`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Hobsons, Inc.
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Frederick H. Gribbell
`/Fred Gribbell/
`cvi0363MotionToSuspend.pdf(31726 bytes )
`cvi0363ExhibitAcoversheet.pdf(8898 bytes )
`cvi0363ExhibitA.pdf(4163233 bytes )
`cvi0363ExhibitBcoversheet.pdf(8889 bytes )
`cvi0363ExhibitB.pdf(167532 bytes )


`In the matter of Registration No.: 4796031
`Date of Issue: August 18, 2015
`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Pursuant to Section 2.117 of the Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases, Chapter 37 Code of
`Federal Regulations, Registrant Hobsons, Inc. (“Registrant”) respectfully requests suspension of
`this cancellation proceeding because the claims asserted by Petitioner are essentially duplicates of
`claims, defenses, and counterclaims in the pending federal litigation between these same parties
`regarding the same RADIUS trademark filed in Radius Global Solutions LLC v. Hobsons, Inc.,
`Civil Action No. 2:15-cv-03871-BMS, which is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the
`Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Attorney Docket: CVI0363


`A copy of the Complaint that was filed by Petitioner (as the plaintiff) in the District Court
`(E.D. Pa.) is enclosed as Exhibit A. A copy of the Answer and Counterclaim that was filed by
`Registrant (as the defendant) in the District Court (E.D. Pa.) is enclosed as Exhibit B. These
`exhibits are evidence of the existing civil action that was noted above. That civil action is still
`pending at this time. The Petitioner listed this civil action in the “Related Proceedings” box of its
`Petition for Cancellation.
`WHEREFORE, Registrant respectfully requests that this cancellation proceeding be
`suspended until termination of the above-referenced civil action.
`Respectfully submitted,
`(submitted electronically, November 10, 2015 )
`By: / Frederick H. Gribbell /
`Frederick H. Gribbell
`Attorney for Registrant
`Registration No. 33,892
`5515 Timber Way Drive
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
`(513) 891-2100
`FAX: (513) 891-2100
`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Attorney Docket: CVI0363


`I hereby certify that this MOTION TO SUSPEND FOR CIVIL ACTION is being filed
`electronically with the TTAB via ESTTA on November 10, 2015.
` / Frederick H. Gribbell /
`Frederick H. Gribbell
`Attorney for Registrant
`Registration No. 33,892
`5515 Timber Way Drive
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
`(513) 891-2100
`FAX: (513) 891-2100
`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Attorney Docket: CVI0363


`This is to certify that the undersigned has served on this date a true and correct copy of the
`within and foregoing MOTION TO SUSPEND FOR CIVIL PROCEEDINGS, regarding the
`registered trademark RADIUS, Registration No. 4796031, upon counsel for the Petitioner,
`electronically and by United States First Class Mail, in a properly addressed envelope, with
`adequate postage affixed thereon, addressed as follows:
`Timothy D. Pecsenye, Esq.
`One Logan Square, 130 N. 18th Street
`Philadelphia, PA 19103
`Dated: November 10, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ / Frederick H. Gribbell /
`Frederick H. Gribbell
`Attorney for Registrant
`Registration No. 33,892
`5515 Timber Way Drive
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
`(513) 891-2100
`FAX: (513) 891-2100
`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Attorney Docket: CVI0363


`Cancellation No. 92062378
`Attorney Docket: CVI0363


`(C) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number)
`Blank Rome LLP
`130 North 18th Street
`Philadelphia, PA 19103-6998
`II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place (III "X”in One Box 0;in
`D 1 US. Government
`8 3
`Federal Question
`((1.8. Govern/nan! Not (I Par/y)
`III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an ”X" in One Box/0r Plaintiff
`(For Diversity Crises Only
`and One Boxfm- Defendant)
`3 4
`D 4
`Citizen of This State
`3 l
`D 1
`Incorporated or Principal Place
`ot‘Business In This State
`3 5
`D 5
`Js44 (Rev. 12/12)
`The .18 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service ofpleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
`provrded by local. rules ofcourt. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference ofthe United States in September 1974, is required for the use oftlie Clerk of Court for the
`purpose of initiating the cm] docket sheet.
`(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Montgomery
`County of Residence ofFirst Listed Defendant
`Attorneys (IfKnown)
`Frederick H. Gribell
`5515 Timber Way Drive
`Cincinnati, OH
`D 2 US. Government
`D 4 Diversity
`(Indicate Citizens/rip Q/Par/iex in Item 111)
`Citizen of Another State
`Citizen or Subject of a
`Forei '11 Country
`3 2
`D 2
`Incorporated and Principal Place
`of Business In Another State
`3 3
`D 3
`Foreign Nation
`D 6
`D 6
`D 210 Land Condemnation
`3 220 Foreclosure
`D 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment
`3 240 Torts to Land
`3 245 Tort Product Liability
`3 290 All Other Real Property
`D 3
`3 375 False Claims Act
`3 400 State Reapportionment
`3 410 Antitrust
`3 430 Banks and Banking
`3 450 Commerce
`D 460 Deportation
`D 470 Racketeer Influenced and
`Corrupt Organizations
`D 480 Consumer Credit
`D 490 Cable/Sat TV
`D 850 Securities/Commodities/
`3 890 Other Statutory Actions
`3 891 Agricultural Acts
`3 893 Environmental Matters
`3 895 Freedom of Information
`3 896 Arbitration
`3 899 Administrative Procedure
`Act/Review or Appeal of
`Agency Decision
`3 950 Constitutionality of
`State Statutes
`IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an "X” in One Box Orr/)9
`3 422 Appeal 28 USC 158
`D 625 Drug Related Seizure
`3 1 10 liisurance
`D 120 Marine
`3 310 Airplane
`3 365 Personal 1njiiry -
`of Property 21 USC 881
`3 423 Withdrawal
`3 315 Airplane Product
`Product Liability
`D 690 Other
`28 USC 157
`3 130 Miller Act
`3 367 Health Care/
`3 140 Negotiable Instrument
`3 320 Assault, Libel &
`3 150 Recovery of Overpayment
`Personal Injury
`3 820 Copyrights
`& Enforcement of Judgment
`3 830 Patent
`3 151 Medicare Act
`3 330 Federal Employers’
`Product Liability
`3 840 Trademark
`D 368 Asbestos Personal
`3 152 Recovery of Defaulted
`D 340 Marine
`Injury Product
`Strident Loans
`D 345 Marine Product
`(Excludes Veterans)
`PERSONAL PROPERTY D 710 Fair Labor Standards
`D 861 HIA (1395ff)
`D 153 Recovery of Overpayment
`D 350 Motor Vehicle
`D 370 Other Fraud
`3 862 Black Lung (923)
`of Veteran‘s Benefits
`D 160 Stockholders’ Suits
`D 355 Motor Vehicle
`3 371 Truth in Lending
`D 720 Labor/Management
`D 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g))
`3 864 SSID Title XVI
`D 190 Other Contract
`Product Liability
`3 380 Other Personal
`3 865 RSI (405(g))
`D 195 Contract Product Liability
`3 360 Other Personal
`Property Damage
`D 740 Railway Labor Act
`D 751 Family and Medical
`D 196 Franchise
`3 385 Property Damage
`Leave Act
`3 362 Personal Injury -
`Product Liability
`D 790 Other Labor Litigation
`Medical Mal ractice
`D 791 Employee Retirement
`Habeas Corpus:
`Income Security Act
`3 870 Taxes (US. Plaintiff
`D 440 Other Civil Rights
`3 463 Alien Detainee
`or Defendant)
`3 441 Voting
`3 510 Motions to Vacate
`3 871 IRS—Third Party
`3 442 Employment
`26 USC 7609
`3 443 Housing/
`D 530 General
`D 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - D 535 Death Penalty
`D 462 Naturalization Application
`D 465 Other Immigration
`3 446 Amer. W/DISRIJIIIIICS ~ 3 540 Mandamus & Other
`3 550 Civil Rights
`3 448 Education
`3 555 Prison Condition
`3 560 Civil Detainee -
`Conditions of
`V. ORIGIN (Place an "” in One BoxOnM
`)2! 1 Original
`D 2 Removed from
`Remanded from
`D 4 Reinstated or D 5 Transferred from
`D 6 Multidistrict
`spew )1
`State Court
`Appellate Court
`finotlfmjr District
` Cite the US, Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not citejurisdictional statutes miles: diversity:
`Unfair Competition and False De8ignation of Origin
`15 USC.
`1051 etse .
`(See ins/motions):
`ls/ Timothy D. Pecsenye
`CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint:
`>31 Yes
`D No


`.18 44 Reverse (Rev. 12/12)
`Authority For Civil Cover Sheet
`The J S 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replaces nor supplements the filings and service of pleading or other papers as
`required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is
`required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of
`Court for each civil complaint filed. The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows:
`Plaintiffs-Defendants. Enter names (last, first, middle initial) of plaintiff and defendant. If the plaintiff or defendant is a government agency, use
`only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the plaintiff or defendant is an official within a government agency, identify first the agency and
`then the official, giving both name and title.
`(b) County of Residence. For each civil case filed, except U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name ofthe county where the first listed plaintiff resides at the
`time of filing.
`In US. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county in which the first listed defendant resides at the time of filing.
`(NOTE: In land
`condemnation cases, the county of residence of the "defendant" is the location of the tract of land involved.)
`(c) Attorneys. Enter the firm name, address, telephone number, and attorney of record. If there are several attorneys, list them on an attachment, noting
`in this section "(see attachment)".
`Jurisdiction. The basis ofjurisdiction is set forth under Rule 8(a), F.R.Cv.P., which requires thatjurisdictions be shown in pleadings. Place an "X"
`in one of the boxes. If there is more than one basis ofjurisdiction, precedence is given in the order shown below.
`United States plaintiff.
`(1) Jurisdiction based on 28 U.S.C. 1345 and 1348. Suits by agencies and officers of the United States are included here.
`United States defendant. (2) When the plaintiff is suing the United States, its officers or agencies, place an "X" in this box.
`Federal question. (3) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1331, where jurisdiction arises under the Constitution of the United States, an amendment
`to the Constitution, an act of Congress or a treaty of the United States.
`In cases where the US. is a party, the US. plaintiff or defendant code takes
`precedence, and box 1 or 2 should be marked.
`Diversity of citizenship. (4) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1332, where parties are citizens of different states. When Box 4 is checked, the
`citizenship ofthe different parties must be checked. (See Section III below; NOTE: federal question actions take precedence over diversity
`Residence (citizenship) of Principal Parties. This section ofthe IS 44 is to be completed if diversity of citizenship was indicated above. Mark this
`section for each principal patty.
`Nature of Suit. Place an "X" in the appropriate box. If the nature of suit cannot be determined, be sure the cause of action, in Section VI below, is
`sufficient to enable the deputy clerk or the statistical clerk(s) in the Administrative Office to determine the nature of suit. If the cause fits more than
`one nature of suit, select the most definitive.
`Origin. Place an "X" in one of the six boxes.
`Original Proceedings.
`(1) Cases which originate in the United States district courts.
`Removed from State Court.
`(2) Proceedings initiated in state courts may be removed to the district courts under Title 28 U.S.C., Section 1441.
`When the petition for removal is granted, check this box.
`Remanded from Appellate Court.
`(3) Check this box for cases remanded to the district couit for further action. Use the date of remand as the filing
`(4) Check this box for cases reinstated or reopened in the district court. Use the reopening date as the filing date.
`Reinstated or Reopened.
`Transferred from Another District.
`(5) For cases transferred under Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1404(a). Do not use this for within district transfers or
`multidistrict litigation transfers.
`Multidistrict Litigation.
`(6) Check this box when a multidistrict case is transferred into the district under authority of Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1407.
`When this box is checked, do not check (5) above.
`Cause of Action. Report the civil statute directly related to the cause of action and give a brief description ofthe cause. Do not cite jurisdictional
`statutes unless diversity. Example: US. Civil Statute: 47 USC 553 Brief Description: Unauthorized reception of cable service
`VII. Requested in Complaint. Class Action. Place an "X" in this box if you are filing a class action under Rule 23, F.R.Cv.P.
`In this space enter the actual dollar amount being demanded or indicate other demand, such as a preliminary injunction.
`Jury Demand. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether or not a jury is being demanded.
`VIII. Related Cases. This section of the J S 44 is used to reference related pending cases, if any. If there are related pending cases, insert the docket
`numbers and the corresponding judge names for such cases.
`Date and Attorney Signature. Date and sign the civil cover sheet.


`ll i
`Radius Global Solutions LLC
`Hobsons, Inc.
`In accordance with the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan of this court, counsel for
`plaintiff shall complete a case Management Track Designation Form in all civil cases at the time of
`filing the complaint and serve a copy on all defendants. (See § 1:03 of the plan set forth on the reverse
`side of this form.)
`In the event that a defendant does not agree with the plaintiff regarding said
`designation, that defendant shall, with its first appearance, submit to the clerk of court and serve on
`the plaintiff and all other parties, a case management track designation form specifying the track to
`which that defendant believes the case should be assigned.
`(a) Habeas Corpus — Cases brought under 28 U.S.C. §2241 through §2255.
`(b) Social Security — Cases requesting review of a decision of the Secretary of Health
`and Human Services denying plaintiff Social Security Benefits
`(c) Arbitration — Cases required to be designated for arbitration under Local Civil Rule 53.2.
`(d) Asbestos — Cases involving claims for personal injury or property damage from
`exposure to asbestos.
`(e) Special Management — Cases that do not fall into tracks (a) through (d) that are
`commonly referred to as complex and that need special or intense management by
`the court. (See reverse side of this form for a detailed explanation of special
`management cases.)
`(f) Standard Management —— Cases that do not fall into any one of the other tracks.
`July 7, 2015
`(215) 569-5619
`Timothy Pecsenye
`Radius Global Solutions LLC
`Attorney for
`(215) 832-5619
`FAX Number
`E-Mail Address
`(Clv. 660) 10/02


`50 W. Skippack Pike
`Ambler, Pennsylvania
`50 E—Business Way, Suite 300
`CinCinnatl, Oth 45241
`Radius Global Solutions LLC, by and through its undersigned
`counsel, files this civil action against Hobsons,
`(“Hobsons” or “the Defendant”) as follows:
`Plaintiff Radius Global Solutions LLC (“Radius”)
`is a
`Pennsylvania limited liability corporation with its principal
`place of business at 50 Skippack Pike Ambler, PA 19002.
`Radius is an industry leader in customer relation
`management services, particularly as they relate to accounts
`receivable management and customer care solutions.
`Since at least as early as 2007, Radius and its


`predecessor—in—interest have offered these services under the
`trademark RADIUS. As a result of Radius’
`longstanding use of its
`RADIUS Marks and substantial marketing efforts relating thereto,
`consumers have come to associate RADIUS with Plaintiff’s
`customer care solutions. Radius is also the owner of a number of
`federal service mark applications,
`including Application Serial
`Nos. 86/480,132 for RADIUS; 86/480,138 for RADIUS (stylized
`design); 86/480,123 for RADIUS GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (collectively,
`“the RADIUS marks”).
`See, e.g., below; see also U.S. Trademark
`Applications attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`Upon information and belief, Hobsons,
`is a
`Delaware Corporation, with a principal places of business
`located at Suite 300, 50 E—Business Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45241.
`Upon information and belief,
`the Defendant conducts
`business under the name Radius by Hobsons, which is located on
`the Internet at the URL <>. See below.


`Upon information and belief,
`the Defendant is the
`owner of U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 86/146,409 (“the
`’409 Application”)
`for the standard character mark RADIUS in
`International Classes 035, 041, and 042. See U.S. Trademark
`Application attached hereto as Exhibit B. On July 22, 2014,
`'409 Application was published for opposition pursuant to
`15 U.S.C.
`§ 1062(a).
`This Court has original jurisdiction in this matter
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§ 1331 in that the claims arise under the
`laws of the United States. Specifically,
`this Court has subject
`matter jurisdiction over the counts relating to federal
`trademark infringement, false designation of origin, and
`cybersquatting pursuant to 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125 and 28 U.S.C. §§
`1331, 1332 and 1338.
`This Court has supplemental jurisdiction pursuant
`28 U.S.C.
`§ 1367(a) because Radius’ state law and common law
`claims are so related to federal claims within the Court’s
`original jurisdiction that they form part of the same case or


`controversy under Article III of the United States Constitution.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant
`inter alia, Defendant:
`transacts business within and
`has availed itself of this forum; engages in a persistent course
`of conduct in this forum; expects, or should reasonably expect,
`its acts to have legal consequences in this forum; and maintains
`substantial, systematic, and continuous minimum contacts in this
`10. Venue is proper in the United States District Court
`for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania pursuant
`28 U.S.C.
`§ 1391 in that a substantial part of the events that
`give rise to the claims occurred in this District, and a
`substantial part of the property that is the subject of this
`action is situated in this District.
`The Business and Marks of Radius Global Solutions LLC
`11. Radius and its predecessor—in—interest, Radius
`Solutions, Inc., have continuously used the RADIUS Marks in
`connection with “customer relationship management services”
`since at least as early as 2007, well prior to the December 17,
`2013 filing date of Hobson’s trademark application.
`12. As a result of Radius’
`longstanding, substantially


`exclusive and widespread promotion and use of the RADIUS Marks,
`as well as its adherence to strict standards of quality control,
`the marks have acquired significant goodwill and have come to be
`strongly associated with Radius’ customer relationship and
`accounts receivable management services. As such,
`Marks are valid and enforceable under the provisions of the
`Lanham Act.
`Defendant's Unlawful Acts Related to Use of the
`<> Domain Name and the RADIUS Marks
`On February 13, 2015, Defendant, by and through
`counsel, corresponded with Radius regarding Radius' use of and
`applications to register the RADIUS Marks with the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). Defendant’s
`correspondence asserted inter alia (i) superior rights in the
`RADIUS marks by virtue of the December 17, 2013 filing date of
`the ’409 Application and (ii) a likelihood of confusion between
`the mark that is the subject of the ’409 Application and the
`RADIUS Marks, and demanded that Radius cease and desist from all
`use of the RADIUS Marks in connection with “customer
`relationship management services.” See Correspondence attached
`hereto as Exhibit C.


`14. Recognizing that its rights the RADIUS Marks were
`superior to those Defendant purported to assert in its original
`correspondence, Radius responded with its own demand that
`Defendant cease and desist its use of the word “Radius” in
`connection with its services, or any other mark,
`logo, or other
`source indicia that is identical or confusingly similar thereto
`or premised in whole or in part upon “Radius” and to delete
`“customer relationship management services” from the recitation
`of services in the ’409 Application. See id.
`On or around March 26, 2015,
`the Examining Attorney
`cited the '409 Application against all of the pending RADIUS
`Marks as a prior~filed application that,
`if it were to register,
`could bar registration under 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1052(d) on the grounds
`that the mark that is the subject of the ’409 Application is
`confusingly similar to the RADIUS Marks. See Office Action dated
`March 26, 2015 attached hereto as Exhibit D.
`On or around May 4, 2015,
`the Defendant, despite
`having received verifiable, written notice of Radius’ use of the
`RADIUS Marks at least as early as 2007, filed with the USPTO an
`to allege use in the ’409 Application, alleging a
`first use in commerce of April 28, 2014. Accompanying
`Defendant’s statement of use was a printout from Defendant’s
`website purporting to establish Defendant’s use of its applied—


`for RADIUS Mark in commerce. See Amendment to Allege Use filed
`May 4, 2015 attached hereto as Exhibit E.
`To date,
`the parties have been unable to resolve their
`dispute regarding the RADIUS Marks, and upon information and
`belief, Defendant continues to offer the services set forth in
`the ’409 Application under using the word “Radius” (e.g.,
`customer relationship management), despite repeated demands from
`Plaintiff to cease and desist use of its RADIUS mark and to
`delete “customer relationship management” from the recitation of
`services in the ’409 Application in view of Plaintiff’s superior
`rights in the RADIUS Marks.
`18. Defendant’s unlawful use of the mark that is the
`subject of the ’409 Application constitutes unfair competition
`and false designation of origin under the Lanham Act and has
`caused, and will continue to cause, confusion in the minds of
`Radius’ existing and potential consumers.
`19. Upon information and belief, Defendant’s continuing
`use of marks,
`logos, and/or other indicia of source which are
`confusingly similar to the RADIUS Marks,
`including without
`limitation the use of the <> domain name and
`the stylized “D” displayed therein,
`is an attempt to capitalize
`and trade off on the recognition, reputation, and goodwill of
`the RADIUS Marks.


`As evidenced by Defendant’s own correspondence and the
`Examining Attorney’s citation of the ’409 Application against
`the pending applications for the RADIUS Marks, reasonable,
`ordinary consumers will mistakenly believe that Defendant’s
`services are owned, operated, sponsored, or approved by Radius.
`21. Defendant’s unauthorized conduct causes Radius to
`suffer irreparable injuries for which it has no adequate remedy
`at law.
`22. All such conduct by the Defendant was and continues to
`be in bad faith, willful, deliberate, and in knowing violation
`of the law.


`Count I
`Unfair Competition and False Designation of Origin under Section
`43(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125(a)
`The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 22 are re—
`incorporated as if fully alleged herein.
`% ig .
`24. Defendant has knowingly and intentionally used, and
`continues to use marks,
`logos, and other source indicia that are
`confusingly similar to the RADIUS Marks, without the consent of
`including without limitation the mark that is the
`subject of the '409 Application.
`25. Defendant has used in commerce, and continues to use
`in commerce,
`the mark that is the subject of the ’409
`Application to advertise, promote, offer, and market its
`Defendant’s actions are likely to cause confusion
`among consumers as to the origin, sponsorship, or approval of
`Defendant’s goods or services.
`27. Defendant’s actions violate Lanham Act section 43(a),
`15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125(a),
`in that Defendant’s use in interstate
`commerce of marks,
`logos, and other indicia of source that are
`confusingly similar to the RADIUS Marks, constitutes unfair
`competition and false designation of origin.


`As a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s
`actions, Radius is entitled to recover Defendant’s illicit
`profits from the infringement, Radius’ actual damages, and
`reasonable attorney fees, pursuant
`to 15 U.S.C.
`§ lll7(a).
`As a result of Defendant’s conduct, Radius has
`suffered and continues to suffer irreparable damage to its
`reputation, business and goodwill, which injury and damage
`cannot be adequately quantified at this time.
`30. Radius has no adequate remedy at law and is therefore
`entitled to injunctive relief.
`Count II
`Common Law Trademark Infringement
`The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 30 are re—
`incorporated as if fully alleged herein.
`32. Radius owns and enjoys in the Commonwealth of
`Pennsylvania and throughout
`the United States common law
`trademark rights in the RADIUS Marks.
`On information and belief, Defendant’s acts have been
`committed knowingly,
`in bad faith, and with the intent to cause
`confusion, mistake, and deception among consumers.
`34. Defendant’s actions constitute infringement of Radius’
`common law rights in the RADIUS marks.


`As a result of Defendant’s actions, Radius has
`suffered and continues to suffer irreparable damage.
`36. Radius has no adequate remedy at law and is therefore
`entitled to injunctive relief.
`Count I I I
`Violation of the Federal Anticybersquatting
`Consumer Protection Act, 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125(D)
`The allegations of paragraphs 1
`through 36 are re—
`incorporated as if fully alleged herein.
`38. Upon information and belief,
`the RADIUS Marks were
`federally registrable trademarks entitled to full protection
`under the Lanham Act at the time Defendant registered and/or
`began using the <> domain name.
`The domain name, <>,
`is confusingly
`similar to,
`if not identical to, Plaintiff’s RADIUS Marks.
`40. Defendant is not known as or doing business as Radius
`and has no rights in the RADIUS Marks or in any marks,
`logos, or
`other source indicia that are confusingly similar thereto,
`including without limitation the mark that is the subject of the
`’409 Application.
`41. Defendant registered and used the domain name,
`<>, with a bad faith intent to profit thereby.
`42. Defendant's bad faith is evidenced,
`inter alia, by:
`registration of the confusingly similar domain name;


`inclusion of a stylized “D” in the logo displayed thereon;
`refusal by Defendant to cease and desist from using the
`<> domain name; and the demand for Radius to
`cease and desist from using its own RADIUS Marks despite being
`on notice of Radius’ continuous and substantially exclusive use
`of those marks since at least as early as 2007.
`43. Defendant's unlawful conduct constitutes
`cybersquatting in violation of the Antifcybersquatting Consumer
`Protection Act, 15 U.S.C.
`§ 1125(d).
`44. Defendant’s deliberate and wrongful acts of
`cybersquatting have caused great injury and damage to Radius and
`Radius’ goodwill, which injury and damage cannot be adequately
`quantified at this time.
`45. Radius has no adequate remedy at law and is therefore
`entitled to injunctive relief.
`Violation of The Pennsylvania Unfair Trade Practices and
`Consumer Protection Law under 73 P.S.
`§ 201-1


`The allegations of paragraphs 1 through 45 are re—
`incorporated as if fully alleged herein.
`47. Defendant's use of “Radius” in connection with its
`customer relationship management services is a false description
`or designation of origin, a false or misleading description of
`fact, or false or misleading description with respect to the
`services offered which is likely to deceive consumers as to the
`origins of those services.
`On information and belief, Defendant's acts were done
`knowingly and in bad faith.
`As a result of Defendant’s conduct, Plaintiff has
`suffered and continues to suffer irreparable damage.
`50. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law and is
`therefore entitled to injunctive relief.
`WHEREFORE, Radius respectfully requests that thi

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