`Civil Action No. 4:23-cv-01147-ALM
`Defendant Databricks, Inc. (“Databricks”) hereby files its Answer and Affirmative
`Defenses to the complaint of Plaintiff R2 Solutions LLC (“R2”). Each of the paragraphs below
`corresponds to the same numbered paragraph in the complaint. In responding to the complaint,
`Databricks has included several of Plaintiff’s headings for ease of reference, but in doing so,
`Databricks is not admitting to the accuracy of any statements made or agreeing with any
`characterizations made in such headings. Headings are used solely for organization and do not in
`any case act as an admission or statement. Databricks denies all allegations in the complaint,
`whether express or implied, that are not specifically admitted below. Databricks further denies
`that Plaintiff is entitled to the relief requested in the complaint, or to any other relief.
`Databricks lacks sufficient information to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of
`the allegations of paragraph 1 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed required, Databricks admits that it is a corporation
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 2 of 13 PageID #: 133
`organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, with a principal place of business of 160 Spear
`Street, Suite 1300, San Francisco, CA 94105. Databricks further admits that its registered agent
`is United Agent Group Inc. Except as expressly admitted, Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations in paragraph 2.
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed required, Databricks admits that the complaint
`purports to allege that this civil action arises under the Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C.
`§ 101 et seq., including without limitation 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq., but denies that the allegations
`have any merit or that Plaintiff is entitled to any relief. Databricks admits that this Court has
`subject matter jurisdiction over infringement claims brought by the owner or exclusive licensee of
`a patent pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a).
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed to be required, Databricks admits that this Court has
`personal jurisdiction over Databricks with respect to the instant action. To the extent the
`allegations in paragraph 4 purport to quote or characterize the contents of the Texas Civil Practice
`and Remedies Code, a Databricks webpage and/or LinkedIn webpages, the documents speak for
`themselves. Databricks denies that it has committed or is committing any acts of infringement
`anywhere, including in this District. Except as expressly admitted, Databricks denies the
`remaining allegations in paragraph 4.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 5 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of a LinkedIn webpage, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations in paragraph 5.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 3 of 13 PageID #: 134
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed to be required, Databricks admits that this Court has
`personal jurisdiction over Databricks with respect to the instant action. To the extent the
`allegations in paragraph 6 purport to quote or characterize the contents of a Databricks webpage,
`the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies that it has committed or is committing any acts
`of infringement anywhere, including in this District. Except as expressly admitted, Databricks
`denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 6 of the complaint.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 7 of the complaint.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 8 of the complaint.
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed to be required, Databricks does not dispute, for this
`action only, that venue is authorized in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) and that this
`Court has personal jurisdiction over it with respect to the instant action. By filing this answer,
`Databricks does not waive any argument that venue is inconvenient in this District, or that this
`action should be transferred to another district for the convenience of the parties and witnesses and
`in the interest of justice. Databricks denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 9, and
`specifically denies that it has committed any acts of infringement.
`Databricks lacks knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the
`allegations of paragraph 10 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks lacks knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the
`allegations of paragraph 11 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 135
`Databricks lacks knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the
`allegations of paragraph 12 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks admits that U.S. Patent No. 8,190,610 (the “’610 patent”) lists
`“MapReduce for distributing database processing” as its title and May 29, 2012 as its issue date.
`Databricks further admits that R2 purports to attach a copy of the ’610 patent to the complaint.
`Databricks lacks sufficient information to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of the remaining
`allegations of paragraph 13 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks lacks knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the
`allegations of paragraph 14 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 15.
`Databricks denies that the ’610 patent provides any technological improvement. To
`the extent the allegations in paragraph 16 purport to quote or characterize the contents of the ’610
`patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining allegations of paragraph
`Databricks denies that the ’610 patent provides any technological advantages. To
`the extent the allegations in paragraph 17 purport to quote or characterize the contents of the ’610
`patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining allegations of paragraph
`Databricks denies that claim 1 of the ’610 patent provides a patentable solution. To
`the extent the allegations in paragraph 18 purport to quote or characterize the contents of the ’610
`patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining allegations of paragraph
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 5 of 13 PageID #: 136
`Databricks denies that the ’610 patent provides a novel or technological
`improvement in computer capabilities. To the extent the allegations in paragraph 19 purport to
`quote or characterize the contents of the ’610 patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks
`denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 19.
`Databricks denies that the purported invention of the ’610 patent provides an
`improvement in computer functionality. To the extent the allegations in paragraph 20 purport to
`quote or characterize the contents of the ’610 patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks
`denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 20.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 21 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of the ’610 patent, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations of paragraph 21.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 22.
`Databricks denies the allegations in paragraph 23.
`Databricks lacks sufficient information to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of
`the allegations of paragraph 24 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 25 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of the subpoena, the document speaks for itself. Databricks lacks sufficient information
`to form a belief as to the truth or falsity of the remaining allegations of paragraph 25 of the
`complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks specifically denies that it has committed or is committing any acts of
`infringement. Databricks denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 26 of the complaint.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 6 of 13 PageID #: 137
`The allegations in this paragraph state a legal conclusion to which no response is
`required. To the extent a response is deemed required, Databricks admits that the complaint
`purports to allege that this civil action arises under the Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C.
`§ 101 et seq., including without limitation 35 U.S.C. § 271 et seq., but denies that the allegations
`have any merit or that Plaintiff is entitled to any relief.
`Databricks lacks knowledge or information sufficient to admit or deny the
`allegations of paragraph 28 of the complaint and, on that basis, denies them.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 29 of the complaint.
`Alleged Direct Infringement (35 U.S.C. § 271 (a))
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 30 of the complaint.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 31 of the complaint.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 32 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of a Databricks webpage, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations of paragraph 32 of the complaint. Databricks specifically denies that it has committed
`or is committing any acts of infringement anywhere, including in this District.
`Databricks admits that it makes and uses the Databricks Data Intelligence
`Platform/Databricks Lakehouse Platform. Databricks specifically denies that any of its products
`or services infringe. Databricks denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 33 of the complaint.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 34 of the complaint.
`Alleged Indirect Infringement (Inducement — 35 U.S.C. § 271(b))
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 35 of the complaint.
`Databricks specifically denies that it has committed or is committing any acts of
`infringement. Databricks denies the remaining allegations in paragraph 36 of the complaint.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 7 of 13 PageID #: 138
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 37 of the complaint.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 38 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of a Databricks webpage, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations of paragraph 38 of the complaint.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 39 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of a Databricks webpage, the document speaks for itself. Databricks denies the remaining
`allegations of paragraph 39 of the complaint.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 40 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of Databricks webpages, the documents speak for themselves. Databricks denies the
`remaining allegations of paragraph 40 of the complaint. Databricks specifically denies that it has
`committed or is committing any acts of infringement.
`To the extent the allegations in paragraph 41 purport to quote or characterize the
`contents of Databricks webpages, the documents speak for themselves. Databricks denies the
`remaining allegations of paragraph 41 of the complaint. Databricks specifically denies that it has
`committed or is committing any acts of infringement.
`Alleged Damages
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 42.
`Databricks denies the allegations of paragraph 43.
`Databricks denies that R2 is entitled to any of the relief requested in the complaint or any
`relief whatsoever. Databricks denies all allegations in the complaint that have not been specifically
`admitted in paragraphs 1-43 above.
`R2’s demand for a jury trial does not require a response.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 8 of 13 PageID #: 139
`Databricks asserts the following additional defenses to the complaint. In doing so,
`Databricks does not assume any burden of proof on any issue that is R2’s burden as a matter of
`law. Databricks also reserves the right to amend or supplement these defenses as additional facts
`become known.
`The complaint fails to allege facts sufficient to state a cause of action upon which relief
`may be granted.
`Databricks has not infringed, and currently does not infringe, any claim of the ’610 patent
`and is not liable for any infringement.
`The ’610 patent is invalid for failure to meet one or more of the conditions for patentability
`specified in Title 35, U.S.C., or the rules, regulations, and law related thereto, including, without
`limitation, 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 102, 103, and/or 112.
`The relief sought by R2 is barred, in whole or in part, under the doctrine of prosecution
`history estoppel and/or disclaimer, due to amendments and/or statements made during prosecution
`of the ’610 patent.
`R2 cannot assert any claims for patent infringement under the doctrine of equivalents
`because such an asserted scope of equivalency would encompass or ensnare the prior art.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 9 of 13 PageID #: 140
`The relief sought by R2 is barred, in whole or in part, because R2 and/or predecessors in
`interest of the Asserted Patent dedicated to the public all methods, systems, and products disclosed
`in the ’610 patent, but not literally claimed therein.
`R2’s claim for damages is barred, in whole or in part, by 35 U.S.C. §§ 286 or 287. To the
`extent any claim of the ’610 patent is invalid, R2 is barred from recovering costs by 35 U.S.C.
`§ 288.
`Databricks has engaged in all relevant activities in good faith, thereby precluding R2, even
`if it prevails, from recovering its reasonable attorneys’ fees or costs under 35 U.S.C. § 285.
`R2’s claims against Databricks are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrines of waiver,
`patent misuse, implied waiver, acquiescence, legal estoppel, equitable estoppel, unclean hands,
`and/or other equitable defenses.
`R2’s claims against Databricks are barred, in whole or in part, by express or implied
`licenses to the Patent-in-Suit, and/or under the doctrines of patent exhaustion, first sale and/or the
`single recovery rule.
`R2’s claims for monetary relief are limited to the extent it or any predecessor-in-interest to
`the Patent-in-Suit undertook an obligation to license the Patent-in-Suit on fair, reasonable, and/or
`non-discriminatory terms.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 10 of 13 PageID #: 141
`R2 cannot show that any acts or omissions by Databricks render this an exceptional case
`justifying an award of attorney fees against Databricks pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285.
`R2 is not entitled to enhanced or increased damages for willful infringement because
`Databricks has not engaged in any conduct that meets the applicable standard for willful
`Databricks reserves the right to assert additional defenses in the event that discovery or
`other analysis indicates that additional defenses are appropriate.
`Databricks hereby requests a trial by jury on all issues so triable including specifically on
`R2’s claims and Databricks’ defenses thereto.
`Databricks prays for judgment with respect to R2’s complaint and Databricks’ defenses as
`A judgment in favor of Databricks denying R2 any relief requested in its complaint
`and dismissing its complaint with prejudice;
`A judgment against R2 finding that Databricks has not and does not infringe and is
`not liable for any infringement of any claim of the ’610 patent;
`A judgment against R2 finding that the ’610 patent is invalid;
`A judgment that this is an exceptional case within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 285
`and awarding Databricks its reasonable attorneys’ fees;
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 11 of 13 PageID #: 142
`An award of costs to Databricks; and
`Such other relief as the Court shall deem just and proper.
`Dated: March 8, 2024
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Michael J. Sacksteder
`Michael J. Sacksteder
`CA Bar No. 191605 (Admitted E.D. Texas)
`Email: msacksteder@fenwick.com
`Dargaye Churnet
`CA Bar No. 303659 (Admitted E.D. Texas)
`Email: dchurnet@fenwick.com
`Gregory Sefian
`CA Bar No. 341802 (Admitted Pro Hac Vice)
`Email: gsefian@fenwick.com
`Su Li
`CA Bar No. 339374 (Admitted Pro Hac Vice)
`Email: sli@fenwick.com
`555 California Street, 12th Floor
`San Francisco, California 94104
`Vigen Salmastlian
`CA Bar No. 276846 (Admitted E.D. Texas)
`Email: vsalmastlian@fenwick.com
`801 California Street,
`Mountain View, CA 94041
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 12 of 13 PageID #: 143
`Jessica M. Kaempf
`WA Bar No. 51666 (Admitted E.D. Texas)
`Email: jkaempf@fenwick.com
`401 Union Street, 5th Floor
`Seattle, WA 98101
`Attorneys for Defendant
`Databricks, Inc.
`Case 4:23-cv-01147-ALM Document 16 Filed 03/08/24 Page 13 of 13 PageID #: 144
`I hereby certify that all counsel of record who consented to electronic service are being
`served with a copy of this document via electronic mail per Local Rule CV-5 on March 8, 2024.
`/s/ Michael J. Sacksteder
`Michael J. Sacksteder

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