i.e., data having a common identifier share a
`common history. Additionally, the lineage identifier can
`provide details about transformations undergone by the data.
`For example, the lineage identifier can act as a pointer to a
`10 detailed history files of operations that were performed on
`the data to transform it into its current form. Preferably, the
`lineage identifier tracks program modules as well as specific
`versions of the program modules that transformed the par-
`ticular data under consideration.
`As a result of the data lineage mechanism, users can trace
`the history data in a table, even when that data has made
`several hops among databases, where the data has undergone
`one or more transformations, or where the transforming
`program modules have themselves under gone revision. This
`20 provides users with a powerful mechanism to have higher
`confidence in the quality and reliability of data in a database
`and to quickly trace and correct errors in the data.
`A relational database is a collection of related data that is
`organized in related two-dimensional tables of columns and
`rows wherein information can be derived by performing set
`operations on the tables, such as join, sort, merge, and so on.
`The data stored in a relational database is typically accessed
`by way of a user-defined query that is constructed in a query
`language such as Structured Query Language ("SQL"). A 25
`SQL query is non-procedural in that it specifies the objective
`or desired result of the query in a language meaningful to a
`user but does not define the steps to be performed, or the
`order of the steps in order to accomplish the query.
`Moreover, very large conventional database systems pro- 30
`vide a storehouse for data generated from a variety of
`locations and applications ( often referred to as data ware(cid:173)
`houses or data marts). The quality and reliability of the
`storehouse is greatly effected by the quality and reliability of
`its underlying data. Because the data can originate from a 35
`variety of sources, the quality and reliability of data will
`often depend on the quality and reliability of the source.
`Moreover, the matter is further complicated because indi(cid:173)
`vidual rows of data within a single table can originate from
`different sources.
`Currently, if the data in a database is questionable, there
`is no easy way to track the history of the data to determine
`where it originate or how it may have been changed. As
`such, it would be advantageous to users of a database to have
`tools that allow the users to trace aspects of the history (i.e.,
`where the data originated and how the data has been
`transformed) of the data in a database.
`The task of tracing aspects of the history of data in a
`database is further complicated in enterprise-wide databases
`(such as data warehouses) where data may flow into the
`database from direct as well as indirect data sources, (i.e.,
`the data may have been collected from another database that
`itself directly or indirectly derived the data). In other words,
`the data may have made multiple "hops" before reaching the 55
`destination database of interest.
`As such, there is a need for providing method and
`apparatus for determining information about the history (i.e.,
`lineage) of data contained within a database.
`Briefly, the present invention is directed toward database
`technology that provides users with powerful tools neces(cid:173)
`sary to manage and exploit data. The present invention
`provides a system and method for tracking the lineage of 65
`data within database tables. According to an aspect of the
`invention, data within the tables are tracked by attaching
`Other features of the invention are further apparent from
`the following detailed description of presently preferred
`exemplary embodiments of the invention taken in conjunc(cid:173)
`tion with the accompanying drawings, of which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram representing a computer system
`in which aspects of the present invention may be incorpo(cid:173)
`FIG. 2A is schematic diagram representing a network in
`which aspects of the present invention may be incorporated;
`FIG. 2B is a diagram representing tables in an exemplary
`FIG. 3 is an architecture of an exemplary database man(cid:173)
`agement system;
`FIG. 4 is a network of database systems depicting the
`logical flow of data;
`FIG. 5 is a diagram showing the transformation of data as
`it moves between databases;
`FIG. 6 is a diagram of the binding of data lineage
`information to rows of data in a database;
`FIG. 7 is a functional diagram of a data transformation
`FIGS. 8A-8C are depictions of a graphical interface for
`attaching data lineage information to data imported into a
`FIG. 9 is an ActiveX® script for importing data into a
`database while adding data lineage information;
`FIG. 10 is a data pump architecture for importing data into
`a database; and
`FIG. 11 is a window showing data lineage information
`attached to a row of data.
`The present invention provides a database management
`system that provides for tracking and tracing the lineage of
`data stored in a database. The present exemplary embodi(cid:173)
`ments described herein describe the invention in connection
`with row level lineage. However, the invention is by no
`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 14 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 16 of 23 PageID #: 564
`US 6,343,295 Bl
`including an operating system 35, one or more application
`programs 36, other program modules 37 and program data
`38. A user may enter commands and information into the
`personal computer 20 through input devices such as a
`5 keyboard 40 and pointing device 42. Other input devices
`(not shown) may include a microphone, joystick, game pad,
`satellite disk, scanner or the like. These and other input
`devices are often connected to the processing unit 21
`through a serial port interface 46 that is coupled to the
`system bus, but may be connected by other interfaces, such
`as a parallel port, game port or universal serial bus (USE).
`A monitor 47 or other type of display device is also
`connected to the system bus 23 via an interface, such as a
`video adapter 48. In addition to the monitor 47, personal
`computers typically include other peripheral output devices
`15 (not shown), such as speakers and printers.
`The personal computer 20 may operate in a networked
`environment using logical connections to one or more
`remote computers, such as a remote computer 49. The
`remote computer 49 may be another personal computer, a
`server, a router, a network PC, a peer device or other
`common network node, and typically includes many or all of
`the elements described above relative to the personal com(cid:173)
`puter 20, although only a memory storage device 50 has
`been illustrated in FIG. 1. The logical connections depicted
`in FIG. 1 include a local area network (LAN) 51 and a wide
`area network (WAN) 52. Such networking environments are
`commonplace in offices, enterprise-wide computer
`networks, Intranets and the Internet.
`When used in a LAN networking environment, the per-
`sonal computer 20 is connected to the local network 51
`through a network interface or adapter 53. When used in a
`WAN networking environment, the personal computer 20
`typically includes a modem 54 or other means for establish-
`ing communications over the wide area network 52, such as
`the Internet. The modem 54, which may be internal or
`external, is connected to the system bus 23 via the serial port
`interface 46. In a networked environment, program modules
`depicted relative to the personal computer 20, or portions
`thereof, may be stored in the remote memory storage device.
`It will be appreciated that the network connections shown
`are exemplary and other means of establishing a communi(cid:173)
`cations link between the computers may be used.
`2. A Network Environment
`FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary network environment in
`which the present invention may be is employed. Of course,
`actual network and database environments can be arranged
`in a variety of configurations; however, the exemplary
`environment shown here provides a framework for under(cid:173)
`standing the type of environment in which the present
`invention operates.
`The network may include client computers 20a, a server
`computer 20b, data source computers 20c, and databases 70,
`72a, and 72b. The client computers 20a and the data source
`computers 20c are in electronic communication with the
`server computer 20b via communications network 80, e.g.,
`an Intranet. Client computers 20a and data source computers
`20c are connected to the communications network by way of
`communications interfaces 82. Communications interfaces
`82 can be any one of the well-known communications
`interfaces such as Ethernet connections, modem
`connections, and so on.
`Server computer 20b provides management of database
`70 by way of database server system software, described
`65 more fully below. As such, server 20b acts as a storehouse
`of data from a variety of data sources and provides that data
`to a variety of data consumers.
`means limited to row level lineage, as the invention could be
`applied on a column basis or a table basis as well.
`Exemplary Operating Environment
`1. A Computer Environment
`FIG. 1 and the following discussion are intended to
`provide a brief general description of a suitable computing
`environment in which the invention may be implemented.
`Although not required, the invention will be described in the
`general context of computer-executable instructions, such as
`program modules, being executed by a computer, such as a
`workstation or server. Generally, program modules include
`routines, programs, objects, components, data structures and
`the like that perform particular tasks or implement particular
`abstract data types. Moreover, those skilled in the art will
`appreciate that the invention may be practiced with other
`computer system configurations, including hand-held
`devices, multi-processor systems, microprocessor-based or
`programmable consumer electronics, network PCS,
`minicomputers, mainframe computers and the like. The
`invention may also be practiced in distributed computing
`environments where tasks are performed by remote process(cid:173)
`ing devices that are linked through a communications net(cid:173)
`work. In a distributed computing environment, program
`modules may be located in both local and remote memory
`storage devices.
`With reference to FIG. 1, an exemplary system for imple(cid:173)
`menting the invention includes a general purpose computing
`device in the form of a conventional personal computer 20
`or the like, including a processing unit 21, a system memory
`22, and a system bus 23 that couples various system com- 30
`ponents including the system memory to the processing unit
`21. The system bus 23 may be any of several types of bus
`structures including a memory bus or memory controller, a
`peripheral bus, and a local bus using any of a variety of bus
`architectures. The system memory includes read-only 35
`memory (ROM) 24 and random access memory (RAM) 25.
`A basic input/output system 26 (BIOS), containing the basic
`routines that help to transfer information between elements
`within the personal computer 20, such as during start-up, is
`stored in ROM 24. The personal computer 20 may further 40
`include a hard disk drive 27 for reading from and writing to
`a hard disk, not shown, a magnetic disk drive 28 for reading
`from or writing to a removable magnetic disk 29, and an
`optical disk drive 30 for reading from or writing to a
`removable optical disk 31 such as a CD-ROM or other 45
`optical media. The hard disk drive 27, magnetic disk drive
`28, and optical disk drive 30 are connected to the system bus
`23 by a hard disk drive interface 32, a magnetic disk drive
`interface 33, and an optical drive interface 34, respectively.
`The drives and their associated computer-readable media 50
`provide non-volatile storage of computer readable
`instructions, data structures, program modules and other
`data for the personal computer 20. Although the exemplary
`environment described herein employs a hard disk, a remov(cid:173)
`able magnetic disk 29 and a removable optical disk 31, it 55
`should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that other
`types of computer readable media which can store data that
`is accessible by a computer, such as magnetic cassettes, flash
`memory cards, digital video disks, Bernoulli cartridges,
`random access memories (RAMs), read-only memories 60
`(ROMs) and the like may also be used in the exemplary
`operating environment. Further, as used herein, the term
`"computer readable medium" includes one or more
`instances of a media type ( e.g., one or more floppy disks, one
`or more CD-ROMs, etc.).
`A number of program modules may be stored on the hard
`disk, magnetic disk 29, optical disk 31, ROM 24 or RAM 25,
`Cloudera Exhibit 1024 - Page 15 of 22
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-15 Filed 05/23/24 Page 17 of 23 PageID #: 565
`US 6,343,295 Bl
`In the example of FIG. 2, data sources are provided by
`several types of server software in a network and provides
`a primary interface for users who are administering copies of
`data source computers 20c. Data source computers 20c
`SQL Server on the network; (2) an Applications Interface 93
`communicate data to server computer 20b via communica(cid:173)
`that allows integration of a server interface into user appli-
`tions network 80, which may be a LAN, WAN, Intranet,
`5 cations such as Distributed Component Object Modules
`Internet, or the like. Data source computers 20c store data
`locally in databases 72a, 72b, which may be relational
`(DCOM); and (3) a Tools Interface 94 that provides an
`interface for integration of administration and configuration
`database servers, excel spreadsheets, files, or the like. For
`example, database 72a shows data stored in tables 150, 152,
`tools developed by Independent Software Vendors (ISV).
`and 154. The data provided by data sources 20c is combined
`Layer two opens the functionality of the SQL server to
`and stored in a large database such as a data warehouse
`10 other applications by providing three application program(cid:173)
`maintained by server 20b.
`ming interfaces (API): SQL N amespace 95, SQL Distributed
`Management Objects 99, and Data Transformation Services
`Client computers 20a that desire to use the data stored by
`server computer 20b can access the database 70 via com(cid:173)
`100. A user interface 91 is provided by Wizards, HTML, and
`munications network 80. Client computers 20a request the
`so on. SQL Namespace API 95 exposes the user interface
`15 (UI) elements of SQL Server Enterprise Manager 92. This
`data by way of SQL queries ( e.g., update, insert, and delete)
`allows applications to include SQL Server Enterprise Man(cid:173)
`on the data stored in database 70.
`ager UI elements such as dialog boxes and wizards.
`3. Database Architecture
`SQL Distributed Management Objects API 99 abstracts
`A database is a collection of related data. In one type of
`the use of DDL, system stored procedures, registry
`database, a relational database, data is organized in a two(cid:173)
`20 information, and operating system resources, providing an
`dimensional column and row form called a table. FIG. 2B
`API to all administration and configuration tasks for the SQL
`illustrates tables such as tables 150, 152, and 154 that are
`stored in database 72a. A relational database typically
`Distributed Transformation Services API 100 exposes the
`includes multiple tables. A table may contain zero or more
`records and at least one field within each record. A record is
`services provided by SQL Server to aid in building data
`a row in the table that is identified by a unique numeric 25
`warehouses and data marts. As described more fully below,
`these services provide the ability to transfer and transform
`called a record identifier. A field is a subdivision of a record
`data between heterogeneous OLE DB and ODBC data
`to the extent that a column of data in the table represents the
`sources. Data from objects or the result sets of queries can
`same field for each record in the table.
`be transferred at regularly scheduled times or intervals, or on
`A database typically will also include associative struc(cid:173)
`30 an ad hoc basis.
`tures. An example of an associative structure is an index,
`Layer three provides the heart of the SQL server. This
`typically, but not necessarily, in a form of B-tree or hash
`layer comprises an SQL Server Engine 97 and a SQL Server
`index. An index provides for seeking to a specific row in a
`Agent 96 that monitors and controls SQL Server Engine 97
`table with a near constant access time regardless of the size
`of the table. Associative structures are transparent to users of 35 based on Events 98 that inform SQL Server Agent of the
`status of the SQL Server Engine 97. The Server Engine
`a database but are important to efficient operation and
`control of the database management system. A database
`processes SQL statements, forms and optimizes query
`execution plans, and so on.
`management system (DBMS), and in particular a relational
`database management system (RDBMS) is a control system
`Logical Database Application
`that supports database features including, but not limited to, 40
`The above description focused on physical attributes of an
`storing data on a memory medium, retrieving data from the
`exemplary database environment in which the present inven(cid:173)
`memory medium and updating data on the memory medium.
`tion operates. FIG. 4 logically illustrates the manner in
`As shown in FIG. 2B, the exemplary database is 72a
`which data moves among a number is of database servers,
`comprises employee table 150, department table 152, and
`which may simultaneously be data sources for other data-
`sysindexes table 154. Each table comprises columns 156 and
`45 base servers, to the destination database.
`rows 158 with fields 160 formed at the intersections. Exem(cid:173)
`Here, Database server 20b provides management of data(cid:173)
`plary employee table 150 comprises multiple columns 158
`base 70. Data for database 70 is provided by data sources

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