Diamond Chemical Company, Inc. v. Energizer Auto, Inc.

92079728 | Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed May 16, 2022
Proceeding Type Cancellation
Respondent Mark FREE & CLEAR No. 88533704
Petitioner Mark FREE 'N CLEAR No. 90082767
Case Type Cancellation
Status Terminated
Interlocutory Attorney STEVEN W FERRELL
Last Updated: 1 year, 4 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
7/20/2023Board Decision: Can Denied with Prejudice
6/30/2023Motion to Amend Registration (Fee)
6/14/2023Response Due 30 Days (Due Date) 7/14/2023
5/25/2023Motion to Amend Registration (No Fee)
5/24/2023Extension of Time Granted
5/19/2023Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
4/19/2023Extension of Time Granted
4/19/2023Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
3/20/2023Extension of Time Granted
3/20/2023Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
2/21/2023Extension of Time Granted
2/21/2023Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
1/18/2023Extension of Time Granted
1/18/2023Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
11/22/2022Extension of Time Granted
11/22/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
10/21/2022Extension of Time Granted
10/21/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
9/21/2022Extension of Time Granted
9/21/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
8/22/2022Extension of Time Granted
8/22/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
7/22/2022Extension of Time Granted
7/22/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
6/23/2022Extension of Time Granted
6/23/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Motion for Ext with Consent
6/23/2022Energizer Auto, Inc. Change of Correspondence Address
5/17/2022Notice and Trial Dates Sent; Answer Due: 6/26/2022
5/16/2022Filed and Fee