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`1. English language—Dictionaries.
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`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-10 Filed 09/02/21 Page 4 of 5 PageID #: 1429
`Filed 09/02/2 Gepmageseespenbeigyo| 589:
`sé 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-10
`\jo-riin-t*l-‘i-ji-kal\ also geron-to-logic \-jik\
`‘pf German descent
`¢:z one whose native language is German and who
`j — ger-on-tol-o-gist
`\,jer-on—ta-lo-jist\ n
`js a native of a country other than Germany
`3 a: the Germanic
`ge-ron-to-mor-phic \jo-rin-to-"mor-fik\ adj (1939); characterized by
`|anguage spoken mainly in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland
`physical specialization mostfully developed in the aged male of a spe-
`pb: the literary and official language of Germany 4 often not cap a
`cies (~ traits
`_; adance consisting of in{ricate figures that are improvised and inter-
`iger-ry-man-der \‘jer-é-man-dar, also 'ger-, orig 'ger-\
`mingled with waltzes b chiefly Midland : a dancing party; specif: one
`ebich the german is danced
`erry + salamanider; fr, the shape
`clection district formed during
`of an
`Gerry's governorship of Mass.J(1812) 1: the act or method of gerry-
`o¢yman adj (1552): of, relating to, or characteristic of Germany, the
`mandering 2; a district or pattern of districts varying greatly ip size
`‘Germans, or German
`‘German cockroach 1 (1896) ; a small active winged cockronch (Blar-
`or population as a result of pinermanclesing
`{gerrymander yt -dered; -dering \-d(9-)rin\ (1812) 1: to divide (a
`‘tella germanica) prob. of African origin that is a common houschold
`territorial unit) into election districts to give one political party an
`pest in the U.S. — called also Croton bug
`electoral majority in a large numberof districts while concentrating the
`ger-raan-der \(jor-man-dor\ » [ultim. fr. Gk chamoidrys, fr. chamai
`voting strength of the opposition in as few districts as possible 2: to
`on the ground + drys tree — more at HUMBLE. TREE] (15c) : any of a
`divide (an area) into political units to give special advantages to one
`genus (Teucriumn) of plants of the mint family with flowers having four
`group <~ a school district)
`exserted stamens, a
`short corolla tube, and a prominent lowerlip
`gereund \'jer-ond\ a[ LL gerundium,fr, L gerundus, gerundive of gerere
`e \()jor-'man\ adj
`[ME germain,lit.,having the same parents,
`ae MF] (l4c)
`1 obs: closely akin
`2% being at once relevant und
`to bear, carry on] (1513)
`1: a verbal noun in Latin (hat expresses
`generalized of uncompleted action 2; any of several linguistic forms
`appropriate : FITTING Comit details that are not ~ to the discussion)
`sce RELEVANT — ger-mane-ly ady
`analogous to the Latin gerund in languages other than Latin: esp; the
`iGer‘man-ic \(\)jar-'ma-nik\ adj (1633) 1: GERMAN 2; of, relating
`Lg.soar verbal noun in -ing that has the function of a substantive and
`al the same time shows the verbalfeatures of tense, voice, and capacity
`to, or churacteristic of the Germanic-speaking peoples
`3 of, relating
`to take adverbial qualifiers and to govern objects
`_ to, or constituting Germanic
`iermanic n (1892) + a branch of the Indo-Eur:
`n language family
`gerurmdive \jo-'ron-div\ n(!Se)
`2+ the Latin future passive partici-
`ple that functions as the verbal adjective, (hat expresses the fitness or
`éontaining English, German, Dutch, Afrikaans,
`Flemish, Frisian, the
`necessity of the action to be performed, and that has the same suffix as
`Penne languages, and Gothic — see INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES
`the gerund 2: a verbal adjective in a language other than Latin anal-
`iGeraan-lam \jarana-ni-zam\ n (1611) 1: acharactenstic feature of
`ogous to the
`‘German occurring in another language 2; partiality for Germany or
`\go-'zel-shiit\ n[G, companionship, society] (1887) : a
`German customs 3: the practices of objectives characteristic of the
`rationally developed mechanistic type of social relationship character-
`ized by impersonally contracted associations between persons; also: a
`community oc society characterized by this relationship — compare
`‘Ger-man-ist \-nist\ » (1831) + a specialist in German or Germanic
`language,literature, or culture
`[NL Gesneria, genus name, fr. Konrad
`ges-ne-ri-ad \ges-'nir-é-ad\ 1
`‘germanivm \()jor-'ma-né-om\n [NL, fr. ML Germania Germany}
`“11886) : a grayish white hard brittle metalloid element that resembles
`(ca, 1925) :
`of a family (Ges-
`Gesner +1565 Swiss naturalist]
`neriaceac) of tropical herbs (as an African violet or gloxinia) with
`silicon and is used as & semiconductor — see ELEMENT table
`opposite leaves and highly zygomorphic flowers
`‘Rerman-ize \'jar-ma-niz\ vb -ized; -izeing often cap, vt (1598)
`“archaic : (o translate into German 2; to cause to acquire German
`ges-so \'je-(,)s0\ n, pl gessoes [I¢,lit., gypsum, fr. L gypsum] (1596)
`+ plaster of pans or gypsum prepared with gluc for use in painting or
`teristics ™~ wi:
`to have or acquire German customs or leanings
`making bas-relicfs 2: a paste prepared by mixing whiting with size or
`— ger-maniza-tion \,jar-ma-ne-"za-shan\ n. often ca
`glue and spread upon a surface to fit it for painting or gilding — ges-
`measles np! but sing or pl in constr (ca, 1875) : an acute con-
`soed \-(,)xdd\ adj
`a tale of
`es virus disease that is milder than typical measles but is damag-
`jig to the fetus when occurring early
`in pregnancy
`west or geste \jest\ n [ME geste — more at sfst] (lac) 1:
`adventures; esp: a romance in verse 2: ADVENTURE, EXPLOIT
`Ge mano- combform + German acme
`gestalt \ga-'stalt, -‘shtilt, -‘stdlt, -"shtolt\ n, p! gerstalt-en \-'stal-t’n,
`as er-mano-phile \(,)jar-'ma-no-fil\ adj (1898): approving or favoring
`~'shtal-, -‘stol-, -"shtol-\ or gestalts [G, lit., shape, form) (1922) > a
`en people and their institutions and customs
`structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psycho-
`ophile n (1911) one that is Germanophile
`logical phenomena so integrated as Lo constitute a functional unit with
`shepherd n (1926): any of a breed of working dogs of Ger-
`Properties not derivable by summation ofits parts
`origin that are intelligent and responsive and are often used in
`ge-stalt-ist \stil-tist, shtal-, stal-, -“shtal-\ #7, often cap (1931) + a
`work and as guide dogs for the blind — called also Alsatian
`specialist in Gestalt psychology
`m shorthaired pointer 1 (1931); any of a breed of gundogsof
`Gestalt psychology
`n (192 :
`the study of perception and behavior
`¢ erman origin that have a liver orliver and white coat
`from thestandpoint of an, individual's response to configurational
`Mgt ” in silver
`(1830): a silver-white alloy of copper, zinc, and
`wholes with stress on the uniformity of psychological and physiological
`evenis and rejection of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, per-
`verman wirehaired pointer n (ca. 1964): any of a breed of gundogs
`cept, and response
`0 eoerman origin that have a liver or liver and white flat-lying wiry
`ge-stapo \go-'sti-(,)po\ n, p! -pos [G, fr. Geheime Staatspolizei, lit.
`secict state police]
`; a secret-police organization employing
`mM cell n (ca, 1855): a gamete (as an egg or sperm cell) or oneofits
`anteccdont cells
`and terrorist methods against persons suspected of dis-
`Bremen \'jar-man\ ni (L] (1605) archaic ; GERM 1a, 2
`Restate \'jes-,tit\ vb ges-tated; ges-tat-ing [back-lormationfr. gesio-
`Mfree \"jorm-fre\ adj (1926): free of microorganisms : AXENIC
`tion] vt (1866)
`to carry in the uterus during pregnancy 2: to
`\ior-m>-'si-d?1\ adj (ca, 1888) + of or relating to « germi-
`conceiveand gradually develop in the mind ™ vi:
`to bein the process
`.glso: destroying germs
`of gestation
`mircide \‘ior-moa-,sid\ n (1881) : an agent that destroys germs
`gestation \je-sti-shan\ a
`[L gestation-, gestatio,
`Ir. gestare to bear,
`a oty \jor-ma-no-'bi-la-t@\ n (1896) : the capacity to ger-
`freq. of gerere to bear] (1615)
`1: the carrying of young in the uterus
`? PREGNANCY 2 ; conception und development esp. in the mind —
`‘yeminal \‘jorm-nal,. ‘jer-ma-n\ adj [F, fr. L germin-, germen —
`ges:tartion-al \-shnal, -shan'l\ adj
`os at GERM) (1808)
`a: being in the earliest stage of development
`geste also gest \‘jest\ n [MF geste, fr. L gests, fr. gerere] (Ide)
`2 ar
`i :SreATIVE, PRODUCTIVE 2: of, relating to, or having
`the characteris-
`chaic; DEPORTMENT 2 archaic : GESTURE
`‘Bern wo cell of carly embryo — gereminal-ly ady
`gestic \‘jes-tik\ adj (1764) : relating to or consisting of bodily move-
`al vesicle n (ca. 1856) ; the enlarged nucleus of the egg before
`Pletion of meiosis
`ments or pesiues
`eseticeudant \je-'sti-ky9-lant\ adj
`(1877) : making gesticulations <the
`wet nate \“or-mo-,nat\ vb -nat-ed; -natdng (L germinaius, pp. of
`ite Wiry man ~ and wild —William Faulkner)
`10 spr are to sprout, fr. germin-, germen bud, germ] vt (1610):
`to cause
`ges+tic-uslate \je-’sti-kya-lat\ vi -lat-ed; -lat-ing [L peaeulanx pp.
`Wert ‘Out or develop ~~ vi 1: to comeinto being
`: EVOLVE <before
`ofenacuears fr. (assumed) L gesticulus, dim. of L gestus]
`(ca. 1609); to
`“Brow. Civilization began to ~ —A. L. Kroeber) 2: to begin to
`estures esp. when speaking — gesrtivcurlartive \je-'sti-kya-ja-
`tiv\ odmest ic-u-la-tor \-,lA-tor\ »
`— ges-tic-n-la-to-ry \-lo-,16r-
`tl ve \i,)SOUT — geremi-na-tion \,jar-ma-'na-shan\ n — ge
`Ie) tmJantana-tiv, -ma-na-\ adj
`@,-~l6r-\ a
`ated hes n (1879): any of the three primary layers of cells dilferenti-
`ges-ticulation \je-sti-kyo'la-shan\ n (Se) 1: the act of making
`Berry place embryos during and immediately following gastrulation
`gestures 2: GESTURE: esp : an expressive gesture made in showing
`n (1889) 1;
`germ cells and their precursors serving as
`tel Praters of heredity and uae fundamentally independent of other
`strong feeling or in enforcing an argument
`Igessture \'jes-char, ‘jesh-\ n [ME, fr. ML gestura mode of action, fr, L.
`the hereditary material of the germ cells # GENES
`gesius, pp. of gerere](1Sc) Larchaic: CARRIAGE. BEARING 2: a moye-
`tot onOfeerarmPri adj (1902): imperviousto the penetration or
`ment usu. of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea,
`sentiment, or attitude 3: the use of motionsof the limbs or body as a
`“MisentMEOry n (1871): a theoryin medicine: infections, contagious
`meansofexpression 4; something said or done by way of formality
`or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of
`Of Ppa various other conditions result from the action of micro-
`others <a porces! ~™ to draw popular support —V. L. Parrington> —
`“tinyaeSFfare n (1938) :
`the use of harmful microorganisms (as bacte-
`ges-tur-al \-cho-ral\ adj — ges-turvalely \-cha-ro-le\ adv
`Neapons in war
`{gesture vb gestured; gesturing vi (1542):
`to make a gesture ™ ve
`nt.MA adj germ-i-ery -est (1912): full of germs
`: toexpress or direct by a gesture
`- a Reronto- comb form [F géront-, géronio-, fr. Gk geront-
`gesture language a (1865) } communication by gestures; esp : SIGN
`LANGUAGE — called also gestural language
`oWs '. Reront-, gerdn old man: akin to Gk géras old age, Skt jarati
`ge-sund-heit \go-'zint-hit\ interj ([G, lit., health, fr, gesund healthy (fr.
`Me Tonstic
`3 Aeed one : old age (gerontology)
`\j2-'rain-tik\ adj (1885) : of or relating to decadence or old
`OHG gisunt) + -heit -hood — more at sounp] (1914) — used to wish
`good health esp. to one who has just sneezed
`toerarcy \jer-an-'tii-kra-sé\ n,
`pl -cies [F gérontocratie,
` —
`MohgeroMt + -cratie -cracy] (1830) : rule by elders; specif; a
`\a\ abut V\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ash \a\ ace \i\ mop, mar
`oa organization in which # group of old men ora council of
`\au\ out
`\ch\chin \e\ bet
`\@\easy \g\go \i\hit
`\j\ job
`gArat\ , OMinales or exercises control —
`ge-ron-to-crat \ja-'riin-te-
`DstoL Re-ron-to.crat-ic \Sdntokratik adj
`\o\ sing \O\ go \o\law \di\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\loot
`\u\ foot
`jer-on-'ti-la-je\ nm [ISV] (1903) : the comprehensive
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision \d,
`ki "ce, &, ue,
`IB, "\.see Guide to Pronunciation
`®Bing and
`the problems of the aged — compare GERIATRIC | —


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 70-10 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 of 5 PageID #: 1430
`iSe 2:320-cV00409-dJRGithDocument 70-10 Filed 09/02/21 Page 5 of 5 PagelD #:
`ori-egaemi \yor-a-'gii-meé\ nn
`(Jp, fr. ori fold + Kami paper
`omgansza \or-"gan-za\ ni (prob. alter, of Lorganaa, a trademark] (1820)
`Japanese arl or process y folding squares of paper aa!oT lie
`: agsheer dresslabric (as of silk or nylon) resembling organdy
`tional shapes
`or-gan-zine \‘or-gon-zen\ n[F or lt; F organsin, fr. [t organzino] (1699)
`; wraw silk yarn used for warp threads in fine fabrics
`origea-num \pregenam n (ME,fr. L. wild marjoram, fr, G..
`non) (4c); any of several aromatic mints (esp. genus Origany oy
`oFaaamt Vor-ga-zam\ n [NL orgasmus, fr, Gk orgasmos, fr, organ to
`88 Seasonings; cyp} OREGANO|
`grow ripe, be lustful; prob. akin to Skt deja sap, sisrath (ca. 1763)
`t intense or paroxysmal excitement; esp: theclimax of sexual excite-
`origin \'or-a-jan, “ar-\ # [ME origine, prob, fr. MP, fr, L origins
`ment that is usu. accompanied by the ejaculation of semen in the male
`(r, oriri to rise — more at ORIENT) (5c)
`13 ANCESTRY, Paginyy2
`and vaginal contractions in the female — or-gas«mic \or-'gaz-mik\
`a: rise, beginning, or derivation from a source b+ the point 41°"
`also or-gas-tic \-'pas-tik\ adj
`begins or rises or from which it derives (the ~ of the wh
`or-geat orzhalhnte fr. MP,fr, orge barley, fr. L. hordewm; akin to
`is forgotten); also : something that creates, causes, or gives p, Cllston,
`OHG gersta barley) (1754) ta sweet almond-flavored nonalcoholic
`other (this spring is the ~ of the brook) 3: the more ied cent
`larger allachment of amuscle 4: the intersection of coordinate ral,
`syrup used ag a cocktail ingredient or food flavoring
`or-gbas+tic \or-je"as-tik\ adj [Gk argiastikes, fr. orgiazein to celebrate
`SYN ORIGIN, SOURCE, INCEPTION, ROOT mean the point at Which
`orgies, fr. orga (1698) 1; of, relating to, or marked by orgics
`thing begins its course or existence. ORIGIN applies to the (hj
`: characterizedbyunrestrained emotion : FRENZIED — oregi-asti-cal-
`persons from which something ts ultimately derived and often :
`ly \-ti-k(o1\
`causes operating before the thing itself comes into being (any inv
`ormgone \'or-g6n\ n (prob. fr. orgasm + -ane (as in hormane)]
`tion into the origin of baseball), SOURCE applies more often to tho ae
`: a vital energy
`held to pervade nature and be a factor in health
`in the
`theories of Wilhelm Reich
`where something springs into being (the source of the Nile Cite yee
`of recurrent trouble). INCEPTION stresses the beginning of BO}
` in fa
`orpurlouws \'or-gys-las, -ga-\ adj [ME, fr. OF orgueifleus, fr orgueil
`without implying causes (the business has been a succes, si
`pride, of Gmeorigin; akin to OHG urguoldistinguished] (3c): rroun
`inception). ROOT Suggests a first, ultimate, or fundarnental sour
`orgy \'dr-jé\ n, pl orgies (MF omic, fr. L orgia, pl. fr.
`Gk; akin to Gk
`nol easily discerned <the real roof of the violence),
`0 Ofte)
`ergon Work — more at WORK] (ca, 1561) 1: secret ceremonial rites
`\a-'rij-a-n"l,-'rij-nal\ m (4c) Larchoic:
`the source op aq
`held in honor of an ancient Greek or Roman deity and usu. character-
`from which something arises; specif; ORIGINATOR 2 a 5 thay Tene
`which & copy, reproduction, or translation is made by a» work 6
`ized by ecstatic sORny and dancing
`2 a: drunken revelry
`bs: a
`posed firsthand 3 a: a person offresh initiative or inventive cay,
`sexual encounter involving many neces also : an excessive sexual
`indulgence 3: something that resembles an orgy in Jack of control or
`bs: aunique or eceentric person
`moderation (an ~ of destruction)
`Joriginal adj (14c)
`1+ of, relating to, or constituting an Origin gy
`ginning :
`INITIAL (the ~ part of the house) 2 a; not
`“ariapl af -ORIUM
`suffix [ME,fr. L -orius-ory -+ ME -al]: of, belonging to, or
`derivative, or imitative.
`b + being the first instance or source
`connected with (combinatarial>
`which a copy. reproduction, or translation is or can be made 3: i
`orib-m-tid \6-'ri-ba-tad,
`,6r-o-"ba-tad\, n [NL Oribaiidae (coextensive
`pendent and creative in thought or action :
`with Oribatoidea), fr, Oribata, genus name, fr. Gk oribatés walking the
`originality \o-n-jo'na-la-te\ 1 (1742) 1: the quality or stag
`mountains, fr, oros mountain -++ -barés, fr. buinein to go — more at
`being original 2; freshness of aspect, design, or style 3: (he
`ORIENT, COME] (1875) : any of a superfamily (Onbatoides) of small oval
`of independent thought or constructive imagination
`origeinably \p-'ri-ja-n°l-é; -'rij-na-le, ‘ri-tan-\ adv (l4c)
`1 g
`eyeless nonparasitic mites having a heavily sclerotized integument with
`a leathery appearance — orlbatid adj
`: by origin or derivation :
`INHERENTLY 2; in the beginning +
`oriel \or-e-al, ‘or-\ n [ME, porch, oriel, fr. MF oriol porch] (4c): a
`first place; INITIALLY 3: in a fresh or original manner
`original sin n (14c);
`the stateof sin that according (o Christian(jy
`iesbay window projecting from a wall and supported by a corbel or
`ogy characterizes all human beings as a result of Adam's fall
`orig-ienate \a-'ri-ja-nat\ vb -nat-ed; -nat-ing vi (1667): to give
`‘orient \‘6r-é-ant, ‘or-,-é-ent\ n (ME, fr. MF,fr. L orient-, oriens, fr.
`prp. of oriri to rise; akin to Skt pnoti he moves, arises, Gk ornynai to
`INITIATE ™ vit to take or hive origin & BEGIN
`rouse, oros mountain) (4c) Larchaic: EAStTIb 2cap: BAST2
`3 a
`origeina-tion \-1i-ja-"na-shan\ n — origeinastor \-'ri-jo-na-tar\
`: a pearl of great luster b: the luster of a pearl
`origeiena-tive \a-‘ri-ja-na-liv, oot adj (1827): having ability to
`(1Sc) Larchaie; ORIENTAL 1
`Iprient adj
`nate: CREATIVE — orip--na-tive-ly adv
`(~ gems) barchaie: RADIANT, GLOWING 3 archaic: rising
`in the sky
`O-sing Vosrig\ n (1946) : a ring (as of synthetic rubber) used gs
`Jorivent \'6r-é-ent, ‘Or-\ vt [F orienter, fr. MF, fr. orient] (ca. 1741)
`a: to cause to face or point toward the east; specif: to build (a church
`oriole \'dr-e-,0l, ‘or-, -€-al\
`[F oriol, fr. L. aureolus, dim. of au
`or temple) with the longitudinal axis pointing eastward and the chief
`golden — more at AUREUS] (1776) 4: any of various usu, bright
`altar at the eastern end =b:
`to set or arrange in any determinate pasi-
`colored Old World passerine birds (family Oriolidae and esp,

`tion esp. in relation to the points of the compass. ¢: to ascertain the
`Oriolus) 2: any of various New World passerine birds (fam
`bearings of 2 a: to set right by adjusting to facts or principles b
`teridae and esp. genius Jcferus) of which the males are usu. black an,
`+ to acquaint with the esisling situation or environment 3: to direct
`me or black and orange
`(us a book or film) toward the interests of a particular group 4: to
`rivon \a-‘ri-an, G-\.n [L, fr. Gk Orion] 1; 4
`giant hunter slain
`cause the axes of the molecules of to assume the same direction
`Artemis in Greek mythology 2(L (gen, Orionis)]: a constellation
`the equator emst of Taurus represented on charts by the figureo
`orienetal \,6r-é-"en-t"l, ot-\ adj (14c)
`1 often cap: of, relating to, or
`hunter with belt and sword
`situated in the Orient
`2 ©: of supenor grade, luster, or value b
`or-isemology \,Or-az-'mii-la-jé, ar-\ n [Gk horismos definition
`: being corundum or sapphire but simulating another gem in color 3
`often cap: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Orientals 4
`horizein to define) + E-logy — more at Homizon]
`the selence
`(1816) =
`cap: of, relating to, or constituting the biogeographic region that in-
`ofaa lerms — oris-mo-log-i-cal
`cludes Asia south and southeast of the Himalayas and the Malay Ar-
`chipelago west of Wallace’s line — orivenstably \-t?l-e\ adv
`orion \‘or-a-san, “ar-, -zan\\ n [ME,fr. OF, fr. LL oration-, oratio, If
`L, oration) (L3c): PRAYER
`Oxientat n(15c) : @ member of one of the indigenous peoples of the
`-orium n suffix, pl -oriums or -oria [L, fr. neut, of -orius -ory]:
`oriental fruit moth n (1921): a small nearly
`cosmopolitan, moth
`(Grapholita molesta) prob. of Japanese origin whose larva is injurious
`rivva \o-'ré-a\ n (1801); the Indo-Aryan language of Orissa, India
`Or-leansist \‘6r-lé-a-nist, dr-lé-(a-)nist\
`(1834): a supporter of
`tothe twigs and fruit of orchard trees and esp. the peach — called also
`oriental peach moth
`Orleans family in its claim to the throne of France by
`descent f on il
`Orivencteslia \\6r-E-an-"tal-ya, yor-, -yens, -"ta-lé-a\
`in pl [NL] (1903)
`Qonhest brother of Louis XPV
`rlon \'or-lan\, trademark — used for an acrylic fiber
`: materials concerning or charactenstic of the Onent
`orben-talism \,dr-€-'en-t'l-,i-zam\
`n, often cap (1769) 1: u
`or-lop deck \'6r-lip-\ n foe overlop deck of a single decker, fr. MLG@)
`custom, orhabit of expression characteristic of oriental
`lit., something that overleaps] (1758) +
`the lowest deckii

`peoples 2
`en ca,
`. ae or learming in oriental subjects — orben-tabdist \-t")-ist\
`ship having four or more decks
`Or-mazd \'or-(,)mazd, -mazd\, a [Per Urmaad, fr. MPer, fr. Av Ahan
`Urbeastalitca \-Ul-iz\ vb -ized; -iz-ing w/ (1823) often cap + to make
`mazdah-] (1603); AHURA MAZDA
`oriental ™~ yi, often cap: to become oriental _
`ormo:lu \Yor-moa-Jii\ ni. often attrib [F or moulu, lit. ground go
`(1765): golden or gilded brass or bronze used for decorative purpe
`Oriental poppy n (1731): an Asian perennial poppy (Papaver orien-
`(as in mounts for furniture)
`tale) that is commmncaly cultivated for its large showy flowers
`Oriental rug n (1881); a handwoven OFbaneknotied one-piece rug
`‘ornament \'6r-na-mant\ n (ME,fr. OF ornement, fr, L ornament
`or carpet made in the Orient — called also Oriental carper
`fr. ornare) (13c) Larchaic: «useful accessory 2 a: something
`orbenstate \'Gr-é-on-l ‘or-, -en-\ vb -tabed; -tateing we (1849)
`lends grace or beauty b: a manner or quality that adorms
`3.5 |
`1 ORIENT ™ vi:
`to face or turn to the east
`whose virtues or graces add luster (aa place of society 4: the acl
`adorning or being adorned 5 an embellishing note not belongin
`ori-en-ta-tion\,Or-€-an-'ta-shon, or-, -en-\ 1 (1839)
`1 a: the act or
`process of orienting or of being onenied b: the state of being ori-
`the essential harmony or melody — called also embeflishinent,
`tor-na-ment \-ment\ of (1720):
`to provide with ornament ¢ BME
`ented; broddly : ARMANGEMENT, ALIGNMENT 2: 4 USu. general or last-
`s¥in see ADORN
`ing direction of thought, inclination,or interest 3: change
`of position
`by organs, organelles, or organisms in response to external
`stimulus —
`lorsnaymental \or-no-"men-tl\ adj (1646) + of, relating lo,.or Serine
`aS Ornament; specif; grown as a0 ornamental — ormamens
`orivenstartion-al \-shnal, -sha-nl\ adj — oriven-ta-tion-alely ady
`oriented \'or-é-en-tad, “dr-\ adj (1944) ; intellectually, emotionally,
`vated lor
`\-1-e\ adv
`2ornamental n (1650): a decorative object; esp; a plant cultivated 1
`or functionally directed (humanistically ~ scholars)
`its beauty rather than for use
`orlen-teer \,br-é-an-tir, ,or-, -en-\ nt
`[back-formation fr. orienteering]
`ornamentation \,or-na-man-lé-aban, -~men-\ m (1851),
`(1965): one who engages in orienteering
`ori-en-teering \\or-é-on-'tir-in, ,or-, en-\ hn [modif.. of Sw orientering,
`thing that ornaments: EMBELLISHMENT 2: the act or process of gi
`the state of being ornamented
`menting :
`fr. brientera to orient] (1948) : 3 cross-country race in which each par-
`licipant uses a map and compass to navigate between checkpoints
`ornate \or-'nat\ adj [ME ornat, fr L ornatus, pp, of ornare Lo
`along an unfamiliar course
`embellish: akin to L. ordo order — more at orper) (15c) 1: mu
`ordfiee \'or-a-fas, ‘ir-\ n
`[ME,fr, MF, fr. LL. orifictum, fr. L: or-, os
`by elaborate rhetoric or florid style
`2 : elaborately or exccs™
`decorated — ornately adv — ormate-ness n
`mouth +- facere to make,do— more at ORAL DO] (1Sc) : an opening
`(as.a vent, mouth, or hole) through which something may pass — or-i-
`ornery \'or-ne-ré, "drj ‘orn-ré, ‘irn-\ adj oraieriser; -est [alten a
`ficial \or-2-"fi-shal,, lir-\ adj
`ordinary) (1816): having anirritable disposition | CANTANKEROU?™
`ori-flamme \'6r-2-,flam, ‘irn [ME oriflamble, the banner of St. De-
`ornerbness ni
`ornith- or ornitho- comb form [L, fr. Gk, fr. ornith., arnis — mores
`nis, fr. MF,fr. ML aurea flamma,lit., golden flame] (1600): a banner,
`symbol, or ideal inspinng devotion or courage
`ERNE]: bird ornithology)

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