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`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 2 of 126 PageID #: 1623
`Dictionary _of
`Fourth Edition
`Oxford New York Tokyo
`DEF_J NT00000001


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`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 3 of 126 PageID #: 1624
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`jr :1},
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`Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP
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`Oxfbtd is a trade mark of Oxford University Press
`Published in the United States
`by Oxford University Press Inc, New York
`© Market House Books, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1996
`Firstpublished 1993
`Reprinted 1983, 1984, 1985
`Second Edition 1986
`Third Edition 1990
`Reprinted 1990, 1991 (twice), 1992
`Fourth Edition 1996
`All rights reserved. No part oft/tispublication may be
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`ISBN 0#19785385573
`Text prepared by Market House Books Ltd, Aylesbury
`Printed in Great Britain by
`Biddles Ltd, Guildford & King‘s Lynn
`DEF_J NT00000002


`is inserted by the compiler at the point of
`call, thereby avoiding the overhead of a nor—
`mal function call.
`inner code Sec concatenated coding system.
`inoculation A technique for virus prevention
`in which a uterine, the *signature (but not
`the harmful code.) of a virus, is deliberately
`added to a program. This is effective only
`against those specific viruses that are prof
`grammcd to avoid reinfecting code by detect
`ing the presence of their own signature.
`inorder traversal Anni/161' nauwfiyr symmetric
`order traversal.
`input 1. The process of entering data into a
`processing system or a peripheral device, or
`the data that is entered.
`Z. A signal that is applied to an electrical cir—
`euit, such as a logic circuit.
`3. To enter data or apply a signal.
`input area' The area of main memory that is
`currently allocated to hold incoming data.
`The processing system will usually retrieve
`data from the input area and transfer it to a
`working area or
`register before
`processed. The result of the processing may
`be written to an *output area. Subroutines
`are usually organized so as to replenish the
`input area from a source such as an input
`peripheral or communication line and clear
`the output area by transfer to backing store.
`input device Any device that transfers data,
`programs, or signals into a processor system.
`Such devices provide the humanicomputer
`interface, the *keyhoard being the most com7
`mon example. Early computers also used
`punched paper tape and cards but these are
`now obsolete. Current devices
`*pointing devices, *data collection termir
`nals, *speech recognition units, magnetic
`*card readers, and *document scanners. See
`also logical input device.
`input-limited process A process whose speed
`of execution is limited by the rate at which
`input data is available or obtained.
`input/output (l/O) The passing of informa—
`tion into or out of the central processing unit
`of a computer system, or the part of the sys—
`tem primarily dedicated to this activity. An
`important function of most [/0 equipment
`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 4 of 126 PageID #: 1625
`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 4 of 126 PagelD #: 1625
`is the translation between the host preces,
`sor’s signals and the sounds, actions, or syme
`bols that are understood or generated by peg,
`In some cases it may be translation
`between two types of machine—readable sig
`nals, as when a *barwode scanner reads the
`data—encoded package and translates it
`an ASCII Code. 561' also l/O.
`inquiry station A terminal from which info)»
`mation can be retrieved from a *database,
`Generally the terminal has a display and a
`keyboard, but
`there may also be ancillary
`devices such as a *badge reader. The user
`makes the inquiry Via the keyboard either in
`the form ofa question in plain text or by indi—
`eating a selection from a menu on the display.
`The display will show a series of possible
`selections that successively narrow the field
`of search. An inquiry station may also update
`information as the result of an action arising
`from an inquiry. An airline booking terminal
`is an example of an inquiry station. 566‘ also
`inscribe To encode a document by printing
`information that is readable by both a person
`and a machine.
`insert 1. One of the basic actions performed on
`*sets that, when applied in the form
`inmate], 5)
`adds the element 8/ to the set S. Ife/ is already
`in S the operation has no effect on the mem—
`bership of 5. See a/xu operations on sets.
`2. One of the basic actions performed on
`*lists, that places a new element into a list,
`not necessarily at one end or the other.
`install 1. To take software from the distribu—
`tion files, which can be on floppy disks, CD .
`ROM, tapes, or on a remote networked com—
`puter, and place it in its permanent location
`from where it Will be executed. The installa—
`tion process is not just a straight copy as it
`involves unpacking compressed files, configi
`uring the software to suit its environment,
`and perhaps allowing the installer to choose
`how much of the software to install. A typical
`installation program will offer choices of
`minimum, custom, or full installations.
`2. To fit new hardware features to a computer.
`instance See instantiation, unification. See
`also object—oriented programming.
`DEF_J NT00000003


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`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 5 of 126 PageID #: 1626
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`network topology .N'n‘ Iu-I MUI'L .ITLIJJIL-L'
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`\I L'M‘II limr inmml ‘IH Iln- on det -


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 6 of 126 PageID #: 1627
`v The most comprehensive computing dictionary suer published
`v More than 18,,909 entries


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 7 of 126 PageID #: 1628
`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 7 of 126 PageID #: 1628
`DEF_J NT00000005


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 8 of 126 PageID #: 1629
`Compiled and edited by
`New York San Francisco Washington, D.C. Auckland Bogota
`Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan
`Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore
`Sydney Tokyo Toronto


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 9 of 126 PageID #: 1630
`Limitation of Liability
`While the Editor and Publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to
`ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, nei-
`ther the Editor nor the Publisher shall have any liability with respect to loss or
`damage caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information con-
`tained herein.
`Copyright © 1994 by International Business Machines Corporation. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under
`the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be
`reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data
`base or retrieval system, without the prior written permisssion of the pub-
`1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 DOC/DOC 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
`ISBN 0-07-031488-8 (HC)
`ISBN 0-07-031489-6 (PBK)
`The sponsoring editor for this book was Daniel A. Gonneau and the
`production supervisor was Thomas G. Kowalczyk.
`Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company.
`Tenth Edition (August 1993)
`This is a major revision of the IBM Dictionary of Computing, SC20-1699-8,
`which is made obsolete by this edition. Changes are made periodically to the
`information provided herein.
`It is possible that this material may contain reference to, or information about,
`IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are
`not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be
`construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, pro-
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`International Edition
`Copyright © 1994 by International Business Machines Corporation. Exclusive
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`When ordering this title, use ISBN 0-07-113383-6.
`This book is printed on acid-free paper.


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`Special Notice
`The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corpora-
`tion in the United States or other countries:
`• ACF/VTAM (cid:9)
`• Advanced Function Printing (cid:9)
`• AFP (cid:9)
`• AlXwindows (cid:9)
`• AIX (cid:9)
`• AIX Enhanced X-Windows
`• AML/2
`• Application System/400
`• AS/400
`• BookMaster
`• Common User Access
`• CUA
`• DB2
`• Enterprise Systems Connection
`• graPHIGS
`• IBM
`• IBM Operating System/2
`• ImagePlus
`• InfoExplorer
`• InfoWindow
`• LinkWay
`• Micro Channel
`• NetView
`• Operating System/400
`• OS/2
`• OS/400
`• PC Network
`• PenPM operating system
`• Port-A-Punch
`• Presentation Manager
`• PS
`• PS/2
`• RISC System/6000
`• SAA
`• Selectric
`• Storyboard
`• System/360
`• System/370


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 11 of 126 PageID #: 1632
`• VM/XA
`• Systems Application Architecture (cid:9)
`• Ultimedia (cid:9)
`• Virtual Machine/Extended (cid:9)
`The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other organizations:
`• AT&T (Trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Co.)
`• Beta (Trademark of Sony Corporation)
`• Multimedia PC (Trademark of Multimedia PC Marketing Council)
`• Mylar (Trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.)
`• UNIX (Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories)
`• XENIX (Trademark of the Microsoft Corporation with enhancements by the
`University of California at Berkeley)


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 12 of 126 PageID #: 1633
`Although this is the tenth edition of the IBM Dictionary of Computing, it is the first
`edition to be made generally available to the public. Beginning as a small manual
`more than 20 years ago, when it was used primarily as a reference for IBM's techni-
`cal writers, it has grown steadily in size, scope, and audience. It now contains more
`than 22,000 entries selected from the full range of IBM's hardware and software
`products. In addition, it reprints by permission entries from industry standards in
`both the United States and the international community (see below).
`This dictionary provides a comprehensive reference for anyone who uses, main-
`tains, or has an interest in information processing systems, communication products
`and facilities, personal computers and office systems. Some of these terms may have
`other meanings in other contexts, or among people not familiar with the use of these
`terms in information processing, communication, personal computers, and office
`systems. With the exception of common electrical and metric measures, the dictio-
`nary excludes terms that are defined in nontechnical dictionaries and that have no
`special meaning in information processing.
`This dictionary includes terms and definitions from:
`The American National Standard Dictionary for Information Systems, ANSI
`X3.172-1990, copyright 1990 by the American National Standards Institute
`(ANSI). Copies may be purchased from the American National Standards Insti-
`tute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036. Definitions are identified
`by the symbol (A) after the definition.
`The ANSI/EIA Standard-440-A, Fiber Optic Terminology. Copies may be pur-
`chased from the Electronic Industries Association, 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue,
`N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Definitions are identified by the symbol (E) after
`the definition.
`The Information Technology Vocabulary, developed by Subcommittee 1, Joint
`Technical Committee 1, of the International Organization for Standardization
`and the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1). Defi-
`nitions of published parts of this vocabulary are identified by the symbol (I) after
`the definition; definitions taken from draft international standards, committee


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 13 of 126 PageID #: 1634
`drafts, and working papers being developed by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC1 are identified
`by the symbol (T) after the definition, indicating that final agreement has not yet
`been reached among the participating National Bodies of SC1.
`• Information for IBM products. Definitions that are specific to IBM products are
`so labeled, for example, "In SNA," or "In VM."
`Sequence and Organization of Entries
`This dictionary uses the letter-by-letter method of alphabetizing entries. Only alpha-
`betic and numerical characters are used to determine sequence; special characters
`and spaces between words are ignored.
`Each entry consists of a single-word or multiple-word term or the abbreviation or
`acronym for a term, followed by a commentary. A commentary includes one or
`more items (definitions or references) and is organized as follows:
`• An item number, if the commentary contains two or more items.
`• A usage label, indicating the area of application of the term, for example, "In pro-
`gramming," or "In SNA."
`• A descriptive phrase, stating the basic meaning of the term. The descriptive
`phrase is assumed to be preceded by "the term is defined as ..." The part of speech
`being defined is indicated by the opening words of the descriptive phrase: "To ..."
`indicates a verb and "Pertaining to ..." indicates a modifier. Any other wording
`indicates a noun or noun phrase.
`• Annotative sentences, providing additional or explanatory information.
`• References, directing the reader to other entries or items in the dictionary.
`• A source label, for example, (A), (E), (I), or (T), that follows the definition and
`identifies the originator of the definition. See "Sources" above. Definitions with-
`out source labels are IBM definitions.


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 14 of 126 PageID #: 1635
`Synonym for (cid:9)
`Synonymous with (cid:9)
`The following cross-references are used in this dictionary:
`Contrast with (cid:9)
`This refers to a term that has an opposed or substan-
`tively different meaning.
`This indicates that the term has the same meaning as a
`preferred term, which is defined in its proper place in
`the dictionary.
`This is a backward reference from a defined term to all
`other terms that have the same meaning.
`This refers the reader to multiple-word terms that have
`the same last word.
`This refers the reader to terms that have a related, but
`not synonymous, meaning.
`Deprecated term for This indicates that the term should not be used. It
`refers to a preferred term, which is defined in its
`proper place in the dictionary.
`See (cid:9)
`See also (cid:9)
`Selection of Terms
`A term is a word or group of words to be defined. In this dictionary, the singular
`form of the noun and the infinitive form of the verb are the terms most often
`selected to be defined. If the term may be abbreviated, the abbreviation is given in
`parentheses immediately following the term. The abbreviation is also defined in its
`proper place in the dictionary.
`Comments Requested
`Terminology in the computer field is constantly evolving. No printed reference can
`hope to remain current for long. For that reason, we are continually revising the con-
`tent of this book, adding new terms and definitions as they gain acceptance, discard-
`ing old entries as they become obsolete. In order to keep up with these changes, we
`invite comments from all of our users. Please address them as follows:
`IBM Dictionary of Computing
`IBM Corporation
`Dept. E37, Bldg. 656
`Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
`Telephone 919-254-0209
`Fax 919-254-0343
`When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or dis-
`tribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obli-
`gation to you.


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 15 of 126 PageID #: 1636
`Only someone who has tried to make a large dictionary has any idea of how many
`people are needed to complete the task. Moreover, not even the dictionary maker
`himself knows exactly who all those people are. Entries, suggestions, complaints, and
`queries seem to come from everywhere, and the terms and definitions that eventu-
`ally result have been touched by many hands, not a few of them unseen. For this rea-
`son, any "Acknowledgments" list is likely to be incomplete. This list is no
`There are some colleagues, however, both inside and outside IBM, whose assis-
`tance and support demand recognition. With apologies to those equally deserving
`who have been omitted, the editor would like to thank the following, in no particu-
`lar order:
`• The users of earlier editions who took the time to comment and make suggestions
`• Gary Violette, contract administrator extraordinary, without whose help this edi-
`tion would have been impossible
`• Lisa Champion, David Heath, Robin Langford, Lori Lathrop, Anita Mannion,
`Anne Rice, Adrianne Roberts, Carolyn Stephens, H. Ueno, Ian Wright, and all
`the other IBM terminology coordinators and editors who have provided me and
`this book with glossaries, comments, and other valuable input.
`• Mary Sturgeon, who did the same, but in such generous measure as to warrant
`special recognition
`• The members and consultants of ANSI-approved committee X3K5: Richard
`Batey, Lionel Difford, Eugene Dwyer, Rex Klopfenstein, Stanley Kurzban, Ste-
`fan Langsner, Jimmie Logan, Roy Mullinax, D. F. Stevens, Helmut Thiess, Saul
`• Past and present members of ISO SC/i Working Group 7, including: Lars
`Algotsson, Bernard Bourguignon, Chantal Brochu, Boris Ermolayev, Gunnar
`Grahn, Evelyn Gray, Hideo Kikuchi, Hanna Kuznicka, Johanne L'Heureux,
`Francine Pitre
`• Bao Pham and Christian Mayer for their translation assistance
`• Dan Aitken, Rich Overton, and Mike Payst, for their invaluable help with macros,
`style files, programs, and other tools, always provided readily and, very often,
`• Edie Lessick, who always understood why this book kept shoving all other proj-
`ects aside
`• Daniel Gonneau of McGraw-Hill
`• Aleck, Jim, Debbie, Judy, Betty, and Al
`• My Production Department buddies, Jean Billings, Steve Joyce, Marie Kolodij,
`Sandra Raynor, and Carole Lynch, who had to explain repeatedly the arcane
`details of such topics as BookMaster, PostScript, and the internal distribution of
`IBM books, and kept inviting me to lunch anyway


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 16 of 126 PageID #: 1637
`• Last and most importantly of all, the creator and for two decades sustainer of this
`book, John Wood. Through edition after edition, it was he more than anyone else
`who left his indelible imprint here. I would be dishonest not to recognize that this
`work is, and will continue to be, "The Book of John."
`George McDaniel
`Research Triangle Park, N. C.


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 17 of 126 PageID #: 1638
`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 17 of 126 PageID #: 1638
`| i


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 18 of 126 PageID #: 1639
`41 ] (cid:9)
`authority holder In the AS/400 system, an object that
`specifies and reserves an authority for a program-
`described database file before the file is created.
`When the file is created, the authority specified in the
`holder is linked to the file.
`authorization (1) In computer security, the right
`granted to a user to communicate with or make use of
`a computer system. (T) (cid:9)
`(2) An access right.
`(3) The process of granting a user either complete or
`restricted access to an object, resource, or function.
`(4) See also clearance.
`authorization checking The action of determining
`whether a user is permitted access to a
`RACF-protected resource.
`authorization code A code made up of user identifi-
`cation and password, used to protect against unauthor-
`ized access to data and system facilities.
`authorization credentials The evidence of a user's
`authority to access DPPX/DTMS resources. Authori-
`zation credentials are defined for a user in the user's
`profile. The authorization credentials required for
`access to a DPPX/DTMS resource, such as a database,
`are defined in the profile for the resource.
`authorization exit routine In VTAM programs, an
`optional installation exit routine that approves or dis-
`approves requests for session initiation.
`authorization ID In SQL, a user profile. A name
`identifying a user to whom privileges can be granted.
`node is authorized, all information it sends about itself
`is accepted. The authorization status of an end node
`is system-defined in its network node server. Contrast
`with unauthorized APPN end node.
`authorized command In DPPX, a command with a
`nonzero function authority credential (FAC) in its
`command profile.
`authorized end node Synonym for authorized APPN
`end node.
`authorized environment In DPPX, an active environ-
`ment whose associated user profile contains a nonzero
`function authority credential (FAC).
`authorized library A library that may contain author-
`ized programs.
`authorized operator In the NetView program, an
`operator who has been authorized to receive undeliver-
`able messages and lost terminal messages.
`authorized path In VTAM programs for MVS, a
`facility that enables an application program to specify
`that a data transfer or related operation be carried out
`in a privileged and more efficient manner.
`authorized program A system program or user
`program that is allowed to use restricted functions.
`authorized program analysis report (APAR) A
`report of a problem caused by a suspected defect in a
`current unaltered release of a program.
`authorization list In the AS/400 system, a list of two
`or more user IDs and their authorities for system
`authorized program facility A facility that permits
`identification of programs authorized to use restricted
`authorization list management authority In the
`AS/400 system, an object authority that allows the
`user to add users to, remove users from, and change
`users' authorities on the authorization list.
`authorized receiver In the NetView program, an
`authorized operator who receives all the unsolicited
`and authorized-receiver messages not assigned to a
`specific operator.
`authorization message An NCCF message that is
`directed to an authorized operator; for example, a
`message about the use of NCCF, such as a successful
`logon, repeated unsuccessful logons, a logon rejected
`because of an invalid password, a data services
`Manager error message, or logoff.
`authorize To permit or give authority to a user to
`communicate with or make use of an object, resource,
`or function.
`authorized APPN end node
`In APPN, an end node
`that is "trusted" by its network node server to supply
`directory and routing information about its resources
`that will affect the network directory database. If a
`authorized state A condition in which a problem
`program has access to resources that would otherwise
`not be available.
`authorized user (1) In DPPX, a user whose user
`profile contains a nonzero function authority credential
`(FAC). See also database administrator. See space
`auto-abstract (1) Pertaining to the material abstracted
`from a document by machine methods. (2) To select
`keywords from a document by machine methods.
`auto-answer Synonym for automatic answering.


`Case 2:16-cv-00741-RWS Document 148-4 Filed 04/20/17 Page 19 of 126 PageID #: 1640
`condition-name-condition (cid:9)
`[1361 (cid:9)
`configuration report server (C$S)
`Note: When condition-name is used in the general
`formats, it represents a unique data item reference
`consisting of a syntactically correct combination of a
`condition-name, together with qualifiers and sub-
`scripts, as required for uniqueness of reference.
`condition-name-condition In COBOL, the proposi-
`tion, for which a truth value can be determined, that
`the value of a conditional variable is a member of the
`set of values attributed to a condition-name associated
`with the conditional variable.
`conditions See entry conditions.
`condition values In the IBM 8100 Information
`System, the values assigned to various combinations
`of the condition indicators; they may be used as mask
`values in conditional branching operations.
`conduit A pipe for protecting electric wires or cables.
`conference call Teleconferencing in which all partic-
`ipants are connected through telephone circuits that
`allow for the transmission of voice and possibly FAX
`messages. (T) See also computer conferencing.
`conference control Synonym for sensitivity control.
`conference microphone On dictation equipment, a
`microphone specially designed to record speech simul-
`taneously from mor

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