`Filer's Name
`Filer's email
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`American University
`1919 M ST NW STE 610
`Email:,, Lit-Dock-
`Other Motions/Papers
`Stephanie H. Bald
`,, Lit-Docket-
`/Stephanie H. Bald/
`Group 29 Cover.pdf(10923 bytes )
`Ex. 206.pdf(3583693 bytes )
`Ex. 207.pdf(3342281 bytes )
`Ex. 208.pdf(1234948 bytes )
`Ex. 209_Part1.pdf(5214821 bytes )
`Ex. 209_Part2.pdf(1210896 bytes )
`Ex. 210_Part1.pdf(5099557 bytes )
`Ex. 210_Part2.pdf(5209650 bytes )
`Ex. 210_Part3.pdf(5237008 bytes )
`Ex. 210_Part4.pdf(3874502 bytes )
`Ex. 211.pdf(5088594 bytes )
`Ex. 212.pdf(4717265 bytes )


`Cancellation No. 92049706
`Reg. No. 3387226
`KUWAIT and Design
`Reg. Date: February 26, 2008
`Reg. No 2986715
`Reg. Date Aug. 23, 2005
`Reg. No. 3559022
`Reg. Date: Jan. 06, 2009
`Reg. No. 4127891
`LAW and Design
`Reg. Date: Apr. 17, 2012
`Reg. No. 4774583.
`Reg. Date: Jul. 21, 2015


`Sharon Alston Declaration
`Exhibit 206


`‘_ --4::}}~=Ei-Esru-én.z.
`,3'3';ifi_;';_ ..
`AU 059862
`'Magazinc anmcrican University
`El .. CI ..
`" El H E LI} E: E L! F1
`{Ll CI F: L [I H E El] El E H H I E: I T


`.\..I: .'i.'|:' (.I .‘.:'.uc'.iL.In L'nilcl‘iix'
`\ukll'a: -:-_r Nu:
`l_'| til-ITS, {1AM ERA. ISTERACI‘! ON
`.“.1"uignaum. I! wm lug: Jl m: nrwcu. u-ulm
`Nm-u'uln In Iuwll.
`NJLh-Jln Silllnuflc. '5“ IIF'fil u 1n JIh'l'lT-lll'ff 1‘}-
` m)- :u'
`Im Iir m: 'multd lurum l'zlcuun “th
`hlS Ai'au- Tori: F'rrursnugazln: Hwy m'calcd .1
`rourgcnr I'dllbm
`“ml [hr {tindol mm! and {3“ alums-.1“ whn
`mud (hr mmnul mtrht-Lls :hJ: undurliu nluuul
`[mm rr'=.1|:\.
`.lnd Mn cuumrn‘s—
`mm m Ras'haré Ln'wk. \l'Lil. 'fi'i
`Mulrnc “uurl’lr. 515 ")0. um wt the furmc. and
`"-3 .n ”:14an :II .Irllls wrin.
`Pram-Inn'num Hum .-\U ml“ mm .|[ gluha] uanHIm.
`.I unm-
`Allanl: mum l Iiur'n J Immd. 5P5 '"15. L‘Llili
`mcdim umpir: Iujr' pinching punrllcs mm a: .I III“:
`C'n 1hr: Quad
`.5 Alumni New»
`'. |
`Class Nutublta
`In Closing
`www.-.uncr1cal1.cduf magazine


`Meet the Newsmakers
`here} no nliuirl
`g rhu summer: frun:
`P33! m: [Jae n
`”:6me Fa:
`m chum-I. gu onhnc. van}: Md» n: fimztiflgouh]:
`on the QUAD
`New provost joins AU
`nsAU‘: m'pmm. Sun: has lntmds (Wu ahmflinm'mg. It's "10ch ufludenhip III.“ In [muted willl
`mhhwm during hit 12 gun.” the Uniiufiiy aflhrylml—Ealtlmn (hunt? um. when I: and u
`vhcgpmiim I'nr RM and dancidandmuSchul.
`'Inpn: initial. You have in undunmi :11: culture. the wing. r}: hdcuh'qa. due faculty:
`unugiu :ha: home! gradual: mullmm lam pmnl. and plan! a high priorily an
`aiming mama: and minomic: in Edd: whm dq'n gndurrpmmd.
`A dininguislwd pml'ww ufm'uluy It UM'ECM a whnaflykma :dulu in
`gnawing. Baas la» written or :dlrcd tight banks. whnmd mm papers. and mum
`mcd'nu: uh}: iuurnal AsthSu-MM‘I}
`Ban hold” mmhinnd dam-m in psycholngnnd dunfion hum 1h: Unimfly of
`Michigan :ndbcyn hinmu u : murmurs: she Unimsiry {Wm-Mm. when
`he‘ucclm: dimofik 6:1me [whmyfinmpmgnmdlmuhhc Pllnpmgnm Sanka
`in mnrulngy.mdh=duflh8¢mmluyflzmpfimm hilprm a: W5C
`111:me ImmIphmaIAU suit! him Wt". Hiu Ichalaflywmkmkhimmun
`mmumcuaiuudnduflinglmmbhriminhpmfian Wghfiunxhwwhfllip.
`‘ mmwanmnnmdinmyafmnMMHIIMIhinfiMhaAUmmiymd
`bamwdairwmkbaafipmfmghgmmliim phnfntflseunhtmiuyifim’luull
`Klimtchapsknl': aMM“!AF ll“
`. H!ta
`rdllll‘l arm" Ilhr.) h:
`‘ I
`mafia 1am. an tdumur who
`mm m Mp yuu
`It; fw mum oMIJanta He rnmrd : HA :2: :23: ll'fuhi WIDE”
`irrm K's-uni Wm AU
`N WI? 4” in Win-lift:
`am. inf-iii! numfiw
`my}, hm»; Immug, and
`U jawed furcn I-llh mm: lharl $0" unlvemriu mm: Ila: muntry
`Uni'vrnsiiy Pmidcnu Climate Commnmm. which addrum Ih:
`Ilmnn pmtd by global “mung. "Uul chi-[mgr W1“ b! In much
`:mbjl'puus EWI' Fm rh: fulurc uFrII: unim'mywhh highland
`ancnlinn on hm: our practice: ll l mmmuniry Ichcl [ht
`cn’c'uull mun: sand Kerwin.
`‘1 am confident rim we an mm Ihz upmallrm In when:
`our uudmn am! mire univrrairy com munity un filalul warmulg.
`(ml: innirmionai mania. and mine: :Iu: commitment lhal
`AU mullnu: ila lcadmhlp MI: I; a ancillly rain-1mm: university whh
`mung wall-u and minmhk ideals." said Kuw'm. I
`WMME‘F 11158 J
`{Imam a"mg,“ .
`Ten-u ”luau,
`“fin. ”I...
`Rm mm w “MM"
`Emmi-r 1415:“
`End: Murat
`flaw... mm
`cub-fin.- 5....I
`Salk I'M-«y... Adm": hank. Mil: Um
`"manna? '
`|m.1.uu HM. .Nbuliu r I
`EunpllmMonh-nfi: 21:”.me
`HI \l'm:
`mu... levh-‘q
`.4“... u:
`Mdm. M'dry ad...
`lawn-r imam. “ti-MI ...::.
`‘M-Iluumwu I
`MF'Uu' Mum-w“; ”A"
`we ““htfwmfiwuv
`”Mag.” m
`nul- dummy-Mums.
`U “
`l “lilac,“


`.111 the
`Alternative Breaks support ongoing actwities
`Mmmmm who meme
`M‘eAJlemelMa 91mm: whaleemedmul
`homeleeeneea In Washwnon. 0.8.. lheehemI recovery
`ofNewDrleenslnmwukedHurflum Kamamnd
`mmmmmmmflem emanation
`menus-Mummmmmm Brezu
`mmabmunomo-Braalm enmity. Indto
`One 1111:1111: donnedgas masks and amped mold
`Heed mmwmmmmm
`more than M: Mn afletKetriru.
`cold WWW [10.1th or
`Wm an bumhequuue
`Fm: mp'
`emmamwmnrmormm fl
`nbwkfiwm Wm;- naked-dawned hum: toward
`“11111111111119:pr with flflm cue-rm ruler: 111111-1113I
`cuhbmudmmwm tenth. flown. and radar "111111111111.
`191111.. ayHamh Hm
`mmdfim mnwmmum
`1111111111115 11mm 11111»; leemed 111111 0119111119
`mew 111111111111!
`m M
`.111 1hr QUAD
`2008 was a very good year
`ALI utudnm Jr: 1111 .1 Winning um!"
`1n 1111111111; numbm Ihu 111.11. maLing
`NJ on: nFTIa: 11111111111 higgur mum-rs
`.ur'uuh prckllgluu! 11.1120 .2: I'Imdcmul
`Mamgclnrm Fellow-1111'“.
`Walt 111:1 week. 1M annuumemmh
`flowed in: Hatrj.‘ .5. Truman wholarships.
`Murrn51'.L‘1i.1||1111o|1rd11ps.uvcn J lid
`Krnl (II-11k: sehularchm 111:11 I1111=1Fl11 :1
`nurlling 53:10.1“!!! fol' 111ml).-
`WHMR urikmg ifll'l iuu the
`11-.1111Es1-rur'..11'.11d1.1111: Ihr. (ul lhl'
`.11l111u1-111-11d111rll1: .rndmh
`who“ leudmhip
`pounnui shine: so
`hnghtly they}: heinp.
`upped 1.1[11111rr
`like Chrhtina
`Arnold. SPJUBA
`TH. Umwing up
`(“'ENCAI. 11h: wax in
`of \hllllffll 111 Ill: sex
`111d: 115:: she mncd
`.1 nunptoHL T‘rcuenr
`Huhun Tut-linking.
`\h: 11.1; I'ouhdnu'
`: horn: for-111m
`(hilcfrtn. apokeu .11
`emhanici. and hem
`invited m 111: \N'hilr
`.‘."11.'1f1l‘.'!.'1114_1 '3‘}.
`1'1mm “rt-11 TH
`.1 lot 111 Jrlrn
`l'cl 1.|11: 5mm- 1P1: h.1:|
`i1 :51: wanted :11 main- 1n m-n pram
`difference Ir. [hrmuld Arnold will
`1.1: 11:: Mormon Cook.- scholmhip
`r11 pllrmc J "115er in publu
`~1dn|i111nnl1orl JI ALF: $1J111ol nl I‘uhfu
`Minn. 111||awcd by {Aw .11'h:m|.5hc i;
`Al“ flllluh Hunk: uhnlal. and [Jae [qu
`\im'e 7hrf111nl1'tly «511111.11 g1 ['Itallrslnp
`hemm- a mammal :umpculiuu.
`l'hrn Ihm 11hr Harry S. Truman
`sthnlinllip. 1111:1111 F111 1hr prrslskm
`\Lhn fzmmnly 1.1M. ’Tl'w111(.1n'11l.In-1
`1h: hm. get 11-.11 111'1hc knuhm." lluI
`Jame: Valru ’0'} gm .1ul 11f1|1c1;inhcn
`1n pursun 1:! .111 mm hmlcr. more h1g1;-
`pmsur: career.
`\“111-11.3‘.|J.w13 a .hrhr 411111111“
`111111111 restsurznl' when Ik H} 1111 erld
`the Echo-1i IlilpuHic Minn. Now
`1'11: wurlu \HIII .1 Eunmnu nunpnfli:
`ulgzluuliulnmu:11111111 1111|!1|:11.1.-1..
`Isurlum 1 kw degrcu. 011: 4.15:
`I11: would
`like 10 :lFecr pu'nq' L1 .1 mngrcmmnl
`111i? rncmhrr 1111 Cayilul Hill
`Molly Kenny '09. :1 law 1111lsuclr11'
`“1:11:11 In .5I‘A.1s.1nulhcrwin11c1 11J'1
`$3.113” Truman .:w:1r:| Her impressive
`"mud include» 1 «11191:: :1 lhc Landon
`Schlufl 111'an1'1rnin. a‘lllll'll: Ludchlnp.
`and :1 iop inmnshlp.
`.-\l: 11:11 rusducul IS Truman
`Selmlen. 1111'Iu1i1n1; engl-u 1n1h1-pg-11
`cifihr 51:111. This 5?“ 1M unirrnirv
`111m: ul'jun 111m: M'h111111111huv:
`m-u 11-iI1I1rr1 mum; 111.1171 1:leer
`I’uhlic servnce L1 also [In L'm-cr gm]
`oFJS student! who lend-ed one of 191:
`mu“ L'm'i frd 4“}!th I11 lhr 1 Inn-Hy rvr
`men and women arching I11 mm Irdm1
`mum: a Pmidemial Memgemuu
`'H11-3J1limlisrs 111.111: AU ‘I11- 11111111111111-
`»1'1}. :15: 7h:r1l men mama 111 [he (1111111111
`Three was 111.1 .1 magic numhcl
`when I! 1.||nr I11 Mmris K. “dill
`sdmlenhjpi. For .1 uniwrmv r1. I:.1\u
`Ihrcrwinncrs 1611;134:1519: onlvrhm-
`.I'gh' [er {M11101
`we. Laugh W.
`1«mil—1111.1 I.’ '1'1‘1
`of Mom. 1K.
`schools :chicrul
`111:1. yr." “III ior
`['h'1< was rhe «1111111
`11m 111 1 mw that
`rhm: AL‘ nudcnn
`“mun-11 IP11- meted 53.11110 1111111111..
`111ph111|l11m .11“? 11mm“ Lnnlnmm] In
`1 :1m'1-1in1h1- 1-111-1mn1nen1111 Native
`Amrrienn hrnllh ear: .111d1rih.1|f1ul1|ie
`Clfly “DI: '09. :1 iullml uI
`Erwnvnnwmal Hence. (follcg: ol'.-\n.1
`and Sutures, landed the honor a mend
`:‘1me. A..|111I'11'y dmemr Fm 1-1.».5uue.
`.1 33min“: Lm'IIUmI-rnn] duh. 1hr W.“
`msllum'nu‘ In [FIE unwrnitf} dull
`mansporuuon 111111111ive.
`Anmhc: winning environ menulim
`1. Drew quy ‘Ill. “1: 111-5111ng
`mphnmmc from Amen. Iowa. has
`wurimi 11-1111 hi1 11.11:} Depenmem 11F
`Netunl lineman. 11 :c1 11-: wi1h fig...
`.\rn~r. :11111 hrllm In Irlum 11! 11M: 1!! :Il
`rm'irun mcnml polic _\-' rule.
`”. aniw: Mncncm inllu
`11 wlm madt Carriejelmm ‘08 ;
`.1lln1l11111..-\ mm: huu1|1D1|1111an wlrh
`N11111: .-\111:I iun n'iauvn and a f11ni|_\-
`active in the IruJiJn Hearth 5mm.
`she's walked 111 slum: her 4w.1rrrlc~xs L1!-
`(in.- c|1.11'.cl1g:c med lay mmy Nuiw
`A111cri1'1n1 will: her fellow Hudt'l'lls
`through ultcrnuirr Isrra In. advocan'. 1nd
`’11.". 11hr.Lmhip winhrn hul-
`dilTerrns 5135111113. Hm 1111-191: all Jutim
`on shyir my 1111111 "tiling filrUH‘ I
`11.1111qu mi 1


`rm rlrr qunn
`May I Have the
`Envelope. Please
`And (it Emir} Gnu to. .
`Tm‘nljr-IWII SchrmI III-Cunrmunrcarnrn
`IIIULTJ Inrdtnh carnal Inmr than
`.I gradi- for :hcir wnrk (In {I}: I’BS
`dfiunwnnry EM’IWL'
`.I‘1hr L'lurrprnh
`H4}. .1 illvmlnlrr: pmrlurtrnn. rhrn .uml
`un Muylmd F‘uhll: Trh'viiima in April
`Inn: The arudenr
`filmmakers :lw
`rnuflfil n Knurlenr
`Em my far III!
`docu mcnrm
`Lian Irurludn
`Irnhln servin-
`and Kgmcnrs nn
`Ihr Murmur
` .IflfluuflLCllIrllU
`River and rhc Marlapuni
`lndmn 'I'rrbc.
`In June. the sludcnr.
`received Em nII' ccrrih'earcr
`and SOC leak Irvine .In
`Ernmr plaque imm uh:
`:wardn (crummy huncrl
`Mr Bury Levinmn '67 1nd
`Tony I‘Erlnrnl II“.
`The mud-winning
`prrnlan'n'un I'll-gun in
`MI 1006, when hurh
`uIIdcrgI-Idnarc .le ghdunle sruderm In
`52me FAIIJnm-Flruwn'r Ilnvrmnmrnul
`nnu W'il-n'lilr: I‘rudiuinn rim pinhnl
`and prnrlueed Inur I'nr‘rrrinurc segmmr;
`rm rapier thnr Included the (lumped:
`Ery'a uyalrr pupulat'wn and .1 run-gum llur
`lcllillb Lhildren rhour rlrr luy'a monster“.
`Sinnllunmrdi'. LII: undergrad: III Brigid
`liahrr'r Muriun Gmphrts mun: mud
`npcningzrld r'lmin‘ Iirln Jud IrnII
`Animnvcd public Im'lc: Inmunmrnl
`30 run ham" rl'n: longer dm‘nmrnrnnr
`u-grnnnu ernrril lw Grimm-Emmi elm
`Am! the OIr‘rfl' gm: rr .. .
`Laura Wan-rs l'lins-un. SOC-MFA TIT.
`was an: rIl' 1| Ulllifllli lmrr. righr rullcgn
`.1an unrvcrfilllcn who um: nmrni
`Innnrn In the Academy uI' Murinn
`l'icnan: Am and Sciunm' 35th Annual
`Srudrnr Huilrlny Amid; rrrmpmtrnn
`hr I'll: June urn-ninny 1r Ilh: and: my}
`gamut! Goldwyn J'hurrr. Hinwn
`received :l'r: gold medal 1nd prize
`nI $5JHIO. Her rlncun'rcnmry. all We
`is rhanr rtmncrlinrinn xnmng
`Iuruhmrr nl'lhr Rwandan genocide. Mi:
`Fnrww runnlrs the film. which ha: l‘fl'n
`Kletrlul mural :imrs In Washingnm
`and la hung )hIPWn Ill cilulr‘hu. Mlhmln,
`.Ind rhtlrm :cmu rhc country- I
`Women's History Headlines Inaugural Clendenen Conference
`Mn MW PIE-Ins was mowing lnr her Ural baa-us an numeral alumnll ll1
`Brawn Univary'ly in rha Iara Tile. I‘Inf nearing Il'sl mclum my bank wrPIIsn on
`'Ana Inn was Ihu I»: limel wuld honesllv m 1M1 Inadtead erurrl'l'nnq.‘
`laugnod Paiso. a leading scholar of W‘s new”. a: In: Unlnrall'p ul Punnaynmla,
`Sir-ea mm. the field ol waman'snod 99mm nIslnr-r has flourished. mu Fain. who
`flalllm H'Ier Raynor: address a: In: Dawn! 01 Hls‘lnrv'r. Inaugural PatrIeIr Blender-4n
`[grandrum' ol runny manor Mar-,- Enaydnnl Cnnfmin AMI.
`Hammers comer mm mung Irnrn Jawian men In walwar autumnal In the man's:
`ell runnmnllvcanlurv Iarm woman In New England.
`Cindy Gull. an adrml nrnlmnrm NU. Hammad ll‘IIr nlnen n! 'gmm grrn' In
`Warm War II Washinqrun. Trus 'I'ws‘nck unyafln‘ was mum slngru, we W m mn
`earryzoswnn a mm or palm”: mark! I llllil Inf admum. m In. nrnghl of the war. Guell
`said. mesa women made up IIEI Dement nl Ihe memm mrk rum In Wuhingran.
`mm mm minummn 'wam‘l an aura nhal In vulva DI the governman glrla.’ lhrr
`nanny man who Inunn themselves In Dc. rm lam-e were simply In Maven.
`Amman Inernalom maumnrnanl on: warm Mm- mums war. Gran w: "my
`Wanda W In Wasnlnnfun lot the career women.’ I
`KJrI'Ip' M... .r linulnrprI-Ildr nl‘wmn'r 31mm}
`4r [If Warm»; qf'l’rrrmrlrnnnr, afghan-rd 1.61
`no.4...” my...” In..." ....r.r.....
`WAMU 88.5 FM
`AMI-RNA" I'irrvmnr rI Iran.“
`Bluegrass host marks El]
`years on air
`.Iy I’Iwn hn hurl ull lllr Iarlur
`er'nau: ulong.4! thcgmu irerI'.
`WAMII‘I legendary bluegrrsr
`hmr. whn launched him warm :1 I'm
`35: (IF l5. :elehmrrrl EIIII yrars on Il'lr air
`In May.
`Anyone who Irwn bluegras-
`in Wuhrngum. DC.
`anrl mun.- wlnr Inn:
`in m WAMU';
`r'mm «mund-
`rh: world 1:
`Imam the avunnrllr
`\rIJnL: nl nn'n :lfl'fljfl .11
`well a: Ilia mandulir. of
`Bill Munro: or Ill: lunw
`ul' Earl hung.
`01H: pninnl W‘MU Elli in
`I'm to In“: Plum-day Bluegrass
`:nrl .urrrnrl'y him: rluee ln'r hour: uf
`mrijrjuml hlrlrgrarrr mun'r' rm D]: h}
`film'- Xl'lrrua Alnng wirh lhr mm. hr
`(lure. hi. encyclopedic 'knwledge In! rhr
`prwm rang. 'plunr pilrlul'" tunes. and
`ruwkm of Ill: Amniun all rim“.
`‘Rry liar-u i~ A legend nr music
`brmdmling. He lus helped deli”:
`bluegrass mum on l.ll since ir_< tarlim
`days as A discrete grnrr." raid Caryn
`Mules. WAMLI 88.5}; general numgcr.
`1'": Ray {MI-fir Shun-can be heard I! 3
`pun. wcclrdljn. and I0 am. fiumlayn.
`IN: WnlMU's Blhrgmr Erin-uh}. lnunl in
`\Vaslringrun. D.C.'.. In HI) rldru at 58.5.
`Elunml .‘.. I
`swim: mall
`I [II III: rhilrllln‘i haul: Kama Furl
`and In: Stand Grade Mir-Up. Melina
`Thaw-u, MT '05. In: Keen:
`tell he: story through her huml.
`«hm she derail-cl life It ham: wirh
`her mailer and larurlm. “druids
`with her Fuller. and day: in mud,
`5113: II the beginning nF rh: schoul
`53m. Item chmnr'elu wirh gran
`unrlw III! unnlr'nml ups anrl. dawns.
`wwnmwrn rm be“ Friend.
`and dre'miwpl' llm nfren mull
`in spending pan of her day in Mr.
`Lemon's Timn‘Clur dun. [Dial Book;
`for Ymmg linden. 1095]
`I fl: Dalila” Mu by Joe
`Books by and about Alumni
`MeGhnIr-a In. SWMI‘P '99, lakes
`hir renders deep inn:
`(In: many underbelly
`olLu Veg]. when:
`entrupriun ml
`pmrimrian fimrirh
`helm rile glint: 1nd
`alluring premix: III
`the mnnrry'r {men
`gnawing dry. HEN.
`rh: readers demand
`in»; world when
`prun'nurim ring; are
`mllnl Ir; runny: and when young
`unable through will nflwnrlring
`I'm. ml managing. and wrlsn ms.
`Inland: Cm. 2003}
`mr .rlrr QL‘IID
`I Fungi“ Ur OurDrén: 372
`l’trrrrrunrrram!‘ Dag-r: nffirm‘
`I In 0.1th Minn Face. CW
`WM by Andrew Yum
`IA ’93. Amy Dads; though! rhuafur
`Milena prnl'emt
`llfl divorce rhe wnuld unite Ill: um
`nfkilmty. GAS.
`grurnmariun nunL Inmad. III:
`uplairrlwhy LII:
`finds she's the :urhw all bestselling
`children's batteries. Illa. Calla.
`1?”! Ha rplrinndWesr Highland
`whim mirrCul'r: is thermal
`rlm arr-lee along with the clashing {if
`litrlnnnlj lknrml: nplnmknhm
`Migraine When
`Carlk') I'm:
`n: m ‘n land.
`lead: In her
`Even though the United firm will
`Wm relkvisirm
`Mn be ill) rrilllnn in rlrln. Tamar
`Ilmrr. and
`wfim Iliinmrl nor Ire I slum-rah)?
`Amy can't gel
`mm Immnlimr bipurrinn. fiscally
`rh: imagml
`l‘IflI animal
`magma“: action can man I future
`mallun out ol
`when: we lam rile mynmunn'
`wilh [DUI in! Lrill'lnm nfdnllm. [Yak
`her hurl. life
`Univmiry rm. mos}
`in her Ireland
`New York City
`Irry'nr ro Inn in appnl until Arm!
`figure: nnr Iran to malt: ever-ruling


`um rlM QUAD
`Speakers at AU‘s 2008 cummencamenl ceremonles encouraged the graduates. who find thamselves at a
`critical juncture in history. to work for El halter America and a better world and to find opportunities In crisrs.
`SPA and Kagod
`'Do not iuaumi: Io tbt ptuphtsia «Mann and gigantic mmnhl'tem But
`do that succumb. Rocoytitc that m at: a part ul'tlic mic ol'hitmry. Whfl
`(summit, inch a tit: Gtut Depmainn. or twill. such a: tit: criiit «'th :i'iil
`Fish“ Imminent ofth: '60:. they“ a La! of: mliun'n ingenuity and character.‘
`--U'Irnn| Mun-hunt mun-[Ill mun:
`”It't yum Jnlt time than my PM“)!!! Marian mhnltl Ilia phnnunutntly mm. . .‘fnu
`hm I dune: in putlrummldniiun I pull tom diluting fimtte. a: nevubéutt.‘
`—81l!|l mum-Intramural Illhulkmnltmlmt ll mill:
`Athletics sends three to Beijing
`Icanl phmuun um : I‘F‘Jtt. when he also
`wn't'd as tlit- L15. tutti-mil rum's doctor
`at th: Atlanta patina.
`”it mlii' clot; git: ytlu .1 9:11;: Hi
`plillnrlil‘ll.‘ uid Higgins. .t littmt‘! Nati-
`physititn ‘ii's quit: an t-itpt-rici'mt' to
`“'Jlth lit-mm: rltcy'rt- rut: damn It Fm
`ll'lltnLT. lt': rally tarnishing H‘ with
`Ihtin {until-turf
`Higgim. an unlimited“: 5|.”ng , will
`hL' In Chin: I'm .1 lilll month. pttparlng
`nlllucr fur wmpcnrtun and Jul'mg Iwith
`m}- "wilted mun that may ant-c.
`I-ot .Ill rlIIrr Limit-t. ttptmntrng
`ti mum: and American linirrr‘stlt' in
`China u :t Inunumrnlnl lll-.' trtmtttntc.
`"i ll“ limiting li)rw4rtl m :l'n: rum
`l’L‘ll'lfth pnlt pgrfatma nct nn Ila-
`wnrid't hlggt'sr .trhlmc sugr.
`stud. ‘1I n rcnlli' waiting in l‘L' m armrlttr
`l llllum and m t'xpcrlt'nt'c lifl‘tluncl [ht
`(Ilium: pcoplc. Tltctc u "miningi Iti-
`bang mtrutmtlctl lsy “Jill! I‘ll rim: wr-rlll't
`lam: JIltlt-IL-x l'rnral .tll ditciplmn . .. it it
`All incredibly ptywnrlul .tntl iittprmliunal
`cnrltunmcnt.‘ —.\Ii."
`Verinp' tn Itclp um with (is: Eagles. and
`1-: 2mm us. Olympic mm
`has: thtzitltdlf mm» lul.
`for thc pm tu-n rm: hc't llcfll living
`Thner mml'tm nfRU‘t trnlmc
`t'mrn Lulnmlu bpnngt. u-httc Etc tntint
`wiruailr “1| tuuml at the US. Ulyttmlu
`th-tnmcnr m an li-ttiin: this mnnrh
`Twining Facility. n1 Whitmgmn try 2 wtrlr
`m Furliiripat: In tlw gtrttc‘ 1|“thle
`«r so (it-l1 ninth to wu-lt Willi 1h: liltcsur'
`\V-"ittlr nth wril play a dill-mitt
`mil: WlIHL Sim jam-ting: roams. (lit
`filmmrziL- lullmul L'llzmpmll iml‘t [.lrm!
`' Nu duuhl )hultl ll. Ill) ht'llJttl J
`uticlim. Bml Vain“ [Jill‘s r.) iht rnlt. Jrlil
`Int." \u’cl'ing mitt ut' l'lu AU coaching
`David Higgins 1an; lo lln' :ili1t-in. their
`.1” will lJC fillLLl will! .Itl INTMlIL'lIHII'IF
`apt-thence. 'i‘hungmg up rht l'nrlnnlnntr
`uflltt IFIIIIIIIE '14: inch lluga'. lt'nt‘tt: our
`sens;- ul' pride and imituutrt.
`[II American .tittl l'ttt wutlting Josh .tud
`"lining iltvulu'tl in the (ll-twp»; tulr. n
`that: guys. :tttl rims: guyt m- tuugli.‘
`min a tmmtdow lmnur—tlcrinudya Pullt
`\t'rrlng is a \ectiuln nlctlrrl trrnrrntin
`lilt txptimr tlul it hurl Input inm mirtlt."
`m! Julningt. hcttl ttwaut'AU't wt-mctt't
`m Bciiing hi last mmmri'i malt!
`ficltl min tmlu ml an 1mm“ trutlnin
`Llizlltpiullsitrpa it: will. l‘mmt il‘if ailt'ur
`rhc l.‘...‘i.\\-urrtrn \ mliutttl It'JrrI. "lu tIIt-t-ntl
`rttctltl. .tud ht wtun (h: 20”" law
`Anitnt‘an Gaunt:
`It Hum Exiting .l clinic: rn )CL' il Wu an
`be ll'n' .ilmiuw but and t}: ptwwr uf lung
`"l'nt imt gnmg rtt F0 nut and "5' rn
`win cvrrt'tjtmtion :th I'm In.‘ he mid
`slumumltd 'JY pulpit Wlitaluvt gm” liit llllk
`"'t'trur Fwd kllltl ullgcts llmlmg tnmnd-
`ntq-rlurigtltn'lmw In lK llllrl'."
`tux-tum it's \ul'll a big tragt. so I'm gtmtg
`Irnnirty‘t puttitilillrtkl '::I rlw 1‘J‘ifi
`{\llznl) Hunts. Wl1crt‘ it: strvt‘d 'u rltr
`m in}: nit-snll'lnw lacy. titan ltnl. and
`cnintr awry incontl
`I ltnaw I can but
`upum ul' Ill: "1an l'lL'le lia-filtty tram.
`rul'. : tutti: mtlt Ihc wumtu's
`atrium: m Iln' Wurltl ‘
`. ml tram ill'lu': 200i.
`'l‘llt rimd Inl‘nibcl ot‘fill't lllvmprt-
`.-i tulltnrctr wast-1m {lut'h l'ur lllr
`t'tmllngtnt :5 team Physician Dr.
`David Higgins. wltn wrll wnrl; u-nlt titt-
`.'“.'Ilur'lllill:l'r1lli. Brad \“cri Its wan
`licld hucltt‘y Jllll l‘rncinF tmun. lligy‘int
`Ill: Iiifivl-nmretl “midst I ii» at him}
`lm itctn thc M‘
`L15. Ullrtltplc Trill: In in
`WEN In ruin a will
`.4. a ltlzlnl‘tt pl thr
`"ll': 1]!
`wrulllng ll‘
`thr iilllrntrnct.
`titratitlly haunt:
`tht- rnttrpt-tnmn n
`w tltwp: slit! Vrnrtg.
`stave Jennings.
`who .tlsn wrtstltd in tilt
`luut Atht-n. limit). "it's an
`Brill tinting [In that}.
`ltunut,rl1:rt's nu Inherit-,1}: In [nut is."
`h'cl mgurdm much it hit datlup-
`mum it :I Wtflbllfl in AL: hurl much
`In Wing Itiiilll Ilti:
`Mzrlt £me 1r mt [Stalli- wlm trim!
`SIS and SOC
`B: ‘ambiriatu For raunclm ambitions [in your pmhssian. ambition! For the
`communities in which rm: lift. and ambtuuus F09 Ill: tnunlq’ nvl'whjclt you are I
`thin-ti. and .itnhitjmu for the law. a it tpltadt throughout the wand.“
`4mm ltmt. Brynn cull mtm
`*L'thtR ml I)


`WMKLK me u
`Lights, Camera,
`Newsenm is newest, coolest place in town
`it sounded llkl: an intprmthl: :hallmgc.
`How can :i museum captutr thi: bun
`of: newsmum" 'I'Isr dram: Ol-fl'lfl‘ing
`: Hurt: Tilt llnmdrr m' til: pmhr.‘ Th:
`lush In yin : army (mime. whrtr It will up
`around the wtid at th: spml xvi-electrons.
`3km .5 alum! (huge. ll. wit it:
`dug up. Isl-rind. :nIl plat (in display lilt:
`Ihr l‘l-‘Dn inf. d'.mum st- Winn: :hr
`Nt'wmtm began tn go up on l‘cnmylnrn
`Avenue at Winshlngtnn. lli'il nrwr-n
`mum-um. it was i'li-.1t [I‘JI tit: MW miliinn
`'huildmg wirla in eaten l:\r'|:l\ ui'ypélcncs
`mtauld hm rn uii'cr mmcrhingumqur.
`lt “maid luw In it tinting lr wnuld
`have in l): tuning hit}. ll wualil luv: [u
`.tlmw win)‘ (in: I'K‘il“ mancn.
`That's whcr: Tl‘lc‘ maple til .”iL: came it:
`Thu mu~cum Il-al IJPUirLI in Flt-til
`ii]fl}:l|(.1nni-ll|(|)J|InIl'\ .‘sssllul truk
`m guts nl lllld‘Lllil‘lflE wnr'n it.‘ (ink.
`It". '.l1c most inlcrum'rc niumtm in thr
`wu;I.l, .i pl“: wllrtc :tlnlilh tin Jhnmcr
`mmqm lil\r (lu' lI'll'Si .‘Km'nrlmrnt can“:
`to iii: to: (lit: nun-mi
`rat ccnrury.
`lust-.11 wmc :rI-wltut that mmm. tnlu:
`.'| (up in (h: Nmmun. Their :lrr H‘R‘lll
`things ynu un't nlits. il‘kiut tint: Phat. On:
`it the Hm Amend mcnt. Yuan dtm'i next
`and I1: talc: lib: I‘.‘U.UUl]-si{u:nvlimt
`{mm-um It: gel a usual wallup rflllll till:
`lint par: fifth: Bill of Rights. engraved
`or. Iltc muscum's rand: and Imming nu'r
`Pt'nnilr'wlm .'\\'(nu(
`i‘it Kin \‘tIJHE't ull. it's as tall 15 the
`i::u:.:r.nt itarlt'. it will dwelt ll'i: nm
`pmk’lcrlt .1\ l1: mountain pail it in the
`inaugural pawl-:- in Hill“ I‘. t\ \itil‘alr
`linen |I'.r {Lpitul liuiliiing.
`As. sliltl'licl'lu go. is .1 his one.
`'l'l'It'rc'Ii .m." htt iull'n'lfm. rim.
`Il'ut lltr Ncwiru'n ll nulting. lr his :0
`Jr. wtrh r'm: wai- rim sh: cue: nines
`ul'iuurna'ium— the urn: value: tin!
`rnntivuml tit: litmmling Yallms I".
`11:“ Hit fliil nl RiFlllE-—kilflllllui lll
`drin: jnurlulim at lhc)‘ work in an
`fl'llfilllflmtlll that u l'l'lJlHlia: Ilrmlatiull}:
` 1


` Campbell. a \‘RKTIJI repuncr and Fuicign
`L-urrciptilidniil. .uziiril lm .mn 3-. .lii Al'
`(illipllell's much is. .1“ .lluun-cl .ll lllt
`ncw Nrwicu n:. H: minc- uxlila naiuii-
`lllltli fur lllmsnr newniuiicin. Ill: illpul
`{.iirzl Pumlu display. mil Ill: mega-tine
`CIillCi‘Iinrl. and more Ills: dill-ii liir ill:
`label: ol'ilie exhihii Ilui {mum pm Ill-
`IIII' “film wall.
`He wiidumd rfleJl'L'h iiilu mi
`currespondcnu Fljl'i'uttl on lhi: lournnlisu
`Mammal. Harlem] down 'lii: WUILI Iill
`'rlcm" in ml“: 5” “leth fill .l il-qllll'
`mllcil New: in lfltl ldllglflfll. .ini'l \ll'mlfl'
`iiiucll til the Inttffillliinll mule“: :1" [hr
`digital kli'lslu m I'le will“ Nam Fallen.
`Ellailliu (lung: at :l hii-alciii-rl pat:
`lii ku-p up will; ill: nevi-ii. _Muafllrll‘.
`gcnmllll' wart til: lhingx I'm IWII
`Sm'lll .'-i i1
`lrll lw ill niluclllll 'Inclll‘ .
`.uvi Hall. wlici liaii JIMI lirrii a
`"This luau: [tally tlpn'lilltfl mun like 1
`Emil: organization. ll'.~ irallir J luring.
`lvr. Iii-penilm' IJlilC."
`.-\:id Hill l‘ an: ul in:irlr All pcnplc
`who ”I! mailing sure i-lmnri .in: par: Lll
`ll‘lt acne-mam."|Fi|-;-1-’icii~iruiiiiiifiaud
`rllituglld. I'lIEJJ In: a llappv Lilllpgl. I
`[lIII 'Il'llh :» .i my JlJAH'JC'. nini'nnn 'lii ht:
`liniw il phi-3 mil .II llIL' Nan-mum. ia'xc 3 Incl:
`l"_fll 1h: ll'lIEl'JLIl‘i': De'Wnl'Uth Wllflc ivm
`lmuir Jr 1 animal: Willi .i qILH genie nllul
`Riiii lot l'ilui Rifiih. M :i 2.1:: pining. iwu
`LSHIJHTo Lluui'lcis J‘EJII'I.“ rnrh I‘llltl
`l-my imu- player: .iimm i qlléSL'Inll
`elm”: llii-ii' rigliii i-iiiiL-cill'. hum ilil'
`[l'liiglin imp; :i liiirillc rid (lit rill-in
`iliupi lull fin: or [l‘lc liiin Liiiiglu .i: ‘il1t
`\‘illlllffi iiJrilc mil lrdlle incl I'll ll'PC'J‘. II
`l0l|1$ll'.L'lld. "lliik limit" l'ligi- llr up.
`' ]'hii1~:hrii-.ui.i lllIl milsmmmr'
`Thr lAughlcl l5 purl ail'u-hJi iriulizriinlu
`print-um knit: Hall. SOUTH. '00. and
`Sony: Gm'arl'lar, SUCH“ V}. ”II: iJl' [ht
`game-R WINCH. were “Hiring rm wllcn :llri:
`tram cream] that gem: anilailim liki- II.
`"We >(al'lCLl. Wllll a unique Ll'Hlll'nFe'
`IIim- do w lllllltL tl‘I-_ l‘lrril."\l'rlt‘lldll1|'3‘.l
`mi! engaging? ‘i'uu un m in than: am! I‘ll!“
`m", glam-1w.- xii-e Hall
`The (IflIIVE lcau'. ialltcti liii Ildyi.
`Mezlx Il'.i':.‘ aliould hr rriiliille
`l1 Tim
`llicii q'rn. :ii In "s:c'.iilevil'..
`ulJl |\ILl.‘.
`Fll'lfillli'. Hull “T‘- "i'lic Jiiimlnr hail
`iiiii air; In: A mi. \"i'liy iiuii'I in: law n:'
`Imid‘u- lic 1 liwlmnr" Alix: All.
`'11" ll .i
`l‘iilJK'.l[|lil-Clll\'.1h'd |\|I'. ills: I” \lIll‘ll-ll'lg ilir.
`li‘Mlll'l' nl mm, liiil iiim rum-ll l'iln ii lfi In
`l]! pan (II-ll.
`Hui iill'l llm: .2 lil:'..l Iii I'iiili’ Ell'llLL liii
`iiliiiiiilcr. i_i riol mullr u lnlicl ill luiiplii
`liiu h .liisallatr ul'lliiii: Sllbllii'fl llial'i.
`wry JIJdl'ITIIl'i: Hall “l"-
`‘i'n ii'i inlcgnl iii |lmllldll!l'l'l I'm Ul-
`uhar iEu- muxuni all!“ It: iiUl'lllllIAill;.lll' u
`ill: real-lit:
`lEPIII-‘rfilnd dtcmnii-mlaing
`pilims iiI El‘IVllJll' :uuiiiziliin- .iliil llii: wai-
`rliuil rlliinl elliliucs all: wumi iniii m1}
`.iliiut nl newer-mm lilr.
`Hall mu- lldr arm IWi‘I .i diaL—ihnpu!
`inhl: lliai IL'IUlll lun- roilic Inim Sal! Tm}.
`li'x rIll‘. ; much LIK‘EII: [hL Plilkli' alim'iiiw‘
`II'E whai Ciiiiu- quciiirini in pop i-ii llic
`iramlllulll “Klimt
`Im lj‘fi Ivlwi'pqim i-rl'imr a.»
`enrrlrd'fiir ii'millv nl'n'i-E
`li.nrii".1’ "IOU”
`ll" Yrs iii mi! Tiiuch (l‘ll‘ Illell .inniier \Il'illi
`fiiui \lIMllIW. quii lily: And mull I'm minim
`igiiriiiaii. Tl‘llI ii ilir lilhii'l Telilz m
`llll:|'.|£ll'l'( EJIIIE when playi'h miiipflc 10
`ll: fungi: a: slink-iii: :Illlml Julius.
`lhil ml i'n: SJI'I‘I'IR (rJHI Luilcr. Ming;
`n: the iluciiuim wan: wnllrri be lurigrinic
`'l'\' ncws plutlih'rl {my Grumman. 500
`MA ‘68. wlin ipuIII m ' ' [lime ilmilcx .ii
`\W'aihiilpiun". “USA-'1? \Clllnfl'l Ell lieliiii:
`liccuriiirign ”lcwnun'i pruduirr, WlllklflF
`liI'l uiiL-iiiwl'lin: luhjCI—U range I':nn'x Iii'hrl I".
`Kcnimly ii. §F\'-l'|" l‘llflm’}:
`Kuuli Lnlrhcdllolh m \‘l‘fllllllll’l HIlllfllll
`(lit Emu-um "\X'i: luv: A litlli: All l-ill-llll-Y
`liuir.' sari, idmlnmunvn azsnlaiii Anna
`lime-kl SOCSISI’BA 'El.'. wlm lull:
`4 lab uprri'ing during Clu'n Allll mm- iil'im
`“ii-m licl fornici SOC pmfcsser. W. Jiiseph
`Campbell. in llii: [I'IUH'LIIII-s lull;
`Sim-l in hunt iil J i'LIIIIEm J\ J ["i'
`itpi-lki an llv: lnli'lmiil'r N=W31l|l'l1l.:-llLL‘
`in; (h: rum"! liliiilcn :IlIlll'l‘IillHls '.il illi:
`immuni- iiicniiiIialwnll
`ilii- \l'lJl'tliCll ni; Jill ..I thew.
`.liiil l':
`'l'hc: L‘Wlu'llln aims in inisticisi:
`viiirnu III ihr luliind tlit-
`WIN'IC.‘ lem I or ill: nmu
`blisiiim. 'li- nulw rliJr
`lulipzn. ll Drnlrd [ll
`lind pmpli- mill .1 llm rm
`li|llmlllll IlllI ill
`MM“ '5!
`m. Ilnii lflllllllvllfll'lll leI'llr
`ihinking llllllllli' ilie liaii end skilli iiial
`lJIIiu‘Jn'rnh ilicitii-du lamlsufk:
`| mi
`sllmi mil :dil l‘hJCl'. Imam: lillil J. 10: nl'
`ll”! .11
`“.- uri ”all. ‘Il‘l iii-ml [u wrii:
`.- smiy l'u: llll: 'fi-‘cb site. 1 can tlu lllai. Il'l
`ni-cd lu piudurc Vldk'l".
`l cin iln iiLil."
`litdmigqllli- 1hr: Nrwu-iim lipening
`wn J “uprising. line: ‘.l‘Ic inilimlana wn
`2 pllpullr Future ifl-llifislyn. K'llglrlu. lu‘l
`acltisl ll'il' I'IHc-ilua
`liclll‘rcn Ill: Irlnr If
`WiLi lJLIl'iLliell iIl
`l'l'.’7 lr_| L-filllrlrl'l {ijfi
`.'Il Na'ul‘ldrlll i Freedom
`I'Sallllil .iriil il.c liiiii: ir
`ciwdn-il..- iiiililii m
`Hill}. in [iii-par: ll: Inw
`in: wtlllifil
`J: llu‘ llimlll'n lili:
`.1\ 5n il1ll'
`_ clipping
`millennium nll‘lcr
`fill} .Ilui'lla Jltfl'l‘ll willi
`I'll-all detail-u. min-i
`to ill: aiii'iliinp and
`\l.'|IIl'4lml.'i “mi-Ll
`IlIIJI'.‘ lil {nulli- like
`irllo Eu)
`llslillynl “I
`lllL .i: [inn iL-r run,
`llk‘ (i=5 9:: luck I:-
`llii: Nae-mini. :le
`hilt. Wlllk'l'l iiwngd
`ilnHIIEd iluc lllllc
`i1i~ flhlfllllllfltl
`II“!!! flflflllfl
`Gully u a llr‘lI-Iull
`mi Iii-j (liiillicrl:
`JIllll‘ullll'lHl!‘ Til:
`l:r1_lilll: infillll I'lF.
`News Partners
`he opening all me Newseiurn In
`199? we: “1|: star! 01 a lens
`raliltlnl'fihlp will: W’s School [11'
`Communication {5003. Almost
`as soon as it opened It: first
`site In Rosalyn, Vitginia. the mmum at
`In: news attracted ll‘le 18181113 or 50C
`professor W. Joanph Campbell, who
`would mark over menu: on wolecls
`ranging lrnm International reverting In
`underground Juurnallsrrl to news history.
`Ewen raising the years ll was closed In
`the public and preparlng IIS- new heme,
`the Neuseurn was filled wlfl‘l people Irorri
`SOC and collaborated an 8012 projects
`A few examples el «II are new. and
`whll’s cuntinuir.
`. in the world of SOC-
`Newmrn celleunre‘tlerls:
`' Veteran immalisl Nlelt Etienne-j wlll
`loin the SOC firmly end else an! as
`Iwmaliet in residence at the Museum.
`Bloom has been a broadcast
`ioumelisl. newspaper columnist.
`producer. aulhor, human rights
`atheist and dewmenlary filmmaker
`with his son. Academy Award-waning
`actor George Gloom. The longtime
`newsman iiilll leach courses on opiniun
`lmllJlig and Iilm and heel SDC'S annual
`Reel Journellem Fllm Festival.
`' 30mm! Illa Nmeuin have
`ceproauced the Reel .IeLunalisni
`Fllm Fasllliel for me leel five years,
`shwrasfngllln-rs about Ieurnallem
`and providing a platform lo dimes
`and deflate the social role ml
`journalism Wltl'l leading dlnectel’s.
`palm. producers, and activlsts.
`- Since 21303. Ihe Newman has
`posponsnled SOUS Simmer high
`sd'lool program. which lee: year
`al‘lraclledaim student! fmrri 3'5 stem.
`. The Newseurn wil: celebrate Lhe ZU‘LlI
`anniversary of the film Bwadcasl News
`in December With a special Mbule
`to CBS News mcuflli'e madame: and
`500 [Seems Adeleory Councsl member
`Susan Illlnsliy. SOC!!! 74. the
`made! [at [he Mali-energy lead played
`by Holly Hume: in the 198? lilm.

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