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`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 3 of 101 PageID #: 26260
`Stewart, Cody A.
`Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:14 AM
`Duche, Konah A.
` Payment Confirmation: MDD CM ECF
`Your payment has been submitted to and the details are below. If you have any questions or you wish to cancel
`this payment, please contact the MOD Helpdesk at (410) 962-4058.
`Application Name: MDD CM ECF
` Tracking 10: 26491K40
`Agency Tracking ID: 0416-6835207
`Transaction Type: Sale
`Transaction Date: Aug 16, 2017 11:13:39 AM
`Account Holder Name: Konah Duche
`Transaction Amount: $100.00
`Card Type: AmericanExpress
`Card Number: ************1580


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` .JP
`,, bv: lfl~lfc
`, , (?•- ¥7 S.Z--l
`Attorneys Applying for Admission to Practice in the Eastern District of Texas
`Attorney Admissions Clerk
`Application for Admission to Practice
`Attached is an Application for Admission and a Motion for Admission to Practice. Compliance
`with the following instructions will help to expedite the admission process.
`L. Please complete the application for admission.
`(A) A Certificate of Good Standing is not required for admission to the Eastern District of Texas.
`(B) Complete the Oath of Admission at the end of the Application before a notary public
`with the notary seal affixed.
`(C) Be sure to answer every question in the application.
`2. Have the Motion for Admission completed by an attorney who is a member in good standing of the
`State Bar ofTexas and/or of any United States District Court
`3. Send the original application for admission, motion for admission and a check in the amount of
`$I 76.00 made payable to "U.S. District Clerk" to the following address:
`Clerk, US District Court
`A TrN: Attorney Admissions Clerk
`300 Willow, Room 104
`Beaumont, Texas 7770 I
`The attorney admission fee in the amount of $176.00 is required by statute. The local bar
`membership fee of$1 0.00 per year which shall be paid triennially is waived per General
`Order 08-14.
`Once your application is approved, a certificate of admission will bee-mailed to you. If you have
`any questions regarding the application process, please call the attorney admissions clerk at (409)
`/attyadm R~:vtsed 0511412014


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 6 of 101 PageID #: 26263
`· Saulsberry, Milton
`Dzwonczyk, Michael R.
`Tuesday, November 03, 2015 10:05 AM
`Thompson, Amanda R.; Collins, Staci N.; Saulsberry, Milton; Boland, Mark
`checks today?
`Not sure how to do this, but can I get two checks, each for $176
`made payable to "U.S. District Clerk" to the following address:
`Clerk, US District Court
`A TIN: Attorney Admissions Clerk
`300 Willow, Room 1 04
`Beaumont, Texas 77701
`One check will be for me, one for Mark Boland. Do not mail them. I will enclose the check and our Texas bar
`applications to our local counsel in Marshall Tx, who will get them to the Clerks office.
`Bill to L10868


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 7 of 101 PageID #: 26264
`Check Nu!llber:47527
`Check Date: 11/03/2015
`INV #
`11/03/15 MRD110315US[ 101164
`Bar appln. fee/MRD
`MRD 099
`. -
`Check Amount
`,2 0 (; ? 5 ? 2 ? I. u•
`'i1t .,~ii~t .. ·.
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`475 27
`Check Date: 11/03/2015 \ Check Number:47527
`GL Acct
`Bar appln. fee/MRD
`INV #
`11/03/15 MRD110315US[ 101164
`Check Amount:
`r>nomeo IN us A


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 8 of 101 PageID #: 26265
`Check Dale 11/03/2015
`!NV #
`Bar appln Fees/MXB
`11/03/15 MXB110315US[ 101164
`Check Number:47526
`Check Amount:
`n• 0 0 0 ~ 7 5 2 !; n• 1: 0 5 50 0 2 7 0 7 1: 2 0 !; 7 5 7 2 7 J. n•
`\.. Check Dale: 11/03/2015
`Bar appln Fees/MXB
`INV #
`11/03/15 MXB110315US[ 101164
`, -
`Check Number:47526
`176 00
`Check Amount:
`US£ Wnil 9 1!>00 ( N\I£l0 Pl


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`tcrNCrta' •n·n n
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`Tlu s IS an automatiC e-maol message generated by the CM /ECF system.
`Ple01se DO NOT RESPOND to th1 s e-ma1l because the ma1l box 1s
`•' ' NOTE TO PUBUC ACCESS U SERS' + • Judiciill Conferen ce of the United
`Stiltes policy pernuts ilttorn«ys of record and parties in a case (including
`pro se litigants) to rec.ive one free electroniC oopy of all documents filed
`electronically, if re~pt es requir-ed by law or directed by the filer. PACER
`access apply to .. 11 other users. To avoid later charges, download a
`oopy of each document during tills first viewing. However, if the
`referenced document is a transcript, the free oopy and 30 page limit do
`not apply.
`U.S. District Court [UVE)
`Eastern District of TEXAS
`Notice of Electronic Filing
`The following tr.ons.od1on w .. s entered by R .. mlftff, ThClm4s on 8/21/2017 ..t 8:32
`AN COT .md filed on 8/21/2017
`All.l"941l, Inc. v. TI!'V .. Ph .. rm .. ceubc•ls USA. Inc. et .. 1
`Case Nana:
`Case Number:
`Akom, Inc.
`Document Number:~
`Docket Text::
`NOTlCE of Attorney Appear01nce - Pro H01e Vice by Thomas A Rilll'lmer, II on
`behalf of Akom, Inc .. Fihng fee$ 100, receipt number 0540-6431524. (Rammer,
`2:15--cv- 01455-WCB Notice has been electronically mlliled to:
`Al1n .. L Lrtost.yk
`.. btoshyk~WS(
`.. llef', dl..n .. O g•D .. .. w .com,
`Allen Fr..nklin G..rdner
`ednobces.gsJ~ ..,,
`gsldocket@gillomsmittll..w .com, ltnsten@g.ID .. msmithl .. w .com,
`n1Cole~11 .. msmithl.•
`Andre" Leogh F .. er
`wbc@wsfle-m .com
`Ann• Gr .. ce Phillips
`.. ndre .., .., hm ..,
`- Sl
`This is an aut
`Please DO N O
`• • ' NOTE TO
`States policy
`pro se litigant
`access f~ ar
`copy of each •
`referenced do
`not apply.
`Notice of Elect
`The folbwing b
`.. nd filed on 8/:
`Case Name:
`Case NuTn~r
`Document Nu
`Docket Text:
`NOTICE of Att.
`Akorn, lnc .. Fil
`Alin.. l Lil:os:hyk
`Allen Mankhn G
`nocole@giD .. msr
`Andre.o leogh F.
`Az..deh Kok .. bi


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`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 12 of 101 PageID #: 26269
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`tonSir ~ h. liD111~AM
`omabc e-mail message gener.~ted by tl~ CM /ECF system.
`IT RESPOND to tho s e-m~ul because the mail box os
`PUBUC ACCESS USERS•' • Judiciiill Conference of the United
`pem1its attor~ys of record and p.arties m a case (including
`ts) to receive one fr- electJ'Onic copy of iilll documents filed
`, if receopt ls requi red by law or directed by the filer. PACER
`ppty to ;all other users. To avoid later charges, download "
`document during this first viewing. However, if the
`•cument is a transcript, tile free copy and 30 page limit do
`U.S. District Court [LrVE]
`Eastern District of TEXAS
`Ironic Filing
`r.ons.oct:1on w..s en~oed by Hsu, John on 8/21/2017 •t 8:36AM COT
`Allerg.on, Inc. v. Tev .. Ph.orm .. USA. Inc. et .. 1
`2·15-cy-0 14SS·WCB
`Akom, lnc.
`omey Appe.uan ce - Pro Hac Vice by John K Hsu o n behalf of
`mg feeS 100, rece1pt number 0540-6431541 . {Hsu, John)
`5 - WCB Notice has been electronically mailed to:
`.lrtoshyl.~, .com
`.. UenC!, dl..n .. @giD .. ms:rmthl .. w.eom,
`... rdner
`, k~n(rlg!D .. ms.mothl .. w .com,
`nithl ..
`II ips
`•nd re .. @lwsfu, .. k@)wsflrm. com, hm .. riowe@wsfirm. com,
`dnphdlips@lwsgr .com, gherrer ..
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`fb'cll¥. /o..q..clll. l!Ot19'-51 ... ""
`Th1 s IS an automatic e-mail message
`Please DO N OT RESPOND to this e-m
`States policy permits attorneys of rec:
`pro se l itigants) to re<leive one free e
`e lectronically, if receipt is required b 1
`a ccess fees apply to all other users. 1
`copy of each docttment during this fir
`referenced document is a transcript,
`not apply.
`U . S. District
`Eastern Disb
`Notice of Electronic Filing
`The follow1ng tr .. ns..ction w .. s erlt:ered by I
`COT .ond filed on 8/21/2017
`Alierg..n, Inc. v. Te\
`Case Name:
`C.ase Number:
`2: 15-cy-01455-wcE
`, Inc.
`Document Number.~
`Docket Text:
`NO TICE of Attorney Appearance - Pro H
`Akom, Inc .. Filing fee $ 100, ~ceipt nurr
`2:15-cv-0 1455- W C B Notice has been
`Alin• L I..Jtoshyl..
`colrtost.yk@wsgr .com
`.. Jien@l_gjlliimsmit
`Allen FT..nkJ1n G .. t'dnef'
`ednobc9s. gsl@;gm.;,
`, kristen@g
`niiCole@>gJil .. msmithJ .. w .com
`Andre .. Letgh F.ou
`.., !


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`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 14 of 101 PageID #: 26271
`Remit to:
`Ad' anced D1scovel) INC
`.0. BOX 102242
`ntn, GA 30368-2242 Atla
`Chicago - Orange Count} - San Josc- Mount:un Vie'' - San rrancisco- Los
`Angeles Ccntul) Cil)
`Austin- Dallas - Kansas City - New York - Washingto n DC
`lnvo1ce #
`1:!,31 2016
`Tax ID-47-1 37755 1
`Bill To
`Sughrue Mion
`2100 Penns) lvania A venue, 'J\\'
`Washington, DC 20037
`Sh1p To
`Sughrue ~lion
`2100 Pennsylvania A\ cnue. N\\'
`Washington, DC 20037
`Due Date
`Project Case Name
`Client's Ref.#
`Client Contact
`1/30120 17
`Shc1lia Blackston
`1,40 I Photocopying - Heavy/Medium Litigation
`32 Color Copies 8 5x II
`15 Redwclds (Letter)
`652 file Folders (Lctier)
`34 1 Custom Label
`16.82 1 Blo\\ back Pruning - w/ Assembl)
`5,50 I Full Processing with Images (Per Page)
`0. 12
`0. 10
`168. 121'
`'II:RMS. Unless othcm1sc CO\Crcd b~ a separate written agreement. this imo1cc IS due and
`pa)·ablc w1thin ~0 da) s of 1m 01ce date and past due aficr that. Client is subject to ma~1mum
`allowable linancc charges on all past due accounts plus :m) rcla1ed mtornc) lees and
`collection charges incurred by Ad' anced D1scovel) Chent has I 0 da):. from receipt of
`im oico: to inspect Ad,anced Disco' Cl) completed work for qua lit). If no objection is made
`within the I 0 day period, it shall be deemed accepted and full pa) mcnt shall be due in
`accordance "ith the tcnns of th1s invoice.
`Sales Tax (5.75%)
`Invoice Total
`Balance Due
`$2.888 00


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 15 of 101 PageID #: 26272
`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 15 of 101 PageID #: 26272


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 16 of 101 PageID #: 26273
`Advanced Discovery INC
`.0. BOX 102242
`A tin
`nta. GA 30368-2242
`Chicago - Orange County-San Jose- Mountnin Vic" -San Francisco-Los
`Angclcs-Ccntur} Cit)
`Austtn- Dallas- Kansas Ctty - Nc" York- Washingto n DC
`Invoice #
`I II 2017
`Tax ID- 47-1377551
`Bill To
`~ughntc Mion
`2100 Penns) lvania A\'cnuc, NW
`Washington, DC 20037
`Shtp To
`Sughrue M ion
`2100 Pcnn~)l\'ania Avenue. N\\
`Washington, DC 20037
`Due Date
`Project Case Name
`Chenfs Ref.#
`Client Contact
`Net 30
`2 10 20 17
`I 10868
`Sheilia Blackston
`8 Redwelds (Letter)
`8 Custom Label
`14,139 Blowback Printing w/ Slipsheets
`-1,713 Full Processmg "ith Images (Per Page)
`14 1.39T
`TERt>IS: Unless uthcn1 is~.: covered by a separate 11rittcn agreement. this invoice is due and
`payable withm 30 day~ of irl\'oice date and past due aflcr that Client is subJeCt to maximum
`allo,,nble finance charges on all past due accounts plus nn} rcl:ut:d attorne) fees and
`collection charges incurred by Ad1anced Discovery. Chent has 10 da)s from receirt of
`in\'oicc to mspect Ad1 anced Disco1 er) completed work for qual it). If no ob,tectton 1s made
`within the I 0 day period, it shall be deemed accepted and full pa) mcnt shall be due in
`accordance with the tcnns of this 101 oice
`Sales Tax (5.75%)
`$74 20
`Invoice Total
`Balance Due


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 17 of 101 PageID #: 26274
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`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 18 of 101 PageID #: 26275
`~'~ inventus
`Inventus LLC
`P.O. Box 130114
`Dallas Texas 75313
`(312) 546-6580
`Sughrue Mion
`2100 Pennsylvanma Ave
`Washington DC 20037
`Period of Service: Aug 2017
`Case Name: 34943-631
`SO - San Diego
`Robinson, Scott G.
`Sheila Blackston
`S000014256 -
`8/1512017 &
`S000014257 •
`Custom Labels 'lnduded w1th Blowbacks Reconstructed B&W'
`' ORG OTY 510'
`Labor: Manual replacement of fist page (color}, hand stapling/
`clipping of documents Label placement onto folders, document
`placement mto folders. 'Included w1th Blowbacks Reconstructed
`B&W' 'ORG QTY 32 '
`Blowbacks Reconstructed B&W 'ORG QTY 104546'
`Blowbacks Cotor 'ORG OTY 1818'
`Manila File Folders 'ORG OTY 510 '
`Redwelds ' ORG OTY 13'
`Custom Tabs 'ORG OTY 496'
`454 5
`127 5
`Tax Total
`Remaining Balance Due
`Inventus, LLC
`P.O Box 130114
`Dallas Texas 75313
`Federal Tax 10# 26-1648414
`Bank Name:
`Bank Address :
`Routing Number:
`Account Number:
`Account Name:
`Wells Fargo Bank, N A.
`420 Montgomery St
`San Franc;sco, CA 94104
`Inventus, LLC
`II you have questions regard•ng thts 1nvo<ce, please contact your Sales Rep/ProjeCl Manager or email lnyemusBI!hng@rnventus com
`$127 50
`1 or 1


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 19 of 101 PageID #: 26276
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`Invoice 2016-0167
`Brenda Hightower Smith, CSR, RPR,
`Official Court Reporter
`United States District Court
`Eastern District of Texas
`Texarkana Division
`500 N. State Line Avenu e
`Texarkana, Texas 75501
`Phone(903) 794-1018
`Michael Dzwonczyk
`Sughrue Mion PLLC
`2100 Pennsylvania Ave NW
`Suite 800
`Washington, DC 20037
`Emai I:
`2: 15-cv-1 455 (Lead Case): Allergan, lnc. vs. Teva Pharmaceuticals
`USA, Inc., et al., before United States Federal Ci rcuit William C.
`Claim Construction Hearing - 08/23616
`( 125 pages)
`I, Brenda Htghtower Smith, Official Reporter, do ccrttf} that the transcript fees charged and the
`page fonnat used comply with the requirements of this court and the Judicial Conference of the
`United States.
`Brenda l lightower Smith. CSR, RI'R. FCRR
`Official Reporter
`s 269.79


`_. ..
`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 22 of 101 PageID #: 26279
`r«m W•9
`Request for Taxpayer
`ldentlflcatlon Number and Certification
`Give Form to ttle
`requester. Do not
`&end to the IRS.
`(Rev. Dooomtw 201')
`OepGI1menl of IN Trauurt
`lntlfNI Revna S...W:.
`1 Name (u thowtl on '/041 oncome tU ,..lrll) NatM " req<Jired on thos lone do not IMvo ,,., 111-o blallk
`Brenda Hightower Smith
`.,; 2 au- f\lrMidoregatdld tftltiV NrN. ot dJt~n~n~ 110m llbcM
`0 C Co<porat1on 0 s CorpO< e«on 0 PortMr-"lp
`4 &Of'll)Clons (codoe apo~y onv to
`oert .. n tnblloe, not lndoV>dual•: -
`tni~M:IIone on ~e 3):
`Ea'"'f't peyoe code Gf any)
`t 3 01«:- IQPI'OilN!e boa lot tedenll till< cjuaoficatJOn, c:hloc:k o<lly one oltM loDOVMQ -
`& 0 tnd.lliduaVIOie ptOp'fltor 01'
`0 TrusVoatate
`!I 0 I.Jm1IIO lllbthty comoany Enter tnelaJI c:lesaolicatiOil (C.C coroorGiton. s-s ocwporat.on, P·PIItlnerai'IPI •
`llnglo-membor LLC
`--- EltompiiC)(IIrom FA rCA
`No4e. For a $11Q!e·metrber LLC thelia dtsregatded, do not cheOI uc check 1he appropnate box lrt 11M .,. abo\• lor
`Dhl tax c:'-flcallOn Ollhe e~ng e -~ ov.n«.
`eoottt any!
`~ • ....._..._........,.._,_US)
`0 OCher (see il'l$ti'UCt!OM) •
`~ ~ tlUilbef. atreet. and apt. or IU•~ no.)
`~·· name and ld<t- {oclllona)
`l 500 N. State Line Avenue, Third Floor
`I Qty, atate. ll'od ZIP code
`Texarkana, Texas 75501
`7 U.tiiOOOUnt numbett&) hart (oplk:INI)
`.:F.!< ••
`Taxpayer Identification Number (T1N)
`Enter yoor T1N In_ the ap~e box. The T1N prO\IIded must match the nMlO given on line 1 to avOod
`backup wlthhokl1ng, For Individuals, 1'1\la Ia gene'8lly your social MCUnty n\6\'lbcr (SSN). However. klf 11
`resident allen, sole PIOPrietor. or dlsreglltded entity, 506 the Part I 1~11\JCtlons on page 3 For other
`entitles, Ills your employer lden1iflcatlon number (EINl. If you do not hllve a number, see How to pel a
`TIN on page 3.
`Note. If tha aocount Is In ITlQ(e t/18n ana nNne, see the lnslf\JCtions fOf l1ne 1 and the chan on pogo 4 fOt
`guldellnoe on whose number to enter
`I SocMI MOUfftY """"'*
`I Emplo,.... ldenUilcatlon numiHr
`ITTI -rn - 1
`m -11111111
`Under penaltloe 01 POt'lurv. 1 eemty that
`1. Tho numb&' shown oo this form Is my correct taxpayer ldontthcahon number tor I am w111tlng tor a nurrber to be Issued to me); and
`2. I am nol subject to backUp wtlhholdlng because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, Ot (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue
`Servl<:$ (IRS) thllt I am subject to bacltup withholding ns e result of a f11lluro to report an t1teroet Ot dividends, Ot (c) tho IRS hila notlfled me that I am
`no longor subject to backup withholding; and
`3. I am a U.S. cJtlzen Ot other U.S person (defined belOw); and
`4. The FATCA code(s) entered on ttU form (If ~flY) Indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting Is correct
`O.rtiflc:atlon lnstnlc:tlons. You mutt etOA OOJtltem 2 above If you hiiVa been notlRed by the IRS th1t you are cu"ently sub,ect to baclwp withholding
`because yoo have fal1ed to roport allntorest and dtYidonda on your tax return. For real Mtato traniGCIIone, Item 2 dooe not apply. FOt mortgage
`interest pold, aoquilluon or
`enl of MCUred prop«ty, cancollltlon o1 debt, contnbu11ona to an lndlvldual rouromont arrangement ORA), and
`end dividends, you are not required to sign the cet1lflcatlon, but you must proVIde your correct TlN. See the
`generally, PliY"'Oflls other
`Instructions on
`e 3
`Sectoon are to the lnlemnl ~ ... Code unless ol'*- f'Oied
`FllluA d111elopmtnta tnforT'IIat.JOn aboiA O..etopments lf'ec:UIQ Form W-0 IIUdl
`•leglllatJOn enoaecl at .or ,.. rd - •Q •11 ..,__.,_ govllw9
`Purpose of Form
`All fndMduel or tnUiy (form W·ll requllllar) whO 11 reqund to lie en lnfotmatlon
`return wtth llliiAS must obtain '/041 correct tllllj)ayor idontitlcatlon number (TIIIO
`whk:h IT1IY bt )'OIIIIOCIII sec:l.¥11)' numbor (SSN), lnd.vKiualt&X.payer ldenltfoeaiJOtl
`number (mNJ,IIdooUon taJtpQyer ldonbhc.1tton nvmbtr (A TIN). or employe<
`ldentikabOn number IEJN). to r.port on ..,., Wormatlon ,...., tnt amount patd to
`you, or Olhtr amounl reportable on en lnlornwbon ttt1um Ex~ ol.,formahon
`rlltllre InClude. but are not l«nted to. the lolloWitiQ
`• Form 1 <»t-INT Onteroat! or Pl'dl
`• Form I <»t-ON (IIMdtnCt.lndu<ing tnOM from &loc:kl or mutual Iundt!
`• Form 1C»t-MISC (vwt001 typo1 olln<:omo, pro., award1. or grou procttdSI
`• Form 109$-B(atock ormutu..J lund•lll'd Olrtan olhet tnlnsactoona by
`• Form IOQO·S (prOCeeds from real oatato vonaoctone)
`• Form tOQO·K (morchant cerd Wid third Plf1Y nttworl< ~~
`• om1 1 0111 (hOme mOtlgage lnt.-11), I 098-E (IIU<Itnt IOatlln*-t), I 0118-T
`(II> liOn)
`• Form tOQO.C (canceied debl)
`• F«m lOGO-A (toQUilluon or~~ of ~ed ~
`Uoo Form W-9 OI'Vy ~you .,. a U S ~ fndudong a reSident .,,.,.., to
`ptOVtde your oorreot l1N
`11 you (Jo not ,.tum Form W·9 to the reove•t•r wltfl a nN. you 1111QI'Ir,. w~t
`to l»cctup wltMold•"ff· S.. W/1111 Is bltckup wfthnoldlng? on page 2
`By tiQni!'IQ the n led.out torm. you
`1 c..ttty IIIII the nN you are gNfng~a cortect (or you •e walling for a number
`2. Ctn·ty ltlat you n not IUI)jtCito OIICI<uP y,CIIhOICtng, or
`lleC:Iw9 W1W'clldlng tl you 1ft aU S eumpc pe;.e If
`3 Clam ~.on -
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`ony ~·P noomt lrom e u.s. trlldt or~ " not .,b!ecl to tne
`wiiNioldlng ta.t on toretgn pttUir~' lhaft ol ellec~~.-y~ed tnoomt, end
`4. C«llty tl\at FATCA code(•) entered on thll form PI eny)lndocallng tnat you are
`e>empl from t'\11 FATCA conec:t &e Wiler Is FATCA report)ng? on
`page 2 for tur1/1e< llltormntlorl.
`CaL No t0231X
`Form W-9 <Rev t2-20tcl


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 23 of 101 PageID #: 26280
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`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 24 of 101 PageID #: 26281
`Sughrue Mion, PLLC
`2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20037-3202
`Terms: Due upon receipt
`Invoice Date:
`Our Order#:
`LA-1 08169-03
`Case No: 2:15-cv-1455 WCB
`Allergan, Inc. vs Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
`Job Date. 12/20/16
`Deponent: Sean Brynjelsen
`Delivery - Transcript-Ea-STD
`Production and Code Compliance-Ea-STD
`Exhibit Copying & Scanning-B&W-Pg-STD
`Deposition (Technical/Expert) Transcript·
`Interactive Realtime-Pg-STD
`Special Rates Apply
`Oepo Location:
`500 Lake Cook Road
`Suile 350
`Deerfield. IL 60015
`Thank You. Your Business is appreciated.
`$1 .00
`$1 .40
`$567 00
`$1 37 00
`$191 80
`$1 ,033.40
`Sales Tax
`- -......,......,......,--:--_
`Total Invoice USD
`$1 ,033.40
`PO Box 936158
`Atlanta, GA 31 193-6158
`For credit card payments, please visit
`ABA Routing#: 121000248
`Beneficiary Account#: 4125126904
`Beneficiary Name: DTI
`Tax No: 58-2413793


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 25 of 101 PageID #: 26282
`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 25 of 101 PageID #: 26282


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 26 of 101 PageID #: 26283
`Pa e
`Sughrue Mion, PLLC
`2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20037-3202
`Terms: Due upon receipt
`Invoice Date:
`Our Order#:
`Case No: 2:15-cv-1455 WCB
`Allergan, Inc vs Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
`Job Date· 12/21/16
`Deponent· Jennifer Bowles
`Dehvery - Transcnpt-Ea-STD
`Interactive Realllme-Pg-STD
`Deposit1on {Technical/Expert) Transcript-
`Exhibit Copying & Scanning-B&W-Pg-STD
`Production and Code Comphance-Ea-STD
`Special Rates Apply
`Depo Location:
`100 S Saunders Road
`Suite 150
`Lake Forest. IL 60045
`Thank You. Your Business is appreciated.
`$15 00
`$1 40
`$1 .00
`$131 60
`$399 00
`Sales Tax
`Total Invoice USD
`PO Box 936158
`Atlanta, GA 31193-6158
`For credit card payments, please visit
`ABA Routing#: 121000248
`Beneficiary Account#: 4125126904
`Beneficiary Name: on
`Tax No: 58-2413793


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 27 of 101 PageID #: 26284
`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 27 of 101 PageID #: 26284


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 28 of 101 PageID #: 26285
`Sughrue Mion, PLLC
`21 00 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20037-3202
`Terms: Due upon receipt
`Invoice Date:
`Our Order#:
`LA-11 0728-03
`Case No: 2:15-cv-1455 WCB
`Allergan, Inc. vs Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc
`Job Date 01/05117
`Deponent: Subrahmanyam Boddapati, Ph D
`Interactive Realtime-Pg-STD
`Delivery - Transcript-Ea-STD
`Exhibit Copy1ng & Scann1ng-B&W-Pg-STD
`Deposition (Techmcai/Expert) Transcript-
`Product1on and Code Compliance-Ea-STD
`Special Rates Apply
`Depo Location :
`500 Lake Cook Road
`Suite 350
`Deerfield. IL 60015
`Thank You. Your Business is appreciated.
`$3 50
`$1 00
`$211 .00
`$1 ,523.20
`Sales Tax
`Total Invoice USD- -- $-=-1-:-,-=-52::-::3:-.2:::-:0
`PO Box 936158
`Atlanta, GA 31193-6158
`For credit card payments, please visit
`ABA Routing#: 121000248
`Beneficiary Account#: 4125126904
`Benefic iary Name: DTI
`Tax No: 58-2413793


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 29 of 101 PageID #: 26286
`Case 2:15—cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 29 of 101 PageID #: 26286


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 30 of 101 PageID #: 26287
`Pa e
`Sughrue Mion, PLLC
`2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20037-3202
`Terms: Due upon receipt
`Invoice Date:
`Our Order#:
`LA-11 0731-03
`Case No: 2:15·CV·1455WCB
`Allergan, Inc. vs Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
`Job Date: 01/06/17
`Deponent. Jonathan Kafer, 30 (8)(6)
`Production and Code Compliance-Ea-STD
`Deposition (Technical/Expert) Transcript-
`Interactive Realt1me-Pg-STD
`Delivery- Transcript-Ea-STD
`Exhibit Copying & Scannmg-B&W-Pg-STD
`Special Rates Apply
`Depo Location:
`100 S Saunders Road
`Su1te 150
`Lake Forest. IL 60045
`Thank You. Your Business is appreciated.
`$3 50
`$1 00
`$1 40
`$0 30
`$236 60
`$141 .30
`Sales Tax
`Total Invoice USD
`$1 ,278.40
`$1 ,278.40
`PO Box 936158
`Atlanta, GA 31193·6158
`For c redit card payments, please visit
`ABA Routing #: 121000248
`Beneficiary Account#: 4125126904
`Beneficiary Name: DTI
`Tax No: 58-2413793


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 31 of 101 PageID #: 26288
`Case 2:15—cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 31 of 101 PageID #: 26288


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 540-4 Filed 11/13/17 Page 32 of 101 PageID #: 26289
`Account Statement
`Outstanding Balance at 06 January 2017
`Payments Received
`January Invoice 1790-8302
`(.Quote Invoice 1790-8302)
`Statement Date:
`27 January 2017
`Account Number:
`Name Of Account: Sughrue Mion
`Center Name:
`Payment Due:
`IL, Lake Forest(cid:173)
`Landmark Conway Farms
`Due Immediately
`Recent payments may not yet be reflected In the above statement balance, please visit www.MyRegus.oom for
`the most up to date statement of your account.
`Please note that late payment fees will be applied to your account if payment is not received promptly.
`You can update your details by logging into
`If you flK:elve more than one Invoice please pay them separately so that we can ens

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