`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Filer's Name
`Filer's email
`Leola Anifowoshe and Tessylim Anifowoshe
`HOUSTON, TX 77098
`Defendant's Notice of Reliance
`Leslie Wm. Adams
`info@lesliewmadams.com, ale@lesliewmadams.com, lwa@lesliewmadams.com
`/Leslie Wm. Adams/
`NOTICE OF RELIANCE 091219.pdf(29315 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 1_compressed.pdf(5425811 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 2.pdf(362821 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 3_compressed.pdf(5301541 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 4.pdf(26822 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 5.pdf(107098 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 6.pdf(1613247 bytes )
`CANCELLATION EX 7.pdf(121292 bytes )
`In the matter of Registration No. 4378376
`For the mark: NZURI
`Registration Date: August 16, 2013
`Respondents, Leola Anifowoshe and Tessylim Anifowoshe, pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §2.122
`and TMBP §704, Trademark Rules 2.121 through 2.125, as amended August 2019, hereby give
`their reliance upon the following materials herein referenced as Exhibits to this Notice of Reliance.
`Insofar as this Notice of Reliance is being filed on Thursday, September 12, 2019, the Respondents
`assert it is timely pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §2.196, because the testimony period for the applicant ends
`September 12, 2019.
`Exhibit 1 – Affidavit and Declaration of Tessylim Anifowoshe summarizing the
`use of the Nzuri’s Trademark since 2011, which includes Attachments: A, B, C and D, comprising
`of formation documents for the company, public information reports, business records admissible
`under the Federal Rules of Evidence 803(6) and pages from the internet on June 27, 2018, from the
`https://www.heb.com/search/?q=nzuri https://www.essence.com/torrei-hart-launches-new-natural-
`https://www.hairvitaminstore.com/category-s/1883.htm. This
`affidavit and its attachments are relevant as they will support Respondents’ affirmative defenses
`asserted in its Answer to Petitioner’s Petition to Cancel and will support that Respondents did not
`knowingly made false or material representation with intent to deceive the USPTO.
`Exhibit 2 – Nzuri’s Trademark Application filed on September 08, 2011, S/N:
`85417780 was obtained from the electronic database records of the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office. This document is relevant to this matter as it will support Respondents’
`affirmative defenses and that Respondents did not commit fraud on the USPTO.
`Exhibit 3 – The Office Action issued on January 3, 2012 was obtained from the
`electronic database records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This document is
`relevant to this matter as it will support Respondents’ affirmative defenses. This document will
`further support Respondents’ contentions that Respondents’ action of deleting the class was taken
`per the suggestions or instructions provided by the Examining Attorney and not with intent to
`deceive the USPTO.
`Exhibit 4 – Examiner’s Amendments issued on June 5, 2012 and June 7, 2012. was
`obtained from the electronic database records of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
`This document is relevant to this matter as it will support Respondents’ affirmative defenses. This
`document will further support that Respondents’ actions were reviewed by the Examining
`Attorney and were subsequently approved, thus proving that Respondents did not commit fraud
`on the USPTO.
`Exhibit 5 – Nzuri’s Registration Certificate No. 4378376, issued on August 6, 2013
`was obtained from the electronic database records of the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office. This document is relevant to this matter as it will support Respondents’ affirmative
`defenses. This document will further support Respondents’ superior and established rights.
`Notice of Reliance
`Cancellation No. 92069129
`Exhibit 6 – Pages from the Internet on September 12, 2019, from the website
`accessible at https://www.nzuribodyessentials.com/shop evidencing Petitioner’s products that will
`cause likelihood of confusion among Respondents’ customers which will challenge the assertions
`made by Petitioner on Petitioner’s Petition to Cancel.
`Exhibit 7 – Nzuri Body Essential’s Illinois Secretary of State Trademark
`Registration No. 110515 was obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State’s website. This
`document is relevant to this matter as it will support Respondents’ affirmative defenses. This
`document will further support that Petitioner’s do not hold legal rights superior to Respondents.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Leslie Wm. Adams
`Texas Bar No. 00869810
`Alexis L. Espejel
`Texas Bar No. 24109846
`Charles I. Murnane
`Texas Bar No. 24074775
`3700 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 420
`Houston, Texas 77098
`Tel. (713) 728-6360
`Fax 713-728-6366
`Notice of Reliance
`Cancellation No. 92069129
`I hereby certify that a true and accurate copy of Respondent’s Notice of Reliance has been
`served on the following by delivering said copy on September 12, 2019 via email to counsel for
`Petitioner at the following address:
`Saper Law Office, LLC
`Matthew R. Grothouse
`505 North LaSalle, Suite 350
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`(312) 527-4100 (Telephone)
`Leslie Wm. Adams
`Notice of Reliance
`Cancellation No. 92069129
`In the matter of Registration No. 4378376
`For the mark: NZURI
`Registration Date: August 16, 2013
`Tn the matter of Registration \0.4378376
`For the mark: セzurj@
`Registration Date: August 16, 2013
`LEOL.A aセifowosheL@AND
`'" §
`CA1'ICELLATIO;\l \0.92069129
`Beforc me, the under::;igncd notary, on this day personally appeared T\:!ss):Iim ;\nifowoshe,
`the affiant, a person whose identity is known to mc. After I administered an oath tu amant, affiant
`"My name is T cssylim Anifowoshe. I am over 18 years of age, of sound mind. and capable
`of making this affidavit. The fncts stated in this affidavit are within my persona l kno\vledge
`and arc true and correct.
`13m the President and CEO ofNzuri, LLC, ("Nzuri") a limited liability compa ny organized
`under the la\vs ufthe state of Texas. Nzuri was formed on August 30, 20 II as rdlected by
`the formation documents attached.
`I have been a manager 0 f N 7,Uri since its creation in 2011. I \\'as in charge () C t he market i ng .
`finances and developll1cm of the products created by Leola Anifowoshe. Leola
`Anifowoshe amI 1 deyelopcd the concept. the products and the company. into what it is
`today. Attached is the products we developed, and first used in commerce s ince January
`1,2011, also attached is a list of the products \ve sold with the dates in which they \vcre
`first sold.
`By attending various beauty fairs and events, Nzuri was abk to gain fame and recogni tion
`of its products . Nzuri has been selling its products nationwide through stores such as
`and H-E-B Super Markets ,
`through our w(..:bsite
`https ;i/w\vw.hairvitaminstore.com. The attached ads and photographs demonstrate the
`location of the products sold and the marketing efforrs.
`I have been using the mark since irs creation in 2011 without knowledge of a ny other user
`in the beauty market and vitamin market.
`When the application for Nzuri \vas filed on September 08, 10 1 I, 1 had no idea nor had any
`knowledge that other businesses were using "Nzuri" as part of their name . This was
`brought to our attention when th e Examining Attorney isslIed her office action on January
`3, 2012, which is also attached.
`In the office action, the Examining Attomcy instructed us that the app lication had a refusal
`In tlle 01liCG action. the
`based on the "Likelihood of Confusion" of another mark.
`Examining Attorney instructed us that we could respond to the rerusHI by submitti ng
`evidence and arguments against the refus al. by deleting the classes to which th e refusal
`pel1ained, filing u request to divide out the goods and/or services that had not been refused,
`or amending the basis for the classes .
`After considering the instructions provided by the Examining. AltlJrney, we decided to
`follow the option provided of dclcting the classes to which the refusal pertained. At no
`point during the process did we make any false or material representation of the {'acts in
`connection \vith the application. \Ve did not knowingly or intentionally 。エエ|NセャQQーエ@to elecei ve,
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO"). the Examining Attorney, the
`staff or any agent or the USPTO.
`Leola Anifowoshe and I made the decision to delete the classes pertainin g to the refus al as
`instructed and informed by the Examining Attorncy in the Office Action date January 3,
`I declare under penalty of pelJury that the foregoing is true an d correct.
`1 ,,\
`-4-.....+-.b:-t'..t.-'J 0 セ」@-----___ -------'
`k"- _
`before me the undersigned authority on the j2Aday of September 20 19:
`セヲHセGサセQ@Notary Public, State of Texas
`セセBLセLNGNNjGGZ@ Comm . Expires 03-19-2023
`". ... "',· •. ᄋセtNZM
`Notary 10 131937136
`Notary Public. State of Texas
`ArrlDAVIT Of Tessylim Aniluw(lshe
`CAi'-CELU I IUJ' No. 92(J6912cJ
`Secretary of State
`PO. Box 1369?
`Austin. TX 78711-3697
`FAX: 51214635709
`Fling Fee= $300
`Certificate of Formation
`Limited Liability Company
`Filed in the Office of the
`Secretary of State of Texas
`Filing #: 301473439 03:30:2011
`Document #: 386703120004
`Image Generated Electronically
`for Web Filing
`The filing entity being formed is a limited liability company. The name of the entity is:
`Article 1 - Entity Name and Type
`NzuriI LLC
`137A. The initial registered agent is an organization (cannot be company named above) by the name of:
`Article 2 — Registered Agent and Registered Office
`Leslie Wm. Adams and Associates
`VB. The initial registered agent is an individual resident of the state whose name is set forth below:
`0. The business address of the registered agent and the registered office address is:
`Street Address:
`3900 Essex Lane Suite 1111 Houston TX 77027
`Consent of Registered Agent
`FA. A copy of the consent of registered agent is attached.
`173. The consent of the registered agent is maintained by the entity.
`Article 3 - Governing Authority
`FFA. The limited liability company is to be managed by managers.
`THE. The limited liability company will not have managers. Management of the company is reserved to the members.
`The names and addresses of the governing persons are set forth below:
`Manager 1: Leola Anifowoshe
`Title: Manager
`Address: 5923 Mettler Lane Richmond TX, USA 77469
`Article 4 - Purpose
`The purpose for which the company is organized is for the transaction of any and all lawful business for which limited
`liability companies may be organized under the Texas Business Organizations Code.
`Supplemental Provisions I Information
`To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no member, manager, officer
`or agent of the Company shall be personally liable for the debts, obligations or
`liabilities of the Company or its members, including liability under a
`judgment, decree or order of a court and except for an act or omission not in
`good faith or that involves intentional misconduct or knowing violation of the
`law; nor shall any Member, manager, officer or agent be liable to the Company
`for monetary damages for any act or omission in such person's capacity as a
`member, manager, officer or agent. In addition to the circumstances in which a
`Member or manager shall not be liable pursuant to the provisions of this
`Article, a member or manager shall not be liable to the fullest extent permitted
`by any provision of the statutes of Texas, as hereafter written, amended, or
`enacted, that further limits the liability of a member or manager. Any repeal
`or amendment of this Article, or the adoption of any other provision of this
`Certificate of Formation inconsistent with this Article, by the members or the
`managers of the Company shall be prospective only and shall not adversely affect
`any limitation on the personal liability of such person to the Company existing
`at the time of such repeal, amendment or adoption of an inconsistent provision.
`[The attached addendum. if any. is incorporated herein by reference]
`The name and address of the organizer are set forth below.
`Leslie Wm. Adams
`3900 Essex Lane Suite 1111 Houston, Texas 77027
`IVA. This document becomes effective when the document is filed by the secretary of state.
`VB. This document becomes effective at a later date, which is not more than ninety (90) days from the date of its
`signing. The delayed effective date is:
`The undersigned affirms that the person designated as registered agent has consented to the appointment. The
`undersigned signs this document subject to the penalties imposed by law for the submission of a materially false or
`fraudulent instrument and certifies under penalty of perjury that the undersigned is authorized under the provisions of
`law governing the entity to execute the filing instrument.
`Leslie Wm. Adams, Attorney in Fact
`Signature of Organizer
`Texas Franchise Tax Public Informat 0I[ILReport
`To be filed by Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLC) and Financial institutions
`This report MUST be signed and filed to satisfy franchise tax requirements
`Filing Number: 801473489
`r g m 05402
`W m (Revs-l ”30}
`I Tcode 1 31 96
`I Report year
`You have certain rights under Chapter 552 and 559, Government Code,
`to review, request, and correct information we have on file about you.
`Contact us at(800)252-138iori5i2)463-4600.
`I Taxpayer number
`TaxpayerW MIA-t fl. 1
`LL- (1.
`Eecretary of State (505} file number or
`omptroller file number“'_—'
`A‘ 0 $ a K 9-LqL
`F'”e-7W 4/va / ”73%?
`O /Blacken circle if there are currently no changes from previous year; if no information is isplaygdcomplete the applicable information in Sections A B and C.
`IPrincipal office
`IPrincipal place of busmess
`Officer, director and member information is reported as of the date a Public Information
`'W ”'5[CM Report is completed. The information is updated annually as part ofthe franchisetax
`....--— —
`report. There is no requirement or procedure for supplementing the information as
`officers. directors. or members change throughout the year.
`SECTION A Name, title and mailing address of each officer, director or member.
`0 YES
`1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
`ligation '017IZ-Ii If
`eipTration I OIUII i l
`i I
`i I;
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`Magic-lire“ "gt-{44’9“ LN
`. C, 1%
`ligation l0 lei lLI K I
`8 had at. Ci "4'thng M Sac-few m1
`IZIP Code
`“I [-24.1 \M
`Clty “A.
`SECTION B Enter the information required for each corporation or LLC if any. in which this entity owns an interest of 10 percent or more
`0 YES
`I'l'exas SOSfile number, ifanyIPercentage of ownershipl
`lState offormation
`lflame ofowned {subsidiary} corporation or limited liabilitycompany
`[Texas 505 file number, ifanyIPercentage ofownershipl
`lState offormation
`IName ofowned (subsidiary) corporation or limited liabilitycompany
`SECTION C Enter the information required for each corporation or LLC. if any, that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity or limited
`liability company.
`I'lexas 505 file number, ifanylPercentage ofownership I
`[State offormation
`Flame ofowned {parent} corporation or limited liability company
`Blacken circle if you need forms to change
`Registered agent and registered office currently on file. {see instructions ifyou need to make changes)
`0 the registered agent or registered office information
`[ZIP Code
`The above information is required by SecfiOn ”1.203 of the Tax Code for each corporation or limited liability company that files a Texas Franchise Tax Report. Use additional sheets
`for Sections A, B, and C. if necessary. The information will be available for public inspection.
`I declare that the informationIn this document and any attachments is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief as of the date below and that a copy of this report has
`been mailed to each person namedflin this report whoIs an officer director or member and who'Is not currently employed by this, or a related corporation or limited liability company
`,V Larg/ M i h
`FitleMWIPatr-zg~// 9/ 1 L {tea cod; and phone number
`" '3'”if“i. .‘iiii iiiIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllll
`Filing Number: 801473489
`TexasFranchiseTaxPublicInformationRepo F E EEi0%fl Alk
`To be filed by Corporations, limited Liability Companies (LLCl‘and Financial i
`This report MUST be signed andfiledto satisfyfranchise tax requirements
`.mo \ .v-
`1 E w 05-102
`9*: W [Rem 1-1251)
`chode 13196
`You have certain rights under Chapter552 and 559. Government Code.
`I Taxpayer number
`to review, request, andcorrectinformation wehaveon fileaboutyou.
`Contact us at (800) 252- I3810! (512) 463-4600.
`I Report year
`OSBlackencirclei therearecurrentlynochangesfrompreviousyear.itnoinformation.isdisplayed.completetheapplicableInformationinSectionsA.BandC.
`Officer. director and manager information'IS reported as of the date a Public Infon'nation
`PMmmW Report is completed Theinformation'us updated annually as part ofthefranchise tax
`report ThereIs no requirement or procedure for supplementing the information as
`officers. directors. or managers change throughout the year.
`SECTION it Name. title and mailing address of each ofi'lcer. director or manager.
`1 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
`m 'm 0... I:III-II
`T" e
`’ J.
`0 YES
`"M gl
`68L gm
`l _
`F. Cue
`Y M_:I.;‘
`SECTION 3 Enter the information required for each corporation or LLC. if any. in which this entity owns an interest of 10 percent or more.
`la-iitycompany _xas ’0" ‘ enumu- .i any“
`Nameo own - su-s - ry corporationor im --
`ameo own- - (su-sI-iary corporation or im e» ia- itycompany
`exas SOS " enum- r.l any ercentageo owners ip
`SECTION C Enter the information required for each corporation or LLC. if any. that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity or limited
`liability company.
`‘ameo own- - parent corporation or |rnit-- a-i
`Percentageo owners ip
`It“ mmn
`-agenta - register- o“cecurrent on . {seeinsrrucrionsi you
`Bac encrceyoune'l ormstoc ange
`The above information Is required by Section ”1.203 oi the Tax Code [or each corporation or limited liability company that files a Texas Franchise Tax Report. Use additional sheets
`for Sections A. B. and C. if necessa ry.‘l'he Information Iwill be available for. public inspection.
`I declare that the infon-natlon in this document and any attachments Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, as of the date below. and that a copy of this report has
`been mailed to each person named in this report who is an officer. director or manager and who is not currently employed by this. - r a related. corporation or limited liability company.
`ith I II
`3%! egg:- 05402
`Filing Number: 801473489
`Texas FranchiseTax Public Information RePfiflllnE“.D Mm[\W‘
`To be filed by Corporations Limited liability Companies (“.0 and Financial i
`This report MUST be signed and filed to satisfy lranchise tax requirements
`l‘l’code 13196 Franchise
`l Taxpayer number
`I “99°" 5‘9"
`we have on file aboutyou. Contact us at 1-800-252-1381
`Youhmcmin rigriu mderdiaprersssonosss,
`Secretary of State {505) file number or
`Comptroller file number
` EX
`Officer. director and manager information is reported as of the date a Public Information
`7"”! “ElW Report is completed. The Information Is u dated annuallyas part ofthe franchise tax
`report. There is no requirement or pr
`ore for supplementing the information as
`officers. directors. or managers change throughout the year
`SECTION A Name, title and mailing address of each officer, director or manager.
`1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 4
`SECTION B Enter the information required for each corporation or LLC If any, in which this entity owns an Interest of 10 percent or more.
`Name of owned {subsidiary} corporation or limited liability company
`State offormation
`Texas 505 file number. If any
`Percentage of ownership
` Name of owned (subsidiary) corporation or limited liability company
`State offormation
`Texas SOS file number if anyr
`Percentage ofownership
`SECTION C Enter the Information required for each corporation or LLC. if any, that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity or limited
`liability company.
`Name of owned [parent] corporation or limited liability company
`Texas 505 file number. If any
`Percentage ofownerehle
`Registered agent and registered office currently on tile (seeinsmionsifyouneedro mokeo'iangeti
`O Blacken circle if you need forms to change
`the registered agent or registered office Information.
`ZIP Code
`The above Information is required by Section I 71.203 of the 'I'aiir Code for each corporation or limited liability company that files a Texas Franchise Tait Report. Use additional sheets
`for Sections A B and C If necessary The information will be available for public inspection.
`I declare that the infon-natlon in this dacument and any attachments is true and correct to the best of my knoMedge and belief as ofthe date below. and that a copy of this report has
`been mailed toeachperson named inthis reportwhoIs an officer. directoror manager and whoIsnotcurrentlyremployed bythis.or a related.corporation or limited liabilitycompany.
`Texas Comptroller Official Use Only
`°:::' os-m
`Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report
`‘5‘ mammal
`Filing Number: 801473489
`’ I
`manna-mm mama-manna.
`' m --
`«Mumflhobooryou mammals-rm.
`W Molanorequhmentorplocflgau
`SECTIONA Namath and mailing address ofeadt ofloer,&ector ormanager
`H , WWW-fl Wuw.mg~%mmmmw M‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
`EntertholnfonnatimmmmmamumymmmlsmmsmIntereatofiolpercent orn'iore.
`semen: mmmmmwmmmmmumuwmnmmlmmo mummmmyaflm
`wmnmwmmmmm mmvywmwmmw
`o Biackendrdeifymneodfornutodnuge
`Immunimnmummmmomummmma mmmudmemmmm ol’tl-rluepouhu
` W
`Ml ‘
`w Hm.”IJ'‘ii
`Tums Cmnplr‘nllur Oifrci .1I Um: Only
`& w 05-102
`,. 1‘ 1-5,:
`Filing Number: 301473439
`“'3'ENE!3"“!ND “\5
`Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Rep
`To be filed by Corporations. Limited liability Companies (L10. Limited Partnerships (LP),
`ProfessionaiAssociotions (PM and Financioi institutions
`I Tcode 13196 Franchise
`I My“!
`rant-amines maimfizmssg,
`Wade. mmwwmmm
`whawmflemm Medusa! roan-2524301
`mum at!
`Secretaryof State [SOS] iiie number or
`Comptrollerfile number
`mum-wr- , r01 .1 54/5
`Yoummtreportoflicer director member genemipartnerandrmnagerinformoflm orofthedoteyoucompietethisrepon.
`Maw mwmmhmwmmmwmmmflmm
`SSC'I'IDN A Name. title and mailing address of each officer, director, member. general partner or manager.
`”'“'"°““'”‘ ___
`SECTION B Evita-1|r information for each corporation. LLC. LP. PA or finandal institution. if any. in which this
`entityownsaninterestoflcipercent orrnore.
`_exas505filemb«. irony
`SECTION C Enter inionnation for each corporation .LLC. LP. PA or financial institution. if any, that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity.
`Name crowned [parent] mporatlmLLGLRPA orfinandal institution
`TemSOSfilenun-nberJfany mdmlp
`J“ WfinfilesaTemFrandllseTuflepatLbeaddfloml
`Theiniorrnau- ontl'llsfa-on'nistequlfedbySectionI?I.203dtheTaxCodefueadloorporaM-LLC.LEPAorfln
`Theinfonnaflonwillbeavallablefor- Hit
`ldeclarethatd'ielnl'ormation Inthls dowmunmdanymadunmuiswundcmmmdnbmdmymowledgemdbdld. asofdtedatebdommdfllatacopydfl'llsnpathas
`bemmaiiedtoeachpersonnarmdhthlsrepoflwhoisanoflicer. director, membergenaalpannuummaguandmisnotmmndyenfloyedbydisuardmm
`"°" £9”me
`Texan Cor‘nptlroller Official USE Only
`"lullllllllif‘lllllllllllll llllljlllllH
`$5 m 05-102
`t m (“9158”
`Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Repo ..
`TobefiledbyCorporotions. ltmitedlrobn‘ityComponies {LLCJtsunami???sap).
`‘ H
`Professional Associations (PA) and Financial institutions-.
`.. I
`I Tcode 13196 Franchise
`Filing Number: 801473489
`I Report year
`murmur-rotations mderO‘ropterfiZ‘andSSP.
`Government Code. to review, request ondconect information
`I Taxpayer number
`IInIIInIuII aunt: W...
`.M... mm LLC
`Secreta of State (505} file numberor
`Comptrrgller file number
`' Oi &
`ress 3 7;? 7
`V6814 I i” k-V
`_ 4
`Zchode -
`O Blacken circle ifthere a e currently no changes from previous year; If no information is displayed. complete the applicable information in Sections A. B and C.
`Principal office
`Principal place of business
`You must report officer. director. member. generoiportner and manager information as ofthe dateyou complete this report.
`O was
`address—ECTION_ilingB Enterinformationforeachcorporation.LLC.LP.PAorfinancialinstitution.ifany.inwhichthisentityownsaninterestoi10percent ormore.
`Name of owned {subsidiary} corporation. LLC. LP PA or financial institution
`Texas 305 file number. if any
`Percentage ofownership
`Name 0‘ owned {subsidiary} corporation. LLC. LP: PA or financial institution
`Texas SOS file number. if any
`Percentage of ownership
`SECTION C Enter information for each corporation. LLC. LP. PA or financial institution, if any. that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity.
`Name of owned (parent) corporation. LLC. LP PA or financial institution
`Texas 505 file number. it any
`Percentage of ownership
`You must moire a filing with theSecretory ofStote todronge registered
`- uttered Mice orgmeroiportnermrormotion.
`The information on this orm is required by Section ”1.203 of the Tax Code for each corporation. LLC. LP. PA orfinancialInstit
`sheets for Sections A. B and C. it necessary The information will be available for public inspection.
`I deciare that the information in this document and any attachments Is true and correct to the best at my knowledge and belief. as of the date below. and that a copy of this report has
`been mailed to each person named in this report whoIs an officer. director. member. general partner or manager and whoIs not currently employed by this or a related corporation.
`LLC. LP. PA or financial institution.
`that files a Texas FranchtseTax Report. Use additional
`Area c . -
`- and
`e number
`Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Eeilpimg Number 80
`3% E 05402
`robefiledbyCOrporatrons. Limited LiabiliryCompanies (LLCJ,Umi Partnerships; (1p)!
`__ ionic.
`ProfessionalAssociations (PA) and Financial instit
`I Tcode 13196 Franchise
`147 4
`I “390“?“
`You from certain rights underchoptersslandSSQ
`Government Code, to review, requestond correctmiormion
`Secretary of State (SOS) file number or
`Comptroller file number
`I Taxpayer number
`Taxpayer narne
`2 .Ll
`Mailing address .
`OBladten circle iithere are currently no changesfrom previous year; if no information is displayed. complete the applicable inionnation in Sections A. B and C.
`You must report otiicer director; member, generalpartner and manager lflfmfion as of the date you complete this report
`PM“ I!!!I'd/I09" This report must he signed to satisfy franchise tax requirements.
`SEC‘I10N A Name, title and mailing address of each officer, director. member, general partner or manager.
`“‘"'“"“"°“ —-_
`SECTION B Enter information for each corporation, LLC. LP, PA or financial institution, if any, in which this entity owns an interest of 10 percent or more.
`Name of owned [subsidiary] corporation. Ll-C. LP, PA or financial limitation
`Texas SOS file number. ifany
`Percentage of ownership
`Name of owned [subsidiary] corporation. LLC. LP, PA or financial institution
`Texas SOS file number. ifanyif
`Percentage oi ownership
`SECTION C Enter information for each corporation . LLC. LP. PA or financial institution. if any. that owns an interest of 10 percent or more in this entity.
`Name of owned [parent] corporation. LLC. LP. PA or financial institution
`Texas 505 file number, ifany
`Percentage oi ownership
`Registered agent and registered office currently on file (see hstmctions ifypuneedro make changes]
`Younnnt make a may with theMaydflme toW Wilt-W1
`agent. registered orifice orgeneralpartner information.
`The information on thisform'Is required by Section ”1203 ofthe Tax Code for each corporation. LLC. LP PA or financial Institution that files a‘l'exas FranchiseTax Report. Useadditional
`sheets forSections A. B and C, if necessa