Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Filer's Name
`Filer's email
`Charles E. Runels, Jr.
`CHICAGO, IL 60661
`Testimony For Defendant
`Patrick J. Arnold Jr.
`/Patrick J. Arnold Jr./
`Exhibit 188 Part 1.pdf(5408312 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 2.pdf(5984772 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 3.pdf(5960369 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 4.pdf(5726997 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 5.pdf(3957946 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 6.pdf(4555692 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 7.pdf(6094485 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 8.pdf(5099312 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 9.pdf(5628310 bytes )
`Exhibit 188 Part 10.pdf(1114204 bytes )


`188 Part 1
`188 Part 1


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`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)
`Case no. 92065804
`Offered by: Charles E. Runels Jr., MD


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`Roy v. Runels
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`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`About Us
`(888) 981-9516
`About PRP Injection MD
`Coming Soon!
`฀ PRP Treatment Dallas
`13727 Noel Road, Tower Ii, Suite 200
`Dallas, TX 75240
`(214) 740-4973
`฀ PRP Treatment New York City
`100 Park Avenue
`New York City, NY 10017
`(646) 679-5852
`฀ PRP Treatment Miami
`1111 Brickell Avenue, 11Th Floor
`Miami, FL 33131
`(305) 783-3781
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`฀ PRP Treatment San Francisco
`One Market, Spear Tower, 36th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`(415) 969-4927
`฀ PRP Treatment San Diego
`2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100
`San Diego, CA 92106
`(619) 675-7160
`฀ PRP Treatment Beverly Hills
`9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
`Beverly Hills, CA 90212
`(310) 928-9972
`฀ PRP Treatment Newport Beach
`5000 Birch Street, West Tower, Suite 3000
`Newport Beach, CA 92660
`(949) 449-2247
`Hair Restoration Options – The Ultimate Guide
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`PRP Under Eyes Treatment for Brighter, Beautiful, Ageless Skin
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`Restore the Romance in Your Relationship with PRP for Sexual Disorders
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`PRP Injection for Hair Loss Side Effects
`Never Thought Great Hair was Possible. PRP Made it Happen!
`"At 30, I had been looking for solutions for my hair loss problems. After my doctor told me that I was not a good candidate for hair
`transplants, I was at a loss. I didn’t want to try the lotions and pills that have side effects. That’s when my best bud advised me to try
`PRP. Six months…"
`George Burke Dental Surgeon at Paoli Hospitals
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
`Best Vampire Facial Ever! I Look Amazing!
`"I had the best Vampire Facial performed by my dermatologist! I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen during this facial.
`However, my doctor educated me prior, during, and after this procedure. She made me feel so comfortable. My skin looks & feels
`absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to go back for the follow-up session next…"
`Michelle Kramer Attorney at Walden, Hall, & Kramer
`PRP? Gave me Relief from Torn Rotator Cuff
`"Chris Wadell, elite athlete talks about how the PRP treatment he took helped him repair a torn rotator cuff. He was thus, able to use
`his arms to power a customized, three-wheel bike so he could ride sixty miles a day and raise awareness about his educational
`foundation. He says, “For me, it’s been a total godsend. I…"
`Chris Wadell Elite Athlete
`Quick LInks
`What is PRP?
`Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Costs
`Platelet Rich Plasma Reviews
`Contact Us
`Learn More
`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
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`About Us | PRP Injection MD Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
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`[7/11/2018 9:37:56 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
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`Amazing Relief from Back and Hip Pain - PRP Injection MD Review
`(888) 981-9516
`Dinah Lang
`[7/11/2018 9:27:54 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Amazing Relief from Back and Hip Pain - PRP Injection MD Review
`Unable to even walk half a block due to intense back & hip pain, PRP treatment was suggested by my Naturopath. Two
`weeks after my treatment I walked 14 miles over 2 1/2 days, three weeks after I am up to 20 miles.
`At 30, I had been looking for solutions for my hair loss problems.[...]
`George Burke
`I had the best Vampire Facial performed by my dermatologist! I had absolutely[...]
`[7/11/2018 9:27:54 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Amazing Relief from Back and Hip Pain - PRP Injection MD Review
`Michelle Kramer
`Chris Wadell, elite athlete talks about how the PRP treatment he took helped[...]
`Chris Wadell
`[7/11/2018 9:27:54 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Amazing Relief from Back and Hip Pain - PRP Injection MD Review
`Quick LInks
`What is PRP?
`Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Costs
`Platelet Rich Plasma Reviews
`Contact Us
`Learn More
`Latest News
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`PRP Injection MD © All Rights Reserved 2018. Designed by: Titanium Marketing
`[7/11/2018 9:27:54 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`(888) 981-9516
`Given the stress, genetic predisposition and harsh chemical treatment, hair thinning and hair loss have become almost
`ubiquitous around the world, explaining the increasing appetite for new hair restoration techniques to address the issue
`of androgenic alopecia. Among these therapies, PRP hair treatment has gained a lot of popularity. PRP (platelet rich
`plasma) hair growth deals with the natural way…
`Given the stress, genetic predisposition and harsh chemical treatment, hair thinning and hair loss have become almost ubiquitous
`around the world, explaining the increasing appetite for new hair restoration techniques to address the issue of androgenic alopecia.
`Among these therapies, PRP hair treatment has gained a lot of popularity. PRP (platelet rich plasma) hair growth deals with the natural
`way of hair restoration to combat hair loss (alopecia). Through centrifugation, PRP is extracted from blood and then injected into the
`scalp for hair production.
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`How Androgenic Alopecia Results In Hair Loss
`Androgenic alopecia (AGA) affects about 70% of men and 40% of women globally. AGA occurs when dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a
`type of androgen, binds with androgen receptors in hair follicles. The binding triggers a cascade of intracellular processes though the
`exact mechanism is little understood.
`What is known is that the receptor-binding prompts cells to produce cytokines — a kind of protein involved in cell signaling. DHT
`activates two kinds of cytokines which lead to cell aging. These are:
`TGF beta1
`TGF beta2
`The number of androgen receptors varies with the type of hair follicles. For instance, some hair follicles bear few androgen receptors
`while others, particularly those present on fronto-temporal areas and vertex, have a surplus of such receptors and therefore respond
`intensely to DHT.
`Baldness is typified by a receding hair line and vertex loss of hair in men, and hair thinning in women.
`Treat Hair Loss, Restore Self-Confidence
`Hair loss can have a profound effect on an individual since it is an established fact that people with alopecia exhibit lower self-esteem,
`poorer body image and a higher level of anxiety and depression.
`Getting hair restoration not only returns the youthful years, it also makes men look attractive. In a small survey conducted at Johns
`Hopkins University, 122 volunteers were shown a photo set (comprised of before and after hair graft transplantation images) of 13 men
`suffering from AGA.
`Unsurprisingly, all the volunteers reported men to look younger and attractive after hair transplant. The survey was published in JAMA
`Facial Plastic Surgery.
`But Is PRP Therapy for Androgenic Alopecia Safe?
`Scientific evidence shows PRP to be safe. In a review in PRIME, Pierre Bouhanna, Dermatologist and Hair Expert, French Ministry of
`Health, Paris, dubs the “platelet rich plasma (PRP) infusion of the scalp to [be able to] reverse androgenetic hair miniaturization” and
`living up to the patient’s expectations.
`PRP treatment involves minimal risks. Since PRP therapy uses a patient’s own blood, there is no risk of rejection or transmission of
`Prior to injections, many doctors perform a computerized evaluation of a patient’s scalp to study the pattern of baldness, scalp
`thickness, hair density, hair growth rate, color and length of hair.
`The only adverse effect that has been reported is procedure-related pain and temporary swelling. The procedure is typically performed
`under local anesthesia but general anesthesia can also be given. Scalp block (loco-regional scalp block), a type of analgesia in which
`local nerves of scalp, neck, thorax and abdomen are blocked, can also be a viable option to make the process painless.
`Molecular basis of androgenetic alopecia: From androgen to paracrine mediators through dermal papilla
`Effect of 5α-Dihydrotestosterone and Testosterone on Apoptosis in Human Dermal Papilla Cells
`Psychological Sequelae and Alopecia Among Women with Cancer
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Post a comment
`Let us know what you have to say:
`Full Name *
`Email Address *
`฀ PRP Treatment Dallas
`13727 Noel Road, Tower Ii, Suite 200
`Dallas, TX 75240
`(214) 740-4973
`฀ PRP Treatment New York City
`100 Park Avenue
`New York City, NY 10017
`(646) 679-5852
`฀ PRP Treatment Miami
`1111 Brickell Avenue, 11Th Floor
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Miami, FL 33131
`(305) 783-3781
`฀ PRP Treatment San Francisco
`One Market, Spear Tower, 36th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`(415) 969-4927
`฀ PRP Treatment San Diego
`2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100
`San Diego, CA 92106
`(619) 675-7160
`฀ PRP Treatment Beverly Hills
`9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
`Beverly Hills, CA 90212
`(310) 928-9972
`฀ PRP Treatment Newport Beach
`5000 Birch Street, West Tower, Suite 3000
`Newport Beach, CA 92660
`(949) 449-2247
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Hair Restoration Options – The Ultimate Guide
`PRP Under Eyes Treatment for Brighter, Beautiful, Ageless Skin
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Restore the Romance in Your Relationship with PRP for Sexual Disorders
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`PRP Injection for Hair Loss Side Effects
`Never Thought Great Hair was Possible. PRP Made it Happen!
`"At 30, I had been looking for solutions for my hair loss problems. After my doctor told me that I was not a good candidate for hair
`transplants, I was at a loss. I didn’t want to try the lotions and pills that have side effects. That’s when my best bud advised me to try
`PRP. Six months…"
`George Burke Dental Surgeon at Paoli Hospitals
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Best Vampire Facial Ever! I Look Amazing!
`"I had the best Vampire Facial performed by my dermatologist! I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen during this facial.
`However, my doctor educated me prior, during, and after this procedure. She made me feel so comfortable. My skin looks & feels
`absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to go back for the follow-up session next…"
`Michelle Kramer Attorney at Walden, Hall, & Kramer
`PRP? Gave me Relief from Torn Rotator Cuff
`"Chris Wadell, elite athlete talks about how the PRP treatment he took helped him repair a torn rotator cuff. He was thus, able to use
`his arms to power a customized, three-wheel bike so he could ride sixty miles a day and raise awareness about his educational
`foundation. He says, “For me, it’s been a total godsend. I…"
`Chris Wadell Elite Athlete
`Quick LInks
`What is PRP?
`Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Costs
`Platelet Rich Plasma Reviews
`Contact Us
`Learn More
`Latest News
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
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`Androgenic Alopecia | PRP Hair Loss Treatment | PRP Injection MD
`Signup For Newsletter
`Sign UpSign Up
`PRP Injection MD © All Rights Reserved 2018. Designed by: Titanium Marketing
`[7/11/2018 9:35:38 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`(888) 981-9516
`The Arthrex PRP is an innovative system of preparing the PRP serum that can potentially lower the out-of-pocket
`expenses that patients need to pay for getting therapy. The Arthrex ACP Double Syringe System uses a double-
`barreled syringe that speeds the preparation process and lowers the risk of contamination because of exposure to air.
`Although PRP therapy has proved its advanced effectiveness in helping patients, you may be hesitant about opting for the procedure.
`That’s because insurance does not cover the entire expense of getting the treatment. To lower the costs and help more patients,
`researchers are developing new methods of extracting the PRP serum. One of the newest modalities that has emerged in recent times
`is the Arthrex ACP® Double Syringe System. Also called Arthrex PRP, the new kits have been developed by Arthrex, an
`international medical equipment company.
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`The Arthrex ACP Double Syringe System Explained
`ACP, the acronym for Autologous Conditioned Plasma is another name for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). The Arthrex ACP Double
`Syringe System makes use of an innovative syringe that has two barrels with one inserted inside the other. This syringe
`streamlines the procedure for harvesting blood and spinning it in the centrifugal device. By offering several advantages over
`conventional methods, the system can speed up the procedure. Arthrex PRP also offers better concentrations of PRP and lowers the
`cost of getting treatment.
`Arthrex PRP Has Several Benefits Compared to Conventional PRP Kits
`Here’s how Arthrex PRP is an improvement over other PRP kits and products.
`While conventional PRP preparation procedures can take up to 45 minutes, the ACP system can develop the serum in 5 to
`10 minutes. The shortened processing time lowers the costs of getting treatment.
`Arthrex offers complete protection from exposure to air and lowers the risk of infections from contamination.
`Arthrex ensures the convenient handling and processing of the blood sample.
`Doctors need not use additives and anti-clotting agents.
`The ACP system requires only 10 ml of the patient’s blood and yields 2 ml to 4 ml of the serum.
`Arthrex removes most of the red blood cells and white blood cells from the serum that can potentially interfere with the healing
`Research has proved that Arthrex PRP contains a high concentration of the basic cells that the body uses to build tendons,
`bones, and cartilage
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`How Doctors Create PRP using the Arthrex ACP System
`Should you opt to get PRP treatments with the Arthrex ACP System, here’s what you can expect.
`1. Depending on the time frame within which doctors must administer the serum, they may choose to add ACD-A, an anti-clotting
`agent to the syringe. This they do by drawing about 1 ml of the ACD-A into the inner syringe. By adding this agent, doctors can
`ensure that the serum remains viable for up to 4 hours after preparation. However, if your doctor intends to inject the serum
`within 30 minutes, this agent is unnecessary.
`2. Your medical practitioner harvests a sample of 10 ml of blood from the forearm using an 18-20 gauge butterfly. He
`collects the blood in the ACP double syringe and places a red cap on the end.
`3. The syringe is gently rotated to blend the ACD-A if added.
`4. Lab technicians place the syringe in the centrifugal device and rotate it at the rate of 1500 revolutions per minute for 5
`5. The doctor removes the syringe taking care to keep it upright to avoid the accidental mixing of red blood cells.
`6. Next, he gently withdraws the plunger of the inner syringe. This action causes the Arthrex ACP to fill the inner section of
`the double syringe from the outer section.
`7. The inner syringe is now unscrewed from the outer section and a needle is placed on it.
`8. The PRP serum is now ready for injecting in the affected area.
`Presently, the ACP System is Intended for Orthopedics
`To date, PRP orthopedics have benefited from the use of the ACP system. Tests have revealed that the ACP procedure yields a
`concentration of growth factors such as:
`2 times the level of platelets
`25 times the Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`Factor of 5 to 11 of Specialized cells that create new blood vessels and other soft tissues.
`Doctors have found that the improved systems are effective in healing tendons and repairing cartilage. If needed, they may also infuse
`tissue and bone grafts from other sections of the patient’s body along with the PRP serum for accelerated repair.
`Talk to Your Doctor About the ACP Systems
`Given the many positives of Arthrex PRP, and its economical prices at $490 for a box of 5, you could consider opting for this
`treatment. Talk to your doctor and ask about the suitability of this method for your specific medical issues.
`Would you like more information about Arthrex PRP can help you? Or, maybe, you need to make inquiries of how the modality can
`bring down your costs of getting PRP therapy. Contact us and we’ll respond to all your queries. You could also call us at this number:
`(888) 981-9516.
`Have you tried PRP therapy before? What were the out-of-pocket costs you paid? Were they more economical as compared to the
`other treatments for your medical issues? How about you share your experiences using the comment box below?
`Analysis of Platelet-Rich Plasma Extraction
`ACP – Autologous Conditioned Plasma
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`Post a comment
`Let us know what you have to say:
`Full Name *
`Email Address *
`฀ PRP Treatment Dallas
`13727 Noel Road, Tower Ii, Suite 200
`Dallas, TX 75240
`(214) 740-4973
`฀ PRP Treatment New York City
`100 Park Avenue
`New York City, NY 10017
`(646) 679-5852
`฀ PRP Treatment Miami
`1111 Brickell Avenue, 11Th Floor
`Miami, FL 33131
`(305) 783-3781
`฀ PRP Treatment San Francisco
`One Market, Spear Tower, 36th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`(415) 969-4927
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`฀ PRP Treatment San Diego
`2305 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 100
`San Diego, CA 92106
`(619) 675-7160
`฀ PRP Treatment Beverly Hills
`9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
`Beverly Hills, CA 90212
`(310) 928-9972
`฀ PRP Treatment Newport Beach
`5000 Birch Street, West Tower, Suite 3000
`Newport Beach, CA 92660
`(949) 449-2247
`Hair Restoration Options – The Ultimate Guide
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`PRP Under Eyes Treatment for Brighter, Beautiful, Ageless Skin
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`Restore the Romance in Your Relationship with PRP for Sexual Disorders
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`PRP Injection for Hair Loss Side Effects
`Never Thought Great Hair was Possible. PRP Made it Happen!
`"At 30, I had been looking for solutions for my hair loss problems. After my doctor told me that I was not a good candidate for hair
`transplants, I was at a loss. I didn’t want to try the lotions and pills that have side effects. That’s when my best bud advised me to try
`PRP. Six months…"
`George Burke Dental Surgeon at Paoli Hospitals
`[7/11/2018 9:32:13 PM]
`Roy v. Runels
`(Cancellation No. 92065804)


`Arthrex PRP | PRP Injection MD | PRP Preparation | PRP Kit Prices
`Best Vampire Facial Ever! I Look Amazing!
`"I had the best Vampire Facial performed by my dermatologist! I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen during this facial.
`However, my doctor educated me prior, during, and after this procedure. She made me feel so comfortable. My skin looks & feels
`absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to go back for the follow-up session next…"
`Michelle Kramer Attorney at Walden, Hall, & Kramer
`PRP? Gave me R

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