`December 27, 2020
`Cancellation No. 92075663
`Academy, Ltd.
`B'freely, LLC
`An answer to the petition to cancel was due in this proceeding on December 16,
`2020. Inasmuch as it appears that no answer has been filed, nor has Respondent filed a
`motion to extend its time to answer, a notice of default
`is hereby entered against
`Respondent under Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(a).
`Accordingly, proceedings are suspended. Respondent is allowed until thirty days from
`the date of this order to show cause why judgment by default should not be entered
`against Respondent in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(b)(2).
`The failure to file a timely answer
`tolls all deadlines,
`including the discovery
`conference, until the issue of default is resolved. See Trademark Rule 2.114(a).
`The schedule for the discovery conference, initial disclosures, discovery and trial will
`be reset in the event that the Board resumes proceedings.