`Case 2:19-cv-00311—JRG-RSP Document 201-3 Filed 02/19/21 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 8162
`Case 2:19-cv-00311-JRG-RSP Document 201-3 Filed 02/19/21 Page 2 of 4 PageID #: 8163
`Jessica Kaempf
`Shannon Turner; Ludlam, Taylor; Pfingst, Taylor; GreevSupercell-Litigation-External; ddacus
`GREE-Supercell; Melissa Smith
`RE: GREE v. Supercell - Meet and Confer
`Tuesday, February 16, 2021 10:28:11 AM
`We are following up on scheduling trial depositions. Given the Court’s postponement of the pretrial
`conference and that there are several pending motions that may impact our witnesses’ testimony,
`we will need to postpone the trial depositions. We propose February 24-26 for Bob Klein, Seth
`Allison and Stephan Demirdjian (assuming the March 1 trial date). Regarding Markus Aalto, as we
`previously indicated, he is unavailable between February 20 and February 28. We thus propose his
`deposition go forward during the week of March 1. We think it would be helpful to discuss this over
`the phone. Please let us know when you are available today to meet and confer.
`Jessica Kaempf
`Fenwick | Associate | 206-389-4550 | jkaempf@fenwick.com
`From: Shannon Turner <sturner@fenwick.com>
`Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 6:54 PM
`To: Jessica Kaempf <jkaempf@fenwick.com>; Ludlam, Taylor <taludlam@kilpatricktownsend.com>;
`Pfingst, Taylor <TPfingst@kilpatricktownsend.com>; GreevSupercell-Litigation-External
`<GreevSupercell-Litigation-External@fenwick.com>; ddacus <ddacus@dacusfirm.com>
`Cc: GREE-Supercell <GREE-Supercell@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Melissa Smith
`Subject: RE: GREE v. Supercell - Meet and Confer
`Following up on our meet and confer regarding trial deposition dates, we have looked into
`alternative availability for Markus Aalto and Bob Klein given the concern that the pre-trial
`conference may continue until Friday, 2/19. Unfortunately, Mr. Aalto will be on vacation beginning
`2/20 and is not available again until 3/1. Accordingly, please let us know if you are amenable to
`proceeding on Friday, 2/19 as we initially proposed, assuming the March 1 jury selection/trial date
`start. We propose moving forward with his trial deposition in the morning to hopefully alleviate any
`potential conflicts with the Court.
`As to Mr. Klein, he is available on Tuesday, 2/23, assuming the March 1 jury selection/trial date
`start. Please let us know if that date is acceptable.
`Case 2:19-cv-00311-JRG-RSP Document 201-3 Filed 02/19/21 Page 3 of 4 PageID #: 8164
`Shannon Turner
`Fenwick | Associate | 650-335-7844 | sturner@fenwick.com
`From: Jessica Kaempf <jkaempf@fenwick.com>
`Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 12:37 PM
`To: Ludlam, Taylor <taludlam@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Shannon Turner <sturner@fenwick.com>;
`Pfingst, Taylor <TPfingst@kilpatricktownsend.com>; GreevSupercell-Litigation-External
`<GreevSupercell-Litigation-External@fenwick.com>; ddacus <ddacus@dacusfirm.com>
`Cc: GREE-Supercell <GREE-Supercell@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Melissa Smith
`Subject: RE: GREE v. Supercell - Meet and Confer
`Thanks Taylor. We would also like to discuss the schedule for narrowing claims and prior art, so
`would appreciate if you can be prepared to discuss that as well.
`Thank you,
`Jessica Kaempf
`Fenwick | Associate | 206-389-4550 | jkaempf@fenwick.com
`From: Ludlam, Taylor <taludlam@kilpatricktownsend.com>
`Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 12:00 PM
`To: Jessica Kaempf <jkaempf@fenwick.com>; Shannon Turner <sturner@fenwick.com>; Pfingst,
`Taylor <TPfingst@kilpatricktownsend.com>; GreevSupercell-Litigation-External <GreevSupercell-
`Litigation-External@fenwick.com>; ddacus <ddacus@dacusfirm.com>
`Cc: GREE-Supercell <GREE-Supercell@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Melissa Smith
`Subject: RE: GREE v. Supercell - Meet and Confer
`Hi Jessica,
`On the meet and confer today, we would like to discuss when Supercell intends to make these
`witnesses available for their trial depositions so would appreciate it if you could have their
`availability ready. Thank you.
`Taylor Ludlam
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`Suite 1400 | 4208 Six Forks Road | Raleigh, NC 27609
`office 919 420 1705 | cell 404 735 3043 | fax 919 510 6141
`Case 2:19-cv-00311-JRG-RSP Document 201-3 Filed 02/19/21 Page 4 of 4 PageID #: 8165
`taludlam@kilpatricktownsend.com | My Profile | vCard
`From: Jessica Kaempf <jkaempf@fenwick.com>
`Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 8:02 PM
`To: Shannon Turner <sturner@fenwick.com>; Pfingst, Taylor <TPfingst@kilpatricktownsend.com>;
`GreevSupercell-Litigation-External <GreevSupercell-Litigation-External@fenwick.com>; Deron Dacus
`Cc: GREE-Supercell <GREE-Supercell@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Melissa Smith
`Subject: RE: GREE v. Supercell - Meet and Confer
`With respect to identifying trial witnesses, please see Supercell’s disclosure below. Please note that
`as discussed, this does not include witnesses we intend to call by discovery deposition.
`Supercell intends to bring the following witnesses by trial deposition:
`Bob Klein
`Markus Aalto
`Seth Allison
`Stephan Demirdjian
`Supercell intends to bring the following witnesses live:
`Chris Bakewell
`Greg Harper
`Jose Zagal
`Stacy Friedman
`Jessica Kaempf
`Fenwick | Associate | 206-389-4550 | jkaempf@fenwick.com
`From: Shannon Turner <sturner@fenwick.com>
`Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 5:01 PM
`To: Pfingst, Taylor <TPfingst@kilpatricktownsend.com>; GreevSupercell-Litigation-External
`<GreevSupercell-Litigation-External@fenwick.com>; ddacus <ddacus@dacusfirm.com>
`Cc: GREE-Supercell <GREE-Supercell@kilpatricktownsend.com>; Melissa Smith