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`Columbus Local News: > Archives > Tri—-Village News > News > Commission holds off on Yard parking
`4r2?;11 1:1? PM
`In addition, the commission approved the plans of Boulevard
`Presbyterian Church, 1235 Northwest B|vd., to build a community
`The Rev. James Sledge, a pastor at Boulevard Presbyterian. said the
`church received a grant from the Franklin Park Conservatory and
`plans to grow produce that will be donated to local food pentries.
`'*—5' 0 ‘-'-' "'
`I in,
`Skin (‘:ancei Hr:-.ityla'm:;-'
`Han -ES Nails
`The application included plans for a fence around the garden, but
`the commission voted for approval on the condition that no fence be
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`Arena District's 0'Shaughness~,i's closes I Business First
`4,r15.r11 11:42 AM
`‘ Was Printed From Business First
`Sponsored by:
`l\/lOi>i:i31iN”<i3“ CALL
`Arena District's O'Shaughnessy's
`Business First
`Date: Friday, April 15, 2011, 8:10am EDT - Last Modified: Friday, April 15, 2011,
`10:54am EDT
` $, among the first tenants in Columbus‘ Arena District,
`has shut down, Columbus Business First reports.
`The Irish—themed pub closed Wednesday with a tax notice from the state taped to the
`door. A representative for Arena District developer Nationwide Realty Investors Ltd.
`said it won't reopen.
`The tavern was one of the first businesses to open in the Arena District when it made
`its debut in September 2000 but has struggled “for a number of a years” to capture
`its share of the restaurant business, a Nationwide Realty spokeswoman said.
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`GlobeSt.con1 - Hoibrook 5. Manter Leases 3,500 SF at Grandview Yard — Daily News Article
`4(15i11 10:49 AM
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`You are here: Home > Holhrook & Manter Leases 3,500 SF at Grandview Yard - Daily News Article
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`Holbrook & Manter Leases 3,500 SF at Grandview Yard
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`COLUMBUS, OH-Accounting firm Holbrook & Manter has signed a deal to
`occupy 3,500 square feet at Grandvlew Yard, an office and retail building
`being constructed at the southeast corner of~?75 Yard Street in Grandview
`li&_Ey1i§rEi se‘a§ri_‘_ “ ':'_ '
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`Page 1 of 3

`Grandview Yard lands Holbrook 8: Manter accounting firm I Business First
`4)‘1S)‘11 9:20 AM
`. was Printed From Business First
`Grandview Yard lands Holbrook 8:
`Manter accounting firm
`Business First - by Brian Ball
`Date: Thursday, April 14, 2011, 5:14pm EDT
`Commercial Real Estate, Accounting & Consulting
`The Holbrook 8:. Manter accounting firm will improve its view of downtown Columbus a
`bit this summer when it becomes the latest tenant to move into Grandview Yard.
`The firm has agreed to lease about 3,500 square feet at the southeast corner of 775
`Yard Street in the mixed—used development in Grandview Heights.
`Holbrook & Manter co—owner Stephen Smith said he expects about 12 of the firm’s
`50 staff members to move into the ground-floor space in July or soon thereafter,
`depending on when Grandview Yard developer Nationwide Realty Investors Ltd.
`completes the build out of the space.
`The location, Smith said, “is prime space at the corner of the building facing
`Holbrook & Manter has occupied offices at 1111 Dublin Road since 2008, when it
`bought out the Kirch Group Inc. accounting firm. Smith said the firm plans to retain
`offices in Dublin, Marion and Marysville to maintain proximity to commercial clients.
`“We wanted more of a central Columbus spot,” he said. “It's kind of a perfect match."
`Other ground-floor tenants in the office and retail building include ,'lasgn’s Deli,
`Message Envy and Schindler Dentistry.
`with the tax filing deadline this Monday, Smith said the firm “has been up to their
`eyeballs in alligators" in recent weeks. Despite the professional preoccupation with tax
`returns, Smith said “we needed to get the word out and lei: our clients know" so it's
`been advertising the move with a banner outside its Dublin Road offices.
`For the record, Mark Francescon of NAI Ohio Equities LLC represented the tenant in
`the deal, which includes an option on additional ground-floor space for possible
`expansion. Continental Realty Ltd. Executive Vice President Wayne Hare: leads the
`1 r..-..... 1.:-.:n...-ml. Ma... I».-I..-..I..... r..-..... r-1A1 1 in: n 4 4 .........¢..:.....
`... -4 I—..— -I— L—|I——— — |-
`..—- us. . I-A.

`Crandview Yard lands Holbrook 5: Manter accounting firm | Business First
`4i15f11 9:20 AM
`office marketing of Grandview Yard.
`Brian Ball covers commercial and residential real estate for
`Colgmbus Business First.
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`Reaitcirs find homebuyers want walkable communities, to a point I Business First
`4;'5_i1l. 3:34 PM
`T’ ‘s was Printed From Business First
`Columbus Biz Insider
`Realtors find homebuyers want
`walkable communities, to a point
`Business First - by Brian Ball
`Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 2:52pm EDT
`e o
`Brian Ball
`- Reporter
`- Email:
`Developers and homebuiiders aiming to create more traditional, walkable
`neighborhoods with nearby amenities should take some comfort they're on the right
`track from a National Association of Realtors survey.
`The trade group's survey found 47 percent of 2,071 questioned prefer to live in
`nei hborhoods with a mix of houses sho 5 restaurants and other business. They
`were split on just where they wanted that mix, with 19 percent looking to the city and
`the other 28 percent seeking a suburb with those attributes.
`Only 12 percent said they would prefer the kind of housing—on|y subdivision often
`found in the suburbs, with the rest opting for small towns or the countryside.
`The survey appears to support the instincts of the homebuiiders committed to the first
`residential phase of Jerome Village, the mixed—use community Columbus’ Nationwide
`Realty Investors Ltd.
`is developing in Dublin.
`But the preference for walkable, “smart—growth” communities does appear to have
`limits. The survey shows 80 percent of respondents prefer to living in single—family
`homes rather than townhouses, condominiums or apartments, to the extent that 59
`percent said they would accept longer commutes and drives to shops and restaurants
`if it meant living in their own detached house.
`Residential Real Estate

`Arena District to fill last gap with new office tower. parking garage I Business First
`M1111 4:01 PM
`3 was Printed From Business First
`Arena District to fill last gap with new
`office tower, parking garage
`Business First - by Brian R. Ball
`Date: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 2:47pm EDT — Last Modified: Friday, April 1, 2011,
`7:00am EDT
`Commercial Real Estate
`Nationwide Realty Investors Ltd. is primed to fill the last major parcel in the Arena
`District with a six—story office building and parking garage complex, completing its
`ambitious plan for a residential and commercial district laid out when Nationwide
`Arena opened in 2000.
`A commitment from Qolgrnbia Gas of Ohio Inc. to anchor the 280,000~square-foot
`office building at the corner of Neil Avenue and Nationwide Boulevard convinced the
`developer to move ahead on the project, scheduled for completion in late 2014.
`“This building essentially completes the commercial component of the original Arena
`District master plan," said Nationwide Realty President Brian Ellis. “This project will
`take up the vast majority of the remaining ground."
`The $50 million project will include a parking garage with at least 1,400 spots to make
`up for the 52S—spot surface parking lot that will be lost to the construction. Ellis said a
`construction timetable hasn't been finalized and the parking garage may get started
`“We’re still looking at the sequencing,” he said. “We don't need to start construction
`immediately to meet Columbia Gas’ needs."
`The office complex would be the largest built so far in the Arena District, surpassing
`the Jones Day law firm—anchored building at 325 John H. McConnell Blvd., which
`has 165,000 square feet of space.
`It will sit directly across Nationwide Boulevard from Jones Day and a five-story,
`95,000-square—foot office building anchored by the San Francisco-based engineering
`firm URS Corp.
`The project is contingent on Columbus City gouncil approving a 10-year, 75-percent
`mm-i hlnlfllf Hi7innr|-talc rrn-inlrrqlhlrs-1|-nIrlnAI|IeJ"lu'\'I I ma :31 iv...“ 4:»-:» on cm i.--- —-m ---In I-~---I

`Arena District to fill last gap with new office tower, parking garage I Business First
`4)‘1f11 4:01 PM
`tax abatement on the investment.
`Legislation is set for introduction on April 11.
`‘Great place to grow’
`Columbia Gas, a division of Merrillville, Ind.—based utiiity NiSource Inc., plans to take
`at least 208,000 square feet when it moves its 650 employees out of leased offices at
`200 Civic Center Drive in the Riversouth District downtown.
`Ellis said the building will have two contiguous floors with an additional 20,000 square
`feet on each floor available to Columbia Gas if needed.
`“Columbia Gas really wanted to make sure the project was multitenant, so we sized it
`accordingly," he said. “We think the Arena District is a great place to grow."
`The company asked Nationwide to build additional space in case it expands its
`downtown operations, including information technology and financial functions as well
`as a control center for Nisource gas distribution in seven states and centralized
`dispatch operations for five states.
`“The main thing is we've been able to build in flexibility in terms of what our needs
`may be and cover any eventuality in terms of growth," said Columbia Gas President
`Jack Partridge.
`Columbia Gas moved into the 14—story, 240,000-square—foot Riversouth building when
`it was completed in 1983. Partridge said the building layout is less efficient than what
`they’ll get in the Arena District and it was not pre-wired for technology lines when it
`was built.
`A coming lease expiration in December 2014 prompted NiSource's corporate real
`estate department to begin looking for options.
`Partridge said the company considered new development land and buildings in Dublin
`and New Albany, as well as Easton in the city of Columbus.
`“We tried to look at every option out there and each option had attractive aspects,"
`he said. “(But) the Arena District is where we ended up.”
`I-H-tn-F hnunu hiwln--ru-‘Ir runs J'p—I-nutIu<- Jauuuna I

`WSYX A565 on Your Side Top Story - Columbia Gas to Move Offices to Arena District
`4!1fl1 4:01 PM
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`C1)IL1fi]I‘)"I':;1 Gas
`oi OhlO
`A Nisource Company
`Columbia Gas to Move Offices to Arena District
`The following is a news release issued Thursday by
`Columbus Gas of Ohio:
`COLUMBUS. Ohio, March 31, 2011 — Columbia Gas of
`Ohio. Inc.. a subsidiary or Nlscuroe Inc. (NYSE: NI), has
`entered into a contingent lease agreement with Nationwide
`Really investors (NRI) to relocate its headquarters from its
`current location at 200 Civic Center Drive to Nationwide
`Boulevard in the Arena District. NR1 President and COO
`Brian J. Ellis and Columbia Gas President Jack Partridge
`made the announcement.
`‘Downtown Columbus has been a great place to do
`business for Columbia, and we're excited to make the
`Arena Distriu our new home," said Partridge. "Our teams
`have put a great deal of work into getting to this point. and
`were looking forward to starting construction."
`"We have worked closely with Columbia Gas and the City of
`Columbus to develop a creative plan that will not only keep
`the oompuny downtown. but retain more than 550 jobs in
`the city." said Ellis. "This Is a great thing for the City of
`Columbus. Columbia Gas and the Arena District."
`The development plan calls for an investment of more than
`$50 million by NRI for the construction of two Class A office
`buildings at 240 and 290 Nationwide Blvd. and is contingent
`upon NRI successfully obtaining tax incentives.
`The tax inoentive application is pending before Columbus
`City Councfl. The two buildings would be connected on the
`top floors. Columbia Gas would serve as the protests
`anchor tenant. occupying approximately 203,000 square feet
`oi‘ the 260.000 square feet of new office space. A new
`parking garage is also included in the plan.
`The Arena District building will provide Columbia Gas with
`flexible spaces and room for employee growth as
`opportunities arise to unify employees under one roof and
`add workers as the company grows its business. Columbia
`Gas is expected to take possession of the new building in
`late 2014. after its lease on the Civic Center Drive building
`About Columbia Gas of Ohio
`Columbia Gas of Ohio, with headquarters in Columbus. is
`one of the nine energy distribution companies of Nisouroe
`Inc, (NYSE: NI). virrn approztirnateiy 1.4 million customers in
`61 of Ohio‘s BB oounties, it is the largest natural gas utility in
`the state.
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`Columbia Gas of Ohio plans new home in Arena District I The Columbus Dispatch
`4r1,(11 3:22 PM
`The Columbus Dispatch
`Columbia Gas of Ohio plans new home in Arena
`Its 650 employees will make the move in 2014
`Thursday, March 31, 2011 02:11 PM
`The Columbus Dispatch
`Columbia Gas of Ohio plans to move to a new home in the Arena District, leaving its current
`building near the south end of Downtown for what may be the largest new office construction in the
`area in years.
`All 650 employees will make the move, scheduled for 2014, which is when the company's current
`lease expires.
`"Our focus was to stay in central Ohio," said Jack Partridge, Columbia Gas president. "That's the
`heart of our service territory."
`The gas utility is working with Nationwide Realty Investors on the $50 million project, the companies
`said today. Columbia will end up with two new six-story buildings located at 240 and 290
`Nationwide Boulevard, along with a parking garage. The site, located between Nationwide Arena
`and Neil Avenue, is now parking lots.
`Nationwide Realty plans to seek a 10-year, 75—percent property-tax abatement from the city of
`Negotiations on behalf of Columbia were handled by the corporate parent, Nisource, which is based
`in Indiana. The company looked at several other options, including remaining in the current building,
`other locations Downtown and locations at Easton and in Dublin and New Albany, Partridge said.
`Columbia's current location, 200 Civic Center Drive, is a 14-story building that the company has
`occupied since 1983. The company owns the land and initially owned the building, but sold it to a
`group of investors and then rented the space.
`Partridge said he will work with the owners to try to find new tenants. Columbia occupies all of the
`building's office space.
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`Columbia Gas of Ohio plans new home In Arena District I The Columbus Dispatch
`‘Hull 3:22 PM
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`Coiumbus Loca! News: Region > News > incentives help to lure business to Goodale Boulevard
`3f29,'1i. 2:5? PM
`COIN b SLaCalNE|lVS.CGl'n
`Sir I.:- r: r fr it I] N r- Ii-
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`B Get R§S Feed |
`incentives help to lure business to
`Goodale Boulevard
`“ Marketing agency Portfolio Creative is the Forest buslnes:
`take advantage of office space in Grandview.
`Published: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:10 AM EDT
`,-‘ Text Size
`Grandview Heights City Council has granted an economic incentive
`deal for Portfolio Creative to locate its operations on Goodaie
`I |ll |
`Local Business Directory
`Portfolio Creative, a marketing, design and ad staffing agency, is mi“ **-
`looking to move to 7'7? W. Goodaie Btvd. from its current lo

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