Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 1 of 28 PageID #: 892
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 1 of 28 PagelD #: 892


`Case Nos. 2:23-cv-OU5SSIRE293-LONNIEDLRIG 0804/24 Page2 of 28 PagelD #: 893 Charter _ee
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 2 of 28 PageID #: 893
`Touchstream Technologies,Inc.v.
`Charter Communications, Inc., et al. and
`Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,et al.
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial
`April 4, 2024
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Th e Asse rted Patefrteg:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 3 of 28 PagelD #: 894
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 3 of 28 PageID #: 894
` USO11043751
`Related U.S, Application Date
`Continuation ofapplication No. 11/532,546, filed on
`Jun. 25, 2012, som Put, No. 9,767,195, which is
`Ina. C1.
`et wae
`(QO1K.N2}, GOEF 1695t (2019.01)
`Field of Classification Search:
`annem TISTI
` (s6)
`a ao
`(20) Patent No;
`ox United States Patent
`«x United States Patent
` «2 United States Patent (0 Patent No.: U
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(4s) Date of Patent:
`References Cited
`References Cited
`TasagT2 Het
`WEROT ertrarn ot ab
`Applicant: Teuchstream Technologies, Ine.
`Applicant Towchstream Technologies, Inc,
`SEED Hayes ea
`laveator: David Streber, Rye, NY (US)
`Kayan al
`ailin, NY(US)
`SSIRDT AD EWOT Bertiann of ah
`Valhalla, NY (US)
`SHRIA VERO Lehinokanwn
`(79) Assignee: Touchstream Technolegles, Ine.
`levertor, David Straber, Rye, NY (US)
`‘athalla, NY (US)
`lowentoe: David Sereber, Rye, NY (US)
`Asigace: Teuchstream Technologies, Ine.
`Subject wany disctaimer,the
`1olssaeey A
`jaReBa, NY (US)
`Assignce: Towchstresm Technologies, Ine.,
`Velhall, NY(US)
`1OLS7760 A
`foLs776o A
`patent is extended of adjusied under 38 a —
`Subjectw any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`USC 18400) by 4days.
`patent & extended oe adjumed usher 3S
`Subject soany disclaimer, theteemofthis
`USC. 1540)by O days
`poecat is ewended of adjested ender 35
`1) Appl.No: s54se01
`OTHER PUBLICATIONS[Auk Search Internet Seach, seman Mentifierrundcen*
`USC, 154(0)by ©days,
`Ask Search Interact Scarch, semion idewtificr sxnocs, pristed on
`“Aapfterned”, Retriovol from Iwcmet UIRL-
`Appl Now 16917095
`This patent bs subject to 9 terminal ise
`Now 19, 2011
`Sep. 26,2011
`sourceforge met’,
`(ye 2 (013)(Coetinwed)
` @)
`Jun. 38, 2000
`Priesary Exawioor—Tecsesoe (nibs
`sd Primary Examiner—Boris Pesinsma inte rae Prior Petiieation Duta
`US20IZOIMSAL—_Ost. 26. 2012 duinentKsontosr— lea Fiellogen
`Apel. Nos 189687,249 Priwary Exawiner—Tiahewse Has
`Assisaonr Exareiner—Darra Hope
` US DMEMAT—Ost, 22, NQO
`Assistant Exaneiver—Daria Hope
`Retaned US. Applicotion D (74) Asserney, Agent, or Firma—Fish& Richardson PC.
`(74) Anwrney, Agent, or Firm—Sbook, Hanty & Bocoa
`Aug. 25, 2017
`(74) Anermer, Agent. or Fine—Stock, Handy & Boson
`(3) Coatinustion of application No. 1WIST.821, filed on
`Price Publication Date
`Related US. Application Data
`Jus. 10, 2011,
`A system for preventing andcomingcontort on adisplay
`A syvtem for controtling playback of variows types of
`Dee. 7, 2017
`(G0) Provisional applicution No. 61/477,908, filed oa Ape
`devise inslados a pctwork, » server system coupled to the
`‘Continmation of application No. 15687,249, filed on
`eetavek andcormperang cocornacesevens.aUisqian Mevce
`contest inclades a first compating device thee provides 4
`Avyeem forproseating andcostmllingcomtert0 adeaphry
`coupled to the acework and having » display, and a personal
`Aug. 24, 2017, cow Pat No. 11,058,751, which is a
`unique Kientifier to a second comparingdevice to establish
`device inchales a nctwork, a nerver system couplal 1 the
`at association these betwees. By virmie of the established
`(1) tac.
`ostnerk and comprising cee or meee servers, 3 Eapibry
`association, the second computing device can seed one oF
`Geer 00
`ing 10 a specified Somat overthe network to the server sys
`device coupled tote aerwork and hiving a display, aad &
`Tan CLGar OT
`smeee messages to the first computing device,
`the one or
`1197740, 715716 715704; 715978
`teem, The server sysiemn stores an sssociation between the
`(52) USC...
`poncaal computag device operablew tronsiait a fest mes-
`meee meccges referencing a piece of content asextated
`—Feesonal computing device and the display device. The first
`sage acconting to 2 specified foemar over the network 10 the
`with a fit media playing clement of a plurality of media
`(58) Pleld ofClassificationSearch
`server systom The server system stores an ossxiation
`playing clemeats, and one or meee cormnands comepead-
`hetncen the perwnal computing device and the dapibry
`Us OL
`ing %the Seat modis playing clrcet. The fest computing
`reveving the fint
`penonal computing
`Ihe firt menageideatifies user-ectoctadcontentant
`TASTA, TR, 740, 155, M64, RAS
`{ey thecoment.Theserve syrem isopen, inresponsew
`GRE 1674O1901); CORK WEST
`device cae select the find media plying elemeat based ca
`2 moda ployer uo play the coment, The server system ix
`Sie fer
`device, to provide 00 the display device » secced message
`the receivedcaece mee messages, andconte how thefest
`QOIK.O2GOBF 169581 (19.01)
`sdoutifying theuser-selectedcoatent abthemedia player w>
`‘operable. inrespuase 1 receiving the flekmessage froen the
`medo playingchemem plays theseferenced peeveof conteat
`hy theconteat. Inresponsetoreve!ingBeeseovedmewage.
`Field of Chassitication Search
`personal computing device, wpeovide to the display device
`utilizing the one e¢ more commands
`GOGF 16/74; GOGE $452; GOSE 16951
`‘Bedesplay device te openble tw obauia a first media player
`a second message stemtitying the user-selected coatent aod
`GMOS Stoteaick
`coded to play the eoateat, 10 kod the exolie player and wo
`2) Chaim, 9 Drawing Sheets
`themediapihryertoplay thecortent,
`responseto receiving
`DHS Pamewsot at
`peewee thecorteat ca thedisplay.
`the mewod mosage, thedisplaydevice # operabletoobmain
`208 Datta
`a fiewt modis player aeoded to ply the conical, to head the
`WOES Enguron
`26 Claims, 9DrawingSheets
`media player and w preset the cocteat on the daplay,
`20 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`6, 3I0;20 |
`Defendants’ TechnologyTutorial
`Strober (10) Patent No.:
`appliconion file forcomplewe search hiswry. (56)


`The Asserted Patefits
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 4 of 28 PageID #: 895
`This disclosure relates to play control of content on a
`display device. Such display devices include, for example,
`television displays used by consumers in their home for
`_ viewing videos and other media that are either provided
`he Weh or nreviously stared In narticular the discla-
`ofthe display devices.

`Identical specifications
`This disclosure relates to play control of content on a
`display device. Such display devices include, for example,
`television displays used by consumers in their home for
`ino videos and other media that are either provided
`b Wah ar nvarianol: otarad In nartionlar tha diceala
`This disclosure relates to play control of content on a
`display device. Such display devices include, for example,
`television displays used by consumers intheir home for view-
`ing videos and other media that are either provided from the
`Weborpreviously stored. In particular, the disclosure relates
`to the creation, storage, manipulation and access of media
`playlists used in conjunction with display devices and control
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The Asserted Patefits
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 5 of 28 PageID #: 896
`» United States Patent
`fu Petent Ne:
`Date of Patent:
`y Provisional application No. 61/477,998,filed onApr.

`Identical specifications
`¢ Each claimspriority to
`April 21, 2011
`Vv Provisional application No. 61/477,998,filed on Apr.
`v Provisional application No. 61/477,998,filed on Apr.
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 6 of 28 PageID #: 897
`Assignee: Touchstream Technologies, Inc.,
`Valhalla, NY (US)
`Th e Asse rted Patefated:23-2v-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 6 of 28 PagelD #: 897 » United States Patent
`Each claimspriority to
`April 21, 2011
`Identical specifications
`Valhalla, NY (US)
`Each assigned to
`Assignee: Touchstream Technologies, Inc.,
`Valhalla, NY (US)
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Touchstream did bwsifress'as “Shrodogyy
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 7 of 28 PageID #: 898
`It's no wonder why Shodoaa is video's best friend
`hello! Shodogg is a content delivery technology that makeswatching your favorite streaming videos
`easy and fun. Simply use your smartphone to search and select the videos you want to watch then toss
`them to any connect
`1 for a moreenjoyable viewing experience. Plus, with Shodogg's easy-to
`use navigation you can create your own video playlists and share them with your friends
`Stream yourfavorite videos from any
`smartphone to your computer or connected TV
`without wires... without boxes... without restrictions!
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 8 of 28 PageID #: 899
`Shodogg's promotiorral video
`Defendants’ TechnologyTutorial


`Shodogg's promotioralvided
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 9 of 28 PageID #: 900
`RRAhadiOhl =
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Patents’ objectivesusé pers6ralcomputittg Gevicteteig:, mobile phone)
`to watch and control Web content on a display device (e.g., television)
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 10 of 28 PageID #: 901
`'251 Patent at 1:32-39
`Given the desire to watch various
`World Wide Web media on a
`family’s primary television set,
`and to control this operation from
`the comfort of one’s couch, there
`is a need to operate a television
`set or other display remotely from
`a personal
`computing device,
`such as a mobile phone.It also is
`desirable to allow a user
`perform a general Web search to
`locate and capture Web media,
`and to control a television or
`other display remotely using the
`personal computing device.
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Disclosed embodimentmeapilephoneatriatetewistay Communicate over
`the Internet by way of a server system
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 11 of 28 PageID #: 902
`As shown in FIG.1, a system 10 facilitates
`synchronizing a connection between twoor
`more devices 20, 22 connected to the
`or other computer network. The
`connection is designed to be madebya first
`'251 Patent at 2:66-3:11
`20 that acts as a controller and a second
`device (e.g., a television set 22 with a
`display 23) that acts as a receiver to play
`content selected by a user ofthe first device
`and to respond to commandsthat originate
`the personal computing device. The
`personal computing device 20 is operable to
`display an application or web site that
`contains information and links to content
`providers 30 on the Internet 21. The
`television set 22 is operable to link back to a
`serversystem24from which the television
`set receives commands.
` Internet
`Content Providers
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`FIG. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`In operation, the nosesroneard televisionnrust'first be synchronized
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 12 of 28 PageID #: 903
`‘251 Patent at 2:66-3:1
`As shown in FIG.1, a system 10
`connection between two or more
`devices 20, 22 connected to the
`Internet 21 or other computer
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`This synchronization#s°athievedusinga4“synchronization code”
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 13 of 28 PageID #: 904
`FIG. 14B
`[T]he user can select the display
`synchronization code uniquely
`associated with the particular
`display device.
`‘251 Patent at 5:14-16
`friend's laptop
` 22
` ~+——Synecode
`Display Device
`Splash Page
`Ene he
`devices listed above
`choosefromone ofyour FIG. 7A
`'251 Patent at Fig. 7A, Fig. 14B
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The specification disclosesthreewaysthesync-code ‘can be entered into
`the mobile phone
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 14 of 28 PageID #: 905
`As illustrated in FIG. 7A, the
`synchronization code 48 can be
`for example, on a
`splash page of
`the display
`device as text on the screen or
`as an image such as a QRcode
`and can be entered into the
`mobile phone 20, for example,
`or by
`into the
`scanning the
`mobile phone. The code can be
`for example, using
`or RFID
`‘251 Patent at 5:16-23
`Dee De Splash Page
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 7A, Fig. 14B
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The mobile phonéserrdeaimessage tothe Serversystém containing the
`sync-code of the television the user wants to control
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 15 of 28 PageID #: 906
`Once the synchronization code is
`captured by,
`the mobile phone 20,
`is sent
`from themobilephone20to
`the server system 24...
`FIG, 1
`‘251 Patent at 5:36-38 30
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial
`Content Providers


`After receiving thé:synit°toterthe serversystem Storesan association
`between the mobile phone and television
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 16 of 28 PageID #: 907
`Display Device
`[T]heserversystem24establishes ea — |
`as described above with Cc
`a connection between the user’s
`D —--
`smartphone the_selectedand
`display device through a look-up
`respect to FIG.4.
`FIG. 4
`'251 Patent at 7:32-35
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1, Fig. 4
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`When the user thérr seteets"eantert
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 17 of 28 PageID #: 908
`Defendants’ TechnologyTutorial


`...the mobile phorie’sends'a prressagetetheservéersystem identifying
`the media player; universal playback command; and selected content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 18 of 28 PageID #: 909
`upon. ‘251 Patent at 4:27-35;
`The mobile phone 20 then formats
`and transmits a message to the
`server system 24 (block 110). The
`message from the mobile phone 20
`contains a transmission code that
`includes data regarding the user
`information (e.g., user identification
`or account number), the secondary
`display it wants to connect to (e.g.,
`television set 22 with display 23),
`the location and name of the media
`player for the selected video,
`command(e.g., play, pause, rewind,
`etc.), and the video file to be acted
`see also 5:54-6:17
` 30
`Content Providers
`FIG. 1
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`..the mobile phofie’senas's prressagetéthe-serversystem identifying
`the media player; universal playback command; and selected content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 19 of 28 PageID #: 910
`The mobile phone 20 then formats
`and transmits a message to the
`server system 24 (block 110). The
`message from the mobile phone 20
`contains a transmission code that
`includes data regarding the user
`information (e.g., user identification
`or account number), the secondary
`display it wants to connect to (e.g.,
`television set 22 with display 23),
` vdtoneCommand
`Video File
`see also 5:54-6:17
`playerfortheselectedvideo, the
`command(e.g., play, pause, rewind,
`etc.), and the video file to be acted
`‘251 Patent at 4:27-35;
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`..the mobile phofie’senas's prressagetéthe-serversystem identifying
`the media player; universal playback command; and selected content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 20 of 28 PageID #: 911
`The mobile phone 20 then formats
`and transmits a message to the
`server system 24 (block 110). The
`message from the mobile phone 20
`contains a transmission code that
`includes data regarding the user
`information (e.g., user identification
`or account number), the secondary
`display it wants to connect to (e.g.,
`television set 22 with display 23),
`Uni—— Lyy
` rdNeneCommand
`Video File
`see also 5:54-6:17
`playerfortheselectedvideo, the
`command(e.g., play, pause, rewind,
`etc.), and the video file to be acted
`‘251 Patent at 4:27-35;
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`...the mobile phorie’sends'a prressagetotheservéersystem identifying
`the media player; universal playback command; and selected content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 21 of 28 PageID #: 912
`The mobile phone 20 then formats
`and transmits a message to the
`server system 24 (block 110). The
`message from the mobile phone 20
`contains a transmission code that
`Universal Command
`includes data regarding the user
`information (e.g., user identification
`or account number), the secondary
`display it wants to connect to (e.g.,
`television set 22 with display 23),
`Universal Command
`see also 5:54-6:17
`playerfortheselectedvideo, the
`command(e.g., play, pause, rewind,
`‘251 Patent at 4:27-35;
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The server systenreonverts*treuniversaréorimarahte the
`corresponding command for the specific media player
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 22 of 28 PageID #: 913
` Universal Command
`Specific Player Command|
`incoming from_thecommands
`mobile device 20 into the correct
`JavaScript (or other programming)
`code used by the target device 22
`specific player
`(block 120).
`FIG. 5
`‘251 Patent at 5:67-6:3
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1, Fig. 5
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`Server System
`The server system 24 then copies
`version of
`message the database34to
`associated with the target device
`connection with block 122.
`The server systen’rstoresthe informationin aedatapase™
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 23 of 28 PageID #: 914
`‘251 Patent at 6:3-6
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The server systenopravides'a message tethetelevisto identifying the
`media player; the converted command; and the requested content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 24 of 28 PageID #: 915
`see also 3:18-23
`The display device 22 periodically checks the
`entries in the database 34 to determine if
`any new messages/commands
`directed to it (block 124). For example,
`some implementations, the display device 22
`polls the associated database 34 at some
`instead of
`the display
`device 22 periodically checking whether there
`are any messagesforit in the database 34, the
`server system 24 can push the messagesto the
`display device 22. In any event, the system is
`arranged so that
`the display device 22
`receives the messages intendedforit.
`‘251 Patent at 6:18-28;
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The server system*prévides'a message tothetelevistonidentifying the
`media player; the converted command; and the requested content
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 25 of 28 PageID #: 916
`Converted Command
`Converted Command
`see also 3:18-23
`The display device 22 periodically checks the
`entries in the database 34 to determine if
`any new messages/commands
`directed to it (block 124). For example,
`some implementations, the display device 22
`polls the associated database 34 at some
`instead of
`the display
`device 22 periodically checking whether there
`are any messagesforit in the database 34, the
`server system 24 can push the messagesto the
`display device 22. In any event, the system is
`arranged so that
`the display device 22
`receives the messages intendedforit.
`‘251 Patent at 6:18-28;
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The television accessésthe*EGntent DrOVIere76 22 Paseo #: 927
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 26 of 28 PageID #: 917
`Server System
`FIG, 1
`‘251 Patent at 3:19-23
`API Adapter|| = =
`television set 22 to accessa
`Internet21, load a specific media
`load the media player-
`specific content (e.g., a video) and
`play the content on the television
`display 23.
`'251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial


`The television loads themediaplayeraratherequested
`content from the content provider
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 27 of 28 PageID #: 918
`Server System
`'251 Patent at 3:19-23
`API Adapter||
`television set 22 to access
`content provider 30 through the
`Internet 21,
`play the content on the television
`display 23.
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial
`FIG, 1


`The television plays’ therea astetkedrrerit Page 28 of 28 PagelD #: 919
`Case 2:23-cv-00059-JRG Document 34-1 Filed 04/04/24 Page 28 of 28 PageID #: 919
`television set 22 to access
`content provider 30 through the
`Internet 21, load a specific media
`load the media player-
`specific content (e.g., a video) and
`play the content on the television
`display 23.
`'251 Patent at 3:19-23
` 34
`AP] Adapter
`Server System Switchboard
`‘251 Patent at Fig. 1
`Defendants’ Technology Tutorial
`Content Providers
`FIG. 1

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