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`Order Number 9503201
`Simplified expression of message-driven p r o g r a ms a nd
`quantification of t h e ir i m p a ct on p e r f o r m a n ce
`Gursoy, Attila, Ph.D.
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994
`Copyright ©1994 by Gursoy, Attila. All rights reserved.
`Ann Aibor, MI 48106


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`B.Sc, Middle East Technical University, 1986
`M.S., Bilkent University, 1988
`Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
`for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
`in the Graduate College of the
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994
`Urbana, Illinois


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`APRIL 1994
`Director oi TTiesis Research
`Head of Department
`Committee on Final Examination!
`WLmJL ^ l l C ol
`t Required for doctor's degree but not for master's


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`©Copyright by
`Attila Gursoy


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`Communication latency and unpredictable delays in remote response times constitute sig(cid:173)
`nificant impediments to achieving high performance on massively parallel computers. Message-
`driven execution is a promising technique to improve the performance of parallel computations
`by overlapping these delays with useful computation. This thesis explores message-driven exe(cid:173)
`cution for improving performance of parallel programs. Programming in message-driven style
`is difficult due to the split-phase transactions it requires and due to the nondeterministic ar(cid:173)
`rival of messages. We developed language constructs to express dependences between messages
`and computations in order to simplify expression of message-driven programs. Predicting the
`performance of message-driven programs via simulations is difficult because the arrival order
`of messages changes as the machine characteristics change. We developed a trace-driven sim(cid:173)
`ulation methodology based on the those language constructs. We also conducted an extensive
`performance study of message-driven programs.


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`I would first like to thank my advisor, Professor L.V. Kale, for his guidance and support
`during my doctoral research. He was a constant source of assistance, and his brilliant ideas
`were always stimulating. I also wish to thank Professor S.P. Vanka for being my co-advisor and
`for his support. I thank the other members of my committee: Professor M. Heath, D. Reed,
`and F. Saied, for their helpful recommendations.
`Thanks to the members of the Parallel Programming Laboratory, including S.Krishnan,
`E.Kornkven, and A. Sinha, for providing a wonderful working environment and for listening to
`my practice presentations.
`I also want to express my thanks to the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
`for providing me with the opportunity to pursue my doctoral studies at the University of Illinois.
`Many of my friends deserve credit for their help. I would especially like to thank Maria Jose
`Gonzalez for her loving support and encouragement.
`Finally, my profound thanks go to my parents: Ali and Aysegiil Gursoy, and to my sister,
`Ayla Gursoy. I cannot express with words how grateful I am for their constant support and


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`1.1 Remote information access latency
`1.2 Reducing the impact of latency: message-driven execution
`1.3 Thesis objectives
`1.3.1 Selection of computation domain for the performance study
`1.4 Main contribution of the thesis
`1.5 Thesis organization
`2 Message-driven execution and Charm
`2.1 Traditional SPMD model
`2.1.1 Overlapping communication in SPMD
`2.1.2 Traditional SPMD is inadequate to develop efficient large programs
`2.2 Message-driven execution
`2.2.1 Message-driven execution supports modularity
`2.3 The potential benefits of message-driven execution
`2.4 Emulating message-driven style in SPMD
`2.4.1 Using nested if blocks
`2.4.2 Using a global while-switch loop
`2.5 Charm - a message-driven system
`2.5.1 The Charm language
`2.5.2 The Charm runtime
`2.6 Related work on latency tolerance
`. .. 14
`3 Two obstacles
`3.1 Programming difficulties of message-driven style
`3.1.1 Nondeterministic message arrival
`3.1.2 Obscure flow of control
`3.2 Performance prediction: how to simulate message-driven computations
`4 Controlling the complexity of message-driven programs
`4.1 Divide-And-Conquer: a simpler context
`4.1.1 Language definition
`4.1.2 Data declarations
`4.1.3 Blocks
`4.1.4 Statements


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`4.1.5 An example
`4.2 Dagger
`4.2.1 Expecting a message
`4.2.2 An example
`4.2.3 Basic language
`4.2.4 Dag-chare example
`4.2.5 Extended language
`4.2.6 Expressing loops in dag-chare
`4.2.7 Reference numbers
`4.2.8 Pipelining independent iterations of a loop
`4.2.9 Multiple message entry points
`4.2.10 Translation and runtime of Dagger
`4.3 Message-driven libraries
`4.3.1 Problems with libraries in SPMD style
`4.3.2 Message-driven execution and library interface techniques
`4.4 Related work
`5 Simulating message-driven programs
`5.2 A sufficient condition for accurate simulation
`5.3 Dagger programs and automatic trace generation
`5.4 The parallel machine model
`5.5 Simulator
`5.5.1 Preprocessor
`5.5.2 Parallel machine simulator
`Interpreting the traces
`6 Performance studies
`6.1 Description of benchmarks
`6.1.1 Synthetic benchmarks
`6.1.2 Concurrent reductions
`6.1.3 Harlow-Welch
`6.1.4 Conjugate Gradient
`6.2 Effects of network latency
`6.2.1 Synthetic benchmarks
`6.2.2 Concurrent reductions
`6.2.3 Harlow-Welch
`6.2.4 Conjugate Gradient
`6.3 Effects of coprocessor
`6.4 Random variations in latencies
`6.5 Load balance versus critical path
`6.5.1 Load balanced spanning trees and message-driven execution
`6.5.2 Complementary spanning trees for multiple reductions
`6.6 Effects of message scheduling
`6.6.1 Preemptive scheduling
`6.6.2 Priority-based scheduling


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`6.7 Conclusion
`7 Conclusion
`7.1 Future work


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`5.1 Machine parameters
`5.2 Events in a when-block trace
`6.1 CG results on NCUBE/2
`6.2 Communication parameters for the coprocessor experiment
`6.3 Communication parameter settings in the variable latency test
`6.4 Effects of branching factor
`6.5 Effect of complementary spanning trees


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`1.1 Remote information access latency.
`2.1 Simple SPMD codes (a) with message passing primitives (b) with library/module
`2.2 Rearranging send and receives (a) a sample code (b) rearranged code
`2.3 Processor utilization for (a) naive code (b) rearranged code
`2.4 SPMD modules cannot share the processor time
`2.5 Message-driven modules share the processor time
`2.6 s independent threads
`2.7 Overlapping latency
`2.8 Latency tolerance
`2.9 Effect of overhead
`2.10 Using nested if's to simulate message-driven execution
`2.11 A global while-switch construct to simulate message-driven execution
`2.12 Chare definition
`2.13 A branch office - ring program
`2.14 Multiple modules in Charm (a) module M2 accesses entities in module Ml (b)
`interface module for Ml HI.interface
`Incorrect message-driven code
`3.2 Correct message-driven code
`3.3 Flow of control (a) SPMD (b) pure message-driven (c) partial order
`4.1 Divide-and-conquer node definition
`4.2 Node definition to compute Fibonacci numbers
`4.3 A message triggers a computation (a) in pure message-driven (b) in Dagger.
`4.4 Matrix multiplication chare
`4.5 Matrix multiplication dag-chare
`4.6 Dag-chare template
`4.7 Dag-chare illustrating adaptive overlapping
`4.8 Red-black Gauss-Seidel (a) partitions (b) dependences on one processor
`4.9 Dag-chare for Gauss-Seidel red-black relaxation
`4.10 Jacobi (a) partitioning (b) dependences on one processor
`4.11 Partial dag-chare for Jacobi relaxation
`4.12 Out of order messages
`4.13 Loop structure in (a) red-black (b) Jacobi
`4.14 Correct Jacobi relaxation with reference numbers
`. . 44


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`4.15 Pipelining loop iterations
`4.16 A reduction dag-chare illustrating multiple message entries
`4.17 Translation of a dag-chare
`4.18 Library call
`4.19 Using the reduction library
`4.20 Distributed Processes example
`4.21 Ada select statement
`5.1 A dag computation
`5.2 The parallel machine
`5.3 Sending a message
`5.4 Message queues
`5.5 Simulation system
`6.1 Synthetic benchmark Wave (a) message-driven (b) SPMD
`6.2 Synthetic benchmark Mlib (a) message-driven (b) SPMD
`6.3 Concurrent reductions (a) SPMD (b) message-driven
`6.4 Pipelining and effects of overhead
`6.5 Concurrent reductions: effect of number of partitions on NCUBE/2
`6.6 Tolerating latency: concurrent reductions on NCUBE/2
`6.7 One time step of Harlow-Welch algorithm
`6.8 Decomposition of the computational domain
`6.9 Jacobi message-driven code
`6.10 Red-Blackl message-driven code
`6.11 Dependences of the Stone's method
`6.12 Stone's method: effect of pipelining
`6.13 Stone's method on NCUBE/2 (a) without reductions (b) with reductions
`6.14 Stone's method message-driven code
`6.15 Dependences in the modified CG method
`6.16 Effects of network latency: Synthetic Wave
`6.17 Effects of network latency: Synthetic Mlib
`6.18 Effects of network latency: Synthetic Mlib with varying computation load
`6.19 Concurrent reductions: effect of network latency an e t, and /3nct
`6.20 Harlow Welch with Jacobi: effect of network latency anet, and /3net (a) (Jnet = 0
`(b) pnet = 1(c) &,«, = 10
`6.21 Harlow Welch with Red-Blackl: effect of network latency an e t, and /3net (a)
`Pnet = 0 (b) &,,, = 1 (c) pnet = 10
`6.22 Harlow Welch with Red-Black2: effect of network latency anet, and Pnet (a)
`/Jnet = 0 (b) (inct = 1 (c) 0net = 10
`6.23 Harlow Welch Stone: effect of network latency anct, and P„et (a) Pnet = 0 (b)
`Pnet = 1 (C) Pnet = 10
`6.24 Conjugate Gradient (model):effect of network latency anet,and pnet (a) Pnet = 0
`(b) pnet = 1 (c) pnet = 10
`6.25 Effect of the coprocessor - concurrent reductions. Sum of processor and copro(cid:173)
`cessor delays (a) 1000 (b) 10000 units
`6.26 Effect of the coprocessor - multiplane Jacobi. Sum of processor and coprocessor
`delays (a) 1000 (b) 10000 units
`I ll


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`6.27 Effect of the coprocessor - multiplane Stone's method. Sum of processor and
`coprocessor delays (a) 1000 (b) 10000 units
`6.28 Variable network latencies - Synthetic Wave
`6.29 Variable network latencies - Synthetic Mlib
`6.30 Variable network latencies - Concurrent reductions
`6.31 Variable network latencies - Multiplane Jacobi
`6.32 Variable network latencies - Multiplane Stone
`6.33 Variable network latencies - One plane Red-Black2
`6.34 Load balance of spanning trees
`6.35 A scheduling problem
`6.36 Reductions with interrupts
`6.37 Reductions with higher priority
`6.38 Two different schedules
`6.39 Multi-plane Jacobi (a) load index (b) concurrency index
`6.40 Multi-plane Jacobi : FIFO versus priority.
`6.41 Multi-plane Stone (a) load index (b) concurrency index
`6.42 Multi-plane Stone : FIFO versus priority.
`6.43 Greedy scheduling example (a) FIFO (b) forced static scheduling


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`Chapter 1
`Parallel computers potentially offer much more computational power than uniprocessor ma(cid:173)
`chines. Although recent advances in VLSI and microprocessor technology have improved the
`performance of uniprocessor systems, there are many problems that require computational
`power well beyond what uniprocessor systems can provide. Therefore, substantial effort is
`devoted to developing efficient and cost effective parallel machines.
`Currently, there are many commercial parallel computers with very high peak performance.
`Machines with tens of gigaflops capacity are already available, and teraflops machines are ex(cid:173)
`pected in the next decade. However, their performance falls substantially short of peak on many
`real life applications. A number of factors contribute to this performance loss. For example, the
`sequential performance of individual processors itself may fall short of the peak power because
`of cache performance and inability to exploit fully features such as multiple instruction issues,
`pipelining, etc. Hopefully, this problem can be solved eventually by better compilers, use of
`optimized libraries such as BLAS routines [28], and occasional use of assembly code. In any
`case, this factor is not specific to parallel computing, as performance of workstations is also
`affected by it.
`An important factor that is specific to parallel computing is the loss of performance due to
`communication latencies and processor idling due to load imbalances and critical paths. These
`factors and methods for overcoming them are the focus of this thesis.


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`1.1 Remote information access latency
`A parallel computation is a collection of co-operating processes. The processes and data are
`distributed across the parallel machine. Typically, these concurrent processes interact with each
`other during the course of computation. This interaction might be due to synchronization or to
`data access. In either case, a process needs information that is created or stored by some other
`processes. If the needed information is on some other processor, then access to this remote
`information will be slower than that to local information. This slowdown generally occurs for
`two reasons.
`One of the reasons is the delay introduced by the communication network. The communi(cid:173)
`cation networks of large private memory machines are usually multi-hop switching networks.
`Messages experience delay of transmission, routing, and buffering. This delay, which we will
`call communication delay, is defined as the time interval between the moment data enter into
`the communication network and the time the data become available at the destination.
`The other source that contributes to the remote information access latency is the delay in
`the creation of the information at the remote site (Figure 1.1). Process 1 sends a request for
`some particular information. When process 2 receives the request, it performs the required
`service, creates the information and sends it back. The time interval between the arrival of
`the request and the completion of the requested service is the response delay. The response
`delay can be longer than the service time itself and is often unpredictable. For example, the
`processor might be scheduled for some other task, or cache performance might delay processing.
`Response delays take place not only in request-and-respond type of interaction; it equally affects
`prearranged communication (i.e., prepare-and-send) where no request is necessary.
`These two types of delays together form the remote information access latency, simply
`referred to as latency. Minimizing the impact of this latency is a major objective in parallel
`programming on parallel machines, and particularly on massively parallel scalable machines.
`1.2 Reducing the impact of latency: message-driven execution
`The impact of latency can be reduced in several ways. On the hardware side, this is addressed
`by designing architectures that attempt to reduce the communication latency to the minimum.
`The ALLCACHE architecture of the KSR-1 machine, and the message-processor architecture


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`communication latency
`response delay
`Process 1
`Process 2
`Figure 1.1: Remote information access latency.
`of J-Machine [22] are examples of these attempts as well as the continuous evolution of commu(cid:173)
`nication hardware in the traditional architectures of Intel and NCUBE machines [77]. However,
`physical reality dictates that remote access will always be significantly slower than local access
`(overhead can be reduced by better operating system support such as Active messages [31],
`Since latency cannot be eliminated completely, one may try to minimize the number of
`remote data accesses. This requires the placement of computations and data to be reorganized
`so that data accesses are localized as much as possible [43, 92].
`A complementary approach to reduce the impact of latency, on the software side, is to over(cid:173)
`lap the delay with some useful computation. This idea — doing something else useful while
`waiting for data — has been used at different levels in computer systems. Multiple functional
`units of a cpu may overlap independent operations. For example, while a floating-point com(cid:173)
`putation unit is busy, the next instruction and data could be fetched from the memory. In the
`prevalent parallel programming paradigm (the traditional SPMD paradigm, see Section 2.1),
`such overlap is enhanced by moving sends earlier and moving receives later. However, this


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`strategy is not sufficiently adaptive to the eventualities that may arise at runtime (see Chap(cid:173)
`ter 2).
`Message-driven execution is a promising technique in this regard. In the message-driven
`execution style (which is distinct from message-passing), there are typically many processes
`per processor. A process does not block the processor on which it is running while trying to
`receive a message. Instead, the system activates a process when there is a message for it. This
`improves latency tolerance in two ways. First, when one process is waiting for data from a
`remote process, another ready process may be scheduled for execution. Second, even a single
`process may wait for multiple data items simultaneously, and continue execution whenever any
`of the expected items arrive. If there are multiple subcomputations, each with f* and ti running
`time respectively, the message-driven running time is ti +<2 - tov„iav as explained in Chapter 2.
`As we will see later, this leads to adaptive overlap and modularity.
`1.3 Thesis objectives
`This thesis will explore the message-driven execution technique for tolerating communication
`latencies. The major objectives of this thesis are:
`Simplification of expression of message-driven execution:
`Although message-driven execution imparts the benefits alluded to above, it often extracts
`a price in the form of apparent program complexity. The split-phase or continuation-
`passing style of programming that it requires is sometimes non-intuitive and obfuscates
`the flow of control. As the system may execute messages in the order it receives them (as
`opposed to a deterministic order imposed by sequential receive statements), the program(cid:173)
`mer must deal with all possible orderings of messages. This involves complex reasoning
`about which message-orderings will not arise, which are harmless, and which must be dealt
`with by buffering, counters, and flags. Therefore, it is desirable and important to simplify
`the expression of message-driven programs, possibly via new languages or annotations.
`Performance prediction of message-driven execution:
`Predicting the performance of message-driven computations via simulations is necessary
`to evaluate the benefits of message driven execution under various machine characteristics.
`In such computations, the sequence in which messages are processed is not fully specified.


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`As a result, at runtime messages may be executed in different sequences depending on
`runtime conditions. This makes simulation and performance prediction of message-driven
`programs a challenging task.
`Evaluation of the performance impact of message driven execution:
`The ability to overlap computation with communication provides message-driven exe(cid:173)
`cution with the potential to improve the performance of a parallel program. However,
`this potential benefit needs to be established by performance studies. Such performance
`studies will help to determine:
`• the effectiveness of message-driven execution in increasing performance,
`• the factors that influence the performance of message driven programs,
`• the conditions under which these performance benefits are realizable.
`Selection of c o m p u t a t i on d o m a in for t he p e r f o r m a n ce s t u dy
`The performance studies in this thesis involve simulation and real machine implementation
`of selected computations. For dynamic tree-structured computations such as heuristic search,
`divide-and-conquer, game tree search, and evaluation of functional and logic languages, the
`performance advantages of message-driven execution is intuitively quite clear. In such problems,
`the message-driven strategy can adapt to the unpredictable nature of communication latencies
`and computational variations better than the conventional message passing style. For example,
`while evaluating a node of an and-or tree, one cannot predict if the node will be a simple leaf
`node or will lead to a large subtree. The structure of the tree is data dependent and dynamic.
`Due to the unpredictable nature of parallelism, one must assign many tree nodes per processor.
`As each node has a complex behavior, it is natural to treat each node as an individual object.
`The system must then process every incoming message, decide whether it involves creation
`of a new object (i.e., creation of a node), or it is a response from one of the subproblems
`of an and-or tree node, and activate the corresponding node to process this message. Each
`node itself must be willing to accept solutions (or a failure to find solutions) for any one of
`the multiple subproblems it may have started and create new subproblems that may depend
`on such solutions. All of this naturally leads to message-driven style for implementation. For


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`these reasons, many researchers in these areas have used message driven-execution, implicitly
`or explicitly [19, 63, 82].
`A more interesting question, therefore, is whether message-driven execution is beneficial for
`static computations — computations whose overall structure is known ahead of time. Therefore,
`investigating the performance advantages of message-driven execution for such computations
`will help answer an interesting and important question; if such advantages are established,
`it will lead to a stronger endorsement of the message-driven execution. Despite their static
`nature, communication latencies and their associated unpredictability make these computations
`potential candidates for message-driven execution.
`Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) appears to be a proper area to conduct the per(cid:173)
`formance studies because (a) many CFD algorithms have a static structure, and (b) it is an
`important application area for parallel computing. A review of many CFD applications reveals
`that many of them use a few numerical kernel algorithms that have regular computational and
`communication structure [4, 7, 10, 11, 24, 42, 75]. We chose a few of these core problems for
`our study as described in Chapter 6.
`1.4 Main contribution of the thesis
`• The thesis develops a set of arguments and lines of reasoning with examples highlighting
`the differences between SPMD and message-driven programs and argues for the potential
`advantages of message-driven execution.
`• The thesis research involves development and implementation of a language, Dagger, for
`simplified expression of message-driven programs.
`• A methodology is devised for trace-driven simulation of message-driven programs, and a
`simulator based upon it is implemented.
`• The thesis includes an extensive performance study involving several synthetic and real
`benchmarks, and performance measurement on real machines as well as simulations with
`varying machine parameters.
`The idea of message-driven execution was first proposed by Hewitt [53] and later was elab(cid:173)
`orated by Agha [1]. The work on dataflow also relates to the same idea at a finer grain and


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`at the hardware level. However, there has not been an extensive comparison of this approach
`with the now dominant message passing model (receive based SPMD model that is elaborated
`in Chapter 2). We argue that modularity and efficiency - in the form of overlapping commu(cid:173)
`nication with computation - can be achieved much more easily in message-driven execution
`than in the traditional message passing paradigm. We also show why it is not adequate to
`emulate message-driven execution with the message passing style. Section 2.6 discusses other
`approaches related to message-driven execution with the Charm system. Charm was one of the
`first message-driven systems and is used as an implementation substrate in this thesis.
`Programming in message-driven style is difficult due to the split-phase style of programming
`it requires and due to the nondeterministic arrival of messages. Therefore, the synchronization
`of messages and subcomputations in a process is necessary to maintain the integrity of the
`computation. Dagger expresses the partial orders among subcomputations and messages within
`an object, and yet retains the advantages of message-driven execution (adaptive scheduling of
`subcomputations based on message arrivals).
`The issue of synchronization has been dealt with extensively in past research starting from
`the mid 1970's. However, many of the schemes require the caller of a method to block until the
`called object finished its service. In most of these approaches, the server is also blocked in a
`variety of contexts. None of these features can be used effectively to express adaptive overlap
`of different computations based on availability of data, which is an important requirement
`for message-driven execution. The distributed process model by Hansen [50] comes closest to
`Dagger in many respects. This model as well as others are compared to Dagger in Section 4.4.
`More recent work on the Actor model and other concurrent object oriented languages also
`address the issue of local synchronization within an object. These studies were also summarized
`in Section 4.4.
`Although trace-driven simulation is a very efficient method for predicting performance of
`parallel programs under varying runtime conditions, such simulation methodology has not been
`applied to message-driven programs or to programs that use wild-card receives. The basic
`difficulty in such simulations is the fact that if two messages are received in different orders
`under different runtime conditions, then the behavior of the program may be altered in a
`way that cannot be reconstructed based on the traces obtained with the first sequence. The
`thesis presents a methodology for simulation of message-driven programs that exploits the


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`dependence information provided by Dagger at compile time combined with a special method
`for obtaining runtime traces. We know of no other results that can carry out performance
`analysis or simulations in a trace driven manner for such programs. Further, existing systems
`do not handle the case of a different message ordering during simulation.
`The thesis includes an extensive performance study involving several synthetic and real
`benchmarks, and performance measurement

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