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`Exhibit N


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`The Concise
`Oxford Dictionary
`of Current English
`First edited by
`H. W. Fowlerand F. G. Fowler
`Edited by
`Della Thompson


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-9 Filed 09/02/21 Page 3 of 6 PageID #: 1422
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`lirst edition 1911
`Newedition (revised) 1929
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`Fiighth edition 1990
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`1. English language—Dictionaries
`L Thompson, Della
`ISHN 0-19-861320-2 thumb index
`ISBN 0-19-861319-9 plain
`Library ofCongress Cataloging in Publication Data
`The Concise Oxford Dictionary ofCurrent English—9th ed,jedited by Della Thompson.
`‘First edited by H. W. Fowler andFG. Fowler,"
`ISBN 0-19-8613 19-9-ISBN 0-19-861320-2 (thumbIndex)
`IL Fowler.
`1, English language—Dictionaries.
`[. Thompson, Della.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-9 Filed 09/02/21 Page 4 of 6 PageID #: 1423
`2:21-cvROO4dIRGeeRaguMent 70-9 Filed 09/02/21 Page 4 of 6 Page
`germander speedwell 7. a creeping plant, Veronica
`gerontology /dgerpn'tuladsi/ n- the scientific Study
`chamaedrys, with germander-like leaves and blue
`old age, the process of ageing, and the special p blame
`of old people.
`o gerontological
`/4a'lodgik(ay, emg
`gerontologist fi, [Greek gerdn -ontos ‘old man’ 4- “Louyitl
`germane/djo:'mein/ «dj, (usu, foll. by fe) relevant (toa
`“gerous=/d3(a)ras/ comb, form forming adjectiy,
`germanenessn, [variant of GERMAN]
`meaning ‘bearing’
`[from Latin ves,
`‘bearing’ (from root of gerere'to bear’) + -ovs]
`1 having
`Germanic /dja:'manik/ adj, & n. wadj,
`German characteristics, 2 Aist, of the Germans. 3 of the
`uv. & mn.
`Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons, or Germans. 4 of the
`jerrymander) @ ifr. 4 manipulate the boundaries of ( i
`languages or language group called Germanic. en. 4
`constituency etc.) so as to give undue influence tg somal
`the branch of
`Indo-European languages
`party or class, 2 manipulate (a situation ete.) ty ah 5
`English, German, Dutch,
`the Scandinavian
`advantage. @7, this practice. 0 gerrymanderer j;, tha.
`languages. 2 the (unrecorded) early language from
`of Governor Gerry
`of Massachusetig
`which other Germanic languages developed,
`SALAMANDER, from the shape of a district on a Politica)
`map drawn when he wasin office (1912)]
`Germanicus (as GERMAN))
`gerand /‘djerand/ 7. Gram. a form of a verb functioning
`germanic /dgjasmanik; adj. Chem. of or containing
`germanium, esp. in its tetravalent state.
`as a noun, originally in Latin ending in dur
`in English ending in -ing and
`Germanist /‘dsa:manist/ n. an expert in or student of
`distinctly as a part of a verb (e.g. do you mine
`the language, literature, and civilization of Germany, or
`Germanic languages.
`asking you?), [Late Latin gerundium from gerundyry
`variant ofgerendum, the gerund of Latin gerere ‘do']
`germanium /d3o;memimm/ nm. Chem, a lustrous brittle
`gerundive /dge'randiv/ n. Gram. a form of a Latin yep,
`semi-metallic element occurring naturally in sulphide
`ores and used in semiconductors (symbol Ge), [modern
`ending in -ndus (declinable) and functioning as ay
`adjective meaning ‘that should or must be done’ »
`Latin, from Germanus GERMAN]
`[Late Latin gerundious (iodus ‘mood’) from gerunding,.
`Germanize /‘dga:monam/, & intr. (also -ise) make
`see GERUND]
`or become German; adopt or cause to adopt German
`gesso /'dgesau/n. (pl. -oes) plaster of Paris or gypsuin ag.
`Germanizer nn.
`used in painting or sculpture, [Italian,
`from Latin
`Aypsum: see GYESUM]
`German measles api.
`(also treated as sing.) a
`gestalt /ga'fta:lt, -‘Stalt/ n. Psychol. an organized wholp
`contagious disease, rubella, with symptoms like mild
`that is perceived as more than the sum ofits party.
`ogestaltism ri. gestaltist n. (German, = form, shape]
`gestalt psychology i. 4 system maintaining that
`German; German and.
`perceptions, reactions,etc., are gestalts,
`Gestapo /go'sta:pav/
`the German secret police
`germanium in the divalent stale.
`under Nazi rule, 2 derog. an organization compared to
`this. (German, from Geheime Staatspolizei)
`German shepherd . (also German shepherd dog) an
`gestate /dge'stert/ utr. 1 carry (a foetus) in gestation, 3
`German silver n. a white alloy of nickel, zinc, and
`develop (an idea etc.),
`gestation /dje'ster|(o)n/ m. 1 a the process of carrying
`germ cell n. 1 a cell containing half the number of
`or being carried in the womb between conception and
`chromosomes of a somatic cell and able to unite with
`birth, & this period, 2 the private development of a
`one from the opposite sex to form a new individual; a
`from gestare,
`gamete. 2 any embryonic cell with the potential of
`frequentative of gerere ‘carry')
`developing into a gamete.
`intr. use gestures
`gesticulate /dge'stikjulert/
`instead of or in addition to speech. 2 fr. express with \
`substance destroying
`germicide /ija.msaid/ n.
`causing disease, o germicidal
`gestures. ogesticulation /-‘lerf(a)n/ n. gesticulatiye
`/“sarta)l/ adj,
`/-latrv/ adj. gesticulator n. gesticulatory /-lat(a)ri/ adj,
`[Latin gesticulari from gesticulus, diminutive of gestus
`relating to or of the
`germinal /‘dga:mim(a)l/ adj,
`nature of a germ or germs (see GERM 1), 2 in the earliest
`stage of development. 3 productive of new ideas.
`gesture /‘dsest{a/ 1. & v. @n. 14a movement of a limb
`or the body as an expression of thought or feeling, 2 the
`Oo germinally adv, [Latin germen germin- ‘sprout']
`use of such movements esp. to convey feeling or as a
`germinate /‘dja:mmeit/ v. 1 a int, sprout, bud, or put
`rhetorical device, 3 an action to evoke a response or
`forth shoots. b fr. cause to sprout or shoot, 2 a fr, cause
`convey intention, usu, Friendly (goodwill gesture), @ utr.
`(ideas etc.) to originate or develop. 6 fir. come into
`& intr. gesticulate. o gestural adj. [Middle English via
`existence. ogermination /-‘nerf(a)n/ n. germinative
`medieval Latin gesture from Latin gerere gest- ‘wield']
`/natrv/ adj, germinator 7m. [Latin geriminare germinat-
`(aS GERM)]
`get /get/ v. & n. @v, (getting; past got /got/ or archaic
`gat/gat/; past part. got or N. Amer. (and in comb.)
`germ layer n. Biol. each of the three layers of cells
`gotten /‘gnt(a)n/) 1
`fr. come into the possession of}
`(ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) that are formed
`receive or earn (pet a job; got £200 a week; gotfirst prize),
`in the early embryo,
`2 tr. fetch, obtain, procure, purchase (gel my book for
`germ line 7. Biol. a series of germ cells each descended
`me, gof a new car). 3 tr. go to reach or catch (a bus,
`from earlier cells in the series, regarded as continuing
`train, atc.). 4 ¢r prepare (a meal etc.) S infr, & a
`throughsuccessive generations of an organism.
`reach or cause to reach a certain state or condition;
`germon /'dga:man/ mn. = ALBACcORE 1. [French]
`become or cause tu become (get rich; get one's feet wel;
`germ plasm n. germ cells collectively,
`their genetic
`get to befamous; got them ready, got him into trouble). 6
`tr. obtain as a result of calculation. 7 ¢. contract (a
`disease etc), B tr. establish or be in communication
`the systematic spreading of micro-
`germ warfare n.
`organisms to cause disease in an enemy population.
`with via telephone or radio; receive (a radio signal). 9
`Geronimo /d3e'ronmau/
`int. expressing exhilaration
`ir. experience or suffer; have inflicted on one; receive
`when leaping etc. [Name of an Apache chief, tised as a
`as one's lot or penalty (gotfour years in prison), 40 a tr.
`slogan by US paratroopers in the Second World War]
`succeed in bringing, placing, ete. (get lt round the corner,
`cannot get the key into the lock; get if on to the agenda,
`gerontocracy /dgeron'tokrasi/ . 1 government by old
`flattery will get you nowhere). b intr, & tr. succeed oF
`people. 24 state or society so governed. o gerontocrat
`/dge'rontekrat/ nm, gerontocratic /-kratik/ adj, [Greek
`cause to succeed in coming or going (will get you there
`gerd -ontos ‘old man’ + -CRACY]
`somehow, got absolutely nowhere), 14 tr, (prec. by have)
`a cat a arm e bed &: hair @ago a: her
`i; see phot
`wm saw A run
`uz tea
`u put
`1 sit
`i cosy


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-9 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 of 6 PageID #: 1424
`sOBO4O-JRG Document 7099 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 oP@agelD #
`Orgamo- /'0:9(a)nau, o:'ganau/ comb. form 1 esp. Biol
`ed part of an organism having a special vital
`organ. 2 Chem. organic, esp.
`in naming classes of
`(vocal organs; digestive organs). b esp. joc. the
`organic compounds containing a particular element
`‘ga mediam of communication, esp. a newspaper
`(organochlorine; organophosplorus). (Greek (as ORGAN)]
`seriodical Which serves as the mouthpiece of a
`organ of Corti n, Anat. a structure in the inner ear of
`mammals, responsible for converting sound signals into
`ssionally trained singing voice, § archaic a region
`nerve impulses. [named after A. Corti, Italian anatomist
`kabrain formerly held to be theseatof a particular
`dl. 1876)
`alty, [Middle English from Old English organa & Old
`rgane, via Latin organum from Greek organon
`affecting the
`organoleptic /o:9(a)no(v)'leptik/
`organs of sense. [onGANO- + Greek /aptikos ‘disposed to
`-blower ri. a person or mechanism working the
`take’ from Jambané ‘take']
`pws ofan organ.
`organometallic /9;,ganoumr'talik/ adj. (of a compound)
`organic and containing a metal,
`j'a.g(endi, o:'gandi/ n, (US organdy) (pi. -ies)
`af translucent cotton muslin, usu, stiffened. (French
`organon /'9:9(a)non/ 7. an instrumentof thought, esp, a
`means of reasoning or a system of logic,
`mdi, of unknownorigin}
`organon & Latin organum (as oRGAN): Organon was the
`elle. /aga'nel/ n. Biol. any of various organized or
`structures which form part of a cell.
`title of Aristotle’s logical writings, and Novum (new)
`n Latin organella, diminutive of organum: see
`Organum that of Bacon's]
`organotherapy /9.9(a)nev'ferepi/ x. the treatment of
`der 7. the player of a barrel organ.
`disease with extracts from animal organs, esp. glands.
`‘ganik/ adj. 1 @ Physiol. of or relating to a
`organ pipe j. any of the pipes on an organ.
`or organs. b Med. (of a disease) affecting
`organ-screen n. an ornamental screen usu. between
`cture of an organ. 2 (of a plant or animal)
`the choir and the nave of a church, cathedral, etc., on
`rgans or an organized physical structure. 3
`which the organis placed.
`or involving production without the use of
`organ stop 7. 7 a set of pipes of a similar tone in an
`fertilizers, pesticides, etc,
`(organic crop;
`organ. 2 the handle of the mechanism that brings it
`farming). 4 Chem.
`(of a compound etc.)
`into action.
`ning carbon (opp.
`INORGANIC). 5 a structural,
`organum /':9(a)nam/ n. (pl organa /-na/) Mus.
`ent, & constitutional, fundamental. 6 organized,
`medieval music) a part sung as an accompaniment
`organic whole),
`below or above a melody.
`cterized by or designating continuous or natural
`organza /o;ganza/ 7. a thin stiff transparent silk or
`pinent (the company expanded through organic
`synthetic dress fabric, [probably from Lorganza (US
`rather than acquisitions). norganically adv.
`trade name))
`h organique via Latin organicus from Greek
`is (AS ORGAN)]
`organzine /‘o:9(a)nzi:n, -‘ganzi:n) n. a silk thread in
`which the main twist is in a contrary direction to that
`of the strands. [French organsin from Italian organzino,
`of unknownorigin]
`orgasm /‘9:gaz(a)mi/ n. & uv. @ 7, 1 a the climax of sexual
`law n. a Jaw stating the formal constitution of
`excitement, esp. during sexua)
`intercourse. b an
`instance of this. 2 violent excitement; rage. @ uintr.
`experience a sexual orgasm. 0 orgasmic /-'gazmik) adj.
`orgasmically /-\gazmuk(a)li/ adv. orgastic /gastik)adj.
`orgastically /-‘gastik(a)li/ adv.
`[French orgasmme or
`modern Latin from Greek orgasrnos, from orgad ‘swell,
`be excited’)
`orgeat /‘o:dglet/ x. a cooling drink made from barley or
`almonds and orange
`flower water.
`[French via
`Provencal orjat, from ordi ‘barley’, from Latin hordeum
`orgiastic /o:ds'astik/ aaj. of or resembling an orgy.
`uorgiastically adv. [Greek orgiastikos from orgiasits,
`agent noun from orgiazo ‘hold an orgy’)
`orgulous /‘s:gjvlas/ adj archaic haughty; splendid.
`(Middle English via Old French orguillus, from orguill
`‘pride’, from Frankish]
`orgy /'o:dsi/ 1. (pl. -ies) 4 a wild drunkenfestivity, esp,
`one at which indiscriminate sexual activity takes place.
`2 excessive indulgence in an activity. 3 (usu. in pi) Gk
`& Rom. Hist, secret rites used in the worship of esp.
`celebrated with
`singing, etc.
`[originally pl., from French orgies via
`Latin orgia from Greek orgia ‘secret rites’}
`oribi /‘vribi/ n. (pl. same or oribis) a small S. African
`grazing antelope, Ourebia ourebi, having a reddish-fawn
`back and white underparts.
`[probably Nama or
`oriel /‘o:rial/ n. 1a large polygonal recess built out usu,
`from an upper storey and supported from the ground or
`on corbels, 2 (in full oriel window) a any of the
`windows in an oriel. b the projecting window of an
`upper storey. [Middie English from Old French orio!
`‘gallery’, of unknownorigin]
`orient n.,, adj., & v, en. /'or1ant, ‘vr-/ 1 (the Orient) a
`Mediterranean, esp. &. Asia; the East. 2 an orient pearl,
`/‘a:rtent, ‘vr-/ 1 poet, oriental. 2 (of precious
`how ®1 day avs no 1a near or boy wa poor ara fire ava sour
`(sev overfor consonants)
`4 a living individual
`cell or of
`a group of
`g of
`endent parts sharing the life processes. 2 a an
`live plant or animal, b the material
`of this. 3 a whole with interdependent parts
`New ‘1 to a living being. [French organisme (as
`/'d:0(a)nist/ n. the player ofan organ.
`mation /2:9(o)nar'zeis(a)n/ #, (also -isation) 4 the
`_4n instance of organizing; the state of being
`ed. 2 an organized body, esp. a business,
`ent department, charity, etc, 3 systematic
`tonally ado.
`On man n. a man who subordinates his
`en” and his personal life to the organization
`(also -ise) 1 a give an
`: aeocture to, systematize. b bring the affairs of
`oeson or
`order; make
`i. vents for (a person). 2 Brit. a arrange for or
`“S (@ Schemeetc.). b provide: take responsibility
`some sandwiches), 3 (often absol.) a enrol
`jiembers) in a trade union,political party, ete, &
`“feed union or other political group). 4 @ form
`Slements) into an organic whole. b form (an
`hole), 5 (esp. as oO
`id adj.) make
`Nic make
`being or
`se adj,
`[Middle English via Old French
`0d medieya) Latin organizare from Latin (as
`4 @ a thing used for
`/De(a)nayza/ n.
`oad objects, such as a handbag or folder with
`n 6 Dartments. b = PERSONAL ORGANIZER. 2 in
`a lon
`Hin, 78 gallery in a church or concert room for
`the chemistry of carbon


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`2:21-cv-O@0048.JRG Document 70-9 Fited 09/02/21 Page 6 of 6oRag
`stones and esp. the finest pearls coming originally from
`to order. ooriginally adv. (Middle Englist)
`the East) lustrous; sparkling; precious. 3 archaic a
`Frenchoriginal or Latin originalis (as ORIGIN)
`radiant. b (of the sun, daylight, etc.)
`rising, @o.
`original instrument 7. a musical instryjn,
`‘br-/ 4 o a place or exacily determine the
`copy ofone, dating from the time the music pee m7
`position of with the aid of a compass; settle or find the
`Yod on
`Was composed.
`bearings of. b (often foll, by fowards) bring (oneself,
`originality /a.ids'naltti/ n. (pl. -ies) 4 the
`different elements, etc.)
`into a clearly understood
`creating or thinking creatively. 2 newness op
`position or relationship; direct. 2 t. a place or build (a
`(this vase has originality), 3 an original Act,
`church, building, ete.) facing towards the east. b bury
`(a person) with the feat towards the east, 3 intr. turn
`original print x. a print made directly from an
`eastward or in a specified direction. 5 orient oneself
`own. woodcut, etching, etc., and printed
`determine how one stands
`in relation to one’s
`artist's supervision.
`surroundings, [Middle English yia Old French ortent,
`original sin 7. the innate depravity ofal) mankingy
`orienter from Latin orjens -entis ‘rising, sunrise, east’,
`to be a consequence of the Fall.
`from oriri‘rise’]
`originate/e'ridjinett, v-/ v. 4 tr. cause tod in;
`4 (often
`oriental /s:rrent(s)l, or-/ adj. & n. @adj,
`2 intr. (usu, foll. by from, in, with) have ag an
`Oriental) a of or characteristic of Eastern civilization
`begin. 9 origination /-'netJ(a)n/ n- originative
`etc, b of or concerning the East, esp. B, Asia, 2 (of a
`odj, originator n. (medieval Latin originare (ay ¢
`pearl etc.) orient. @n.
`(esp. Oriental) a person of
`Orimulsion /ori'malfie)n/ . propr. (also orn
`Oriental, esp. E. Asian descent. corientalism rn.
`an emulsion of bitumen in water, used as a ya)
`orientalist », orientalize v.inir. & tr,
`(also -ise).
`Orinoco in Venezuela (the original source gp
`orientally adv.
`[Middle English from Old French
`bitumen) + EmuLsion]
`oriental or Latin orientalis (as oriENT)]
`(esp. of French
`orinasal /o:rrnei(a)l/ adj.
`a Usage The term Oriental, when applied to people,
`vowels) sounded with both the mouth and
`[Latin os oris ‘mouth’ + NASAL]
`may be considered offensive, especially in the United
`States where Asian is preferred.
`O-ring n, a gasket in the form of a ring with 3 of
`orientate /‘o:risniet,
`‘pr-/ vir, & intr. =
`oriole /‘oxreul, ‘a:rral/ n. 1 any Old World bird
`{probably a back-formation from ORIENTATION]
`genus Oriolus, many of whitch have brightly ¢
`orientation /a:rien'teif(a)n,
`jor-) . 4 the act or an
`plumage (see GOLDEN ORIOLE). 2 any New World
`instance of orienting; the state of being oriented, 2 aa
`the genus Icterus, with similar coloration.
`relative position. b a person's attitude or adjustment in
`Latin oriolus via Old French oriol from Latin ¢
`diminutive ofavreus ‘golden’, from auryum ‘gold’
`psychologically, 3 an introduction to a subject or
`Orion /ornen/
`nm, a brilliant constellatio)
`situation; a briefing. 4 the faculty by which birds etc.
`celestial equator visible from most parts of
`find their way home from a distance. 0 orientational
`[Middle English via Latin from Greek Orion,th
`adj. {apparently from orrenr]
`of a legendary hunter]
`orientation course n. esp. N. Amer, a course giving
`Orion’s belt n, three bright stars in a short Line
`information to newcomers toa university ete.
`the middle of the constellation,
`Orion’s hound n. = noc-srar.
`orienteering /s:ren'tiarm, ,or-/ n. a competitive sport
`in which runners cross open country with a map,
`orison /‘vr1(a)n, -s(a)n/ n. (usu, in pl.) archaica
`nn, & v.intr.
`(Middle English via Anglo-French ureison, Old Fp
`orientering, originally = orienting]
`oreison from Latin (as ORATION)]
`orifice /‘prifis/ n. an opening, esp. the mouth of a cavity,
`-orium /'s:r1am/ suffix forming nouns denoting
`a bodily aperture, etc,
`(French from Late Latin
`for a particular function (auditorium;
`orificium, from os oris ‘mouth' + Jacere ‘make"}
`[Latin, neut. of adjectives ending in -orius: see
`oriflamme /‘priflam/ mn. 1 /tist, the sacred scarlet silk
`Oriya /o'ri:ja/ n. 1 a native of the state of
`banner of St Denis given lo early French kings by the
`India, 2 the Indo-Buropean language of
`abbotof St Denis on setting out for war. 2 astandard, a
`principle, or an ideal as a rallying pointin a struggle. 3
`orle /9:1/ n. Heraldry a narrow band or border
`a bright conspicuous object, colour, etc. [Middle English
`near the edge of a shield, [French o()rle from ou7]
`from Old French, from Latin aurum ‘gold’ + flamma
`hem’, ultimately from Latin ora ‘edge’)
`Orlon /9:l0n/ 7. propr. a man-made fibre at
`textiles and knitwear. [invented word, on the
`origami /pri'ga:mi/ 7. the Japanese art of folding paper
`into decorative shapes and figures. [Japanese, from oru
`‘fold’ + Kami ‘paper’]
`orlop /'9:lop/ n. the lowest deck of a ship with
`[Middle English from Midd
`more decks,
`origanum /o'rt(9)nom/ n. any plant of the genus
`Origanum, esp, wild marjoram (see MARORAM), [Middle
`averloop ‘covering’,
`from overloopen ‘run:
`English via Latin origanum from Greek origanon|
`ormer /'):ma/ n, an edible abalone (moll
`origin /‘vridgin/ n. 1 a beginning or starting point; a
`derivation; a source (a word ofLatin origin). 2 (often in
`Haliotis tuberculata, used as food in the ©
`pl.)a person's ancestry (what are his origins’). 3 Anat. a
`Islands. Also called sea-ear. [Channel Island&
`from French ormier, from Latin auris maris’e
`a place at which a muscle is firmly attached. b a place
`where a4 nerve or blood vessel begins or branches from
`ormolu /‘s:malu:/ n. 1 (often aitrib,) gilded
`a main nerve or blood vessel. 4 Math, a fixed point
`gold-coloured alloy of copper, zinc, and tin
`from which coordinates are measured, [French origine,
`decorate furniture, make ornaments, ete
`or Via Latin origo ginis from orirt 'rise’|
`[French °
`made of or decorated with this,
`‘powdered gold’ (for use in gilding))
`original /a'ridsm(a)l, v-/ adj. & n. @ adj. 1 existing from
`the beginning; innate. 2 novel; inventive; creative (has
`ornament 7. &v. @n. /'s:nom(a)nt/ 1a a th
`an original mind), 3 serving as a pattern; not derivative
`serving to adorn, esp, a small trinket, vase
`or imitative; first-hand (in the original Greek; has an
`(a mantelpiece crowded with ornaments,
`original Rembrandt). @n. 1 an original model, pattern,
`ornament was a brooch). b a quality OF
`picture, etc, from which another is copied or translated
`conferring adornment, grace, or honour (art a
`(kept the copy and destroyed the original). 2 an eccentric
`to her profession). 2 decoration added to empe™
`or Unusual person. 3 a a garmentspecially designed for
`a building (@ tower rich in ornament). 3:
`embellishments and decorations made to 4
`a fashion collection. b a copy of such a garment made
`b but ddog fyew gget hhe jyes k cat
`lleg mman nano ppen r red gs sit tion

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