`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ — — _ _ — — — — — _ — — — — — — _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —x
`INC .
`V .
`H o N EY 3 E E GA RD E N s ,
`I N c .
`Re g i S t r‘ a n t .
`u.s. Pmnta TMOfcITM Mail RcptDt. #10
`_ — _ _ — — — — _ _ _ — — — — — — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — x
`REGISTERED: March 26, 2002
`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __x
`September 15, 2005
`12:12 p.m.
`Deposition of ROBERT LANG, he1d at 41 Raemont Road,
`Granite Springs, New York, before Apri1 Peari Schirm,
`a Court Reporter and Notary Pub1ic of the state of
`New York.
`DHLCO REPORTING, INC. 170 Homilton Hvenuz, white Plains, New “Hork 10601
`014 0849009 Fox 914.084.6561 800.Df-M8779 uJLutu_do|
`i 8
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`A P P E A R A N C E S
`Fabrique Cosmetique, Inc., President
`P.0. BOX 351
`Cross River, New York 10518
`Attorneys for the Registrant
`one Commerce square
`2005 Market Street
`Suite 2200
`Phi1ade1phia, Pennsy1vania, 19103-7013
`court reportingstlegcl video

`having been first du1y sworn by the
`Notary Pub1ic (Apri1 Pear1 Schirm), and
`stating his business address as P.0. Box
`361, Cross River, New York 10518, was
`examined and testified as fo11ows:
`(Exhibits A and 1 through 17, marked
`for identification.)
`the record,
`Exhibit A, my statement
`in this subject
`is the truth,
`the who1e truth and
`nothing but
`the truth.
`Do you have anything
`e1se that you want
`to put
`into the record
`before I move to my part?
`M5. MILLER: Before I start with the
`dnl “
`court reportingflxlegol video

`I just want
`to note my
`objections on the record to the fo11owing
`exhibits as not having been produced in the
`course of discovery, and therefore,
`I object
`to their appearance at this deposition.
`And they are Exhibit 5, Exhibit 6
`Exhibit 7, Exhibit 9, Exhibit 13, Exhibit 14,
`Exhibit 15, Exhibit 16 and Exhibit 17.
`a1so objecting to Exhibit 10 because
`information reiating to a different version of
`this exhibit was requested in the course of
`discovery and was not provided.
`And for that
`I'm going to object and move to strike
`a11 of those exhibits.
`THE WITNESS: Actua11y,
`exhibits —— there's two things, first off,
`1arge number of those exhibits are invoices
`and to be very honest with you, we simp1y,
`the origina1 discovery, had never thought of
`invoices as a source of information,
`just as,
`for the record, you didn't either. Meiissa
`provided me with none of the invoices that we
`had sent her.
`To that extent, we probab1y
`both made the same error.
`And I see no reason
`_= =1
`court reportinga Izgol \7i=d’eo

`why an objection shou1d be sustained because I
`don't think it interferes -— in other words,
`if you had this information before, it
`wou1dn't have changed anything. There is no
`difference that you can have.
`Exhibit 17,
`the Goog1ing,
`that was
`something which we just happened to think of
`afterwards. And, again,
`this is information
`that has a1ways been avai1ab1e.
`So you know,
`in other words,
`I don't think we've hidden
`anything from you that wou1d materia11y affect
`your case in any way.
`And we didn't
`intentiona11y withho1d anything from you.
`Just as it deve1oped,
`the Goog1ing was
`actua11y a matter of just trying to present a
`case. Here is a way to prove our case.
`rea11y information that we had at that
`It's too 1ate at this
`stage in the game to bring it in.
`If what you
`say is true, and it makes no difference,
`why shou1d you re1y on it.
`It wou'|d not
`in any
`way affect your case.
`In other words, it's
`court reportinga lecjol V320

`not something where I withhe1d information
`from you which wou1d he1p prove your case.
`anything, it's more negative information
`against your c1ient.
`But Goog1ing,
`I don't see any
`prob1em with Goog1ing.
`I think Goog1ing is
`simp1y a matter not of information that wou1d
`come in on discovery but
`information that
`changes any day of the week, which obvious1y
`I'm a11owed to present
`information that proves
`my case in my testimony. Rather than just
`reference it -- I cou1d have referenced it in
`testimony, but I'm showing the Goog1e.
`don't see anything wrong with the Goog1e.
`we don't need to argue
`the point now.
`I'm just noting for the record
`that --
`I'm just noting for
`the record --
`Let me finish ta1king
`and then you can ta1k.
`I just want it on the
`record that I'm objecting to a11 of those
`court reportingmegcl \/Boo

`exhibits I just "listed, and I wi11 be moving
`to strike them shou1d you seek to enter them
`by means of notice of re1iance.
`I wi11 enter them and,
`you know, you can object.
`your objection.
`And I object to
`Looking at your sworn testimony, Exhibit
`A, paragraph 2, you say that you so1d 1ipstick
`bearing the name Co1orBa1m as of January 1, 1999.
`who did you se11 that to?
`I said we offered it for sa1e.
`It a1so says, and have so1d in
`interstate commerce.
`Since January 1, 1999. Later on, as we
`get into some of the invoices, it took a whi1e before
`we actua11y so1d it to anybody.
`I didn't say we
`actua11y so1d it in January but we offered it for
`And was Honeybee Gardens your first
`court reportinglk legol video
`8 9

`Honeybee Gardens was probabiy the first
`one. There were a coup1e about
`the same time.
`were probab1y the first one that actua11y ordered it
`as Co1orBa1m.
`That was
`in or around September of 2000?
`Do you have any evidence of sa1es prior
`to your sa1e to Me1issa —— I'm sorry —— prior to your
`sa1es to Honeybee Gardens?
`Turning to Exhibits 1,
`2 and 3, do you
`have any documentation concerning when these pieces
`were first created?
`Unfortunate1y, no,
`there is no way to do
`that because we create them on demand in the
`In other words,
`if you have a customer,
`you create it.
`And because of that, every time you
`open the document and print out another one and
`resave it, you are saving it with a different save
`so I can't go back and do a screen shot and
`say January 1st.
`so you have to depend on that I'm
`not 1ying.
`what about
`the photographs that appear on
` deal“
`court reporting&legol video

`these pieces?
`In Exhibits 1,
`2 and 3,
`there is a
`photograph both on the 1ower right and on the upper
`They were taken prior to then.
`Do you have information on when the
`photos were taken?
`I don't know how I wou1d get that,
`to be
`very honest with you.
`Did you purchase the photos?
`we had a mode1 and photographer do them.
`And did they invoice you for that work?
`They probab1y did, but it was back —— you
`know, it was even maybe a year or two before I
`mention here.
`I have no idea where the invoice wou1d
`be at this point. Unfortunate1y, with everything
`e1se, with space constraints —— you know, it wou1d be
`nice proof.
`If I had it, I'd be g1ad to have
`inc1uded it as Exhibit 18.
`Is it your testimony that Exhibit
`the first invoice that was sent
`to Honeybee Gardens?
`No. Actua11y,
`the first invoice was
`I think the one fo11owing it. Yeah,
`Exhibit 6.
` dnli
`court reportinga legol $3-eo

`If I
`remember correctiy, it went 6, 7,
`I'm 1ooking at paragraph 4 of your
`testimony that says, quote:
`we de1ivered the first
`production batch of finished product on 12/12/2000,
`parentheses, Exhibit 5.
`Is that,
`You said the first invoice to
`Honeybee Gardens.
`The first invoice re1evant
`to the
`product was the F1exo p1ates for the shrink bands.
`The second invoice reiative to the product was that
`we sent sampies to some of her reps.
`That is ref1ected on Exhibit 7?
`Exhibit 7, right.
`Looking at Exhibit 8, did you ever have
`this agreement signed?
`I signed it when I sent it.
`And did Honeybee Gardens ever sign it?
`I didn't put it in the form of
`something to be signed.
`we had a verba1 agreement,
`and I just was
`reminding her of it.
`the top it's captioned Trademark
`License Renewa1.
`court reportinglx legal video

`with her?
`Did you have a previous trademark 1icense
`we had the verba1 agreement that she
`cou1d use it.
`But nothing in writing?
`Nothing in writing.
`If I had that, you
`and I wou1dn't be sitting here today.
`Turning now to paragraph 6 of your
`testimony, did Honeybee Gardens know that you were
`se11ing Co1orBa1m 1ipstick to Ricky's?
`Yeah, we made no secret of it.
`Did you te11 Honeybee specifica11y that
`you were se11ing to Ricky's?
`I can't
`to be honest with you.
`I mean, as I stated here, it was basica11y a1ways our
`goa1 to try not
`to pit —— I mean,
`I wou1d never have
`so1d to somebody in the hea1th food market.
`so if we
`I didn't make it a point of raising a f1ag and
`saying, hey, we are se11ing.
`when you sent
`the product
`to Ricky's, did
`you a1ready have the Co1orBa1m trademark on it, on
`the products?
`It was on the 1abe1s we put on for them,
`court reportingfl leg_ol \-/7.1.20

`we 1abe1ed it for them and had it on there.
`And I don't think you have produced any
`of those.
`I don't have any of those.
`No way in the
`wor1d we keep samp1es of everything we ever made.
`wou1d have a bui1ding just for samp1es.
`Incidenta11y, you mentioned in your
`objections the change in the Tota11y Koo1 1abe1.
`of the reasons I did a different 1abe1 than the one
`that I had shown you origina11y was, if you remember,
`the one origina11y was kind of unreadab1e because it
`was missing type faces, and this was a version that
`$0 I actua11y made it easier for you.
`I'm keeping my objection because you may
`reca11 that there were fo11ow-up requests concerning
`this sheet of 1abe1s and another sheet of 1abe1s to
`the access to the computer fi1es which generated
`them, and those materia1s were not made avai1ab1e to
`To be honest with you, again,
`I just
`found them.
`I just found the disk with it on it.
`And I just found —— I had just bought a disk reader
`._.'?_ I "'
`;‘ _.. _.
`—-1. _._._
`court reportingfilegcl E20

`that wou1d read the 01d disks. Unfortunateiy,
`this wor1d, you have those 1itt1e f1oppy disks and if
`you are on a McIntosh, nobody uses them anymore.
`They are Tong gone history.
`Sti11, we made that request.
`I understand.
`And our request wasn't compiied with.
`I understand.
`I'm sorry. Again,
`I don't
`think it makes any —— it's of no materiai difference.
`Because had I done it,
`this is what you wou1d have
`A11 it does is improve my case.
`It doesn't
`he1p your defense.
`The point of discovery is to enab1e both
`parties to test the opponent's evidence, which is why
`you need to have it beforehand.
`I understand that.
`I agree with you. This doesn't he1p you
`at a11, but sti11 you are putting it in and it's my
`job to object to it as improper1y submitted.
`It he1ps me.
`It doesn't he1p you.
`he1ps prove what I'm saying about Tota11y Koo1.
`Is there anything on this exhibit that
`shows what date you sent this to Tota11y Koo1?
`I understand that aspect, but I'm
`dale -
`court rzportingsclegolxxideo

`hoping that the board recognizes that it wou1d be
`pretty difficuit to sit around and fabricate a11 of
`this kind of information.
`so it's in there to
`indicate to peop1e that, yes, we, over time,
`materia1s that back up our case.
`For how 1ong did you se11 to Tota11y
`I don't
`Did Honeybee Gardens know that you were
`se11ing to Tota11y K001?
`I have no way of knowing. Tota11y
`is a chi1dren's store.
`And who was responsib1e for p1acing the
`registration symbo1 after the word Co1orBa1msheer?
`I have no idea.
`we do the art work for a
`1ot of peop1e.
`A 1ot of peop1e give us art work.
`1ot of times they give us art work and we correct it.
`I have no way of knowing.
`who created these 1abe1s?
`we printed them.
`You printed them from somebody e1se's --
`I don't know whether we created them or
`Iwhether we got it from their fi1e.
`I have no way of
`—--2 —
`court reportingfilzgolx/E20

`so you can't exp1ain the circ1e R after
`I can't exp1ain the who1e 1abe1, 1et
`a1one exp1ain the circ1e R at this point. That was
`years ago.
`Looking at paragraph 12 of your
`testimony, who is Fresh Start Products?
`who is Fresh start Products? what do you
`mean who is Fresh Start?
`A customer.
`what is the re1ationship between Fresh
`Start Products and Cosmetic Ma11?
`Cosmetic Ma11
`is an internet site that
`se11s cosmetics. Cosmetic Ma11 buys the product
`Fresh Start and puts it on the ma11,
`just 1ike any
`other retai1er.
`Is Exhibit 15 an invoice that you
`obtained from Fresh Start Products?
`when did you get this from them?
`I don't know.
`It's actua11y a packing
`1ist, not an invoice.
`so we probab1y -— we shipped
`it for them.
`so we probab1y a1ways had it here.
`They authorized you to use their
`court reportingmegol video

`Are the Co1orBa1m products sti11 so1d at
`Have you ta1ked to any of Honeybee
`Gardens‘ customers about
`the Co1orBa1m mark or
`I've ta1ked to them about
`the product.
`which customers have you ta1ked to?
`I don't know why that is re1evant
`to this
`Are you going to answer the question?
`we11, I'd 1ike to know why you think it's
`I'm inquiring about that e-mai1 you
`sent me
`the other day where you seemed to think it
`was high1y re1evant.
`The reason I
`think it was re1evant was
`because I think it's indicative of the fact that the
`product 1ine may be s1ipping.
`And who said that?
`The store said it wasn't se11ing, and
`they wanted it out of there.
`which store was
`dole _
`court reportingsdegolvideo

`It happened to be a branch of who1e
`It was one of the who1e Foods stores, one of
`the very important who1e Foods stores.
`Going to paragraph 13 of your testimony,
`what is the basis for your statement that Honeybee
`committed a fraud upon the PTO?
`Because they 1ied when they said that
`they had a right to the trademark.
`They knew very
`we11 that they didn't.
`Do you know when Honeybee fi1ed its
`trademark app1ication?
`2002 or 2001.
`I don't
`I mentioned it in here.
`I just don't
`don't have it here.
`think it was 2001 though, if I
`of course I didn't know that then.
`I don't have any other
`cross—examination for you.
`Am I ab1e to --
`Do a re—direct?
`I can go back and
`emphasize a coup1e of points,
`in other words?
`A11 right.
`I guess,
`from my point of view, what
`dnl ; —
`court reportingmegcl VTC-160

`I was high1ighting here and what I'd 1ike to
`high1ight again is that they have had amp1e
`notice at various points that I considered it
`my trademark.
`You know,
`the trademark renewa1
`note that she got,
`I rea1ize that you don't
`have a signed copy back from her or whatever.
`But you know,
`that certain1y gave her amp1e
`notice that I considered it something other
`than hers.
`There is the copy of the e—mai1 in
`here, Exhibit 12, between Randy and I.
`third paragraph I carefu11y state:
`the name Co1orBa1mNatura1 is ours, not yours,
`and you can on1y use it as 1ong as you are
`buying from us. Again,
`they did not
`to that and that was
`in '03.
`the reason that the
`Goog1e was put
`in there was to point out that
`Pookie actua11y comes up higher on the Goog1e
`search than Honeybee.
`If she was keeping any
`kind of track of her product, she cou1dn't
`possib1y miss the fact that Pookie was open1y
`se11ing it.
`And my point is certain1y that
`she made no attempt
`to defend against any of
`court reporting&|e,gclvEieo

`the peop1e that were se11ing it.
`As we are both aware, if you don't
`defend a trademark you can a1so 1ose it that
`so you know,
`that is part of the reason
`why I put
`these things in here.
`she had amp1e
`opportunity to know that I considered it my
`trademark and just didn't order it and went
`ahead and fi1ed it.
`And that is why I
`consider it fraud.
`Do you have anything
`I just want
`to make
`sure you got
`the numbers down, and I'11 do
`them in order this time,
`the ones I'm
`objecting to.
`It's 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14,
`15, 16 and 17.
`the record,
`reiterate my statement that I consider none of
`these materia1 to a defense.
`And in fact,
`they do is substantiate my case.
`And we did
`intentiona11y keep any of them from you.
`And in fact, as far as a11 of the invoices,
`Me1issa made the exact same mistake because we
`court reporting& lego! video

`requested the same thing from her that you
`requested from us, and she didn't send us any
`copies of any of the invoices either.
`And she
`has got a who1e bunch of invoices.
`The Goog1e search I don't consider
`to be withhe1d because the Goog1e was made
`The point of making the Goog1e was
`to prove that even today, Pookie -— where
`Pookie re1ates and where Cou1eurs Natura1
`re1ate and whatnot.
`And Me1issa cou1d have at
`any time searched it.
`I don't consider Goog1e
`to be at a11 re1evant
`to your objection.
`And Tota11y Koo1,
`a11 I did was try
`to improve your status. That was, again, we
`tried to comp1y.
`we cou1dn't, and we were
`ab1e to find it in the meantime.
`And it
`wou1dn't have he1ped you had you had it
`End of statement.
`I don't have anything
`(Time noted:
`12:40 p.m.)
` dale
`court reporting& legal vfieo

`) S
`I, ROBERT LANG, hereby certify that I
`have read the pages of the foregoing testimony of
`this deposition and hereby certify it to be a true
`and correct record.
`Subscribed and sworn to before me
`day of
`, 2005.
`Notary Pub1ic
` dnl
`(our: reporting& 15:: 5?-eo

`N D E X
`Robert Lang
`Ms. Mi11er
`Exhibit No.
`Exhibit Description
`three—page document containing
`Robert Lang's typewritten
`one-page document entit1ed
`co1orba1m 1ipstick
`one-page document entit1ed
`one-page document entit1ed
`co1orba1m natura1 untinted
`1ip ba1m
` dale
`court reportingmzgolvideo

`one—page fax memo dated 9/17/00
`from Mr. Lang to Ms. Hertz1er
`one—page invoice dated 12/12/00
`one—page invoice dated 11/9/00
`two—page document containing
`an invoice dated 12/8/00 and a
`fax dated 12/S/00
`one—page document entit1ed
`Trademark License Renewa1
`dated 1/7/02
`one—page correspondence dated
`1/12/01 from Mr. Lang to Josie
`U1tarto at Ricky's
`one—page document containing
`Tota11y Beautifu1 1abe1s
` dnl:
`court reportingmegol video

`one—page document entitied
`Extracts, October 12-15, 2001,
`Directory Copy order Form
`one—page emai1 from Mr. Lang
`to Randy Hertz1er dated 12/18/03
`one—page invoice dated 1/7/04
`one—page document entit1ed
`Googie, Co1orBa1m
`one—page document entit1ed
`Fresh Start Products, Inc.,
`Packing List
`one—page document entit1ed
`Goog1e, Co1orBa1m
`two-page document entit1ed
`Goog1e, Cou1eurs Nature1s
`court reporting&le§c‘:|\-/fieo

`C E R T I
`F I C A T I O N
`) S
`I, APRIL PEARL SCHIRM, Court Reporter and
`Notary Pub1ic within and for the County of
`westchester, State of New York, do hereby certify:
`I reported the proceedings that are
`hereinbefore set forth, and that such transcript is a
`true and accurate record of said proceedings.
`I further certify that I
`am not
`re1ated to any of the parties to this action by b1ood
`or marriage, and that I
`am in no way interested in
`the outcome of this matter.
`COUl"t Reporter
` __
`court reportingsdegol video

`able 17:19 20:17
`about 824,25 13:22
`access 12:20
`accurate 25:14
`action 25:17
`actually 4:16 5:16
`7:22,23 8:5 9:22
`address 3:7
`affect 5:12,25
`afiter 14:15 15:2
`afierwards 5:9
`again 5:9 12:23 13:9
`against 6:5 18:25
`ago 15:6
`agxree 13:18
`agreement 10:18,22
`1 1:5
`ahead 19:9
`AKIN 2:11
`allowed 6:11
`alone 15:5
`alneady 11:23
`always 5:1011:17
`ample 18:3,8 19:6
`another 8:20 12:19
`answer 16:13
`anybody 7:22
`anymore 13:4
`anything 3:21 5:5,12
`5:14 6:4,1513:23
`19:11 20:20
`appear 8:25
`appearance 4:6
`application 1 7:12
`April 1:18 3:6 25:8
`argue 6:16
`around 8:7 14:3
`art 14:16,17,18
`aspect 13:25
`attempt 18:25
`Attorneys 2:] 1
`authorized 15:24
`available 5:10 12:21
`aware 19:3
`back 8:22 9:13 14:6
`17:22 18:7
`L balm 22:24
`bands 10:12
`basically I 1 :17
`basis 17:6
`batch 10:6
`bearing 7:15
`Beautiful 23:23
`before 122,18 3:23,25
`5:4 7:219:14 21:18
`beforehand 13:16
`between 15:11 18:12
`blood 25:17
`board 1:2 14:2
`both 4:25 9:3 13:14
`bought 12:25
`Box 2:7 3:7
`branch 17:2
`bring 5:21
`building 12:7
`bunch 20:5
`business 3:7
`buying 18:16
`buys 15:14
`C 2:3 25:2,2
`captioned 10:24
`carefully 18:13
`case 5:13,17,17,25
`certainly 17:21 18:8
`certify21:8,10 25:10
`change 12:9
`changed 5:5
`changes 6:10
`children's 14:13
`clircle 15:2,5
`cllient 6:5
`colorbalm 1:12 7:15
`18:14 22:20
`14:15 15:3
`come 6:9
`comes 18:20
`commerce 2:12 7:19
`committed 17:7
`complied 13:8
`comply 20:16
`computer 8:18 12:20
`concerning 8: 14
`12:1 8
`consider 19: 1 0,20
`considered 18:4,9
`constraints 9:17
`containing 22:12
`23 : 1 0,22
`copies 20:4
`copy 1827,11 24:5
`correct 14:18 21 :11
`correctly 10:2
`23 :1 8
`Cosmetic 15:12,13,14
`cosmetics 1 5: 14
`Cosmetique 1:4 2:6
`Couleurs 20:10 24:23
`County 21 :5 25:6,9
`couple 8:4 17:23
`course 4:5,12 17:16
`Court 1:19 25:8,24
`create 8: 1 7,19
`created 8:15 14:20,23
`Cross 2:8 3:8
`4:2 17:18
`customer 8:2,18
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`22:17,23 24:13,2O
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`Page 26
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`Fresh 15:8,9,10,11
`court reportingalegcl video

`15:15,18 24:16
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`15:2017:25 18:7
`18:16 19:23 20:2,3
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`Josie 23:19
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`10:23 12:7,23,24,25
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`Page 27
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`N223 i2:2725:’2"
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`court reporting&1e§:l E60

`Page 28
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`P.0 2:7 3:7
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`]R 2:3 15:2,5 25:2
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`reader 12:25
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`really 5:18
`reason 4:14,25 16:19
`18:18 19:5
`reasons 12:1

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