`Sent As:
`JOSHUA G JONES(dwtrademarks@dickinson-wright.com)
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97830483 - BEETS MODE - -
`July 08, 2024 04:28:56 PM EDT
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No. 97830483
`Correspondence Address:
`607 W 3RD STREET, SUITE 2500
`AUSTIN TX 78701
`Applicant: Juiceland IP Holdings, LLC
`Reference/Docket No. 097666.23
`Correspondence Email Address: dwtrademarks@dickinson-wright.com
`Issue date: July 8, 2024
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3). The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not: (1)
`raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling evidence
`with regard to the outstanding issue(s), or (4) present analysis and arguments that were persuasive or
`shed new light on the outstanding issue(s). TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`Accordingly, the following refusal made FINAL in the Office action dated March 29, 2024 are
`MAINTAINED & CONTINUED: Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion Refusals Made FINAL
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`MAINTAINED & CONTINUED: Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion Refusals Made FINAL
`The FINAL refusal under Trademark Act Section 2(d) is MAINTAINED and CONTINUED with
`to U.S. Registration Nos. 6125905 and 6125946 . See 15 U.S.C. §1052(d); 37 C.F.R.
`§2.63(b). See the previously attached registrations.
`Applicant argued the trademark examining attorney provided twelve examples of registrations that
`merely included nutritional supplements in some form and beverages in some form and that most of the
`registrations list either liquid nutritional supplements, nutritional supplement drinks, or related
`supplement. The trademark examining attorney notes that the registrations merely list "dietary and
`nutritional supplements" without any restriction as to the form of these supplements. As such, the
`registrations encompass dietary and nutritional supplements in all forms.
`In addition, applicant argued there was no "other type of evidence" to support the finding that
`supplements are related to juices. In addition to the third-party registrations previously provided as well
`as the previously attached internet evidence providing numerous examples of manufacturers providing
`both supplements and juices, the trademark examining attorney has attached additional evidence to this
`Office action demonstrating that juice and supplements are extremely related. The attached evidence
`from WebMD, persona, and ConsumerLab.com demonstrate that certain supplements are recommended
`to be taken with juices to achieve the maximum benefit of the supplements. See attached evidence from
`WebMD, persona, and ConsumerLab.com. Furthermore, the attached evidence from NIH, RunTriMag,
`and verywellfit demonstrates that some of applicant's goods, namely, beetroot juice, are used as
`supplements themselves. See attached screenshots from NIH, RunTriMag, and verywellfit . Thus, the
`evidence overwhelmingly shows that supplements and juices are related, as consumers are accustomed
`to seeing them provided by the same manufacturers, supplements and juices are often used together,
`and some vegetable and fruit juices are used as supplements.
`Thus, the FINAL refusal under Trademark Act Section 2(d) is MAINTAINED and CONTINUED.
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will
`be notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If applicant has not filed an appeal and time remains in the response period for the final Office
`action, applicant has the remainder of that time to (1) file another request for reconsideration that
`complies with and/or overcomes any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a
`notice of appeal to the Board. TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B).
`/Sarah Peritz/
`Sarah Peritz
`Examining Attorney
`LO129--LAW OFFICE 129
`(571) 270-3056
`WelIMD Ferritesae Delete))ie Well-Being v EneaCig PalsEWPl-lacg1[isia | ficareg)d
`Supplement Smarts: Best Ways to
`Take Different Vitamins
`Q MedicallyReviewed byPoonam Sachdev, MDon March27,2024|Written byJulie Davis
`Make Food Your PlanA
`With hundreds of supplementsavailable,it’s hard to believe that not every
`nutrient in whole foods has been capturedin a capsule. That’s why eating a
`variety of healthy foodsis the best way to meet your health needs.Butif
`you’re low onacertain vitamin or mineral, orjust want to coverall bases with
`a daily MVM (multivitamin/mineral), thesetips will help you get the mostfrom
` WO)
`Timing Your Multi
`You can take your MVM anytime you'dlike. Your body absorbs someofits
`vitamins better with food, so you may want to takeit with a meal or a snack.
`empty stomach. Not a breakfast person? Haveit with lunch or even dinner.
`Whento Take Water-Soluble Vitamins
`Water dissolves them, and your body doesn’t store them, so most must be
`taken every day. They include C and the B’s:thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2),
`niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9),
`and cobalamin (B12). Take them with or without food, with one exception:
`You'll absorb B12 better with a meal. If you also use vitamin C, put 2 hours
`between them. Vitamin C can keep your body from using B12.
`Whento Take Fat-Soluble Vitamins
`VitaminsA, D, E, and K need to go with fat from a mealfor your body to absorb
`and use them. But you don’t needalot offat -- or any saturated fat. The
`healthy plant-based kind you find in foods like avocado or nuts will do just
`If You Take lron Supplements
`You absorbiron best on an empty stomach.Takeit with wateror, better yet, a
`citrus juice: Iron and vitamin C have a tag-teameffect. If it makes you queasy,
`saveit for right after a meal. But don’t mix it with calcium or high-calcium
`foods -- these interfere with iron. You won't take in either onefully. Men and
`postmenopausal womenshould skip supplementswith this mineralunless a
`doctor says otherwise. The average MVM has more than you need.
`RELATED: Why Are Lutein and Zeaxanthin GoodforYour Eyes?
`Celebrated heart surgeon Dr. Gundry sharesthis incredible guttrick
` If You're Over Age 40 And Eat ALMONDSOrPISTACHIOS — Watch
`If You Take Mineral Supplements
`Large doses of minerals can compete with each other to be absorbed. Don’t
`use calcium,zinc, or magnesium supplementsat the sametime.Also, these
`three minerals are easier on your tummy when you take them withfood,soif
`your doctor recommends them, have them at different meals or snacks. Don’t
`take any individual mineralat the same time as an MVM oran antioxidant
`vitamin formula,like one with beta-carotene and lycopene. Also see: What is
`silicon dioxide and howis it used in supplements?
`If You Take Vitamin A
`Watch the amountof what’s called preformed vitamin A. Ifyou’re pregnant,
`doses over 10,000 IU a day can cause birth defects. High levels of both A and
`the usually safe beta-carotene(a substancethat the body covertsto vitamin
`A) may raise your chancesof having lung cancerif you’re a smoker, and
`maybeeven if you’re a former smoker.
`Prenatal Vitamins and Morning Sickness
`Extra folic acid and iron are very importantfor a healthy baby. They can be
`found in most prenatal vitamins. But some prenatal vitamins can make
`nausea worse, mostly becauseoftheiron.Ifthis happensto you, pairyour
`prenatal vitaminswith a light snack before you go to bed. Talk to your doctor
`about the best prenatalformula for you.
`Supplements and Your Prescriptions
`Even essential nutrients can interfere with many common medications.If you
`take a traditional blood thinnerlike warfarin,just the small amount ofvitamin
`Kin an MVM cancutits strength. Taking more than 1,000 mg of vitamin E per
`day canraise your risk for bleeding, And if you take thyroid medication, taking
`calcium, magnesium, oriron within 4 hours can cut its strength. Ask your
`doctor about how bestto timeit.
`The Alphabet of Amounts
`RDA (recommended daily allowance)is the daily amountof a nutrient you
`should get, based on sex and age. DV (daily value) is the percentage ofa
`nutrient that a supplementorfood serving addsto the average daily diet for
`all ages. UL (upperlimit) is the mostof a nutrient you should getin a day. Side
`effects from big doses range from tiredness or diarrhea to kidney stones or
`organ damage.
`RELATED: WhyAre Lutein and Zeaxanthin GoodforYour Eyes?
`Know What’s Inside
`There’s no one standard MVM formula. Some have more nutrients than
`recommended. Others may comeup short on some RDAs.Forinstance, the
`amountof calcium you need to meet the RDAis too muchtofit into a tablet
`that you could easily swallow. Scan thefull ingredients list so you know
`exactly what’s in the supplementyou’re considering. This will also help you
`knowif you need to time whenyoutakeit.
`Personalize Your Formula
`Another wayto get more ofthe nutrients you needis to shop for formulas
`geared to your age and sex. For example, many vitamins for seniors have
`more calcium and vitamins D and B12 than younger people need. As you get
`older, your body doesn’t do as good a job of absorbing B12. Women in
`particular often need extra calcium and vitamin D after menopauseto protect
`bones. Men’s formulas leave outtheiron,
`Are Gummies Any Good?
`Opinions about gummyvitamins are mixed. One study found that people who
`take vitamin D in gummyform get more from it than from a tablet. On the
`other hand, gummies can havealot of sugar and calories. And because they
`taste like candy,it’s easy togo overboard and eat too many. They may even
`causecavities.Also, not all brands containall essential vitamins and minerals.
`Some maynot even contain the amounts listed on the label.
`Look for Quality Checks
`Since the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements,look for brands that have been
`“verified” by one of the three companiesthat test supplements in the U.S.:
`Pharmacopeia, ConsumerLab,or NSF International. Thesetesting
`organizationsverify that what’s on the labelis in the bottle in the right
`Keep a SupplementDiary
`If you keepa log, it can help you time outdifferent supplements and keep
`track of how muchyoutake every day. The NationalInstitute of Health’s Office
`of Dietary Supplementshasa form called "My Dietary Supplement and
`Medicine Record"that you can print out andfill in. Bring it with you, along
`with your medication list, when you goto doctorvisits.
`RELATED: Wantto Protect Your Eyes? Check Your Multivitamin
`Update History
`View privacy policy, copyrightand trust info
`Share “ save
`Calcium: What You Should Know
`How muchcalcium do you need? It
`depends.Getthefacts on this essential
`Vitamins and Minerals From A to Z
`Find out which vitamins and minerals
`your body needs, what they do, and what
`Vitamins ThatFight Inflammation
`Supplementsfor Heart Health
`From fish oil to stanols, see which
`View6vitaminsthat can help fight
`supplements may lowercholesterol and
`inflammation along with the foodsto eat
`boost heart health.
`to get these nutrients.
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`Whatto drink with your
`supplements for better
`absorption, according toa
`By Emily, RD
`EY Personalized forYou
`methe gift of sleep
`Wake up, drink coffee, take my vitamins. Does your morning locklike this? Mine too. And|felt great aboutit
`—until | realized that coffee might be sabotaging myvitamin routine.
`|t turns out that precious cup of Joe is
`‘one of a few drinks that caninterfere with nutrient absorption, preventing supplements from working atfull
`Deesthat mean weall have to quit coffee for the sake of our vitamins? (‘Please say no... please say no...”).
`‘Well... maybe not.
`If you take timing and otherfactors into account, you can enjoythe benefits of both.
`So before making anybiglife choices, | sat down with Brandi Cole, PharmD, a Persona pharmacist and
`leading expert on dietary supplementinteractions. She explained how some of my fave moming drinks can
`affect nutrient absorption—and what | can dotofixit.
`But first, what is nutrient absorption?
`Supplements don't start doing their good work the moment they pass yourlips. Instead, they have to go
`through a series of steps. They pass down yourthroat, through your stomach andarrive in your small
`intestine, where specialized cells absorb them into your bloodstream. Yourblood delivers nutrients
`throughout your bodyto theirfinal destination: your cells. Once inside your cells, some nutrients (the
`bioavailable ones) can getright to work, while others,like certain forms offolate and B12,first have to be
`convertedinto their active, usable forms.
`Whatgets in the way of nutrient absorption?
`There are a few things that can interfere with this process:
`* Age: the older we get, the harderit is to absorb certain nutrients, especially vitamin B12.
`Gut health: Digestive issues can hinderyourability to fully absorb nutrients from foods and
`Genetics: Some people are bornless able to convert nutrients like folate and vitamin B12 to their active
`Food Allergies: When people with allergies or certain autoimmune diseases—like celiac disease—eat
`foods they can’t tolerate, the proteinsin those foods canaffectthe lining of the gut, which canin turn
`affect absorption.
`Anti-nutrients: Natural compoundsin certain foods and drinks caninterfere with your bady’s ability to
`absorb and usethe nutrients from supplements like calcium, iron and zinc. These compounds, sometimes
`referred to as “anti-nutrients” are mostly foundin plant-based foodslike grains, beans, nuts, seeds,
`veoetables and—imnortantiv—certain drinks:
`imine wo aura sunny mri yOu Suppers
`So whatdrinks contain anti-nutrients that make your supplements lesseffective? There are three big
`1. Coffee: The antioxidant compoundsfound in coffee beans, mainly phytates and tannins, reduce your
`absorption of minerals,like iron andzinc. This is especially important to keep in mind if you suffer from
`iron deficiency anemia.
`2. Green Tea: The oxalates in green tea reduce calcium absorption.
`an essential B vitamin thatis importantfor healthycells.
`It also
`3. Alcohol: Alcoholirritates thelining of your digestive system, which impairs vitamin B12 absorptien.
`changes how your bodytransports, stores, and metabolizes nutrients, preventing them from beingfully
`It can also decrease folate metabolism,
`So if you don’t wantto quit coffee, then what?
`Whenit comes to supplements,timing is everything, says Cole: “Take your supplements with food and water
`at least an hourbeforeor after coffee, tea or alcohol.” Evenbetter, consider taking them with a drink thatwill
`enhancetheir effectiveness.
`“Take your supplements with food and waterat least an hour before or after coffee, tea or
`alcohol,” recommendsCole.
`Drinks that can give your supplements a helping hand
`Just as some drinks can sabotage your vitamins, there are others that can give them a leg up. Here are a
`few drinks that you may wantto consider adding to your supplementroutine
`Orange SiGe (andits friends): The vitamin C in your morning glass of OJ makesiron easier to absorb
`It may even help counteract someother types of compoundsthat reduce iron absorption,
`like phytates.
`Nota fan of OJ? Try tomato juliێ, pineapple, strawberries,or bell peppersfor an alternate sourceof the
`Milk: Calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D work together to support healthy bones. The vitamin D in
`fortified milk increases calcium and phosphorous absorption in yourintestines.
`It does this by helping your
`body makea protein, called calbindin, which works to shuttle calcium across yourcells. As a bonus, the fat
`in milk also helps you absorb morefat-soluble nutrientslike vitamins A, D, E, and K. Not a milk drinker?
`Mostplant-based milks are fortified with vitamin D and calcium too,just checkthe label
`Rattom line-| oej tn keen mv coffee and I'll aet mare out nf mv suinnlements tan whichis exactly why
`Drenun GUNe, Ee1S Hy 1vOLe prints
`Still worried about supplementinteractions?
`Whenit comes to supplements,there's a lot to consider. Persona’s free nutrition assessmentbuilds a plan
`for you step by step, looking at yourdiet,lifestyle, health goals—even your medications—anddesigns a
`daily vitamin pack thatfits your needs. And it checks every pill against a huge database of supplements and
`medications, to make sure they won't interact. “It’s a great placeto start,” says Cole.
`‘I truly believe having
`personalized vitamins that work well together and don’t interact with each otheris key.”
`About Brandi
`Brandiis a registered pharmacist with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, cellular, and molecular biology,
`and a doctorate in pharmacy. With a background in community pharmacy, she is passionate about patient
`education whenit comes to both medication and natural remedies.
`About Emily
`Emily is a registered dietitian with a master's degree in heaith communications. She is a self-proclaimed:
`nutrition nerd and has a knackfor translating nutrition science into everydaytips and resources. Emily isjust
`one of Persona’s team of qualified nutritionists. Do you have questions about nutrition? Reach out. Our
`experts would love to help.
`‘This information is not intended asa substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare
`professional or anyinformation containedon or in any product label or packaging. Do notusethe information from
`this articlefor diagnosing or treatingahealth problemor disease, or prescribing medicationor othertreatment.
`Always speak with yourphysician or other healthcareprofessional before taking any medicationornutritional,
`herbalorhomeopathic supplement, or using anytreatment fora health problem. If you have or suspect that you have
`amedical problem, contactyourhealth careprovider promptly. Do notdisregard professional medical advice or delay
`in seekingprofessional advice becauseofsomethingyou have read in thisarticle.
`“Are Anti-Nutrients Harmful?" The Nutrition Source. 24 Jan. 2019. Accessed
`4. Harvard T.H, Chan Schoolof Public Health.
`March 14, 2022. https://www.hsphharvard. edu/nutritionsource/anti-nutrients!.
`2. Hallberg L, Hulthén L. Prediction ofdietary iron absorption: an algorithm for calculating absorption and bioavailability of
`dietary iron. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 May-714(5):1147-60. doi: 10.1093/ajen/71.5.1147. Erratum in: Am J Clin Nutr 2000
`Nov;72(5):1242. Erratumin: Am J Clin Nutr 2001 Aug;74(2):274. Erratum in: Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Nov;84(8):1253. PMID:
`3. Lonnerdal B. Dietary factors influencingzinc absorption. J Nutr. 2000 May;130(5S Suppl):1378S-838, doi
`10.1093/jn/130.5.1378S. PMID: 10801947
`Human Enterocytes in the Evaluation of Herb-Drug Interactions: Evaluation of CYP3AInhibitory Potential of Grapetruit
`Giieeand Commercial Formulations of Twenty-Nine Herbal Supplements. Drug Metab Dispos. 2020 Oct:48(10):1084-
`doi: 10.1124/dmd.120.000033. Epub 2020 Jul 27. PMID: 32719086.
`5. Shapses SA. Sukumar D, Schneider SH, Schlussel Y. Sherrell RM, Field MP. Ambia-SobhanH. Vitamin D
`supplementation and calcium absorption during caloric restriction: a randomized double-blind trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2013
`Mar-97(8):637-45. doi: 10.3945/ajen.112.044909. Epub 2013 Jan 30. PMID: 23364004; PMCID: PMC3578405.
`Interested in learning what supplements are right for you? Take ourfree assessment.
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`“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This productis notintendedto diagnose,treat, cure, or prevent any
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`¢ persona
`SUDO CeMTRMeleeeis
`Stress & Mood
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`Other v
`Whatto drink with your
`supplements for better
`absorption, according toa
`By Emily, RD
`EY Personalized forYou
`methe gift of sleep
`Wake up, drink coffee, take my vitamins. Does your morning locklike this? Mine too. And|felt great aboutit
`—until | realized that coffee might be sabotaging myvitamin routine.
`|t turns out that precious cup of Joe is
`‘one of a few drinks that caninterfere with nutrient absorption, preventing supplements from working atfull
`Deesthat mean weall have to quit coffee for the sake of our vitamins? (‘Please say no... please say no...”).
`‘Well... maybe not.
`If you take timing and otherfactors into account, you can enjoythe benefits of both.
`So before making anybiglife choices, | sat down with Brandi Cole, PharmD, a Persona pharmacist and
`leading expert on dietary supplementinteractions. She explained how some of my fave moming drinks can
`affect nutrient absorption—and what | can dotofixit.
`But first, what is nutrient absorption?
`Supplements don't start doing their good work the moment they pass yourlips. Instead, they have to go
`through a series of steps. They pass down yourthroat, through your stomach andarrive in your small
`intestine, where specialized cells absorb them into your bloodstream. Yourblood delivers nutrients
`throughout your bodyto theirfinal destination: your cells. Once inside your cells, some nutrients (the
`bioavailable ones) can getright to work, while others,like certain forms offolate and B12,first have to be
`convertedinto their active, usable forms.
`Whatgets in the way of nutrient absorption?
`There are a few things that can interfere with this process:
`* Age: the older we get, the harderit is to absorb certain nutrients, especially vitamin B12.
`Gut health: Digestive issues can hinderyourability to fully absorb nutrients from foods and
`Genetics: Some people are bornless able to convert nutrients like folate and vitamin B12 to their active
`Food Allergies: When people with allergies or certain autoimmune diseases—like celiac disease—eat
`foods they can’t tolerate, the proteinsin those foods canaffectthe lining of the gut, which canin turn
`affect absorption.
`Anti-nutrients: Natural compoundsin certain foods and drinks caninterfere with your bady’s ability to
`absorb and usethe nutrients from supplements like calcium, iron and zinc. These compounds, sometimes
`referred to as “anti-nutrients” are mostly foundin plant-based foodslike grains, beans, nuts, seeds,
`veoetables and—imnortantiv—certain drinks:
`imine wo aura sunny mri yOu Suppers
`So whatdrinks contain anti-nutrients that make your supplements lesseffective? There are three big
`1. Coffee: The antioxidant compoundsfound in coffee beans, mainly phytates and tannins, reduce your
`absorption of minerals,like iron andzinc. This is especially important to keep in mind if you suffer from
`iron deficiency anemia.
`2. Green Tea: The oxalates in green tea reduce calcium absorption.
`an essential B vitamin thatis importantfor healthycells.
`It also
`3. Alcohol: Alcoholirritates thelining of your digestive system, which impairs vitamin B12 absorptien.
`changes how your bodytransports, stores, and metabolizes nutrients, preventing them from beingfully
`It can also decrease folate metabolism,
`So if you don’t wantto quit coffee, then what?
`Whenit comes to supplements,timing is everything, says Cole: “Take your supplements with food and water
`at least an hourbeforeor after coffee, tea or alcohol.” Evenbetter, consider taking them with a drink thatwill
`enhancetheir effectiveness.
`“Take your supplements with food and waterat least an hour before or after coffee, tea or
`alcohol,” recommendsCole.
`Drinks that can give your supplements a helping hand
`Just as some drinks can sabotage your vitamins, there are others that can give them a leg up. Here are a
`few drinks that you may wantto consider adding to your supplementroutine
`Orange SiGe (andits friends): The vitamin C in your morning glass of OJ makesiron easier to absorb
`It may even help counteract someother types of compoundsthat reduce iron absorption,
`like phytates.
`Nota fan of OJ? Try tomato juliێ, pineapple, strawberries,or bell peppersfor an alternate sourceof the
`Milk: Calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D work together to support healthy bones. The vitamin D in
`fortified milk increases calcium and phosphorous absorption in yourintestines.
`It does this by helping your
`body makea protein, called calbindin, which works to shuttle calcium across yourcells. As a bonus, the fat
`in milk also helps you absorb morefat-soluble nutrientslike vitamins A, D, E, and K. Not a milk drinker?
`Mostplant-based milks are fortified with vitamin D and calcium too,just checkthe label
`Rattom line-| oej tn keen mv coffee and I'll aet mare out nf mv suinnlements tan whichis exactly why
`Drenun GUNe, Ee1S Hy 1vOLe prints
`Still worried about supplementinteractions?
`Whenit comes to supplements,there's a lot to consider. Persona’s free nutrition assessmentbuilds a plan
`for you step by step, looking at yourdiet,lifestyle, health goals—even your medications—anddesigns a
`daily vitamin pack thatfits your needs. And it checks every pill against a huge database of supplements and
`medications, to make sure they won't interact. “It’s a great placeto start,” says Cole.
`‘I truly believe having
`personalized vitamins that work well together and don’t interact with each otheris key.”
`About Brandi
`Brandiis a registered pharmacist with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, cellular, and molecular biology,
`and a doctorate in pharmacy. With a background in community pharmacy, she is passionate about patient
`education whenit comes to both medication and natural remedies.
`About Emily
`Emily is a registered dietitian with a master's degree in heaith communications. She is a self-proclaimed:
`nutrition nerd and has a knackfor translating nutrition science into everydaytips and resources. Emily isjust
`one of Persona’s team of qualified nutritionists. Do you have questions about nutrition? Reach out. Our
`experts would love to help.
`‘This information is not intended asa substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare
`professional or anyinformation containedon or in any product label or packaging. Do notusethe information from
`this articlefor diagnosing or treatingahealth problemor disease, or prescribing medicationor othertreatment.
`Always speak with yourphysician or other healthcareprofessional before taking any medicationornutritional,
`herbalorhomeopathic supplement, or using anytreatment fora health problem. If you have or suspect that you have
`amedical problem, contactyourhealth careprovider promptly. Do notdisregard professional medical advice or delay
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