Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 284 Filed 02/28/17 Page 1 of 17 PageID #: 10575

`Case No. 2:15-cv-1455-WCB
` Case No. 2:16-cv-0401-WCB
` §

`Before the Court is the Opposed Motion to Amend the Stipulated Protective Order in
`Civil Action No. 2:16-cv-0401 as to Defendant Famy Care Limited Only, Dkt. No. 271, filed by
`defendant Famy Care Ltd. (“FCL”). FCL requests that the Protective Order governing the
`consolidated case be amended in FCL’s individual case to allow two non-attorneys to view
`material that the plaintiff Allergan, Inc., designated “Confidential.” FCL has also filed
`Defendant Famy Care Limited’s Motion for In-Person Hearing, Dkt. No. 283, which requests an
`in-court hearing on its motion to amend the protective order. Plaintiff Allergan, Inc., also
`opposes this motion. Dkt. No. 283, at 4. The Court DENIES both motions.


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`On August 24, 2015, Allergan filed Case No. 2:15-cv-1455 against Teva Pharmaceuticals
`USA, Inc.; Akorn, Inc.; Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; and Mylan, Inc. Allergan filed a separate
`action against Innopharma, Inc., on September 8, 2015. Allergan, Inc. v. Innopharma, Inc., Case
`No. 2:15-cv-1504 (E.D. Tex.). That case was consolidated with the previous action on October
`29, 2015. Id., Dkt. No. 20.
`On January 4, 2016, the Court entered a protective order agreed upon by the parties that
`were then party to the consolidated case. Dkt. No. 86.1 Under that protective order, the parties
`may designate as “Confidential” any material “that a Producing Party believes in good faith can
`be disclosed to select employees or agents of a Receiving Party . . . solely for the purposes set
`forth herein without substantial risk of harm to the Producing Party.” Id. at 3. In defining
`“Confidential” information, the order provides:
`Examples of such information include, but are not limited to: trade secrets or
`other confidential research, development, commercial, proprietary, non-public,
`technical, business, financial, patent prosecution, sensitive, or private information,
`including any approved or unapproved New Drug Application (NDA) or
`Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) that purports to cover a product
`involved in this suit and any amendments thereto, or any correspondence with the
`FDA regarding same. The term also includes extremely sensitive confidential
`information that a Producing Party believes in good faith: (i) creates a substantial
`risk of harm to the Producing Party if disclosed to select employees or agents of a
`Receiving Party . . . ; (ii) is necessary to protect the privacy interests of an
`individual; or (iii) is subject to an express obligation of confidentiality owed by
`the Producing Party to a third party.
`Id. Access to Confidential information is restricted to the receiving party’s outside counsel and
`“up to three In-House counsel per group of affiliated parties and each counsel’s clerical staff and
`paralegals.” Id. at 8.
`1 “Dkt. No.” citations refer to Case No. 2:15-cv-1455, unless otherwise noted.


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`Allergan sued FCL on April 12, 2016, and Allergan and FCL jointly moved to
`consolidate the case with the previously instituted action, No. 2:15-cv-1455 (lead case). See
`Case No. 2:16-cv-401, Dkt. Nos. 1, 29. The joint motion to consolidate did not mention the
`protective order entered in the lead case. Id., Dkt. No. 29. Neither did the subsequent
`consolidation order entered on June 16, 2016. Dkt. No. 140.
`The parties, including FCL, engaged in discovery under the existing protective order
`through February 10, 2017, with expert discovery continuing through May 16, 2017. See Dkt.
`No. 269, at 2. FCL, for example, “was providing accelerated fact discovery” during the summer
`of 2016. Dkt. No. 271, at 4 (FCL served initial disclosures as well as noninfringement and
`invalidity contentions in July 2016, and produced documents to Allergan on June 6 and June 20,
`It appears that FCL first proposed allowing non-attorneys access to Confidential
`information on October 31, 2016. Dkt. No. 271-5; compare Dkt. No. 271-4 (email from FCL’s
`counsel to Allergan’s counsel on September 9, 2016, states, without further explanation, that
`FCL would “like to discuss a modification to the protective order” at a future date). FCL
`requested that Ms. Minaksi Bhatt, an attorney and Vice President of Intellectual Property at
`Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., (collectively, together with Lupin Ltd., “LPI”), as well as Ms.
`Rachita Naidu and Mr. Manish Mundra, two non-attorneys in LPI’s Intellectual Property
`Management Group, be designated as FCL’s three “In-House counsel” representatives.2 Dkt.
`No. 271, at 1-2.
`2 FCL represents that it entered into an agreement with LPI granting LPI the authority to
`supervise and control the litigation, and therefore proposes LPI personnel as “In-House counsel.”
`Dkt. No. 271, at 1 n.3. (FCL is the ANDA-holder; LPI will act as FCL’s United States
`distributor. Id.) Allergan has not opposed FCL’s motion to amend the protective order on this


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`In nearly identical declarations, Ms. Naidu and Mr. Mundra averred that LPI’s
`Intellectual Property Management Group, of which they are a part, “supervises FCL’s litigation
`counsel in this case,” and that they review FCL’s filings, contentions, and discovery responses,
`and will review FCL’s expert reports. Dkt. No. 271-10, at 3; Dkt. No. 217-11, at 3. They also
`state that their “responsibilities at Lupin are limited to management of intellectual property and
`patent litigation,” explaining that they “track patent litigations, provide updates on those
`litigations to management, and . . . communicate with other groups about those litigations,”
`while limiting those communications “to information already in the public domain.” Id.
`Allergan agreed to treat Ms. Bhatt as “In-House counsel” under the protective order but
`objected to treating Ms. Naidu and Mr. Mundra in that manner, because they are not attorneys.
`As revealed by FCL’s briefing of its motion to modify the protective order, LPI has another in-
`house attorney, Ms. Kathryn Jones, who works with Ms. Bhatt but whom FCL has not proposed
`to serve as “In-House counsel” under the protective order. See Dkt. No. 279-3.
`I. Legal Standard
`The parties disagree about the proper legal standard for the Court to apply to this disputed
`issue. FCL contends that it never agreed to have the existing protective order govern the
`consolidated cases and that Allergan bears the burden of proving that the existing protective
`order should apply to FCL. Allergan, meanwhile, argues that the existing protective order
`applies to all of the parties in the consolidated cases and that FCL bears the burden of showing
`good cause to amend that protective order as it applies to FCL.
`Even though FCL’s case was consolidated after the protective order had been entered in
`the lead case, that does not mean that FCL’s case is not governed by the protective order. As


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`stated in the consolidation order, FCL’s separate case would “remain[] active for venue
`determinations and trial,” but the case against FCL was otherwise “consolidated for all pretrial
`issues (except venue) with the Lead Case.” Dkt. No. 140, at 1. The “parties [were] instructed to
`file any future filings (except relating to venue) in the Lead Case.” Id. In other words, venue
`and trial were carved out, but the FCL case was consolidated for all other purposes.
`Furthermore, FCL did not object to the protective order for more than four months after
`consolidation. Meanwhile, FCL and Allergan were engaged in discovery and were producing a
`large volume of documents pursuant to the existing protective order. See, e.g., Dkt. No. 271, at 4
`(FCL made two document productions to Allergan in July 2016). Allergan, in particular,
`produced more than 1.5 million pages of documents under the terms of the protective order. Dkt.
`No. 278, at 7. For months, FCL accepted Allergan’s productions under the protective order and
`gave no reason for the parties to behave otherwise. Its contention that the protective order
`should be modified in its case comes late and ignores the prior proceedings in the case.
`Thus, after successfully moving to consolidate the cases for all pretrial issues but venue,
`FCL accepted discovery on the same terms as the other defendants without objection. The
`consolidation order and FCL’s conduct establish that the parties have treated the existing
`protective order as applicable to the entire consolidated case, including FCL’s individual case.
`FCL’s current motion is therefore properly viewed not as an opposition to the entry of a
`protective order under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c), but as a request to modify the existing one.
`FCL argues that Allergan should bear the burden of showing good cause to maintain the
`existing protective order in effect as to FCL even if, consistent with the title of FCL’s motion,
`FCL is viewed as moving to amend the current protective order. According to FCL, the
`nonmoving party always has the burden of showing good cause when the moving party


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`challenges a blanket protective order—i.e., an order that allows the producing party to determine
`the confidentiality designation of its documents. See United States v. Ocwen Loan Serv’g, No.
`4:12-CV-543, 2016 WL 278968, at *3, *4 (E.D. Tex. Jan. 22, 2016) (citing In re Enron Corp.
`Sec., Derivative, & ERISA Litig., No. MDL-1446, 2009 WL 3247432, at *3 (S.D. Tex. Sept. 29,
`FCL’s position is based on an incorrect reading of the case law. The nonmoving party
`does not always bear the burden of defending a blanket protective order; rather, the nonmoving
`party bears the burden of defending its designations if the moving party challenges the good
`cause basis for the document designations. See In re Enron, 2009 WL 3247432, at *3 (“Such
`blanket orders are inherently subject to challenge and modification, as the party resisting
`disclosure generally has not made a particularized showing of good cause with respect to any
`individual document.”).3
`Here, FCL is not challenging the good cause basis for Allergan’s confidentiality
`designations, or even the good cause basis for a two-tier protective order. Indeed, FCL
`repeatedly argues that its proposed modification permitting access to non-attorneys will preserve
`Allergan’s “Confidential” designations and not result in further disclosure or use. See Dkt. No.
`271, at 6 (“FCL accepts the existing Order (Dkt. No. 86) except for this dispute over Section
`5(a)(ii) (and the related definitions), governing the access of in-house employees to confidential
`materials.”). Clearly, FCL is challenging only the good cause for limiting access to these
`documents to in-house non-attorney employees. As the movant on that issue, FCL bears the
`burden of showing good cause for the modification.
`3 In fact, until mid-January 2017, FCL itself designated “every document it produced
`‘Confidential.’” Dkt. No. 279, at 1.


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`The Court also notes that, to the extent FCL argues that the protective order does not
`control, this district’s Local Patent Rule 2-2 would apply. That Rule provides:
`If any document or information produced under these Patent Local Rules is
`deemed confidential by the producing party and if the Court has not entered a
`protective order, until a protective order is issued by the Court, the document shall
`be marked “confidential” . . . by the disclosing party and disclosure of the
`confidential document or information shall be limited to each party’s outside
`attorney(s) of record and the employees of such outside attorney(s).
`If a party is not represented by an outside attorney, disclosure of the confidential
`document or information shall be limited to one designated “in house” attorney[.]
`If FCL were correct that the existing protective order does not apply, then it would now be
`operating under the Local Rule, which allows only outside counsel to access “Confidential”
`material and is much more restrictive than the existing protective order in the consolidated cases.
`In any event, for the reasons set forth below, the Court concludes that FCL has not shown any
`adequate reason to modify the access provision of the existing protective order, as it applies to
`II. FCL Has Not Shown Good Cause to Modify the Protective Order
`The Court has “broad discretion in entering and modifying [a protective] order.”
`Raytheon v. Indigo Sys. Corp., No. 4:07-cv-109, 2008 WL 4371679, at *2 (E.D. Tex. Sept. 18,
`2008). When “deciding whether to modify a stipulated protective order at the behest of a party
`that originally agreed to the order . . . , the court considers four factors: (1) the nature of the
`protective order, (2) the foreseeability, at the time of the issuance of the order, of the
`modification requested, (3) the parties’ reliance on the order, and most significantly (4) whether
`good cause exists for modification.” United States v. Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at
`*2 (quoting Raytheon, 2008 WL 4371679, at *2) (internal quotation marks omitted).


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`A. Nature of the Protective Order
`The “nature” of the protective order refers to “its scope and whether it was court imposed
`or stipulated to by the parties.” Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at *2. Here, the relevant
`“scope” of the existing protective order is the provision limiting access to three in-house counsel
`(and clerical staff and paralegals). The undisputed definition in the protective order of
`“Confidential information” is “trade secrets or other confidential research, development,
`commercial, proprietary, non-public, technical, business, financial, patent prosecution, sensitive,
`or private information.” Dkt. No. 86, at 3. The definition also includes “extremely sensitive
`confidential information that . . . (i) creates a substantial risk of harm to the Producing Party if
`disclosed to select employees or agents of a Receiving Party . . . ; (ii) is necessary to protect the
`privacy interests of an individual; or (iii) is subject to an express obligation of confidentiality” to
`a third party. Id.
`Under this definition, restricting access to attorneys is reasonable. FCL argues that its
`proposed non-attorney designees do not present a risk of disclosure and will sign statements
`agreeing to this Court’s jurisdiction and to abide by the prospective restrictions imposed by the
`protective order on in-house counsel with access to confidential material. See Dkt. No. 271-10,
`at 3-4 (citing Dkt. No. 86, at 8); Dkt. No. 271-10, at 3-4 (same). Regardless of those promises,
`however, those individuals are not attorneys, and that distinction matters. As the Federal Circuit
`stated in U.S. Steel Corp. v. United States, 730 F.2d 1465, 1468 (Fed. Cir. 1984), in the context
`of access to and handling of confidential material, “retained” and “in-house” counsel are both
`“officers of the court, are bound by the same Code of Professional Responsibility, and are
`subject to the same sanctions.” See also Round Rock Res., LLC v. Dell Inc., No. 4:11-CV-332,
`2012 WL 1848672, at (E.D. Tex. Apr. 11, 2012) (relying on U.S. Steel Corp. “[i]n determining


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`whether a protective order should bar one party’s attorney access to information”) (emphasis
`added). FCL’s proposed non-attorney designees are not officers of the court, are not bound by
`the same Code of Professional Responsibility, and are not subject to the same sanctions. They
`cannot be disbarred or disciplined in the same way, and therefore they do not face similarly
`serious consequences for breach of the protective order. And while the proposed non-attorneys
`may agree to submit to the Court’s jurisdiction, the Court is aware that it may have limited or no
`enforcement power over the designees (who are located in India), and over Allergan’s documents
`once they are sent abroad for review.
`FCL nevertheless emphasizes that its proposed non-attorneys have been granted access to
`documents of some level of confidentiality in other actions by agreed stipulation, e.g., Dkt. No.
`271-13, and both non-attorneys declare that they have never been accused of improper
`disclosure, Dkt. No. 271-10, at 4; Dkt. No. 271-11, at 4. But Allergan is not solely concerned
`with the character and intent of these non-attorneys; it is also concerned with the risk of
`inadvertent disclosure. See U.S. Steel, 730 F.2d at 1468 (“To the extent that [inadvertent
`disclosure] may be predicted, and cannot adequately be forestalled in the design of a protective
`order, it may be a factor in the access decision.”).
`It is unclear whether the non-attorneys are personally involved in competitive
`decisionmaking, but both state that they provide “updates to management.” Dkt. No. 271-10, at
`3; Dkt. No. 271-11, at 3. At a minimum, that characterization of their responsibilities suggests
`that the non-attorneys are working closely with those involved in competitive decisionmaking.
`For those reasons, and because LPI has in-house attorneys, the Court concludes that FCL has
`failed to show the protective order is overly broad to the extent that it restricts access to retained
`and in-house attorneys. Compare PACid Group, LLC v. Apple, Inc., No. 6:09-cv-143, 2010 WL


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`10094684, at *4 (E.D. Tex. Feb. 19, 2010) (finding absence of good cause for a protective order
`restricting access to confidential materials by plaintiff’s counsel, because a “reason to believe”
`that outside counsel was a competitive decisionmaker “cannot be the basis for restricting an
`ongoing attorney-client relationship.”) (emphasis added).
`In addition, the Court considers FCL’s willingness to date to litigate this case under the
`existing protective order, which weighs against modification. See Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016
`WL 278968, at *3 (collecting cases reasoning similarly and concluding that “the parties agreed
`to the protective order; and therefore, that factor weighs against modification.”).
`B. Foreseeability of the Modification Requested
`Parties that agree to a protective order are responsible for its terms; thus, a “party’s
`oversight in not negotiating a provision in a protective order considering a matter which should
`have been reasonably foreseeable at the time of the agreement has been held not to constitute
`good cause for the relief from the protective order.” Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at
`*3. FCL was not a party to the case at the time the protective order was entered. However, FCL
`knew before August 2015 that LPI had the authority to supervise its case. See Dkt. No. 271-3, at
`3 (LPI had agreed to supervise FCL’s case before August 2015). FCL now seeks a modification
`that would allow LPI in-house employees to review Allergan’s confidential information, a desire
`that was foreseeable at the time FCL’s case was consolidated—i.e., at the time FCL accepted the
`protective order as governing. See Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at *3 (finding that
`this factor weighed against modification because the movant’s desire “to review the evidence
`obtained in the litigation” was foreseeable “at the time [the parties] negotiated and agreed to the
`Protective Order.”). This factor cuts against FCL.


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`C. The Parties’ Reliance on the Protective Order
`“The reliance factor focuses on the extent to which the party opposing the modification
`relied on the protective order in deciding the manner in which documents would be produced in
`discovery.” Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at *3. It is “‘presumptively unfair’ to
`modify protective orders which assure confidentiality and upon which the parties have
`reasonably relied.” Id.
`Allergan made huge documentary productions under the governing protective order, and
`FCL made no objection to the applicability of the protective order to the discovery proceedings
`until the end of October 2016. Allergan made its designations in reliance on the terms of the
`two-tier protective order that provides only two options: either no designation, or a
`“Confidential” designation. In other words, instead of multiple tiers of confidentiality (e.g.,
`“Confidential,” “Highly Confidential,” “Attorneys’ Eyes Only,” etc.), the existing protective
`order allows for only one enhanced level of protection (“Confidential”). This enhanced level
`encompasses both “trade secrets or other confidential [information]” as well as “extremely
`sensitive confidential information.”
`Allergan agreed to the simplified two-tiered protective order with the understanding that
`its highly sensitive documents could be viewed by in-house attorneys, but not in-house non-
`attorneys. The protective order is therefore distinguishable from nearly all of the protective
`orders FCL cites from other cases in which its non-attorney designees have been granted access
`to confidential information. See Dkt. No. 271-12 (stipulated protective order allowed access to
`all “confidential” information, but not all “highly sensitive” or “confidential health”
`information); Dkt. No. 271-13 (stipulated protective order allowed access to “confidential” but
`not “highly sensitive” information); Dkt. No. 271-15 (same); Dkt. No. 271-17 (same); Dkt. No.


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`271-18 (stipulated protective order allowed access to “proprietary” and “highly proprietary” but
`not “outside counsel only” information); see also, e.g., Dkt. Nos. 271-21 and 271-22 (Lupin
`proposes providing in-house non-attorneys access to “confidential,” not “highly confidential,”
`information under a two-tiered protective order).
`It would be unfair to penalize Allergan now, when discovery is nearly complete, for
`relying on the existing two-tier protective order. See Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at
`*3 (“The Court finds that the end of the discovery period, after the parties have relied upon the
`Protective Order to produce documents in the case, is not the appropriate time to dispute the
`Protective Order, into which the parties jointly entered.”). This factor also cuts against FCL.
`D. Existence of Good Cause for the Modification
`Good cause “requires changed circumstances or new situations warranting modification
`of a protective order.” Ocwen Loan Serv’g, 2016 WL 278968, at *4 (internal quotation marks
`omitted). “[T]he [C]ourt must weigh [the moving] party’s need for modification against the
`other party’s need for protection, and ought to factor in the availability of alternatives to better
`achieve both sides’ goals.” Id. (quoting Peoples v. Aldine Indep. Sch. Dist., No. 06-2818, 2008
`WL 2571900, at *3 (S.D. Tex. June 19, 2008)). FCL presents no evidence of changed
`circumstances or new situations, as it knew of LPI’s supervisory obligations at the time of
`Regarding alternatives, FCL states that it “will agree that no Allergan manufacturing or
`process information may be disclosed to the [non-attorney] designees.” Dkt. No. 279, at 5. In
`light of Allergan’s reliance on the protective order in making its designations, this is not
`particularly helpful. FCL’s proposal would impose a three-tier protective order retroactively,
`4 If anything, the “new information” that LPI has at least two in-house counsel weighs
`against modification.


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`after Allergan’s production of 1.5 million documents. Worse, Allergan would bear the costs of
`the modification, as it would need to review the documents it has previously designated
`“Confidential” and re-designate them as either “Confidential” or “Manufacturing/Process
`Allergan, meanwhile, proposes a compromise modification that “(1) [FCL]’s non-
`attorney litigation managers could access briefs and expert reports submitted in this case, but not
`the underlying Confidential documents cited in those briefs or attached as exhibits; (2) to the
`extent [FCL]’s non-attorney litigation managers want to view Confidential documents, including
`those cited in briefs or expert reports, they could view them in the United States, but those
`documents would not be permitted to leave the country, either physically or electronically.” Dkt.
`No. 280, at 1-2 n.1. The Court accepts Allergan’s proposal as a reasonable accommodation of
`FCL’s needs.
`FCL has not established the necessity of any greater modification of the protective order.
`This is not the situation, presented by some of the cases FCL cites (e.g., Dkt. Nos. 271-14, 271-
`16, 271-19, 271-20, and 271-21), where no in-house counsel exist. Here, LPI has at least two:
`Ms. Minaksi Bhatt and Ms. Kathryn Jones. See Dkt. No. 279-3, at 3. Ms. Bhatt states that LPI’s
`litigation docket of 22 U.S. and 11 international patent actions is too heavy for her and Ms. Jones
`to “effectively manage . . . on a daily basis.” Id. While those attorneys may be busy, the
`protective order allows for access by attorneys’ clerical and paralegal staff, where responsibility
`would still lie with the attorney.
`Like the court in Cosmo Technologies Ltd. v. Lupin Ltd., this “Court is not persuaded
`that [FCL] will be unfairly disadvantaged if non-attorney staff, who lack the same professional
`obligations and are more likely involved in competitive decisionmaking, are prohibited from


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`accessing such information.” Dkt. No. 278-4 (concluding that plaintiff had “met its burden to
`show that its proposed limitation [restricting access to confidential materials to attorneys] is
`warranted”). FCL’s attempt to use the designated attorney’s workload to shift the responsibility
`to non-attorneys in an entirely different division of the company would substantively change the
`game. See U.S. Steel, 730 F.2d at 1468. In any event, Allergan’s proposed compromise relieves
`the designated attorney of certain burdens the attorney would otherwise bear, to the extent FCL
`wishes to exercise that option.
`Finally, FCL complains that the volume of sealed filings hampers its non-attorney
`supervisors’ ability to perform their duties and requires them to engage in onerous redaction
`proceedings with Allergan’s counsel. But, first, this redaction process is already required for
`anything designated Confidential by another defendant. See Dkt. No. 86, at 7. Second, and
`more importantly, the Court has required the parties to file public redacted versions, as required
`by law. Dkt. No. 208 (Sealing Order); see also Dkt. No. 86 at 12 (provision regarding redacted
`filings of papers with protected material).
`On the other hand, Allergan points out a real risk of disclosure: the FDA has issued new
`bioequivalence standards, and Allergan’s documents could provide a basis for FCL to revise its
`ANDA for FDA approval. FCL states that any amendments it makes to its ANDA would not
`“escape notice,” and that the injury scenario is “wild speculation.” Dkt. No. 279, at 5.
`As to any ANDA amendments, Allergan is not arguing about its ability to detect
`disclosure; it is arguing that the protective order is intended to prevent it. As for Allergan’s
`injury scenario, FCL’s (and LPI’s) own behavior indicates that this is a real concern. FCL, like
`all of the other defendants, has agreed not to share any Confidential information with another
`defendant without express written consent. See Dkt. No. 86, at 7. Meanwhile, LPI has recently


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`stated in a different action that disclosure to in-house individuals (attorneys or otherwise) poses a
`danger of inadvertent disclosure in this context. LPI Letter Br., Shire Pharm. Dev. Inc. v. Lupin
`Ltd., No. 1:16-cv-612, Dkt. No. 38 at 1-2 (D. Md. Jan. 17, 2016) (Lupin objected to designating
`its ANDA as “confidential” instead of “highly confidential” because the former designation
`would allow it to be seen by in-house designees and “creates an unacceptable risk of inadvertent
`use or disclosure of information causing Lupin significant competitive harm.”).
`Because Allergan has shown a need for protection and FCL has not shown a need for
`modification of the existing protective order, this factor, like each of the others, cuts against
`For the reasons stated, the Court DENIES FCL’s motion to amend the existing protective
`order. However, the Court accepts Allergan’s compromise approach as a basis for an agreed-
`upon modification to the protective order. If the parties agree upon the modifications proposed
`by Allergan, they may submit a new version of the protective order, modified as proposed by
`Allergan, for the Court’s endorsement.
`III. FCL Has Provided No Justification for or Right to an In-Person Hearing
`FCL also moves for an in-court hearing on its motion to amend, but has provided no
`reason for the Court to believe that an in-person hearing is needed. FCL’s motion merely states
`that “FCL—and particularly Lupin—are frequent defendants in Hatch-Waxman cases throughout
`the United States, and are greatly concerned with the potential implications of the outcome of the
`Motion.” Dkt. No. 283, at 2. Parties are often concerned with the outcome of particular
`motions, but the degree of a party’s concern is not a reason to hold a hearing. Particularly for
`motions such as this one, where there are no live witnesses and no additional evidence for the
`Court to hear beyond what has been submitted, a hearing is often unnecessary. The Local Rules


`Case 2:15-cv-01455-WCB Document 284 Filed 02/28/17 Page 16 of 17 PageID #: 10590
`of this district provide that “the allowance of an oral hearing shall be within the sole discretion of
`the judge to whom the motion is assigned.” Local Rule CV-7(g). For the following reasons, the
`Court in this case exercises its discretion not to order an oral hearing on FCL’s motion to modify
`the protective order.
`Holding an in-court hearing on the issue raised by FCL would place scheduling burdens
`on the attorneys forced to attend and would impose unnecessary costs on both sides. FCL states
`that it is willing to bear the costs, but Allergan, in opposing the motion, indicates that it is not.
`Furthermore, FCL “anticipates that, at most, such a hearing would require no more than an hour
`of the Court’s time.” Dkt. No. 283, at 2. The Court will not order an unwilling party to pay
`travel costs and for attorney preparation and in-court time for such a short hearing, with no
`witnesses, and in which full briefing has alrea

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