`Sent As:
`CHARLES T. J. WEIGELL(Weigell-Docket@fzlz.com)
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97068753 - VUITTON - LVT 2112088
`October 31, 2023 03:51:59 PM EDT
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No. 97068753
`Correspondence Address:
`Charles T. J. Weigell
`NEW YORK NY 10036
`Reference/Docket No. LVT 2112088
`Correspondence Email Address: Weigell-Docket@fzlz.com
`Issue date: October 31, 2023
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3). The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not: (1)
`raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling evidence
`with regard to the outstanding issue(s), or (4) present analysis and arguments that were persuasive or
`shed new light on the outstanding issue(s). TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`Accordingly, the following requirement(s) and/or refusal(s) made final in the Office action dated April
`12, 2023 are maintained and continued:
`Surname refusal
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`Applicant’s arguments have been considered and found unpersuasive. Please see the previously and
`presently attached excerpted representative articles showing the use of VUITTON as primarily merely
`a surname rather than as a historial figure name. The alleged renown of Louis Vuitton in the bags and
`fashion industry does not establish that VUITTON is no longer perceived as a surname by purchasers.
`Indeed, the fame of Louis Vuitton supports the determination that VUITTON is primarily merely a
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will
`be notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If applicant has not filed an appeal and time remains in the response period for the final Office
`action, applicant has the remainder of that time to (1) file another request for reconsideration that
`complies with and/or overcomes any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a
`notice of appeal to the Board. TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B).
`/Alex Seong Keam/
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Law Office 114
`(571) 272-9176
` Thehistory behind Frenchluxuryfashion brandMoSCAUUTtCela)
`chorcthionte Qo mS
`id, Louis Vulllonneedsnointroduction,
`Oflenhailed1s the world’s most valuable luxury
`its hallowedstature intheworldoffashionandhumongous business enterprise demands
`a retellingofthe glorious history of LouisVuitton. Its,afterall, built on the dreamsand
`aspirations of a tecnager some2U0 years ago — onethat has andwill continueto inspire
`countless generations
` Leis
`on, hybratis loiay division oLVMH MotHenney
`Louls Villon sliply sown as LVMHor
`Luis Vadllon
`a boldinycoespay whichease into being 1987 with he
`suenger of Ue fasionheuse with Math
`thelateststories delivered straight
`Soe eter
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`The best
`‘Onecangotan ceaabouthow massive
`LVM Lis todaythough some ol the lusty lassion brands itsantos
`Ubulgai, Csi, endl, Lach brand basastovied hisicy olite£9Ouy right noGivenchy; LAG Llewer, anlllany &Ca, asiongothers
`cs and isondstnct maze. Andallo!
`shen ave technieally mansgedt ny LVM whieh lnctions withinths
`howe ago
`[Photos] 25OfTheMost
`Inappropriate DressonTheRed
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`Perform 4SimpleSensch OnThe NextPageHiLoach WheCrt
`‘WomenTurnedToThis Bra
`Zoabout woeeu ise
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`theLouisVuitton comAse0P0, bagftomPho.aployees 44!boctiquesand ver USL 10s les -st looks Every
`4 lors
`Mastiameusfor itsbags, the Aous
`veney-to-wesr other, jwelle
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`5 lusry sacle bagsetbalanes to
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`Here’s all you need to know about the Frenchluxury brand Louis Vuitton
`2sher onal sninke maker andpack
`din 18
`‘when he began his agprentccship withtrank ssake: Mossicur Manschalin Pais, Trancs.1lisarivalie pring: Vaitton, whowas borninAnchay walked <0k= omhisbirtspiaceto
`tne Uauragean segscity toIslslhes dream of basassingamallehes or trussmaker,
` sianatelier dnginv whom clitad Uncrus eon
`Vuln’ alent
`yetaotcelaUse Pas
`Alter sharpeninghis sls fo
`yours +tMensicurMaxéchals ateie: Vuittonopencd hisoven workshopst
`Lue Newve des Capuscines, near thePlaceVendoms,
`inBars in 1S
`‘This wasn opaoenne moment foVuitton as anya year agp, he hadheen appointedhy Fopenie de Mani,
`messofthe French,
`1111859, VullloncovedHis
`trade to Uke commune ofAsaitres sue Seine i dueey, Tae workshop al Asnitnes su
`Seine is wk a prime synod
`sadhiomhouse hasever
` LousVallsheritage sia heentreef everyday
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`tsanening,the lane! had just20emplayres. Hy 181,225worker= were employed atthe Loose Vuitton
`the timeof
`The best illewveetrtheined shenkets
`Inslding in AsnibnessunSsin. Around \7erséspenple still zoek athe ateliog,whisk fanctinged asthe ly
`seusthes ond unl 1972
` howe
`Today he site ihop grinforUe bre! cons, Besides
`winganactive workshop, whorethe dasnd
`greductios ofLouisVuittos products for global onasketscontinus the Asnitres sur Seinegrouneshave on Ast
`eyey nats Bh
`private museumas vel which ance served 26the Vuitoa damseidence
`Pato siete
`‘The Aanibres-su-Seine atelierisextremely significant in the history oFtheLoutis Vuittonbrand. Thisiswhere the
`Ibrand’sAattnpgrey Punk, alsokone asthe THann tron, wns mice
`‘Ti stcustomLouisVuioaruns watsdenguefor bsikor AlbortKilts. However, one of Uegreatestproduct
`15 luxury sacle hogs
`balance to
`was pushupsa customisedbed(eunkforFrosch exploresPlerse
`Sivongnnn de Bruzea
`ever produced ly Lous
`186°4 hehel tra wasbasically«custossod traak thatweuldconvert into a bed—an ideal necssory tot and function
`the illustrioas
`zemzin a leyalcustomer of the brad tills destin1815,
`explore: weuldl
`Revglutionising Louis Vuitton locks ,
`USL Iheheel tracwasbasically=custorssod trans thatwouldconverintoabed—andes! asec me Le eeTe
`Ubeistrioueexpiote: wel
`smnsin a leyal customerothe brsral til bisdeat in1905,
`someonelike lra2zs,
`none package someorelike azzs.
`Revolutionising Louis Vuittonlocks Kinet finarnitor
` Ihe se tskwas revolution its Httop mele *tmore transpertsblsandstackablethen rounded top trunks,
` hipsostlocomatives,
`fuse apesiodwhen people travelled primacly in Soree-cravencasicas
`ropeensued thatthe nagecould’ bestackedens. sulting in beterhaaelingof Maange
`Althavygh the nkchecameinstantlyfamous,
`thoeswns lla maja paleshauntingSonnet TinmisWeston—
` gsithieves,
`liefLIn Usedays,
`were ofl stolenfr tusks
` ignalock ssec
`smin 1886whieh
`‘Thuts, GoosgesVaitton, Louis Vstton'semly so, world with his ather todes
` baggrge salty Une systom, whichcame with two pringbuekles, ees resownedler 3
`xy evolstionised
`sieiepso0l, Later patented by Georges,
`thelek has been62electivethstLouieWitton bags continueto eature ito
` orgtndleive bere ies ayalll Koc an Rs laggpipe mnle,er LamiaWt
`gaseed sway atthe 2g207D:18, Ayea lates, nepoosented the Seanfo: the Hit imeoutsideof Lanceatthe
`‘Chiengo WordIie,
`Inc, Geos inennitywes key tothe expansionoF
`a obectronting antin
`the nnd oF longvin
`‘The iconicLouisVuittonmonogram
` cepa
`Ihe bestHalloweenthemedsneakers,
`fo buy right nom
` Louk: Every bag (ror Phoes
`less highly alc
`Us luxury saddle bags that balancefor
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`Ane tunetinninonepackag: to yourinboxevery week.
`5| TSlustysacle bass that balance lon
`st lon: Byer bug learn Phoebe
`Pailo's highly anticipaced brand
`and funetiow it
` mu
`(One e1the moet(omensthingsthatGecepes did eringissime asthe head ofthe busty lasbionhonevss togive
`sn enduringsyne —theworld-renowned TansVistton Maren
`“Thebranl ndbeen siruggling wilh countersof
`lsproductseven when
`ils foundles was live, He slantedusing
` Damice pri Guava ad and paste! snipepallens onfuture Louis Villontanks in 1876wedtu Lousated
`sutherticproducts fromeh pintcanvas was escenilly notewarthy,for it
` Vuitton
`“manqueL. vit isposce" on theses
`In 186, Geargesdesigned the brand'sbelge-or-svmon signahire monageam carves, sanweasing graphic Howe and sysatesil woth his fm as featnted prominentyon rear'y every penduct
` i lat
`ise Ubhs vice pie. HighSndeg ia
`vingsyrbt f Uhebran making ils evens
`easily distinguishablei the worldeflasry
`Louse Vuittoncelebrated the100thsaversaty ofthemonogsams in 188%by inviting ss Laehion designee—Vivienne
`Westwood, Romeo Light Sybila, Manolo Blak,
`IssacMazrshiand LJelmut Lang\— to create
`unique Louis,
`\ittan ingeagepices ohileinonepating the anic proat.
`Ihecollection, which sechidesa wing! mavond bee,3
`Inackpacie with 9 ites mivella sil an oval-ehapest chowtink, vesthen exhiited acvoss
`the ven
`Ahistoricrequestand a controversy
`yh isieeeE-card il ne
`‘CocoChanel, Adit 1925,
`sheneyoeste! he bral loproduce the ene domed haa,whic was Wen dubbest
`Squire. Thirty years Toler he sue Louis
`Vu ingwould be
`eomamed Al
`ofths eallakoration ed ta the crestionol the LouisWulttonSpe yvandthe Xeepal amveng othcrcorspact
`Lhe success
`bage inthe19306
` ‘ofthe callabovstion led tothe cretion othe LouisVuittonSpesey andtheKeegallamong other
`lage inthe19%
`{Gatton Lents Watton, Grong’ eldest
`son, taoapthebannd swine foun the death o#his Satherin 1936. As
` ot wd innovationcontinued veldsee
`Flip taryped intsWill We Cand seared thebeta hno gl thr uirndl whilenneuringthalffearained
`Se era
`‘Howerey this
`period muy hayeshine rebrand
`The‘Ciuaninin 200%reporttatabooktleiis Veatlan
`by HeenchauthorStephanie Boa
`supporto toe Vichy
`Lege! testmembers ol
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`‘egime under Marshal PhilippePetainand mace mency ‘rombusiness desis with theGersansdungWorldWrI
`‘BouinWldhemealous Uhweshe asked 4 Gellofthe
`ound's wartime actives, Me compar Lok
`thatdacsmentsfomthe years 1990to1045hae eenested inaBe
`Ly the timeoftherevelation, Louis Vstton was acendy undthe ownership of LYM, Accorcing to heCuaron,
`an VME spasesperson told the Frenchserivieal magazine LeCanard Kachaind,
`"We don'tdeny the fets, ut
`‘epnetihlytre sutharhs exaggerates the
`Vichy epicode.”
`FollowingUte revation,anLVMH spokespersan lll TheCusrtian, “Thisis amicihistory, The bookcovers
`period whtites ally runaad lng before
`ue postofLVMH, Weaxe
`versloltratandall Une tins
`“edencompanyshoul be”
`CelebritiescarryingLVbagsand theLVMHmerger
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`ssiurecoalcuvery, Cat unethe neatthe BsLestewasnt in buling upon Use
` 1ake ery bp rai Phone
`isaatone andpiles aid by
`bis Lather andgrandtate
`Leintroduced leather isto anis Vitiscreationsandin 1866, unveiled theeyl serial Papillog hag, which
`Pislo's highly wale paced bs eet
`tshe one othe mastfarsi proactshy He Fase
`Viton she!
`Aled en wee ites,
`Dring die 1940s, with isgrowing -enown,LouisPullin:
`15lusury saddle bags chst
`includingEstlags were ings
`ane function in
`tering Deneuve,
`lager seid aeessTalette Growsund F
`as wo the alles fasion pha
`seband David Dailey
`stsina setiessAnna Megnanivas Inawosiy phatogeaheddsing her vacation in Ussisn 1950witha stack of Lots
`the husnryfashon henisetarts expanding woth mare staves
`in major citesoutside Fmince. hin I
`sa afRacamierassuming,chorge,
`the Messnn opened over
`109 stoves pally
`Ju 1954, he business veaaeWoe
`ily oninedand wentpublic before menging with the lucury
`chammpage brane
`MotelChandos aval wageie bradHenao coe yest lertafor, what stony: LVMH.
`{Kscaster wasinchangeof LVMunt!
`s Jagatusslefohscuster and esnadArnault takingcontrolin 1990
`Interestingly,whe Tne Viton was a phenomenon is lrey bags,tp rantinn vise inthe world ofshine did
`sl he 19506 wt exaellyHogi
`tor explocolon oFthe Iusuay fisuedaundhecon
`1s brand, Louis Valltonez backedens
`Sinessingofan eteslientee, primar
`serbecoming partafLYM,
`‘The seedof tisnew orientaion towards
`Zastion was plated after Wes Cancllebecae Unebrane’ preset
`The sause your oe the
`Vulltr unily’smanagerialcontavyes
`the brandffceliva
`‘Seven yeasInte, Louis Vitonwoul! got an bearda young New York besedtestion designerwhe wouldretocly
`lovatethe beard aea ase butalso transformtoe wold of Lasbion; hewas MaJaco2=
`The riseof LouisVuitton under MareJacobs
`ee Ser
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` is
`Jseabs, an American,sive at ons Within a6°t creative disse 199? 0 Hels
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`‘Thusbegan Une brace’slried
`ee uso Zeshior Delwenwth,
`us alssequally lusteious
`ousideofthe LVMH wnbrals saclas Gucci, Balaclava, Calvin Klint, CHANELavd Buriesty
`fashion ethusiests, nepull Tis lank: Fyery up (rar Phoebe
`Jscobs was. master conductor oi
`therunway lis ncovativedesignshad«magnetic
`sapesmosels sch 2s Naomi Campbell and Kate Maes, walked
`the runway wearing thecestons,
`luvshiphly alieipated tnaveldebut
`16yoursatomsVos, Tacos pavenetsidentitatheclassimannyDiorng his cansnywsing them ce
`ely ceethi —fenBas fae tight he eetyin uh puller. Many otierealipmerse,
`available Zr ale in Louis Vuillonstores,belpizy the
` to an even wider set ofigh sel worth galoms
`45jygury saddle boas
`balance for
`‘wh wanted toBessonisLouis ValenZain, and functioninone package
`leo instrumentali thebranes collaborations
`soameneely cessive mine ol the mavesikfashiondesignervos
`rst some othefinestcantempnrany artistsa yewird, Thisetna[oars Witton’eon’e hagah was marked
`Astemame sues, Sprouseexcl Ge Spd lag wit oe yrds "10", *Seeudy”an“Lous Wun”
`spray paiatodgralitiresderein sarincolours. hsurique =tyingw lor ery ross
`the mene
`sophisticated appencaace othesalLy’ monegsaan
`Iwasa mepalit among,a Lewis \hitton Sana,eomachsn shatSpronse’sgradisty yes rensed byJacobs malign
`sins, Onof theon was # special tre tothe artistin 200Miwhi Taonhs ses2nose drawn by Spe
`Vuitos bags
`famousstberatinn ofJasbs wswith TakashiMarakom. The legen ry Japanese contemapacnyastct
`gavehisown spatothe LV monogram, gelensing bags bearing thesecnic brand symiselspl
`yiulcolous, including,
`turquoiseand Kelly gree
`‘Duishe the Monogr: Multeolovecollection,
`itsdesignhas heena majorhitweith youngerfersof nis Witton
`over the decade with caution,
`Murukuniand Louis Vuittoncontinued theircotaberatins
`pacaeossom(303) Monegramoutege(2008) ad Cosmis essom (Pit, fstaringeverytiag—em chery Blossom MostPopular
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`Louis Vion ill2014, He lef hisposi teeo
`Taco reaistehelofthe creatives
` sfone
`use Fromlsusurybrand,
`‘epoxymous Tabawhlbe Badfoun9
` Fron RahlondeesgnerNielsC Litne was sppoinied alist dinvclac of wens":eullectionsinNavecels
`FirsRooke Every bag for Ph Phil's highly artic bane
`ths Srend.
`« mont atcit wasrevealed inthe press thet Jacobsisplnaningto leave
`“Ghesnpigne,whowasformerly thecrefive dineroofantherwoes-emens hissyfashion label, Halenciags,1fashion shone, The Petite Malle,
` veiately
`sewsn ta businessond eased thePeite MallshagothFall 2
`vulntoeahs Mol ek? niverly Tile
`tif thea TeinWallan ort
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`JerthePetite Malle, Uhesquitnedrew inspiation iromtheeasiest daysofLovie Vuittonand reczested thebrand's
`origina trunk shape and dasyynasa minishine handaag, ss
` itsdesignincoeporatesthetern Ly Sela
`Ihe bestHalloweenthemedsneakers,
` fetnng that were signamare aspects ofthe eae
`salfsen feather andpolsen
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`sted wollen: for Lous Vuillon, Chesuléreborroweddestyle le
`ns he 1860s
`Feri dsthighly
`Jamothe caely
`Os taeatracer hates pants dbbrevigled 4 law sks, ip uphighmeshed sweatersae bony
` goes oometis pestoctona secrstionsinstantly appealed to
`Jackets Lhe wesav lenthoran th
`thebens the attesrinn itdeserved inthe women’sline, the menlinewaseing,
` Kinoie
`While Ghesspidee sontinied peti
`stnsbendlin: Joes wasinsure anbringin sleweliveic wietote house adnae
`Is luxury saddle bags chet balanceform
`Joe thebrand’s cllsboration sith Americaaclothingesmpesy Supresne
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`Joes,howelft FowisVittan foe Dine Homove In2018, hisvacantpastion wasfilled ayone oF
`sscin he workd o#Zashion—VirgilAbdo
`Asthe men’sntsc directorsince2011, Jes wasinstrymental
`inbinging stretwene sie tathehouseand made
`rotifernfa eillicadbots Abnerceneuhing,omar Sart
`Jaws,however le. LouisVullten Diue Howsese.7008,ls yestposton was filled by eneue greatest
`amesin the world oassion—Viggil sles,
`The Hrench lnsurybeand appointed Aibeh as'ts men's artistic director, wien made him the frstpeeson otenorto
`bold the pesitinnin Louis Yuin
`Ae ww fosode efi
`O# White
`syle farLouis Vailtonaspact ufis
`al seBasisFashion Week
`iain asColes Tey
`Janne 2015, Meds walkeddown he sisap wean unique
` swith theLY monogram, and
`incladed aneraks with ous attheBacktaitinbumbs
`pprvcl. Thess
`iouble-beasted wool-tchairblazes, Lhemalesepostes secssaviee exch aethe Petite Male and Kespall,
`imaginedi=multiplecolours,matte leather ans hardwaredetailing
`“The year 202)wes especially
`hath AbloW and LonisVuitton with BTS,
`the globally
`renoasned Kiwean
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`the nhaccoVans Wii 2p heby rope hc Es
`ha asthefas oFtheBrac.
`‘Sleu, Suphie Tanner andaves O
`The bes! Hullowweont heed seakers
`sanwaydn ity the group made its 2atLouis Viton’ all Winter 021menaweaeAbvch’screationsut with a speciallashion
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`Allseven members—Jungook,Hope, V,RM,fn, Sgn and Fssin— weredressesdifferentantee nak wee
`nigel exceed. These fice ewviggranene!aumganceswhiecnnd jun TVTeng, TinsDillonites
`capa Jugcoats wilhaspmili
`‘Outside offasion, LVRand Abloh poachod
`anagroement uncerwhich theconglomeratetoolca
`Abloh’saseasatins with Lois Wnitionwas, however cut show hyhis wntoly densein Novensher
`2021. Hehat
` eased is final elles
`for winch
`ion fn pil 2
`with a rare Svem nfcanceein 2019, Tis Voiton
`Abhiprkemredwith Milar-bosedInlom arti Ghul
`‘LouisVuittonseesa futurein themetaverse
`“ThFront fshon hosei une ofthe eae brads whichtook«deyinterestin he Zalureoffashionia the
`aconcepttht isloosely anderson a plalforinwhere peuplew
`sito the brand iauinched anseventice-based same, knows seLoute the wan August 20 to
` commemoratethe 201th9th anniversary yearofkeinder Lou's Viton
`TntratucingLouisThe Go
`odVivreing,200Bietbakay warvthg esse teas
`Abs. Discover tl
`1yocenturiesane hy to tndene
`ALouistuittan’s tary ov
`1teo,SypMLIAQDy pictoitescom/tpAMIEZK
`‘gamein hoseof #LOUISI 3bt
` to yourinbox everywee
`rist looks Every ag
`from Phoebe
`loshighly anticipated brarel debut
`V5lusiaysalle hogs that
`and lunetini its
` a
`7 4 i
`Playing af Louis Vostton’smascet, Vivienne, gamersneed tocollect U0candlesbydeessingtheiravatarsin the
`‘galversionsof Lanis Vaittonlashion wear. The primasyattractionothegamei noa-innpibletasens(NI
`‘Sigil aseens thatareshzegenl tathe metaverse. 4rchimed AgtaariseRawlecreas! 30 ois teGame
`By April2022, thegamehad seendowloaded ayes twsliUses, Now NFTshavebenadded, aadplayersget
`achutes Wo
`stmie throug specialevensUke dheNFTrfc Uwlasof which endialon4August 2022,
`(vinimage 6
`allo/AtgaliceadyLingplesy Festunedianage: Lome VitonLouisation
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`‘ManasSen Gupteutes atthe intersectionottech, e
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`Manaslovesstudyingimerectve chars ane topographicmaps. When not
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`Vuitton is used as a family nameor surnamein France languages. Vuitton has 7 characters long
`in length.
`Vuitton is ranked 356154 in ourlist.
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`eeAloka Pramcs
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`Vuitton is a very rare surname, few people in France have the family name and might be arised
`from France. Around 782 people have been found who wears Vuitton as their family name.
`Vuitton is used widely across the globe.
`More detailed information can be found below:
`Countries with very very low frequency i.e., 1 - 10:
`@ sustralia
`Vuittonis a very rare surname,fewpeoplein France have the family name and might bearised
`from France. Around 782 people have been found who wears Vuittonastheir family name.
`Vuitton is used widely across the globe.
`More detailed information can be found below:
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`© Aseria
`® argentina
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`& Dominican Republic
`r = ~*~
`The Proof
`nthe Poop &
`Comments :
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`Vuittonis a form offamiliere vuitier, regionalvariant guitier: original personal name widhari,
`consists of wid meaning wood and hari which means army.
`LtryTo be
`Celebrities having Vuitton surname
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`Lola Grimes.
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`Vuitton (France)
`Related Family Names:
`Muillaume (France)
`Vuille (Switzerland)
`Vuillemin (France)
`Vuillermoz (France)
`Vuilleumier (Switzerland)
`Surnameis addedat the end ofthefirst name also known as given name, Mostofthe time, a family nameis used as a surname. You
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`Mostpopularfirst names with surname Vuitton:
`Bénédicte Vuitton Christine Vuitton Claude Vuitton Jacques Louis vuitton LOUIS Vuitton Louise vuitton Marie Vuitton Marie Josepne Vuitton Marie Louise Vuitton Morgane Vuitton Patrick
`Vuitton Quentin Louis Vuitton Ségoléne Vuitton Vuitton Vuitton Xavier Louis Vuitton
`Family sites on MyHeritage with the last name Vuitton:
`vuitton WebSite, 5 members
`Vuitton Web Site, One member
`VUITTON WebSite, One member
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`Georges Ferréol Vuitton
`From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
`Georges Ferréol Vuitton (13 July 1857 - 26 October 1936) wasthe only child of Louis Vuitton (1821-1892;
`French designer and trunk makerfor Empress Eugénie de Montijo!) and Clemence-Emilie Vuitton," who
`succeeded his father as headof the Louis Vuitton brand, which is now a brand underthe umbrella of the
`parent company LVMH. Georgesis commonly knownfor his creation ofthe widely-used LV monogram
`canvas print, created as an homageto his father and to combat counterfeits. He is also known for making
`Louis Vuitton products available to purchaseinternationally,'*! after Georges Vuitton's death in 1936,his son
`Gaston Louis Vuitton (1883-1970) succeeded him as headof the Vuitton brand.!*!
`Contents [hide]
`Early life
`LV Monogram Canvas
`1897- CarTrunk
`The Tumbler Lock
`VIP Gifts — Trunk Vuitton
`Louis Vuitton Book- Le Vayage
`iq Add languages
`Edit View history
`Tools v
`Georges Ferréol Vuitton
`13 duly 1857
`aAsniéres-sut-Seine, France
`decane Wie THI
`Asniéres-sur-Seine, France
`Occupabon(el Lesianer dadtasdoTiwe
`Louis Vuitton (father)
`Gaston Vuitton (son)
`Spouss(a ati Milton; nba
`Early life [ecit)
`Whenthe French designer Louis Vuitton (son ofTrunk maker Xavier Vuitton and Corrine Gaillard from the
`Jura region of Eastern Francel"!) was 35 years old, his wife Clemence-Emilie Vuitton gave birth to their first
`son and child GeorgesFerreol Vuitton on 13 July 1857in Asniéres-sur-Seine where the brand Louis Vuitton
`was based,!") until the end ofthe Franco-Prussian War when the original Vuitton main trunk manufacturing
`workshop was completely destroyed forcing the young family to moveto Paris in 1871 where Georges subsequently lived !5Il"! Georges wasthe only child
`of Louls and Clemence-Emilie Vuitton and quickly beganlearning thetrade his Father practiced- Trunk makingfor Louis Vuitton. |"! Louis and Clemence-
`Emilie sent Georges to school in Jersey to learn to speak English as Louis was not comfortable speaking English to his wealthy clients.'*! After Louis
`Vuitton died aged 70 years