Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Anna E. Raimer
`Jones Day
`555 South Flower Street, 50th FL
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Anna Raimer
`/Anna Raimer/
`Motion to Suspend.pdf ( 69 pages )(3489968 bytes )
`Motion to Suspend Ex C.pdf ( 57 pages )(2357853 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`Cancellation No. 92049962
`Registration No. 2,765,978
`} ) ) ) ) ) ) )
`) )
`Registrant Mag Instrument, Inc. (“Mag Instrument”) hereby moves the United States
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “Board") for an Order, pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.] I7(a)_,
`suspending the above—captioned cancellation proceeding brought by Petitioner Wilrnar Corp.
`("Wilmar”) until final resolution of an earlier filed district court action. Because the district
`court action involves the exact same trademark, parties and issues, including a counterclaim. by
`Wilmar for cancellation of Mag Instrurnent"s U.S. Registration No. 2,765,978, Mag Instrument
`respectfully requests the Board to suspend these proceedings.
`On April 29, 2008, Mag instrument filed Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG (MANX), styled
`Magjnstrument. Inc. V. Wilmer Cop” et 3.1., in the United Sta.tes District Court for the Central
`District ofCalifornia. See Declaration ofC‘Iharles A. Kertell (“Kertell Declf’),
`2. Exh. A.
`which is attached hereto. Mag Instrurne-nt’s Complaint alleges that Wilmar has, and continues
`to, infringe Mag l'nstrurnent’s United States Trademark Registration No. 2,763,978 (the “‘9’£"8
`registration," which covers the shape, style, and overall appearance ofiviag Instruments

`Solitaire® flashlight) by its manufacture, Ltse. importation, distribution, advertising, marketing,
`offer for sale, and/’or sate ofthe Wilrnar 1910 flashlight.
`On Aprii 30, 2008, counsel for Mag Instrument wrote Mr. Nevil Hermer, the President of
`Wllrnar, informing Mr. Herrner of Wilmafs infringement of the ‘978 registration.
`Ia’. at 3.
`Mag instrument also enclosed a copy of its Cornpiaint in Case No. CV 0843779 PSG (MANX).
`In May of2008, counsel for Mag Instrument and counsel for Wilmar exchanged
`correspondence concerning Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG (l\rlANx). Id. at fl 4. After May of 2008..
`counsel for Wilrnar refused to respond to any ofcounsel for Mag lnstrurnenfs letters. Id.
`Mag Instrument served its First Amended Complaint against Wilmar on August 22, 2008.
`Id. at S, Exh. B. Wilmar‘s Answer was therefore due on September 12, 2008. Id. at 1] 6.
`However, on September 10, 2008, counsel for Wilmar requested, and Mag Instrument agreed,
`that Wilmer could have an additional thirty days (30) — until October 14, 2008 — to respond to
`the First Amended Complaint. Id. Mag "instrument further agreed, after receiving another
`request from Wilmar, that Wilrnar could have an additional extension to answer the First
`Amended Complaint. Id.
`Wilrnar did not file the present cancellattbn proceedings until September 19, 2008 mm more
`than four months after the filing ofCase No. CV 08-2779 PSG (MANX), more than four months
`after being provided a copy of the Complaint filed in Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG (MANX),
`aimost a month after being formally served with the Complaint in Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG
`(MANXJ, and more than a week after requesting its first 30 day extension of time to respond to
`Mag lnstrumenfs Complaint.
`Wilmar finally filed its Answer to Mag Enstruinenfs First Amended Complaint on
`;\iovernber 3. 2008.
`Id. at 7, Exh. C.
`ln its Answer, Wilmar asserts. among others, the
`foliowing at’f'innative defenses: "fraud and inequitable conduct before the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office”; failure otilvlag Instrument to “own valid. protectabte interests in the
`configuration ofthe shape, style and overail appearance of the SOl.I'l“AlRE-‘E2 flashlight"; and
`invalidity ofthe ‘978 registration “for being functional. descriptive andfor generic." Id.

`addition, Wilmer asserts a counterclaim for canceliation of the ‘978 registration, which mimics
`the ailegations of the Petition for Canceliation. Id. Wiiniar also aileges a counterciairn for
`invalidity ofthe ‘978 registration in its Answer. Id.
`WiIrnar’s Petition for Canceliation is limited to allegations offtinctionaiity (paragraph 4),
`iack of distinctivenessisecondary meaning (paragraph 5), and fraud (paragraphs 6~8). Ali three
`of these issues have been raised by Wiiniar in its Answer, and wilt certainly be addressed and
`decided by the United States District Court for the Central District ofCalifornia.
`Board Proceedings Are Typically Suspended Based on a Civil Action.
`“Whenever it shall come to the attention of the Trademark Triai and Appeal Board that a
`party or parties to a pending case are engaged in a civil action or another Board proceeding
`which may have a bearing on the case, proceedings before the Board maybe suspended untii
`termination of the civii action or the other Board proceeding.” 37 C.F.R. § 2.1 17(a). Because
`the decision ofa Federal district court in a civil action that invoives issues in common with those
`in a proceeding before the Board is often binding upon the Board, “{o]rdinarily, the Board wili
`suspend proceedings in the case before it if the fine} determination of the other proceeding wit]
`have a bearing on the issues before the Board.” TRAQEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD
`MANUAL OF PROCEDURE (“TBMP”) § 5 i0.02(a),' see also Alfred Dunhill Qf_L0r1d0r1, Inc. V.
`Dzmhii’! Tczflrired Clonires, Inc, 293 F.2d 685, 687, n. 1 (C.C.P.A. E961) (“it appears to be the
`usual practice to stay registration proceedings pending the outcome of court actions between the
`same parties involving related issues"); Tokaido 2:. Honda Assac'iaz'es .[nc., l"/'9 U.S.P.Q. 861,
`86.2 (T.T.A.B. 197’3) (noting “while a decision by the District Court would be binding upon the
`Patent Offic-e_, a decision by the Tradernaris: Trial and Appeal Board would oniy be advisory in
`respect to the disposition of the case pending in the District Court“).

`The Decision of the Federai District Court Will Have a Bearing on the Issues
`Before the Board in the Cancellation Proceeding.
`As shown in the pieadirtgs attached as exhibits hereto, the civii action presently before
`the United States District Court for the Central District of Caiifomia invoives the same parties,
`the same mark, and the same registration issues as this cancellation proceeding.
`indeed, given
`Wilrnar’s counterclaim for cancellation of the ‘978 registration, the decision of the district court
`will be dispositive of the issues before the Board. “[W]here, as here, the civil action between the
`patties may be dispositivc or have a direct bearing on the issues in a proceeding before the
`Board, it is the practice to suspend the proceeding before the Board to await the outcome of the
`civil action and to determine its effect on the issues in the action in the Patent and Trademark
`Office.” Miller v. B & H Foods, 1:16., 209 U.S.P.Q. 357, 359 (T.T.A.B. 1931); See also
`Whopper-Burger, Inc. v. Burger King Corp, 171 U.S.P.Q. 805, 807 (T.T.A.B. 1.971)
`(suspending canceliation proceeding where outcome of the civil action would have a direct
`bearing on the question of the parties’ rights “and may in fact cornpietely resolve all the
`Further, the issues before the district court, such as infringerucnt. cannot be decided by
`the Board, and the interest in prompt adjudication and conservation of resources favors
`suspension of this proceeding untii a decision by the district court. Moreover, this proceeding
`wiil not be resolved until at least 2010 given the current schedule, which is likely to be continued
`based on the tiling of discovery motions and,‘-‘or other suspensions of the proceeding. In contrast,
`Case No. CV O8—2'?79 PSG (l\/IANX) wilt certainly be resoived sooner, as courts irt the Central
`District of California currently strive to resoive cases within l2~l 8 months of tiiing. This
`titnetabic is especiaily iikely given that Case
`CV 082779 PSG {i'\/IANX) irivoives the
`infringement ofoitiy a singie flashiight. and the number ofinteiiectuai property rights at issue
`(other than the ‘978 registration) are iirnited.

`in sum, a suspension of this proceeding wiil prevent the unnecessary duplication of
`proceedings and will consolidate the registration issues into a singie proceeding in which both
`the validity and infringement contentions may be adjudicated. The eiiicient resoiution of ali the
`issues in a single forum wiii also avoid wasting the Board's vaiuabie time and resources,
`especialiy Where the district court has jurisdiction over ail the issues presented and its decision
`wili be binding on the registration issues presentiy before the Board.
`Biatant Forum Shopping Should Not Be Encouraged.
`Wilrnar’s forum shopping activities should not be encouraged. Wiirnar did not file the
`above-captioned proceeding before Mag Instrument flied its Complaint. Nor did Wilinar iiie the
`above-captioned proceeding soon after Mag instrument provided Wiirnar with a copy of its
`Complaint or formally served Wilniar with the Complaint. Instead, Wilrnar asked for, and Mag
`instrument graciously allowed, Wilmar an extension oftiine to respond to the Complaint. And,
`only after getting the extension, Wiimar filed the abovecaptioned proceeding in a blatant
`attempt to avoid the quick decision of the district court, and to instead attempt to force Mag
`instrument to engage in duplicative proceedings that Wiil certainly not be resolved before trial in
`the district court. Wiiniar’-s conduct has resulted in a waste of the parties’ — and the Board’s ~
`time and resources.

`For the foregoing reasons, Mag Instrument rcspcctfuiiy requests that the Board suspend
`this cancciiation proceeding untii resolution ofthe earlierwfiied Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG
`(MANX), which is pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of
`Respectfuiiy submitted,
`mm; November}-4, 2008

`v4/%’3/'3“?»é‘€» 5f§i«’j5’»%42a%./"
`Charles A. Kertell
`Anna E. Raimer
`555 South. Flower Street
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`(213) 486-3939
`Attorneys for Applicant

`l, Charles A. Kertell, hereby declare and state as follows:
`I am an associate with the law firm of Jones Bay, counsel of record for Registrant
`Mag lnstmrnent, Inc. (“l\/lag instrument”) in the above-captioned cancellation proceeding.
`Unless otherwise indicated, l have persona} knowledge of the facts stated in this Declaration, and
`l could and would competently testify to these facts if called upon to do so.
`Attached hereto, as Exhibit A, is a true and correct f1le«stamped copy ofthe
`Complaint filed by Mag Instrument on April 29, 2008, in the United States District Court for the
`Central District of California, in the case captioned l\/lag instrument, Inc. V. Wilmar Corp, et ah,
`Case No. CV 08~2779 PSG (MANX).
`On April 30, 2008, I wrote Mr. Nevil Herrner, who I understood to be the
`President of Petitioner Wilmar Corp. (“Wilmar").
`in my letter, I informed Mr. Hertner that it
`was Mag lnstruznenfs opinion that Wilmar, by its marketing and sale of certain flashlights,
`infringed Mag lnstru1nent’s United States Trademark Registration No. 2,765,978.
`I also
`enclosed a copy of the Complaint in Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG (MANX).
`I exchanged correspondence with counsel for Wilrnar concerning Case No. CV
`08-2779 PSG (l\r'iANx) in May of 2008. However, after May of 2008, counsel for Wilmagr failed
`to respond to any of my correspondence or voice mail messages.
`Attached hereto, as Exhibit B, is a true and correct copy of Mag lnstrurnenfs
`First Amended Complaint. which was forrnally served on Wilmer on August 22, 2008.
`\?v’ilmar‘s Answer to the First Amended Complaint was initialiy due on September
`E2, 2008. However, in response to a request by counsel for Wi.imar for an extension, Mag

`Instrument agreed that Wiimar eouid have an additionai thirty days to respond to the First
`Amended Compiaint we untii October 14, 2008. Wiimar filed its canceiiation petition against
`Mag instrument only after it received this extension. Thereafter, Wiimafs counsel requested,
`and Meg Instrument granted, Wilmer an additional extension of time to respond to the First
`Arn.en.ded Compiaint — anti} Novernber 3, 2008.
`Attached hereto, as Exhibit C, is a true and correct copy of Wilmafs Answer,
`Affirrnative Defenses, and Counterciaims in Case No. CV 08-2779 PSG (MANX), which was
`filed on November 3, 2008.
`I deciare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is
`true and correct.
`Executed this 14”" day ofE\ioVember, 2008 in Los Angeies, Caiifornia.
`. Keii

`It is hereby certified that a copy ofthe foregoing document, entitied Registranfs Motion
`:0 Suspend Proceedings Pendfing the Final Resolution ofan Eariier Fiied DistriciCou1'E Aefiion,
`has been served upon i’etitioner"s counsel, Pam K. Jacobson, Christensen O'Connor Johnson
`Kindness PLLC, I420 Fifih Avenue, Suite 2800, Seattle, WA 98101~2347, this 14th day of
`November, 2008, marked first class mail, postage prepaid.
`Anna E. Raimer


`Robert C.,Weiss (State Bar No. 39,929)
`rcwelssgjonesda C0111
`.KerteI (State Bar No. 181,214)
`. cakerteil
`555 South Fiower Street, 50 Floor
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`(213 489-3939
`(213 24?»-2539
`Attome s for Piamtiff
`23% APR 29 gm 53; 36
`ER}. U
` v~«ns——«»---§—Ap---A»---is-—£|-—i@Q°\lU'\‘-J’!-Pt‘-J-5§‘~J
`Caiifomia corporation,
`WILMAR CORR, a Washington
`corporation, and DOES 1-I0,
`casemcvos-02779 PS3
`~§§*>;. Eff;
`[V‘4I129*Ii5 E Srvé

`Piaintiff, Mag Instrument, Inc. ("Mag Instrument"), fiies this Complaint
`against defendants, Wilrnar Corp. ("Wiimar") and DOES 1- I0, and demanding a
`trial by jury, aiieges as follows:
`This Court has original jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
`FXRST through TPIXRD causes of action pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.C.
`§§133i and 1338(a), as weil as 15 USC. §1 121, because these causes of action are
`for federal trademark infringement, federai false designation of origin, and federai
`trademark diiution, respectively, which arise under the Trademark (Lanham) Act of
`1946, as amended, 15 U.S.C. ms 1, et seq.
`This Court aiso has original jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
`FOURTH through SEVENTH causes of action pursuant to the provisions of 28
`2 3
`9 _
`13 : U.S.C. §§1338(b), because these causes of action are for California unfair
`17 i
`competition under Caiifomia common law arid Business and Professions Code
`§l7200, California trademark diiution under Business and Professions Code
`§i4247, and Caiifornia trademark infringement in violation of California common
`law, all of which are claims for unfair competition under Caiifornia iaw that are
`joined with a substantial and related claim under the trademark laws ofthe United
`Further, this Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the FOURTH
`through SEVENTH causes of action, which assert state law ciaims, pursuant to the
`provisions of 28 USC. §i36’?(a). These state law claims are so related to the other
`claims in this case, over which this Court has original jurisdiction, that they form a
`part ofthe same case or controversy under Articie III of the United States
`Upon information and belief, venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. §§ l 391
`(b) &; (c).
`LAL29455 léivl

`am to
`yma DJ
`I----A LII
`>---A CTN
`lam-«L «.1
`-— Oi}
`Mag Instrument is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the
`State of California and has its principal place of business at 2001 South Hellman
`Avenue, Ontario, California 91761.
`Upon information and belief, Wilmar is a corporation incorporated
`under the laws of the State of Washington and has .its principal place of business at
`‘ 801 sw 16*“ Street, Suite 115, Renton, Washington 93057
`Upon information and belief, Wilnaar resides in this district under 28
`i U.S.C. §l39l. In particular, Wilrnar does business in this district and a substantial
`; part of the events giving rise to the claims in this case occurred in this district.
`Mag Instrument is not fully informed regarding the involvement of the
`defendants sued herein under the fictitious names DOES I-ll), inclusive (the "Doe
`Defendants"). Upon information and belief, the Doc Defendants are involved with
`, Wilmar and/or the activities alleged herein. Mag Instrument has thus sued the Doe
`Defendants by their fictitious names. Mag Instrument will seek leave to amend this
`Complaint to allege the true narnes, capacities, and residences of the Doe
`Defendants when their involvement is ascertained. Wilrnar and the Doe Defendants
`1 are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Defendants."
`Mag Instrument is informed and believes, and thereupon alleges, that
`the Doe Defendants, and each of them, are responsible in some manner, by their
`acts and/or omissions, for the matters alleged herein. Mag Instrument is fl.lI"Ei’l€l‘
`informed and believes, and thereupon alleges, that the Doe Defendants, and each of
`there, at all material times herein alleged, were the agents, servants, andfor
`employees of the other Defendants, or otherwise participated in the improper
`conduct alleged herein.
`LA]-29455 i Svi

`(Federal Trademark Infringement - SSOA of the SOLITAIRE” Flashlight)
`(15 U.S.C. §l051, et seq.)
`10. Mag instrument repeats, realieges, and incorporates by reference, as
`though fully set forth herein, the allegations contained in paragraphs 1—~9, above.
`1 i.
`For many years, and prior to the acts of Defendants complained of
`herein, Mag Instrument has continuously manufactured, advertised, assembled,
`marketed, sold, and distributed, in interstate and international commerce, high—
`quality machined, anodized aluminum, high—intensity, adjustable beam flashlights,
`including, but not limited to, flashlights under the distinctive trademark
`SOLITAIRE‘: These flashlights are also characterized by their distinctive shape,
`styie, and overall appearance ("SSOA"), which is a trademark of Mag instrument.
`These flashlights are further characterized by their outstanding quality,
`extraordinary design, materiais of construction, workmanship, performance,
`reliability, durability, and outstanding optical features.
`The SSOA of the SOLITAIRE‘ flashlight is inherently distinctive,
`§ non-functional, and has acquired secondary meaning in that it has come to be
`associated by the trade and consuming public exclusively with Mag Instrument and,
`as a result, has come to signify Mag Instrument as the source of fiashiights bearing
`the same or similar characteristics.
`13. Mag Instrument has obtained, and is the owner of, a federai
`registration on the SSOA of the SOLETAIRE‘ flashlight. A copy of this federal
`registration, United States Trademark Registration Number 2,765,978, is attached
`hereto as Exhibit 1. This registration remains in filll force and effect. At all
`reievant times, Mag Instrument has consistently and continuousiy displayed the
`registration symbol "®" or its equivalent since the mark has become registered.
`14. Mag Instrument has manufactured, advertised, marketed, and
`; promoted its flashlights and related products so that the public associates them with

`the idea of outstanding quality, extraordinary design, materials, workmanship,
`performance, reliability, durability, and outstanding optical features. In furtherance
`of that goal, Mag instrument usaaliy displays its products and the associated
`trademarks in its advertising and promotional presentations. To date, Mag
`instrument has spent several millions of dollars advertising and promoting its
`SOLITAIRE’ flashlights and other flashlights and related products, and has had
`over a billion dollars in sales of its flashlights and related products.
`15. Mag instrument's flashiights are manufactured exciusiveiy in the
`United States of America. Moreover, Mag Instrurnenfs flashiights are sold with a
`3 warranty, backed up by a fulhservice staff of ful1~tirne employees at the Ontario,
`California facility. Mag Instrurnent also employs several people in its customer
`p service department located at Mag Instruments headquarters.
`16. Defendants have manufactured, advertised, distributed, marketed,
`imported, promoted, offered for sale, and/or sold commercially in interstate
`_ commerce certain flashlights, at least one of which is shown in Exhibit 2 (the
`i "Wi91O flashlight"). The W1.91O flashiight bears a shape, style, and overali
`appearance that is the same as, or confusingly similar to, the SSOA of Mag
`Instruments SOLITAIRE” flashlight.
`Defendants’ manufacture, advertising, distribution, marketing,
`importation, promotion, offer for sale, andfor sale of the W19i{} flashiight, having a
`'~ shape, style, and overall appearance that is the same as or confilsingly similar to
`that of Mag instruxnenfs SOLITAiRE® flashlight, is likely to cause confusion and,
`upon information and belief, has caused confusion that the WI 910 flashlight is
`made by, sponsored by, or affziiated with Mag Instrument,
`Defendants’ use of the shape, style, and overall appearance of the
`; Wl9l0 flashlight is without the permission of Mag instrument. This use is with the
`knowledge that the shape, style, and overall appearance of the Wl9lG flashlight is
`i,Al~Z9455 iiivl
`:-I 3
`:-A iv
`5...: L»!
`r----4 «P-
`._..t K)‘:
`3 3 p
`m- 0?

`g confusingly similar to Mag Instrurnenfls SSOA trademark, which has previousiy
`if been and is being used by Mag Instrument.
`19. Upon information and beiief, Defendants had knowledge of Mag
`Instrurnenfs SOLITAIRE‘ fiashiight and the considerable commercial success it
`has achieved. Mag Instrurnent is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that
`Defendants willfuily and with conscious disregard for Mag Instruments product
`configuration trademark in the SOLITAIRE” flashlight manufactured, advertised,
`distributed, marketed, irnported, promoted, offered for sale, and/or sold the W19iO
`flashlight that is a colorabie imitation of Mag Instrurnenfs product configuration
`The above-recited acts by Defendants constitute trademark
`iniiingernent of Mag Instruments federally registered trademark in violation of the
`Lanharn Act, 15 U.S.C. §10S 1, et seq., to the substantial and irreparable injury of
`the public and of Mag Instrunaentfs business reputation and goodwili.
`As resuit of their acts, Defendants have been, and will continue to be,
`unjustly enriched by profits that Defendants have made in connection with the
`l manufacture, advertising, distribution, marketing, importation, promotion, offer for
`sale, and/or sale of the W1910 flashlight having a shape, style, and overall
`, appearance that is confusingly similar to the SSOA of the SOLETAIRE” flashlight.
`Defendants’ continuing infringement has inflicted and, uniess
`restrained by this Court, will continue to inflict great and irreparabie harm upon
`Mag Instrument. Mag Instrument has no adequate remedy at law. Mag instrurnent
`is entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoirnng Defendants from
`engaging in further acts of infringement.
`As a direct and proximate resuit of the foregoing acts of Defendants,
`Mag instrument has suffered, and is entitied to, monetary damages in an amount
`f not yet determined. Mag Instrument is also entitled to its attorneys‘ fees and costs
`of suit herein.
`tat-2945s l8vl

`24. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ acts were in conscious and
`, willful disregard for Mag instrurnenfs rights to the SSOA trademark, and the
`resuiting damage to Mag lnstrurnent is such as to warrant the trebiing of damages in
`order to provide just compensation.
`(Federal Faise Designation of Origin — SSOA of the SOLITAJRIF Flashlight)
`(15 U.S.C. §1125(a))
`25. Mag Instrument repeats, realleges, and incorporates by reference, as
`though fizily set out herein, the allegations contained in paragraphs l—9 and li—2-4,
`26. Mag Instrument owns and enjoys common law trademark rights in the
`SSOA of the SOLITAIRE‘ flashlight, which rights are superior to any rights that
`Defendants may claim in the product configuration with respect to the W19I0
`flashlight. The SSOA for the SOLITAIRE‘ flashlight is inherently distinctive, non-
`functional, and has acquired secondary meaning with the trade and consuming
`: public andfor has become distinctive in the minds of purchasers in that this SSOA
`for flashlights is associated with Mag Instrurnent, as evidenced in part by the grant
`, of United States Trademark Registration No. 2,765,978 therefor.
`27. Upon information and belief, Defendants have used and are using the
`shape, style, and overall appearance of the V»/1910 tlashiight to sell, market, and
`promote their flashlight with the intent of passing off and confusing the public into
`believing that the Wl9i0 flashlight is the same as, originates with, and/or is
`sponsored by Mag lnstrurnent.
`By manufacturing, advertising, distributing, marketing, importing,
`promoting, offering for sale, andfor seliing the Wi9i0 flashlight, having a shape,
`styie, and overail appearance that is confilsingiy similar to that of Mag Instrurnenfs
`SOLITAIRW flashlight, Defendants have infringed on Mag Instrurnenfls federal
`and common law trademark rights in the SSOA of the SOLITAIRB‘ flashlight in
`LAI~29:£5S lsvl
`>—d- Ix)
`5---a Uv)
`>-----\ 43*‘-
`>-—--- U!

`vioiation of Section 43(a) ofthe Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §112S(a). Defendants‘
`above~recited acts further constitute false designation of origin, false description,
`false representation, and unfair competition in vioiation of Section 43(a) of the
`Lanham Act, i5 U.S.C. § li25(a), as such acts are Iikeiy to deceive customers and
`prospective customers into beiieving that the W'i9iG flashlight is from or sponsored
`by Mag Instrument and, as a consequence, are likely to divert and have diverted
`customers away from Mag Instrument.
`If not enjoined by the Court, Defendants wili continue to sell the
`W1910 flashlight in commerce, which flashlight will be attributed to having
`emanated from Mag Instrument. Mag Instrument, however, has no control over the
`nature and quality of the W191i) flashiight so rendered, and any fauit or objection
`I with said flashlight will adverseiy affect future sates by Mag Instrument of its
`flashlights under the SSOA trademark.
`30. As a result of their acts, Defendants have been, and wiil continue to be,
`I unjustly enriched by profits that Defendants have made in connection with their
`manufacture, advertising, distribution, marketing, importation, promotion, offer for
`sale, and/or sale of the W1910 flashlight, that bears a shape, style, and overaii
`appearance that is confusingly similar to the SSOA trademark.
`3 E.
`Defendants’ continuing infrirlgernent has inflicted and, unless
`restrained by this Court, will continue to inflict great and irreparable harm upon
`Mag Instrument. Mag Instrument has no adequate remedy at law. Mag instrument
`is entitied to preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining Defendants from
`engaging in further acts of infringernent.
`As a direct and proximate resuit of the foregoing acts of Defendants,
`Mag Instrument has suffered, and is entitled to, monetary damages in an amount
`not yet determined. Mag Instrument is also entitled to its attorneys’ fees and costs
`of suit herein.

`Upon information and belief, Defendants‘ acts were in conscious and
`2 willful disregard for Mag instrument's rights to the SSOA trademark, and the
`resulting damage to Mag Instrument is such as to warrant the trebling of damages in
`order to provide just compensation.
`8 Z
`("Federal Trademark Bilution -— SSOA Trademark)
`(15 U.s.C. § 1I25(c))
`34. Mag Instrument repeats, reaiieges, and incorporates by reference, as
`though fully set out herein, the allegations contained in paragraphs 1-9, 11-24, and
`10 ; 26-33, above.
`11 ,
`The SSOA trademark is a distinctive and famous mark.
`In connection with the W19 10 flashiight, Defendants began using a
`shape, style, and overaii appearance confusingly similar to the SSOA trademark
`subsequent to the SSOA trademark becoming famous.
`Defendants’ manufacture, advertising, distribution, marketing,
`importation, promotion, offer for sale, and/or sale of the WI 91 0 flashlight, that has
`a shape, style, and overail appearance that is the same or confiisingly similar to that
`of Mag Instrument's SSOA trademark, causes dilution by lessening the capacity of
`the famous SSOA ofMag Instrunienfs SOLITAIRE‘ flashlight to identify and
`20 i distinguish flashiights.
`By reason of their acts complained of herein, Defendants have caused
`the diiution of the distinctive quality of the SSOA trademark, and lessened the
`capacity of the famous SSOA trademark to identify and distinguish fiashiights in
`violation of 15 U.S.C. §il25(c).
`As a result of their acts, Defendants have been, and will continue to be,
`unjustly enriched by profits that Defendants have made in connection with their
`27 manufacture, advertising, distribution, marketing, importation, promotion, offer for
`L.-—‘*.i-29435 § 8v!
`24 _,

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`sale, and/or sale of the W191i} flashiight bearing a shape, style, and overall
`appearance that is confilsingty similar to the SSOA trademark.
`As a direct and proxirnate result of the foregoing acts of Defendants,
`Mag Instrument has suffered, and is entitied to, nionetary damages in an amount
`not yet dete-rrnined. Mag Instrument is aiso entitied to its attorneys’ fees and costs
`of suit herein.
`4}. Upon information and belief, Defendants‘ acts were in conscious and
`wiiifui disregard for Mag Instruments rights to the SSOA trademark, and the
`resetting damage to Mag Instrument is such as to warrant the trebling of damages in
`order to provide just compensation.
`42. Upon information and belief, Defendants wilifiilly intended to trade on
`Mag Instrumentfs reputation and/or to cause dilution of Mag Instrumenfs famous
`SSOA. trademark. Defendants’ acts and the resulting damage to Mag Instrument are
`such as to warrant the trebiing of damages in order to provide just compensation.
`Unless Defendants are restrained and enjoined by this Court, Defendants’ actions
`will continue

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