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Monster, Inc. v. Monster Memory and More, Inc.

92054446 | Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed July 23, 2011
Judges Ritchie, Shaw, and Adlin
Proceeding Type Cancellation
Petitioner Mark MONSTER No. 75332159
Petitioner Mark MONSTER CABLE No. 73465662
Petitioner Mark MONSTER CABLE No. 73465419
Petitioner Mark MONSTER GAME No. 77209496
Petitioner Mark MONSTER GAME No. 77358573
Petitioner Mark MONSTER DESIGN No. 74219197
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MOBILE No. 76257361
Petitioner Mark MONSTER VIDEO No. 73601696
Petitioner Mark MONSTER TIPS No. 73465664
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MOUNTS No. 75232314
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MUSIC No. 74028108
Petitioner Mark MONSTER LOCK No. 75412237
Petitioner Mark MONSTER POWER No. 76360257
Petitioner Mark MONSTER USB No. 76332573
Petitioner Mark MONSTER POWER No. 75232124
Petitioner Mark MONSTER No. 76440986
Petitioner Mark MONSTER No. 76422059
Petitioner Mark MONSTER ROCK No. 78293727
Petitioner Mark MONSTER PHOTO No. 78312990
Petitioner Mark MONSTER ULTRA No. 78509450
Petitioner Mark MONSTER BASS No. 78427192
Petitioner Mark MONSTER POWER No. 78540101
Petitioner Mark MONSTER GARAGE No. 78526360
Petitioner Mark MONSTER GARAGE No. 78526348
Petitioner Mark MONSTER GARAGE No. 78526343
Petitioner Mark MONSTER CLAMPS No. 78509484
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MOBILE No. 78043732
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MARINE No. 78358387
Petitioner Mark MONSTER MOBILE No. 77466691
Petitioner Mark M MONSTER No. 77394667
Petitioner Mark MONSTER POWER No. 77358505
Case Type Cancellation
Status Terminated
Interlocutory Attorney ELIZABETH WINTER
Last Updated: 1 year, 3 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text