Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 1 of 43 PageID #: 116
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1—4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 1 of 43 PageID #: 116


`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Sep. 10, 2013
`(75) Inventor: Dushyant Sharma, Richmond Hill (CA)
`(73) Assignee: Metavante Corporation, Jacksonville,
`FL (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/107,766
`(22) Filed:
`May 13, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2011/0276450 A1
`Nov. 10, 2011
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/751.265, filed on
`Dec. 29, 2000, now Pat. No. 7,945,491.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`USPC ............................................... 705/34; 705/40
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC ............................................................ 705/40
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`6.421,067 B1 * 7/2002 Kamen et al. ................. 71.5/719
`6,493,685 B1* 12/2002 Ensel et al. ..................... TO5/40
`6,578,015 B1
`6/2003 Haseltine et al................ TOS/34
`2005/0192896 A1* 9, 2005 Hutchison et al. .............. TO5/40
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Olabode Akintola
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Finnegan, Henderson,
`Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
`The present invention relates generally to electronic com
`merce, and more particularly to methods and systems for
`integrating electronic bill presentment and payment among
`billers, consumers, banks and other financial institutions,
`electronic payment facilitators, and web portals and other
`spaces able to Support an interface for presentment and/or
`payment of bills.
`23 Claims, 33 Drawing Sheets
`integrated Electronic
`Bill Presentment and
`Payment System
`Very Small
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 2 of 43 PageID #: 117
`Web Portals and Bill


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Very Small as
`Integrated Electronic
`Bill Presentment and
`Payment System
`Bill Box
`up w w Po w w w w w w
`w w w w w w
`w up A a
`a p 0
`Web Portals and Bill
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 3 of 43 PageID #: 118
`Fig. 1


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Yahoo, GO2Net, Other Portals
`Florida House
`Atlanta House
`quifax and
`other Credit
`Encrypted Access
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 4 of 43 PageID #: 119


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Customer Access
`Any Web Site
`Any Application
`Any Device
`Credit Card
`Another BBox
`Bill Box Functionality
`Bill input
`After BBC
`Other Portal Providers
`Scanned Bils
`Bill Box Customer View
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 5 of 43 PageID #: 120


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Bill input
`Bill Generation
`-> Flat Annount
`Formula Based
`gypsy Download) to Bller
`But Generation
`Bill repo
`Bill Box Functionality
`Notification to Billers
`rejected Bills
`Overdue Bills
`Payments Received
`Any desired Report
`Bill Delivery
`Another Bissa
`--> Any Portal
`ential to Potential Customers
`Paperb?t (with withoutmail inserts)
`Bill Box - Biller View
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 6 of 43 PageID #: 121
`Fig. 4


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 5 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`email billbox
`stocks metaspy games shopping auctions
`GoMet Personal
`Welcome to go2net Billbox: Your highly secure Vault for billing
`Send Your Bills To
`o Any Customer
`e Any Where
`a Any Time
`Any Way
`Using secure Billbox vault
`Get Your Bills From
`o Any Device
`o Any application
`o Any place
`o Any time
`Using secure Billbox vault.TA
`I'm a New User
`First Step is to create a user
`account. If you have already
`done this proceed to Second
`Create A Second step is to create a
`Bill Box
`I'm already registered for a BillBox
`BiBox O. 234As234
`login D: demo
`Remember my D & Password (What's this?)
`Sign in
`Trouble signing in?
`Get help signing in here.
`Traded on NASDAQ: GNET Copyright e Go2Net, Inc. 1996-1999 Terns of use
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 7 of 43 PageID #: 122


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`enail bilbox
`C2SO stocks nataspy games shopping auctions
`Go2Net Personal
`Welcome to go2net Billbox: Your highly secure Vault for billing
`Note: BillBox provides a very secure Vault to store all
`your information. There is no open data. All data is
`encrypted before it is stored. The encryption key is
`defined by you and is known only to you.
`To access your billbox, you need
`o Billbox id: Billboxid is an unique identification
`that is provided to each Billbox user.
`o Userid/Password : Unique combination known
`to only you.
`a Encryption Key: Defined by you. No data can
`be accessed without this key, even if you enter
`the bill-box using valid userid/password.
`Traded on NASDAQ. GNET Copyright O Go2Net, Inc. 1996-1999 Tens of use
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 8 of 43 PageID #: 123


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`CO2e. stocks metaspy games shopping auctions
`My inbox
`coanet personal
`comfANY ST.
`contact us
`select Biller name
`Amount due date due Status
`T Microcell Solutions
`firstline visa
`12/01/99 Unpaid WEW
`12/01/99 Unpaid WEW
`12/01/99 Sched
`Pay selected bills
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 9 of 43 PageID #: 124


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 8 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
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`auctions email
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 9 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`stocks metaspy games shopping auctions email: billbox
`Company list
`Go2Net Personal
`comPANY List
`McRoc SOLUTIONS 0132****2333
`FIRSTN WESA 403 **** **** 111
`ETR 21.2%ky589
`AMERICAN EXPRESS333 **** 3586
`Add a company
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 11 of 43 PageID #: 126


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 10 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Gozero stocks metaspy games shopping auctions
`Add a company
`email billbox
`Go2Net Personal
`Please enter the required informatioin about your biller. After
`completing this information, click add Company.
`Select a category : Utility
`Company name : ABC utility
`Delivery method : CheckFree
`Account number : 4200 57489856 O24
`Expiry date :
`MO2 mm/yy
`- Enable recurring payment schedule
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 12 of 43 PageID #: 127
`Fig. 10


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
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`. .
`My outbox
`select set are
`Arnout due date de Status
`Y comtel Telecom Solutions
`11/01/99 Paid WEW
`Y Hydro utility visa
`Acro consultants
`1/O2/99 Paid WEW
`11/04/99 Paid
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 13 of 43 PageID #: 128


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 12 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`stocks metaspy games shopping auctions anal billbox
`3 e ,
`; 3 tie.
`co2Net personal
`Pay Accounts
`New Credit Card
`New Debit Account
`Account List
`Credit Card: select credit cardt
`Card - Number:
`Expiration - Date: MM/YY
`Name On
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 14 of 43 PageID #: 129
`Fig. 12


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 13 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Go2Sco stocks metaspy games shopping auctions. anal billbox'?
`NBoxs is
`Go2Net Personal
`Here you will be able to change :
`set up e-mail notification
`Set up payment reminder
`your password
`your personal information
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 15 of 43 PageID #: 130
`Fig. 13


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 14 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`metaspy games shopping auctions email billbox
`Go2Net Personal
`C2SE stocks
`Password Change
`Passwords must be between 6 and i8 characters, at least one of which is
`numeric (0-9), and at least one of which is a letter (a-Zor A-Z). Special
`characters (8, G) or M) are acceptable, but not spaces.
`*Current Password:
`New Password:
`*Re-Type New Password:
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 16 of 43 PageID #: 131
`Fig. 14


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 15 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`stocks metaspy games shopping auctions email billbox,
`Goanet personal
`. . .
`. .
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 17 of 43 PageID #: 132
`Fields marked with an asterisk () must be entered.
`Please make the necessary changes.
`* First Name: poHNNY
`Middle Name: o
`LastName: SAMPLE324
`*User ID: 000324
`Retype Password:
`* Email:
`Street Address: 70s 23RD STS
`* State: WA
`*ZIP Code: 222022419
`*Day Phone:
`Evening Phone:


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 16 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Core stocks metaspy gangs shopping
`auctions email. billbox
`co2Net Personal
`NBox ,
`, , ,
`PAY. Accoins
`goNtAct us )
`days before the due date
`1999 Y
`Send me payment reminder
`start sending: Nov
`Send how often; Once
`Send when: 3:00pm
`Stop sending: Noy
`4 t 1999 ve
`Payment Reminder
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 18 of 43 PageID #: 133
`Fig. 16


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 17 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`retaspy gamos shopping auctions
`Gmail billbox
`Go2Net Personal
`Gozer stocks
`. .
`Create a Reminder
`PAY Accounts Recipients: -
`contAGT is T. Subject:
`Start sending:
`Send how often:
`Send When:
`Stop sending:
`3 t 1999
`3:00pm t
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 19 of 43 PageID #: 134
`Fig. 17


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 18 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Go2Net Personal
`email billbox
`Ocze stocks metaspy games shopping
`a Contact Us
`company list) If you have questions about the Billbox's service, check out our Frequently
`Asked Questions. Answers to most common questions are immediately
`PAY ACCOUNTS available online.
`PREFERENCES To contact Billbox using email, type your message in the area below and
`click the Send Email button. You can also speak with a Billbox Service
`Representative by calling our toll free number: 1-877-BILLS4U (1-877
`1. Enter your email address here:
`2. Type your message or question below:
`3. Click here:
`... Ca5-'fi
`;:Seng Egala to submit this to Billbox Customer
`4. Please wait for your confirmation message.
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 20 of 43 PageID #: 135
`Fig. 18


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 19 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Sign up as a biller
`Go2Net Personal
`If you send bills, now is the time to register. Soon you will be able
`to enjoy the savings of sending your bills electronically. No more
`hassles of folding and mailing paper bilis. Fill out the form below,
`and when you are authenticated, we will contact you by email,
`Company name : for
`Company address : 905 Paces Ferry Road
`Company city : an -
`Company state : Georgia
`Company Zip : Boa -
`Company e-mail :
`Merchant id: MID-03261973
`sign up.
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 21 of 43 PageID #: 136
`Fig. 19


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 20 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`002e stocks metaspy games shopping auctions email billbox :
`Go2Met Personal
`Choose your bill tennplate.
`select template
`customize your own
`When you are ready
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 22 of 43 PageID #: 137
`Fig. 20


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 21 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`G2Sep stocks metaspy games shopping auctions amal billbox i
`Go2Net Personal
`ohn Smith
`5 Min Street.
`eledo, OH 43232
`Statement Date: Feb. 8, 1999
`Due date: Feb 26, 1999
`Altountruber 25-22-5523
`weigenbe: 0453
`Bill Summary
`Biling Period: 2.2 to 3.02
`Aunt of Frevious Bill
`arrent Received on dec 21, 1998. Thank or
`ata Curret Charge due by Feb 26, 1999
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 23 of 43 PageID #: 138
`click here to finish afts
`Fig. 21


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 22 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Core stocks metaspy garnes shopping auctions email bitbox
`Design your bill template
`Go2Net personal
`How will bill data be provided?
`select program
`Printer Datastream
`Database export
`When you are ready Next
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 24 of 43 PageID #: 139
`Fig. 22


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 23 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`notaspy garnes shopping
`auctions anal billbox
`Go2Net Personal
`. .
`Here you can send a one time only invoice. Use this as an
`alternative to creating a template for one time transactions, Enter
`your information below and simply click send when you are
`Fields marked with an * must be completed.
`* Biller's name:
`Amount Options :
`* Recipients:
`Description of service/item:
`Doe Lawn Services
`Amount Due
`Lawn mowing
`Continue: Rés
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 25 of 43 PageID #: 140
`Fig. 23


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 24 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`2Sept stocks-metaspy gameso-shopping rauctions" email's billbox :" Go2Net personal
`Invoice (Step No 2)
`Fields marked with an * must be completed.
`Esas -
`" Billbox Id:
`* Amount due ; -
`Minimum amount due : -
`* Date due :
`Rosolos -
`Send Now
`Send Later
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 26 of 43 PageID #: 141
`Fig. 24


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 25 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`MSR. R.S.
`it a
`GozNet Personal
`This is what your invoice will look like. Preview all the information,
`then click send when you are done.
`Poe law in Services
`Jane Smith
`jsrnith Ghotmail con
`Statementade; Sov. 1, 1999
`Oue aste: Ivec ll, 1999
`Accountamber 548-356-385
`riterraber: 024s
`sun inctring
`Total current charge dues by Oect, SSS
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 27 of 43 PageID #: 142
`Fig. 25


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 26 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`ooze...stocks, metaspy. garrios. shopping auctions anal billbox "..."
`Report builder
`Use this for to create a report of your client's transactions.
`cornet personal
`Report type :
`Report date :
`Sort by :
`Mon, Now Ol., 1999
`f nvoice number
`Build report
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 28 of 43 PageID #: 143
`Fig. 26


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 27 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`cap stocks, inelaspyr games, shopping auctions anal billbox"
`Bill feaPLATE
`number of bills sent
`NFORT. Bills
`LEEWAY number of bills published
`number of bills not published
`number of bills paid
`soaret personal
`number of bills Q.A.'d
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 29 of 43 PageID #: 144
`Fig. 27


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 28 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`0.2e. stocks.netaspy, gangs, shopping auctions email billbox -
`Goznet Personal
`John Smith's Com
`John Smith's Billbox (internet)
`Find filename:
`1) Click Browse
`2) Find file on Hard Disk
`3) Press >> to Transfer (Help)
`bill No 1
`sit No.2
`Bit No. 3
`1) Select Filename (click circle)
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 30 of 43 PageID #: 145
`Fig. 28


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 29 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Bill quality assurance
`O Choose the bill you would like to preview.
`8 When you are satisfied with these bills, click 'Send the bills' to release them to
`your clients,
`send now
`Send later
`Edit Bils
`John Smith
`1s Main Street.
`oledo, Oh 43232
`Statement date: November 2, 1999
`Due date: November 26, 1999
`Accounturer: 245222-8523
`voice number 21453
`Bill Summary
`Billing Period: 2110 to 2f11
`Arnout of Previous as
`Payment Received on October 18, 1999. Thank You
`Total Current Charge due by November 26, 1999
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 31 of 43 PageID #: 146
`Fig. 29


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 30 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`stocks metaspy garnes
`Bill. TEMPLETE Bill quality assurance
`auctions a onal billbox
`SO2Net Personal
`0 Choose the bit you would like to preview.
`o When you are satisfied with these bills, click "Send the bills' to release thern to
`your clients.
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 32 of 43 PageID #: 147
`John Smith
`15 Mi sleet.
`Toledo, OH 43232
`Statement Date: Nov 2, 1999
`Oue date:
`Nov 26, 199:
`Accountrurber 245-222-6523
`invoice number:
`Bill Summary
`Bitting Period: 2ft.0 to 2114
`Amourt of Previots Bill
`$97 72
`Payment Received on October 8, 1999.
`hank You
`total Current charge due by Nov 26, 199:
`Fig. 30


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 31 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`at TEM
`A Custone list
`Here you can add, modify or delete Your customer accounts.
`i; Addaicustoméri
`Sys &
`Stever Ritchie 257895
`Marco Sousa 2S4865
`dave Moulton 558423
`Sean Wanzante O25463
`Scott Dyment 2012.56
`Tony Casciaro 959685
`Modify ;Défete
`Modify tfelte
`Modify fate
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 33 of 43 PageID #: 148
`Fig. 31


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 32 of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`stocks metaspy gangs shopping auctions email billbox
`my bills
`a 3 cu a bill:er
`Go2Net Personal
`Add an account
`Cient's nates Darry Sukkel
`Cient's account number s75966
`Client's e-mail address:
`- Addaccount:
`''. Cancel: .
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 34 of 43 PageID #: 149
`Fig. 32


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 10, 2013
`Sheet 33 Of 33
`US 8,533,079 B2
`Core stocks
`retaSpy gamis shopping auctions
`enai bibox
`GO2Net Personal
`NWOCE ' ".
`Send e-mail to customer
`Subject: Payment Remainder
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 35 of 43 PageID #: 150
`Fig. 33


`US 8,533,079 B2
`This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/751,265,
`filed Dec. 29, 2000 now U.S. Pat. No. 7,945,491, which is
`incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates generally to electronic com
`merce, and more particularly to methods and systems for
`integrating electronic bill presentment and payment among
`billers, consumers, banks and other financial institutions,
`electronic payment facilitators, and web portals and other
`spaces able to support an interface for presentment and/or
`payment of bills.
`internal EBPP solution, it gives billers the advantage of tight
`control over the billing system. However, this type of solution
`is very costly. Not only is it a technology risk because billers
`lose the flexibility to adapt to other EBPP standards, but it
`requires a Substantial amount of manpower and infrastruc
`ture. Furthermore. Such systems innately discourage con
`Sumeruse or popularity, since the consumer is required to log
`onto and initiate a session on a separate site for each different
`bill the consumer wishes to pay.
`A second common EBPP approach, which is referred to as
`the consolidator approach, presents its own set of problems.
`This method of enabling EBPP trades control of the billing
`interface and branding opportunity for a reduction in cost,
`risk, and internal staffing by outsourcing the EBPP to a third
`party consolidator. Here, the electronic payment processor
`takes on a lock box function of holding and moving cash
`during billing and payment. The payment processor performs
`an aggregation function by presenting multiple billers State
`ments at a single, consolidating web site. Not only does
`interposition of the consolidator and its interface between
`billers and consumers interrupt any existing relationship, but
`it also precludes exploitation of new biller opportunities to
`interact with consumers.
`In addition to the problems already mentioned, existing
`EBPP enabling methods have various other disadvantages.
`For example, they remain an expensive option for most billers
`who lack sufficient economies of scale necessary to overcome
`the high fixed cost of implementation. These EBPP methods,
`which primarily focus on reducing biller costs, also often fail
`to address the issue of consumer convenience adequately,
`much less to provide effective incentives for consumer adop
`Furthermore, conventional EBPP approaches, which seek
`to implement EBPP on portal interfaces, often require redun
`dant resources Supported by multiple entities and conse
`quently waste processing and transport resources. For
`example, using existing EBPP methods, if a consumer desires
`to pay AT&T bills electronically at a website such as Yahoo
`.com., the following occurs. First, the consumer requests that
` receive the AT&Tbill and send it to the consumer.
`Then, assuming AT&T partners with an electronic payment
`facilitator Such as CheckFree, makes a request to
`CheckFree. Finally, CheckFree initiates the request to AT&T.
`Because each of these entities are independent, each requires
`its own resident database and other Support functionality.
`Such conventional portal-supported EBPP approaches pro
`vide significant opportunity for improvement.
`Billing consumers for goods and services has always been
`a necessary exercise and transaction cost of engaging in
`credit-based commerce. Traditionally, businesses bill con
`Sumers for goods and services by generating and mailing
`paper bills or invoices. There are many obvious business
`concerns relative to paper-based billing. Companies utilizing
`paper-based billing do so at a Substantial cost. For example, a
`company with 100,000 accounts which are billed on a
`monthly basis may spend over two million dollars a year in
`paper-based billing expenses. Much of this expense stems
`from the cost of materials, postage, and manual processing of
`the paper bills, inserts, and envelopes.
`Other significant logistical and business concerns detract
`from the paper-based billing option. The time delay associ
`ated with sending bills and receiving payments via conven
`tional mailing deprive companies of the time value of money
`and therefore create additional transactional costs. This time
`delay is particularly troublesome to small billers and non
`recurrent billers who tend to rely more heavily on cash flow.
`Paper-based billing can also deprive billers of an opportu
`nity to build brand. Although many paper billers include
`various types of marketing inserts with their bills in an
`attempt to use the billing activity as an additional opportunity
`to make favorable brand impressions on the consumer, those
`materials cannot be targeted as effectively as in an interactive
`session. For instance, billers do not have significant realistic
`control over the circumstances under which, or whether, a
`consumer views particular inserts. Indeed, studies have
`shown that many consumers disregard Such inserts altogether.
`The development of the Internet creates new opportunities
`to transact business electronically, including to conduct the
`billing presentment and payment process electronically, in an
`on-line way or otherwise. Some refer to various aspects of the
`electronic billing process as electronic bill presentment and
`payment (EBPP). Instead of mailing paper bills, EBPP
`enables businesses to publish, distribute and/or present bills
`electronically on web pages. Instead of writing checks and
`applying stamps, consumers have the opportunity to pay bills
`by an electronic credit card charge or direct bank draft. The
`biller benefits by avoiding the cost of generating and mailing
`paper bills, and by avoiding the payment float occasioned by
`two-way mail delay and other delays in paper-based remit
`tance. The consumer benefits with the added convenience of
`conducting transactions online, and the opportunity to pay
`many or all bills on one site or in one virtual space.
`In practice, however, there are significant concerns with
`conventional approaches to EBPP. For example, in one com
`mon approach to EBPP, which is often referred to as the
`custom development method, billers create a proprietary
`electronic billing system and link it to a third-party for pay
`ment processing. Because custom development is mostly an
`Case 2:21-cv-00041-JRG Document 1-4 Filed 02/04/21 Page 36 of 43 PageID #: 151
`The present invention provides fully integrated, end-to-end
`electronic bill presentment and payment systems. Such sys
`tems support integrated EBPP access and functionality for
`billers, consumers, banks, other financial institutions, and
`other electronic payment facilitators, any or all of which can
`be transacted at a web portal, web site or other interface or
`virtual space (“Portal Interface'). Such systems can support
`Such activities at multiple portals, so that consumers and
`others have the choice of paying bills and accomplishing
`other EBPP transactions in whatever virtual space or at what
`ever site they desire. The systems provide consumers, billers
`and others the ability to self-enable EBPP by interacting with
`the portal interface Such as via a series of web pages. Such
`systems of the present invention can control all interactions
`between billers and consumers from the portal interface. In
`addition, the systems can seamlessly orchestrate all other
`transactions with payment facilitators and banks. Therefore,


`US 8,533,079 B2
`all EBPP functionality and processes can be controlled by
`systems and processes according to the present invention.
`The Portal Interface controlled by systems of the present
`invention provides individual consumers with a secure per
`sonalized electronic bill portfolio where they can schedule, 5
`view, and pay their electronic bills. The Portal Interface con
`trolled by such systems also enables billers to create con
`Sumer accounts and electronically publish their bills on a
`personalized electronic bill portfolio for viewing and pay
`ment. The systems can provide all bill processing, payment 10
`processing, consumer and biller data storage, and arrange all
`external billing transactions.
`FIG. 17 is a generic create a reminder screenface linked off
`the preferences screenface of a portal interface generated by
`a preferred embodiment of systems of the present invention.
`FIG. 18 is a contact customer service screenface linked off
`the preferences screenface of a portal interface generated by
`a preferred embodiment of systems of the present invention.
`FIG. 19 is a biller signup screenface of a portal interface
`generated by a preferred embodiment of systems of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 20 is a bill template design step 1 screenface of a
`portal interface generated by a preferred embodiment of sys
`tems of the present invention.
`FIG. 21 is a bill template design step 3 screenface of a
`portal interface generated by a preferred embodiment of sys
`5 tems of the present invention.
`FIG. 22 is a bill template design step 2 screenface of a
`portal interface generated by a preferred embodiment of sys
`tems of the present invention.
`FIG. 23 is an invoice creation step 1 screenface of a portal
`interface generated by a preferred embodiment of systems of
`the present invention.
`FIG. 24 is an invoice creation step 2 screenface of a portal
`interface generated by a preferred embodiment of systems of
`the present invention.
`FIG.25 is an invoice preview screenface of a portal inter
`face generated by a preferred embodiment of systems of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 26 is a report builder screenface of a portal interface
`generated by a preferred embodiment of systems of the
`present invention.
`FIG. 27 is a reports screenface of a portal interface gener
`ated by a preferred embodiment of systems of the present
`FIG. 28 is an

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