`Exhibit H
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`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 22-11 Filed 05/23/24 Page 2 of 5 PageID #: 470
`My Network
`with Pret
`Jeff Dean
`Chief Scientist, Google DeepMind and Google Research
`° G Google, Inc
`. Ww University of Washington
`500+ connections
`Jeff hasn’t posted yet
`Recent posts Jeff shareswill be displayed here.
`Showall activity >
`G Chief Scientist, Google DeepMind and Google Research
`Aug 1999 - Present - 24 yrs 8 mos
`Co-designer and co-implementor offive successive generations of Google’s
`crawling indexing and queryretrieval systems for http://www.gov ...see more
`Senior Memberof Technical Staff
`Feb 1999 - Aug 1999 - 7 mos
`Designer and implementor of a system for retrieving and caching electronic
`commerce content including a crawler and custom full-text indexing syste...
`Member of Research Staff
`Western Research Laboratory, Compaq Computer Corporation
`Sep 1996 - Jan 1999 - 2 yrs 5 mos
`Co-designer and implementorof Digital's Continuous Profiling
`Infrastructure, a suite of software tools that provide continuous monitoring...
`University of Washington
`5 yrs 1 mo
`Research Assistant
`Sep 1992 - Sep 1996-4 yrs 1 mo
`Invented several new techniques for optimizing object-oriented languages,
`manyof which are now included in commercial C++ and Java compilers....
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`Teaching Assistant and Instructor
`Sep 1991 - Sep 1992-1 yr 1 mo
`Instructor for Introductory ProgrammingII. Designed curriculum for class of
`60 students.
`University of Washington
`Ph.D, Computer Science
`University of Washington
`M.S, Computer Science
`Showall 3 educations
`Information Retrieval
`A, Endorsed by Julia Kiseleva whois highly skilled at this
`G Endorsed by 8 colleagues at Google
`Show all 22 skills >
`gs 24 endorsements
`> endorsements
`C + Follow
`oo Big Data
`ai 142,289 followers
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`Benjamin Treynor Sloss - 3rd+
`Vice President, Engineering
`+ Follow
`Oriol Vinyals - 3rd+
`VP of Research, Deep Learning Team Lead at Google DeepMind
`@ Message
`Demis Hassabis[ff - 3rd+
`Founder & CEO, DeepMind
`+ Follow
`i <
`vu & a = a Q 9°3
`ae Gaurav Bhaya- 3rd+
`@ Message
`Andrew Ng [ff : 3rd+
`Founder of DeepLearning.Al; Managing General Partner of Al Fund; Founder
`and CEO of Landing Al
`+ Follow
`People you may know
`From Jeff's school
`Treva Koch
`Student at University of Washington
`Oe Connect
`@ 3 2°a
`Student at University of Washington
`&+ Connect
`Fernando Bafiales Mejia [ff
`Chemical Biology PhD Candidate within the Biological, Physics, Structure
`and Design program at the University of Washington
`Ce Connect
`a s nm» >®4
`Student at University of Washington
`i&+ Connect
`Reyna Rath
`Student at University of Washington
`&+ Connecti
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`a Microsoft
`Software Development
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