Case 2:12-cv-00600-JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 1 of 16 PageID #: 8538
`HTC CORP., et al.,
` CASE NO. 2:11-CV-68-JRG
` CASE NO. 2:12-CV-600-JRG
` Member Case
`APPLE INC., et al.,
`Before the Court is Wi-LAN Inc.’s (“Wi-LAN”) Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law
`Under FRCP 50(b) or, in the Alternative, Motion for a New Trial Under FRCP 59 (Dkt. No. 635).
`In it, Wi-LAN moves the Court to overturn the jury’s verdict and find the asserted patent to be
`valid and to find that Apple Inc. (“Apple”) infringes both of the asserted claims as a matter of law.
`Wi-LAN filed this patent infringement action against Apple Inc. (“Apple”) on February 2,
`2011, accusing the iPhone and iPad devices of infringing claims 1 and 10 of U.S. Patent No.
`RE37,802 (“the ’802 patent”) by using certain industry standards in the field of wireless

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`technology. The Court held a seven-day jury trial beginning on October 15, 2013. The jury
`returned a unanimous verdict on October 23, 2013 finding that Apple does not infringe and that
`claims 1 and 10 of the ’802 patent are invalid. (See Jury Verdict, Dkt. No. 627.)
`Judgment as a matter of law is only appropriate when “a reasonable jury would not have a
`legally sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the party on that issue.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(a). “The
`grant or denial of a motion for judgment as a matter of law is a procedural issue not unique to
`patent law, reviewed under the law of the regional circuit in which the appeal from the district
`court would usually lie.” Finisar Corp. v. DirectTV Group, Inc., 523 F.3d 1323, 1332 (Fed. Cir.
`2008). The Fifth Circuit “uses the same standard to review the verdict that the district court used in
`first passing on the motion.” Hiltgen v. Sumrall, 47 F.3d 695, 699 (5th Cir. 1995). Thus, a jury
`verdict must be upheld, and judgment as a matter of law may not be granted, unless “there is no
`legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to find as the jury did.” Id. at 700. The
`jury’s verdict must be supported by “substantial evidence” in support of each element of the
`claims. Am. Home Assurance Co. v. United Space Alliance, 378 F.3d 482, 487 (5th Cir. 2004).
`A court reviews all evidence in the record and must draw all reasonable inferences in favor
`of the nonmoving party; however, a court may not make credibility determinations or weigh the
`evidence, as those are solely functions of the jury. See Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Prods., Inc.,
`530 U.S. 133, 150-51 (2000). The moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law “only if
`the evidence points so strongly and so overwhelmingly in favor of the nonmoving party that no
`reasonable juror could return a contrary verdict.” Int’l Ins. Co. v. RSR Corp., 426 F.3d 281, 296
`(5th Cir. 2005).

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`Under Rule 59(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a new trial can be granted to any
`party to a jury trial on any or all issues “for any reason for which a new trial has heretofore been
`granted in an action at law in federal court.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 59(a). “A new trial may be granted, for
`example, if the district court finds the verdict is against the weight of the evidence, the damages
`awarded are excessive, the trial was unfair, or prejudicial error was committed in its course.” Smith
`v. Transworld Drilling Co., 773 F.2d 610, 612-13 (5th Cir. 1985). The Court must view the
`evidence “in a light most favorable to the jury’s verdict, and [] the verdict must be affirmed unless
`the evidence points so strongly and overwhelmingly in favor of one party that the court believes
`that reasonable persons could not arrive at a contrary conclusion.” Dawson v. Wal-Mart Stores,
`Inc., 978 F.2d 205, 208 (5th Cir. 1992).
`Wi-LAN’s motion for judgment as a matter of law of no invalidity focuses on a specific
`means-plus-function claim limitation present in claims 1 and 10 of the ’802 patent. The element at
`issue is: “first computing means for operating on the plural sets of N data symbols to produce
`modulated data symbols corresponding to an invertible randomized spreading of the first stream of
`data symbols.”1 Pursuant to the parties’ agreement during the Markman hearing, the Court
`adopted the following function and corresponding structure.
`Function: “operating on the plural sets
`of N data symbols to produce
`modulated data symbols corresponding
`to an invertible randomized spreading
`of the first stream of data symbols”
`Corresponding Structure: “element 12
`of Figures 1 and 4, columns 2:6-10,
`2:36-40, 2:58-62, 4:2-12 and 4:35-44,
`and equivalents thereof”
`The parties both refer to both the means-plus-function limitations in the second element of claims 1 and 10 as
`“first computing means” in addressing this issue.

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`(See Claim Construction Order, Dkt. No. 302.)
`In this motion, the parties dispute two distinct issues.
`First, Wi-LAN generally contends that Apple presented insufficient evidence that the
`structure as construed by the Court exists in the prior art. Wi-LAN asserts that Apple’s expert
`witness, Dr. Acampora, only performed half of the invalidity analysis in opining that this
`means-plus-function element was disclosed by the prior art because he only found the “invertible
`randomized spreading” function to be met, but omitted any discussion of a structural comparison.
`Wi-LAN argues that a purely functional analysis of a means-plus-function limitation is
`insufficient to establish invalidity as a matter of law. In response, Apple asserts that both a
`functional and structural comparison was conducted during trial. Apple identified two instances
`during Dr. Acampora’s testimony where he demonstrated to the jury that the spread spectrum
`modulator structures (or its equivalents) were present in the Sasaki and Gilhousen prior art such
`that it satisfies the corresponding structure in the Court’s claim construction.
`Second, Wi-LAN asserts that a complex multiplier is a necessary part of the required
`structure of the “first computing means” element and any invalidity analysis is fatally incomplete
`if the prior art references do not disclose a complex multiplier. Apple disagrees, pointing out that
`the Court’s construction does not specifically identify a complex multiplier as a corresponding
`structure. Therefore, this question turns on whether a complex multiplier is a necessary part of the
`structure corresponding to the “first computing means.” If a complex multiplier is a required
`component, then the jury’s invalidity verdict cannot survive because it is undisputed that no
`evidence was presented to the jury showing that a complex multiplier existed in the prior art.

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`Apple presented sufficient evidence of corresponding structure
`The Court first evaluates whether Apple conducted a structural analysis of the
`means-plus-function element. In other words, whether Apple presented sufficient evidence that the
`prior art disclosed element 12 of Figures 1 and 4 or equivalents thereof—the corresponding
`structure as identified by the Court for the term “first computing means.”
`It is well-settled law that to prove anticipation of a means-plus-function limitation, a
`functional analysis alone will not suffice; the invalidity proponent must prove that the prior art
`discloses both the identical function and the particular corresponding structure that performs the
`function, or an equivalent thereof.2 Fresenius USA, Inc. v. Baxter Intern., Inc., 582 F.3d 1288,
`1299 (Fed. Cir. 2009). “Just as a patentee who seeks to prove infringement must provide a
`structural analysis by demonstrating that the accused device has the identified corresponding
`structure or an equivalent structure, a challenger who seeks
`to demonstrate
`that a
`means-plus-function limitation was present in the prior art must prove that the corresponding
`structure—or an equivalent—was present in the prior art.” Id. (citing In re Donaldson Co., 16 F.3d
`1339, 1361 (Fed. Cir. 1994)).
`Apple points to three instances in the record where Dr. Acampora explained that the
`“spread spectrum modulators” structures performed the “first computing means” in the Sasaki and
`Gilhousen references. (10/21/2013 PM Tr. at 102:21-103:11, 106:23-107:3, 116:25-117:25). From
`a reading of the trial transcript, Dr. Acampora was not specifically asked to compare the “element
`12 of Figures 1 and 4” structure to the Sasaki and Gilhousen prior art. However, the jury had the
`benefit of visual aids in the courtroom that was not captured by the written record. During his
`direct testimony on anticipation, Dr. Acampora referenced a slide presentation that clearly showed
`Apple only put forth an invalidity case based on anticipation.

`Case 2:12-cv-00600-JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 6 of 16 PageID #: 8543
`element 12 of Figure 1 from the ’802 patent (the corresponding structure) in a side-by-side
`comparison with images from both the Sasaki and Gilhousen prior art references. As a result, the
`record establishes that Dr. Acampora conducted both a functional and structural analysis of the
`means-plus-function element to find that the prior art reference is met.
`In addition, a claim chart showing the Court’s construction and a copy of the ’802 patent
`was provided to each juror in their juror notebooks. The Court’s charge specifically referred to
`those documents in instructing the jury on how to evaluate the means-plus-function claims:
`I will now instruct you about the meaning of the
`means-plus-function claim requirement. Remember that the Court’s
`claim chart tells you the function that is performed and the structure
`disclosed in the ’802 patent specification that corresponds to that function.
`To establish literal infringement of a claim that includes
`means-plus-function requirements, Wi-LAN must prove two things:
`the relevant structure in the accused device performs the identical
`function I identified in the claim construction chart found in your juror
`notebook, and
`the accused device employs a structure identical or equivalent to the
`structure described in the patent.
`(10/23/2013 AM Tr. at 42:21-43:10). Therefore, between the use of the visual presentation
`during Dr. Acampora’s testimony and the Court’s final instructions to the jury, the Court finds that
`Apple presented sufficient evidence that “element 12 of Figures 1 and 4,” the corresponding
`structure of the “first computing means,” was disclosed by the prior art.
`Complex multiplier is a required structure of “first computing means”
`The Court next evaluates whether a complex multiplier is a required structure for “first
`computing means” based on the Court’s construction. Apple points out that the Court’s
`construction does not explicitly identify a complex multiplier as a structure corresponding to the
`means-plus-function term. The complex multiplier was disclosed in Figure 8 of the ’802 patent and
`the Court found the corresponding structure of “first computing means” to be “element 12 of

`Case 2:12-cv-00600-JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 7 of 16 PageID #: 8544
`Figures 1 and 4, columns 2:6-10, 2:36-40, 2:58-62, 4:2-12 and 4:35-44, and equivalents thereof.”
`Figure 8 was not included. Nevertheless, Wi-LAN argues that throughout the trial, both sides took
`the position that the complex multiplier found in Figure 8 was necessarily included in the Court’s
`construction. As support for this argument, Wi-LAN relies on the direct examination testimony of
`Apple’s expert witness, Dr. Acampora.
`Okay. How many multipliers would be in the patent?
`Okay. So in the patent, we would have -- each of these would need
`to be a complex multiplier to perform invertible randomized spreading. This is one
`of the structures that the Court identified as being that which corresponds to
`the first computing means.
`(10/21/2013 PM Tr. at 91:8-14). Further, Dr. Acampora agreed that the complex multiplier
`in Figure 8 is a part of the transforms that are in Figures 4 and 1, the Court-identified
`corresponding structure for the “first computing means.”
`Q. Along with the randomizer transform. Those transform -- the
`randomizer transform in Figure 8 is part of the transforms that are in Figure
`4 and Figure 1 of the patent, correct?
`That is correct.
`Okay. Now, randomizing transform is a complex randomizer, right?
`It is.
`The one in Figure 8 of the patent is a -- well, we call it sometimes a
`complex multiplier, right?
`That’s correct.
`Sir, when you were up here and sketching out on these drawings,
`didn’t you tell the jury -- I wrote it down. You said that the randomizer transform is
`part of the Figure 1 first computing means.

`Case 2:12-cv-00600-JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 8 of 16 PageID #: 8545
`And you said the randomizer transform is part of the Figure 4 first
`computing means.
`And Sasaki does not use a randomizer transform of the type
`described in the ’802 patent, Figure 8, does it?
`That’s correct.
`There’s only one randomizer transform in the ’802 patent that’s
`described, correct?
`There’s only one described. It’s Figure 8, which shows a bunch of
`complex multipliers.
`(Id. at 139:12-22, 195:12-196:2). Dr. Acampora’s opinion is also consistent with the
`testimony from Wi-LAN’s expert witness, Dr. Orsak.
`And it’s your opinion that the computing means of Claim 1 as
`described in Figure 1 requires Figures 3 and 8, correct?
`Those codes are specifically from Figure 3. That is correct. And
`Figure 3 must produce codes that spread and randomize in this case, and the only
`transform that performs randomization provided by the inventors is the randomizer
`transform, which is, as we just talked about, in Figure 8.
`(Cross-examination 10/16/2013 AM Tr. at 91:12-20; see also direct examination of Dr.
`Orsak, 10/15/2013 PM Tr. at 34:2-37:21 (sealed)). Consequently, although the Court’s
`identification of the structure for “first computing means” does not specifically provide for a
`complex multiplier component, that does not mean a complex multiplier can never be a necessary
`component of the structure. Parties in patent cases often retain expert witnesses to explain and
`provide context to the claimed invention in a manner consistent with the Court’s constructions.
`That is exactly what happened here. The record reveals the expert witnesses from both sides
`agreed that complex multipliers are a part of the structure of “first computing means” as taught by

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`the ’802 patent. Apple has not shown in its post-verdict briefing that its own expert’s trial
`testimony was inconsistent with the Court’s interpretation.
`Each patent claim is presumed to be valid and as the party asserting invalidity, Apple was
`required to prove invalidity by clear and convincing evidence. 35 U.S. C. § 282; Fresenius, 582
`F.3d at 1294-1295. Apple’s expert clearly testified that the complex multiplier shown in Figure 8 is
`a necessary part of the corresponding structure for “first computing means,” yet he failed to
`identify how this structure was disclosed by the prior art. As it is undisputed that no evidence was
`presented of complex multipliers in the prior art, Apple’s evidentiary burden of proof cannot be
`carried. The Court is unable to find that the jury’s finding as to invalidity of claims 1 and 10 of the
`’802 patent is supported by substantial evidence. Accordingly, the jury’s invalidity verdict cannot
`Wi-LAN makes two arguments to show that it is entitled to a judgment of infringement as
`a matter of law. Both arguments are premised on Apple’s allegedly contradictory application of
`terms that have already been construed by the Court. Wi-LAN first contends that Apple
`improperly argued that “even” separation of the input “first data stream” is required at the output
`of the “converter” element in claims 1 and 10, which contradicts the Court’s construction of the
`term “converter.” Wi-LAN’s second argument relates to its non-infringement defenses for the
`“first computing means” and “means to combine.” Wi-LAN contends that Apple’s requirement
`that the “modulated data symbols” must be spread and randomized before being combined
`contradicts the Court’s claim construction, which does not specify such an order of operations.

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`Even separation
`The first dispute centers on whether Apple properly applied the Court’s claim construction
`to the “converter” element in setting forth its non-infringement position before the jury. The Court
`has construed the term “converting [the / a] first stream of data symbols into plural sets of N data
`symbols each” to mean “separating the first data stream into multiple groups of data symbols such
`that each group has N data symbols.” In reaching this construction, the Court explained that it
`“reject[ed] Defendants’ proposal that each group must be separated into N individual data
`symbols.” (Dkt. No. 302 at 32.) From that statement, Wi-LAN contends the Court explicitly
`rejected Apple’s “even separation” argument such that the groups of N input data symbols entering
`the converter need not be evenly separated into N individual data symbols at the output of the
`converter. However, Wi-LAN continues, Apple disregarded the Court’s construction during trial
`by asserting that even separation was a necessary requirement to find infringement. According to
`Wi-LAN, Dr. Acampora (Apple’s expert) inappropriately imported this additional limitation to the
`“converting…” term that required the number of streams coming out of the converter to equal the
`number of data symbols in each group.
`In response, Apple contends that it never relied on an “equal data streams” limitations for
`its non-infringement position. Rather, Apple argues that Dr. Acampora’s testimony made clear the
`reason the products do not meet the converting limitation is because they do not meet the “even
`separation” requirement. Apple maintains that the “even separation” requirement is consistent
`with the Court’s construction because the Markman Order went on to explain that “the disputed
`term should be construed to clarify and explain that the stream of data symbols is separated into

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`multiple groups and that each group has N data symbols.” (Dkt. No. 302 at 32.) The Court agrees
`with Apple.
`The argument that each group must be separated into N individual data symbols was
`previously rejected by the Court. However, the Court did not reject the notion that the data must be
`evenly separated into multiple groups of N data symbols each. Therefore, the number of groups of
`N data symbols does not have to equal N, although each group must contain the same N number of
`data symbols. Dr. Acampora’s testimony at trial was consistent with this construction.
`During trial, Dr. Acampora testified that the three standards accused of infringement do not
`meet the converter limitation because they do not perform even separation. First, he explained the
`CDMA2000 standard has two channels, the fundamental channel and the supplemental channel.
`The CDMA2000 standard does not have the claimed converter because “these two channels have
`different numbers of data symbols.” (10/21/2013 PM Tr. at 68:10-19.) Dr. Acampora next
`explained the EV-DO standard also does not do an equal split because “six symbols come in, two
`go to the top output, four go to the bottom output.” (Id. at 73:3-20.) Dr. Acampora opines that the
`third accused standard, the HSUPA standard, similarly operates with an unequal split and does not
`use the claimed converter. (Id. at 75:2-76:13.) Wi-LAN has failed to persuade the Court that such
`testimony is inconsistent with the construction of the “converter” terms.
`Order of operations
`The second dispute relates to Apple’s non-infringement defenses for the elements “first
`computing means” and “means to combine” in asserted claims 1 and 10. Wi-LAN contends that
`Apple’s defense was inappropriately premised on a specific order of operations such that the
`“means to combine” must combine “modulated data symbols” that have been both spread and

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`randomized before they are combined. The Court construed “modulated data symbols” to mean
`“data symbols that have been spread by a spreading code,” which only requires spreading. (Dkt.
`No. 302 at 45.) Therefore, according to Wi-LAN, by importing a randomization requirement into
`the Court’s construction, Apple is attempting to resurrect an argument that was explicitly rejected
`during claim construction.
`Apple responds that it did not read a randomization requirement into the term “modulated
`data symbols” during trial. Instead, Apple contends that it relied on the antecedent basis of “the
`modulated data symbols” referenced in the “means to combine” limitation of claim 1. While not all
`modulated data symbols within the ’802 patent need to be randomized, Apple argues that the
`modulated data symbols that are being combined in the “means to combine” limitation requires the
`randomization to occur. The Court agrees with Apple.
`The entirety of claim 1 of the ’802 patent reads as follows:
`1. A transceiver for transmitting a first stream of data symbols, the transceiver
`a. a converter for converting the first stream of data symbols into plural sets of
`N data symbols each;
`b. first computing means for operating on the plural sets of N data symbols to
`produce modulated data symbols corresponding to an invertible
`randomized spreading of the first stream of data symbols; and
`c. means to combine the modulated data symbols for transmission.
`The term, “modulated data symbols,” as construed, only requires spreading and does not
`require randomization because neither the specification nor the prosecution history contains any
`definitive statement or disclaimer mandating that “modulated data symbols” must be randomized.
`(Dkt. No. 302 at 44.) Therefore, any attempt by Apple to import a randomization requirement into
`this term would be improper. However, in the Markman opinion the Court also acknowledged that
`“randomization is a desirable feature that is addressed by other claim language, such as the term

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`‘invertible randomized spreading,’ which also appears in Claim 1.” (Id. at 45.) The
`interrelatedness of the terms within claim 1 was the reason the Court concluded that randomization
`“should not be imported into the term ‘modulated data symbols.’” (Id.) Accordingly, Dr.
`Acampora did not contradict the Court’s claim construction in explaining that “the modulated data
`symbols” in the third element of claim 1 refers back to the “modulated data symbols corresponding
`to an invertible randomized spreading,” introduced in the second element of claim 1. As a qualified
`technical expert, Dr. Acampora was entitled to give his opinion that from his study of the language
`in claim 1 and the Court’s constructions of certain terms, those particular modulated data symbols
`must be spread and randomized before being combined.
`Wi-LAN also contends that dependent claim 4 confirms that Apple’s interpretation of
`ordering is incorrect. The Court is not persuaded by an argument on claim construction raised for
`the first time in post-trial briefing.
`In summary, a reasonable jury could have found (and did find) non-infringement under the
`Court’s claim constructions under either of the above non-infringement defenses. Wi-LAN put on
`infringement testimony from its expert, Dr. Orsak, and had ample opportunity to cross-examine
`Dr. Acampora on each of Apple’s non-infringement positions. The jury heard both sides’
`interpretation of the claim language, considered the experts’ competing testimony, and rendered a
`verdict of no infringement. As is apparent from the verdict, the jury had reason to believe Dr.
`Acampora’s testimony and disbelieve the opinions of Dr. Orsak. This Court may not supplant the
`jury’s assignment of credibility or weight attributed as between the experts, as those are sole
`functions of the jury. Indeed, Wi-LAN has made no claim that the evidence supporting
`non-infringement presented at trial was insufficient, only that Apple’s interpretation of the terms

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`conflicts with the Court’s construction. Having determined that there is no inconsistency, the
`Court concludes that Wi-LAN has failed to meet its burden of persuasion on this issue and there is
`no cause to overturn the jury’s verdict of non-infringement.
`Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 59, Wi-LAN moves for a new trial with respect to issues of
`invalidity, infringement, and jury confusion. All of Wi-LAN’s arguments, with the exception of
`jury confusion, rely on the same arguments as addressed above. Based on the same reasoning as
`already discussed, the Court disagrees with each of Wi-LAN’s infringement arguments and does
`not find the verdict to be against the weight of the evidence. However, the Court will address the
`jury confusion argument.
`Wi-LAN contends that Apple confused the jury by arguing that the asserted claims only
`cover Wifi/LAN products rather than cellular products; therefore, the verdict is against the great
`weight of the evidence. For support, Wi-LAN cites two things: (1) witnesses being asked whether
`the patent uses the term “cellular”; and (2) portions of Apple’s opening and closing statements
`asserting that the ’802 patent is not a cell phone patent.
`With respect to the first point, it is Wi-LAN’s burden to prove by a preponderance of the
`evidence that the accused standards infringe the ’802 patent. If Apple presented evidence Wi-LAN
`disputes or finds improper, such as asking witnesses whether the patent includes the term
`“cellular,” then the burden shifts to Wi-LAN to make an objection and, if the objection is
`overruled, cross-examine the witnesses on the correctness or relevance of such testimony. Here,
`Wi-LAN did not object to these questions during the course of the trial and has therefore waived
`any objection on the issue. SSL Servs., LLC v. Citrix Sys., Inc., 940 F. Supp. 2d 480, 492 (E.D. Tex.

`Case 2:12-cv-00600-JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 15 of 16 PageID #: 8552
`Apr. 17, 2013) (“SSL has waived any objection it might have had to the testimony presented at
`trial because it failed to object to such testimony during the direct examination at trial.”).
`Additionally, Wi-LAN had a full and fair opportunity to cross-examine Apple’s witnesses and
`elicit re-direct testimony of its own witnesses during trial after these questions were asked. It is
`improper to fail to object during trial while allegedly objectionable testimony is being presented
`and then wait until post-verdict briefing to ask for a new trial on the same basis.
`Regarding the second point, Apple’s arguments in opening and closing statements that the
`’802 patent is not a cell phone patent, the Court has repeatedly instructed the jury that opening and
`closing arguments are not evidence. On at least three occasions, the Court explained to the jury that
`what the lawyers say, including their opening and closing statements, are not evidence in this case.
`(10/15/2013 AM Tr. at 104:2-9; 10/15/2013 PM Tr. at 36:12-16; 10/23/2013 AM Tr. at 26:10-15.)
`Absent any actual evidence of jury confusion, the Court finds the jury was not confused by
`Apple’s witness questioning on the term “cellular” or the opening or closing statements. Similarly,
`the Court does not find the verdict to be so against the great weight of the evidence as to warrant a
`new trial.
`Based on the foregoing, the Court GRANTS-IN-PART Wi-LAN’s motion for judgment
`as a matter of law and finds that claims 1 and 10 of the ’802 patent are not invalid. In all other
`respects, Wi-LAN’s motion is DENIED. Accordingly, the Court hereby VACATES the portion
`of the Judgment (Dkt. No. 628) that found claims 1 and 10 of the ’802 patent to be invalid.

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`Case 2:12—cv—00600—JRG Document 340 Filed 04/03/14 Page 16 of 16 Page|D #: 8553
`So ORDERED and SIGNED this 2nd day of April, 2014.

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