`Jon L. Norinsberg, by and through his attorneys, Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP,
`as and for his answer to Just Enterprises’ Interrogatories, states as follows:
`Norinsberg expressly incorporates all of the General Objections set forth below into each
`of the following to the Interrogatories. Any specific objections provided below are made in
`addition to these General Objections and a failure to reiterate a General Objection below does
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`O2-1 6-2006
`U.S. Patent & TMOfcITM Mail Rcpt D1. #26
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 2
`not constitute a waiver or limitation of that or any other objection. To the extent that Norinsberg
`states that he will provide information or produce documents responsive to any interrogatory,
`that statement is made subject to, and without waiver or limitation of, all specific objections
`stated in response to that interrogatory and all General Objections set forth below.
`By responding to these interrogatories, Norinsberg does not waive or intend to
`waive: (i) any objections as to the competency, relevancy, materiality, or admissibility as
`evidence, for any purpose, of any documents or information produced in response to these
`interrogatories; (ii) the right to object on any ground to the use of the documents or information
`produced in response to these interrogatories at any hearing or trial; (iii) the right to object on
`any ground at any time to a demand for further responses to these interrogatories; or (iv) the right
`at any time to revise, correct, add to, supplement, or clarify any of the responses contained
`By responding to these interrogatories, Norinsberg does not waive or intend to
`waive any privilege, for any purpose, of any documents or information produced in response to
`these interrogatories, and, in particular, Norinsberg objects to each interrogatory to the extent
`that it purports to seek information protected by the attorney-client privilege, work-product
`doctrine, common-interest doctrine, joint-defense privilege, or any other applicable privileges or
`protections. If necessary and required, Norinsberg will produce a timely privilege log in
`accordance with the applicable rules.
`By responding that it will produce information or documents in response to a
`particular interrogatory, Norinsberg does not assert that it has responsive information, documents
`or materials or that such materials exist, but asserts only that it will conduct a reasonable search
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 3
`and make available responsive, non-privileged information or documents. No objection, or lack
`thereof, is an admission by Norinsberg as to the existence or non-existence of any information or
`These responses are based on Norinsberg’s investigation to date of those sources
`within his control where he reasonably believes responsive documents or information may exist.
`Norinsberg reserves the right to amend or supplement these responses, in accordance with the
`applicable rules with additional information, documents, or objections that may become
`available or come to Norinsberg’s attention, and to rely upon such information, documents, or
`objections in any hearing, trial or other proceeding in this litigation.
`Norinsberg objects to Just Enterprises’ “Instructions and Definitions” to the extent
`that they purport to expand upon or alter Norinsberg’s obligations under the Federal Rules of
`Civil Procedure.
`Norinsberg objects to these interrogatories to the extent that they purport to
`require the production of information or documents not in Norinsberg’s custody or control,
`publicly available information or documents, information or documents equally available to Just
`Enterprises or information or documents more appropriately sought from third parties to whom
`subpoenas or requests could be or have been directed.
`Describe the nature of Norinsberg’s business,
`including business conducted through
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 4
`responds that he has used the mark (212) JUSTICE to advertise and promote his civil
`rights law practice in New York. Norinsberg does not license the (212) JUSTICE mark
`to any third parties.
`Describe in detail each of Norinsberg’s Services that Norinsberg offers under each of
`Norinsberg’s Marks in the U.S., delineating each service provided under each individual mark.
` : Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he uses the (212) JUSTICE to advertise and promote his civil rights law
`practice in New York.
`For Norinsberg’s Services in connection with which Norinsberg has at any time used any
`of Norinsberg’s Marks:
`state the date when and geographic location where each of Norinsberg’s Marks
`was first used in commerce in the United States.
`describe the circumstances of such first use, including the manner of use, the
`details of any sale or other provision of service involved, the type and/or class of customers, and
`the trade, sale and/or distribution channels;
`state whether the use of each of Norinsberg’s Marks has changed in any respect
`since the first use and describe all such changes; and
`state the date of the last sale or other provision of Norinsberg’s Services under
`each of Norinsberg’s Marks in the U.S.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Without waiver of the forgoing and General
`Objections, Norinsberg responds that he first used (212) JUSTICE in commerce in
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 5
`September 1998 and that he has continuously advertised with this mark since September
`1998. Norinsberg has advertised with the (212) JUSTICE mark both in newspapers and
`magazines, as well as on television and in movie theaters. Norinsberg initially used the
`(212) JUSTICE mark to generate both personal injury and civil rights cases. At present,
`Norinsberg uses the (212) IUSTICE mark exclusively for the purpose of generating civil
`rights cases, and has done so for approximately six years. The (212) IUSTICE mark has
`not changed at all since its first use in September 1998.
`in the design, wording,
`Describe each alteration that has been made, or proposed,
`presentation or use of each of Norinsberg’s Marks for any reason, including as a result of the
`findings of any search or investigation, and give the circumstances surrounding each such
`alteration or proposed alteration.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that there have been no alterations to the (212) JUSTICE mark since its first use
`in September 1998.
`Indicate each state, territory or possession of the United States in which Norinsberg has
`advertised, provided, or sold any of Norinsberg’s Services under each of Norinsberg’s Marks.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`Norinsberg Answers to Intenogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 6
`confidential proprietary information. Without waiver of the forgoing and General
`Objections, Norinsberg responds that he has used the (212) JUSTICE mark exclusively
`within the United States.
`Describe in detail Norinsberg’s selection and adoption of each of Norinsberg’s Marks
`including, without limitation, the date of adoption, the reasons for and process used in selecting
`and adopting each of Norinsberg’s Marks, all details as to the origin of each of Norinsberg’s
`Marks, and the meaning or impression intended to be conveyed by each of Norinsberg’s Marks.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he selected the mark (212) IUSTICE in July 1998. The reason for adopting
`this mark was to help advertise and promote Norinsberg’s civil rights and personal injury
`law practice.
`Identify all persons having any knowledge or responsibility, directly or indirectly,
`relating to any applications, assignments, or other documents filed with the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office, or any state agency or office, to register each of Norinsberg’s Marks.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it calls
`for information that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine.
`Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg identifies Jon L.
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641‘
`Page 7
`Norinsberg, Jordan & Hamburg, Bruce Hamburg, Thomas Furth, Wildman, Harrold,
`Allen & Dixon, and Bryan Sugar.
`including the Internet,
`type of media in the United States,
`Describe in detail all
`publications, radio and television, where Norinsberg has advertised Norinsberg’s Services, and
`state the U.S. dollar amounts, by type of media and by date, which have been expended by
`Norinsberg in promoting, advertising, or offering Norinsberg’s Services for each calendar year
`from the date of first use of each of Norinsberg’s Marks to the present.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing’ and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he has advertised (212) JUSTICE in newspapers and magazines, as well as
`on TV, in movie theaters and on the Internet.
`For each of Norinsberg’s Services state, by U.S. dollar volume, the amount of sales in the
`United States of Norinsberg’s Services under each of Norinsberg’s Marks for each calendar year
`from the date of first use of each of Norinsberg’s Marks to the present.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 8
`responds that the legal services offered by Norinsberg are rendered on a contingency
`basis and therefore cannot be calculated as an “amount of sales.”
`tag, wrapper,
`including each different
`Identify each item of printed matter,
`container, advertisement, promotional brochure, web site, and the like, which contains or bears
`any of Norinsberg’s Marks in any manner or form, and which is used in connection with the sale,
`offering for sale, provision, advertising, or marketing of Norinsberg’s Services in the U.S. from
`the date of first use to the present.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that
`the (212) IUSTICE mark has appearediin advertisements,
`business cards and brochures.
`tag, wrapper,
`including each different
`Identify each item of printed matter,
`container, advertisement, promotional brochure, web site and the like, on which Norinsberg uses
`the mark (212)IUSTICE alone or with one or more other letters or words in the U.S., and each
`such item for each of the other Norinsberg’s Marks.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that Norinsberg uses the (212) JUSTICE mark in print ads in local newspapers
`and over the Internet.
`Describe with particularity the channels of trade through which Norinsberg’s Services are
`sold, offered for sale, advertised, provided, or marketed in the U.S.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Without waiver of the forgoing and General
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 9
`Objections, Norinsberg responds that he uses the (212) JUSTICE mark in print ads in
`local newspapers.
`Describe with particularity all classes of customers that have purchased or otherwise used
`Norinsberg’s Services in the U.S., and all targeted classes of customers for Norinsberg’s Services
`in the U.S.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Without waiver of the forgoing and General
`Objections Norinsberg responds that he services those individuals whose civil rights have
`been violated by the New York City Police Department.
`For Norinsberg’s Services,
`identify the individuals who are most
`familiar with
`advertising and promotion of the Services identified by each of Norinsberg’s
`Marks in the U.S.;
`enforcement and maintenance of trademark rights in each of Norinsberg’s Marks
`in the U.S.;
`sale or provision of the Services identified by each of Norinsberg’s Marks in the
`U.S.; and
`trade channels through which the Services identified by each of Norinsberg’s
`Marks are and have been distributed and sold in the U.S.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for information
`that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work product doctrine. Without waiver
`’ of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds that Jon L. Norinsberg is
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 10
`the individual most familiar with the information requested in each of the above
`Describe any instances of actual confusion or false association between Norinsberg’s
`Mark (212) JUSTICE and JEI’s Marks, and any instances on confusion or false association
`between any other of Norinsberg’s Marks and JEI’s Marks. For illustrative purposes only, and
`without limiting the foregoing, such instances would include misdirected mail, e-mail messages,
`telephone calls, inquiries, requests for information, or customer complaints.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he is not aware of any instances of actual confusion of false association
`between Norinsberg’s Mark (212) JUSTICE and JEI’s Marks.
`instances in which Norinsberg has objected to the use, registration, or
`Describe all
`application for registration by any third party of any mark containing the term “JUSTICE” or any
`similar mark.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for confidential
`proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it
`calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work product
`doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds
`that not withstanding this proceeding, Norinsberg has not objected to the use registration
`Norinsberg Answers to lnterrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 11
`or application for registration by any third party of any mark containing the term
`“JUSTICE” or any similar mark.
`Describe all instances in which Norinsberg’s use, registration, or application to register a
`mark containing the term “JUSTICE” or any similar mark has been the subject of an objection of
`any kind by a third party.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for confidential
`proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it
`calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work product
`doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds
`that Harvey L. Walner and Associates, Ltd. brought an infiingement action in the
`Northern District of Illinois related to the marks 312 JUSTICE and DIAL 312 JUSTICE.
`Identify all parties to any agreements or understandings relating to the sale, provision, or
`distribution of any Services identified by each of Norinsberg’s Marks,
`including, without
`limitation, all license agreements.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he has entered into a license agreement with Harvey L. Walner &
`Associates, Ltd.
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`1 1
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 12
`State whether Norinsberg has ever entered into any agreements or understandings
`constituting or relating to the settlement or resolution, or attempted settlement or resolution, of
`any controversy concerning any of Norinsberg’s Marks.
`Identify all the parties to the understandings or agreements.
` : Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for confidential
`proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it
`calls for information that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work product
`doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds
`that he has entered into a settlement and license agreement with Harvey L. Walner &
`Associates, Ltd.
`With the exception of this proceeding, describe each civil action or administrative
`proceeding in the United States or elsewhere in which Norinsberg is now or has ever been a
`party and that has involved any of Norinsberg’s Marks, including, but not limited to, proceedings
`where the issues of the ownership of and/or the right to the use of Norinsberg’s Marks was
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that Harvey L. Walner and Associates, Ltd. brought an infringement action in
`the Northern District of Illinois related to the marks 312 JUSTICE and DIAL 312
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 13
`Identify all information and documents regarding all studies that refer or relate to the
`proposed or actual sale, marketing, provision, or advertising of Norinsberg’s Services in
`commerce, including, without limitation, all advertising studies, consumer studies and market
`research studies.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that there is no such information or documents.
`Identify all periods of time, no matter how short, during which each of Norinsberg’s
`Marks was @ used in connection with or to advertise or provide Norinsberg’s Services in the
`United States and set forth in detail the reason for such non-use and the reasons for resumption
`of use, if any.
`If use has been continuous, identify any and all documents and things that
`establish such continuous use of each of Norinsberg’s Marks.
`If Norinsberg has intentionally
`ceased use of any of Norinsberg’s Marks altogether, so state for the record and provide the
`reasons for and date of such cessation.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that the (212) JUSTICE mark has been in continuous use since September 1998.
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`1 3
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 14
`Identify each person whom Norinsberg intends to call or use as a witness in this
`including, but not limited to, expert witnesses, and describe the nature of each
`witness’s expected testimony during Norinsberg’s testimony period.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for information
`that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine. Without waiver
`of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds that he has not yet decided
`who he intends to call or use as a witness.
`that Norinsberg intends to introduce into evidence in this
`Identify each document
`proceeding, and each and every document upon which Norinsberg has relied in responding to the
`foregoing Interrogatories.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg objects to this request to the extent that it calls for
`confidential proprietary information. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the
`extent that it calls for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work
`product doctrine. Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg
`responds that he has not yet decided which documents he intends to introduce into
`regarding any and all documents
`to the extent possible,
`Identify all
`responsive to the foregoing Interrogatories that are lost, destroyed or are otherwise no longer in
`the custody or control of Norinsberg.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it calls
`for information that is subject to the attomey-client privilege and work product doctrine.
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 15
`Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds that he no
`longer has access to the original website for (212) IUSTICE, which was in existence for
`approximately three years, from 1999 to 2002. Norinsberg further states that he no
`longer has possession of the original
`JUSTICE TV commercial,
`approximately in the year 2000. A significant portion of the original TV commercial was
`retained, and later incorporated into, a revised (212) JUSTICE TV commercial made in
`Indicate whether Norinsberg has ever had any contact with Harvey L. Walner or his law
`firm H.L. Walner & Associates, or any attorneys representing Mr. Walner or his firm, and, if so,
`identify the dates and circumstances surrounding each such contact.
`ANSWER: Norinsberg objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and
`unduly burdensome. Norinsberg further objects to this request to the extent that it calls
`for information that is subject to the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine.
`Without waiver of the forgoing and General Objections, Norinsberg responds that
`attorneys acting on Norinsberg’s behalf have had contacts with legal representatives for
`Harvey L. Walner and/or Harvey L. Walner & Associates. These contacts took place
`over a one-year period, from October 2004 to October 2005.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Attorneys 6r Jon L. Norinsberg
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatorics
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 16
`Bryan P. Sugar
`225 West Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 60606-1229
`(312) 201-2000
`Facsimile: (312) 201-2555
`Norinsberg Answers to Interrogatories
`212 496 5393
`Cancellation No. No. 92,044,641
`Page 17
`I Jon L. Norinsberg, under penalty of perjury, state that I have read the foregoing
`Answers to Just Enteqpxises’ First Set Of Interrogatories To Jon L. Norinsberg and that I believe
`the facts contained in them to be true to the best of my knowledge, except as to those matters
`stated upon information and belief and, as to those matters, I believe them to be true to the best
`of my knowledge.
`L. Non'11s erg
`1 7
`TFITQI P . I719
`1, Bryan P. Sugar, counsel for respondent, hereby certify that copies of ANSWERS TO
`DOCUMENTS TO JON L. NORINSBERG were served on this 14th day of February, 2006, on
`Susan Neuberger Weller, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C., Suite 900,
`12020 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA 20190, by first class mail, postage prepaid.
`Bryan P. Sugar