`ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA50554
`Filing date3
`Hunter Fan Company
`Hunter Fan Company
`2500 Frisco Avenue
`§ Memphis, TN 38114
`i Hunter Fan Company
`Correspondence 2500 Frisco Avenue
`Memphis, TN 381 14
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Filer's Name
`as-g e—n1ailW
`Danny Avvdeh
`/Danny Avvdehl
`OPUS Motion to Suspend.pdf ( 2 pages )
`§ OPUS Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suspend.pdf ( 6 pages )
`Opus Proposed Order.pdf ( 2 pages )
`EX. A To Opus Motion.pdf( 11 pages)
`EX. B to Opus Motion.pdf( 55 pages )
`Cancellation No.: 92044937
`Reg. No; 2,988,213 — OPUS
`Reg. Date: August 23, 2905
`) )
`) )
`COMES NOW Respondent Hunter Fan Company ("Respondent") and respectfuliy moves
`the Trademark Trial and Appeai Board ("Boar “) for suspension of this proceeding pursuant to
`Trademark Rule 2.1 E"/(a), 37 C.F.R. § 2.117(a), including suspension of Respondents obligation
`to file a response to Petitioners Petition to Cancel, pending the final determination of a civii
`action between Respondent and Petitioner Westinghouse Lighting Corporation ("PetiEioner“) that
`wili have bearing on the issues presently before the Board in this proceeding.
`In support of this motion, Respondent submits herewith a Memorandum in Support of
`Respondents Motion to Suspend the Proceedings Pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.11’7'(a) and
`attached thereto a copy of the Complaint flied by Respondent on August 31, 2005 in the United
`States "District Court for the Western District of Tennessee, Western Division, and a copy of the
`Firs; Amended Complaint tiied by Petitioner on September 7, 2005 in the United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of .Pennsyivania.
`WH'EREt?ORE PR‘i3E‘¢1I.SES CO?‘\§Si.DtiR.E.D, Respondent respee£’fu§i3; requests that tire
`Board. grant its 2\.<’iot'iou to Suspend the §’roceedin.g Pursuant {:13 ”I.‘radem.ark. Rifle
`i. 'l.'?{a).
`M .-XRM ‘)C}if£37 V3
`27So3{)f}~O{3()392 i();’2(;.’{}5
`Respecrfuliy subniiited,
`/‘D anny Awdehf
`Lea H2111 Speed
`165 Madison Avenue, Suite 2000
`Memphis, Tennessee 38103
`(901) 526~2000
`Attorneys for Respondent,
`Hunter Fan Company
`Comes now, Danny Awdeh, counsel for Hunter Fan Company in the above referenced
`matter, and certifies that on October 26,2005, he oonsufled with Joseph D611‘./iaster, counsel for
`Petitioner, regarding this Motion. Mr. Dem/{aster stated Westinghouse Lighting Corporation will
`not oppose this motion.
`/Danny Awdehf
`Danny M. Awdeh
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been served, via first
`crass mail, postage prepaid, upon Joseph R. Deih/Iaster, J12, Esq. ané Jennifer L. Dean, Esq,
`Drinker Biddle & Reath, LLP, Suite, 1100, 1500 K Street, NW, Wash.ing‘ton, DC. 2G{)05~}2{)9,
`this 26th day ofOetober, 2005.
`i’Dan;;i_v Awdehz’
`Denny M. Awdeh.
`M A}{I\A ‘EH23? V3
`) }
`) )
`) Canceltation Nos 92944937
`) Reg. No.: 2,988,233 - OPUS
`) Reg. Date: Aagust 23, 2005
`COMES NOW Respondent Hunter Fan Company {"Respondent”} and tespeetfuily moves
`the United States Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ("Board") for suspension of this proceeding
`to Traden1arl< Rule 2.} ]7(a), 37 C.¥<"..R.
`§ 2.117(3),
`inetuding suspension of
`Respondent's obligation to fiie a response to Petitioner's Petition to Caneei, pending the final
`determination of a civil court action between Respondent and Westinghouse Lighting
`Corporation ("Petitior1er“) that will have direct bearing on the issues presently before the Board
`in this Cancellation proceeding.
`On August 25, 2005, Petitioner filed at Complaint against Respondent in the United States
`District Court
`the "Eastern District of Permsytvania,
`styted Wesnrzghouse Lighting
`Corporation 1.». Hzmter Fan Compcmy, Case No. 2:05-CV-’~4553, and on September ‘E’, 2005 filed
`its First Amended Complaint that irteltzded a ctaint for infringement of the OPUS tradeniarlsc as
`well as a request that the court dectare the rights of the parties in and to the OFUS mark and
`M ARM ?'}{}l34? V5
`2”r’8(33()€3—!}()(}2‘}2 mxzs-'05
`cancel Respondent’s OPUS tradernarlc: registration.
`(A copy of Petition.er*s First Amended
`Complaint is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".)
`On August 3}, 2005, Respondent filed a Complaint against Petitioner in the United States
`District Court for the Western District of Tennessee, Western Division, styled Hunter Fan
`Company v. Westinghouse Ligizting Corporation, Case No. 032633, that included claims as to
`the OPUS trademark for infringement, false designation of origin and unfair competition arising
`under the Lanham Act,
`l5 U.S.C. §§ llléi,
`ll25(a); Violation of the Tennessee Consumer
`Protection Act under Tennessee Code Ann. 47-18 er sequ; trademark infringement and unfair
`competition under Tennessee common law.
`(A copy of Respondentfs Complaint is attached
`hereto as Exhibit "B".)
`Accordingly, both. parties now have pending in the federal courts not only requests for a
`declaration of the parties’ rights in and to the OPUS mark, but also requests for injunctive relief
`and damages reiating to use of the marks.
`On September 8, 2005, Petitioner "filed its Petition to Cancel Respondenfs OPUS
`trademark registration on the grounds that the registration is “likely to cause confusion, mistake
`or deception by having the public erroneously assume or believe that the goods emanate from
`Petitioner or that Respondent's goods are in some other way endorsed, licensed, authorized or
`sponsored by, or in some other way associated or connected with Petitioner, because of
`Petitioners prior use of OPUS for the same or related goods, all
`to Petitioners irreparable
`Respondent woutd show, based upon the ailegations set
`forth in the federai court
`Complaints and the remedies sotight,
`that the findings of the federal court in either of the
`ARM ‘)(}i2‘.l4’}‘ V5
`278{)30[§»(}{}("J292 l{Jf2€5!£.)5
`referenced federal court actions: are likeiy to be dispositive of the issues raised in the instant
`Canceiiation proceeding, whereas any decision rendered by the Board is likely to be inconclusive
`as to the issues raised in the federal court case. For this reason, the present Canceiiation
`proceeding should be suspended pending the canceliation-determinative decision of the federal
`The Board, pursuant to Trademark Ruie 2.1 1"/'(a), may suspend a canceliation proceeding
`where a pending civil action may have a bearing on the outcome of that proceeding. Trademark
`Ruie 2.i17(a) provides that:
`Whenever it shall come to the attention of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`that a party or parties to a pending case are engaged in a civil action or another
`Board proceeding which may have a bearing on the case, proceedings before the
`Board may be suspended untii termination. of the civii action or the other Board
`37 C.F.R. § 2.} 17(a). "To the extent that a civil action in a Federal district court involves issues
`in common with those in a proceeding before the Board, the decision of the Federal district court
`is often binding upon the Board, while the decision of the Board is not binding upon the court."
`TBMP § 5i0.02(a)l.; citing Goya Foods, Inc. v. Tropicana Products, Inc, 846 F.2d 848, 6
`U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA) 1950 (2d Cir. 1988). As such, where a civil action and a canceliation share
`common issues, the outcome of the civil court action Wiii have a direct bearing on the Board's
`proceeding. Other Tcfcplione Co. v. Connecticut E\:’oriona! Telephone C0,, 181 USPQ i25
`('T'i‘A.B 1974), pctirioi-2 zferzicn’, i81 USPQ 779 (Coirinrr l9?4) ("'...the final deterniiiiation of the
`civii suit nil"! directly affect the resolution of the issue of likelihood of confusion which is
`1 ‘Pending in each federal court is a request for a change of venue: the Defendant in the Pernisyivania case has
`requested. that the court t2'ansfi":r the proceeding to Teniressec, and the l}efenciant in the Teiincssee
`has i‘eqnc.<:tcd
`that the court transfer the proceeding, to Pcnnsyivaiiia.
`iiegartiless ofthe venue. the tlrderai courts wiil decide at] of
`set forth herein.
`M Ai{.‘v"l Qfiiiizl? V5
`involved in the proceeding before the Tradernark Trial and Appeal Board..."). Accordingly, in
`such circumstances,
`the Board will ordinarily suspend the proceedings pending a final
`determination of the civil action.
`'I‘Bl\/ll’ § S10.02(a).
`The suspension of the Board's
`proceedings saves the parties from engaging in dupiicative and costly litigation and plays in
`favor of judicial economy.
`In this case, the outcome of the civil court proceeding between Petitioner and Respondent
`will have a direct bearing on the issue of registrability presently before the Board in this
`proceeding. The federal court action, like this cancellation proceeding, seeks a determination of
`which party has superior rights in and to the OPUS mark and includes the issue of whether
`Petitioner's OPUS trademark is likely to be confused with Responc1ent‘s OPUS trademark. The
`issues of priority and likelihood of confusion will be fully explored by the federal court and will.
`be taken as conclusiveiy established upon the court‘s ruling. The couri’s conclusive rulings on
`these issues will become controlling on the same issues in this Cancellation proceeding. As
`such, the court's ruling wili inevitably have a direct "bearing on this proceeding," within the
`meaning of Trademark Rule 2.1l7(a), and in fact, dispose of the centrai issue in this proceeding,
`which is whether, due to a likelihood of confusion,
`the registration of Respondent's OPUS
`trademark will interfere with Petitioner's use and enjoyment of its OPUS trademark. On the
`other hand,
`the Board’s ruling in this cancellation proceeding wiil not dispose of all of the
`traden':ark—re1ated issues in the civil court proceeding. Thus, in the interest of judicial economy
`and to save the parties the additionai cost of engaging in duplicative litigation, this cancellation
`proceeding should be suspended pending a final determination in the civil court action.
`M ARM 95184? V5
`2?8630{}-(}£')fi292 if)/‘2{3fO5
`For the foregoing reasons, Respondent respectfully requests that the Board grant
`motion and suspend this proceeding pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.117(3) pending a final
`determination of the pending civii court proceeding between Petitioner and Respondent.
`Respectfuily submitted,
`/Danny Awdehf
`Lea Hal} Speed
`Danny M. Awdeh
`165 Madison Avenue, Suite 2000
`Memphis, TN 38103
`(901) 526-2000
`Attorneys for Respondent,
`M ARM ‘}0‘:E'§47" VS
`2?’8o3(}0~00{}292 1€}=’Z’.()ft}5
`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been delivered via first
`class mail, postage prepaid,
`to Joseph R. De1Master, EL, Esq. and Jennifer L. Dean, Esq,
`Drinker, Biddle & Reaih LLP, Suite H00, 1500 K Street, NW, Washington, DC. 20005-1209,
`this 26th day of October, 2005.
`fDann}g Awdehf
`Danny M. Awdeh
`M A§'i2\i’{ 903847 vi
`27863(}()—0(}f)292 §{l=’2{>.»’{fi5
`) )
`) )
`) Caneeliation Ne.: 92944937
`) Reg. No; 2,988,213 - OPUS
`) Reg. Date: August 23, 2065
`Upon Motion, Hunter Fan Company ("Respondent“) has requested the Tradernarit Trial
`and Appeal Board ("Board") suspend this proceeding pursuant to Trademark Ruie 2.117(3), 37
`C.'F.R. § 2.117(3),
`including suspension of Respondent's obligation to tile 3 response to
`Petitioner's Petition to Cancel pending the iinal determination of a civil action between
`Westinghouse Lighting Corporation ("Petitioner") and Respondent that wili have bearing on the
`issues presently before the Board in this proceeding. The Board finds that this proceeding should
`be suspended pursuant to Tredemaric Rule 2.li7(a), 37 C.F.R.
`§ 2.117(3) pending the final
`detemniiation of the eivii action between Respondent and Petitioner.
`be suspended pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.117(a), 37 CFR. § 2.1 i7'(_a), including suspension
`of Respondents obligation to file a response to Peti.tionei“‘s Petition to Canoe-1, pending the final
`determination of the civii action between Respondent and PCtifi.OI}.€5i‘.
`M ARM 961862 vi
`27863{J(}—O{l0292 l0/25305
`M ARM 961862 vl
`27S630{)—GO(?2‘}2 IO/25/()5
`Civil Action No. 2:O5«04553 BWK
`Jury Trial Requested
`) )
`) )
`) )
`) )
`Plaintiff Westinglioase Ligliting Corporation (“WLC”), by and through its counsel,
`hereby complains against The Hunter Fan Company, Inc. (“Hunter”) as follows:
`The Parties
`Plaintiff Westinghouse Lighting Corporation is a Pennsylvania corporaiion having
`its psincipal piece of business at 12401 McNulty Road, Phiiaclelphia, Pennsylvania.
`Defendant Hunter Fan Co. is a corporation having its principal place of business
`in Memphis, Tennessee.
`Jurisdiction and Venue
`This case arises under the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. §§ 2201 et see; in
`pasticuiar under § 2201 which creases a civil remedy in a case of actuai cont:*ove:‘sy within. the
`jurisdiction of any court of {he United Siaies. Direct allegations of infringement of both
`tradeznari anti pa:-en: by .P.l.on.ter agaiost lhiestinghousefi combineé with a éireci ibreai ihai }E~iun:;<:r
`I}C‘253 94923 l
`intends to enforce its rights in this case, as recounted ‘oelow, satisfy the “case or controversy”
`requirement for declaratory judgment jurisdiction. This action also arises under the patent laws
`of the United States, 35 U.S.C. § 271 and 282.
`Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 139i(b) and (C).
`General Statement of Facts
`Hunter claims to be the owner of unregistered trademark rights in a particular
`“blade iron” (3. metal support arm that connects a ceiling fan motor to the fan blades) appearance
`that Hunter terms its “PREFERENCE blade iron.”
`Hunter claims to be the owner of United States Design Patent D399,555 for the
`appearance of a motor housing for a ceiling fan.
`On or about August 5, 2005, Hunter’s intellectual property counsel sent a letter to
`the president of WLC, alleging that WLC infringes both the alleged PREFERENCE blade iron
`trademark and the fiesign Patent.
`In the August 5 letter, Hunter’s counsel stated that “Hunter vigorously enforces its
`intellectual property rights when infringed upon by others, and intends to do so in this case.”
`Counsel concluded his letter with the direct threat that unless WLC ceased its alleged
`infringement, “Hunter will he forced to aggressively protect its intellectual property rights from
`continued infringernent.”
`iiuntefs direct threat of eziforcemerit of its elain1edtradentarl<.and patent rights
`has put WLC in reasonable apprehension of being sued for infringement. Hunter’s stateinent of
`its intent to enforce its claiined tradenaark. and patent rights demonstrates the existence of an
`« 2 ~
`actual controversy between the parties within the rneanirrg of “actual centroversy” in the
`Declaratory Judgment Act.
`WLC markets and sells a ceiling fan under the model narne “BETHANY” that is
`the target of the accusations by Hunter.
`Hunter claims to be the owner of two trademark registrations: Reg. No. 2,920,ll I
`“THE FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling fans; and Reg. No. 2,988,2E3 “OPUS” for ceiling fans.
`Hunter’s application to register “THE FRENCH QUARTER” was filed on
`September 25, 2003. The application to register “OPUS” was filed on December 29, 2003.
`WLC has used in interstate commerce nationwide and continues to use the marks
`“OPUS” and “FRENCH QUARTER” on its ceiling fans since long before the applications to
`register the two Hunter marks, and even longer before the Hunter marks were used in commerce.
`On August 25, 2005 Hunter’s counsel sent a letter demanding that WLC cease
`and desist using the OPUS and FRENCI-1 QUARTER marks in connection with ceiling fans in
`view of the two registrations that it allegedly owns. That letter further threatens that if WLC
`does not compiy, Hunter may “pursue its remedies for monetary and injnnctive relief.”
`Declaratory Judgment That The Alleged Hunter “blade iron” Trademark is Not Infringed
`WLC incorporates the atlegations of paragraphs LE4 above in fail as if fuily set
`forth herein.
`Hunter has no protectabie trademark or trade dress rights for its “PREFERENCE
`blade iren.”
`- 3 -
`I7. WLC is entitled to a declaratory judgment that the blade iron on the WL-C
`“BETHANY” ceiling fan does not infringe any traciernark or trade dress rights alleged to be
`owned by Hunter.
`Hunter is not entitled to enforcement of its alleged trademark or trade dress rights
`against the WLC “BETPlANY” ceiling fan or its components.
`Declaratory J udgrnent That The Patent Is Not infringed
`WLC incorporates the allegations of paragraphs l—l4 above in full as if fully set
`forth herein.
`The appearance of the BETHANY ceiling fan motor housing is not so similar to
`that of the design illustrated in the Design Patent that an ordinary observer would confuse the
`BETHANY ceiling fan motor housing with that shown in the Design Patent.
`21. WLC is entitled to a declaratory judgment that W'LC’s BETHANY ceiling fan
`Inotor housing design does not infringe Hunter’s Design Patent.
`Hunter is not suffering any harm from infringement of its Design Patent by the
`WLC BETHANY ceiling fan.
`Hunter is not entitled to any remedy for infringement of its Design Patent by the
`WLC BETHANY ceiling fan.
`COUNT ill
`Declaratery Judgment Of i\€en—infringement
`WLC incorporates the allegations ofparagraphs LE4 ahove in full as if fully set
`ferth. herein.
`~ 4 -
`Hunter’s cease and desist letter containing the threat that Hunter would pursue its
`remedies and injunctive relief in connection with the “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER”
`trademarks, together with the previous letter threatening Eegal action in connection with the
`alleged blade iron trademark and design patent infringement, create a case or controversy
`between Hunter and WLC that includes the “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER”
`26. WLC is not infringing any enforceable Hunter trademark rights in the marks
`“OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling fans.
`Hunter is suffering no legally cognizabie harm from WLC’s use of
`Westinghouse’s “OPUS” and “FRENCH QUARTER” trademarks.
`Cancellation of Hunter “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” Registrations
`28. WLC incorporates the allegations of paragraphs 1—27 above in full as if fully set
`forth herein.
`29. WLC’s use in nationwide interstate commerce of the marks “OPUS” and
`“FRENCH QUARTER” on ceiling fans tong before Hun.ter’s use and applications to register
`“OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling fans gives WLC superior rights to the
`Hunter is not entitied to own US. trade1na.rl< registrations 2,920,Il1 and
`WLC is entitled to cancel Huntefis US. tradernark registrations 2,920,I 1 I and
`2,988,233 for “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” respeetivety.
`- 5 —
`Jurisdiction and Venue for Count V
`This court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of Count V below under 28
`U.S.C. § I332(a)(1) because the parties are citizens of different states and the amount in damages
`is in excess of $75,000. The court atso has supplemental jurisdiction over the subject rnatter of
`Count V under 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a) because the acts giving rise to Count V form part of the same
`case or controversy under Article 111 of the US. Constitution as the acts giving rise to Counts I-
`Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ l39l(b) and (c).
`Tortious Interference With Business Relations
`WLC incorporates the allegations of paragraphs l»33 above in fiiil as if fnily set
`forth herein.
`This Count arises under the common law of Pennsyivania.
`On information and belief, Hunter has approached WI..C’s Chinese manufacturer
`of the BETi~iAN'Y ceiling fan and informed that manufacturer that the WLC ceiling fan violates
`I-Iunter’s inteltectuat property.
`On information and belief, Hunter has demanded that WLC’s manufacturer stop
`making and seiling the BETHANY ceiiing fan for Westinghouse.
`On irtforznation and beléefl WisC’s tnanufaetttrer, acting upon the demanci from
`Hunter, has stopped inaidng the BE"l”HAE\iY ceiling 't‘a.ri tor Westingitouse.
`~ 6 ~
`WLC and its manufacturer, until the interference by Hunter, had enjoyed a long
`business relationship with each other.
`Hunter’s interference in the relations between WLC and its manufacturer has
`caused a disruption in the relationship, an interruption. in the supply of BETHANY ceiling fans
`made for and delivered to WLC, and resuiting harm in iost sales.
`Hunter’s interference in the relations between WLC and its manufacturer is
`deliberate and is intended to produce the result of which WLC complains.
`Jurisdiction and Venue for Count VI
`This court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of Count VI under 28 U.S.C. §
`1331. Count Vi arises under 15 U.S.C. § 1E25(a).
`Venue is proper in this court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 139l(b) and (c).
`Trademark Infringement
`WLC repeats the allegations containeoi in paragraphs 1-43 in their entirety as if
`futly set forth herein.
`WLC has been using the marks “OPUS” and “FRENCH QUARTER” openly and
`notoriously in interstate commerce throughout the United States on two modeis of WLC ceiling
`fans since long before the applications to register “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER”
`were filed by Hunter.
`» “E -
`46. WLC’s nationwide use of the marks “OPUS” and “FRENCH QUARTER”
`precedes the date of first use in commerce ctaimed in H'uriter’s trademark registrations 2,920,11t
`and 2,988,213.
`As a result, WLC has superior rights in and is the owner of the marks “OPUS”
`and “FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling fans.
`Hunter is using the marks “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” on ceiling
`Hunter’s use of the marks “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” on ceiling
`fans is likety to cause confusion, mistake, and to deceive the public as to the affiliation,
`connection or association of Hunter with WLC as to the origin of the Hunter eeiiing fans marked
`Hunter’s use of the marks “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER” on ceiling
`fans is an infringement of WLC’s trademarks “OPUS” and “FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling
`5 l.
`Hunter’s infringement of the “OPUS” and “FRENCH QUAR'l‘ER” marks is
`willfui and deliberate.
`S2. WLC is being harmed by the infringement of its trademarks by Hunter.
`WI-I.EREF()RE, Piaintiff Westinghouse Lighting Corporation prays that this honorabte
`court grant reliefas follows:
`» 8 -
`That this court grant judgment for WLC and against Hunter deciaring that the
`WLC BETHANY ceiling fan blade iron does not infringe any alieged trademark or trade dress
`rights ciairned by Hunter;
`That this court grant judgment for WLC and against Hunter declaring that the
`WLC BETHANY ceiling fan does not infringe the Hunter Design Patent D399,555;
`That this court grant judgment for WLC and against Hunter declaring that WLC
`does not infringe the trademarks “OPUS” and “THE FRENCH QUARTER”;
`That this court declare that WLC has superior rights in the marks ‘‘()?US’’ and
`“FRENCH QUARTER” for ceiling fans and order the Commissioner of the U8. Patent and
`Trademark Office to cancel Henter’s U.S. trademark registrations 2,9203 1 1 and 2,988,213.
`That this court enter judgment for WLC and against Hunter on the claim for
`tortious interference with business relations and award such money damages as are shown;
`That this court enter a permanent injunction against Hunter that will bar Hunter
`from further interference with W}.-C’s business relations.
`That this court enter judgment for WLC and against Hunter for trademark
`infringement by Hunter’s use of the DPUS and FRENCH QUARTER marks.
`This this court order Hunter to pay damages for its infringement of WLC’s
`trademarks under E5 U.S.C. § 11i7(a) and that such damages be enhanced up to three times.
`That this court permanently enjoin Hunter from continued use of the “OPUS” and
`“THE FRENCH QUARTER” trademarks in connection with ceiiing fans.
`That this eeuit grant such other reiief as it deems equitahie and just.
`— 9 -
`Piaintiff Westinghouse Lighting Corporation requests a jury triai on the issues of
`trademark (or trade dress) infringement by WLC, patent infringement by WLC, tortioes
`interference wiih business relations by Hunter, and trademark infringement by Hunter.
`Respectfully submitted,
`E500 K Street NW Suite 1100
`Washington, DC. 20005
`Artomeysfor Piainzyff
`~ 10 ~
`L, I,
`,._,,,,, ,, ,_,, 3,
`es ~—- 2 as 3 M
`No. Civil Action No.
`) )
`) )
`COMES NOW Plaintiffi Hunter Fan Company, anti for its Complaint against Defendant,
`Westinghouse Lighting Corporation, states the following:
`1. Plaintiff Hunter Fan Company ("Plaintiff"), is a corporation organized and existing
`under the laws of the State of Delaware having a principal place of business located at 2500
`Frisco Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38114.
`2. Upon information and belief, Defendant Westinghouse Lighting Corporation
`("Defen<iant"), is a Pennsylvania corporation having a principal place of business located at
`E2401 Mcbiuity Road, Philadeipliia, Pennsyivania. Deferidanfs authorized agent for service of
`process is Ray-"mono Angelo, Vv’estin_ghouse Lighting Corporation, 1240? Mcbitzlty Road,
`Phiiadeiphia, Pennsyivania, 19 E 54.
`s"v‘z LS 399”.-’6‘é 2-'2
`I.'3«t‘2 G8;3i.:’f?5
`3. This is an action against Defendant for patent infringement arising under the Patent
`Laws of the United States, specifically 35 U.S.C. §§27E, 281; an action for
`infringement, false designation of origin and unfair corneetition arising under the Lanhazn Act,
`15 13.3.0 §§lIl4, 1125(a); an action for vioiation of the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act
`under Tennessee Code Ann. 47~18 et seq.; and trademark infringement and unfair competition
`under Tennessee common law.
`4. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §
`1331 as it involves a federal question; United States Patent Laws, 28 U.S.C. §l338(a) as it
`involves federal patent law; 15 UUSICK § 1121 as it involves trademark law under the Lanham
`Act; 28 U.S.Ct § I338(a) as it involves federal trademark law; 28 U.S.C. § 1338(1)) as it invoives
`unfair Competition related to a claim under trademark law; and 28 U.S.C. § 1332 as the action is
`between citizens of different States, and the amount in controversy in this action, exclusive of
`interest and costs, exceeds the sum of $75,000.00. This Court has pendent jurisdiction over the
`claims that arise tinder Tennessee iaw pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367(a) because they are
`substantialiy related to the claims that arise under the patent laws and the trademark laws of the
`United States. Furthermore, this Court has pendent jurisdiction because both the state and
`federal claims are derived from a common nucieus of operative facts and considerations of
`judiciai economy dictate the state and federai issues be consolidated for a single trial.
`5. This Court has personal
`jurisdiction over Qefendant based upon Defendants
`transaction of business in the state of Tennessee and sufficient minimum contacts with the state
`of Eennessee.
`M LS 89976? V2
`3-Ci Q8;‘3E.-"05
`6. Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(1)) and 28 U.S.C. § l39l(c).
`7. Since 1886, Plaintiff andfor its predecessors in interest have been and continue to be
`engaged in the business of having ceiling fans produced and selling those ceiling fans in the
`United States.
`8. Defendant also seils ceiling fans in the United States.
`9. For many years, Plaintiff has sold certain ceiiing fans which incorporate a ceiling fan
`blade iron configuration having a unique trademark appearance (hereinafter Plaintiffs
`"Trademark Blade Iron") and certain ceiling fans which incorporate a motor housing
`configuration having a unique trademark appearance (hereinafter Plaintiffs "Trademark Motor
`Housing"). Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a depiction of Plaintifts Trademark Blade Iron and
`as Exhibit B is a depiction of Plaintiffs Trademark Motor Housing.
`10. Plaintiffs Trademark Blade Iron is
`incorporated into Plaintiffs ULTEMA and
`PREFERENCE brand ceiling fans, as well as in other of Plaintiffs ceiling fans, and has been
`widely advertised or promoted and extensively offered for sale with its unique iook as a
`component of the ULTLVEA and PREFERENCE brand ceiling fans sold by Piaintiff throughout
`the United States and within the State of Tennessee.
`11. Plaintiffs Trademark Motor Housing is also incorporated into Piaintiffs ULTELN-'lA
`and ?REFEREl\’CE brand ceiling fans, as well as in others of Flaintiffs ceiiing fans, and has
`seen widei}: advertised or promoted and extensiveij; offered for saie axitli its anionic idea as a
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`component of the ULTIMA and PREFERENCE brand ceiling fans sold by Plaintiff throughout
`the United States and within the State of Tennessee.
`12. As a result of the long and exclusive use by Plaintiff of its Trademark Blade Iron and
`Trademark Motor Housing, the large sales under the Trademark Blade Iron and Trademark
`Motor Housing, and the large amount of money spent or foregone for advertising and promotion
`of the products sold under the Trademark Blade iron and Trademark Motor Housing, the
`Trademark Blade Iron and Trademark Motor Housing have become, through widespread and
`favorable public acceptance and recognition, exclusive assets of substantial value as symbols of
`Plaintiff, its quality products and its good will.
`33. On October 13, 1998,
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
`lawfully issued US. Patent No. Des.399,555 (“the ‘S55 patent”) to inventors Jack W. Gee, II and
`Masao Tsuji for the invention entitled "LOWER HOUSFNG FOR A CEILING FAN”.
`Exhibit C, Plaintiffs U.S. Patent, Reg. No. Des.399,555).
`14. Jack W. Gee, II and Masao Tsuji assigned all rights in the ‘555 patent to Pla