`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`MG-IP Law, P.C.
`PO BOX 777
`jh@mg-ip.com, mailroom@mg-ip.com, jhousey@symbus.com, trade-
`Defendant's Notice of Reliance
`Janice Housey
`/janice housey/
`print 92057850 MG-IP Respondent Second Notice of Reliance
`6-20-16.pdf(106005 bytes )
`92057850 MG-IP Respondent 2nd Notice of Reliance Exhs part1.pdf(698862
`bytes )
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`bytes )
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`bytes )
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`Cancellation No. 92057850
`Registration No. 4202232
`Mark: MG-IP
`Filed: January 27, 2012
`Issued: September 4, 2012
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Respondent, MG-IP LAW, P.C., pursuant to 37 CFR §
`2.122 and TBMP § 704.08(b), is hereby noticing its reliance on and making of record internet
`materials, annexed as Exhibits A-G. All of the referenced internet materials identified below are
`relevant to issues in this proceeding which include, without limitation, the likelihood of
`confusion between the parties’ respective marks. Particularly, the evidence shows how crowded
`the relevant field is with similar marks. Thus, the offered evidence is probative of the lack of
`strength of Petitioner’s marks, the number and nature of similar marks in use in connection with
`closely related and identical services, and the de minimis possibility of confusion.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit A:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`FOLEY for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit B:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`BAKER for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit C:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`GREENBERG for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit D:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`NIXON for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit E:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`COOPER for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit F:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`COHEN for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Respondent will rely on printouts from the following internet websites obtained
`on June 20, 2016, attached as Exhibit G:
`This exhibit demonstrates the coexistence of multiple trademarks including the name
`KELLY for law firm services, including intellectual property law firm services.
`Date: June 20, 2016
` Respectfully submitted,
`By: /s/ Janice Housey
`Janice Housey
`Symbus Law group, LLC
`PO Box 777
`Berryville, Virginia 22611
`Phone: 703-957-5274
`Facsimile: 540-518-9037
`P. Jay Hines
`MG-IP, P.C.
`4000 Legato Road Suite 310
`Fairfax, VA 22033
`Phone: 703-621-7140
`Facsimile: 703-621-7155
`Attorneys for Respondent
`I certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing RESPONDENT’S SECOND
`NOTICE OF RELIANCE was served by first class mail, postage prepaid, on this 20th day of June
`2016, upon counsel for Petitioner at the following address of record:
`80 S 8TH ST STE 3200
`MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402-2215
`Exhibit A
`Elur Firm
`Our Firm
`Feley Heag is ccrnmitted te helping eur clients achieve their desired results by excelling in the time-hcndrecl
`practices at the legal prcfessien and seizing an new ways tc can finueusly inipreva eur perfermance and
`service level.
`Fer nearly seven decades, Fe-lay Hcag has represented public and private clients in a wide range at disputes
`and transactlcns amend the wand. We have established a lengthy reccrd ef success in industries such as life
`scien ces. health care. technelcgy. energyirenewahles. investment management and prctessienal services.
`We alac after cur ciients n1arltet—leading internalicnal litlgatien and arhitratien services. and expert cc-unael in
`the evclving field at ccrpcrate secial respnnsihility.
`Frem cur cflices in Beaten, Washingtcn, Ei.t3.. New ‘rnrlr, and Paris. we previde creative. strategic legal
`advice tailered ta clients‘ unique gcals. Clur pawertul regicnal, naticnal and internalienal practices share a
`cemrncn emphasis an superier client service.
`What makes us different?
`lnslght - We deeply understand cur clients’ businesses. prierities. strategies and industries.
`creativity - wrrn appresirnateiy 25:! lawyers. we have a reputation fer an intellectual apprcach tn case
`analysis and etiiciently develcping creative, cempelllng iegal strategtes.
`Innnvatien — We are ecnriected tn the entrepreneurial ccntmunity and detect emerging trends that will affect
`clients dawn the read.
`Else — Our clients have the full sustained attentien cf partner-level talent I:-aclted try large-finri firepawer.
`flespnnaiveneas -— In an lntemet-ddven culture, we still litre tn pics up the phene and meet lace te face tc
`cultivate the deep mutual understanding needed tcr success.
`Leyalty - The esceplicnally tang average tenure at cur lawyers reflects the appeal at eur easy-geing yet
`prcfessienally serieus culture.
`Diversity — ln additlen to their rich cultural diversity, eur attarneys typically pcasess cernplementary expertise
`heyc-nd the law. clten manifested in multiple advanced degrees.
`I Hlg_"‘fi5i[y
`Attmney-advarliafng. Friar racsukmdn ndt guarantee a similar uulnurne. Copyright E1 EIIHE Foley I-hag LLF. All
`rigfits FHEHWE-Ii Wflhsite hr Euatummtammiam
`I E63
`Intellectual Preperty
`Acress glebal rnarlcets and diverse technelegles. cur Intellectual Preperty attern-eys deliver
`business seluticns that define and prctect eur clients‘ lnncvatiens and brands. We help drive their
`success by ccrnbining cur cellective IF’ lrnewledge and experience with cur cernmltment in staying
`at the ferefrc-at cf leading-edge legal. technclegy. and business trends.
`Pretectlng yeur Innevaticn and creativity is hecnnting Increasingly rnere dltttcult and cdrnpie:-L At Feley. we understand —
`which is why we have the pedals. preeesses. and tech nelngy in place Le after ycu a full range at ccrnrnerciel. ihtellectual
`prcpeflti. edvaey. seurcing, and teehn-elegy law services in virtually every industry worldwide-
`A311-eng Trncii: Resend
`Frem emerging lechnclegles and pharmaceuticals in banking and llria.neial services -— whatever area cf business yea
`specialise In. we have a prcven traclt recerd at assisting clients and enhancing their cenipetitive advantages by:
`- Ensuring ell IF‘ strategies are abgned with business geats and the cernpetitive landscape
`- assembling a lean team with prefesslenals at the right levels with have the legal sltills needed, as well as the technaicgy.
`industry experience, and lane-vledge c-F client's risit lelarance
`- Freviding beat-in-rlass service
`in drafting patent apptlcatiens. we seelt te build multiple iayers cf grntectien. taltlng lnte acaceu nt different claim strategies in
`antlcipatien er‘ litigatierr and licensing.
`In cententieus preceedin-gs. eur geal is ta find the best business reseiutien far bur clients. vvhich may invelve pest-grant
`United States Patent and Tradenrerir Clflice {USPTCI} prcceedings. interference, settlement negetiatien, and ether
`alternatives. In additien tc pursuing trial activities. Clur atterneys are skilled at devising iP llligeticn strategies fer early and
`cast-effective resciulicns that achieve yeur business cbiectlvee. including:
`+ applying the right strategy based en the nature cf the case and what is at stalte. whether it is ‘bet-the-cernpany"
`eampetller litigatien. a case invelving cure preducla and services. er a nuisance nun-practising entity matter.
`- aggressive pre-sui1 and early-suit cernmunicatiens and lnvestigalien inte strengths and wealtnesses ef a case te secure
`early vlctery. dismissal. er settlement
`- Filing cases In. er transferring cases tn. the apprcpriate venue
`+ Effective use at pest-grant prd-ceedlngs within the UEPTCI ta challenge asserted patents
`- aggressive eariy-mctien practice ta dispese at a case er narrcw the issues
`- Fecus en discevery issues. such as infringement and invalidity ccntentlerrs. and the use cf 3El{l:+:|-id] er inventcr
`depnsiticna ta le-cit in an upgenent
`F~u:rlEn'& Mrnnfldluauerm Damn-eLw.rFirn1
`Fufey E: Mansfield provides :0 mprehensihre client SEIIU Hans with El wide range crftalent and indu stry
`"Our eflenrs expect responsive, eesr~e;j‘eemre and vfgereus represermrmen - we Hsren, we
`engage, and we were here“ every day in earn the rrghr to senre them. "
`}. Scott Wm:-d, Managing Partner, Fa:+|e';.-'34 Manfifield Seattle-r'Pe1rt|an{I
` E
`lritllociterl |"1"|i-|iIBrlr|CI:I1'I-H Fcferv
`'|'I‘.ir"JI1'I.'.'II- I_":J |_Efl.r'ir L ECELLF I|'."{ ]-i':{ |_-
`| I 5.:
`innovator firms and individuals rely on Eonnell Foley to secure. protect. and enhance their valuable strategic and
`business assets. Ciur intellectual property attorneys represent some of the world's largest corporations. as wellas start-
`up corrrpanies. in virtually every industry andfield oftechrrology. in-ciuding pharrrraceuticals. financial services. life
`sciences. food products. cosmeijcs. and industrial and medical equipment among other industries.
`Full flange of IP utlgation
`Our firm has a long history litifiting cases on behalf of intellectual property pioneers Ciur H3 practice group is
`comprised of lawyers who are authorities in ii?’ disputes involving tradernarirs. trade dress copyrights. trade secrets and
`proprietary information. and related intellectual property Esues such as infringement. ownership. unfair competition.
`rnisapprcrpriatien oftrade secrets. the seizure of counterfeit goods. and r'u:rr1-cbrrrpetitlon agreements. Conneli Foley
`also regularly teams with nationally rreccrgniaed patent firms as litigation counsel in patent cases on behalf of plaintiffs
`and clelerr-clants. including innovator pharmaceutical companies.
`Elur group can provide a broad range of litigation services. 'rrvI‘rrethera.s lead counsel bras part of a larger team. for a
`variety of legal cllsputes inr:lui:ling:
`- Litigation irrvolving the protection oftraderrrari: and trade dress rights to consumer products and other goods and
`- Unfair cornp-eti'tion. trade secret. restrictive covenant. and employee piracy matters
`I Coupled vvilh patent courrsel. paragraph l'v' ANDA patent challenges under the Hatch-Waarrrran Act on behalf of
`plrarmaceutical companies
`- Coupled with patent counsel. patent infringement actions involving corrrplerr technology. products. and services
`- Cybersquatting and Uniform E:-on-rain—l*-lante Dispute itesoluijon Policy lLIDFlP]I matters
`- Counseling clients in the protection of trade secrets and proprietary information critical to their ability to rnairrtain
`cornpeijtive aclvantage
`- Piracy cases requiring the seiztme of counterfeitprocfucts and software
`Wtren faced with an emergent need to protect their intellectual property interests, clients rely upon Conneli Foley's
`experience in handling applications for temporary restraints or preliminary injunctions. The depth and breadth of our iF'
`litigtion experience. which drrvvs upon the drill and knowledge of our many former state and federal judicial law clerics.
`and our substantial trial er-rperience at all levels of the state and federal judiciary. ensures that our clients get a practical.
`cost—conscious. business-oriented approach-
`Our group is equally drilled in addressing our clients’ transactional and counseling needs. We assist clients in obtaining
`certain intellectual property rights and in transactions involving intellectual property rights. Erur capalailities include:
`mmumemHHn.mm.wHw&me£oumfi 'mnmddflgmflfl|mwp¢ufi-
`Hug ........_u.fim._
`FGLEY HEEEIL Bk-H ILE 1-1 C:unTI.~:, I.i.P
`:Za:Pra:IInr- Fduav Bezel: Ek:HiI£'-GI.I1'=a. U_F'
`HIM Efiflfifl
`lfilllread (‘ans
`Imflm nuauua
`Ilur Practice
`u|ig»n1In-1£:pu-flIa:Fuln5-E-azainfiahleatzuta haaabruadmrrgaudarn-&rH1-r:¢h1u:rrnrnern1alanfl1:rvH lhlgaum.
`'.-'I.'eI1m~ar¢pra:an1ha1:I.5mnfl:|1d large ::1::1ru'.-arina. as walla: plrlrrnml-qua arfliniuiduata Inadi.-musnmxnl Irlmljcm
`IVIIIHIE-.kfI'arEiJramr1thujrhn£al1EfiI:udcla£andanI:. Easauraaflikfirmptm-bzlaazaalnusmwflwnalfiaurfiutusuraicaamaaflw
`-ulna erg-agurrm-115., we mun nI:h|aNgau:I a pm-r:'nu1: rapulatr-an ‘m Ihn fi:HkIw|I'4apra::Iiu':nnr»a-as".
`'fi:Ii11a+:I::m'naumuu-nam1argu:.uagaar-d hour amu.ns,orPcmziau:rumas.tunau-ma buufa-A-.areIndivj:I.::H5rpu-nnarl-e-.Iu
`tupfntlactiheiflrl-Br6=aTE~T1‘rE:I:t$'|.u1'311§|E1H1IrI n1.fla1n'|:I-alha |nasIhu1:n:1I:|r.-iclual 1-i:£rI1.I1aa 5I.rfl'EH'-ad. Thug-muarufnlasu
`|:|'n=.-p1l'_|t'I1g fiflzl.
`C'fl'I'IH'l1Ii|r'|:I-Bl Liipflufl
`Sumaaalul hnmhnms Imuaimi mu;-Lnlrva-anauntnhixnrliun nzufcar-Hid drawn}-. d-EIEfl'I2a|.Bc|:p1'IparEI11:JI1aFr:$ifl'u:lr'ra danraq.-.1h'r:l1
`uwr Hirtgt Th-«r mam tru-h"nE:; md Htlgaflnnn Expat:-1a¢1t:a.FE:BC is 4.I'Ih1I.H!l::' pmflinnuct ‘In undarlimcl mm huamams Iiflgafim
`rI'u.:|‘r have a tufineuzt 51.:-1:-craa.A phh da-sigrhad in an-bu-I'n|:Ih.|1 I131 gual is at Ina hem-l uf my FBEH: defigrud strata-_gyr.
`Ear1afI.H11'rn-.ng|'1ta11r-ern+aI1ri'r|; sl-ma am-as naunly time and mommy. wrm=eu:Ir|-dz:-Lian prv:-I:-at-I-Hy I!rf|:rI.IEi!1va=IIa an-cl
`WIflEI11-DII1 tlrlzlu. II’-|1'BHIfl&l"Ii].I nggrvasatra flflgutlnn alumna FEHEIC dunts than =5I1'aI-eglr. ad’-an1a;|B.
`:1 Gun .-AL:-:u1I.cI3.-5
`Fa-an-.1ne-:I Case:
`In The &-.-an
`n F-iEI]:':'EI£-urllalihfvai Uaeaaa
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`U '.'I|flI::Ea
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`P-puuals -firtflratprun
`u FHFI: mtairnr EJR-re I.-1||||:n
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`Fair-.1 .-Egan-If EH51 'I".|'|:Il
`n FEEI: 5-ulllns 'uann:1u|
`|.'.-ififln .I3urJ1:I:|n.
`FEB?! 'I":'iI?E= Balm-. Pmuu-|_rI1g
`I2InanI'n".I11I1.fi. wn warn.
`|'.J*.rEar E-1.I!'I F.IH1I:n1
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`F-'|ili'I:Ir» 5l':||'|?EIJ'|"rE1'Il
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`atcuc estoca
`'l'|i|'I'T|'|'EFl‘ fHTT|='S:I.f'Fl'I'i1TE!R'.'fI2I.'nUEu|5t5HiL-I!».E|-l_lI
`LII’-«I HE DI H5 [H'|'|'F:.I'J".I'I.|"Ia"n"I'i|'.L1N KEDIN.CflJqUCDMPAN‘r5'FDLE‘f-EHECHTER-lLPJ
`Businesses, big and small,
`neecl to continuously adapt to the ever
`evolving landscape and economy.
`4-‘ 1-‘oa_Ev en-4EcHTi:av1
`i-'1'-. boutique law firm catering to private and pulalic companies, startups ancl
`ventures, investors, Funcls anti Errolezer dealers.
`We apply a practical business perspective
`Hears, uaaaa, I:::nn11:rm|as_ fin _im;n
` .. ' ‘
`Mawa. r:a_5;as. 'i::_:u11|:_v.gIrnis_és. fin _ ,
`. LAWT-®
`NHWE. rr-Haas. mtripanlas. fin —_.
`Foley Hoag, Foley & Lardner Settle Trademark Lawsuit
`Ely Lindsay Fortarlo
`Ltiw3El}, 1"-lew "t"o1'it {Getobet 3, EIIIEI, l2:lIlI AM ET} -- The battle of the Foleys has come to is: end, as Foley 3: Lardner
`LLF has agreed to step referrirugte itself by the word Foley.
`In the settlement with Foley I-long LLF, Foley 1% Lardner agreed that it will not use it logo witlztjus-t “Foley” so as not to
`esuse eonfiision between die two lirends, and will not refer to itselfss Foley. However, the firm will lt'.I:r:|:I its Web site,
`“This is a victory for Foley Ilesg-srrd a vindication erour.--
`Tl: view the fiill srtiele, register n