`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Petition for Cancellation
`Notice is hereby given that the following party requests to cancel indicated registration.
`Petitioner Information
`Revive Franchising LLC
`945 West Kenyon Avenue, Suite 200
`Englewood, CO 80110
`Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC
`12000 Pecos Street #252
`Westminster, CO 80234
`docket-oppedahl@oppedahl.com Phone:303-252-8800
`Registration Subject to Cancellation
`Registration No
`Goods/Services Subject to Cancellation
`Registration date
`Class 032. First Use: 2007/01/00 First Use In Commerce: 2007/01/00
`All goods and services in the class are cancelled, namely: Non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages
`Grounds for Cancellation
`Torres v. Cantine Torresella S.r.l.Fraud
`The mark is merely descriptive
`808 F.2d 46, 1 USPQ2d 1483 (Fed. Cir. 1986)
`Trademark Act section 23
`Trademark Act section 2(e)(1)
`20110801 Petition to Cancel as Filed.pdf ( 12 pages )(85513 bytes )
`20110801-Exhibits.pdf ( 49 pages )(8020853 bytes )
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this paper has been served upon all parties, at their address
`record by First Class Mail on this date.
`Certificate of Service
`Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC
`Registration No. 3,544,234
`# ∃%
`Cancellation No.
`)∀+,∀−∀.! /
`Petitioner REVIVE FRANCHISING, LLC (“Petitioner”), a limited liability corporation
` 0
`,3∀4 53 5 ∀ , 43/
`!/∀/∀! 5
`duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Colorado with its principal place of
`∀ !,678
` ∀4 , ∀ , :9;;93−.
`business located at 945 West Kenyon Avenue, Suite 200, Englewood, Colorado 80110 hereby
` !
`petitions to cancel Registration No. 3,544,234.
`# 3− 5
` 4∀, 3
`,,, 53!0
` 4
` 5
`To the best of Petitioner’s knowledge, the name and address of the current owner of
`! ∀
`Registration No. 3,544,234 is The FRS COMPANY (“Registrant”), 101 Lincoln Centre Drive,
`099 .∀5
`Suite 500, Foster City, California 94404.
`#3− ?,
`−∀ 34∀∀−,+ ,−.3− ?,
`The above-identified petitioner believes that it will be damaged by the above-identified
` !
`registration, and hereby petitions to cancel the same.
` 0
`0// 5/
`5 ∀∀ 4≅
`As grounds in support of its petition, Petitioner asserts as follows:
`! !
`On March 8, 2007, Registrant’s predecessor, Creative Concoctions LLC, filed an
`;∋− 3+=∀3.
` .5 (
`?∀! 3 ∀!50Β0!
`application under Section 1(b) to register the mark Healthy Energy for “Non-alcoholic fruit juice
`− )
`∀∀9 #3//∀!
`beverages” in International Class 032. That application was assigned Application No.
`77/126,151 C%he‘l5l apphcafion”)
`On June 20, 2007, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”)
` 55!!
`5 3Ε;;//∀!
`3 55!!
`issued an office action for the ‘l5l application. In that office action, the examiner refused
` 5∀3.
` .+∀.,!/ 0
`registration of Healthy Energy as merely descriptive under Section 2(e)(l).
`>!+−999Α! 0
`! !
`,, 3
`On December 20, 2007, counsel for Creative Concoctions responded to the
` 0
` 55!!
` 0
` ≅(#32+
`.3 4,3+=
`outstanding office action, arguing: “The examining attorney has reviewed the mark and
`,,,!/ 4 3
`.35∀, / ,
`. ,
`considered it descriptive. However, the attorney has failed to provide any evidence that
`= 4!
` .−3∀3. #3+=
`HEALTHY ENERGY is descriptive for a drink. How can Energy be healthy. The mark is
`0 33/ /
`= ,5 . 0
`,=/. 0! #3+=
`suggestive that the properties in the drink are good for you and keep you active. The mark is
` ,!/ )
`suggestive not descriptive.”
`On April 2, 2008, the USPTO mailed a Notice of Publication under §l2(a) to
`counsel for Creative Concoctions.
`! 0
`! !
`!5 3Ε;;
`On July 15, 2008, the USPTO issued a Notice ofAllowance for the ‘ISI
`∃! −;99:! 0
` 50
`On October 31, 2008, counsel for Registrant filed a statement of use, including a
`<∃% ,!3
` 50
`! ++!,
`declaration signed by Registrant’s CEO, Maigread Eichten, alleging a first use in commerce date
` 5Φ
` /!+
`∀∀ ,∀.3 4
` (∋
` 05 +//∀!
`of January 00, 2007 and including a specimen allegedly showing “a(n) Printout from Applicant's
`4−43!33 43+=
`3 ,
`5 +
`website which show the mark in connection the goods, and includes information necessary to
` ,3 ,
`!! ,
`!43#%Η69 9∆∋ )
`order the goods in accordance with TMEP § 904.06(a).”
`0.;99Α!3 5
`<4−3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! + ∀
`A January 1, 2007 archive of Registrant’s website, http://www.frs.com, reveals a
`/ 0 4
`% −∀. 23−!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +,,Φ
`previous owner, Firstline Mobility. See Exhibit A, Archive of http://www.frs.com dated January
`0.∆99Α!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +!
`0 3 44−/
`A January 26, 2007 archive of http://www.frs.com continues to show a webpage
`5 ∀
`% −∀. 23−ϑ!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +,,Φ
`for Firstline Mobility. See Exhibit B, Archive of http://www.frs.com dated January 26, 2007.
`7∃, +
`5 +
`WHOIS domain registration information indicates that Registrant acquired
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +
`−0.;99Α 23−7∃, +
`http://www.frs.com on February 1, 2007. See Exhibit C, WHOIS domain registration for
`5 ! +
`−0.;∆99Α!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +
`A February 16, 2007 archive of http://www.frs.com indicates that the webpage
` ,
` 23−>!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +,,−0.;∆
`then belonged to Registrant. See Exhibit D, Archive of http://www.frs.com dated February 16,
`/∀;99Α!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +/ +
`∀.,/∀. 5
`An April 12, 2007 archive of http://www.frs.com prominently displays a set of
`∀−∀,( Λ∀∀
` 2,
`=) #3 / 53!
`containers labeled “FRS® all natural antioxidant health drink”. The top of the container includes
`/ ,0!
`5 +
` .) 23−!3 5
`product information such as “non-carbonated” and “healthy energy”. See Exhibit E, Archive of
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +,,/∀;99Α
`http://www.frs.com dated April 12, 2007.
`0.∆99Α!3 53+
`/ 5
`A January 26, 2007 archive of the main page of Registrant’s second website,
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +
` 4,50
`! ∀∀∀ 23−!3 5
`http://www.frsenergy.com, now defunct, reveals little. See Exhibit F, Archive of
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +,,Φ
`http://www.frsenergy.com dated January 26, 2007.
`−0.99Α!3 53 ∃
` ∀−∀5 +3(73
`A February 5, 2007 archive of the FRS Online Store, available from the “Where
` )∀
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +
`!∀0,,∀,/ ,0!
`5 +
`to get FRS” link on http://www.frsenergy.com, includes detailed product information. See
`23−!3 5 ∃
` ,,−0.99Α
`Exhibit G, Archive of FRS Online Store dated February 5, 2007.
`5 +
` .)
` 0,
`Upon information and belief, the term “healthy energy” is not used on the
`−0.99Α4−/ 23−!3 5 ∃
` ,,−0.99Α
`February 5, 2007 webpage. See Exhibit G, Archive of FRS Online Store dated February 5, 2007.
`3−0.99Α4−/ 34 ,( !=3
`On the February 5, 2007 webpage, the words “Stock Change in Progress
` ∀−∀−3)4
` 3( ,.? ?>
`=)/ ,0! 23−!3 5
`Available Feb Sm” are written over the “Ready-to-Drink” products. See Exhibit G, Archive of
` ∃
` ,,−0.99Α
`FRS Online Store dated February 5, 2007.
`0.;99Α!3 53 ,. >
`=ϑ ∀ !,0
`A January 12, 2007 Archive of the FRS Ready to Drink Beverage, located under
`3/ ,0!+
`!∀0,/!0 53,.? ?,
`=− ∀ 23− ,.
`the product menu, includes a picture of the ready-to-drink bottle. See Exhibit H, FRS Ready to
`=ϑ ,,Φ
`Drink Beverage dated January 12, 2007.
`#3 ,. >
`=ϑ − ∀,
` //
`The FRS Ready to Drink Beverage bottle does not appear to include the term
` .) 23− ,. >
`=ϑ ,,Φ
`“healthy energy”. See Exhibit H, FRS Ready to Drink Beverage dated January 12, 2007.
`−0.99Α!3 53 ∃
` ∀−∀5 +
`A February 24, 2007 archive of the FRS Online Store available from
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +3 430/,,/!=
` 5 3,.? ?,
`=/ ,0!
`http://www.frsenergy.com shows the updated packaging for the ready-to-drink product. See
`23−!3 5 ∃
` ,,−0.99Α
`Exhibit 1, Archive of FRS Online Store dated February 24, 2007.
` 3,.? ?,
`=/ ,0!/ ,!∀ 4 53/ ,0!
`Selecting the ready-to-drink product provides a closer view of the product
` 43!3,( ∀∀
` 2,
`=) ( ∀ 4!∀
`packaging, which reads “FRS all natural antioxidant health drink” or “FRS low calorie
` 2,
`=) 23−Φ!3 5 ,.? ?>
`=ϑ ,,
`antioxidant health drink”. See Exhibit J, Archive of FRS Ready-to-Drink Beverages dated
`February 20, 2007.
`∆99Α!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +/ +
`∀.,/∀. 5
`A June 6, 2007 archive of http://www.frsenergy.com prominently displays a set of
`∀−∀,( Λ∀∀
` 2,
`=) #3 / 53!
`containers labeled “FRS® all natural antioxidant health drink”. The top of the container includes
`/ ,0!
`5 +
` .) 23−8!3 5
`product information such as “non-carbonated” and “healthy energy”. See Exhibit K, Archive of
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +,,Φ0
`http://www.frsenergy.com dated June 6, 2007.
`999Α!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +3 43,,
` 5
`A June 30, 2007 archive of http://www.frsenergy.com shows the addition of
`( )
` .) 34−3, 23−!3 5
`“FRS” and “healthy energy” to the website header. See Exhibit L, Archive of
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5
` . ! +,,Φ0
`http://www.frsenergy.com dated June 30, 2007.
`!∀5 +30
`An article from the Functional Drinks Newsletter dated February 20, 2007,
` ∀−∀
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +3 43( ∀∀
` 2,
`available on http://www.frs.com, shows the “FRS all natural antioxidant health drink” and “FRS
`∀ 4!∀
` 2,
` 23−%0
`low calorie antioxidant health drink” packaging. See Exhibit M, Functional Drinks article.
`!∀5 +3
`An article from the Santa Barbara News-Press dated February 22, 2007, available
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +3 43( ∀∀
` 2,
`,( ∀ 4
`on http://www.frs.com, shows the “FRS all natural antioxidant health drink” and “FRS low
` 2,
` 23−
`calorie antioxidant health drink” packaging. See Exhibit N, Santa Barbara News-Press article.
`!∀5 +Γ# ,.,,/∀;;99Α ∀−∀
`An article from USA Today dated April 11, 2007, available on
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +3 43( ∀∀
` 2,
`,( ∀ 4!∀
`http://www.frs.com, shows the “FRS all natural antioxidant health drink” and “FRS low calorie
` 2,
` 23−∃Γ# ,.!∀
`antioxidant health drink” packaging. See Exhibit 0, USA Today article.
`−0.;;99:!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +
`A February 11, 2008 archive of http://www.frs.com includes the phrase “healthy
` .)53 += #3/3(3∀3.
` .)// 3 3 ,
`energy” after the FRS mark. The phrase “healthy energy” appears to have the registered
`,+=.+− ∀5 23−!3 53/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +,,−0.;;
`trademark symbol after it. See Exhibit P, Archive of http://www.frs.com dated February 11,
`3−0.Χ%!399∆0 538
` 4>Μ
`% 1
`In the February/March 2006 issue of She Knows Diet & Fitness Magazine, the
`/ ,0! ∀,0
` .,
` )
`product sold under the ‘234 registration is described as a “healthier energy drink alternative”.
` 4!∀
`See Exhibit Q, She Knows article.
`#3!∀!3,23−Ν ∀−∀
`The article attached as Exhibit Q is available on Registrant’s website.
`!∀5 + − ! +,,%!3999∆,!−3/ ,0! ∀,
`An article from Forbes.com dated March 30, 2006 describes the product sold
` 2,
` .,
`under the ‘234 registration as an “an antioxidant energy drink” which “contains healthful
`5 )23− − ! +!∀
`benefits.” See Exhibit R, Forbes.com article.
`#3!∀!3,23− ∀−∀
`The article attached as Exhibit R is available on Registrant’s website.
`!∀5 +=0
` .∀,,%.;999∆,!−3/ ,0! ∀,
`An article from Ask Hungry Girl dated May 10, 2006 describes the product sold
`,,∀! 0,
`under the ‘234 registration as “basically a healthy (and delicious) drink that's packed with
` +
` 2,
`, . 0
` 5
` . )23−=0
` .∀!∀
`vitamins and antioxidants and gives you tons of energy.” See Exhibit S, Ask Hungry Girl article.
`#3!∀!3,23− ∀−∀
`The article attached as Exhibit S is available on Registrant’s website.
`33/ ,0! ∀,
`In a press release dated March 8, 2007, Registrant states that the product sold
`4,5 3∀3
`under the ‘234 registration “was recognized by the Beverage Innovations Awards for its health
` +/ ,+
`,/3.!∀/5 +
`!,0!,5 0
`,+/ ,
`benefits including improved mental and physical performance, reduced fatigue and improved
` )23−#%!3:99Α/∀
`concentration.” See Exhibit T, March 8, 2007 press release.
`#3%!3:99Α/∀503,!−3/ ,0! ∀,0
`The March 8, 2007 press release further describes the product sold under the ‘234
`5!∀∀., ∀ /,/
`,5 +0∀3! +−
`registration as “a scientifically developed, patented formula that combines nature’s most
`/ 450∀
` 2,
`∀ +
` / ,0
` .−
`powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins to provide a sustained, healthy energy boost and
` ?+
` 2,
`3∀3/ !
` )23−#%!3:99Α/∀
`long-term antioxidant health protection.” See Exhibit T, March 8, 2007 press release.
`/∀5 +
`A press release from Registrant dated September 24, 2007 is titled
`ALTERNATIVE IN ENERGY DRINKS”. See Exhibit U, September 24, 2007 press release.
`(, ∀ /
`The September 24, 2007 press release describes Registrant as “a developer and
`,−0 53∀3.
` .− ) 23−Γ/+−99Α/∀
`distributor of healthy energy beverages”. See Exhibit U, September 24, 2007 press release.
`!∀0,35 ∀∀ 4
` Κ0 5 +
`The September 24, 2007 press release includes the following quote from
`% ,!3
` . ! + 4.5 0
`Maigread Eichten, Registrant’s president and CEO, “HealthyEnergy.com is a great way for us to
`3∀/, 0 55!4 =3,+ +3∀
` ∀5
`help stressed out office workers, harried moms, athletes and frequent travelers find a trusted and
`∀ 0! 53∀3.0
` .Ο Π)23−Γ/+−99Α/
`functional source of healthy, sustained energy[.]” See Exhibit U, September 24, 2007 press
`!∀5 +ϑ 7 ∀,% 1
`,,−0.99: ∀−∀
`An article from Beverage World Magazine dated February 2008, available at
`3/≅ΧΧ444 5 ! +
`!∀0,/3 /3 5
`4/ ,0!!
`,( 3∀3.
`http://www.frs.com, includes a photograph of new product cans which then read “FRS healthy
` .)
`3!∀% ,!3
`,∃ 5#3 +/
`energy”. In the article, Maigread Eichten, President and CEO of The FRS Company,
` 4∀, 3(3
`<35− ! +/
`.3 55
` .33∀3.4. )
`acknowledges that “this isn’t the first beverage company that is offering energy the healthy way.”
` 3
` !+/
` ∀0
`The article notes that a new marketing campaign set to launch in February 2008 includes the
`<3 >
` . )#3!∀
` 3!! ,
` %
`slogan “Don’t Crash. Drink Healthy Energy.” The article goes on to state that, according to Ms.
`(3! +/
`!∀0,34 ,Ε3∀3.
` . <)23−
`Eichten, “the company redesigned the cans to include the words ‘healthy energy.’” See Exhibit
`ϑ 7 ∀,!∀,,−0.99:
`V, Beverage World article dated February 2008.
`! 5+
` 5
`On November 6, 2008, the USPTO issued a Notice of Acceptance of Statement of
`>!+−699:3Γ#∃ ,3Ε;;//∀!
`On December 9, 2008, the USPTO registered the ‘ISI application as Registration
`Number 3,544,234 (“the ‘234 registration”).
` ∀!35 32!/3(3∀3.
` .)0
`// 2+∀.
`A Google search for the exact phrase “healthy energy” returns approximately
` .,
`2,370,000 results. Notably, the first four pages of results include 11 healthy energy drinks (FRS,
`Θ/511 Ρ%
`=#0 53/, 50Β
`Σ !
`Zipfizz, Verve!, MonaVie EMV, Xe, DrinkACT, Fruit of the Spirit, AdvoCare, efusj on, Xocai
` 4∀!
` .,
` .,
`Power, ElectriFire), one healthy energy drink mix (NuPlus), one healthy energy drinkable
`∋ 0 3
` .−∋0
` .+
`supplement (Fatigue Fighter), one healthy energy bar (Luna), one healthy energy mint (Revive)
` .0//∀+
`355 0/ ∀
` ,,
` 5
`and one healthy energy supplement (Shaklee) on the first four pages alone. Additionally, one of
`,!∀ 0, (ϑ∀3.
` .>
` 3−∀ ,
`the returned articles is a guide to “Best Healthy Energy Drinks”, and another is a blog regarding
` .>
`=) 23−7 ∀!30∀5 32!/3(3∀3.
`“Healthy Energy Drinks”. See Exhibit W, Google search results for the exact phrase “healthy
` .)
` ∀!35 34 ,(3∀3.
` .)0
`// 2+∀.
`A Google search for the words “healthy energy” returns approximately
`9;999990∀4∀∀0 ,∀,!343!3
` .,
`20,100,000 results, as well as suggested related searches which include “healthy energy drink”.
` .,
`=∋ Θ/511 Ρ
`Notably, the first four pages of results include 11 healthy energy drinks (FRS, Zipfizz, Verve!,
`=#0 53/, 50Β
`Σ ! 4∀!
`MonaVie EMV, Xe, DrinkACT, Fruit of the Spirit, AdvoCare, efusj on, Xocai Power, ElectriFire),
` .,
` .,
`∋ 0
`one healthy energy drink mix (NuPlus), one healthy energy drinkable supplement (Fatigue
` 3
` .−∋0
` .+
`355 0
`Fighter), one healthy energy bar (Luna), and one healthy energy mint (Revive) on the first four
`/ ∀
` ,,
` 530
`,!∀ 0, (ϑ∀3.
` .
`pages alone. Additionally, one of the returned articles is a guide to “Best Healthy Energy
`=) ,,
` 530
`,!∀ 0, (ϑ∀3.
` .>
`Drinks”. Additionally, one of the returned articles is a guide to “Best Healthy Energy Drinks”,
` 3−∀ ,
` (∀3.
` .>
`=) 23−Σ ∀!30∀
`and another is a blog regarding “Healthy Energy Drinks”. See Exhibit X, Google search results
`5 34 ,(3∀3.
` .)
`for the words “healthy energy”.
`!∀0,5 0+
`+= +
`The functional beverage industry includes four main market segments: hydration;
` .ΧΒ0
`,4 3+
` +
` 23−&7=/,
`energy/rejuvenation, health and wellness, and weight management. See Exhibit Y, Wikipedia
`!∀ ,
` (50
`∀− )5 2+/∀
`article regarding “functional beverages”, for example.
`#3+5 43!3
` −
`The term for which registration has been obtained is a slogan which is merely
`5 +
`descriptive or informational.
`5 +3/
`∀/0!3 53
`The mark is used in a manner that merely informs the potential purchaser of the
`50 53 ,
`+∀.33./ ,(3∀3.
` .)
`features of the goods, namely that they provide “healthy energy”.
`#3+5 43!3
` −
`,! ++
`∀0, ./3
`The term for which registration has been obtained is a common laudatory phrase
`,Χ +
`3 ,
`and/or statement that is ordinarily used in the relevant industry.
`#3 ∀0+ 50∀0
` ∀!35 3+(3∀3.
` .)
`The volume of results returned in a Google search for the term “healthy energy”
` .)! ++
`∀0, ./3 23−7
`demonstrates that “healthy energy” is a common laudatory phrase. See Exhibits W and X, for
` .,
`3/ /0∀.
`The fact that multiple results relate to energy drinks demonstrates the popularity
` 53/3(3∀3.
` .)
`of the phrase “healthy energy” in the relevant industry.
`#3+5 43!3
` −
`The term for which registration has been obtained is merely descriptive.
` .)+∀.,
` /0/ 53/ ,0! #3
`“Healthy Energy” merely identifies the function or purpose of the product. The
` .,
`,, / ,(3∀3.
` .)
`mark is used on energy drinks which are intended to provide “healthy energy”.
` .)∀0, .+3−0Κ0∀. ,
`Further, “Healthy Energy” is a laudatory term that attributes quality to goods, and
`35 +∀.,!/ 0
`is therefore merely descriptive under §2(e)(l).
`#3!∀!3,23−∃5 2+/∀5 3/ ,0! ∀,0
`The article attached as Exhibit 0, for example, refers to the product sold under the
`− 3
` .,
`,− 3(∀ 3∀33
`+ )
`‘234 registration as both an “energy drink” and a beverage that “is a lot healthier than most.”
`<35− 3
`The article attached as Exhibit V maintains that “this isn’t the first beverage that is
` 55
` .33∀3.4. )
`offering energy the healthy way.”
` .)+3 , 5,!−
` 3/ ,0! ∀,0
`The term “healthy energy” is a method of describing the product sold under the
`‘234 registration in relation to generally accepted market descriptions that consumers, marketers
`,! +/ !
`, 3.=
` 4433/ ,0!
`and competitors can understand so they know what the product is.
` .)
`! +/4
`As illustrated by Exhibit Y, the phrase “healthy energy” encompasses two
` .ΧΒ0
`generally recognized markets, health/wellness and energy/rejuvenation.
` .)
`As demonstrated by Exhibits W and X, “healthy energy” is a standard industry
`/ ,0!,!/
`product description.
`#3+5 43!3
` −
`The term for which registration has been obtained is generic.
` .,
`Registrant sells energy drinks under the ‘234 registration.
` .,
`“Energy drink” is a generic term, as demonstrated by Exhibits 0 and V, for
`! 3
` .,
`=+= (∀3.)∀=4
`example, which make multiple references to the energy drink market. “Healthy” is likewise a
`generic term.
`#3! +−
` 5(3∀3.)
` .)
` ! +/ /3,
` 3
`The combination of “healthy” and “energy” into a composite phrase does nothing
` ,0!3
`! 534 ,
`to reduce the generic significance of the words.
`#3!∀!3,23−, !0+
` <∃% ,!3
`The article attached as Exhibit V documents FRS’s CEO, Maigread Eichten,
` 4∀,
` 3 (
`<35− ! +/
`.3 55
` .33∀3.
`acknowledging that FRS “isn’t the first beverage company that is offering energy the healthy
`4. )
`∆; % ∀!35 3/3(3∀3.
` .)0
`35 ;;
`Moreover, a Google search for the phrase “healthy energy” returns hits for 11
` .,
` .,
` .,
`healthy energy drinks, one healthy energy drink mix, one healthy energy drinkable supplement,
` .−
` .+
` .0//∀+
`one healthy energy bar, one healthy energy mint and one healthy energy supplement on the first
`5 0/ ∀
` 23−7
`four pages alone. See Exhibits W and X.
`4 −
`The ‘234 registration was obtained by fraud.
`−0.Χ%!399∆0 538
` 4>Μ
`% 1
`A February/March 2006 issue of She Knows Diet & Fitness Magazine, the
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`product sold under the ‘234 registration is described as a “healthier energy drink alternative”.
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`See Exhibit Q, She Knows article.