Case 2:15-cv-00225-JRG-RSP Document 60-4 Filed 09/28/15 Page 1 of 44 PageID #: 1002
`Exhibit ZTE-CC-CMU
`O’Hallaron, David R., Ph.D.
`Lecture 3, 20-755: The Internet Summer 1999

`Case 2:15-cv-00225-JRG-RSP Document 60-4 Filed 09/28/15 Page 2 of 44 PageID #: 1003
`20-755: The Internet
`Lecture 3: Computer Systems II
`David O’Hallaron
`School of Computer Science and
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Institute for eCommerce, Summer 1999

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`Today’s lecture
`• Input/Output (I/O) (50 min)
`• Break (10 min)
`• Copenhefer’s blunder (50 min)
`– Case studies in computer crime and forensics

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`The I/O subsystem
`(except the network)
`Serial port
`Parallel port
`IDE disk
`Local/IO Bus
`SCSI bus

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`• A bus is a shared medium
`that connects the processor,
`memory, and I/O devices
`• Consists of control and
`data/address wires
`– control: requests, acks, type of
`data (address or data)
`– data lines: data, addresses
`– address lines (optional): address
`• Only one device at a time

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`Bus types
`• Processor-memory bus
`– short, fast, proprietary
`– fixed number of devices with known performance
`• I/O bus
`– longer, slower, open
`– unknown number of devices with different performance
`» disk: 5 MB/s
`» 4x CDROM: 640 KB/s
`– Examples: SCSI II, PCI, ISA, EISA

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`PCI bus layout

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`Display screen

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`Raster scan

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`Frame buffer (grayscale)
`Key ideas: The frame buffer is just an area
`of memory that can be read and written.

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`The RGB color space

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` 1014
`Frame buffer with color map

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`Display performance
`• The quality of a display is measured by its
`resolution, which is the number of rows and
`columns of pixels.
`– e.g., 640x480 (640 rows, 480 columns)
`• Modern displays support multiple resolutions.
`• The size of a display is measured by the size
`in inches (like a TV).
`– e.g., 17”
`• Each pixel requires 1-4 bytes of display
`memory on the display controller.

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`Magnetic Disks

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`Disk Capacity
`• Parameter 18 GB Example
`– Number Platters : 12
`– Surfaces / Platter: 2
`– Number of tracks: 6962
`– Number sectors / track: 213
`– Bytes / sector: 512
`• Total Bytes

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`Disk Operation
`• Operation
`– Read or write complete sector
`• Seek
`– Position head over proper track
`– Typically 6-9 ms
`• Rotational Latency
`– Wait until desired sector passes under head
`– Worst case: complete rotation
`10,025 RPM ⇒ 6 ms
`• Read or Write Bits
`– Transfer rate depends on # bits per track and rotational speed
`– E.g., 213 * 512 bytes @10,025RPM = 18 MB/sec.
`– Modern disks have external transfer rates of up to 80 MB/sec
`» DRAM caches on disk help sustain these higher rates

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`(1) Initiate Sector Read
`(3) Read
`Memory-I/O bus
`Disk / System Interface
`• 1. Processor Signals
`– Read sector X and store
`starting at memory address Y
`• 2. Read Occurs
`– “Direct Memory Access”
`(DMA) transfer
`– Under control of disk
`• 3. Disk Controller
`Signals Completion
`– Interrupts processor
`– Can resume suspended
`(2) DMA Transfer

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` 1020
`Disk performance
`• Disk size is given by the diameter of the surface
`– e.g., 3 1/2 “ or 5 1/4”
`• Disk capacity is given by number of bytes
`– e.g., 500 MB, 1GB
`• Disk speed is given by seek time and throughput
`– seek time: average time for the read/write head to move from
`one track to another track in milliseconds (1/1000 seconds).
`» e.g., typical seek time is 10 milliseconds.
`– throughput: once the read/write head is positioned correctly,
`throughput is the number of MBytes that can be transferred
`each second.
`» e.g., typical throughput is 1 MByte/second.

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` 1021
`Storage Trends
`access (ns)
`19,200 2,900
`access (ns)
`typical size(MB) 0.064
`access (ms)
`typical size(MB) 1
`(Culled from back issues of Byte and PC Magazine)

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`Storage Price: $/MB

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`Storage Access Times (nsec)

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` 1024
`Processor clock rates
`typical clock(MHz) 1
`Pentium P-II
`culled from back issues of Byte and PC Magazine

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`The CPU vs. DRAM Latency Gap (ns)

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` 1026
`I/O Summary
`• Key concept:
`– data travels between the processor, memory, and other
`I/O devices over a shared medium called a bus (not too
`unlike an ethernet)
`• For both DRAMs and magnetic disks, cost per
`MB is decreasing much faster than access
`– falling way behind processor speeds.

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` 1027
`Break time! (10 min)

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` 1028
`Today’s lecture
`• Input/Output (I/O) (50 min)
`• Break (10 min)
`• Copenhefer’s blunder (50 min)
`– Case studies in computer crime and forensics

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` 1029
`Copenhefer’s Blunder:
`Case studies in computer crime
`and computer forensics
`• Copenhefer capital murder case
`• Steele mail fraud case

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` 1030
`Copenhefer capital murder case
`• June 17, 1988 (Erie, PA)
`– Sally Weiner, wife of bank executive Harry Weiner, is
`kidnapped, held for ransom, and then murdered before
`the money can be delivered.
`• June 27, 1988 (Erie, PA)
`– State trooper notices computer-generated sign in the
`window of a bookstore owned by David Copenhefer that
`looks similar to the ransom note. Becomes the basis for a
`search warrant.
`– Police obtain warrant, and the FBI finds deleted versions
`of the ransom note and the murder plan on the disk
`drives in the PC’s in the bookstore and Copenhefer’s
`• May, 1989 (Pittsburgh, PA)
`– Copenhefer sentenced to die.
`– Still in the appeals process (1997).

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`How did he get caught?
`• He didn’t understand the PC’s DOS
`– The data in a deleted file is still on the disk!
`• The FBI knew this and searched the tracks of
`the disk for the character string “exactely”, a
`misspelling that appears several times in the
`ransom note.
`• In 1994, I examined both of Copenhefer’s
`computers as an expert witness to the
`Commonwealth of PA , “undeleted” the
`ransom note, and printed it out.

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` 1032
`DOS File System
`• The disk is treated as a linear sequence of n
`“logical sectors”, each 512 bytes in length:
`– sector 0, sector 1, sector 2, ...., sector n-2, sector n-1

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`DOS Disk Map

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`Directory entries
`• The eight parts of a directory entry
`– filename (8 bytes) e.g., report.doc
`– filename extension (3 bytes) e.g., report.doc
`– attribute (1 byte) e.g., file or directory, read only or
`– unused (10 bytes)
`– time (2 bytes)
`– date (2 bytes)
`– starting sector number (2 bytes)
`– file size (4 bytes)

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` 1035
`File Allocation Table (FAT)
`• The FAT is a sequence of 16 bit entries. The
`ith FAT entry corresponds to the ith logical
`disk sector.
`• The values of the entries form a chain that
`shows which logical sectors contain the
`data in a file or directory entry. “9999” ends
`the chain.
`6 9999

`Case 2:15-cv-00225-JRG-RSP Document 60-4 Filed 09/28/15 Page 35 of 44 PageID #:
` 1036
`Deleting a file
`• When a file is deleted, the first word in the directory
`is changed to a special character (we’ll call it ‘α’) and
`the fat chain is cleared. However, data is intact.

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` 1037
`Recovering a deleted file
`• Look for occurances of ‘α’ to find
`deleted directories. Use starting sector
`and size fields in directory and assume
`contiguous sector allocation to recover
`the file data.

`Case 2:15-cv-00225-JRG-RSP Document 60-4 Filed 09/28/15 Page 37 of 44 PageID #:
` 1038
`Steele mail fraud case
`• March 6, 1993 (Pittsburgh, PA)
`– Phil McCalister, disgruntled associate at Pgh law firm
`Steele & Hoffman, after watching the movie "The Firm",
`copies school board billing records from firm's laptops
`onto some diskettes, then resigns.
`• July 29, 1993
`– McCalister hands over 4 diskettes to postal instpectors
`as evidence of systematic overbilling of school systems
`by Charlie Steele, managing partner of Steele & Hoffman.
`• September, 1996
`– I'm asked by defense to determine if the 4 diskettes are
`the originals from March 6, 1993 (they weren't).
`• December, 1996
`– Despite brilliant testimony by the computer expert
`witness, Charlie Steele convicted of mail fraud and
`sentenced to 3 years in federal pen and $80,000 fine.

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`Internal fragmentation in DOS files

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`How slack takes a picture of a
`disk when a file is copied (1)

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` 1041
`How slack takes a picture of a
`disk when a file is copied (2)

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` 1042
`How slack takes a picture of a
`disk when a file is copied (3)

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` 1043
`Federal diskette F1 is not an original
`Cluster 1,789, Sector 1,820 [F1:1991-$.IN C1638-1789]
`Name .Ext Size Date Time Cluster Arc R/O Sys Hid Dir Vol
`... YS 33430 11-11-91 5:00 am 2 R/O Sys Hid
`MSDOS SYS 37394 11-11-91 5:00 am 5419 R/O Sys Hid
`CONFIG SYS 57 10-26-92 8:47 am 8998 Arc
`AUTOEXEC BAT 24 10-26-92 8:47 am 8997 Arc
`DOS 0 3-22-93 4:40 pm 19 Dir
`WININST 0 3-22-93 4:41 pm 597 Dir
`WINDOWS 0 3-22-93 4:43 pm 3042 Dir
`COMMAND COM 47845 11-11-91 5:00 am 5429 Arc
`SCAN 0 3-22-93 4:50 pm 5570 Dir
`WINA20 386 9349 11-11-91 5:00 am 14
`HARCHLRD REG 1492 6-14-93 12:50 pm 5859 Arc
`ASP 0 3-23-93 11:59 am 6242 Dir
`DO 0 3-23-93 12:01 pm 6295 Dir
`GOLF 0 3-23-93 12:01 pm 6361 Dir
`LOTUS 0 5-07-93 4:32 pm 5341 Dir
`NORTON 0 3-23-93 12:04 pm 6977 Dir

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` 1044
`Federal diskette F2 is not an original
`Cluster 501, Sector 532 [F2:CRIMALDI C498-501]
`Name .Ext Size Date Time Cluster Arc R/O Sys Hid Dir Vol
`WP51 0 3-23-93 12:05 pm 7242 Dir
`XTALK 0 3-23-93 12:13 pm 8910 Dir
`KATHY REL 2239 6-14-93 1:20 pm 5869 Arc
`FRECOVER DAT 101376 3-24-93 11:29 am 8951 Arc R/O
`GO BAT 198 10-26-92 8:47 am 8966 Arc
`MENU BAT 947 10-26-92 8:47 am 8967 Arc
`SD INI 2497 10-26-92 8:47 am 8968 Arc
`XMENU EXE 5521 10-26-92 8:47 am 8969 Arc
`XMENU PIF 296 10-26-92 8:47 am 8971 Arc
`FRECOVER IDX 29 3-24-93 11:29 am 41442 Arc R/O Sys Hid
`?UMMINGS 4763 5-20-93 2:45 pm 6617 Arc
`?UMMINGS BK! 4664 5-19-93 8:18 pm 5895 Arc

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` 1045
`• Computer programs leave traces of
`• These traces can be recovered using simple
`understanding of systems basics.

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