Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 1 of 14 PageID #: 2114
`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 1 of 14 PagelD#: 2114


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 2 of 14 PageID #: 2115
`CASE NO. 2:21-cv-00040-JRG
`(Lead Case)
`CASE NO. 2:21-cv-00041-JRG
`(Member Case)

` §

`Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6), PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 10, 2021
`Defendants Huawei Device Co., Ltd., Huawei Device USA, Inc. (together “Huawei”), Samsung
`Electronics Co., Ltd., and Samsung Electronics America, Inc. (together “Samsung”) (collectively
`“Defendants”) by their undersigned attorneys, will take the oral and videotaped deposition of
`Plaintiff Gesture Technology Partners LLC (“GTP”), by one or more officers, directors, or
`managing agents or other person(s) designated to testify on its behalf, regarding the Deposition
`Topics identified below.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 3 of 14 PageID #: 2116
`The deposition will be reported and recorded by a duly authorized court reporter and
`certified videographer. The deposition will be conducted before an officer authorized to administer
`oaths and will continue from day-to-day, weekends and legal holidays excluded, until completed,
`or according to an agreed or Court-ordered schedule. The deposition will be taken for the purpose
`of discovery, for use at trial or any hearing in this matter, and for any other purpose permitted by
`the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`In accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6), GTP is required to designate one or more of
`its principals, officers, directors, managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its
`behalf with respect to all information that is known or reasonably available to GTP concerning the
`subjects set forth in the Deposition Topics identified below.
`No later than five (5) business days before the noticed deposition, GTP shall identify in
`writing each witness that will testify in response to this notice and the specific topics on which
`each such witness will testify. To the extent each identified witness will rely on documents or
`information not yet produced in this Litigation, GTP shall produce those documents or information
`as soon as possible, and no less than five (5) business days prior to the date of the deposition.
`This deposition is noticed, and will be taken, without prejudice to Defendants’ right to
`depose any witness in his or her individual capacity, irrespective of whether such witness is also
`designated to testify on behalf of GTP in response to this notice. Defendants reserve the right to
`ask related or follow-up questions to any testimony provided whether or not such questions fall
`within the scope of the topics set forth in this Notice.
`As used herein, “and” and “or” shall be construed conjunctively and disjunctively
`so as to acquire the broadest meaning possible.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 4 of 14 PageID #: 2117
`As used herein, “any” and “all” shall each be construed to mean “any and all,” so
`as to acquire the broadest meaning possible.
`As used herein, “include” and “including” shall be construed to mean “without
`limitation,” so as to acquire the broadest meaning possible.
`As used herein, “referring,” “relating,” or “related” to any given subject shall mean,
`without limitation, identifying, describing, discussing, assessing, stating, reflecting, constituting,
`containing, embodying, tending to support or refute, or referring directly or indirectly to, in any
`way, the particular subject matter identified.
`As used herein, “Document” has the same meaning as the term “document” as used
`and defined in Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 34 and therefore includes electronically stored data as well as
`tangible things.
`As used herein, “Plaintiff,” “You,” or “Your” shall mean Plaintiff Gesture
`Technology Partners, LLC (“GTP”), any corporate or other predecessor or successor, any entity
`that controls or has controlled GTP, any entity that is or has been commonly controlled with GTP,
`any joint venture to which GTP is or has been a party, any past or present division, department,
`parent, subsidiary, affiliate, member, director, officer, principal, agent, employee, consultant,
`representative, or other person acting or who has acted on GTP’s behalf, or who is or has been
`under GTP’s control in whole or in part, including but not limited to Timothy R. Pryor..
`As used herein, “affiliate” or “affiliated entities” shall mean all predecessors,
`successors, acquisitions, parents, subsidiaries, and divisions or departments thereof, and all past
`and present directors, officers, agents, employees, and representatives (including consultants or


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 5 of 14 PageID #: 2118
`As used herein, “this Litigation” shall mean the above-captioned litigation, pending
`in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.
`As used herein, “Patents-in-Suit” shall mean all patents asserted by GTP in this
`Litigation, including U.S. Patent Nos. 8,194,924 (“’924 Patent”); 7,933,431 (“’431 Patent”);
`8,553,079 (“’079 Patent”); and 8,878,949 (“’949 Patent”).
`As used herein, “Asserted Claim(s)” shall mean all claims of the Patents-in-Suit
`that GTP contends are infringed by Defendants in this Litigation.
`As used herein, “Accused Product(s)” shall mean all instrumentalities, products,
`activities, services, processes, systems, apparatuses, or things that GTP accuses of infringing one
`or more of the Patents-in-Suit in this Litigation.
`As used herein, “Related Application(s)” shall mean all patent applications related
`directly or indirectly to the Patents-in-Suit, including all provisional or non-provisional patent
`applications to which any of the Patents-in-Suit claims priority, all patents or provisional or non-
`provisional patent applications incorporated by reference by any of the Patents-in-Suit, all patents
`or provisional or non-provisional patent applications identified as co-pending by any of the
`Patents-in-Suit, all continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, reexaminations, reissues,
`international and foreign counterpart applications, and any other patent applications disclosing,
`describing or claiming any invention disclosed, described or claimed in any Patents-in-Suit, or
`claiming the benefit of the filing date of any application whose benefit is claimed in any Patent-
`in-Suit, whether or not abandoned and whether or not issued.
`As used herein, “Related Patent(s)” shall mean all patents issued from or based
`upon any Related Application.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 6 of 14 PageID #: 2119
`As used herein, “Portfolio Patent(s)” shall mean all patents listing Timothy R. Pryor
`as a named inventor that are not asserted in this Litigation and are not Related Patent(s).
`As used herein, “Other GTP Defendants” shall mean any and all companies that
`GTP has sued in patent litigation matters, including Apple, Inc., LG Electronics, Inc., Lenovo
`Group Ltd., and their affiliates.
`The use of terms, phrases, and definitions herein is for convenience and shall not be
`construed as an admission—factual, legal, or otherwise—by Defendants.
`The conception and reduction to practice (including any alleged actual reduction to
`practice) of each claim of each Patent-in-Suit, including any alleged diligence between the dates
`of conception and reduction to practice on which GTP intends to rely.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the prosecution of each Patent-in-Suit and
`all Related Patents.
`All facts and circumstances relating to actual or potential prior art known to GTP
`or the alleged inventor named on each Patent-in-Suit, including all patents, publications, systems,
`or other materials or events that any person or entity has stated, claimed, or suggested are or may
`be prior art to one or more Patents-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any research, testing, or analysis comparing
`the claims of the Patents-in-Suit to actual or potential prior art.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any alleged unexpected results, commercial
`success, long-felt but unsolved needs, failure of others, skepticism of experts, advantages and
`disadvantages, industry recognition, praise of an alleged invention claimed in any Patent-in-Suit,
`and/or any other considerations that GTP contends supports the nonobviousness of one or more
`claims of the Patents-in-Suit.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 7 of 14 PageID #: 2120
`Any foreign or U.S. litigation, opposition proceeding, interference, reexamination,
`reissue proceeding, nullity proceeding, revocation proceeding, arbitration, or dispute involving any
`Patent-in-Suit or any Related Patent anywhere in the world.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any research, design, development, testing,
`configuration, manufacture, assembly, engineering, features, function, structure, operation, use, or
`performance of hardware or software (including prototypes), developed, made, used, sold, or
`offered for sale by You, any licensee of any Patent-in-Suit, or any predecessor in interest of any
`Patent-in-Suit at any time that practiced, used, or embodied, in whole or in part, an alleged
`invention claimed in any Patent-in-Suit.
`Research efforts, whether published or unpublished, authored, co-authored, edited,
`or revised by Timothy R. Pryor (“Mr. Pryor”) or any of his agents, employees, or representatives
`that relate in any way to the subject matter recited in any claim of any Patent-in-Suit or any Related
`Patent anywhere in the world.
`The identity of any persons who collaborated with Mr. Pryor in any way on any
`research efforts (including, but not limited to, Peter H. Smith), whether published or unpublished,
`authored, co-authored, edited, or revised by Mr. Pryor, that relate in any way to the subject matter
`recited in any claim of any Patent-in-Suit or any Related Patent anywhere in the world.
`The contribution or alleged contribution of Peter H. Smith to the subject matter of
`any Patent-in-Suit or any Related Patent.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications prior to the filing of
`this Litigation relating to the subject matter of any claim of any Patent-in-Suit.
`The underlying factual bases for GTP’s positions that each Patent-in-Suit is valid
`and enforceable.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 8 of 14 PageID #: 2121
`All facts and circumstances relating to research testing, or analysis comparing the
`claims of any Patent-in-Suit to the products, services, or activities of any third party.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s contention, if any, that there is any
`quantitative benefit from the alleged inventions claimed in the Patents-in-Suit, including evidence
`of any difference in performance, marketability, or sales of a device incorporating the alleged
`inventions as compared to a device that does not incorporate the alleged inventions.
`The underlying factual bases for preparing GTP’s pleadings in this case, including
`those demonstrating GTP’s alleged good faith basis to bring suit against Defendants, and those
`demonstrating GTP’s good faith basis to identify each Accused Product.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s decision to file this Litigation.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s first awareness of each Defendant’s
`products allegedly relating to the technology of any Patent-in-Suit and GTP’s decision not to file
`suit during the time that elapsed between that awareness and the filing of suit against Defendants,
`including the Accused Products.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s understanding and knowledge of the
`Accused Products, including the features, functions, and operation of the Accused Products.
`All facts and circumstances relating to statements by GTP or any of its directors,
`officers, agents, employees, and representatives (including consultants or attorneys) that any of the
`Patents-in-Suit would not be enforced.
`The underlying factual bases for GTP’s contention, if any, that Defendants’ alleged
`infringement of each Patent-in-Suit has been and continues to be willful.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the manufacture, cost, pricing, valuation,
`distribution, promotion, marketing, offer for sale, and sale of any product, system, or technology


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 9 of 14 PageID #: 2122
`that practices, uses, embodies in whole or in part, or incorporates any alleged invention claimed in
`the Patents-in-Suit, including the first prototype, first experimental use, first demonstration, first
`manufacture, first use, first offer for sale, first sale, first public use, first shipment, first
`announcement, and first public disclosure of subject matter claimed in any Patent-in-Suit, and the
`first written description of each alleged invention claimed in the Patents-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to actual or potential ownership, title, transfer,
`or assignment of each Patent-in-Suit, Related Patent, and Portfolio Patent.
`All facts and circumstances relating to Your relationship, including any past and/or
`present ownership or other financial interest, with respect to the following entities: Digital Dash;
`Motion Games, LLC; Great Lakes Intellectual Property, Ltd.; LMI Technologies USA, Inc.; LMI
`Technologies, Inc.; PTSP Technologies, LLC; Sensor Adaptive Machines, Ltd.; Deffracto Ltd.;
`and Tactile Feedback Technology, LLC.
`GTP’s efforts to license, enforce, or monetize each Patent-in-Suit or any Related
`Patent anywhere in the world.
`All licenses, agreements, negotiations, offers, or proposals with any third party
`regarding each Patent-in-Suit, Related Patent, and Portfolio Patent anywhere in the world.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications between GTP and any
`prospective or actual licensee to any Patent-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to compliance with 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) by any
`owner or licensee of any Patent-in-Suit, and any efforts made to ensure compliance with 35 U.S.C.
`§ 287(a).
`All facts and circumstances relating to the amount of damages that GTP alleges to
`have suffered as a result of each Defendant’s alleged infringement, including any evaluation,


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 10 of 14 PageID #: 2123
`calculation, or determination of the value of a license to any Patent-in-Suit and the royalty rate(s)
`to be used in determining such a license value.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s current and historical licensing
`practices, efforts to license its patents, and licenses to its patents, including the Patents-in-Suit and
`any Related Patents anywhere in the world, and the circumstances under which GTP will grant or
`has granted licenses, the identity of all licenses to each Patent-in-Suit, the factors GTP considers
`when deciding the terms of such licenses, the structure for such licenses, the amounts and royalty
`rates that GTP has offered or accepted for such licenses, any license agreements, correspondence,
`negotiations, or discussions that have resulted from these efforts, and any other license agreements
`that concern patents comparable to any Patent-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any studies, analyses, evaluations, opinions,
`and communications with third parties concerning the valuation of any alleged invention claimed
`in any Patent-in-Suit, including any evaluation of return on investment(s) made in any Patent-in-
`Suit or related technology or subject matter.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the division of recoveries from licensing or
`enforcing each Patent-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to licensing, enforcement, or monetization of
`any Patent-in-Suit with respect to Digital Dash.
`All financial analyses, opinions, or valuations of each Patent-in-Suit or any Related
`Patent anywhere in the world, including but not limited to information for determining a royalty
`rate for purposes of licensing or tax accounting.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 11 of 14 PageID #: 2124
`All royalties, revenues, or financial consideration received by GTP from the
`licensing, enforcement, or monetization of any Patent-in-Suit or any Related Patent anywhere in
`the world.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications between GTP and any
`prospective purchaser of any Patent-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications between GTP and any
`prospective broker of any Patent-in-Suit.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s prospective or actual receipt of
`financial and/or other resources from litigation funders in connection with the assertion of any
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications between GTP and any
`prospective or actual litigation funder.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the identity and location of all persons or
`entities with a direct or indirect financial stake in this litigation.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s fee arrangements with external legal
`counsel, including litigation fees, success fees, and pre-filing investigation and analysis.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the corporate structure and ownership of
`GTP and any affiliated entities.
`GTP’s formation, including but not limited to articles of incorporation, bylaws,
`appointment of directors, officers or employees, and Board of Directors.
`GTP’s financial statements, tax returns, audit reports, and annual reports.
`All facts and circumstances relating to the rights of any person or entity in each


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`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s agents, employees, or other persons
`performing services for or on behalf of GTP pursuant to an agreement, including the identification
`of those persons, the services they have performed, and any agreements concerning those persons
`or the services they have performed.
`All facts and circumstances relating to GTP’s past and present document retention
`and destruction policies, including any action(s) taken in violation of any document retention and
`destruction policies.
`All facts and circumstances relating to any communications with one or more of
`the Other GTP Defendants concerning GTP, the Asserted Patents, or the Portfolio Patents.
`The identity and location of documents evidencing or relating in any way to any of
`the preceding topics.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 13 of 14 PageID #: 2126
`DATED: September 1, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly (TX Bar No. 00795077)
`Radhesh Devendran (pro hac vice)
`1117 S. California Avenue
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Telephone: (650) 320-1800
`Facsimile: (650) 320-1900
`Allan M. Soobert
`2050 M Street NW
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`Telephone: 202-551-1700
`Facsimile: 202-551-1705
`Elizabeth L. Brann
`4747 Executive Drive, 12th Floor
`San Diego, CA 92121
`Telephone: (858) 458-3000
`Facsimile: (858) 458-3005
`Robert Laurenzi
`200 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10166
`Telephone: (212) 318-6000
`Facsimile: (212) 319-4090
`Melissa R. Smith (TX Bar No. 24001351)
`303 S. Washington Ave.
`Marshall, TX 75670
`Telephone: (903) 934-8450
`Facsimile: (903) 934-9257
`Attorneys for Defendants Samsung Electronics
`Co., Ltd and Samsung Electronics America, Inc.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 92-1 Filed 10/06/21 Page 14 of 14 PageID #: 2127
`By: /s/ J. Mark Mann
`J. Mark Mann
`State Bar No. 12926150
`G. Blake Thompson
`State Bar No. 24042033
`201 E. Howard Street
`903.657.6003 (fax)
`Kent E. Baldauf, Jr. (PA ID No. 70793)
`Bryan P. Clark (PA ID No. 205708)
`One Gateway Center
`420 Ft. Duquesne Blvd., Suite 1200
`Pittsburgh, PA 15222
`412.471.4094 (fax)
`Attorneys for Defendants Huawei Device Co.,
`Ltd., Huawei Device USA, Inc.,
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document has been served via
`email on all counsel of record on this 1st day of September, 2021.
` /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly

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