Case 4:23-cv-00573-ALM Document 4-2 Filed 08/04/23 Page 1 of 3 PageID #: 323
`Exhibit B


`Case 4:23-cv-00573-ALM Document 4-2 Filed 08/04/23 Page 2 of 3 PageID #: 324
`Federal Register/Vol. 88, No. 143/Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Notices
`DATES: Unlessthere are protests of this
`action, the plats described in this notice
`will be filed on August 28, 2023.
`ADDRESSES: You may submit written
`protests to the BLM Colorado State
`Office, Cadastral Survey, P.O. Box
`151029, Lakewood, CO 80215.
`David W. Ginther, Chief Cadastral
`Surveyor for Colorado, telephone: (970)
`826-5064; email:
`Individuals in the United States who are
`deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have
`a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY,
`TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
`telecommunicationsrelay services.
`Individuals outside the United States
`should use the relay services offered
`within their country to make
`internationalcalls to the point-of-
`contact in the United States.
`andfield notes of the dependent
`resurvey and survey in Townships 32
`North, Ranges 6 and 7 East, New Mexico
`Principal Meridian, Colorado, were
`accepted on April 27, 2023.
`The plat incorporating the field notes
`of the remonumentation of a corner in
`Township 5 North, Range 72 West,
`Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, was
`accepted on May 19, 2023.
`The plat incorporating the field notes
`of the remonumentation of a corner in
`Township 10 North, Range 73 West,
`Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado, was
`accepted on May19, 2023.
`The plat and field notes of the
`corrective dependent resurvey and
`survey in Township 9 North, Range74
`West, Sixth Principal Meridian,
`Colorado, were accepted on June6,
`The plat and field notes of the
`dependent resurvey and subdivision of
`section 14 in Township 11 North, Range
`73 West, Sixth Principal Meridian,
`Colorado, were accepted on June 15,
`The plat and field notes of the
`dependent resurvey in Township 10
`North, Range 72 West, Sixth Principal
`Meridian, Colorado, were accepted on
`July 7, 2023.
`A person or party who wishesto
`protest any of the above surveys must
`file a written notice of protest within 30
`calendar days from the date ofthis
`publication at the addresslisted in the
`ADDRESSESsection of this notice. A
`statement of reasons for the protest may
`be filed with the notice of protest and
`mustbe filed within 30 calendar days
`after the protestis filed. If a protest
`against the survey is received prior to
`the date ofofficial filing, the filing will
`be stayed pending consideration of the
`protest. A plat will not be officially filed
`until the day after all protests have been
`dismissed or otherwise resolved.
`Before including your address, phone
`number, email address, or other
`personal identifying information in your
`protest, please be aware that your entire
`protest, including your personal
`identifying information, may be made
`publicly available at any time. While
`you can ask us in your commentto
`withhold your personal identifying
`information from public review, we
`cannot guarantee that we will be able to
`(Authority: 43 U.S.C. Chap. 3)
`David W.Ginther,
`Chief Cadastral Surveyor.
`[FR Doc. 2023-15859 Filed 7-26-23; 8:45 am]
`[Investigation No. 337—-TA—1367]
`Certain Electronic Devices and
`Semiconductor Devices Having
`Wireless Communication Capabilities
`and Components Thereof; Institution
`of Investigation
`AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
`ACTION: Notice.
`SUMMARY:Notice is hereby given that a
`complaint wasfiled with the U.S.
`International Trade Commission on June
`21, 2023, under section 337 of the Tariff
`Act of 1930, as amended, on behalf of
`Bell Northern Research, LLC of Chicago,
`Illinois. Supplements werefiled on July
`3 and 11, 2023. The complaint,as
`supplemented,alleges violations of
`section 337 based upon the importation
`into the United States, the sale for
`importation, and the sale within the
`United States after importation of
`certain electronic devices and
`semiconductor devices having wireless
`communication capabilities and
`components thereof by reason of the
`infringementof certain claims of U.S.
`Patent No. 7,564,914 (‘the ’914 patent’);
`U.S. Patent No. RE 48,629 (‘the ’629
`patent’’); and U.S. Patent No. 8,416,862
`(“the ’862 patent’’). The complaint
`further alleges that an industry in the
`United States exists as required by the
`applicable Federal Statute. The
`complainant requests that the
`Commission institute an investigation
`and, after the investigation, issue a
`limited exclusion order and cease and
`desist orders.
`ADDRESSES: The complaint, except for
`any confidential information contained
`therein, may be viewed on the
`Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
`at For help
`accessing EDIS, please email
` Hearing impaired
`individuals are advised that information
`on this matter can be obtained by
`contacting the Commission’s TDD
`terminal on (202) 205-1810. Persons
`with mobility impairments whowill
`needspecial assistance in gaining access
`to the Commission should contact the
`Office of the Secretary at (202) 205—
`2000. General information concerning
`the Commission mayalso be obtained
`by accessing its internet server at
`Pathenia M. Proctor, The Office of
`Unfair ImportInvestigations, U.S.
`International Trade Commission,
`telephone (202) 205-2560.
`Authority: The authority for
`institution of this investigation is
`contained in section 337 of the Tariff
`Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C.
`1337, and in section 210.10 of the
`Commission’s Rules of Practice and
`Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10 (2023).
`Scopeof Investigation: Having
`considered the complaint, the U.S.
`International Trade Commission, on
`July 21, 2023, ordered that—
`(1) Pursuant to subsection (b) of
`section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended,an investigation be instituted
`to determine whetherthereis a
`violation of subsection (a)(1)(B) of
`section 337 in the importation into the
`United States, the sale for importation,
`or the sale within the United States after
`importation of certain products
`identified in paragraph (2) by reason of
`infringementof one or more of claims
`13, 14, 17, 21, and 22 of the ’914 patent;
`claims 1, 8-11, 13, 14, 19, 20, and 27 of
`the ’629 patent; and claims 1—4 and 9-
`12 of the ’862 patent, and whether an
`industryin the United States exists as
`required by subsection (a)(2) of section
`(2) Pursuant to section 210.10(b)(1) of
`the Commission’s Rulesof Practice and
`Procedure, 19 CFR 210.10(b)(1), the
`plain language description of the
`accused products or category of accused
`products, which defines the scope of the
`investigation,is ‘semiconductor
`devices, and specifically undiced
`wafers, diced wafers, packaged chips
`and chipsets both attached and
`unattached to printed circuit boards and
`modules; personal and tablet computers;
`and routers, gateways, and networking
`devices having wireless communication
`capabilities, and components thereof”’;


`Case 4:23-cv-00573-ALM Document 4-2 Filed 08/04/23 Page 3 of 3 PageID #: 325
`Federal Register/Vol. 88, No. 143/Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Notices
`(3) Pursuant to Commission Rule
`210.50(b)(1), 19 CFR 210.50(b)(1), the
`presiding administrative law judge shall
`take evidence or other information and
`hear arguments from the parties or other
`interested persons with respectto the
`public interest in this investigation, as
`appropriate, and provide the
`Commission with findings of fact and a
`recommended determination on this
`issue, which shall be limited to the
`statutory public interest factors set forth
`in 19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(0), ()(1), (g)(1);
`(4) For the purposeof the
`investigation so instituted, the following
`are hereby namedasparties upon which
`this notice of investigation shall be
`(a) The complainantis:
`Bell Northern Research, LLC, 401 North
`Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
`(b) The respondents are the following
`entities alleged to be in violation of
`section 337, and are the parties upon
`which the complaintis to be served:
`NXP Semiconductors, N.V., 60 High
`Tech Campus, Eindhoven,
`Netherlands, 5656
`NXP USA,Inc., 6501 William Cannon
`Drive West, Austin, TX 78735
`Laird Connectivity, LLC, 50 Main Street,
`Akron, OH 44308
`Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., 5775
`Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA
`MediaTekInc., No. 1, Dusing 1st Road,
`Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu
`30078, Taiwan
`MediaTek USAInc., 2840 Junction Ave.,
`San Jose, CA 95134
`ASUSTek ComputerInc., No. 15, Li-Te
`Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112, Taiwan
`ASUS ComputerInternational, 48720
`Kato Rd., Fremont, CA 94538
`(c) The Office of Unfair Import
`Investigations, U.S. International Trade
`Commission, 500 E Street SW,Suite
`401, Washington, DC 20436; and
`(5) For the investigation so instituted,
`the Chief Administrative Law Judge,
`U.S. International Trade Commission,
`shall designate the presiding
`Administrative Law Judge.
`Responsesto the complaint and the
`notice of investigation must be
`submitted by the named respondents in
`accordance with section 210.13 of the
`Commission’s Rules of Practice and
`Procedure, 19 CFR 210.13. Pursuant to
`19 CFR 201.16(e) and 210.13(a), as
`amendedin 85 FR 15798 (March 19,
`2020), such responseswill be
`considered by the Commissionif
`received notlater than 20 daysafter the
`date of service by the complainantof the
`complaint and the notice of
`investigation. Extensions of time for
`submitting responses to the complaint
`and the notice of investigation will not
`be granted unless good causethereforis
`Failure of a respondentto file a timely
`responseto each allegation in the
`complaint and in this notice may be
`deemedto constitute a waiverof the
`right to appear and contest the
`allegations of the complaint and this
`notice, and to authorize the
`administrative law judge and the
`Comunission, without further notice to
`the respondent, to find the facts to be as
`alleged in the complaint andthis notice
`and to enter an initial determination
`and a final determination containing
`such findings, and may result in the
`issuance of an exclusion order or a cease
`and desist order or both directed against
`the respondent.
`Byorderof the Commission.
`Issued: July 21, 2023.
`Lisa Barton,
`Secretary to the Commission.
`[FR Doc. 2023-15891 Filed 7-26-23; 8:45 am]
`[Docket No. 40-38415; NRC-—2023—0090]
`Rare Element Resources,Inc.; Rare
`Earth Element Demonstration Plant
`AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory
`ACTION: Environmental assessment and
`finding of no significant impact;
`SUMMARY:TheU.S. Nuclear Regulatory
`Commission (NRC) is issuing a Finding
`of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and
`accompanying Environmental
`Assessment(EA) for an application
`request from Rare Element Resources,
`Inc. (RER) for a source materials license
`accompanying the construction and
`operation of a rare earth element (REE)
`separation and processing
`demonstration plant near Upton,
`Wyoming. Based on the analysis in the
`EA,the NRCstaff has concluded that
`there would be nosignificant impacts to
`environmental resources from RER’s
`proposed facility and, therefore, a
`FONSIis appropriate.
`DATES: The EA and FONSIreferenced in
`this documentare available on July 27,
`ADDRESSES:Pleaserefer to Docket ID
`NRC—2023-—0090 when contacting the
`NRCaboutthe availability of
`information regarding this document.
`You may obtain publicly available
`information related to this document
`using any of the following methods:
`e Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to
` and search
`for Docket ID NRC-2023-0090. Address
`questions about DocketIDs to Stacy
`Schumann;telephone: 301-415-0624;
`email: For
`technical questions, contact the
`individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
`e NRC’s Agencywide Documents
`Access and Management System
`(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly
`available documentsonline in the
`ADAMSPublic Documents collection at
`adams.html. To begin the search,select
`“Begin Web-based ADAMSSearch.”For
`problems with ADAMS, please contact
`the NRC’s Public Document Room {PDR)
`reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, at
`301-415-4737, or by email to
` For the
`convenience of the reader, instructions
`about obtaining materials referenced in
`this documentare providedin the
`“Availability of Documents”section.
`e NRC’s PDR: The PDR, where you
`may examine andordercopies of
`publicly available documents, is open
`by appointment. To make an
`appointmentto visit the PDR,please
`send an email to
`or call 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415—
`4737, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.eastern
`time (ET), Monday throughFriday,
`except Federal holidays.
`JamesPark, Office of Nuclear Material
`Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear
`Regulatory Commission, Washington,
`DC 20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-—
`6954; email:
`I. Introduction
`By letter dated September13, 2022,
`RER applied for a source material
`license from the NRC for RER’s
`proposed REE separation and processing
`demonstration plant to be located near
`Upton, Wyoming. In the Demonstration
`Plant, RER proposesto useits
`proprietary process to extract and
`concentrate neodymium-praseodymium
`(NdPr) and otherrare earth oxides
`(REOs) from an approximately 907
`metric-ton (1,000-ton) exploration
`sample obtained from RER’s Bear Lodge
`site in the Black Hills National Forest in
`Wyoming. During processing, thorium
`in the exploration sample would be
`concentrated to a level necessitating a
`source material license from the NRC in
`accordancewith the provisionsof part
`40 oftitle 10 of the Code ofFederal

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