Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
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`08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`hm: fM/ww thedafl Dressxm cebar com/
`Fresh. Pure. Raw.
`The Daily Press is a Juice Bar & Cafe located in
`Cohasset, MA.
`FRC 000057
`FRC 000057


`08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`hm: fM/ww thedafl Dressxm cebar com/
`311' Hair!)
`SaeSu 72711.)
` Leemmmme Tmmflse
`And this is why.
`We are m dae business Dfnuunshmem Most higherulume resrauramr rely rm prepackAged, preeeaeed
`feed [a meet Iheu demand A large pan of their store layout 15 aerated to storage so may can fill It
`m’rh pruduns that bar e a mug shelfllfe enablmg them ra huy in buik marsh} reducing dehx'uies
`stutkmg labax, and reeeire materials er a bener prree pomr Many oflhe prod-ms are prepaekaged so
`the} can be warmed in a mic-(ms as e and sen'ed m a mmuuuud (Ame ufse‘. Hal minutes. We mink (ha!
`aa sheif hf: goes up: Dummy; goes down Our pmdudi are prepared bu a dail} 111515; 50 rue avenge
`91:1!"th af aw mgrcdicms is 1:5: than 14 hams.
`We make things.
`We helm: 1!“: were simply pxocessed fwds :ue max: nuumous. ensuring 11m manna; and maul;
`are delzr ered ra the had» In a \Tz} rhar are easily argearea making me had» feel more eaergerre Our
`Veggie bmgu, hummus, salad dreasmgs and even nur kjmcin are made All small batches on 3 am;-
`basis so here 15 um need for presen’zines
`Ourjmcsi are Cald-pxessed, using a Nonulk Juicer «inch is fzmous for n: ability to keep Juree. coal
`Lhmugh Its Eepan pmcess; pmtecung ula} nuerreare We use flashefinzen fruits: cream} yogurt; and
`homemade mu butters maread arpreeeaeed syrup: or bonied concoclions fer our smuaihies Ezth
`smoodue ls handcrafied by a skilled (eckmmm and camams m: avenge s numemedense mgreerems.
`We behere daar eauug frerh “hale funds and dunks are not only delicmu: and make us feel good, we:
`eeuene Illa: a dierfilkd with flesh natural/00d: can impacryaatfuture: health.
`We are change-makers.
`reeem _
`Oumerk 15 em am far us each dz)
`unpacking, and preparrag foods using fresh produce
`Since we ax'erage shemir‘e of our mgmdients is less man 24 hours, “a Work cwmmuously r0 ereare and
`replrmah Dar products, Om preeeea ra labar mreaeir e hm we are marred by [he peaer‘amg- ofchznge
`as “e \\ 01k maeurer to Ensure that Bur products are fies-1:: pure, and law
`R225] more sham us inch: Cohasset Manner>>
`FRC 000058
`FRC 000058


`hm: fM/ww thedafl Dress‘mcebar com/ 08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`Daily Press Specials
`FRC 000059
`FRC 000059


`hm: fM/ww thedaii DFeSSiLli cebar com/
`08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`m :’
`)Ind Beet;
`w 7:7 r 'm
`Home Blend
`Pure Greens
`Liquid Musiiine
`O: n Gr ‘errui
`Plli'e “ nlel‘mEloII
`\‘i 3
`i new:
`Fitk 3
` ua '. "3mm
`1! [ii
`Liquid Luurh
`Lazmu cw- 5p;
`Drink Your Greens
` . Celrx App‘e Rom“
`Drink Youl Greens “iill Lemon &
`35 2?
`Ginger [eh-“'1 4,131.6,Romsme av
`Lemcn rmge:
`Sueel Gl‘Eé‘lH
`5‘ If
`FRC 000060
`FRC 000060


`hm: fM/ww thedall Dresslul cebar com/
`08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`Tmpiul Blml
`Anal pulp blended mm gun, cacamlt mllk, ban
`and battles Tuuued mm;
`. meappl». bananas.
`strawbenms gajl berr
`Berry Bowl
`gun, honey;
`Anal 51qu blended mm Com" mllk
`and beniestapped wlm .
`.ed suawbcxnes «much.
`hm: gnjl heme: l-
`nul gulps, 3nd Emmi];
`Rlneherry Crmn-ll
`Acai pulp blended mm yogurt cucanm mflk honey:
`and hunt: Tapper: and] fresh bluebcrnes: Elma
`ads, vamlla granola
`:1 hamna and a honey
`Manda} , Capra-5e Soup
`:l amcn m bmlh_ saursad upzllach lnozznrell; Lull;
`Tlllll'sdzl} , Tamara Soup
`Tapped wuh Gnne’a :m-an
`Tuesdn} rTllai Squash Soup
`3n.bath and cc: Smear puma, calm: Slmm‘lel‘. m'
`mll‘n Topffd u
`Wednesday , Vegemrlnn Tm'nlla Soup
` , swam-d tomatoes pep n: ma mum suumezed
`, :1
`Fl'jdn) , Spicy Rom Yegmnble nml Red Lennl
`Tflppn‘: u uh v n
`Saturday a: Sunday , Qullloa (‘m'h'
`To“mar Crram 1 cheese made, :qu dull; La
`FRC 000061
`FRC 000061


`hm: fM/ww thedafl Dress‘mcebar com/ 08/23/2017 06 04 07 PM
`— 5[EN LT
`Fresh Off the Press
`The Dash:
`FRC 000062
`FRC 000062




`hm) f/WWW theb‘efldco COW 08/23/20W7 06 04 26 PM
`32!] W CDIEEIWEH ENG MY, Pleasant SC 2345‘
`Morgan 5 POW? M1 P‘easam. SC 23456 (of! WWW! 7(8—13) 97175955
`FRC 000063
`FRC 000063


`hm) f/WWW theb‘efldco COW 08/23/20W7 06 04 26 PM
`Local fruits and veggies that make you
`as ”1 Mt Pleasant
`FRC 000064
`FRC 000064


`hm) f/WWW theb‘efldco COW
`08/23/20W7 06 04 26 PM
`Made with real real people.
`banana - peanut mmar - SiiaWDEm‘ - honey - :uconu! mHk
`The JD
`banana - strawberry - almom mnK munev A couomn mHK- mueuewy . Cashews
`Oatmeal Cookie
`Always Be Closing
`nan jUICE < banana - green supeflooo . cnaw seeds
`FrUIt NIn1a
`orange - pmeapp‘e - Suawberw ~ a‘mand mHk - banana ~cocanu! water ‘ apple-
`FRC 000065
`FRC 000065


`hm) f/WWW theb‘efldco COW
`08/23/20W7 06 04 26 PM
`wall I IUaI Vuunlu
`Banana - usimea‘ - honey - LOEGHUI mHK - almnna WIIK
`Hangover Helper
`banana - thai gnu: - Mange » kalr— - ma: {FFHS
`Big Sexy
`Dome! - nulmeg rnanana ‘ amonu mnK
`Keep in touch with us on
`FRC 000066
`FRC 000066


`hm) f/WWW theb‘efldco COW 08/23/20W7 06 04 26 PM
`.Cnld-presied Juices Grgamt Smuolhies Herbal Elmr Shai; - 370E W Coieman Blvd Muunl P‘easant, SC (8A3) EBA-6161 . I ~ #hlEndpulcebar
`Luau MOIE
`FRC 000067
`FRC 000067


`hm: f/WWW theblendco com/cleanserwellness/ 08/23/2017 06 04 50 PM
`V Coleman BIVCI
`Pleasant S
`WHV IT WORKS: On a WEE cleanse that utilizes a WIGE seleclimi o! produce you will gel eveiyming matyou need pmlein‘ carmnydrales. rat, organi: sails Vilamms, and
`minerals ale all lmino in marJLiIK:e, Our cleanse is a cell reiwenaung deioxwing, alkalizing wellrnalancea and complete nuintianai plan It is easy [0 campleie by me average
`EXQIDTES cleansing and helps IO create balanse.
`Pruduces a gentle and efiecwemlal body cleanslng
`Step 1
`mmugh our mabHe app body cleansing
`Reboot CIeanse builds an the beginner Cleanse bul
`Step 2
`Pick up vourIreshly pressed IUICB fresh each day ai
`solid and deepel resuEmnenlen cleanse
`up limes (we deiivei‘ Ecol)
`caione and iI‘S fur green Juice levels The aeepesl mu
`Dud‘f Cleanse I'm; Iota! IIJII body renewaI
`Step 3
`DH“K, CIEBIISE and EI'UOYI Remember ID slay nymalea
`wnn ample amuums of waier,
`FRC 000068
`FRC 000068


`08/23/20i7 06 04 50 PM
`rim: f/WWW thebiendco com/cieanserweilness/
`We recommend Siai’iing
`939“ “WWW 0' WW
`”Mi and ”Wk 1'2
`9'35555 5i water arrer
`earn NEE
`Drink 1
`Drink 2
`Drink 3
`Drink 4
`Drink 5
`Pressed over 2 5 ins or
`This Juice conrains
`Ginger ieirion and
`A ceiicioiisiv ricri mi: r‘riiik
`A derox iarvoiir IiV'EI’ and
`whim am; in me narirrai
`cinnamon [0 new
`tiarance DIODE sugar
`great energy
`We srrcngtr‘ amiss vow to mnsuir yairraoci‘ar before uar‘iiciparing rm 3 ruins 0995332
`1 De» : SSH
`1Dav : S»
`IDE¥ : 550
`EDa5 :5120
`AN creanses r-rciuu‘e fi-Jciuices made 96er eacvr day. can cramp air n) swam-s you: was» pm up ‘A'i prices suaieci to mange
`FRC 000069
`FRC 000069


`hm: fM/ww theb‘endco com/c‘eanseweuness/
`08/23/2017 06 04 50 PM
`y “609: 3r
`,u-a'u ,
`“a n aLré'LL
`FRC 000070
`FRC 000070




`Cranberry Smoothie | Genesis Today
` (
`Cranberry Smoothie (
`When I am just not feeling my typical breakfast, I love switching it up with a smoothie. It’s such a quick and easy way to get a healthy dose of fruit in the
`morning! This one is especially nice because it is packed with (cid:162)avor but only has 4 ingredients.
`The Cranberry U.T. Complete gives it a great pop of cranberry (cid:162)avor as well as a big boost of proanthocyanidins (which are healthy antioxidants!).
`2 cups almond milk
`1 banana
`½ cup frozen berries
`1 scoop Cranberry U.T. Complete
`Add all ingredients into blender. Blend until smooth.
` Latest Posts
`Emily McCormick (Https://Genesistoday.Com/Author/Emily_mccormick/)
`Emily McCormick is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and is a Licensed Dietitian in the state of Texas. She graduated in 2013 from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s of
`Science in Nutrition and completed the Coordinated Program in Dietetics at UT in 2016.
`While pursuing her education, Emily has worked in the health and nutrition industry for 6 years. She has held positions in the Food Management industry as well as in Food Research and
`Development. In her free time, Emily enjoys cooking, traveling, playing soccer and hiking the greenbelt with her dog.
`Leave a Reply
`FRC 000325


`Cranberry Smoothie | Genesis Today
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`FRC 000326


`Green Milk Recipe | Genesis Today
` (
`Green Milk Recipe (
`In the midst of the upcoming Holiday chaos, it can de(cid:161)nitely be hard to stay healthy. Even if you do have self control on Thanksgiving, you may be too busy
`to prepare yourself healthy meals. This Green Milk is a GREAT way to get your nutrients when you are crunched for time.
`It seriously tastes just like homemade almond milk, but with so much more added goodness and nutrition.
`It’s also so much easier than making almond milk by soaking nuts, blending them, blah blah blah. You can easily make 16 oz of this every other day and use
`it in place of store bought almond milk. And it’s WAY cheaper.
`2 Tablespoons almond butter
`1 scoop of Genesis Today’s Greens + Probiotics (
`1 level spoonful (using the spoon included) Nature Sunshine Coral Calcium (
`2 Tablespoons Coconut Cloud coconut milk creamer (
`16 oz (cid:161)ltered water
`1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until completely smooth.
`2. Drink right away or keep in your fridge for about 2 days.
`3. Enjoy!
`$13.44 (15 servings)
` Latest Posts
`FRC 000327


`Green Milk Recipe | Genesis Today
`Emily Meyer (Http://Www.Eatordrink.Net)
`Emily Meyer is the creator of Eat or Drink! Everything she makes is free of gluten, dairy, soy, eggs and peanuts. Just because it's allergy free, does not mean it's taste free! Her goal is to make
`food that's better than the "real thing", not just a mediocre substitute. Join her at to see recipes and discussions on healthy foods, happy life and hope.
`Leave a Reply
`Enter your comment here...
`FRC 000328




`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`JUICING 101 
`Home  /  Juicing for Weight Loss  /  Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juic
`Want to Look Good Naked? Click Here! »
`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to
`Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies
`You'll get health-boosting
`burning, skin-clearing juice r
`- all with nutrition facts and
`Juicing is a great way to get your daily dose of veggies...but why stop there? There's so
`much goodness to be had, after all, and a delicious juice - or smoothie - is the perfect way
`to sneak heaps of healthy things into your daily diet.
`FRC 000336


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`Let's start with something you can add directly into your juices...
`Enter your name
` Apple cider vinegar is like the Swiss army
`knife of natural health supplements. You can
`use it as a teeth cleanser, a skin toner, a hair
`rinse, etc. And it provides an array of health
`bene(cid:210)ts when consumed. ACV helps your
`body maintain a healthy alkaline level and
`will help balance your entire inner body
`It also helps stimulate cardiovascular circulation and detoxi(cid:210)cation of the liver. It’s
`been known to aid in weight loss, eliminating acne, and even reducing allergies and
`(cid:210)ghting yeast infections. Oh, and did I mention it seriously helps daytime fatigue? It’s
`a natural energy booster – without the ca(cid:215)eine crash.
`Simply add one or two tablespoons into your juices for its deliciously tart bene(cid:210)ts.
`Make sure your ACV is raw, organic, un(cid:210)ltered and unpasteurized – I highly
`recommend Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar. You can (cid:210)nd it in most grocery stores or
`order it straight from Amazon for $5 !
`One of the reasons I love both juicing and blending is because a lot of the below
`supplements blend so much better into smoothies.
`It’s a great idea to (cid:210)rst squeeze all the healthy juice out of veggies and then toss that
`green elixir into a blender with half a banana or avocado and some of the superfoods
`below for a mind-blowingly healthy smoothie…
`Despite its unfortunate name, wheat germ is
`surprisingly yummy and will lend your
`smoothies a wonderfully toasty, nutty (cid:211)avor.
`If you eat plenty of whole grain products, you
`probably won’t need this supplement – but
`for those of us who tend to eat a lot of whole
`wheat or white (cid:211)our-based foods, wheat
`germ is a very wise addition.
`You see, wheat germ is the most nutrient-
`rich portion of the wheat seed but
`unfortunately, one of the parts of the wheat kernel that is discarded when making
`(cid:211)our (both white and whole wheat) since its healthy oils can go rancid quickly – not
`so good for food production companies who want their products to have a higher
`shelf life.
`Fortunately, you can get the most nutritious part of wheat separately – and you
`should, especially if you’re on a juice fast since wheat germ will provide you with a lot
`of nutrients that you might be skipping out on. For example, wheat germ is packed
`with healthy fatty acids, protein, (cid:210)ber, important B vitamins, and range of minerals
`including iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium and manganese.
`Enter your email
`Shop Related Products
`Nutiva Organic Hemp Oil, 24 Ounce
` (3015)
`Bob's Red Mill Wheat Germ, 32-ounce
`(Pack of 4)
` (352)
`Ads by A
`Juicing Tips: To Pee
`Not to Peel. Should
`Juice the Peels?
`Juicing Extras: The
`Supplements to Ad
`Superpower Your J
`FRC 000337


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`Wheat germ also has phytosterols that’s been shown to lower unhealthy cholesterol
`and help heart health. Oh, did I mention it contains plenty of the antioxidant, vitamin
`You can (cid:210)nd wheat germ at the supermarket or order a huge supply for $21 on
`You can get hemp seed in a (cid:210)nely ground
`powder that you can mix directly into your
`juices or smoothies – it only takes a minute
`and it provides health bene(cid:210)ts that make it
`oh, so worth it. You see, juicing is great but
`fresh fruit and veggie juices contain very little
`protein and no fat to speak of.
`So if you are juicing a lot, on a juice fast, or a
`vegetarian (or vegan) – it’s a good idea to add
`some hemp seed powder to your juices. Why?
`For starters, hemp seeds are extremely high in protein (double that of (cid:211)ax
`seed) – one that is easily digestible and doesn’t cause bloating or gas like from
`whey protein. Hemp seed also contains all 20 amino acids, including the 9
`essential amino acids our bodies cannot produce.
`It’s also a great way to get your (cid:210)ll of good fats – hemp seed is nature’s highest
`botanical source of essential fatty acids, with more EFAs than (cid:211)ax seed or any
`other nut or seed oil. It’s EFAs, however, are mostly Omega-6s – hemp seed
`contains a 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid, as
`well as vitamin E and trace minerals.
`I really cannot recommend adding hemp seed into your juices enough – it’ll provide
`you the protein and good fats that juices don’t contain and it’s such an important
`supplement especially for people who are su(cid:215)ering from immune de(cid:210)ciency
`diseases like Hashimoto’s.
`I recommend Nuvita’s Organic Hemp Powder – you can get a 3 lb bag for $20 on
`Hemp powder is a good option if you’re only mixing it into smoothies, but if you’re
`su(cid:215)ering from acne or clogged pores, I highly recommend hemp oil. This stu(cid:215) is a
`must-have especially for acne su(cid:215)erers and people with clogged pores as it is very
`high in Linoleic Acid. I actually do want to get into this for just a second since acne is
`a subject neary-and-dreary to my heart. Okay, sebum is normally made of Linoleic
`Acid, which is a fatty substance that comes out from healthy pores and serves the
`important function of moisturizing the skin and protecting it from bacteria.
`If you don’t produce enough Linoleic Acid, however, your sebum becomes made of
`Oleic Acid, which is thicker, dryer and the main culprit of clogged pores since instead
`of being nice and free-(cid:211)owing, it gets trapped in the pores and develops into
`whiteheads that can mature into cysts (my worst enemy).
`When Does Fresh J
`Lose Its Freshness?
`Juicing on the Go: H
`Store Fresh Juice fo
`Maximum Freshne
`Top 3 Best Juicers f
`Leafy Greens
`Hurom Juicer: Is it t
`Best Juicer for You?
`Detailed Review
`Juicing 101: What is
`Best Juicer to Buy?
`Top 3 Choices
`Fruits and Vegetab
`Must Buy Organic
`FRC 000338


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`A good way to determine if you su(cid:215)er from this problem is if you have both dry skin
`and clogged pores – an unfortunate combo. Hemp oil helps you overcome this
`problem both internally and externally – add it into your smoothies (hemp powder is
`(cid:210)ne for this) and directly onto your skin.
`I recommend Nutiva’s Organic Hemp Oil – it’s a cold-pressed, high quality product at
`a reasonable price ($17).
`I’m lumping these 2 together since they’re
`pretty similar nutritionally – both are a great
`source of omega-3s (each has around 2,400
`mg/tbsp) as well as (cid:210)ber. The most
`important di(cid:215)erence between the 2 is that
`(cid:211)axseeds are a rich source of lignans
`whereas chia seeds are not.
`But wait…if I’m already taking omega-rich
`hemp seed, why do I need (cid:211)ax or chia seeds?
`Well, hemp is pretty much in a di(cid:215)erent category of health bene(cid:210)ts. For starters,
`hemp is waaaaay superior in terms of protein – having around 50-75% more protein
`than either (cid:211)ax or chia. But – and this is a big BUT – hemp seed has pretty much no
`(cid:210)ber content and is more rich in omega-6 fatty acids.
`A brief digression into the whole omega-3 vs omega-6 ordeal: The US population
`consumes 19 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. Why is this not good
`news? Well, omega-3 fatty acids are anti-in(cid:211)ammatory whereas omega-6 fatty acids
`are pro-in(cid:211)ammatory. Our bodies need both of these essential fatty acids, but it’s no
`stretch to say that most of us are consuming waaaay too much omega-6 and not
`enough omega-3.
`I’m going to go ahead and say that it’s best to aim for a 1:1 balance of omega-6s to
`omega-3s – a nearly impossible goal considering where we’re currently at, but hey –
`always shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars, right? A
`simple way to do this is to up our omega-3 consumption while reducing our
`consumption of omega-6 from unhealthy, processed sources like corn oil or canola
`oil. Okay, done…back to the show…
`Flax and chia seeds contain nearly three times as much omega-3s as omega-6s
`(2,400 mg for chia and (cid:211)ax vs 1,000 for hemp) and will help balance EFA
`consumption, making them a valuable addition to your diet.
`So, which one should you get? Well, depends. Flax seed is cheaper than chia, but chia
`tends to be rather tasteless and can be a little slimy (preferred by some, despised by
`others) whereas (cid:211)ax seed has a slightly grassy, slightly toasty (cid:211)avor (liked by some,
`despised by others). So, it’s up to you.
`They're both pretty a(cid:215)ordable, too - a 15oz bag of ground (cid:211)ax seeds is around $10
`and a 16oz bag of chia seeds will run you around $10. 
`FRC 000339


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`I love this stu(cid:215) and take it religiously, every
`day, in at least one of my juice-smoothie
`combos. It also goes on my face, my hair, my
`dog, and pretty much all over my body. It
`smells delicious, tastes delicious, and I am
`So I’m adding it here. And it’s not just out of
`personal bias – this stu(cid:215) is seriously good for
`you. For starters, this stu(cid:215) is fantastic for
`helping your body handle blood sugar and a
`must for juicers who drink just juice in the
`morning and then experience a blood sugar
`spike…and the ensuing low. It’s also great for
`people who, like me, have hypothyroidism since coconut oil helps boost thyroid
`This yummy stu(cid:215) also possesses antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-bacterial, and
`antioxidant properties and helps our bodies mount resistance to the viruses and
`bacteria that cause illness. Get yeast infections often? Take coconut oil.
`More coconut oil health bonuses: It helps lower cholesterol, burn energy leading to
`weight loss, and supply age-(cid:210)ghting antioxidants to the body.
`Plus, it lends a wonderful coconut-y (cid:211)avor to everything you add it to. Yum.
`I like Nutiva’s Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Get a 2-pack for $17 on Amazon!
`You know green stu(cid:215) is good for you, but if
`you’re not so fond of downing green juices
`*yet* – get thee some Spirulina to add into
`your juice-smoothies. Actually, even if you
`are chugging green juices like a pro, I still
`recommend Spirulina.
`Why? Well, Spirulina is a super high source of
`protein, minerals, vitamins, bene(cid:210)cial pigments and antioxidants. It has more
`calcium than milk, more protein than meat, tons of blood-purifying Chlorophyll, and
`has omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9s.
`Other Spirulina bene(cid:210)ts? Spirulina...
`Promotes dental health
`Binds with heavy metals in the body and helps remove them
`Has around 4x the antioxidants of blueberries
`...and increases fat burning during exercise 
`The downside? It really does taste like pond water and it’s not recommended you
`add this into a veggie juice unless you have no gag re(cid:211)ex whatsoever. Spirulina is a
`FRC 000340


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`must-blend supplement – add in enough berries and bananas and it’ll mostly mask
`the (cid:211)avor of pond scum. Don’t let this scare you, though, this stu(cid:215) is really good for
`you so just hold your breath and down the stu(cid:215)!
`For spirulina, my brand of choice is hands down Nutrex's Hawaiian Spirulina - it's by
`far the best-tasting, best-quality spirulina around...and at a good price. 
`I’m in love with this stu(cid:215) – how it makes me
`feel, how it tastes, how it makes me feel…it
`has a yummy earthy, nutty (cid:211)avor that blends
`well into juice-smoothies and it energizes
`and revitalizes. I have so much more calm,
`focused energy when I add maca into my
`morning juice-smoothies and for this reason,
`I usually do.
`Maca is rich in protein, low in calories, and
`contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, C, and E as well as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium,
`phosphorous, and amino acids. But my favorite thing about maca is its function as a
`hormonal balancer. Oh, and did I mention it boosts your libido and endurance?
`It’s also been very helpful for my menstrual cramps when nothing else has helped –
`(cid:211)ax seed oil, evening primrose oil, etc. – and even improves my general mood. Some
`women take maca to improve fertility and some even take it to gain a bigger behind!
`Whatever you take this stu(cid:215) for – start slow. Maca is good in small doses as taking
`too much can result in adverse e(cid:215)ects and take you for a not-so-fun hormonal ride.
`When you start, don’t take more than 2 tbsp daily. You can work up little by little
`from there. It’s also a good idea to go completely o(cid:215) maca every once in awhile –
`think 3 weeks of maca, 1 without – to keep its e(cid:215)ects on your body.
`My favorite maca is Navitas Natural’s Organic Gelatinized Maca as the gelatinized
`form is without the starch and is thus more potent. Get it for $21 on Amazon!
`Note: If you’re located outside of the US, (cid:210)nding and ordering these supplements can be
`price-y. We highly recommend the website iHerb for (cid:210)nding supplements. They have a
`huge range of products and their international shipping fees are ridiculously low and
`sometimes FREE.
`Click here to get 10% o(cid:215) your (cid:210)rst order!
`Like 0
`FRC 000341


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`Perfect, 'cause we've gathered our favorite juice
`recipes into a printable juice recipe book you
`can download right now!
`Here's what you'll get ...
`Simple, tasty recipes perfect for beginners!
`Recipes to (cid:210)ght acne, burn fat, detox your
`liver, and more!
`Nutrition facts and prep tips for every recipe!
`Enter your name
`Enter your email
`My Amazon Picks
`Breville BJE200XL Compact
`Juice Fountain 700-Watt …
`Eco at Heart Reusable
`Straws - Set of 5 EXT…
`Epica 18-Oz. Glass Beverage
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`Center masticating Dua…
`$99.95 $99.99
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`$19.95 $44.95
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`$274.92 $274.95
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`Search Amazon
`Ads by Amazon
`Related Posts
`10 Things Every Juicer Should
`Top 10 Gift Ideas for
`FRC 000342


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`3 Delicious Cantaloupe Juice Recipes (And 6 Reasons to
`Drink Up)
`5 Best Veggies to Juice for Weight Loss and Overall
`7 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Juicing
`Juicing for Colds: 10 Most Effective Fruits and Vegetables
`to Juice
`Kean - July 22, 2013
`I would love to try Spirulina in my mixes, but it costs too much
`FRC 000343


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`Any website that you can recommend to buy Spirulina cheap^^?
`Rea - August 3, 2013
`Yea, spirulina is price-y. A good option is to buy them in capsule and
`tablet form (which is cheaper in the short-term since it contains less
`spirulina) which will last you exactly a month and will let you try it out and
`decide whether you would like to invest in taking it more constantly. If
`you do decide you love it, order it from iHerb along with other products
`that you need. If your total purchase is over $40, I believe, they give free
`and fast shipping. In addition, you can use coupon code KTS731 and get
`10% o(cid:215) your (cid:210)rst order.
`Spirulina is expensive, but that’ll at least help you save on shipping…as
`well as get 10% o(cid:215). Hope that helps!
`Orion - July 26, 2013
`Where to buy coconut Oil online? I can (cid:210)nd any in physical stores where I
`Rea - August 3, 2013
`You can order it from Amazon or if you’re going to ordering a lot of
`products at once – over $40 – order it from and you’ll get free,
`fast shipping. You can also use the coupon code KTS731 to get 10% o(cid:215)
`your (cid:210)rst order. Hope that helps!
`Nico - September 10, 2013
`If you are in EU you can order it on, it has really
`cheap prices and I tested it, DELICIOUS AND HEALTY!
`Beneva McFarland - March 15, 2017
`I like and I get the cold press if you want the coconut
`aroma .
`FRC 000344


`Juicing Extras: The Best Supplements to Add to Superpower Your Juice-Smoothies | Just Juice
`Anna Dawson - July 31, 2013
`Loving these smoothie ideas…I have coconut oil but haven’t ever used it in a
`smoothie! Thanks for the story
`Rea - August 3, 2013
`You’re very welcome
`Chris M - September 14, 2013
`Go for the Oil coconut, it tastes great with almost everything!
`Lancelot - September 10, 2013
`You mentioned Flax and Chia seeds but omitted Anutra. This grain is
`superior to (cid:211)axseed in so many ways. You should look into it.
`Rea - September 29, 2013
`Thanks for the tip!

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