Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 1 of 20 PageID #: 1066
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 1 of 20 PagelD #: 1066


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 2 of 20 PageID #: 1067
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 2 of 20 PagelD #: 1067
`Attorney Decker No. 30160-G002002
`Serial No,
`: 2172
`Art Unit
`: David Strober
`: John M. Heffington
`. 13/245,001
`: 4575
`Conf. No.
`> September 26, 2011
`Mail Step Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Please amend the above-identified application as follows:


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2. Filed 04/18/24 Page 3 of 20 PagelD #: 1068
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 3 of 20 PageID #: 1068
`: David Strober
`: 13/245,001
`Serial No,
`: September 26,2011.
`Page : 20f.19
`- Attorney's Docket No.: 30160-0002002:
`Amendmentsto.tlé Claims:
`Thislistingof claimsreplacesallpriorversions.andlistings ofclaimsin the application:
`:ListingofClaims: .
`- (Curientlyamerided)vA:machiie-implementedmethod.of:controllingpresentation.of:
`video:contenton:a-display¢device:‘by amediaplayer, the:method.comprising:,
`receiving;.in-a:serversystem; one ormore siignals:from,aremote.persénial computing
`device,tlie one:ormore.signals.Specifying’avideofile to bé.acted uponand.identifying.amedia
`‘player:‘for playing:‘,the:oneormoresignalsfurther:including:‘a-universal
`vice’ tocontrol,layingofthevideo
`£content.on.the:displaydeviceBythe:sedilyeheeconvertiny the:unit =corresponding:‘programming.code
`storing, in‘d-databaseassociated withtheserversystem,aimiiessage fortrarismissionto.or:
`.tetrieval bythe displaydevice, whereinthemessage‘specifiesthe video:file to’be.actéd‘upon,
`fy-déviee to cofitrolplayiy ng -of'the:video-content.on.the
`programmingcode used-by-the-disp
`(Currentlyamended) The methodofclaim 1 ‘including:
`checking,.in the server system,the identity ofthe:mediaplayer identified in the one or
`moresignals fromthepersonal computing. device;
`loading anappropriate set ofprotocols orapplication programminginterfaces from a
`librarybased on the identity.ofthe media.player; and


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 4 of 20 PageID #: 1069
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 4 of 20 PagelD #: 1069
`Applicant’ : David Strober
`Serial No.
`: 13/245,001
`Filed’; September 26,2011
` : 3of 19
`Attorney’sDocket-No.: 30160-0002002
`convertingthe command,fromthepersonalcomputingdevice: into a-corresponding
`used bythediaplay-dovice,to.control.the,media:‘Player.
` (Cartently amended)Themethodofclaim1whéteiticoiivertingthe:command
` ‘into correspondingprogramming:‘code: t iceto control::the:mediaplayer.
`TTheeamethaa ofclaim3 wherein-the-eemmand-contained-in
`eommand,andwhereinthe look-up‘tablestores a plurality.ofspecific commands, éachofwhich
`represents,respectively, acorresponding commandforaparticular‘differentmediaplayer.
`“6 | Original) The:rrcthod
`‘instruction.toplay:‘the:videocontent,to,Stop playingthevideo:content‘oF topause:playingthe
`video content.
`7: (Original)The method ofclaim’I'wherein.the videocontentis-aninteractive:
`_ Videogame.
`(Original)The method ofclaim:] inchiding:
`receiving, in the server-system,.a code. from the personal computing device, whereinthe.
`_code-is uniquély: associated withthe:display device on which.the video‘;-


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 5 of 20 PageID #: 1070
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG. Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page.5 of 20 PagelD #: 1070
`Applicant: David Strober
`:: September26, 2011
`2: 40f19
`Attomey’s Docket'No.: 30160-0002002
`storingin the server system:arecordestablishing:a cofinection betweenthepersonal
`computing device and the'display-device’basedon.the code...
`(Original)Themethodofclaim9 whereithecodeis differentfrom an IP address
` from.a.MACaddressassociatedwiththe
`lle .“isinThemethodofclaim9 includingassigninga:randomilygeneratedcode
`tothe displaydevice:eachtithethedisplay deviee-coanertsfo.thesexversystem. |
`. “2.. (Currently:amended):AS‘system:for’contollingplaying0ofvideocontenton a.
`display.deviceby:ra-media. slayer, the:system comprising:
`aserver system;,
`display device;and .
`personal computingdevice; the one-or;more.signals.specifying:a‘video file'to’be:acted’upon and.
`identifying’atnedia playerfor’playingthevideocontent;theoneormore:signalsfurther:
`including a universal playback’controlcommaridfor controllifigthe-presentationplayingofthe:
`video:content-on:‘the:display deview, a
`convertingtheuniversal‘al playback ccconirol:command:‘into:o.cotrespondingprprogrammingcode.used.
` #€6:to control:playing: content-by player;.wherein
`respective media player;


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 6 of 20 PageID #: 1071
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 6 of 20 PagelD #: 1071
`Applicant + David Strober.
`Serial No.- ::13/245,001_
`+’ September:26, 2011
`:- Sof19.
`Attorney’s Docket No:: 30160-0002002
`transmission‘to.orretrievaliL by the.displaydevice, vitiorettheitinessagespecifithe.videofile to
`becacted.upon,identifies:the media.Playerfcforplayingththevideo,‘content,.and'inciudesthe
`corréspondingprogramming‘code: used-by the
`Edeviee tocontrol playing'ofthevideo:
`_ gontent‘onthedisplay.device:‘by.the:media:player‘in-accordance‘with-the:universalplayback
`- ¢ontrolcommand,-
`(Currently amended) Thesystemofclaim .12including:
`_wherein’the.‘serversystem:is,operable’to check:the:identity|ofthemedia:playeriidentified
`in:the:-one or‘more:‘signals fromthePersonal:computingdevice,Joad:anappropriateset of
`protocolsor:‘pplication:programming interfaces:froim‘the’library basedén.the:identity:ofthe.
`mediaplayer,andconvert,‘the:command,fromthee personal.computingdeviceinto a.
` correspondingpprogramming:code't ‘to.control‘the:media’player.
`(Currentlyametided)Thesystem-ofclan12> inctinding:
`whereinthe:serversystemis+operableto convertthe,commandintocorresponding
` player basedon information programmiifig’code
`in the look-up table.
`(Currently amended) The systemofclaim‘12wherein-the-eommand-eontainedin
`wherein the:look-up table stores a.correspondence betweenthe universal command anda:
`plurality of:specific commands, each ‘ofwhich'isfor a:partioulardifferent:media player.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 7 of 20 PageID #: 1072
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 7 of 20 PagelD #: 1072
`Applicant’: DavidStrober
`Serial No. : 13/245,001
`Filed.—: September 26, 2011
`> Gof19
`Attomey’s DocketNo.: 30160-0002002
`(Original).The systemofclaim 15-theserversystemisoperable to.convertthe -
`universalcommand:‘by:selecting.from among:the.plurality:ofspecific.‘commands:storediinthe
`/ 17. Original)The:sysiem.of,claim:12:“wherein.the-uiiiversalcommand:réepresé
`. instruction:to"playthevideo content,to stop’playingthe’videocontent.orto:pause,playing:the
`video content.
`18. (Origifal)-Thesystemof-ciaim-12-whereinthevideocontentis-aninteractive
`_ videogame.
`"19." - (Original)Thesystetofclaim12-wheréinthevideo:contentis:streaming:media.
`(Original):The system:of:claim12-wherein.the.server systemis.operable to
`receiveacodefromthié:personal computing.device,wheréinthe.code’isuniquelyassociatedwith
`the display.device:onwhich tobeplayed,“the:serversystemfurtherbeing
`‘operable tostore the-record:establishing,a connection between:the:personal computing device
`~ and?thedisplay¢device‘baséd-on'‘the!code.
`22.—(Original)The systemofclaim .20-wherein the’server systemis.operableto assign
`a randomly'generated codeto thedisplay device-each time the display.device connects to the
`‘Server system.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 8 of 20 PageID #: 1073
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 8 of 20 PagelD #: 1073
`: David Strober
`Serial No:.: 13/245,001
`: September'26, 2011 .
`> Tof19
`_Attorney’s Docket No.: 30160-0002002
`(Cufféntly-aniended) Anautoinatedmachine-itnplementedmethodofpresenting _
`video content.on a.display.deviceby a-mediaplayer,theinethodcomprising:
`retrieving,bythe:displaydevicefrom.-a.server-system, firstinformationthat.specifies a
`firstvideofile'tobe.actediupon, that.identifies:afirst.mediaPlayer’for* playingthefirstvideofilé,
` ’ y-device to controlplayirig and.that.indicates:corresponding.programmingcode- sed-t lisplay-devi
`- ofithe’firstvideo:file:‘on:thedistlay deviceby‘’playerin-accordancewithafirst
`playback control commiand;
`_ Toadingthe’‘first:media.playeriinn'the:aigplay'¢device;
`Ss o: Pe md
`that specifies a‘second:video:fileto be:actedupon,thaiidentifies:a‘second:mediaplayerdifferent
`fromthe’firstmediaplayér’rforor playingthesecondvideo!file,.arid-that:indicates:‘corresponding
`to:controlplaying of'the:second‘videofile’on-the
` programming:codeuses by
`displaydevice:by.thesecond!‘mediaa playerinaccordancewith:asecond:“playbackcontrol
`‘obtaining; bythe:display:device, overtheInternetthesedondmidiplayerforplayingthe
`second video.file’,
`loadirig theSecond iniedia’playerinthedisplay device;and
`executingthe’secondplaybackcontrol comumiaridwithrespectt6the sécorid'videofile.
`using the second media.player.
`24. - COriginalyThe.method ofclaim.23 whereinthe.display:device comprises a
`television’sét:‘with a displayscreen..


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 9 of 20 PageID #: 1074
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 9 of 20 PagelD #: 1074
`Applicant : David:Strober
`Serial No. : 13/245,001
` : September'26, 2011°
`Page: 8:0f.19
`Attomey’s Docket No.: 30160-0002002
`25. :
`commandsrepresents:an.instruction:to play.‘the,respective:videofile,‘to-stop.playingtthe.
`~ Original)Themethod:ofclaim.23 wherein the displaydevice:checks:‘whether the
`respictive’media:player neededto”playthe particularvideo file alreadyiis‘loadediinthe:display
`device.before obtaining acopy-of:‘themedia:playerover-theInternet.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 10 of 20 PageID #: 1075
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 10 of 20 PagelD #: 1075
`Serial No,
`: David Sucher
`7 13/245,00)
`: September 26, 201)
`» Sar ys
`Attomey’s Docket No. 301 60-G002002
`Clgirng 1-27 are presented for further examination.
`Request that theOffice consider all reference submitted
`in the (OS of S6/11
`Applicant submitted an Information Disclosure Statement (7D5) together with the
`application on September 26, 2011. The Officeaction “lined through”items 12-15 and 17-28 on
`the form 1449 that accompanied the TDS, indicating that the Examiner might not have considered
`these tems. The Office, however, failedto provide any explanation for not considering all the
`sted items.
`As indicated in the [DS, copies afthe foregoimg items, as well as PagereSseBe
`abstracts for items. 12-15, were provided in the parent application (serial no. 13/157,821)in an
`TDS submitted on June 10, 2611. Therefore, the Office should haveconsidered cach and every
`item Usted on the form 1449 in the [DS for the present application. See 37 CPR. $91.97-1.98.
`Agplicant requests that the Office acknowledge its consideration ofall references in the next
`The Office rejected theclaims over the following references:
`(1) Claims 1-10, 12-21 and 23-26 wererejected as anticipated by U.S. Patent Publication
`No, 201 1/0060998 (Schwartz).
`(2) Claims {1 and 22 were rejected as obvious from Schwartz in view of the pvformation
`fromthe web site weaw.uvbulletin-com,
`(3) Claim 27 wasrejected as obvious from Schwartz.
`i AYhough page 2, par. 3 of the Office action seemsto indicate that claim 11 also is rejected as
`anticipated by Schwartz, the remainder ofthe actionindicates that claim 11 isrejected only
`under section 103 as obvious.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 11 of 20 PageID #: 1076
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 11 of 20 PagelD #: 1076
`: David Sirober
`: 15/245,001
`: September 26, 2071
`: Weft
`Atiorney’s Docket Ne. 50166-D002002
`Reconsideration is recnesied,
`Claims 1-12
`Independent claim | recites a machine-implemented methad of controlling presentation
`of video content on a display device. The methodincludes receiving, in a server system, one or
`more siznais from a remote personal computing device. The one or more signals G) specify a
`video fle to be acted upon, (2) identify a media pilayer’ for playingthe video content, and (i)
`include a universal playbackcommandfor controlling playing ofthevideo content on the display
`device by the media player. Theclaimis amended to clarify that the command is a playback
`contre! command. Support forthis feature can be found, for example, in the Specification at
`page6, Ines 13-17, page 8, Hines 18-21, page 9, Hnes 17-18 and 28-31. In some
`implementations, as explained in the Specification (page 9, {ine 28 — page 10, line 1):
`ihe user of the mabile phone 20 can control the playingof the video by
`entering appropriate commands (¢.g.. pause, fast forward, rewind, stop,
`play, ete.) through the mobile phone. Each commandis incorporated inte
`a message includinga transmission code (FIG. 3) as described above. The
`message is transmitted to the server system 24,...
`The method further includes converting, by the server system, the universal playback contral
`command into corresponding programming code to control playing of the video content on the
`display device bythe media player. As recited in claim 1, converting the universal playback
`contre! command includes selecting fom amonga plurality of specific commands, cach of
`which represents a corresponding playback control commandfor a respective media player. As
`; in the context of the present application, it is clear that a “media player” refers to application
`software for playing back the video content. Thus, the claims and specificationrefer in some
`cases, for example, to “loading” or “unloading” a media player (see, e.g., Specification at page4,
`line 22, page 9, Ines 18-27). A particular display device, therefore, may, In some cases, be able
`to load or store any one of different media players.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 12 of 20 PageID #: 1077
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 12 of 20 PagelD #: 1077
`Serial No.
`: David Strober
`: 23/245,004
`: September «35, 2011
`> dbofrs
`Attorney’s Docket No. 30160-0002002
`spinesin the Specification (page 8,ne 18 — page 9, line 6) according to example
`Various types of video players may use different JavaScript commands to
`contro! thelr respective playback. Vherefore, in theauwtrated
`implementation, a universal adapter 26is provided to interpret and convert
`a standard or universal cornmand(¢£85 play, pause,etc.) intothe specific
`command recognized by the media player, Each time a signal is received
`rom the mobile device"20, the AP] adapter 26 checksand identifies the
`specific media player thatis being requesied. Based on this information,
`he system loads the appropriate set ofprotocols or application
`programminginterfaces (APIs) fromits library and converts the Incoming
`cosmmands fromthe mobile device 20 into the correct JavaScript (or other
`programming) code used bythe target device 22 to control the specific
`player (block|120). The server system 24 then coptes the converted
`version of the message to the database 34 associated with the target device
`22, as indicated above in-connectian with block 122.
`| Thus, fora universal command “New Video,” the universal adapter
`26 provides the corresponding command for each of several specific
`media players (e.g. “YtloadV’ideo” for YouTube). Similarly, for a
`universal command “Pause,” the universal adapter 26 provides the
`corresponding command for cach of several specific media players fe-¢..,
`“nauseVideo" for Ted.cem). Other universal commands andthe
`corresponding command(s)sor ane of more media players also canbe
`stored bythe universal adapter 26.
`The methodof claim 1 also inchadesstoring, in a database associated with theserver systent, a
`message for transmissionto or retrieval by the display device. The message specifies the video
`file to be acied upon, identifies the media player for slaying the video content, and includes the
`corresponding programming code to control playing of the video content on the display device
`by the media player in accordance with the playback contro! command.
`The method maybe used to facilitate, for example, a user's creating a playlist based on
`videos fom multiple sources and playing backanyof the videos, where the server system acts as
`a single interface thai can be used to control the different media players (.¢., the computer
`software applications) that may be needed to play the various video files.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 13 of 20 PageID #: 1078
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 13 of 20 PagelD #: 1078
`Serial No.
`© Tevid Strober
`: 13/245,00%
`: September 26, 2001
`: defi
`Attorney's Docket No.: 30160-0002002
`Schwartz disclases a system and method for managing Internet media content. As
`Wustrated in FIG. 2 Geproduced below), the systemcan include a computing device (e.g., a
`mobile phone) that executes an application 10 (ie., a sofware program) (seepar, [0138)) to
`facilifate accessing various media content, including video content. The application is connected
`through a home network 20 ta one or more media destinations 21, 22, 23 (e.g, a television),
`which can serveas target rendering devioes to which the media content canbe sent.
`As illustrated in FIG. 3 of Schwartz (reproduced above), the application 10 residing on
`the computing device (e.g, the mobile phone) includes various components, such as a
`transcoding engine 90, a media server component 100and a device discovery and control (DDC)
`cornponent 110. The transcoding engine $90 can be used to reformat media content fo prepare it
`for delivery to the specified target media destination (pars. [0114], (01241). Thus, for example,
`response to user Input directing transfer of media content to a particular target rendering
`device, the DDC component 116 communicates with the transcoding engine and/or the media
`server component [00 to obtain the media content in a form that matchesthe media capabilities
`of the target rendering device ({par.0122)). Likewise, in response fo user inputdirecting atarget
`rendering device to render media content, the DDC component 110 communicates with the target
`rendering device to instruct it to request, retrieve, process and/orrender the media content (par.
`fOl18). In addision, Schwartz discloses that the media server component 100 of the application


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 14 of 20 PageID #: 1079
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 14 of 20 PagelD #: 1079
`Agplicant’: David Biraber
`Serial No.
`3 TE/245,00)
`> Segtember 26,201!
`» PPePig
`Attorney's Docket No.: MHGOO02002
`10 can receive messages from the target rendering device, which may request the transcoded or
`reformatted media content (par. [O137]}.
`The Office alleges that such messages sent by the target rendering device to the media
`server component 100 of the Schwarte’s software application 10 correspond to the “one or more
`signals” in claim 1. As explained below, that is Incorrect.
`First, applicant points out that claim 1 recites that the oneor more signals are received i
`a serversystemfrom @ remote personal computing device, and that the message stored in the
`database associated with the server system is for transmission to or retrieval by@ display.
`the one of moresignals (received from the personal computing device) to the display device.
`The claimed methodis significantly different from the method of operation disclosed by
`Schwartz in which the application {6 residing on the computing device communicates directly
`ihrough the horne network 20 with the target rendering device (e.g., media destination 21). In
`viewof the fact that In Sclowarte’s system the application 1€@ residing on the computing device
`comraunteates directly throughthe home network 20 with thetarget rendering device, there is ne
`need to perform the particular operations recited in the method of claim 1 and indeed, as
`explained below, Schwartz does net disclose the claimed methad.
`The Office alleges that the media component 100 of theapplication [0 corresponds to the
`claitned “server system” and the target rendering device corresponds to the claimed “personal
`ommputing device.” However, the messages sent by the target rendering device (e.g., media
`destination 21} to the media server component 100 of the software application 10 do sof
`correspond to the “one or more signals” in claim 1, In particular, Schwartzexplains that the
`media server component 100 can receive request messages fromthe target rendering device (par.
`fO137)) (emphasis added):
`The media server component 100 manreceive request messagesfromihe
`farget rendering device which may request the transcoded, reformatted
`andéar repurposed internet media cantent. The request messagesfromthe


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 15 of 20 PageID #: 1080
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 15 of 20 PagelD #: 1080
`© David Strober
`Aftorney’s Docket No. 30160-0002002
`Serial No.
`> 13/245,08
`> September 26, 2004
`> 4 oris
`target rendering device mayrequest specific portionsafihe transcoded,
`reformatied and/or repurposed internet media content, Une media server
`component 100 mayreceive instructions from the transcoding engine 90
`and/or from other components of the application 10. Theinstructions may
`direct the media server component 100 to transmit the transcaded,
`reformatied and/or repurposed infernet media content. The instructions
`maydirect the media server component 100 to transmit the specific
`portions ofthe transcoded, reformatted and/or repurposed intemet media
`content, In responseto the request messages and/or the instructions, the
`media server component|{00 may transmit the transcoded, reformatted
`and/or repurposed internet media cantent and/or the specific portions to
`the target rendering device.
`There is nothing in Schwartzto Indicatethat the messages sontfrom the target rendering device
`to the media server component 100imclude a “playback control command”for controling
`plaving of the video content on the display device.
`Furthermore, although Schwartz elsewhere discloses user-initiated playback controls
`such as “play,” “pause,” ete., any such playback controls are sent fromm the DDC component 110
`of the application 10 residing on the computing device fo the target rendering device (par.
`[OL19}: see alvo par. [0214] and FIG. 6). Such playback controls are mor sent from the target
`rendering device (which allegedly corresponds to the claimed “personal computing device”) to
`the mediaserver component 160 or any component of the application 10 (whichallegedly
`corresponds to the claimed“server system’> Therefore, the media cornponent 100 of the
`application 10 also does not “convert” anyplayback contro! commands that werereceived
`“from” the target rendering device. Furthermore, there is nothing in Schwartz that discloses or
`suggests that converting a universal playback control command includes “selecting from among
`plurality of specific commands, cach of which represents a corresponding playback control
`command fora respective media player,” as recited in claim 1.
`* Receipt bp she application 10 ofplayback controls also doesnot satisfy the claim languageof
`‘receiving, in a server system, one or more signals froma remote personal computing device. .
`For one thing, the application 10 andthe computing device executing the application are nota
`“server system.” Furthermore, the user-initiated playback controls are not received in the
`application 1) “from a remote personal computing device.” Instead, the application 10 is being
`executed by the computing devier on which is resides.


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 16 of 20 PageID #: 1081
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 16 of 20 PagelD #: 1081
`Serial No.
`¢ David Saaber
`¢ 13/245.004
`: September 26, 2011
`: Poff 4
`Attorney's Docket No: 30160-G002002
`Applicant acknowledges that, as discussed above, the application 10 includes a
`transcoding engine 90that “may reformat and/or repurposefhe media confent” for compatibility
`with the media destination{s} (par. (01149). As explained by Schwartz:
`Thetranseading engine 90 mayprocessthe internet media conten? and/or
`thelocally stored media confenf te prepare the media content for delivery
`ta the specified media destination. Thetranscoding engine 90 may
`transcode the internet media centent and/or the locally stored media
`went based on the media capabilities of the specified mediadestinalion.
`"ONEmapthe transcoding engine 90may transcodesthe media content
`2 transcoded media content which may conformto mediacodecs
`orofiles4and/or levels which may be supportedby the spectiied media
`destination. The transcoding engine 90 may reformat the media comfent.
`For example, the transcoding engine 90 may reformat the media content ta
`prroduce reformatied media content which may havea file format and/or a.
`o," Beeslivery format appropriatefor the specified media destination.
`Here too, however, there is nothing toindicate that the transcoding engine “converts” playback
`control comunands.
`Instead, anv reformatting or repurposing it might perform is with respectto
`the mediacontent Uself, notwith respect to a playback control command.
`In-viewof the foregoingremarks, it is clear that Schwartz fails to disclose (1) receiving,
`in a serversystem, one or more signals from aremote personal computing device, ... the ome or
`more signals further includinga universal playback control command for controlling playmgof
`the video content on the display device by the mediaplayer, and (2) converting, by the server
`stems, the playback control command into corresponding programming code fo contro! playing
`of the video content on the display device hythe media player, wherein converting the usiversal
`playback control command includes selecting from amonga plurality of specific commands,
`each of which represents a corresponding playback control command for a respective media


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 17 of 20 PageID #: 1082
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 17 of 20 PagelD #: 1082
`Apoleant.: David Siraber
`Serial Ne.
`: 13/245,001
`» September 26, 2011
`> 1 of 19
`Attomey's Docket No: 30160-0002002
`The information from the web site also fallsto disclose or render
`obvious the claimlimitations missing from Schwartz. Therefore, neither Schwartz nor the
`information fromthe web site, taken alone or in combination, discloses or
`renders abviens the subject matter of claim | or its dependent claims.
`At least for these reasons, the rejections of claim 1 and fts dependent claims should be
`Furthermore, the dependent claims recite additional language that rendersthose clainis
`independently patentable.
`Clalms 12-22
`Independent claim 12 recites a systemfor controlling playing of video content on a
`display device. The system includes aserver systemoperable to receive oneor moresignals
`from4 remote personal computing device. The one or more signalsspecify a videofile to be
`actedupon, identify a miedia player for playingthe video content, and include a universal
`playback control command for controllingthe plaving of the video content on the display device:
`by the media player. The server systemalsois operable to convert the universal playback
`control commandinte correspondingprogramming code to control playing of the video content
`on the displaydevice by the media player
`‘The reflections of claim 12 as well as its dependent claims under sections 102-103 should
`be withdrawnatleast for the same reasons a
`cussed above with respect to claim 1.
`Claims 23-27
`Independent claim 23 recites an automated machine-implemented method ofpresenting
`video content on a display device. The method includes the display device retrieving’ from a
`server system first information () that specifies a first video file to be acted upon, (1) that
`For example, in sorne implementations, the display device canretrieve theinformation by
`periodically checking entries in a database or polling the databaseto determine where there are
`any new messages directed to it (page 9, lines 7-10).


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 18 of 20 PageID #: 1083
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 40-2 Filed 04/18/24 Page 18 of 20 PagelD #: 1083
`: David Sirober
`Serial Mo.°: 13/243.00)
`> Beptember 26, 2011
`Attorney's Docket No. 30¢160-0002002
`identifies a first media player for playing thefirst video file, and (18) thatindicates corresponding
`programming code te control playing of the first video file on the display device bythe first
`media player in accordance with a first playback control command. The display device obtains
`over the Internet the first media player for playing the first video file, loads the first mediaplay
`nihe display device, and executes the first playback contral command with respect to the first
`video file using the first media player. Thedisplay device also performs the foregoing
`operations with respect to a secondvideo file, a second media player, and a second playback
`control command.
`in-contrast, none of the components in Schwariz’s system performsthe recited
`operations. For example, the application 1Q-exccuting on {he computing device can “retrieve”
`specified media contentfrom an appropriate media content site (pars. (0102), [D122)). Likewise,
`the DDC component 110 of the application 10 may instruct the target rendering device te
`“retrieve” media content and may specify an appropriate location from which the media content
`ig to be retrieved by the target rendering device (par. [O71 8]}.
`However, neither the application 10 nor the target rendering device “retrieves,” from a
`server system, i

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