`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Toytrackerz LLC
`Toytrackerz LLC
`302 South Lowman Street
`Fort Scott, KS 66701
`Terri Lynn Coop
`Toytrackerz LLC
`302 South Lowman Street
`Fort Scott, KS 66701
`Other Motions/Papers
`Terri Lynn Coop
`/Terri Lynn Coop/
`ttabdefaultmotion.pdf ( 2 pages )(49562 bytes )
`ttabdefaultbrief1.pdf ( 38 pages )(163407 bytes )
`Aaddresspage.pdf ( 4 pages )(12717 bytes )
`Bttabdocket.pdf ( 1 page )(38425 bytes )
`Cnonfinal.pdf ( 3 pages )(14439 bytes )
`Dnewregs.pdf ( 1 page )(70518 bytes )
`Ehelderindict.pdf ( 2 pages )(62119 bytes )
`Fhelderappeal.pdf ( 10 pages )(33565 bytes )
`Gcivilcomplaint.pdf ( 8 pages )(1744587 bytes )
`Hcivilcounterclaim.pdf ( 25 pages )(72513 bytes )
`Ittabcxr.pdf ( 1 page )(35391 bytes )
`Jttabjwa.pdf ( 1 page )(37472 bytes )
`Kttabbotw.pdf ( 1 page )(35392 bytes )

`In the matter of trademark Registration No: 1776628
`In the matter of TTAB Cancellation Proceeding No: 92045690
`For the mark: “MARX” [standard character mark]
`Date registered:
`June 15, 1993 [renewed August 8, 2003, cancelled June 30, 2006]
`Toytrackerz LLC
`A Kansas Limited Liability Company
`American Plastic Equipment Inc.
`A Florida Corporation
`The Plaintiff, Toytrackerz LLC dba Circle X Ranch is a Kansas Limited Liability
`Company having its principal place of business at 302 South Lowman Street, Fort Scott,
`Kansas, 66701.
`On information and belief, Defendant American Plastic Equipment, Inc. is a Florida
`Corporation having its principal place of business at l0l South 15”‘ Street, Sebring, Ohio,
`Plaintiff filed a Petition for Cancellation of the above referenced mark on April ll, 2006.
`On June 23, 2006, the Board granted Plaintiff‘ s Motion for Default Judgment On June
`30, 2006, the Commissioner issued an order cancelling the mark.
`On August 3, 2006, Defendant filed a motion to vacate the default judgment.
`For the reasons stated below and detailed in the attached brief, Plaintiff requests the
`Board deny the Motion to Vacate Default Judgment and terminate the case.
`In support of this request, Plaintiff states as follows:
`Defendant has not shown that their failure to file any responsive pleading is a
`result of ‘excusable neglect’ as required by FRCP 60(b).
`Defendant has not shown that their attomey’s failure to file any responsive

`pleading is a result of ‘excusable neglect’ as required by FRCP 60(b).
`Plaintiff had standing to initiate the cancellation action pursuant to TTAB rules of
`Plaintiff had grounds to initiate the cancellation action pursuant to TTAB rules of
`Based on Defendant’s failure to file a responsive pleading within the period allowed by the
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, and Defendant’s failure to meet their burden of proof to
`qualify for relief under FRCP 60(b), Plaintiff asks this Board to deny the Motion to Vacate
`Default Judgment, to terminate the case and to grant any other equitable relief deemed just and
`fair. Answer to Motion For Default Judgment respectfully submitted on the l7‘h day of August
`/s/Terri Lfln Coop/
`Terri Lynn Coop
`Attorney For The Plaintiff
`302 South Lowman Street
`Fort Scott KS 66701
`I, Terri Lynn Coop, hereby certify that a true and complete copy of the foregoing Answer In
`Opposition to Motion To Vacate Default Judgment has been served on Defendant ’s Attorney -
`David E. Herron II. by mailing said copy on the l7th’d day of August 2006, via First Class Mail,
`postage prepaid to:
`David E. Herron 11
`PO Box 2778
`Kansas City KS 661 10
`/s/Terri Lfln Coop/
`Terri Lynn Coop
`Attorney For The Plaintiff
`302 South Lowman Street
`Fort Scott KS 66701

`The matter before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board [TTAB] is Defendant’s Motion to
`Vacate Default Judgment with respect to the cancellation of the standard character mark “Marx,”
`Registration number 1776628.
`The following information is taken from the public records of the TTAB, as reported through
`‘TTABVUE,’ the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Inquiry System.
`On April 11, 2006, the Plaintiff, Toytrackerz LLC, instituted Cancellation #92045690
`against Defendant, American Plastic Equipment, Inc. The petition was submitted Via the
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System and assigned the ESSTA
`Tracking Number ESTTA75540. The petition was accompanied by the required fee.
`On April 11, 2006, the TTAB acknowledged the filing and mailed notice to both Plaintiff
`and Defendant. This notice established an Answer date of May 21, 2006.
`On May 23, 2006, the Plaintiff filed a Motion for Default Judgment. The motion was
`submitted Via the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System and

`assigned the ESSTA Track Number ESTTA8 l 893. As stated in the Certificate of
`Service, a copy of the Motion for Default Judgment, the Plaintiff mailed a copy of the
`motion Via first class mail to Defendant at the address of record.
`On June 22, 2006, the TTAB granted the Motion for Default Judgment and mailed notice
`to both Plaintiff and Defendant at their address of record.
`On June 30, 2006, the Commissioner of Trademarks issued an order cancelling
`Trademark Registration number 1776628. Notice of the cancellation was mailed to
`Plaintiff and Defendant at their address of record. The TTAB case was terminated.
`On August 3, 2006, Defendant filed a Motion to Vacate the Default Judgment. This
`motion was filed by United States mail. The motion was deemed received and docketed
`by the TTAB on August 10, 2006.

`Whether Defendant’s Failure To File an Answer in the TTAB Cancellation Proceeding
`was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’
`Whether Defendant’s Attorney’s Failure To File an Answer in the TTAB Cancellation
`Proceeding was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’
`Whether Plaintiff Had Standing To Institute The Cancellation Proceeding.
`Whether Plaintiff’ s Grounds For Cancellation Were Allowable Under TTAB Rules of

`The Matter Before The Court .
`. l
`Procedural History .
`. 3
`Questions Presented .
`. 4
`Table Of Contents .
`Table Of Authorities .
`. 6
`. 8
`Argument And Authorities .
`. .
`Whether Defendant’s Failure To File an Answer in the TTAB
`Cancellation Proceeding was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’ .
`Defendant Is Presumed To Have Received Petition
`Served Pursuant To TTAB Rules .
`Defendant’s Failure To File A Responsive Pleading
`Is Not Excusable Neglect.
`Whether Defendant’s Attorney’s Failure To File an Answer in the
`TTAB Cancellation Proceeding was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’.
`Jan P. Helder’s Loss Of His Law Practice Is Not Excusable
`Neglect and Inattention By Defendant’s Attorney Resulted
`in Multiple Defaults . .
`Attorney Inattention and Neglect Do Not Entitle A Defendant
`To Post-Judgment Relief .
`Whether Plaintiff Had Standing To Institute The Cancellation
`Proceeding .
`IV. Whether Plaintiff’ s Grounds For Cancellation Were Allowable
`Under TTAB Rules of Practice .
`Conclusion .
`. .

`Certificate Of Service .
`Index of Exhibits .
`. .

`(alphabetical with page of first appearance)
`Andree v. Centerfor Alternative Sentencing and Employment Servs,
`1993 US Dist. Lexis 12697, 1993 WL 362394 (S.D.N.Y. Sept 14, 1993) .
`City ofChanute, Kansas V. William Nat. Gas Co., 31 F.2d 1041
`(1011 Cir. 1994) .
`Goodwin v. General Motors Corp., 02-2606, 2004 US Dist. Lexis
`121 (D. Kan. Jan. 5, 2004) .
`Hussain v. Nicholson, 435 F.3d 359 (D.C. Cir. 2006) .
`. 10
`Jack Lenor Larsen, Inc. v. Chas. 0. Larson Co., 44 USPQ 2d 1950 .
`Link v. Wabash R. Co., 370 US 626 (1962) .
`Litton Business Systems Inc. v. .I.G. Furniture Co., 190 USPQ 428
`(TTAB 1976) .
`. 29
`Nelson v. Boeing Co., 446 F.3d 1118 (10th Cir. 2006) .
`Nikwei v. Ross School ofAviation, Inc., 822 F.2d 939 (10“‘ Cir. 1987) .
`Pioneer Investment Svcs Co. v. Brunswick Assc Ltd., 507 US 380 (1993) .
`Pumpkin Ltd. v. The Seed Corps, 43 USPQ 2d 1582 (1997) .
`Southern Pride, Inc. v. Turbo Tek Enterprises, Inc., 117 FRD 566,
`5 USPQ 1589, 1590 (D N.C. 1987) .
`>—a DJ
`. .. 28
`Syosset Laboratories, Inc. v. TI Pharmaceuticals, 216 USPQ 330
`(TTAB I982) .
`Thompson v. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co, Inc. 76 F.3d 530 (4th Cir. 1996) .
`Tonka Corp. v. Tonka Tools, Inc. 229 USPQ 857 (TTAB 1986) .
`. 32
`United States v. Boyle, 469 US 241 (1985) .
`. 29
`Waifersong, Ltd. Inc. v. Classic Music Vending, 976 F.2d 290 (611 Cir. 1992) .
`. 14

`Weinstoc/av. Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen &Hamilton, 16 F.3d 501 (2nd Cir. 1994) .
`Williams v. Five Platters, Inc. 510 F.2d 963, 184 USPQ, 744 (CCPA 1975) .
`TBMP §ll3.0l - Requirements for Service of Papers .
`TBMP §ll3.03 - Elements of Certificate of Service .
`TBMP§l13.04 - Manner ofSerVice .
`TBMP §307.l - Petitions That May Be Filed At Any Time After Registration .
`. 35
`TBMP §309.03 - Standing .
`TBMP §309.03(c) - Grounds .
`. 32
`. 34
`TBMP §3l2.0l - Default In General
`. 14
`TBMP §3l2.03 - Setting Aside Default Judgment.
`. .. 34
`15 U.S.C. §l064(3) .
`FRCP Rule 60(b) - Relief From Judgment or Order .
`USA v. Helder, 4:05-cr-00125-DW (W.D. Mo 2005) .
`. 21
`Toytrackerz LLC v. American Plastic Equipment, Inc. ,
`2:06-cv-02042-DJW (D. Kan. 2006) .
`. 21

`Whether Defendant’s Failure To File an Answer in the TTAB Cancellation
`Proceeding was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’
`Defendant’s Motion To Vacate Default Judgment fails to properly cite the grounds and
`authority under which relief is sought. However, Defendant makes reference to ‘Lack of
`Wilfullness’ and ‘any delay caused .
`. should be considered excusable and unavoidable.’
`Therefore, Plaintiff is proceeding under the assumption that this is a ‘Relief From
`Judgment or Order’ pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 60(b)(1) which
`states: “On motion and upon such terms as are just, the court may relieve a party or a
`party's legal representative from a final judgment, order, or proceeding for the following
`(1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect;
`Defendant Is Presumed To Have Received Petition Served Pursuant To TTAB
`The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure (TBMP) and the
`accompanying federal statutes clearly defines the requirements and procedures for
`service of papers in an inter partes proceeding before the Board:
`37 CFR § 2.119 Service and Signing ofPapers:
`Every paper filed in the Patent and Trademark Office in inter partes cases,
`including notice of appeal, must be served upon the other parties except
`the notice ofinterference (§ 2.93), the notzfcation ofopposition (§ 2.105),

`the petition [or cancellation (§ 2.113), and the notice ofa concurrent use
`proceeding (§ 2.99), which are mailed by the Patent and Trademark
`Oflice. TBMP §113, Chapter 100, page 37.
`TBMP §113.01 - Reguirements for Service of Papers:
`Every document filed in an inter partes proceeding before the Board, including a
`notice of appeal from a decision of the Board, must be served by the filing party
`upon every other party to the proceeding. The only exceptions to this rule are the
`notice of opposition and petition [or cancellation, which are sent by the Board
`to the defendant or defendants. TBMP §113.01, Chapter 100, page 38.
`Service was made on April 11, 2006 via United States mail by the TTAB,
`pursuant to TBMP §113.01 and 37 CFR § 2.119 to Defendant’s address of record
`with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, to wit:
`101 South 15th Street
`Sebring, OH 44672
`United States
`Legal Entity Type: Corporation
`State or Country of Incorporation: Florida
`Source: USPTO TARR website/database entry for Registration #1776628
` 841
`[Exhibit A]
`TTAB Docket Item #2 [Exhibit B]
`Defendant does not assert that this is an incorrect or invalid address. Instead, the

`Motion to Vacate Default Judgment states: “Defendant does not recall ever being
`served or properly notified in the instant case.” Motion, page 1.
`This conclusory and self-serving assertion is similar to the fact-pattem in TTAB
`proceeding Jack Lenor Larsen, Inc. v. Chas. 0. Larson C0., 44 USPQ 2d 1950.
`In this case, Respondent denied having received the Cancellation Petition or any
`of the orders contained in the TTAB file.
`Respondent chides the Board and asks them to ‘take judicial notice that problems
`of undelivered mail are regularly reported in the press.’ Larsen, at *7. Petitioner
`countered that ‘mailing pursuant to standard office procedure creates a
`presumption of receipt.’ Id.
`The Board agreed with Petitioner stating ‘The case law requires evidence only to
`standard procedure, not what occurred in the particular case. We are aware of
`standard Board procedures and need not receive evidence on the subject.” Id.
`The Board also found that ‘mere denial of receipt is insufficient to rebut the
`presumption [of delivery] in a case such as this.’ To accept the denial of receipt,
`the Board would have to accept that the TTAB failed to properly mail all four
`orders and that the United States Post Office would have to have failed to properly
`deliver all four orders. Id.

`Defendant makes a similar claim in this case. American Plastic Equipment, Inc.
`[APE] ‘does not recall’ having received the following documents mailed by the
`TTAB to the Defendant’s address of record [Exhibit B]:
`Petition For Cancellation [Docket Item #2], mailed 04/11/06,
`Board’s Decision Granting Motion [Docket Item #5] mailed 06/22/06,
`Commissioner’s Cancellation [Docket Item #6] mailed 06/30/06.
`Defendant also ‘does not recall’ receiving Plaintiff‘ s Motion For Default
`Judgment which was mailed to Defendant’s address of record on May 23, 2006.
`Plaintiff attached a Certificate of Service in the form and style required by TBMP
`§1 13.03 which states:
`113.03 - Elements of Certificate of Service
`The Board will accept, as prima facie proof that a party filing a document
`in a Board inter partes proceeding has served a copy of the document upon
`every other party to the proceeding, a statement signed by the filing party,
`or by its attorney or other authorized representative, clearly stating the date
`and manner in which service was made. The statement should also specify
`the name of each party or person upon whom service was made, and the
`address. The statement must appear on, or be securely attached to, the
`document being filed. If the statement is on a separate sheet attached to the
`filing, it should clearly identify the submission and proceeding to which it
`relates. TBMP §113.03, Chapter 100, page 40.
`and effected service by first class mail as allowed by TBMP §113.04 which states:
`113.04 - Manner of Service
`When a party to an inter partes proceeding before the Board files a
`document required by 37 CFR § 2.119(a), to be served upon every other
`party to the proceeding, service may be made in any of the ways specified

`in 37 CFR § 2.119(b). They are: (1) by hand delivering a copy of the
`submission to the person being served; (2) by leaving a copy of the
`submission at the usual place of business of the person being served, with
`someone in the person's employment; (3) when the person being served
`has no usual place of business, by leaving a copy of the submission at the
`person's address, with a member of the person's family over 14 years of
`age and of discretion; (4) transmission by the "Express Mail Post Office to
`Addressee" service of the United States Postal Service or by first-class
`mail, which may also be certified or registered; and (5) transmission by
`overnight courier. TBMP §113.04, Chapter 100, page 40.
`It is well established at common law that “proper mailing of [petition and
`motions] raises a rebuttable presumption of delivery to the addressee, and
`defendant, in such situations, has the burden of presenting ‘strong and convincing’
`evidence of the insufficiency of the service. Southern Pride, Inc. v. Turbo Tek
`Enterprises, Inc., 117 FRD 566, 569, 5 USPQ 1589, 1590 (D N.C. 1987) Nikwei
`V. Ross School ofAviation, Inc., 822 F.2d 939, 941 (10th Cir. 1987),
`Given the Board’s recognition of its own mailing procedures and that the
`Certificate of Service is prima facie evidence of service of the Motion for Default
`Judgment, Defendant, as in the Larsen case, is presumed to have received the
`documents delivered by United States first class mail to the Defendant’s address
`of record with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Consequently,
`Defendant single, self-serving and conclusory statement that they ‘do not recall’
`receiving the documents does not prove lack of service as an element of excusable

`Defendant’s Failure To File A Responsive Pleading Is Not Excusable Neglect.
`Defendant failed to file an Answer or any other responsive pleading in the
`Cancellation proceeding. The Motion To Vacate claims ‘excusable neglect’ on
`the part of the Defendant for failing to file a responsive pleading. Motion, page 2.
`The TTAB’s standard for defining ‘excusable neglect’ is Pioneer Investment Svcs
`Co. v. Brunswick Assc Ltd., 507 US 380 (1993). The Board adopted this standard
`in Pumpkin Ltd. V. The Seed Corps, 43 USPQ 2d 1582 (1997). In Pumpkin, the
`Board interpreted the Pioneer decision to analyze excusable neglect using the
`following four factors:
`The danger of prejudice to the nonmovant,
`The length of delay and effect on judicial proceedings,
`The reason for the delay, including whether it was within the reasonable
`control of the movant, and
`Whether the movant acted in good faith.
`Pioneer at 397, Pumpkin at * 12.
`The third factor is the most critical. Pumpkin at * 16, citing, Weinstockv. Cleary,
`Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, 16 F.3d 501, 503 (2nd Cir. 1994), City ofClzanute,
`Kansas v. William Nat. Gas Co., 31 F.2d 1041, 1046 (10th Cir. 1994), Thompson
`v. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co, Inc. 76 F.3d 530, 534 (4th Cir. 1996).

`Defendant’s sole excuse for not filing a responsive pleading is that he ‘does not
`recall’ receiving the petition, notices or motions filed in this action and served
`pursuant to TTAB policies and procedures.
`Defendant’s attorney further chides the Board by saying, “[I]ssuance of a Notice
`[of Default] from this Board may have alerted the Defendant that this action in
`cancellation was pending. No Notice of Default was issued, and Defendant did
`not become aware of this Action until after this Board entered its Default Decree
`cancelling the Defendant’s incontestible registration.” Motion, page 2.
`Based on this statement, the Defendant is trying to blame the Board for its own
`inattention and carelessness.
`However, Defendant’s blame is misplaced. “The issue of whether default
`judgment should be entered against a defendant for failure to file a timely answer
`to the complaint may also be raised by means other than the Board’s issuance of a
`notice of default. For example, the plaintiflfi realizing that the defendant is in
`default, may file a motion [or default iudgment (in which case the motion may
`serve as a substitute for the Board ’s issuance of a notice of default).” TBMP
`§3 12.01, Chapter 300, page 72.
`The Plaintiff filed and properly served the Defendant with a Motion for Default

`Judgment on May 23, 2005. [Docket Item #4] The Board issued an order granting
`that motion on June 22, 2006. [Docket Item #5]. The only rational conclusion that
`can be drawn is that the Board found Plaintiffs Motion For Default Judgment to
`be sufficient notice to Defendant that cancellation of the registration was
`imminent. Consequently, Defendant’s assertion that the Board is somehow to
`blame for their inaction and that it was out of their control is not excusable neglect
`under factor three of Pioneer.
`Defendant does not dispute the accuracy or Validity of the address of record with
`the USPTO. Instead, Defendant states ‘the Notice was mishandled, misfiled or
`overlooked.’ Motion, page 2.
`In Pumpkin, the defendant makes similar assertions, saying that ‘it is possible that
`counsel failed to properly or timely docket [the order] .
`. that the docketing
`failure may have resulted from a mishandling of the docketing slips for this case,
`or from [confusion]”. Pumpkin at * 15.
`Plaintiff contends that handling and filing mail in Defendant’s office can be
`equated with docketing at an attomey’s office. Both inVolVe prioritizing and
`archiving documents and information that may be releVant to the effectiVe
`operation of the business.

`“The Board and its reviewing Court, have held that docketing errors and
`breakdowns do not constitute excusable neglect.” Pumpkin, at * 16, citing
`Williams v. Five Platters, Inc. 510 F.2d 963, 184 USPQ 744 (CCPA 1975), Litton
`Business Systems Inc. v. J.G. Furniture Co., 190 USPQ 428 (TTAB 1976). Even
`under the more flexible and equitable application of the Pioneer factors, the
`preceding and precedential case law is directly relevant to whether the delay was
`caused by circumstances within the Defendant’s reasonable control. Pumpkin, at
`As in Pumpkin, Defendant has failed to show through testimony, affidavit, exhibit
`or any other material evidence that anyone other than the Defendant had control
`over the procedures for handling mail at the address of record. Consequently, no
`one but Defendant is responsible and accountable for the mishandling, misfiling
`or overlooking of the Petition for Cancellation and the four subsequent mailings
`from the Board and Plaintiff This is not excusable negligence under the
`standards adopted by the Board.
`The other Pioneer factors, particularly factor two, the length of delay and its
`potential effect on judicial proceedings, are worthy of discussion. Defendant’s
`Answer was due on May 21, 2006. Defendant’s Motion To Vacate was filed, by
`mail, on August 3, 2006 [Exhibit B]. This is a delay of eleven weeks. In
`Pumpkin, the delay was approximately fourteen weeks. Pumpkin at *20.

`In Pumpkin, the Board stated:
`“[I]n addition to the time between the expiration of the time for taking action and
`the filing of the motion to reopen, the .
`. length of the delay in proceedings also
`must take into account the additional, unavoidable delay arising from the time
`required for briefing and deciding the motion to reopen. The effect of such delays
`on this proceeding, and on Board proceedings generally is not inconsiderable.
`“More fundamentally, however, it cannot escape the notice of any .
`. participant
`in [Board] proceedings [is] that the Board’s steadily growing docket of active
`cases .
`. are increasingly straining the Board’s scarce resources. The Board, and
`parties to Board proceedings .
`. have an interest in minimizing the .
`. time and
`resources that must be expended on matters, such as contested motions to reopen,
`which come before the Board solely as a result of sloppy practice or inattention to
`deadlines on the part of litigants or their counsel. The Board’s interest in
`deterring such sloppy practice weighs heavily against a finding of excusable
`neglect, under the second Pioneer factor.” Pumpkin, at * 21.
`Defendant is asking the Board to reopen a terminated case and expend time and
`resources because of Defendant’s sloppy office procedures that led to the
`statement that Defendant ‘did not recall’ receiving the Petition and four
`subsequent mailings regarding this action causing an eleven week delay. Based
`on the Pumpkin analysis, the second factor must weigh against the Defendant.

`The final Pioneer factor that is relevant is prejudice to the Plaintiff. As a result of
`the June 30, 2006 order from the Commissioner cancelling the registration,
`Plaintiff has acted in reliance on that cancellation in at least two actions:
`The Order of Cancellation was used to answer a ‘non-final’ action of
`initial refusal to register the mark with serial number 78788519 on July 2,
`2006. The USPTO examining attorney accepted the cancellation and
`subsequently approved the application for publication. [Exhibit C]
`On July 25, 2006, the Plaintiff filed additional applications for registration
`of marks relying on the Order of Cancellation as likelihood that the marks
`would be approved for publication. [Exhibit D]
`Allowing the Defendant to vacate the Default Judgment based on their own
`sloppy and carelessness would result in significant prejudice and hardship to the
`Consequently, when the Pioneer factors are weighed, all but the fourth [there is no
`indication one way or the other of bad faith] weigh against the Defendant in that a
`significant delay, caused by factors within control of the Defendant, resulted in
`acts of reliance by the Plaintiff To reward the Defendant for his inattention and
`neglect would result in fiirther delay and prejudice to the Plaintiff who, at all
`times, acted expeditiously and correctly. Consequently, Defendant is not entitled

`to relief from the judgment of the Board under FRCP Rule 60(b)(l) for ‘excusable
`“The standard for setting aside default judgment is stricter than the standard for
`setting aside a notice of default. [O]nce default judgment has actually been
`entered against a defendant pursuant to FRCP 55(b), the judgment may be set
`aside only in accordance with FRCP 60(b) .
`. This stricter standard reflects
`public policy favoring finality ofjudgments and termination of litigation.” TBMP
`§3l2.03, Chapter 300, page 74. See also, Waifersong, Ltd. Inc. v. Classic Music
`Vending, 976 F.2d 290, 292 (6”‘ Cir. 1992) (“[O]nce the court has determined
`damages and a judgment has been entered, the district court’s discretion to Vacate
`the judgement is circumscribed by public policy favoring finality ofjudgments
`and termination of litigation).
`Defendant has not met the burden of establishing excusable neglect under the
`Board’s standards enunciated in Pioneer and Pumpkin. Consequently, Defendant
`is not entitled to relief under Rule 60(b)(l) and the Motion to Vacate Default
`Judgment should be denied.
`Whether Defendant’s Att0rney’s Failure To File an Answer in the TTAB
`Cancellation Proceeding was a Result of ‘Excusable Neglect.’
`Jan P. Helder’s Loss Of His Law Practice Is Not Excusable Neglect.

`Paragraph 8 of Defendant’s Motion To Vacate Default Judgment states:
`“Defendant initially chose Jan P. Helder to serve as Defendant’s intellectual
`property litigation counsel. Due to tragedy in Mr. Helder’s personal life that
`occurred in June 2006, Mr. Helder became unable to continue serving as
`Defendant’s attorney. Any delay caused by this tragedy should be considered
`excusable and unavoidable. The Board’s indulgence is that regard is respectfully
`requested.” Motion, page 2.
`The court many properly consider attorney impairment in determining whether his
`neglect is excusable. Goodwin v. General Motors Corp., 02-2606 at *4, 2004 US
`Dist. Lexis 121 (D. Kan. Jan. 5, 2004). The determination is an equitable one,
`taking account of all relevant circumstances surrounding the party’s omission. Id.
`Consequently, it is necessary to look at the details and circumstances of Mr.
`Helder’s s0-called ‘tragedy.’ Defendant claims this tragedy occurred in June of
`2006. In reality, it began much earlier than that:
`On March 5, 2005, a grand jury for the Western District of Missouri
`returned an indictment against Jan P. Helder Jr. aka ‘trialkc’ for ‘Use of
`Interstate Facility to Attempt to Entice a Minor to Engage in Sexual
`Activity.’ This indictment resulted from actions in April 2004 where Mr.

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