Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 102 Filed 10/19/21 Page 1 of 10 PageID #: 3218
`CASE NO. 2:21-cv-00040-JRG
`(Lead Case)
`CASE NO. 2:21-cv-00041-JRG
`(Member Case)

` §



`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 102 Filed 10/19/21 Page 2 of 10 PageID #: 3219
`Pursuant to Rule 37, Defendants request the Court to compel Plaintiff Gesture Technology
`Partners (“GTP”) to provide a privilege log that complies fully with Rule 26(b)(5) and this Court’s
`Discovery Order, including at least (1) providing a description of each document sufficient to allow
`Defendants to assess whether privilege is applicable; (2) identifying and providing the affiliations
`of all authors, recipients, and custodians of each document; and (3) identifying the entries removed
`and the clawed-back documents added since GTP’s initial privilege log.
`Pursuant to the Court’s Docket Control Order, GTP served its privilege log on August 15,
`2021. On August 23, 2021, Defendants sent GTP a letter that described in detail the fundamental
`deficiencies in the privilege log, such as failing to provide adequate description of each document
`sufficient for Defendants to assess the claim of privilege. In the two months since, the parties have
`met and conferred twice and Defendants have sent repeated letters requesting a compliant privilege
`log. Although GTP supplemented and amended its privilege log once in that period, the changes
`did not correct the deficiencies Defendants raised, but instead added hundreds more insufficiently
`supported privilege claims. Defendants respectfully request that the Court order GTP to produce
`immediately a privilege log complying with Rule 26(b)(5).
`On August 15, 2021, GTP served its privilege log. On August 23, Defendants sent GTP a
`letter identifying fundamental deficiencies in GTP’s privilege log and requesting a supplemental
`privilege log that (1) provides a brief description of each document’s subject matter; (2) provides
`a sufficient description of each document to allow Defendants to assess whether any privilege is
`applicable, including for any attachments; (3) identifies the affiliations of the authors, recipients,
`or custodians of each document; and (4) provides a complete list of all authors and recipients of
`each document. On August 31, GTP sent a claw-back letter requesting that Defendants delete


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`thirteen documents allegedly containing privileged information and destroy all copies. Defendants
`complied. However, GTP did not respond to the substance of Defendants’ August 23 request for
`appropriate detail as to GTP’s claim of privilege for each document. On September 9, Defendants
`sent GTP a letter confirming deletion and destruction of the clawed-back documents and again
`requesting a supplemental privilege log correcting the noted deficiencies. On September 24, the
`parties conducted a first meet and confer discussion in which GTP committed to supplementing
`its privilege log.
`On September 28, 2021, GTP served a supplemental and amended privilege log, adding a
`column providing a boilerplate privilege description, adding 650 documents alleged to contain
`privileged information, and deleting numerous other documents. Like its initial privilege log,
`GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log did not provided sufficient description of each
`document to allow Defendants’ to assess whether privilege is applicable; did not identify the
`affiliations of the authors, recipients, or custodians of each document; and did not provide a
`complete list of all authors and recipients of each document. On October 5, Defendants sent GTP
`another letter again highlighting these still-unaddressed deficiencies. Defendants also requested
`that GTP identify which documents had been removed from the initial privilege log and confirm
`those had been produced, and identify in the supplemental and amended privilege log the thirteen
`clawed-back documents so Defendants could assess those claims of privilege.
`On October 6, 2021, rather than addressing any of the noted deficiencies, GTP requested
`that Defendants delete and destroy seven more documents on the basis of privilege and committed
`that GTP would provide a supplemental privilege log including those clawed-back documents. To
`date, GTP still has not served the promised supplemental privilege log nor has GTP committed to
`addressing the fundamental deficiencies first raised in Defendants’ August 23 letter. On October


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`12, Defendants again requested that GTP provide a supplemental privilege log and again requested
`to meet and confer.
`On October 15, the parties met and conferred for the second time on these issues. GTP
`committed to serving a further supplemented privilege log that identifies all documents removed
`from and the clawed-back documents added since GTP’s initial privilege log, and identifies and
`provides the affiliations of all authors and recipients of the documents listed in GTP’s most recent
`privilege log; however, GTP would not commit to serving this further amended privilege log by
`the close of fact discovery (i.e., by October 15). (Later in the day on October 15, GTP nonetheless
`served a second supplemental privilege log containing additional entries but still failing to include
`all previously clawed-back documents.) Further, at the meet and confer GTP would not commit
`to resolving the other noted deficiencies. Thus, the parties are at an impasse.
`Should a party fail to produce documents or respond to discovery obligations under Rule
`34, the court may compel production of the requested discovery. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(a)(3)(B);
`Shumpert v. City of Tupelo, 905 F. 3d 310, 325 (5th Cir. 2018). The party asserting privilege has
`the burden of proving its applicability and thus that discovery should not be allowed. See id. at
`*10–11; U.S. v. Harrelson, 754 F.2d 1153, 1167 (5th Cir. 1985). A party claiming privilege must
`(1) expressly claim privilege; and (2) sufficiently describe the nature of the subject documents or
`communications to allow the opposing party “to assess the claim.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(5)(A).
`A privilege log must “provide[] facts that would suffice to establish each element of the privilege
`or immunity that is claimed.” Smartphone Techs. LLC v. Apple, Inc., Case No. 6:10-cv-74, 2013
`U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28220, at *12–13 (E.D. Tex. Mar. 1, 2013) (internal quotations omitted).


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`GTP has failed to produce an adequate privilege log despite Defendants’ repeated letters
`and two meet and confers between the parties, which has severely prejudiced Defendants’ ability
`to conduct and complete discovery, including the deposition of GTP’s principal and the named
`inventor on the Asserted Patents. GTP’s September 28, 2021 supplemental and amended privilege
`log (excerpted in Exhibit A1) spans more than 1600 log entries (after dropping 86 documents from
`which it previously claimed privilege 2) and suffers from at least the following fundamental
`deficiencies: (1) it does not provide sufficient description of each document to allow Defendants’
`to assess whether privilege is applicable, including for any attachments; (2) it does not identify the
`affiliations of the authors, recipients, or custodians of each document; and (3) it does not provide
`a complete list of all recipients and senders of each document. Indeed, GTP’s recent removal of
`86 previously-identified entries from its supplemental and amended privilege log only confirms
`that GTP has improperly withheld documents from discovery. Defendants respectfully request an
`order compelling GTP to provide a privilege log complying with Rule 26(b)(5).
`GTP Has Failed to Provide Sufficient Descriptions to Allow Defendants to
`Assess GTP’s Claims of Privilege
`GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log does not provide sufficient description of
`the documents to allow Defendants to assess whether privilege is applicable. Over 200 entries
`provide mere boilerplate descriptions of why privilege applies and provide no information from
`which to evaluate why the document is privileged. See, e.g., Exhibit A at Entries 73–84 (which
`only identify the date of the document and the applicable privilege, but do not identify the title of
`1 Defendants here supply only representative excerpts due to the Discovery Order’s page limits for
`discovery motions.
`2 GTP has not identified how many documents it dropped from its initial privilege log, whether it
`has produced those documents, nor what the corresponding Bates ranges are.


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`the document, its author other than “Owner,” its recipients, or any description of why the document
`is alleged to be privileged). For example,
` Exhibit A at Entry
`80. No title is provided, no author is provided, no recipients are provided, and no attorney is
`identified as receiving, being cc’d, or making any communication in regards to this entry. On the
`information provided, the attorney-client privilege does not apply—no author appears to be an
`attorney and the entry does not indicate the document was ever sent to an attorney. Defendants
`are unable to determine the applicability of privilege to such entries.
`GTP Has Failed to Identify and Provide Affiliations of All Authors, Recipients,
`and Custodians of Each Document
`GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log does not provide the affiliations of the
`authors, recipients, or custodians of the listed documents sufficient to enable Defendants to assess
`applicability of privilege for all 1665 documents listed. See Eon Corp. IP Holdings LLC v. Verizon
`Clinton Center Drive Corp., No. 6:08-cv-00385, Dkt. No. 456 (E.D. Tex. Aug. 23, 2010) (granting
`motion to compel privilege log and ordering plaintiff to provide “(a) a description of the documents
`to enable Defendant to meaningfully assess the applicability of privilege and (b) the affiliations of
`the authors, recipients and/or custodians of the documents”).
`For example, for multiple document entries GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege
`log provides no substantive information as to the author of the document. See Exhibit A at Entries
`73–79, 82–84
`. GTP does not identify with sufficient detail the documents’ author(s) or the affiliation
`of any of the authors, recipients, or custodians of the documents, which prevents Defendants from
`assessing applicability of privilege. As a further example, many entries list
` as the
`sole author but provide no information regarding who
` is or why they are entitled to


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`attorney-client privilege. See Exhibit A at Entries 4–8. Smartphone Techs. 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
`28220, at *12–13 (“[Plaintiff’s] privilege log is deficient. . . . [Plaintiff] does not identify the
`positions of the senders or recipients of documents such that one can deduce a common interest.
`Without a description of a person’s occupation or job title, [defendant] cannot determine whether
`the claim of privilege is justified.” (emphasis added)).
`Further, GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log does not identify all authors and
`recipients of the listed documents.
` Exhibit A at Entry 238.
` This issue is present in numerous entries. See Smartphone
`Techs., 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28220, at *13 (“[Plaintiff] uses ‘et al.’ to indicate further
`dissemination of the documents. Such broad use of ‘et al.’ to indicate further communication to
`other parties is not helpful. One may simply assume that an ‘et al.’ dissemination implies waiver
`of the privilege due to communication to third parties. Thus, [plaintiff] should avoid the use of ‘et
`al.’ and specifically identify all recipients.” (emphasis added)). GTP failure to specifically identify
`all authors and recipients of the documents prevents Defendants from assessing applicability of
`GTP Has Failed to Identify Removed Entries and Clawed-Back Documents
`On two occasions, GTP requested that Defendants delete and destroy a total of twenty
`previously produced documents as allegedly containing attorney-client privileged information.
`GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log fails to identify each document that was clawed
`back. This prevents Defendants from assessing the applicability of privilege for the clawed-back


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`documents. On October 15, 2021, GTP served a second supplemental privilege log containing
`additional entries which included the Bates ranges under which the documents were originally
`produced. However, GTP’s second supplemental privilege log remains deficient, because (1) it
`fails to include 14 other previously clawed-back documents—including all thirteen documents
`GTP clawed back in its August 31 letter; and (2) it fails to disclose any basis for GTP’s privilege
`claim, or even a description, for one of the previously clawed-back documents. See Exhibit B at
`Entry 1679.
`Lastly, GTP’s supplemental and amended privilege log removes 86 entries that were
`identified in GTP’s initial privilege log. On October 15, 2021, GTP served a letter identifying 43
`Bates ranges for the previously deleted documents. However, GTP did not state which of the 86
`deleted entries correspond to those Bates ranges, and did not confirm that all 86 corresponding
`documents have been produced. Defendants’ highlighted this deficiency in a responsive letter also
`dated October 15. GTP has failed to rectify this deficiency.
`With the close of fact discovery, GTP’s failure to provide an adequate privilege log has
`severely prejudiced Defendants. Thus, Defendant’s respectfully request an order compelling GTP
`to provide immediately a privilege log that complies with Rule 26(b)(5), including (1) providing
`sufficient description of each document to allow Defendants’ to assess the alleged applicability of
`privilege; (2) identifying and providing the affiliations of all authors, recipients, and custodians of
`each document; and (3) identifying entries removed from and clawed-back documents added since
`GTP’s initial privilege log.


`Case 2:21-cv-00040-JRG Document 102 Filed 10/19/21 Page 9 of 10 PageID #: 3226
`DATED: October 15, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly (TX Bar No. 00795077)
`Radhesh Devendran (pro hac vice)
`Boris S. Lubarsky (pro hac vice)
`David M. Fox (pro hac vice)
`1117 S. California Avenue
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Telephone: (650) 320-1800
`Facsimile: (650) 320-1900
`Allan M. Soobert
`2050 M Street NW
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`Telephone: 202-551-1700
`Facsimile: 202-551-1705
`Elizabeth L. Brann
`4747 Executive Drive, 12th Floor
`San Diego, CA 92121
`Telephone: (858) 458-3000
`Facsimile: (858) 458-3005
`Robert Laurenzi
`200 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10166
`Telephone: (212) 318-6000
`Facsimile: (212) 319-4090
`Melissa R. Smith (TX Bar No. 24001351)
`303 S. Washington Ave.
`Marshall, TX 75670
`Telephone: (903) 934-8450
`Facsimile: (903) 934-9257


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`Attorneys for Defendants Samsung Electronics
`Co., Ltd and Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
`Pursuant to Local Rules CV-7(h) and (i), counsel for the Defendants met and conferred
`with counsel for the Plaintiff on October 15, 2021 in a good faith attempt to resolve the matters
`raised by this motion. No agreement could be reached. Plaintiff indicated it opposes the relief
`requested by this motion. Thus, these discussions have conclusively ended in an impasse and leave
`an open issue for the Court to resolve.
` /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly
`I hereby certify that under Local Rule CV-5(a)(7), the foregoing document is filed under
`seal pursuant to the Court’s Protective Order entered in this matter.
` /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was filed
`electronically in compliance with Local Rule CV-5 on October 15, 2021. As of this date, all
`counsel of record had consented to electronic service and are being served with a copy of this
`document through the Court’s CM/ECF system under Local Rule CV-5(a)(3)(A) and by email.
` /s/ Christopher W. Kennerly
`Christopher W. Kennerly

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