Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Kurt L. Balderson
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Kenneth H. Leichter
`/Kenneth H. Leichter/
`92049243 Motion to Suspend for Civil Action.pdf ( 3 pages )(11039 bytes )
`Stuffits Exhibit A.pdf ( 52 pages )(1154727 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

` Petitioner,
` v.
` Registrant.
` Cancellation No. 92049243
` Registration Nos. 2830565
`Pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.127(a) and 2.117(a), 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.127(a) and
`2.117(a), Registrant Kurt L. Balderson respectfully requests that the Board suspend this
`cancellation proceeding pending final disposition of the civil action before the U.S.
`District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Kurt L. Balderson v. E.A. Sween
`Company, Civil Action No. 10-CV-440 (filed October 26, 2010) (Copy of complaint and
`civil cover sheet Attached as Exhibit A).
`Counsel for Petitioner, Bradley Walz, stipulated to this request by e-mail on
`November 8, 2010.
`Both Petitioner and Registrant are parties to the civil action, which involves
`common issues of law and fact that may have a bearing on this proceeding. In
`particular, the civil action involves claims of, among other things, trademark
`infringement against Petitioner’s trademark and goods that are involved in the present
`proceeding. In view of the common issues between the civil action and the pending
`cancellation proceeding before the Board, Petitioner submits that any decision of the

`Cancellation No. 92049243
`federal court may have a bearing on or be binding upon the Board in this case. TBMP
`§ 510.
`Accordingly, Petitioner requests that this proceeding be suspended pending final
`determination of the civil action. TBMP § 510.
`The parties are also adverse in Opposition No. 91189205 and are requesting
`suspension of that proceeding as well.
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Kenneth H. Leichter/
`David M. Kelly
`Kenneth H. Leichter
`901 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20001-4413
`(202) 408-4000
`Attorneys for Registrant
`Kurt L. Balderson
`Dated: November 9, 2010

`Cancellation No. 92049243
`I certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing MOTION TO SUSPEND
`PROCEEDINGS FOR CIVIL ACTION was served by first class mail, postage prepaid,
`on this 9th day of November 2010, upon counsel for Petitioner:
`Bradley J. Walz
`Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.
`225 South Sixth Street, Suite 3500
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`/Larry L. White/
`Larry L. White
`Legal Assistant

`Exhibit A

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 1 of 51
`’S‘”‘R"' “ml
`' The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the infomiation contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service ofpleadings or other papers as required by law, except as provided
`by local rules ofcourt This form, approved by the Judicial Conference ofthe United States in Sqatember 1974, is required for the use ofthe Cleric of Court for the purpose of initiating
`(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff
`County of Residence of First Listed lkfendant
`(C) Attomey’s (Fimi Name, Address, and Telephone Number)
`White and Williams LLP
`1650 Market Street, 1800 One Liberty Place
`Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395; (215) 864-7174
`II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`El 1. U.S. Govemrnent
`E 3
`Federal Question
`(U.S. Government Not a Party)
`Attorneys (If Known)
`III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Phee an “X” in One Box for Plaintifi‘
`(For Diversity Canes Only)
`and One Box for Defendant)
`g 1
`El 1
`[3 4
`[I 4
`Citizen of This Slate
`Incorporated or Principal Place
`of Business In This State
`El 2. U.S. Government
`E] 4 Diversity
`(Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III)
`Citizen of Another State
`Citizen or Subject of a
`Forei Coun
`[3 2
`E] 3
`E1 2
`E] 3
`Incorporated and Principal Place
`of Business In Another State
`Foreign Nation
`E] 5
`[1 6
`E 5
`E] 6
`(See instructions): DOCKET NUMBER
`El 422 Appeal 28 USC 158
`El 400 State Reappnnionment
`E] 120 Marine
`El 310 Airplane
`El 362 Personal Injury —
`D 620 Other Food & Drug
`E] 423 Withdrawal
`E] 410 Antitrust
`El 28 USC 157
`Med. Malpractice
`El 625 Ixug Related Sdzure
`El 130 Miller Act
`El 315 Airplane Product
`E] 430 Bank: and Banking
`E] 365 Personal Injury -
`ofPropeny 21 USC 381
`D 140 Negotiable Instrument
`El 450 Commerce
`i: 530 Liquor Laws
`.ROBER*1’Y§ f1iI,_G'ir1'.'i"[ (
`3. El 460 Deportation
`[1 I50 Recovery of Overpayment
`I: no Assault, Libel &
`Product Liability
`El 820 Copyright:
`& Enforcement ofJudgrnen!
`E] 368 Asbestos Personal
`El 640 RR. & Truck
`El 470 Rackaeer Influenced and
`D 830 Patent
`El 151 Medicare Act
`E] 330 Federal Employers’
`Injury Product
`E] 650 Airline Reg;
`Cornipt Organizations
`El 152 Rworvery of Defaulted
`E] 660 Occupational
`E 340 Trademark
`El 480 Consumer Credit
`Student Louis
`D 340 Marine
`El 490 Cable/Sat TV
`CI 345 Marine Product
`U 370 Other Fraud
`(Exel. Veterans)
`El 310 Sdeaive Service
`:i 371 Truth in Lending
`f .«. El 850 secumieslcommodifiesl
`in 153 Recovery ofoverpayment
`E] 350 Motor Vehicle
`E] 380 Other Personal
`El 861 I-IIA (l395fi)
`ofVetenn's Benefits
`160 Stockholders‘ Suits
`El 355 Motor Vehicle
`Property Damage
`El 862 Black Lung (923)
`El 875 Customer Challenge
`El 190 Other cormoz
`Product Liability
`[:1 335 Property Damage
`[:1 sea DIWC/DIWW (40S(g))
`12 use 3-no
`El 720 Labor/Mgmt. Relations
`D 195 Contract Product Liability
`D 360 Other Personal
`Product Liability
`El 864 SSID Title XVI
`El 890 Other Statutory Actions
`El 730 Labor/Mgrnt. Reporting
`El 196 Franchise
`El 365 RSI (405(g))
`El 891 Agrir:ulri.iral Acts
`dc Disclosure Act
`_:Ԥ1i-EDERAL~nrAx:-su1Ts. :; '3
`I: 392 Economic Stabilization Act
`’ '
`j; :1 740 Railway Labor Act
`I] 210 Land Condeinnatlon
`D 441 Voting
`El 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff
`El 893 Environmental Manet:
`E] 510 Motions to Vacate
`El 790 Other Labor Litigation
`El 220 Foreclosure
`El 442 Employment
`U 894 Energy Allocation Act
`U 791 Empl. Rev. Inc.
`I] 230 Rent Laue & I-Zjectrnerit
`El 443 Housing!
`Security Act
`D 871 fllS—Tliird Party
`Haluar Corpiu:
`El 895 Freedom oflnfonnation
`26 USC 7609
`U 240 Torts to Land
`U 530 General
`:1 245 Tort Product Liability
`El 444 Welfare
`1:] 535 Death Penalty
`I] 900 Appeal ofFee Determination
`U 462 Nimmliurion Application
`E] 290 All Otherkeal Propeny
`D 445 Amer. w/Disabilities -
`D 540 Mandamus EL Oflm
`Under Equal Access
`E] 550 civil Righu
`D 463 Habeas Corpus —
`to Justice
`El 555 Prism Condition
`Alien Detainee
`D 446 Amer. wlbisabilities -
`El 950 Constiliriionality of
`State Statutes El 465 Other Immigration
`El 440 Other Civil Rights
`[3115 EH8
`(Place an “X” in One Box Only)
`d fm
`.;\i3peal_Tt: District
`E] 4 Reinstated or
`El 7
`E 1 Original
`I] 2 Removed fi'om
`El 3 Rernanded from
`Cl 5 mom, dimer
`1:] 6 Multidisitnct
`Jud men]
`State Court
`Appellate Court
`Cite the U.S.
`ivil Statute under w ich you are filing (Do not cite jurisdiction statutes unless diversity):
`15 U.S.C.
`1051 etse .
`Brief description of cause:
` . Trademark Infi'in ement
`CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint:
`UNDER F.R.C.P. 23

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 2 of 51
`FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA —— DESIGNATION FORM to be used by counsel to indicate the category of the case for the purpose of
`assignment to appropriate calendar.
`Address of Plaintiff:
`3634 Newbolt Court, Doylestown, PA 18902
`Address of Defendant:
`16101 West 78"‘ Street, Eden, Minnesota 55344
`Place of Accident, Incident or Transaction:
`(Use Reverse Sidefor Additional Space)
`Does this civil action involve a nongovemmental corporate party with any parent corporation and any publicly held corporation owning 10% or more of its stock?
`(Attach two copies of the Disclosure Statement Fomi in accordance with Fed.R.Civ.P. 7. l (a)). Yes D No X
`Does this case involve multidistrict litigation possibilities?
`Case Number:
`Date Terminated:
`Civil cases are deemed related when yes is answered to any of the fol lowing questions:
`Yes D No K
`Is this case related to property included in earlier numbered suit pending or within one year previously temtinated action in this court?
`Yes E] No D
`2. Does this case involve the same issue of fact or grow out of the same transaction as a prior suit pending or within one year previously terminated
`action in this court?
`Yes C] No C]
`3. Does this case involve the validity or infringement of a patent already in suit or any earlier numbered case pending or within one year previously
`terminated action in this court?
`Yes E] No C}
`Is this case a second or successive habeas corpus, social security appeal, or pro se civil rights case filed by the same individual?
`Yes E] No [:1
`CIVIL: (Place
`A. Federal Question Cases:
`B. Diversity Jurisdiction Cases:
`1. El Insurance Contract and Other Contracts
`D Airplane Personal Injury
`D Assault, Defamation
`El Marine Personal Injury
`E] Motor Vehicle Personal Injury
`2 3 4 5
`1. E] Indemnity Comract, Marine Contract, and All Other Contracts
`2 3 4 5
`E} Jones Act-Personal Injury
`D Antitrust
`, D Patent
`6. D Other Personal Injury (Please specify)
`D Products Liability
`D Products Liability —— Asbestos
`C] All Other Diversity Cases
`(Please specify)
`E] Labor-Management Relations
`[1 Civil Rights
`E] Habeas Corpus
`C] Security Act(s) Cases
`6 7 3 9
`10. C] Social Security ReviewCases
`I I.
`All other Federal Question Cases —- Trademark Infringement
`(please specify)
`1, Michael N. Onufrak
`(Check appropriate category)
`, counsel of record do hereby certify:
`Pursuant to Local Civil Rule 53.2, Section 3(c)(2), that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the damages recoverable in this civil action case
`exceed the sum of $150,000.00 exclusive of interest and costs;
`E Relief other than monetary damages is sought.
`Attorney l.D. #
`re has been compliance with F.R.C.P. 38.
`NOTE: A trial de novo will be atrial by jury 0
`ne year previously terminated action in this court
`Attomey I.D. #
`I certify that, to my knowledge, the within case is not related to airy case now pending or with’
`except as noted above.
`NZ '‘-'5[(0
`CIV. 609 (6/08)
`687345 lv.l

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 3 of 51
`- NO.
`In accordance with the Civil Justice Expense and Delay Reduction Plan of this court, counsel for
`plaintiff shall complete a Case Management Track Designation Form in all civil cases at the time
`of filing the complaint and serve a copy on all defendants.
`(See § 1203 of the plan set forth on
`the reverse side of this form.)
`In the event that a defendant does not agree with the plaintiff
`regarding said designation, that defendant shall, with its first appearance, submit to the clerk of
`court and serve on the plaintiff and all other parties, a case management track designation form
`specifying the track to which that defendant believes the case should be assigned.
`Habeas Corpus -— Cases brought under 28 U.S.C. §224l
`through §2255.
`Social Security -- Cases requesting review of a decision of
`the Secretary of Health and Human Services denying
`plaintiff Social Security Benefits.
`Arbitration —- Cases required to be designated for
`arbitration under Local Civil Rule 53.2.
`Asbestos -- Cases involving claims for personal injury or
`property damage from exposure to asbestos.
`Special Management -- Cases that do not fall into tracks (a)
`through (d) that are commonly referred to as complex and
`that need special or intense management by the court. (See
`reverse side of this form for a detailed explanation of
`special management cases.)
`Standard Management -— Cases that do not fall into any one
`of the other tracks.
`( )
`( )
`( )
`( )
`( )
`Michael N. Onufrak
`Attorney for
`(215) 789-7674
`Fax Number
`E-mail Address
`October 26, 2010
`g 215) 864-7174

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 4 of 51
`3634 Newbolt Court
`Doylestown, PA 18902
`16101 West 73”‘ Street
`Eden Prairie, MN 55344
`Plaintiff, Kurt L. Balderson (“Balderson”), by and through his counsel, sues defendant
`E.A. Sween Company d/b/a Deli Express (“E.A. Sween”), and states the following:
`Plaintiff, Balderson, is an individual domiciled at 3634 Newbolt Court, Doylestown,
`Pennsylvania 18902.
`Defendant, E.A. Sween, is a Minnesota corporation that maintains its principal place of
`business at 16101 West 78* Street, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344.
`This is an action for intentional trademark infringement and false designation of origin
`under the Trademark Act of 1946, as amended (The Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.), and
`for unjust enrichment, common law trademark infringement and unfair competition, conversion,
`and misappropriation of Balderson’s registered marks, goodwill, reputation, and business
`property under Pennsylvania common law.

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 5 of 51
`E.A. Sween does business in interstate commerce, within the Commonwealth of
`Pennsylvania, and within the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
`Subject matter jurisdiction is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because this
`case involves a federal question pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §§ 1114 and 1125(a).
`Subject matter jurisdiction is also proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 because
`the parties are citizens of different states, and the matter in controversy exceeds the sum or value
`of $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs.
`Venue is proper in this judicial district because a substantial part of the events or
`omissions giving rise to the claims occurred in and because E.A. Sween is subject to jurisdiction
`within the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391.
`Balderson’s Idea-Introduction of STUFFITS and STUFFIT Marks
`In September 2001, Balderson began working full time on developing the
`STUFFITS and STUFFIT business and brand.
`Commencing on July 17, 2002, Balderson operated the STUFFITS Restaurant in
`Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and engaged in substantial promotional and advertising efforts under
`the STUFFITS and STUFFIT trademarks in interstate commerce.
`During this period of time in addition to using the marks at the restaurant,
`Balderson used the marks in interstate commerce in connection with catering, special events, and

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 6 of 51
`other food-service establishments. In addition, he used the marks in connection with Take Home
`Refrigerated STUFFIT food items.
`Balderson’s Two Registrations
`On April 15, 2002, Balderson filed an application to register the mark STUFFITS
`for restaurants, cafes, snack bars, and catering services. That registration issued on April 6, 2004
`and is currently in full force and effect. A copy of the registration is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
`Balderson is exclusively entitled to use the STUFFITS mark for the goods and/or
`services for which they are registered.
`On April 15, 2002, Balderson filed an application to register the mark STUFFIT
`for prepared food product, namely pastry pockets containing primarily meats, vegetables,
`cheeses for consumption at the location of sale and/or away from the location of sale. That
`registration issued on April 6, 2004 and is currently in fiill force and effect. A copy of the
`registration is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.
`Balderson is exclusively entitled to use the STUFFIT mark for the goods for
`which it is registered.
`E.A. Sween’s Application and Launch of the Infringing Product
`On or before December 19, 2006, E.A. Sween became aware of Mr. Balderson
`and the STUFFITS and STUFFIT marks as a result of a trademark search report it obtained on
`that date.
`On December 28, 2006, despite its actual knowledge of Balderson’s registrations,
`E.A. Sween filed an intent to use application to register the mark DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 7 of 51
`for “sandwiches” (the “Infringing Product” or “STUFF-ITZ”), which is attached hereto as
`Exhibit 3.
`Upon information and belief, when E.A. Sween applied to register its STUFF—ITZ
`name, it placed its house mark in front of the proposed name in an attempt to avoid rejection by
`the USPTO based on Ba1derson’s preexisting registrations. E.A. Sween’s product packaging
`clearly shows that “Deli Express” is used separately from its “STUFF—ITZ” mark.
`Balderson filed an opposition to E.A. Sween’s application. The opposition
`proceeding is still pending.
`On February 13, 2007 and October 22, 2007, in connection with its initial and
`final office actions respectively (which are attached hereto as Exhibit 4 and 5), the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) refused E.A. Sween’s request for “registration of the
`proposed mark—Deli Express Stuff-Itz because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark in
`U.S. Registration Nos. 2830566——Stuffit and 2830565—Stuffits”, Ba1derson’s marks.
`In the USPTO’s Final Refusal of E.A. Sween’s Trademark Application dated
`October 22, 2007, the examining attorney stated: “As to the addition of the house mark, where
`the marks are otherwise virtually the same, the addition of a house mark is more likely to add to
`the likelihood of confusion than to distinguish the marks. It is likely not only that the two
`products sold under these marks would be attributed to the same source but also that purchasers
`would mistakenly assume that both were products of applicant by virtue of its use of Deli
`Express with the shared term Stuffi .”
`Despite its knowledge of Balderson’s registrations, and awareness that such use
`was likely to cause consumer confusion with Balderson’s marks, E.A. Sween stated that it first
`used its proposed STUFF—ITZ mark on or about January 26, 2007.

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 8 of 51
`Despite its knowledge of Balderson’s registrations, and awareness that such use
`was likely to cause consumer confusion with Balderson’s marks, E.A. Sween stated that it first
`commenced sales of the Infiinging Product on or about February 8, 2007.
`E.A. Sween’s use of Balderson’s marks was likely to cause confusion.
`There was actual confusion among consumers as a result of the conduct of E.A.
`By way of example, on January 8, 2009, a consumer alerted Balderson as to the
`availability of E.A. Sween’s STUFF-ITZ in a Philadelphia-area Turkey Hill convenience store
`and inquired whether it was related to Balderson’s STUFFITS/STUFFIT business and marks.
`Notwithstanding its awareness of Balderson’s marks, E.A. Sween continues to
`willfully infringe on Balderson’s trademark rights and seeks to use and register DELI EXPRESS
`STUFF-ITZ with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
`E.A. Sween’s Profits from its Intentional Infringement and False Desigation
`Upon information and belief, from February 2007 through June 2009, E.A. Sween
`sold over 4 million units of the Infringing Product and contained thereafter.
`During that same time period, E.A. Sween procured sales revenue of over
`$6,000,000.00 and continued thereafter to sell and further profit from sales of the Infringing
`Despite actual notice of Balderson’s federally registered STUFFITS and
`S'IUFFIT marks, E.A. Sween willfully and deliberately used and seeks to continue to use and
`infringe upon Balderson’s marks and his goodwill.
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween intended to confuse and deceive

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 9 of 51
`E.A. Sween’s deception and willful infringement damaged the value of
`Balderson’s marks.
`Balderson dedicated a decade of his life and significant amount of money
`creating, establishing and building the STUFFITS and STUFFIT marks, brands and associated
`E.A. Sween was aware of Balderson’s marks since December 19, 2006.
`E.A. Sween never requested Balderson’s permission to use his marks.
`E.A. Sween never offered to pay Balderson for its use of his marks.
`E.A. Sweenknowingly and intentionally used Balderson’s property without his
`E.A. Sween knowingly and intentionally profited from the use ofBalderson’s
`property without his permission.
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween willfully deceived or otherwise misled
`the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “Board”) in connection with its ultimately
`unsuccessful attempt to have it cancel Balderson’s marks without him knowing by failing to
`provide the Board with Balderson’s last known address, notwithstanding the fact that E.A.
`Sween was aware of that address.
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween took the foregoing actions so as to
`continue its willful infringement on Balderson’s marks without him knowing and for the purpose
`of taking his property.
`E.A. Sween Damaged Balderson’s Proge_1;t_'y
`For several years, E.A. Sween sold its similar product, but of lower quality, under
`a confusingly similar name and at a significantly lower price point than Balderson’s product.

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 10 of 51
`As a result, Balderson’s marks were damaged and are no longer marketable as the
`brand he spent considerable time and money creating.
`Upon infonnation and belief, E.A. Sween engaged in advertising activity
`involving self promotion, solicitation of business and the dissemination of promotional material
`concerning the STUFF-ITZ name and product to the public.
`Through such advertising activities, E.A. Sween connected its STUFF-ITZ name
`with Balderson’s STUFFIT and STUFFITS marks thereby damaging them and engaged in unfair
`competition, and misappropriation of his property, advertising ideas and style of business.
`Now, as a result of E.A. Sween’s unauthorized use of Balderson’s marks,
`— advertising activity, and sales revenues of over $6,000,000.00 through June 2009 and continuing
`thereafter, consumers and potential business partners associate Balderson’s mark with the lower
`quality and lower priced product sold by E.A. Sween, and not with Balderson’s marks.
`Balderson’s primary business goal, since the inception of the
`STUFFITS/STUFFIT concept in 2001, was/is to create a certain high quality image for his marks
`and build the STUFFITS/STUFFIT brands into a sought after consumer product and concept that
`would attract the interest of a larger corporation for acquisition.
`Upon information and belief, instead of purchasing his property or licensing the
`use of his marks, E.A. Sween chose to steal that property so as to profit from it without
`Balderson knowing.
`E.A. Sween’s intentional use of Balderson’s marks and advertising activities
`damaged his property and his ability to attract the interest of a potential business partner and/or a
`large corporation for sale or licensing purposes.
`Balderson’s registrations are in full force and effect.

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 11 of 51
`E.A. Sween infringed upon Balderson’s exclusive right to use and control the
`reputation of his marks.
`Paragraphs 1-49 of this Complaint are adopted herein by reference as though fully
`set forth herein.
`Since April 15, 2002, Balderson used his STUFFITS and STUFFIT marks in
`connection with and to identify his restaurant and products and distinguish them from similar
`products offered by other companies, by, and without limitation, prominently displaying said
`marks on the products and advertising and promotional materials distributed in interstate
`In addition, as of the date of the filing of this complaint, although severely
`hindered by events that have transpired since discovering E.A. Sween’s willful infringement and
`other wrongdoings, Balderson is actively engaged in expanding its use of his marks in
`connection with its product in interstate commerce.
`E.A. Sween infringed upon Balderson’s marks in interstate commerce by various
`acts, including, without limitation, the selling, offering for sale, promotion and advertising
`“stuffed sandwiches” under the name DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ of a type virtually identical
`to the type of stuffed sandwiches offered by Balderson, and prominently displaying, advertising,
`and promoting the stuffed sandwiches products under the DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ name.
`E.A. Sween’s intentional use of the name DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ in
`connection with the sale, marketing and advertisement of stuffed sandwiches is without
`permission or authority of Balderson and said use caused actual confusion and is likely to cause
`confusion, to cause mistake and/or to deceive.

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 12 of 51
`E.A. Sween’s use of DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ in connection with the sale of
`stuffed sandwiches was made notwithstanding E.A. Sween’s actual knowledge of Balderson’s
`prior established rights in the trademark STUFFITS and STUFFIT and with both actual and
`constructive notice of Balderson’s federal registration rights under 15 U.S.C. § 1072.
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween’s infringing activities have caused and,
`unless enjoined by this Court, will continue to cause, irreparable injury and other damage to
`Ba1derson’s property, business, reputation and goodwill in its federally registered STUFFIT and
`STUFFITS trademarks.
`An accounting of defendant’s profits is necessary to deter it from infringing again
`and from being unjustly enriched as a result of its intentional infringement upon Balderson’s
`Balderson has no adequate remedy at law.
`Balderson hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of
`paragraphs 1-58 of this Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween used the designation DELI EXPRESS
`STUFF-ITZ in connection with stuffed sandwiches in interstate commerce.
`Said use of the designation DELI EXPRESS STUFF-ITZ is a willfully false
`designation of origin, a false or misleading description and representation of fact which caused
`and is likely to cause confusion and to cause mistake, and to deceive as to the affiliation,
`connection or association of E.A. Sween with Balderson and as to the origin, sponsorship, or
`approval of E.A. Sween’s products and commercial activities and property rights of Balderson.
`' 6873032v.l

`Case 2:10-cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 13 of 51
`Upon information and belief, E.A. Sween’s wrongful activities have caused, and
`unless enjoined by this Court will continue to cause, irreparable injury and other damage to
`Balderson’s business, reputation and goodwill in its STUFFITS and STUFFIT marks.
`An accounting of defendant’s profits is necessary to deter it from such conduct
`and from being unjustly enriched.
`Balderson has no adequate remedy at law.
`Paragraphs 1 through 64 of this Complaint are adopted herein by reference as
`though fully set forth.
`E.A. Sween received and retained funds as a result of its infringement of
`Balderson’s registrations and false designation.
`E.A. Sween acted without Balderson’s consent and without lawful justification.
`E.A. Sween would be unjustly enriched if it retained such funds and goodwill it
`received in connection with its use and infringement of Balderson’s registrations and false
`By its intentional disregard of Balderson’s registrations and sale of its stuffed
`sandwich under the STUFF-ITZ name, E.A. Sween received benefits in the form of money that it
`wrongfully secured under circumstances that it would be inequitable for it to retain.
`As a result, Balderson has sustained damages and E.A. Sween should be required
`to disgorge funds it received.
`Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of
`Paragraphs 1 through 70 of this Complaint.

`Case 2:10—cv-05639-BMS Document 1
`Filed 10/26/10 Page 14 of 51
`Balderson has an exclusive right touuse the STUFFITS and STUFFIT
`E.A. Sween used the confusingly similar STUFF-ITZ name.
`There was actual confusion and a likelihood of C0l'1fl1Si0I1 caused by E.A. Sween’s
`use of the similar term STUFF—ITZ.
`Consumers viewing the term STUFF-ITZ would likely assume and in fact did
`assume that it was associated with Balderson’s services and marks.
`The aforementioned acts of E.A. Sween constitute use that is likely to, and did in
`fact, cause confusion as to the source of its products.
`The aforementioned acts of E.A. Sween misappropriated the equity and goodwill
`of Balderson and constitute unfair competition in violation of Pennsylvania common law.
`Plaintiff hereby realleges and incorporates by reference the allegations of
`Paragraphs 1 through 77 of this Complaint.
`At all times relevant, Balderson had a legal right to the exclusive use of the
`E.A. Sween used the confusingly similar term/name STUFF-ITZ.
`The aforesaid acts of E.A. Sween constitute use that did cause and is likely to
`cause confusion as to the source of its goods.
`The aforesaid acts of E.A. Sween constitute trademark infringement in violation
`of Pennsylvania common law.

`Case 2:10-cv

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