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`Exhibit D
`Part 1 of 2


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`A Visual Computing Environment for Very Large Scale
`Biomolecular Modeling
`M. Zeller, J.C. Phillips, A. Dalke, W. Humphrey, K. Schulten
`R. Sharma, T.S. Huang, V.I. Pavlovi¢, Y. Zhao, Z. Lo, $. Chu
`Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
`405 N. Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801
`}Department of Computer Science and Engineering
`Pennsylvania State University
`University Park, PA 16802-6106
`Knowledge of the complet molecular structures of living cells is being accumulated at a tremen-
`dous rate. Key technologies enabling this success have been high performance computing and powerful
`molecular graphics applications, but the technology is beginning to seriously lag behind challenges
`posed by the size and number of new structures and by the emerging opportunities in drug design
`and genetic engineering. A visual computing environmentis being developed which permits interac-
`tive modeling of biopolymers by linking a 3D molecular graphics program with an efficient molecular
`dynamics simulation program executed on remote high-performance parallel computers. The sys-
`tem will be ideally suited for distributed computing environments, by utilizing both local 3D graphics
`facilities and the peak capacity of high-performance computers for the purpose of interactive bio-
`molecular modeling. To create an interactive 8D environment three input methods will be explored:
`(1) a sia degree of freedom “mouse” for controlling the space shared by the model and the user; (2)
`voice commands monitored through a microphone and recognized by a speech recognition interface;
`(3) hand gestures, detected through cameras and interpreted using computer vision techniques.
`Controlling 3D graphics connected to real time simulations and the use of voice with suitable
`language semantics, as well as hand gestures, promise great benefits for many types of problem
`solving environments. Our focus on structural biology takes advantage of existing sophisticated soft-
`ware, provides concrete objectives, defines a well-posed domain of tasks and offers a well-developed
`vocabulary for spoken communication.
`1: Introduction
`The biomedical sciences are presently undergoing a revolutionary developmentfollowing the de-
`termination of a rapidly increasing number of complex molecular structures of the living cell. Struc-
`tures encompassing many thousands of atoms, with integral biological functions and of great medical
`significance, are being discovered at. an increasing pace. This development came about only with the
`advent of high performance computers, powerful molecular graphics software, and a host of program
`packages regularly used by thousandsof researchers. Computational methods play an essentialrole
`in structure determination and structure refinement, in graphical interpretations of complex struc-
`tures, in modeling of biopolymers for drug design and genetic engineering of proteins, and in the
`physical, mechanistic and dynamic analysis of resolved structures with the goal for understanding
`the principles underlying biopolymer architecture and function.
`1063-6862/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE


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`Computational technology, unfortunately, lags now behind the rapid progressof structural biology
`and cannot adequately handle the size and number of structures discovered today. Furthermore,
`current user interfaces suffer from numerous shortcomings, e.g., a poor adaptation to the three-
`dimensional character of biopolymer structures and a complexity that requires long training periods.
`Also, gross limitations in locally available computer power restricts the interactive modeling of
`biopolymers and source codes are, with rare exceptions, inaccessible or poorly documented. Finally,
`the present paradigm for the rendering of biomolecular structures simply displays positions and
`types of atoms and bonds, neglecting topological and physical characteristics such as surfaces,
`voids, pockets, or electrostatic potentials.
`We have taken an innovative, collaborative approach to address the above impediments. A visual
`computing environment, MDScope, has been developed which permits interactive modeling[1, 4, 6].
`MDScope connects a powerful molecular graphics program, VMD, with a fast and efficient modeling
`program, NAMD, specifically designed for parallel computers. MDScope is ideally suited for high
`performance, distributed computing environments. The program presently links VMD to NAMD,
`the latter running on a remote high performance parallel computer. Three input methods have
`been explored in the framework of the VMD program to create an interactive 3D environment: a
`six (translation and rotation) degrees of freedom, electromagnetically tracked “mouse” has been
`integrated into VMD for manipulations of 3D objects; voice commands monitored through a micro-
`phone and recognized by a speech recognition interface have been introduced to replace cumbersome
`keyboard commands; hand gestures to manipulate the displayed model are detected through stereo
`cameras and interpreted using computer vision techniques. A large screen stereo graphicsfacility,
`expected to become the standard for biomolecular graphics, has been implemented andis frequently
`used by researchers.
`A long-term goal of VMD is to enable multiple users to interact with the model simultaneously.
`This interaction and collaboration is expected to significantly shorten the problem-solving cycle in
`biomolecular modeling since users can guide searches, e.g., for optimal designs, without resorting to
`a time consuming, non-intuitive cycle of batch jobs carrying out automated searches. Incorporating
`voice commands will allow the user to be free of the keyboard, and hand gestures will permit the
`user to easily manipulate the displayed model and to explore different molecular configurations. The
`combination of both speech and hand gestures will be far more powerful than either individually, and
`its success will apply to interactive environments for structural biologists as well as to a wide range of
`otherscientific and engineering applications. To accomplish this interaction, highly robust automatic
`speech recognition (ASR) and automatic gesture recognition (AGR) techniques are necessary. These
`techniques will be required for such problems as differentiation between commands and casual
`speech, and distinction between meaningful and meaningless gestures and hand movements.
`The primary infrastructure for our project is a large-screen stereographic projection facility,
`developed in the Theoretical Biophysics Group and shared by a large group of biomedical researchers.
`Thefacility employs cost effective and space saving display hardware which is added to a high end
`graphics workstation and can be easily duplicated at other sites. It produces 8’ x 6’ x 6’ 3D models
`in a 120 square foot area. The facility consists of a projector which displays alternating left- and
`right-eye views onto the screen at nearly twice the rate of ordinary projectors. The images, when
`viewed through special eyewear, produce a stereo display. In addition, a spatial tracker is used as
`a 3D input device for the development of a three-dimensional user interface. The program VMD
`has been designed for this environment as well as for standard monitors. Figure 1 attempts to
`convey an impression of the system through a photomontage of an actual image (nuclear hormone
`receptor-DNA complex) and of the actual space.
`The key goal of our work is to simplify model manipulation and rendering to such a degree
`that biomolecular modeling assumes a playful character; this will allow the researcher to explore
`variations of their model and concentrate on biomolecular aspects of their task without undue
`distraction by computational aspects. The ultimate goal, illustrated in Fig. 1, will focus on wide
`ranging improvementsof the graphical user interface of the existing programs MDScope which will
`become possible through the combined expertise of researchers in computational structural biology,
`parallel computing, numerical algorithm, and intelligent human-computer interaction technology.


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`Molecular Dynamics
`Figure 1. The program VMD, coupled with the program NAMD, and speech and
`gesture user-interface components. Thesefacilities comprise MDScope, a problem-
`solving environmentfor structural biology.
`2: MDScope, a Visual Environment for Structural Biology
`MDScope is a set of integrated software components which provides an environmentfor simulation
`and visualization of biomolecular systems in structural biology. It consists of three separate packages
`which may be used individually, or together to constitute the MDScope environment [5]. These
`packages are:
`1. The program NAMD, a molecular dynamics program which runsin parallel on a wide variety
`of architectures and operating systems.
`2. The program VMD, a molecular visualization program which displays both static molecular
`structures and dynamic molecular motion as computed by programs such as NAMD.
`3. The MDCOMMsoftware, which provides an efficient means of communication between VMD
`and NAMD, and allows VMDtoact as a graphical user interface to NAMD. Using MDCOMM,
`VMDprovidesan interface for interactive setup and display of a molecular dynamics simulation
`on a remote supercomputer or high-performance workstation, using NAMDas a computational
`Molecular dynamics calculations are computationally very expensive, and require large amounts
`of memory to store the molecular structure, coordinates, and atom-atom interaction lists. The
`challenge of efficient calculation of the inter-atomic forces by using high performance computingis
`addressed in NAMD through the use of parallel computation and incorporation of the Distributed
`Parallel Multipole Tree Algorithm (DPMTA)[2]. NAMD uses a spatial decomposition algorithm to
`partition the task of computing the force on each atom among several processors. This algorithm
`subdivides the volume of space occupied by the molecule into uniform cubes (or patches), as shown
`in Figure 2, which are distributed among the processors in a parallel computer. The motions of the
`atoms in each patch are computed by the processor to which each patch is assigned; as atoms move
`they are transferred between the patches, and patches are reassigned to different processors in order
`to maintain a uniform computational load.
`The key functions of the program VMDare to visualize biomolecular systems, to allow direct
`interaction between a user and a molecule being simulated on another computer, and to provide
`an intuitive user interface for controlling the visual display and remote simulation. VMD uses the


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`Figure 2. Spatial decomposition of a small polypeptide. Each cube represents a
`patch in NAMD.
`MDCOMM software mentioned above to enable it to initiate, display, and control a simulation
`using NAMD. Asthe trajectory of a molecular system is calculated, the coordinates of each atom
`are sent from NAMD to VMD. Current network technology provides the necessary bandwidth to
`communicate the atomic coordinate data; the use of a high-performance dynamics program is crucial
`in order to furnish new data at the speed required for interactive display.
`VMDimplements manydifferent forms of user interfaces — users may control the program through
`keyboard commands, a mouse, and a graphical user interface. VMD also implements a mechanism
`for external programs to serve as user interface components, by allowing them to communicate
`with VMD through standard network communication channels. This makes it possible for new user
`interface methods, such as the speech- and gesture-recognition systems discussed in Section 3, to be
`developed in parallel with VMD.
`Development of MDScope is an ongoing project in the Theoretical Biophysics Group at the
`University of Illinois [1]. All three components of MDScope (NAMD, VMD, and MDCOMM)may be
`obtained via anonymousftp (, or World Wide Web (
`The components may be used individually or in concert, and include the complete source code for
`the packages as well as extensive documentation describing how to use and modify the programs.
`Currently, NAMDis available for a wide variety of architectures and operating systems, including
`clusters of high-performance Hewlett-Packard, Silicon Graphics, and IBM RS/6000 Unix worksta-
`tions, as well as the Cray T3D and Convex Exemplar parallel systems. We are in the process of
`making NAMD available on the IBM SP-2 and SGI Power Challenge architectures. NAMD should
`be compilable on any system with a C++ compiler and PVM version 3.3.11.
`In addition to the full source and SGIbinary distributions (IRIX 5.x and IRIX 6.x), the program
`VMDis already available for Hewlett-Packard (HP-UX 9 and HP-UX 10 using Mesa emulated
`OpenGL) and Linux workstations. Ports to other platforms, most notably IBM RS/6000 (AIX),
`will be available soon. VMD displays a graphical rendering of the molecular systems under study,
`and provides both a text-based console interface and a complete graphical interface for the user.
`These controls are used to modify the appearance of the molecules and display, to control the
`display of structural features of the molecules, and to access remote computers running molecular
`dynamics simulations. Multiple structures may be viewed simultaneously, and a flexible atom
`selection mechanism enables the user to easily select subsets of atoms for display. VMD includes
`an extensive text-command processing capability through the use of the Tcl library, a popular and
`widely available package for script parsing and interpreting. The use of Tcl makesit possible for users
`to write scripts including such features as variable substitution, control loops, and function calls.
`The current rendering of a molecule may also be saved in an imagefile or in a format suitable for use
`by several image-processing packages. Also, by connecting directly to a remote computer running
`a molecular dynamics simulation, VMD offers users the capability to interactively participate in an


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`ongoing simulation, e.g. the option to apply perturbative forces to individual atoms.
`Speech and hand gestures are fundamental methods of human communication, and their use for
`interaction with and control of the display of VMD will greatly improve the utility of the program.
`Speech- and gesture-recognition user interfaces are being added to VMD to provide a “natural”
`working environment for researchers.
`3: Speech and Gesture Interface
`To fully exploit the potential that visual computing environments offer, there is a need for a
`“natural” interface that allows the manipulation of such displays without cumbersome attachments.
`In this section we describe the use of visual hand gesture analysis and speech recognition for de-
`veloping a speech/gesture interface to VMD. Thefree hand gestures are used for manipulating the
`3-D graphical display together with a set of speech commands. Wedescribe the visual gesture
`analysis and the speech analysis techniques used in developing this interface. The dual modality of
`speech/gesture is found to greatly aid the interaction capability.
`The communication mode that seems most relevant to the manipulation of physical objects is
`hand motion, also called hand gestures. We use it to act on the world, to grasp and explore objects,
`and to express our ideas. Now virtual objects, unlike physical objects, are under computer control.
`To manipulate them naturally, humans would prefer to employ hand gestures as well as speech.
`Psychological experiments, for example, indicate that people prefer to use speech in combination
`with gestures in a virtual environment, since it allows the user to interact without special training
`or special apparatus and allows the user to concentrate more on the virtual objects and the tasks at
`hand [3]. We explore this multimodal nature of HCI involved in manipulating virtual objects using
`speech and gesture.
`To keep the interaction natural, it is desirable to have as few devices attached to the user as
`possible. Motivated by this, we have been developing techniques that will enable spoken words
`and simple free-hand gestures to be used while interacting with 3D graphical objects in a virtual
`environment. The voice commands are monitored through a microphone and recognized using
`automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniques. The hand gestures are detected through a pair of
`strategically positioned cameras and interpreted using a set of computer vision techniques that we
`term automatic gesture recognition (AGR). These computervision algorithmsare able to extract the
`user hand from the background, extract positions of thefingers, and distinguish a meaningful gesture
`from unintentional hand movements using the context. We use the context of the VMD environment
`to place the necessary constraints to make the analysis robust and to develop a command language
`that attempts to optimally combine speech and gesture inputs.
`VMD uses a keyboard and a magnetically tracked pointer as the interface. This is particularly
`inconvenient since the system is typically used by multiple (6-8) users, and the interface hinders
`the interactive nature of the visualization system. Thus incorporating voice command control in
`MDScope would enable the users to be free of keyboards and to interact with the environment in
`a natural manner. The hand gestures would permit the users to easily manipulate the displayed
`model and “play” with different spatial combinations of the molecular structures. The integration
`of speech and hand gestures as a multi-modal interaction mechanism would be more powerful than
`using either mode alone, motivating the development of the speech/gesture interface. Further, the
`goal was to minimize the modifications needed to the existing VMD program for incorporating the
`new interface. The experimental prototypes that we built for both the speech (ASR) and hand
`gesture analysis (AGR) required the following addition to the VMD environment.
`Software. In order to reduce the complexity and increase theflexibility of the program design, a
`communications layer was added so external programs can be written and maintained independently
`from the VMD code. These use the VMD text language to query VMDfor information or to send
`new commands. The VMD text language is based on the TCL scripting language. Since all the
`capabilities of VMDare available at the script level, an external program can control VMDin any
`way. Both the ASR and AGR programs interact with VMD using this method. For a simple voice
`command, such as “rotate left 90”, the ASR converts the phrase into the VMD text command


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`“rotate y 90” and sends that to VMD. Similarly, when the AGR is being used as a pointing device,
`it sends the commands to change the current position and vector of VMD’s graphical 3D pointers.
`Setup for visual gesture analysis. To facilitate the development of AGR algorithms, we
`designed an experimental platform shown in Figure 3 that was used for gesture recognition experi-
`ments. In addition to the uniformly black background, there is a lighting arrangement that shines
`red light on the hand without distracting the user from the main 3D display. The setup has the
`additional advantage that it can be transported easily and is relatively unobtrusive.
` Side Camera
`3D pointing
`‘entroid and
`C m
`Figure 3. The experimental setup with two cameras used for gesture recognition
`(left) and overview of the AGR subsystems(right).
`Setup for speech analysis. A prototype ASR system has been implemented and integrated
`into VMD. The system consisted of two blocks: a recorder front-end followed by the recognizer unit.
`The recorder employed a circularly-buffered memory to implement its recording duties, sending
`its output to the recognizer unit in blocks. A digital volume meter accompanied this to provide
`feedback to the user by indicating an acceptable range of loudness. The recognizer that followed
`was developed by modifying HTK software. This unit performed feature extraction and time-
`synchronous Viterbi decoding on the input blocks, sending the decoded speech directly via Tcl-dp
`commands to an SGI Onyx workstation where the VMD processresided.
`Speech/gesture command language.
`In order to effectively utilize the information input
`from the user in the form of spoken words and simple hand gestures, we have designed a command
`language for MDScope that combines speech with gesture. This command language uses the basic
`syntax of < action >< object >< modifier >. The < action > component is spoken (e-g.,
`“rotate”) while the < object > and < modifier > are specified by a combination of speech and
`gesture. An example is, speaking “this” while pointing, followed by a modifier to clarify what
`is being pointed to, such as “molecule”, “helix”, “atom”, etc., followed by speaking “done” after
`moving the hand according to the desired motion. Another example of the desired speech/gesture
`capability is the voice command “engage” to query VMD for the molecule that is nearest to the tip
`of the pointer and to make the molecule blink to indicate that it was selected and to save a reference
`to that molecule for future use. Once engaged, the voice command “rotate” converts the gesture
`commands into rotations of the chosen molecule, and the command “translate” converts them into
`translations. When finished, the command “release” deselects the molecule and allows the user
`to manipulate another molecule. The ASR and AGR techniques that made the above interaction
`possible are described next.
`3.1: Speech input using ASR
`In the integration of speech and gesture within the MDScope environment, a real-time decoding
`of the user’s commands is required in order to keep pace with the hand gestures. Thus thereis
`a need for “word spotting” which is defined as the task of detecting a given vocabulary of words
`embeddedin unconstrained continuous speech. It differs from conventional large-vocabulary contin-
`uous speech recognition (CSR or LVCSR) systems in that the latter seeks to determine an optimal


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`sequence of words from a prescribed vocabulary. A direct mapping between spoken utterances and
`the recognizer’s vocabulary is implied with a CSR, leaving no room for the accommodation of non-
`vocabulary wordsin the form of extraneous speech or unintended background noise. The basis for
`word spotting, also termed keyword spotting (KWS), is dictated by real world applications. Real
`users of a spoken language system often embellish their commands with supporting phrases and
`sometimes even issue conversation absent of valid commands. In response to such natural language
`dialogue and the implications to robust human-computer interaction, standard CSR. systems were
`converted into spotters by simply addingfiller or garbage models to their vocabulary. Recognition
`output stream would then consist of a sequence of keywordsandfillers constrained by a simple syn-
`tactical network. In other words, recognizers operated in a “spotter” mode. While early techniques
`emphasized a template-based dynamic time warping (DTW)slant, current approachesare typically
`armed with the statistical clout of hidden Markov models (HMMs) [8, 9, 12], and recently with
`the discriminatory abilities of neural networks (NN). These were typically word-based and used an
`overall network which placed the keyword models in parallel with the garbage models.
`Keywords. Table 1 lists the keywords and their phonetic transcriptions chosen for the ex-
`periment. These commands allowed the VMD user to manipulate the molecules and polymeric
`Keyword Transcription
` t-r-ae-n-s-l-ey-t
`Table 1. Keywords.
`In modeling the acoustics of the speech, the HMM system
`structures selected by hand gestures.
`was based on phones rather than words for large vocabulary flexibility in the given biophysical
`environment. A word-based system, though invariably easier to implement, would be inconvenient
`to retrain if and when the vocabulary changed.
`Fillers. Filler models are more varied. In LVCSR applications, these fillers may be represented
`explicitly by the non-keyword portion of the vocabulary, as whole words for example. In other tasks,
`non-keywords are built by a parallel combination of either keyword “pieces” or phonemes whether
`they be context-independent (C1) monophonesor context-dependent (CD) triphones or diphones[9].
`Twelve fillers or garbage models were used to model extraneous speech in our experiment. Instead
`of being monophonesorstates of keyword models as used in prior experiments in the literature, the
`models that were used covered broad classes of basic sounds found in American English. There are
`several things to note. First, the class of “consonants-africates” was not used due to the brevity of
`occurrence in both the prescribed vocabulary and training data. As observed by [12] and many other
`researchers, varying or increasing the number of models does not gain much in spotting performance.
`Second, a model for backgroundsilence was includedin addition to the twelve garbage modelslisted.
`Such a model removed the need for an explicit endpoint detector by modeling the interword pauses
`in the incoming signal. Note also that the descriptors for the vowel class correspond to the position
`of the tongue hump in producing the vowel.
`Recognition Network. The recognition syntactical network placed the keywordsin parallel to
`a set of garbage models which included a model for silence. These models followed a null grammar,
`meaning that every model may precede or succeed any other model. A global grammarscale factor
`(s) and transition probability factor (p) were used to optimize the recognition accuracy and adjust
`the operating point of the system.
`Features and Training. After sampling speech at 16kHz and filtering to prevent aliasing,
`the speech samples were preemphasized with a first order digital filter using a preemphasis factor
`of 0.97 and blocked into frames of 25 ms in length with a shift between frames of 10 ms. Each
`frame of speech was weighted by a Hamming window, and then mel-frequency cepstral coefficients


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`of sixteenth order were derived and weighted bya liftering factor of 22. Cepstral coefficients were
`chosen as they have been shown to be more robust and discriminative than linear predictive coding
`coefficients or log area ratio coefficients. Normalized log energy and first order temporal regression
`coefficients were also included in the feature vector.
`The topology of the HMMs for both keyword-phones and garbage models consisted of five states,
`the three internal states being emitting states. Following a left-to-right traversal, each state was
`described by a mixture of five continuous density Gaussians with diagonal covariance matrices.
`Three iterations of the Baum-Welch reestimation procedure were used in training.
`In training the set of fifteen keyword-phones, forty sentences were developed as follows. Each
`of the five keywords were individually paired with the remaining four. This was then doubled to
`provide a sufficient number of training tokens.
`In sum, the sentences were composed of pairs of
`keywords such as “engage translate” and “rotate pick” which were arranged in such an orderas to
`allow each of the keywords to be spoken sixteen times. Each VMD user proceeded with this short
`recording session.
`In training the garbage models, a much more extensive databaseof training sentences was required
`to provide an adequate amount, of training data since the twelve broad classes cover nearly the entire
`spectrum of the standard 48 phones. The TIMIT database was subsequently employed to provide
`an initial set of bootstrapped models. Retraining was then performed once for one VMD user who
`had recorded a set of 720 sentences of commonly used VMD commands. These sentences spanned
`the scope of the VMD diction, including a more detailed set of commands, numbers, and modifiers.
`This was necessary to provide data normalized to the existing computational environment. Note
`that the garbage models were trained only once for this experiment. Hence, VMD users only needed
`to go through the short training procedure detailed above.
`Performance. Upon testing the system as a whole with fifty test sentences that embedded the
`keywords within bodies of non-keywords, wordspotting accuracies ranged to 98% on the trained
`speaker. The trained speaker refers to each user who trained the keyword-phones regardless of the
`one whotrained the garbage models. This was considered very well by the VMD users for the
`given biophysics environment, supporting the techniques that were used.
`In general, false alarms
`occurred only for those situations where the user embedded a valid keyword within another word. For
`example, if one says ‘translation’ instead of ‘translate’, the spotter will still recognize the command
`as ‘translate’.
`3.2: Hand gesture input using AGR
`The general AGR problem is hard, because it involves analyzing the human hand which has a
`very high degree of freedom and because the use of the hand gesture is not so well understood
`(See [7] for a survey on vision-based AGR). However, we use the context of the particular virtual
`environment to develop an appropriate set of gestural “commands”. The gesture recognition is
`done by analyzing the sequence of images from a pair of cameras positioned such that they facilitate
`robust analysis of the hand images. The background is set to be uniformly black to further help
`with the real-time analysis without using any specialized image-processing hardware.
`Finger as a 3D pointer. The AGR system consists of two levels of subsystems (See Figure 3).
`First level subsystems are used to extract a 2D pointing direction from single camera images. The
`second level subsystem combines the information obtained from the outputs of the first level sub-
`systems into a 3D pointing direction. To obtain the 2D pointing direction, the first level subsystems
`perform a sequence of operations on the input image data. The gray-level imageis first thresholded
`in order to extract a silhouette of the user’s lower arm from the background. Next, first and second
`image moments are calculated and then used to form a bounding box for extraction of the index
`finger. Once the finger is segmented from the hand, another set of image moments is calculated,
`this time for the finger itself. Finally, based on these moments, 2D finger centroid and finger direc-
`tion are found. 3D pointing direction is finally determined in the second level subsystem using the
`knowledgeof the setup geometry and 2D centroids and pointing directions. This information is then
`forwarded to the central display manager which displays a cursor at an appropriate screen position.
`Our implementation produced a tracking rate of about 4 frames per second, mainly limited by the



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