`(Exceeds 100 pages)
`. ._. -V-u_n.. — u nuun I, Q’ ::.pr\ur'\r(I 4, ZUUU
` Hotel forbids
` abortion clinic
`to use rooms
`From Page 1B
`complaint by another of
`Tabor’s officers at Patrol East.
`‘The chief ofpolice brought
`the case to the district attor-
`ney,” said Assistant District
`Attorney Aaron Smith, who
`prosecuted the case. “It’s our
`job to take the case to a jury.
`We did that. They made a
`decision, and we respect that
`Smith and Kim Parker, chief
`deputy district attorney, didn’t
`hold back in their prosecution
`of Tabor. Smith pressed Tabor
`on cross examination during
`his testimony Wednesday.
`Parker delivered a_stirring
`closing Thursday morning.
`“This is about a matter of
`public_trust,” Parker told the
`‘ “ e says, ‘I want to take
`credit for all the good things
`that happened under. my com-‘
`mand,’ but not
`. . .
`They’re asking you to look the
`other way.”
`Joseph put onlmore than a
`dozen character witnesses
`attesting to Tabor‘s valor on
`the force and the trust he'd
`earned from colleagues.
`There was some obvious dis-
`. comfort among police, who
`usually work closely with
`' prosecutors in the criminal
`justice system. In this trial,
`however, officers from beat,
`patrol to the police chief took
`the witness stand and voiced
`support for Tabor and criti-
`cism of his actions.
`, But Joseph said such trials
`only strengthen trust in police
`and courts.
`‘There are some matters
`that need to be decided out in
`the public view,” Joseph said,
`“and not behind some closed
`door at City Hall.”
`Reach Ron Sylvesterlat 268-6514 ‘
`or rsylvester@wichitaeagle.oom.’
`How I
`print in
`photo. l
`you won
`0820. C
`in Wich
`photo (E
`I La Quinta tells Womens .
`Health Care Services that
`‘it also cannot use the ‘
`hotel’s namein its
`in sriiii riiiern
`' The Wichita Eagle
`Women's Health Care Services,
`the Wichita clinic that has been
`the local epicenter of the abortion
`controversy for years, has been
`notified by La Quinta Corp. that it
`carmot use its hotel rooms to per- ,
`form medical services.
`San Antonio-based La Quinta
`also asked that the hotel's name
`not be used in conjunction with
`the clinic. The step follows an
`investigation prompted by com-
`plaints by the anti-abortion group
`Operation Rescue. .
`“We have not given any indi-
`vidual, group, organization or
`facility authorization to adminis-
`ter medical services at any of our
`" hotels,” La Quinta public rela-
`tions manager Teresa Ferguson
`wrotein an e-mail response to '
`questions from The Eagle. _“We
`have notified the clinic in Wichita
`I about our position on this matter.
`“We have, on the other hand,
`found representations that we
`believe may have created a per-
`ception that we have a business
`partnership with this clinic’. This
`is not
`the case! As such, we have -
`asked that anyone using our
`name in conjunction with this
`type of business immediately stop
`using our name.”
`- A spokeswoman for Women's
`Health Care Services, which is
`owned by physician George Tiller,
`declined comment on Thursday.
`Tiller is a focus of anti-abortion
`groups because he specializes in
`late-term abortions.
`Members of Operation Rescue
`protested in front of the La
`Quinta hotel next to Towne East
`Square last month during events.
`linke_d to the anniversary of the
`v\_,Suprem'e Court decision legaliz-
`\ 9
`ing abortion.
`Cheryl Sullenger of Operation
`Rescue said a woman who had an
`abortion at Tiller‘s clinic last year
`outlined to leaders of the group
`how the hotel was used.
`Sullenger said they were told
`women would check into the
`hotel on Monday, then go to the
`clinic to terminate the pregnancy
`and induce labor. The women
`then went back to the hotel,
`where nurses would check on
`their condition over the next cou-
`ple of days as contractions inten-
`“She was very, very detailed
`about how things worked there,” 4
`Sullenger said.
`_ Ferguson said in a telephone
`interview that La Quinta’s own
`tion found
`Members of
`that the
`hotel was
`. being
`',‘;§§‘;S,fid °"- protested in
`Web sites,
`ffflflt Of the
`and thatit
`hotel last
`Vtjias,-,1?“ °f month during
`_ grnflalfiofi d
`events linked
`er a
`= gliitillfersary of
`the Supreme
`court decision
`3;g§t:S],gn -
`La Quinta has a medical rate that
`guests can request. Privacy laws
`do not allow the hotel to verify
`that the guest is actually receiv-
`ing medical treatment, she said,
`and it does not matter what the
`person is being treated for as long
`as none of the treatment takes
`_ place at the hotel.
`“We cannot legally ask a" guest
`the’ reason for their stay or dis-
`criminate against any guest on
`the basis of their gender, personal
`beliefs or choices,” Ferguson stat-
`ed in tlie e-mail.
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`The Widiita _Eagle
` illions of birds flock to
`Kansas during spring
`migration. Now, tourism
`.officials are hoping a grow-
`ing number of birders will
`follow. '
`Earlier this month, the
`state Travel and Tourism division sent an
`' e-mail to 7,000 people who have an‘ interest in
`bird watching. “Now is the perfect time to start
`making your travel plans for a spring birding _
`_ adventure in Kansas,” it read.
`Tourism officials hope money from birders
`will supplement the millions hunting and g
`fishing bring to the state annually. The division "
`has no specific data on birders, but a-state
`study done in 2001 estimated animal watchers,
`including birders, brought in $129 "million to
`the Kansas economy, said Richard Smalley,
`. marketing manager for the Travel and Tourism
`,“We realize this is a big market and with all
`the migratory birds that go through Kansas, We
`- thought we’d take advantage of that in drawing
`people in,” he said. '
` sets itlilaitsssat or sat s. that
` I
`Mike Hutmacher/The Wichita Eagle
`Diane Goebel protests abortion Monday
`outside physician George Ti||er’s Women's
`Health Care Services. Activists on both sides
`plan gatherings at the clinic today.
` battlefield K
`BY DIANE llllllllllll
`Kansas City Star
`The Wichita Eagle
`-A The two sides in the nation’s debate on
`abortion will mark today’s 35th anniversary
`of Roe v. Wade with_ their usual rallies and
`speeches. 2
`But this year, there are
`signs that not all is the
`same on the national or
`' local level.
`The newly configured
`U.S. Supreme Court '
`rejected a legal challenge I
`in April to the federal
`Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
`Act, allowing the law to go I
`into effect for the first time
`since it was signed by
`President Bush in 2003.
`Some abortion-rights
`supporters fear the land-
`mark ruling is the first step
`toward overturning the 1973 law that
`established a constitutional right to abortion.
`‘In Kansas, grand juries seated through citizen
`petitions are investigating Plarmed Parenthood ’
`of Overland Park andabortion doctor George ‘_
`Please see ABORTION Page 3A
`Please see’BlRDS, Page 5A
`nstsistlt aassaatast emanates Bart
` Clinton, Obattfla slug it
` over records, issues, vol
`av srnltrl momma‘
`McClatchy Newspapers
`Barack Obama and'Hillary .
`Clinton broke into bitter verbal
`warfare Monday night, chal-
`lenging one anothefs honesty
`. in the most heated debate of
`their yearlong campaign.
`They clashed over who really
`. -fought Ronald Reagan, their
`relationships with special inter-
`ests, and how they would pay
`‘ for their proposals. Throughout,
`they stared at one another icily, -
`raised their voices and inter‘-
`rupted one another, all while
`peatedly accusing one another
`in strikingly personal terms.
`“Not factually accurate,”
`Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Hillary Rot
`and Sen. Barack Obama gesture at each other in
`debate Monday night in Myrtle Beach, S.C.
`Obama said of Clinton's charges
`for any vote,” Cli
`ed at another po:
`against him. “The same typical
`“You never take responsibility
`Please see Dl
`© 2008 The Wichita Eagle and
`. Beacon Publishing Co., P.O.
`, Box 820, Wichita, KS 67201.
`Business& Miiney
`Legal ads
`Lnt:a|& State
` —umdfiwE983:5.mafia:8:vomswnmmu.:=.aBaum“man8mdmufio§>o=m8532mmmnmx
` =__.__.___,__‘
`7' fi
`' ward with Britney Spears.
`,............~'..—.....,..r........., ..-.— — -~.._. .-. . ._. \,-...___ _
`Late-term abortions are
`not meeting Kansas law
`Democrats love recycling.
`I’m ready to recycle my
`“Impeach Clinton” bumper
`sticker. Or maybe reprint it to
`say “Impeach Obama.”
`What is it about driving on
`snowy and icy roads that
`- brings out the stupid in .
`I I
`When I was ateenager, my
`mom and I had regular con-
`versation time when she
`washed dishes and I dried
`them. Chalk up another lost
`opportunity of time to share
`love and shape our young with
`our core values.
`If you love taxes, you’re
`going to love the school bond
`Beauty is and always will be
`in the eye of the beholder. I
`happen to like tattoos. They’re
`like body art. Some are better
`than others, but to each his
`own. Some people need to
`learn to live and‘ let live.
`Yes, I am all for shared pros-
`perity. I’ll be more than happy
`to share my prosperity when -
`people are willing to share my
`risk, share my workload, share
`my responsibility. They can
`have all the shared prosperity
`they want.
`To the person who stole my
`- granddaughters purse out of
`the shopping cart at the Wal-
`‘ Mart on Maize Road: God will
`deal with you later. You took
`all of her birthday money. She
`was there to get a birthday
`I ~ I ' I
`It is the duty of the state of
`Kansas to enforce the deporta-
`tion of illegal Mexicans.
`Online extra
`To read additional
`Opinion Line calls or to
`listen to actual calls. go
`to Kansas.com/opinion.
`the opt
`the ben
`Dale Headle
`I959 S. Oliver
`we were forced to deepen our
`investigadons and seek other
`legal remedies, whichincluded
`another grand jury —— an effort
`led by Kansans for Life, which
`we supported.
`Our allegations are backed up
`by credible accounts from _
`women and other evidence,
`including photographs of heavi-
`ly pregnant women‘ entering
`Tiller’s clinic on'four different
`In the released photos, we
`blurred the faces-in order to
`conceal their identities. They
`were presented not for the pur-
`pose of exposing the women but
`to provide evidence that the late -
`abortions are continuing.
`Why were the women in the
`photographs getting abortions
`at these late times in their preg-
`. nancies?
`Was it to save the life of the
`pregnantwornan? Not accord-
`ing to the Kansas Department of
`- Health and Environment, which
`has never received a report of a
`late-term abortion in Kansas for
`that reason.
`Was it for a “substantialiand
`irreversible impairment of a ‘
`major bodily function”? Not
`likely, according to a sampling
`of patient records examined by
`McHugh at the request of for-
`mer Attorney General Phill
`Kline. Mcl-Iugh has stated that
`in every record he examined,
`mental health reasons were
`cited for the late abortions.
`'. Were the late-terrn abortions
`perfonned'because of a “sub-
`stantial and irreversible” risk to
`the woman’s mental health?
`Again McHugh, one of the
`nation’s foremost experts in the
`field of psychiatry, stated that
`he found no record in which a
`late abortion was justified on
`psychiatric grounds.
`g If the abortions were not for
`one of the three reasons" stated
`above, which are the only
`exceptions to the post-viability
`abortion ban, then we logically
`conclude that those abortions
`are not legal in the state of
`Troy Newman is president of
`.Operation Rescue, based in Wichita.
`By Troy Newman
`Friday’s Wichita Eagle editori-
`al once again proved that when .
`it comes to abortion, The Eagle
`editorial board is more about
`dishing out
`rhetoric than
`telling the
`Open season
`on patient
`This was a
`effort to shift
`the focus
`‘away from abortion doctor
`George Tiller’s criminal accusa-
`tions and to influence a sitting
`grand jury.
`Kansas lawprohibits abor-
`tions past 22 weeks gestation
`except under themost extreme
`circumstances. This law was’
`passed for the clear purpose of
`- protecting viable babies who
`could survive if birthed instead
`of aborted.‘
`Women have repeatedly told
`Operation Rescue their abortion
`stories from their experiences at
`Tiller’s Women’s Health Care
`Services, and the reasons they
`tell us they are getting abortions
`post-22 weeks are for reasons
`other than allowed by law. We
`heard from Paul McHugh, a-
`prominent psychiatrist who
`reviewed several abortion
`records obtained from Tiller in a
`separate investigation and
`determined he could find no
`record in which the reasons for
`the 1ate—term abortions met the
`standard of “substantial and
`irreversible” health risks
`required by law.
`We submitted many of these .
`_ stories, along with other evi-
`dence we collected in_ our own
`investigations, to the appropri-
`ate law enforcement agencies.
`The Sedgwick County district
`attomey’s office and the attor-
`ney general’s office under Paul
`Morrison both refused to inves-
`tigate the serious allegations
`brought forth by our evidence.
`Since prosecutors failed to do
`their duty and enforce the laws,
`The abortionist and his No. 1 foe - CNN.com
`1/21/2011 2:38 PM
`F’°W°'°“ by
`The abortionist and his No. 1 foe
`By Wayne Drash, CNNc/div>
`D“ '-eR°V Carha” is ”eWf?‘?e Bellevue, Nebraska (CNN) -- When you cross The Line of Death onto clinic property, the protesters
`°f 'ate’te"" ab°"ti°" after k'"'"9 stare at you. They get on walkie talkies and relay infonnation: Your car. What you look like. Any
`°f Gemge me’
`identifying detail.
`''I don't want his death to be in
`vain,-- Car