Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 1 of 154 PageID #: 1454
`Exhibit A


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 2 of 154 PageID #: 1455
`August 9, 2019
`.,··.· , .
`.. r
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W., Room 112
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Certain Wireless Communication Devices and Related Components Thereof
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`Enclosed for filing on behalf of Complainant Innovation Sciences LLC ("Innovation")
`are the following documents in support of Innovation's request that the Commission institute an
`investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. A request for
`confidential treatment of Confidential Exhibits 5 and 6 is included with this submission.
`Accordingly, Complainant submits the following:
`1. One (1) original and eight (8) true paper copies oflnnovation 's non-confidential
`Complaint pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l )(i);
`2. One (1) original and eight (8) true paper copies of Innovation's confidential
`Complaint pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l)(i);
`3. One (I) electronic copy of the non-confidential exhibits to the Complaint, pursuant to
`Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l)(i);
`4. One ( 1) electronic copy of the confidential exhibits to the Complaint, pursuant to
`Commission Rules 201.6(c) and 210.8(a)(l)(ii);
`5. Three (3) additional copies of the non-confidential Complaint, for service upon
`Proposed Respondents pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l )(iii);
`8300 Greensboro Dr .. Suite 500 I Mclean, VA 22102 I tel. 571.765.7700 I


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 3 of 154 PageID #: 1456
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`August 9, 2019
`Page 2
`6. Three (3) additional copies of the non-confidential exhibits for service upon Proposed
`Respondents, pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l)(iii);
`7. Three (3) additional electronic copies of the confidential exhibits (under a separate
`confidential cover letter) for service upon Proposed Respondents once appropriate
`subscriptions to a protective order have been filed, pursuant to Commission Rule
`210.8(a)( 1 )(iii);
`8. One (I) additional paper copy of the non-confidential Complaint for service on the
`embassy of Republic of China (Taiwan) pursuant to Commission Rule 210.8(a)(l)(iv);
`9. A letter and certification requesting confidential treatment for the information
`contained in Confidential Exhibits 5 and 6 to the Complaint and the portions of the
`Complaint that discuss the substance of that Confidential Exhibits, pursuant to
`Commission Rules 201.6(b) and 2I0.5(d); and
`10. A Statement on the Public Interest, pursuant to Commission Rule 2l0.8(b).
`In accordance with 19 C.F.R. §210.12(a) and (c), the following documents are submitted
`within the exhibit or appendices to this patent-based Complaint;
`• One (I) certified copy of U.S. Patent Nos. 10,104,425 B2 and 10,136,179 B2
`( collectively the "asserted patents"), and their respectiv~ certified assignment records,
`included as Exhibits 1-4.
`• One (1) certified copy and four (4) additional electronic copies of the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office prosecution history for U.S. Patent Nos. 10,104,425 B2 and
`· I 0, 136,179 B2 included with the Complaint as Appendices A, and C; and
`• Four (4) electronic copies of the technical references cited in the prosecution history
`for U.S. Patent Nos. 10, l 04,425 B2 and 10,136,179 B2 included with the Complaint
`as Appendices B, and D.
`Thank you for your attention in this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions
`regarding this submission.


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 4 of 154 PageID #: 1457
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`August 9, 2019
`Page 3
`Respectfully submitted,
`Donald L. Jackson
`Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey, LLP
`8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
`(571) 765-7710
`Counsel for Complainant
`Innovation Sciences LLC


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 5 of 154 PageID #: 1458
`August 9, 2019
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W., Room 112
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Certain Wireless Communication Devices and Related Components Thereof
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`("Innovation"), who
`Innovation Sciences
`represents Complainant
`concurrently filing a Complaint pursuant to section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended,
`19 u.s.c. § 1337.
`In accordance with Commission Rules 201.6 and 210.5, 19 C.F.R. §§201.6, 210.5,
`Innovation respectfully requests that the Commission grant confidential treatment of the
`confidential business information contained in Confidential Exhibit Nos. 5 a:nd 6 to Innovation's
`verified Complaint, and the portions of the Complaint that discuss the substance of those
`Confidential Exhibits.
`The information for which confidential treatment is sought is proprietary commercial
`information that is not otherwise publicly available. More specifically, Confidential Exhibit No.
`5 contains confidential information regarding Innovations' licensing practices and strategies,
`namely Confidential Exhibit No. 6 contains confidential information regarding Innovation's
`licensee LG Electronics and its affiliates.
`The information described above qualifies as confidential business information pursuant
`to Commission Rule 210.6(a) because:
`it is not available to the public;
`2. unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause substantial harm to
`Complainant's competitive position; and
`8300 Greensboro Dr., Suite 500 I McLean, VA 22102 I tel. 571.765.7700 I


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 6 of 154 PageID #: 1459
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`August 9, 2019
`Page 2
`the disclosure of the information could impair the Commission's ability to obtain
`information necessary to perform its statutory function.
`I certify that substantially identical information is not reasonably available to the public.
`Please contact me if you have any questions about this submission.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Donald L. Jackson
`Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey, LLP
`8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
`(571) 765-7703
`Counsel for Complainant
`Innovation Sciences LLC


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 7 of 154 PageID #: 1460
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-__
`Complainant Innovation Sciences, LLC ("Innovation") hereby submits this Statement
`Regarding the Public Interest in compliance with 19 C.F.R. § 210.8(b). As set forth below,
`Innovation submits that the issuance of the relief requested in the concurrently-filed Complaint,
`including a permanent limited exclusion order and permanent cease and desist orders covering
`the accused wireless communication devices and related components and systems thereof will
`not adversely impact the public health, safety, or welfare conditions in the United States, the
`competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly
`competitive articles in the United States, or United States consumers.
`Innovation has licensed its patent portfolio, including the Asserted Patents, to a number
`of companies including LG Electronics, which supplies the U.S. market with wireless
`communications devices that may work as (or with) a hub in a wireless system that permits users
`to communicate with, monitor, and/or control wireless sensors, controllers, devices, and
`the user's home or office.
`The exclusion of Respondents' wireless
`communications devices and related components and systems would not implicate any public
`health, safety, or welfare concerns, as consumers would not face any potential shortage of like or
`competitive products in the United States. As set forth more fully in the Complaint, Innovation
`has licensed its technology and patent portfolio to LG Electronics which now services the market


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 8 of 154 PageID #: 1461
`for wireless communication devices that are capable of working as (or with) a hub in a wireless
`system that . permits users to communicate with, monitor, and control wireless sensors,
`controllers, devices, and appliances in a user's hom:e or office, such as the smart devices, smart
`appliances, and related products and systems that LG Electronics sells and markets under its
`SmartThinQ® brand of appliances and its ThinQ® brand of smartphones within the United States.
`This investigation does not pres'ent a situation where a compelling public interest might
`supersede entry of remedial orders in the event a violation of Section 337 is found.
`Nor is this a case where the Commission, the parties, and the public should be required to
`undertake the time and expense of discovery into any potential public interest issues, the
`presentation of evidence on such issues before the Administrative Law Judge, and the issuance
`of any Recommended Determination by the Administrative Law Judge on the public interest
`issue. Such an endeavor would be a waste of administrative resources and the parties' resources.
`Use of Articles Potentially Subject to Remedial Orders in the United States
`The Respondents' products potentially subject to remedial orders in the proposed
`Investigation are wireless c?mmunication devices that may work as ( or with) a hub in a wireless
`system the permits users to communicate with, monitor, and/or control various wireless sensors,
`controllers, devices, and appliances in a user's home or office, including the control of
`communication signals/content between the various connected devices, such as the provision of
`audio and/or video content. Such wireless communication devices can come in a variety of
`forms, and allow users to communicate efficiently with wireless sensors, controllers, devices,
`and/or appliances.
`There Are No Public ~ealth, Safety, or Welfare Concerns in the United States
`Relating to the Potential Remedial Orders


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 9 of 154 PageID #: 1462
`Excluding the Respondents from importation into the United States would not impli~ate
`any public health, safety, or welfare concerns, as like products are readily available in the United
`States from Innovation's licensee LG Electronics. As such, there are no public health, safety, or
`welfare concerns that would caution against excluding Respondents' accused products.
`Articles That Can Replace the Subject Articles if the Commission Excluded Them
`from the United States
`Wireless communication devices that may work as ( or with) a hub in a wireless system
`that permits users to communicate with, monitor, and/or control wireless sensors, controllers,
`devices, and smart appliances in the user's home or office, are readily available in the United
`States from Innovation's licensee LG Electronics, which sells authorized products that compete
`with Respondents'. Respondents' products have no unique health or safety-related features that
`cannot be satisfied using competitive authorized products and systems from Innovation's
`licensee LG Electronics. No public interest concerns arise .when the market maintains an
`adequate supply of competitive and/or substitute products for those subject to a remedial order.
`Certain Lens Fitted Film Packages, Inv. No. 337-TA-406, Comm'n Op. at 18 (June 28, 1999).
`The U.S. market is competitive for wireless communication devices that may serve as (or with) a
`hub in a wireless system that permits users to communicate with, monitor, and/or control
`wireless sensors, controllers, devices, and appliances in the user's home or office, and
`Innovation's licensees have the capacity to replace the volume of Respondents' infringing
`products within the United States.
`The Domestic Industry for Wireless Communication Devices can be Satisfied with
`Existing. Products
`Wireless communication devices that may work as or with a hub in a wireless system that
`permits users to communicate with, monitor, and/or control wireless sensors., controllers,


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 10 of 154 PageID #: 1463
`devices, and smartappliances in the user's home or office currently available in the United States
`from Innovation's licensee LG Electronics. It is unnecessary to hold an evidentiary hearing to
`establish that the exclusion qf Respondents' wireless communication devices would not result in
`any adverse impact to the presently-supplied market.
`The Requested Remedial Orders Will Not Have a Significant Negative Impact on
`Consumers in the United States
`Respondents' customers of wireless communication devices may use their devices as or
`with a hub in a wireless system for communication with, monitoring, and controlling wireless
`sensors, controllers, devices, and smart appliances in their homes or offices. These users can
`select wireless communication devices and their related components (sensors, controllers,
`devices, and appliances) from Innovation's licensee LG Electronics. The issuance of the
`requested exclusion and cease-and-desist orders during the remaining term of the Asserted
`Patents will have no meaningful adverse impact on U.S. consumers.
`Further, the public interest favors the protection of intellectual property rights in the
`United States. See Certain Two-Handle Centerset Faucets & Escutcheans, and Components
`Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-422, Comm'n Op. at 9 (June 19, 2000). Issuance of the requested
`relief here to exclude the infringing products would serve the public interest by protecting
`Innovation's intellectual property rights. Precluding Respondents from importing and selling
`their infringing wireless communication devices and related components will benefit the public
`interest by protecting innovators, such as Innovation, which has made significant investments in
`the United States toresearch, develop, patent, and license their innovative and efficient wireless
`communication devices, systems, and their related components.
`Moreover, declining to issue remedial orders in this proposed Investigation to exclude
`Respondents' infringing wireless communication devices would serve to effectively encourage


`- - - ' - - - - · - , - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......
`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 11 of 154 PageID #: 1464
`and subsidize Respondents' infringement and unfair competition by allowing them to benefit
`from Innovation's years of research, development, and innovation without just compensation.
`Allowing unlicensed suppliers such as Respondents to import and sell infringing wireless
`communication devices and related components in the United States not only devalues the
`licenses that Innovation has granted, but also discourages others from licensing the patented
`Issuance of a permanent exclusion order and cease-and-desist orders against
`Respondents' infringing products will not negatively affect the public health, safety, and welfare
`in the United States, competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like
`or competitive articles in the United States, and the availability of such products to U.S.
`consumers. The continued availability of Respondents' accused wireless communication devices
`and related components is not essential to the public health, safety, or welfare concerns because,
`inter alia, they contain no unique health or safety-related features, and the U.S. market has
`adequate alternative products that are authorized by Innovation.
`Consequently, there are no public interest concerns preventing the issuance of a
`permanent exclusion order and cease-and-desist orders, or that would necessitate discovery,
`presentation of evidence, and a Recommended Determination by the Adi;ninistrative Law Judge
`on the issue of public interest.
`Dated: August 9, 2019
`Respectfully submitted,
`Donald L. Jackson
`Counsel for Complainant


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 12 of 154 PageID #: 1465
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-__
`5800 Legacy Circle, Suite 311
`Plano, Texas 75024
`Tel. (972) 696-9116
`Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey
`8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
`Tel. (571) 765-7700
`Fax. (571) 765-7200
`Resideo Technologies, Inc.
`901 East Sixth Street
`Austin, Texas 78702
`Tel. (763) 954-5204
`23 Xinghua Road, Tayouan, 330
`Republic of China (Taiwan)
`Tel. 886 3 375 3252
`308 Occidental Ave. S., Suite 300
`Seattle, Washington 98104
`Tel. (425) 679-5318


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 13 of 154 PageID #: 1466
`INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. l
`COMPLAINANT ................................................................................................... 3
`PROPOSED RESPONDENTS ............................................................................... 5
`THE ACCUSED PRODUCTS AT ISSUE ............................................................. 6
`Commission Rule 210.lO(b)(l) Statement ................................................. 6
`THE PATENTS-AT-ISSUE ................................................................................... 8
`Identification of the Asserted Patents and Ownership by Innovation ......... 8
`Non-Technical Description of the Asserted Patents ................................... 8
`The ' 1 79 Patent ..................................................................................... 9
`The '425 Patent ..................................................................................... 9
`Foreign Patents Relating to the Asserted Patents ..................................... 10
`Related Litigation ...................................................................................... 10
`Patent Office Proceedings ......................................................................... 11
`Licensees Under the Asserted Patents ...................................................... 11
`INFRINGEMENT ............................. · .................................................................... 12
`Claims and Infringing Activity of Resideo ............................................... 12
`Asserted Claims and Infringing Activities of HTC Corporation .............. 13
`Asserted Claims and Infringing Activities of HTC America, Inc ............ 14
`TARIFF SCHEDULE ........................................................................................... 19
`THE DOMESTIC INDUSTRY ............................................................................ 20
`Economic Prong ........................................................................................ 20
`Significant and Substantial Investment in Exploiting the Asserted
`Patents Exists ...................................................................................... 20


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 14 of 154 PageID #: 1467
`· .. LG's Activities .................................................................................... 21
`LG's Smart Appliance Manufacturing Facility Located in
`Clarksville, Tennessee .................................................................. 23
`l. Significant Investment in Plants and Equipment.. ........................ 23
`11. Significant Employment of Labor or Capital... ............................. 25
`LG Electronics U.S.A.'s U.S. Headquarters Located in Englewood
`Cliffs, New Jersey ......................................................................... 26
`l. Significant Investment in Plants and Equipment.. ........................ 26
`11. Significant Employment of Labor or Capital... ............................. 29
`LG's Home Appliance Research and Development Center in
`Buffalo Grove, Illinois .................................................................. 30
`i. Significant Investment in Plants and Equipment.. ........................ 30
`11. Significant Employment of Labor or Capital... ............................. 31
`iii. Substantial Investments in Research and Development ............... 32
`LG Silicon Valley Labs located at both 5150 Great America
`Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054 and 642 Harrison Street Suite
`100, San Francisco, CA 94107 ..................................................... 33
`i. Significant Investment in Plants and Equipment.. ........................ 33
`11. Significant Employment of Labor or Capital... ............................. 34
`iii. Substantial Investments in Research and Development ............... 34
`Innovation's Activities ........................................................................ 35
`1. Significant Investments in Plant and Equipment.. ........................ 35
`11. Significant Employment of Labor or Capital... ............................. 36
`iii. Substantial Investments in Research and Development ............... 37
`Technical Prong ....................................................... , ................... _ ............. 37
`RELIEF REQUESTED ......................................................................................... 37


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 15 of 154 PageID #: 1468
`Exhibit Description
`Certified Copy of United States Patent No. 10,136,179
`Certified Copy of United States Patent No. 10,104,425
`Certified Copy of Assignment Documents for U.S. Patent No. 10,136,179
`Certified Copy of Assignment Documents for U.S. Patent No. 10,104,425
`[CONFIDENTIAL] Declaration of Dr. Anne Wong
`Infringement claim chart for claim 15 of the '179 by including the Honeywell
`RCHS5200WF Base Station
`Infringement claim charts for claim 9 of the' 179 patent by the Honeywell Lynx
`Series control panels used with Honeywell Series 5800 and SiX Series wireless
`sensors, and related products
`Infringement claim charts for claim 1 of the ' 179 patent by WiF i Thermostats
`Infringement claim charts for claim 1 of the '179 patent by Honeywell WiFi Water
`Leak & Freeze Detector
`Infringement claim charts for claim 1 of the '179 patent by Honeywell C 1 and C2
`WiFi Cameras and Honeywell RCHS5200WF Base Station
`Screen shot of https://www
`Screen shot of
`Indoor-Wi-Fi-Security-Base-Station/RCHS5200WF .pcrp
`Screen shot of 7000-Wireless(cid:173)
`Security/dp/BO 14 7KRUT2/ref=sr _ 1_ 1 _ sspa ?hvadid=77927939157 572&hvbmt=be
`&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&keywords=honeywell+lynx+ 7000&qid= 15 5 507 4305&s=gate
`way&sr=8-1-spons&psc= 1
`Screen shot of
`Honeywell/dp/BO 17HTCIFG


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 16 of 154 PageID #: 1469
`Scre'en shot of
`tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa= X&ved=Oah UKEwj lj6HAOcrhAh VukuAK.HfEmCTMQsxgI
`LQ&biw= l 400&bih=7 l 7#spd= l 7960553576290552667
`Screen shot of https://www
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`https :// _ sb _ noss _ l
`Infringement claim chart for claim 45 of the '425 patent by the HTC Ul 1, Ul 1 Life,
`and U12+ smart phones
`Infringement claim chart for claim 14 of the '425 patent by the HTC Ul 1, Ul 1 Life,
`and U12+ smart phones
`Screen shot of 1/buy
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of I-life
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of l-Life-Resistant(cid:173)
`021 &hvtargid=kwd-
`3530l5857653&keywords=htc+u l 1 +life&qid=l5550753 l 7&s=gateway&sr=8-l(cid:173)
`spons&psc= 1
`Screen shot of
`Phone/dp/B07D2Q65ZM/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=htc+u 12&qid= 155 5075363&s=gat
`Photograph of Honeywell RCHS5200WF Base Station package box
`Screen shot of YNX(cid:173)
`Touch-Control-Panel-w-1 Ox5816-1-motion-1-
`remo/303104620398?epid= 1548015381 &hash=item469271776e:g:lhUAAOSw-


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 17 of 154 PageID #: 1470
`3 7
`4 7
`Screen shot of
` 12eebc38f56b 19df5999f?respon
`type=application/pdf&Expires= 1893501624&A WSAccessKeyid=AKIAIIE5CHZ4P
`R WSL YKQ&Signature=DHSnw2xpLMKrMLRI 1 jbd4yhZXcg%3D
` new/34701 _ new.pd[
`Screen shot of
` ?via=57 c730c969702d41 Oa
` 2252150912
`Screen shot of 1-wi-fi(cid:173)
`Screen shot of
`review-25665 l 8844.html
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of SOOS S 1-Wireless(cid:173)
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of Two-Way(cid:173)
`Screen shot of 1-was-made
`Screen shot of O-best-smartphones-not-made-in(cid:173)
`Photograph of packaging for the HTC Ul 2+ cellular phone
`Screen shot of 12-supports(cid:173)


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 18 of 154 PageID #: 1471
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`https ://www story /news/local/clarksville/2019/02/07 /lg(cid:173)
`clarksville-factory-washing-machines-jobs/2 7 4 3 528002
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
` /news/local/clarksville/2019/03/ 14/lg-plans(cid:173)
`Screen shot of
` story /news/local/clarksville/2018/08/21 /lg(cid:173)
`clarksville.:hiring-event-but-you-have-apply-first/ 1040991002
`Screen shot of https ://c larks vi llenow .com/local/lg-e lectronics-in-c larksville-hosting(cid:173)
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
` /press-release/CES2019-LG-CTO-Keynote-


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 19 of 154 PageID #: 1472
`Releases_ US ,pdf
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`· 69
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`first-us-home-appliance-rd-center-for-innovative-appliance-testing-130710628 .html
`Screen shot of
`Screen shot of
`Domestic Industry Technical Prong claim chart for claim 1 of the '179 patent for
`select LG SmartThinQ appliances
`Domestic Industry Technical Prong claim chart for claim 45 of the '425 patent for
`select LG ThinQ phones
`Photograph of packaging for the Honeywell T9 WiFi Thermostat
`Photograph of packaging for the Honeywell RTH9585WF Thermostat
`Photograph of packaging for the Honeywell WiFi Water Leak & Freeze Detector
`Photograph of packaging for Honeywell WiFi Cl and C2 video cameras
`Photograph of packaging for HTC Ul 1 smart phone
`Photograph of packaging for 5800 Series Outdoor Motion Detector
`Photograph of packaging for 5800 Series Smoke and CO Detector
`Photograph of packaging for 5800MINI Window and Door Sensor
`Photograph of packaging for 5800PIR Motion Detector
`Photograph of packaging for 5811 Window and Door Sensor
`Photograph of packaging for 5815 Window and Door Transmitter


`Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-1 Filed 05/01/20 Page 20 of 154 PageID #: 1473
`Photograph of packaging for 5816WMWH Door and Window Sensor
`Photograph of pa

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